When We Are Not Looking

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 313
  • Pages: 1
When We Are Not Looking...The World is Stranger Than Once Fathomed For many years, Bohr and Einstein two of the most famous scientists of the previous century debated the existence or non-existence of reality when not being observed. On one hand Bohr argued that quantum physics directly appealed to the idea that the universe (material objects) did not really exist unless being observed. Einstein could not believe this. He believed everything was just in their own places, and did not care whether there was a sentient being who was pondering their existences by their observations upon them. But now, one of the greatest mysteries of physics has seem to finally been resolved. But it's weirder than what scientists could have ever contemplated. http://www.physorg.com/news155386974.html http://www.scientificblogging.com/news_articles/paradox_lost_quantum_physicists_sa y_they_have_resolved_hardys_annihilation_problem http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0104062 http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/quant-ph/pdf/0104/0104062v1.pdf According to Hardy's paradox, is it very capable of having a positron and an electron have their wave functions entangled to such a degree that they can escape radiactive death... Normally we would expect a positron and an electron to clash and release their hidden energies... but his paradox came recently back into light with new questions abound. Scientists have managed to probe space without disturbing it, but what they saw was not the dissappearance of energy at all. In fact, the energy they expected to be there, was found to be few and far between, whilst particles appeared in locations of spacetime they actually shouldn't have been located at... strange? In a strange sense, Einstein and Bohr where only partially right. The world was not as solid as when not being observed, but it equally did not disappear! Whilst the paradox of the Observer Effect seems as though it has been solved - i feel personally - this estranged behaviour has done nothing but make quantum physics even more difficult to conceptualize, and perhaps there are more questions lurking this hot subject on physics yet.

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