Whatever Comforts The Heart

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  • Words: 739
  • Pages: 2
Whatever Comforts the Heart by Gene Poore Naming a Higher Power offends some. The gender of that Higher Power grinds a political grist for others. To explain the unexplainable, scientists blast the Big Bang Theory into the limelight. Another group claim aliens came to earth and genetically engineered the human race; UFO sightings capture aliens returning to inspect their experiment--like in the Bible book of Ezekiel. Further, some believe no Higher Power exists and neither does an afterlife. How does no heaven, no thread of hope comfort the heart? Yet, all remains true to whom believe whatever, and whatever we believe decides our everlasting reward. As we sow, we reap. Oops! That paraphrased scripture offended someone. But why? Today’s jargon paraphrases that same scripture. Many believe, and say, “What goes around comes around.” If what goes around comes around, we must be cautious of what we claim to believe because human nature demands an answer to comfort the heart. Without answers, our restless spirit remains unfulfilled. If we believe the Big Bang Theory, our inner being must ask, “What Higher Power created cosmic matter and lit the fuse for the explosion?” If UFO pilots planted human seed on earth, our soul should nag: “What Higher Power sowed seed on the Alien’s planet?” If we claim no afterlife exists, we should feel cheated. We should scream: “Why not? Why am I here? Where did I come from?” Only answers comfort the heart. Our children ask. “Where did I come from?” We stutter about sex. What if we answer without sensual concerns? What if we explain Mom and Dad came from our mother and father, who branched from our family tree? Why not explain that if we draw with enough paper and pencils, we can chart family twigs back to characters in the Hebrew Testament. We can strip off family bark to reveal lineage to Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve, or whatever progenitor theory we believe, arrived on earth because of a Higher Power and, today, just being alive provides us thoughts to remember about life. One thought claims some Higher Power formed living creatures from “earth dust” and these living creatures populate this planet. This view becomes lost within thoughts that a crawly sea creature evolved into swinging critters on a limb, who eventually drove eighteen wheelers or performed brain surgery. If this progression is true, who planted the organism that crawled from the sea? If this progression is true, why did the ocean quit producing such mutating life-forms? If this progression is true, has one of us tripped over a mutant while collecting seashells? Despite what “experts” claim, humans roam earth today because a beginning happened. Since humans are not responsible for creating themselves, only a power higher than human intellect created man’s roots. Only a Higher Power formed matter from nonexistent material to explode with a Big Bang. Only a Higher Power created alien life that in turn planted humankind on earth’s laboratory. Which should we believe to comfort the heart? As inquisitive humans, we search for truth to comfort the heart. While searching for truth to any event, we seek witnesses to that event. Because human witnesses to creation never existed, we truth seekers must search for writings from those who recorded what their ancestors told them to comfort the heart. We truth seekers must read journals that explain personal experiences with a Higher Power. After reading those journals, if the truth seeker’s heart decides a Higher Power exists, that truth makes no difference whether the Higher Power is male, female, cruel, merciful, wrathful, or loving. Those journals will explain what science cannot answer. Not only that some Higher Power created creatures, the Higher Power created creatures for a purpose not their own. The Higher Power is the potter and the creatures come from clay. Considering such thoughts, we should name the Higher Power. Why not use the

name God, the name preferred from Genesis to Revelation? Also, since those journals refer to the Higher Power in the masculine gender, the truth seeker should do the same. Further, while reading those journals called scripture, the truth seeker discovered instructions on how to live a blessed, fruitful life, a life that comforts the heart. If a soul ignores those instructions, and instead plods a pitted path that unsettles their life, can that soul blame a Higher Power by any name for not receiving comfort to the heart?

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