WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO TO PERFORM? (Labour Reduc tion) : Evaluate the labour numbers, do we have the correct number, no over manning everyone has a role.
(Per Hour P lot) : How are we performing against the standard, are we plotting the lines performance every hour so we can react and ensure we maintain max performance.
(Li ne B al ancing) :Look to balance the line ensuring everyone is working to capacity/equal workload.
(Reduced Speed Loss es) : Is the line running at the correct speed, check the output regularly.
(Skil led Labour ): Do we have the correct skills on the line, can we identify our best people, do we have a skills matrix to assist us
(Minor Stoppages R eduction) : What is stopping the line, does it run continuously, is the line experiencing minor stoppages all day, are we recording them so we can stop them happening again
(Availabi li ty I mpr ove ment s) : Is the line available for production, are our people at the line when expected, do we control breaks and shift change overs.
(Breakdown A nal ysi s) :- When breakdowns occur, do they get repaired or do they get a quick fix so they will eventually happen again. Do we identify the root cause of the equipment breakdowns so we can eliminate them
(Equi pm ent Rel iabil ity ): Do we look after our equipment, is planned and autonomous maintenance in place, is it the correct type of maintenance for the equipment. Does the PM system cover all the equipment and does it report any defects
(Change Ove r Im pr ovem ents) : During production do we experience poor change-overs, do they take a long time and when we finally get them done the machines take a long time to start producing at the optimum speed, if they ever get to it.. Do we have operator who seem to carryout better change overs than others, can they show the rest
(Machi ne Class ifi catio n): Do we know what our critical equipment is, have we classified it.
(Im pl ementa tion of OE E) : How do we measure our line efficiency, are we using OEE, what is needed to start tracking OEE.
(Over pr oduc tion Cont rol) : When we produce, do we hit the production plan orders or do we overproduce which ends up being wasted
(Yield I mpr ove ment s) : When we prepare our fruit, are our yields towards the top end, are we careful to ensure this is the case every time or are we running hand to mouth so we increase KPH at the expense of yield. Why are we running hand to mouth, what is the root cause.
(Mass Balance) : Do we really know where all our fruit is going, can we track every part of it through the system and identify every waste stream.
(Standar d Oper atin g Procedur e/P ract ice) : Do the teams follow standard operating procedures to ensure we maintain the correct quality standards. When preparing the fruit for the production lines, are we making sure it is to the correct spec so as to eliminate a rejection at the line or by the customer due to out of spec fruit.
(Elim inat e waste to fl oor): When our teams prepare or fill the pots with fruit are they careful enough to ensure they do not loose any onto the floor. Do they stack fruit next to their workstations only to knock some to the floor.
(Contr ol of ov er /under fil ls ): When we do put the fruit into the pot, do we make sure we put the right amount in and don’t over fill. Equally we need to make sure we don’t produce illegal pots due to under filling. D R McLaren
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(Lab our R edu ctio n) : Evaluate the labour numbers, do we have the correct number, no over manning everyone has a role. (Lin e B ala nc ing ): Look to balance the line ensuring everyone is working to capacity/equal workload. (Skill ed L abo ur ): Do we have the correct skills on the line, can we identify our best people, do we have a skills matrix to assist us. (Per H our Plo t) : How are we performing against the standard, are we plotting the lines performance every hour so we can react and ensure we maintain max performance. (Red uc ed Spee d Lo sses): Is the line running at the correct speed, check the output regularly. (Mino r S to pp ag es Redu ctio n) : What is stopping the line, does it run continuously, is the line experiencing minor stoppages all day, are we recording them so we can stop them happening again. (Avai la bi lit y Improv emen ts ): Is the line available for production, are our people at the line when expected, do we control breaks and shift change overs. (Break dow n A na ly sis ):- When breakdowns occur, do they get repaired or do they get a quick fix so they will eventually happen again. Do we identify the root cause of the equipment breakdowns so we can eliminate them. (Equ ipm ent Rel ia bi li ty ): Do we look after our equipment, is planned and autonomous maintenance in place, is it the correct type of maintenance for the equipment. Does the PM system cover all the equipment and does it report any defects. (Mac hi ne C las sif ic at io n) : Do we know what our critical equipment is, have we classified it. (Cha ng e O ver Im pr ovemen ts ): During production do we experience poor change-overs, do they take a long time and when we finally get them done the machines take a long time to start producing at the optimum speed, if they ever get to it.. Do we have operator who seem to carryout better change overs than others, can they show the rest. (Imp lem ent ati on o f O EE): How do we measure our line efficiency, are we using OEE, what is needed to start tracking OEE. (Overprod uction C on tr ol) : When we produce, do we hit the production plan orders or do we overproduce which ends up being wasted. (Yie ld Im provement s): When we prepare our fruit, are our yields towards the top end, are we careful to ensure this is the case every time or are we running hand to mouth so we increase KPH at the expense of yield. Why are we running hand to mouth, what is the root cause. (Mas s Bala nce): Do we really know where all our fruit is going, can we track every part of it through the system and identify every waste stream. (Sta nd ar d O perat in g Proc edur e/P rac ti ce) : Do the teams follow standard operating procedures to ensure we maintain the correct quality standards. (Eli min ate w as te to flo or): When our teams prepare or fill the pots with fruit are they careful enough to ensure they do not loose any onto the floor. Do they stack fruit next to their workstations only to knock some to the floor. Stan dar d O per ati ng P roc edu re/P rac tic e): When preparing the fruit for the production lines, are we making sure it is to the correct spec so as to eliminate a rejection at the line or by the customer due to out of spec fruit. (Con tr ol o f o ver /un de r fil ls ): When we do put the fruit into the pot, do we make sure we put the right amount in and don’t over fill. Equally we need to make sure we don’t produce illegal pots due to under filling. D R McLaren
More Focus Required
Looking Good Develop Manufa ctur ing Managem ent T eam Effecti ve Manuf actur ing M or ni ng Meeting Shor t Int erval Contr ol /P er Hour P lot Machine C lassi fica tion Minor Stoppages Reducti on Labour Reducti on Eli mi nate wa ste to fl oor
Mas s B al ance
Action Log Meet ing
Equi pm ent Rel iabil ity Ski lled L abour Reduce d Speed Los ses Yield I mp roveme nts Avai labi lity Imp roveme nts Sta ndard Oper ating Pr ocedur e/P ract ice Change Ov er Im pr ovem ents Breakdow n A nal ysi s
Over -pr oducti on Co ntrol Contr ol of over /u nder fi lls Line Ba lancin g Im plem entat ion of OE E