What Is The Kingdom Of God

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  • May 2020
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SERIE: WHAT IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Luc 4:43 “but He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Mat4:23 AndJesuswentaboutallGalilee,teachingintheirsynagogues, preaching thegospelofthekingdom, gdom,and healing allkindsof sickness and all kinds of disease amongthepeople. 1 Chron 29:10-13 David UnderstoodKOG-Law of 1st Mention of KOG…Your Offering Activates the KOG…Givers grow in 1-Rev …2-Wisdom Wisdom 1-Rev…2-

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The Kingdom is the Spiritual Dimension where God Lives…Reigns.. n Rules – Psa 103:19

­KOG= Governement n Sovereign Dominion of God…Where Rules w/ God…Where He Lives… Lives…Reigns... Reigns...Rules w/His Authority ­KOG is Built on the Foundation of AMOR… AMOR…AUTHORITY… AUTHORITY…UNITY… UNITY…Righteousness… Righteousness…Peace… Peace…Joy… Joy…Faith -Jesus = King of kings = Governor over this Kingdom…No Kingdom…No Democracy…and Submits to NO One…

-The Message of Jesus = Mark 1:14-15 saying,“The time is fulfilled,andthe kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, Repent,and believe in the gospel.” ­Jesus came to the Earth in his KINGLY AUTHORITY…and brought the Kingdom on Earth -Repentance = A     of Mindset…of Lifestyle where you renounce everything that does not please God… Selfishnes…KOG Provokes A     of Mindset…of Lifestyle where you renounce everything that does not please God…Selfishnes… ­Phil 3:20 Y Priest…New Lang Phil 3:20 You Recv a New Citizenship…Col 1:12­13     Col 1:12­13    Your New Spir Position = Seated w/ Christ…Now r King n Priest…New

­“Your kingdom come” = Come God and Live/ Live/Reign/ Reign/Govern in my: Family…Church…Life…Business…Every Area ­Luc 19:14 But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. ­A King does NOT Ask A King does NOT Ask…A KING DECREES = Command = Command An Official Order with Legal Authority ­Rev 1:6 Jesus made us Kings & Priests…STOP crying and getting Depressed…n Asking Permission. Start Rev 1:6 Jesus made us Kings & Priests…STOP crying and getting Depressed…n Asking Permission. Start to Decree!!


The KOG is the Dimension of God in the HEAVENS – Psa 103:19 ­KOG is an INVISIBLE Kingdom…you walk by Faith not sight… ­Faith Activates the KOG. 2 Pet 1:3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life n godliness, godliness, thru the knowledge of Him ­Luk 12:32 The Father has a Spir Dim where He has ALL the Resources that you Need ­In KOG There is No Lack…No Sickness…Opression…Demons (Cast Out) ­Eph 3:20 KOG Transcends Time n Space n your Thoughts ­Mat 6:33 Jesús COMMANDs Us to SEEK the Dim where God Lives…Reigns…Rules…where Resources are


The System of LAWs n PRINCIPLES by which God RULES the Whole Universe – Heb 11:3…Psa 74:16-17 ­Nothing can Shake the KOG…It is NOT Affected by the World, but KOG Affects the World ­Heb 12:28 KOG is an Unshakeable Kingdom…It does NOT     … It is ETERNAL ­Judg 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.= Church, everyone doeswhat theywant… eyes.=NoKOG inChurch, ­There is NO KOG w/out ORDER…LAWS…AUOTHORITY…SUBMISSION ­LAWS: Spiritual…Moral…Physical…Biological are Responsible for the Integrity & Consistency of Universe ­Laws = Law of Sowing & Reaping…Law of Love…Law of Gravity… ­Laws of KOG Do Not Discriminate…They APPLY TO ALL…EJ. Gravity…Sowing n Reaping ­Gal 6:7AMP Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked [a]by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap.

­Matt 7:12 Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.


The KOG is a Geographical place in the World of the Spirit that needs to be Conquered – Matt 11:12 ­Why by Force? Becuz it is Contrary to your Natural Inclinations… ­Wherever the KOG comes, it Displaces kingdom of Darkness: Sickness… Sickness…Poverty…Premature Poverty…Premature Death… Death…SIN… SIN…Hatred

-You must Conquer it by Faith…FIGHT Against Yourself…Thoughts…Culture…Way of Doing Things…”Your Rights” ­Rom 14:17AMP [After all] all] the KOG is not a matter of [getting [getting the] the] food and drink [one [one likes], likes], but instead it is righteousness (that (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) God) and [heart [heart]] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


The KOG is an Invisible n Eternal Kingdom that Governs the Visible n Temporal Kingdom – Heb 11:3 ­The things which are seen was made of things which are NOT visible…All Temp things are a COPY of the Eternal ­Your Victory…Righteousness…Peace…Joy are in the KOG -Rom 1:20 for since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, seen, being understood by the things that are made… ­Everything ORIGINAL is in KOG…The Best of what you have is in the KOG…

­You may lose your House…but do Not Lose the KOG…It has the Power to Prosper you..Fix ur Marriage…No Respector…


Any Place, Dimension, or Person where God Dominates n Controls everything that God owns –Matt 6:10 ­Everything that God Dominates n Governs n Possesses and Has Ownership: Business…Family…Home…Private Life ­There is NO Vacations from the KOG…There is No double life­style…One thing in n out of Church… -The KOG is NOT only CHURCH…It is God’s Domain…


The Power, The Glory, and the Abundant Resources of God – 1 Chron 29:11, 12, 14 ­No lack in Heaven…No Sickness…Depression…Death…but Victory…Righteousness…Peace…Joy


In KOG there is Perfect & Absolute Righteousness, Peace, n Joy – 1 Chron 29:11, 12, 14 ­There is NO SIN…Temptaion…ONLY Absolute Righteoussness ­The Character of the KOG will be your Character = The Beattitudes ­EJ. You take on the Color of what Possesses and Fills you… ­If You fill yourself w/the KOG, it will Possess you and Dominate your Life…Attitudes…Actions…Decisions -Then you will manifest Righteousness…Peace…Joy


The Source of ALL Power, Life, Love, Health, Deliverance, Prosperity, n Creativity – Matt 6:33 ­Everything you need is in the KOG… Victory…Faith…Wisdom…Creativity ­Matt 6:33AMP But seek (aim (aim at and strive after) after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His (His way of doing and being right), right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.

­Matt 6:33NLT Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, else, and live righteously, righteously, and He will give you everything you need. ­2 Pet 1:3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life n godliness, godliness, thru the knowledge of Him


In the 4th Dimension = Spiritual Dimension = KOG -KOG resists itself to be found and explored by the Mystics n Intellectual ­John 3:3 This Dimension is Reserved for the BORN AGAIN spirit ­Matt 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven…You cannot Operate in KOG with PRIDE

-Matt 18:3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

­CHANGE = Repentance ­Repentance = A     of Mindset…of Lifestyle where you renounce everything that does not please God… Selfishnes…KOG Provokes A     of Mindset…of Lifestyle where you renounce everything that does not please God…Selfishnes…

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