What Is Islam

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,519
  • Pages: 34
WHAT IS ISLAM? ‫اسلم کياھے؟‬

Obedience, to comply, to surrender, to submit. “And who has a better ‘Deen’ than he, who submits himself to Allah (swt) and he is doer of good.” (An’Nisa: 125)

A complete Code of life i.e. A system of life in which Allah is obeyed submissively in all spheres of life. “Surely, the Deen in the sight of Allah is Islam.” (Ale-Imran: 19)

Literal: Path, way, practice, abode, credence

Connotative: A set of dogmas and rituals, a person has to accept due to some:  Natural questions in his mind.  Urge to worship an ideal.

Mazhab/Religion (Personal life of a person) customs

Set of beliefs modes of worship

 The word religion is also used for different Islamic

schools of jurisprudence,

-Hanfi religion -Shafa’ee religion etc.

Literal: ‘Badla’ Retribution (reward/punishment) “He is the Owner of the Day of Retribution.” (Al-Fatiha: 3)

Connotative:  Code of law, under which retribution takes place.

“He could not take his brother under the king’s ‘Deen’ (law).” (Yousuf: 76)  Constitution or system, under which the codes of law are decided.

“The Deen (system) will all be for Allah (swt).”

(Al-Anfaal: 39)

 Subordination, a system is to be subordinate.

“Surely, the Deen (sincere obedience) is due to Allah (only).” 3)


A system is recognized when it is followed or subordinated. For instance,  ‘Deen-ul-Malik’ the constitution or the system of the King.  ‘Deen-e-Jamhur’ or people’s constitution where legislative power are granted to the elected members of people.  ‘Deen-ullah’ where Allah (swt) is the legislator and all His rules are enforced thoroughly.

Deen is a system of life, which enacts rules and regulations for all spheres of life for determining retribution. ‘Deen’ provides guidance for both personal and public aspects of life. It comprises: Set of beliefs – modes of worship – customs Politics – Economics – Civics


Individual Life

Collective Life


Social System

Modes of Worship

Economic System


Political System


 The term ‘Mazhab’ hasn’t been used for Islam in

Qur’an or Hadith.

 Islam has been regarded as ‘Deen’.  Allah (swt) acknowledges only Islam as a ‘Deen’

as it is the only system of life that provides guidance for all spheres of life. “Surely, the Deen in the sight of Allah is Islam.” (Ale-e-Imran: 19)

“And I have chosen for you Islam as Deen.” (Al-Mai’dah: 3)

Beliefs: * Monotheism, * The Institution of Prophet hood, * The Day of Judgment.

Modes of Worship: * Salaat

* Zakaaat

* Saum

* Hajj

Customs: * ‘Aqeeqah’

* ‘Nikah’

* ‘Tajheez-o-Takfeen’

 Politics:

Allah > Ruler

Man > ‘Khalifah’

 A man cannot enslave human beings.

Economics: Allah > Owner

Man > Guardian

 Feudal and capitalists cannot suck the blood out of

common people.

Civics: Allah > Creator

Humans > Equal

 The life, property and dignity of every one should

equally be respected and honored.

In Allah (swt’s) diction ‘Deen’ is only Islam; however in this world secularism is a predominant “ism”.  Under the secular concept people can practice whichever religion they choose in their private lives; however, there is no role of Divine Guidance in the collective lives of people. Allah’s commandments cannot be chartered or made the guiding principles in collective affairs of life.  Under secularism, the collective concerns will be decided by a popular mandate of the people. 

Therefore, -Secularism does not negate ‘religion’, however it negates a ‘Deen’ totally. -Secularism is the worst kind of mutiny (‫ (منافقت‬against Allah (swt) in the human history, where the supremacy of Allah (swt) is being confined to the places of worship only.

 A big majority of us considers Islam as a

‘Mazhab’, a religion only. It is contented to comply with a few religious traits at an individual level. It has neglected the command of Allah: “Enter into Islam entirely” (Al-Baqarah: 208)

 They have no remorse whatsoever that Islam

has been overpowered or has been subdued as a ‘Deen’.

 Under the limited concept of Islam there is a

partial compliance to obedience of Allah, for which there is a severe punishment in this world and hereafter. “Then, do you believe in a part of the Book and reject the rest? Then, what is the reward of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment.” (Al-Baqarah: 85)

 The

object of keeping ‘Ummah’ unified, disappeared from the sight.  The forewarning of the Qur’aan: “To keep ‘Deen’ established and do not become disaccorded.” (Ash’Shoora: 13)” was not heeded to.  The unified binding of ‘Ummah’ was tattered to pieces.  The major differences between the various sects of Muslims are related to religious affairs. Due to emphasis on religious affairs these differences have turned into the menace of sects. Yielding its final dividend, it is serving us the last course of meal, the desert of infighting and mutual insolence.

 Practice of division in ‘Deen’; i.e., to obey a few

and disregard the others is ‘Shirk’. “And be not of ‘Mushrik’ (Polytheists). Of those who divided their ‘Deen’ and became sects.” (Ar’Rum: 31-32)

 ‘Shirk’ is the worst of all sins, Allah will never

forgive it, unless a person atones and asks for Allah’s forgiveness. “Verily, Allah (swt) does not forgive that anything should be associated with Him, and forgives what is besides that to whom He pleases.” (An’Nisa: 48, 116)

 Practicing partial Islam is not acceptable to Allah

(swt) and is very detrimental in the hereafter. People who practice partial Islam are deprived of guidance and imprecated by Allah and His angels and all humans. “And whoever desires a ‘Deen’ other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him and in the Hereafter he shall be one of the losers. How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their Belief and after they bore witness that the Messenger is true and after clear proofs had come to them and Allah does not Guide the unjust people. They are those whose reward is that on them is the Curse of Allah, of the Angels and of all mankind all together.” (Ale-Imran: 85-87)

 Due to implementation of an unjust un-Islamic

order, the humanity is under a constant oppression. We will be accountable for this excessiveness and should be prepared for the divine vengeance, b/c it is our duty to stand out for a Just system (Islam). “O ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice.” (An-Nisa: 135)

 Here’s a Hadith, let’s see how it foretold the

present prevalent situation - And said the prophet of Allah (swt), “A time will come on people that Islam would be just a phrase void of its spirit and Qur’aan just a script void of its essence and the places of worships ‘Masajid’ will be filled with people but void of guidance, their scholars will be worst of living beings under the sky: They would be involved in nothing, but raising and boomeranging the tumults.” (Bayhiqi)

 The world will never be desolate of true

scholars. On one side if pseudo scholars are busy in keeping people involved in petty religious issues, on the other side there are true scholars who are giving the vast and holistic concept of ‘Deen’.  Another Hadith of Prophet (SAW): “Islam originated like an alien to the people and it will be like an alien to the people once again; therefore, glad tidings to those who will follow it at that time.” (Muslim)

 It is imperative to get the real knowledge of

‘Deen’ so that one can become a part of a revivalist movement involved in a struggle to breathe back the true vigor into Islam.  According to a Hadith: “The one who faces death in the process of acquisition of knowledge, intending to reinvigorate Islam, his place in heaven would be just a grade away from the Prophets.” (Darmi)

 The schooling of Qur’aan has a vital role in

acquiring the knowledge of ‘Deen’ therefore it is necessary to give due priority to teaching and learning of Qur’aan to empower Islam. Saying of the Holy Prophet (saw): “Indeed Allah (swt) will, exalt nations who are the true bearers of Qur’aan, and Allah (swt) will, debase the one’s who abandon it.” (Muslim)

 As the awakening will grow deeper that Islam is

not a religion but a ‘Deen’, it will be realized that ‘Deen’ by virtue of its specific nature, needs its own empowerment. There is no ‘Deen’, which is subdued. In a given society many religions can be practiced at one time, but ‘Deen’ will only be one. Islam, in that case will either be empowered, or subjugated.  Muslims should realize the demand of ‘Deen’ that a simple practice of rituals and customs or just having a belief will not render its due. Instead implementation of Islamic orders in our collective lives will have to be taken seriously and struggle for it should be taken as a goal of life.

‫جزاکم اللہ خیر‬

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