What Is Ananda Marga

  • November 2019
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WHAT IS ANANDA MARGA? -by Didi Ananda Mitra

1.WHAT IS ANANDA MARGA? 2.FINDING THE RIGHT PATH: GUIDELINES FOR THE SPIRITUAL SEEKER 3. MEDITATION: EXPANDING OUR HUMAN POTENTIAL 4.WHY DO WE TEACH MEDITATION FOR FREE? 5. FOOD FOR HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS 6. Morality And Social Progress 7. Education for A Universal Society Ananda Marga is more than a world wide spiritual group, teaching scientific practices of self-development freely to all. It is more than a social service organisation helping the needy and neglected of all nations to achieve freedom from want. Ananda Marga is a dynamic blend of inner discovery and social activism. As an organization, it is unique m the history of the world. It has emerged as a global force at a time in human history when there is the greatest need for a holistic approach to the world's problems--economic crisis, psychic alienation, disunity and strife. The solution begins with a change in the individual--physically, mentally and spiritually, through scientific practices that develop all one's potentialities. Gradually as we perfect ourselves, we more ase our ability to deal effectively with the changes of life and solve the problems of society. And as our minds expand, we transcend the artificial bar riers and superficial prejudices of rave, creed and nation which divide us: we unite together and work actively to liberate all humanity from economic and psychic exploitation, and build a healthy and harmonious human society. Ananda Marga is a universal movement of people dedicated to its goal of "Self-realization for self, and welfare for all humanity." Ananda Marga is a universal movement of people dedicated to its goal of "Selfrealization for self, and welfare for all humanity." 1. What are the Principles of Ananda Marga? The spiritual ideoloy of Ananda Marga recognizes every creature to be the expression of one universal Supreme Consciousness, and thus all human beings, animals and plants are potentially divine. We can realize our inherent divinity by sincere and regular meditation, which leads us to the center of our Self, the limitless ocean of peace and Consciousness within. Ananda Marga literal means "The Path of Bliss" --the way that leads both the individual and society on to the highest. 2. What are the Practices of Ananda Marga? In all human beings there is one common desire the constant, restless search for real and lasting happiness, for inner peace. The practical way to fulfils this

universal yearning of all humanity, is meditation. Meditation is not a religious but a scientific practice of mental expansion. In meditation we learn to dive deep within our minds and harness the infinite potentiality within us all. During meditation we concentrate on a special vibrating sound, called a mantra which is like a harmonious music deep within our mind. The mantra provides a focal point for our concentration, enabling it to go beyond its restless stream of thoughts and images and become one with that blissful source of universal consciousness from which we have all come. In all human beings there is one common desire the constant, restless search for real and lasting happiness, for inner peace. The practical way to fulfil this universal yearning of all humanity, is meditation. 3. What are the Benefits of Meditation? Scientific research on the physiological effects of meditation shows that it relaxes the body, lowers the rate of heartbeat and respiration, and induces a calm and alert state of mind characterised by the generation of alpha brain waves. During meditation the mind experiences a state of profound rest, even deeper than sleep, and much energy is accumulated for later use m dynamic work in the world. As the mind is gradually expanded and strengthened through the practice of meditation, the meditator experiences many benefits m all aspects of life: heightened awareness, concentration and memory, and increased physical and mental effiviency. In resent studies it was found that even after only six months of meditation twice a day, people experienced a decrease in depression, hostility and stress, less irritability, and the disappearance of all their psychosomatic disorders such as colds, headaches and msomnia. The most frequently reported benefit was the ability to think clear and handle stress: the meditators said they felt more alert and enjoyed life more them ever before. But Ananda Marga meditation is more them simply a relaxation and concentration technique. Those who meditate regularly experience a more and more profound feeling of the essential unity of all creation. This deep love for all beings which is awakened through meditation inspires and strengthens one commitment to work for social justice, for the welfare of all. Social change begins with the transformation of individuals: the practice of meditation is the most effective way to great benevolent leaders who will establish a new, truly humanistic society on Earth. Those who meditate regularly experience a more and more profound feeling of the essential unity of all creation. This deep love for all beings which is awakened through meditation in spires and strengthens our commitment to work for social justice, for the welfare of all. 4. What are the Other Spiritual Practices of Ananda Marga? Ananda Marga "acharyas" (trained yoga instructors) not only teach meditation free of charge but also teach the important practices of the 16 Points, a complete system of physical, mental and spiritual disciplnes for all-around selfdevelopment, including systems of bath and exercises. The physical exercises of yoga (asanas) balance the glandular secretions, tone up the muscles and nervous system, stimulate the circulation, and massage the internal organs. Asanas also help control the emotions, especially negative fillings such as fear, anxiety and anger; for emotional states are triggered by glandular secretions and healthy, balanced glands result in balanced emotions. By the regular practice of asana postures, the body remains agile, young and healthy, the mind is calm and controlled(self-truth), and many diseases may be prevented or cured. 5. What is the Role of Morality in the Ananda Marga Movement? Morality is the essential foundation for spiritual practices, for without truly benevolent behaviour and mental harmony, self-realization is impossible. Today there is a growing need for ethical standards in social life, and a deepening

desire for moral leadership. The moral principles taught by Ananda Marga give clear and practical guidelines for harmony within one-self and between oneself and others, and provide a strong formation upon which a truly progressive human society cam be built. In brief, these ten guidelines are: (1) Non-injury to any creature by thought, word or deed (2) Benevolent trutifulness (3) Non-stealing (4) Awareness of the oneness of all of creation' (5) Non-indulgence in such luxuries of life which may deprive others of their basic necessities, and disrupt the ecology of our planet (6) Physical and mental purity (7) Inner contentment and mental equilibrium (8) Selfless service (9) Deep understanding of the universal truths underlying the world's great scriptures (10) Self-realization through inner contemplation on the Supreme Consciousness. These are the universal values which are urgently needed today to establish a unified human society. Morality is the essential foundation for spiritual practices, for without truly benevolent behavior and mental harmony, self realization is impossible. Today there is a growing need for ethical standards in social life, and a deepening desire for moral leadership. 6. What is Neo-Humanism? Neo-Humanism is the underlying philosophy of Ananda Marga. It is based on the inner realisation, through meditation, of the oneness of all of creation. NeoHumanism teaches that this universe is for all, not for human beings only, and thus it is a new exrepretation of traditional humanism: the recognition that human beings, as the most thoughtful and intelligent beings in this universe, must accept the great responsibility of taking care of the entire creation. NeoHumanism has become a global movement to unite all human beings into one world family, and to provide a-congenial environment on earth for the welfare of every creature not only humans, but also animals and plants. Neo-Humanism has become a global movement to unite all human beings into one world family, and to provide a congenial environment on earth for the welfare of every creature--not only humans, but also amimals and plants. It is a movement of spiritual ecology and social justice, to liberate all people from the narrow, dogmatic consciousness which perpetuates imequality and exploitation, and sets race against race, nation against nation, creed against creed, and humans against nature. In the age of rampamt materialism, the Neo-Humanistic awareness of the spiritual oneness underlying this material world, will protect humanity from the onslaughts of materialism and provide a soothing balm in every sphere of life. Neo-Humanism is not merely a holistic ideology--it is the expression of love for all beings of this universe. 7. Who is the Founder of Ananda Marga and When Was It Established ? The founder and spiritual head of Ananda Marga is P.R. Sarkar, a spiritual teacher and social leader of unparalleled wisdom. From his early childhood in Bihar, India, where he was born m 1921, P.R. Sarkar has been attracting others by his deep, compassionate love for humanity and guiding them along the path of selfrealization. Adjusting the ancient science of Tantra Yoga to meet the needs of this age, he developed a scientific and rational spiritual philosophy and a system of practical disciplines for physical, mental and spiritual development.

Recognising him as a spiritually realized Master, his followers called him "Shrii Shrii Anandamurti" which means, "He who attracts others as the embodiment of blss,- or simply "Baba, (Father). In 1955, while still leading a normal family life as a railway official, P.R. Sarkar formed the organization Ananda Marga, and began training missionary monks and nuns to spread his teachings of "self-realization and service to humanity" all over India and later throughout the world. Reflecting the broadness of his universal vision, Ananda Marga has become a multifaceted organization with different branches dedicated to the uplfiment of humanity through education, relief, welfare, the arts, ecology, intellectual renaissance, women's emamcipation, and humanistic economy Ananda Marga is now a huge world wide socio-spiritual movement with branches m every corner of India, and almost every country on earth. With 1400 centers on the subcontinent of India with headquarters m Calcutta, and over 1500 centers in about 200 countries, Ananda Marga has become a powerful force for global social change. 8. What are Some of the Activities of Ananda Marga? Ananda Marga's Universal Relief Team (AMURT) is working on every continent, providing food, medicine, clothing, shelter, and the soothing touch of compassion to victims of fire, flood, earthquake, and war. AMURT members have rendered tireless service whenever there is need--during war m Bangladesh, Uganda and Lebanon; earthquakes in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Turkey, Italy and Mexico; hurricanes and cyclones in India and the Carib-beam; floods m South East Asia; volcanic eruptions m Philippines and Indonesia; thought and famine m Africa and many others. Ananda Margas Universal Relief Team (AMURT) is working on every continents providing foods medicine clothings shelters and the slothing touch of compassion to Victims of fire, flood earthquakes and war Ananda Marga's ERAWS Department (Education, Relief and Welfare Section) has established many permanent relief projects as well throughout the globe: schools, children's homes, medival camps, free kitchens, prison and drug rehabilitation programs, "halfway houses" for troubled youth, ecology projects and women's emancipation programs. And Ananda Marga's totally new approach to learning, NeoHumanistic education, is rapidly spreading throughout the world in over 2000 Ananda Marga kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, high schools and degree colleges. Unlike other systems of education which impart only physical exercises and academic subjects, Neo-Humanistic education provides for all-round development of the child's: body, senses, emotions, intellect, imagination and intuition. The entire curriculum is especially designed to impart character-building values--to instil in the children moral courage, integrity, self-confidence, self-reliance, and a spirit of service, to encourage the students to become active and responsible members of society. "Building anything on humanistic lines requires a foundation of real love for humanity. A truly benevolent society will never come into being under the leadership of those who are solely concerned with proft and loss. Where love is paramount, the question of personal loss and gain does not arise. The basic ingredient for building a healthy sosiety is simply love." ---P.R. Sarkar ---. 9. If Ananda Marga is doing so much good, how did it become controversial? The uncompromising moral stand of P.R. Sarkar and the members of Ananda Marga against

corruption and exploitation, and their demand for social justice, brought about the opposition of cortain vested interests and the Communist Part of India, and resulted in the persecution of Ananda Marga and P.R. Sarkar's arrest m 1971 after false charges. During his steven-year incarceration he survived a poisoning attempt by jail officials, and fasted for five and a half years m protest. Despite efforts by the International Commission of Jurists, the International League for Human Rights and Anmesty International, P.R. Sarkar was held without bail. After Indira Gandni's "Emergency (martial law) came to an end, the Indian High Court honourable acquitted Sarkar and freed hundreds of his followers. The umjust persecution of the Ananda Marga movement has only intensified the determination of its members to establish a just and human soviets on earth. 10. Is P.R Sarkar more than just a spiritual guru ? Yes--he is a philosopher, poet, musiciam, ecologist, linguist and organisational genius. P.R. Sarkar as philosopher and spiritual master has contributed a priceless treason of knowledge in his voluminous books and discourses. The range of this thought and work is nothing short of phenomenal. He has writ- ten dozens of books on a vast array of subjects, which have been translated into all the world's major languages--on spiritual philosophy, education sociology, history, culture, linguistics, botany, arts and literature, medicine, economics and political science. By his initional foresight, in every field, he has advamced human thought into previously uncharted intedectual territory. In just over fom years, he has composed over 4200 songs called Prabhat Samgiit ("Songs of the New Dawn"), melodies and rhythms of universal appeal which touch the heart of every listener. P.R. Sarkar has created in Prabhat Samgiit a cultural synthesis of melodies and rhythms of East and West; he has blended ndigenous folk and classical tunes of Europe, the Middle East, the orient, and Africa, and even romived long-extinct melodies as old as 15,000 years old. The sweet and direct language of these vibrating songs expresses the mystical yearning of the smger to merge with the Insinite, and a profound love for the whole creation. Prabhat Samgiit is the manifestation of P.R Sarkar's philosophy of "Art for service and blessedness"-- art which instead of mirroring the confusion and degradation of modern life which so much contemporary art" does, rather elivates the mind to subtler regions and inspires people with a new spirit of optimism. Prabhat Samgiit is a new wave of music for the world--the songs of the New Dawn with Neo-Humanistic messages of joyful love and hope for all humanity. As a practical expression of his Neo-Humanistic philosophy of nurturing our eco-system and maintaining a rich diversity of life forms on our planet, P.R. Sarkar has establishod the world's most comprehensive botanisal garden in Calcutta, with more than 40,000 spedes of plamts and trees from around the world, and he is supervising the transplanting of various species throughout the earth. P.R. Sarkar contmues to work at an extraordinary pace, giving daily discowses, working on several books at once, composing more and more songs, giving personal �midance to his followers, and supervising the affairs of Ananda Marga's worldwide network of spiritual and social service activities. He is the fountainhead of aspiration for Ananda Marga's dynamic momentum in every aspect of human life. 12. Is Ananda Marga a Political Movement? No, Ananda Marga is purely a social and spiritual movement. For the collective welfare of the entire society, P.R. Sarkar propounded the theory of PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory) which stands for the maximum utilisation and rational distribution of all the resources and potentialities of the world-physical, mental and spiritual. At the heart of PROUT's strategy for social change is the concept of samaj movements, regional movements that combine programs for

economic self-reliance with the effort to throw off cultural exploitation and strengthen the local culture and language. PROUT is the progressive alternative to both capitalism and communism; it advocates a decentralised economy, that will guarantee the minimum essentialities of life (food, clothing, shelter, education, and medisal care) to all. It is the practical expression of Neo-Humanistic love and concorn for all beings--the concorted, cooperative effort to liberate all humans, animals and plants from suffering and want. For the collective welfare of the entire society, P.R. Sarkar propounded the theory of PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory) which stands for the maximum utilization and rational distribution of all the resources and potentialities of the world -physical, mental and spiritual. Because of its spiritual and moral base and rationalistic approach combining the highest ideals with a pragmatic approach to the world's problems, PROUT is being embraced by am increasing number of social reformers both m India and abroad. 13. So what is Ananda Marga? Ananda Marga is a harmonious blending of materialism and spirituality--the deep integration of socal activism and spirituality for the first time im the history of our planet. It is a practical, comprehensive and humanistic movement to unite all people, and usher in a new era of justice and harmony on earth.

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