What Is A Descriptive Text

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 940
  • Pages: 6
What is a descriptive text? Definition A descriptive text is a text which lists the characteristics of something. Features •

The topic is usually about the attributes of a thing.

Third person pronoun forms are used.

Examples (English) • •

Requirements for employment The appearance of a person

The details of a location

Sources Larson 1984 366 Longacre 1983 10 Definition A noun is a member of a syntactic class • •

that includes words which refer to people, places, things, ideas, or concepts whose members may act as any of the following: subjects of the verb, objects of the verb, indirect object of the verb, or object of a preposition (or postposition), and

most of whose members have inherently determined grammatical gender (in languages which inflect for gender).

Discussion Nouns embody one of the most time-stable concepts in a language. As with verbs, however, this time-stability criterion defines only the prototypical nouns. Other, non-prototypical nouns must be identified by distributional similarities to prototypical nouns. Examples (English) • • •

rock tree dog


These nouns are prototypical nouns in English because they are perceived as concrete, physical, compact entities which do not change significantly over time. The following nouns are less prototypical because they represent concepts or items that are not perceived as staying the same for a long period of time, or are not concrete: •



Kinds Here are some kinds of nouns: • • • • • • •

What is an abstract noun? What is an alienable noun? What is a collective noun? What is a concrete noun? What is a count noun? What is an inalienable noun? What is a mass noun?

What is a verbal noun?

Descriptive Text Corda® Technologies recognizes the importance of providing equal access to information for users who are visually impaired, and is the first and only company to provide multiple data visualization solutions that create accessible, 508-compliant graphs and maps with descriptive text. There are an estimated 800,000 visually impaired persons currently using the Web. It is estimated that there are 6.5 million Americans age 55 or older that experience severe vision loss; by 2030 this number is projected to double. The descriptive text is available for a screen reader device to audibly describe a graph or map so a visually impaired user can understand the graphical information. Corda Technologies has included the descriptive text feature in all members of its Corda Server™ family of data visualization solutions to facilitate inclusion of 508-compliant graphs and maps in all Web content. Corda Server graph or map output is interactive for all users, including the visually impaired. Interactive graphs and maps enable all users to drill down to more in-depth information. Sighted users receive additional information by drilling down to another graph, map, or Web page. Non-sighted users access the same additional information by going from one chart with descriptive text to another chart with descriptive text. As the data changes, the graph or map and the descriptive text automatically change to match the

new data. This fulfills the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires that all graphs and maps must be simultaneously offered in a text format that can easily be interpreted by a screen-reader such as JAWS and IBM* Home Page Reader. Although this law applies only to federal organizations, many private organizations are also realizing the need to provide a method for visually impaired users to access important data. This section includes the following topics: • • •

Descriptive Text Overview Enabling Descriptive Text Configuring Descriptive Text • Descriptive Text Title • Custom Descriptive Text • Descriptive Text Overrides • Modifying the Descriptive Text Template

Descriptive Text Overview When you enable descriptive text, a link appears either next to the bottom-right corner of the Corda image or below it. By default, this link is a blue underlined letter d (d). Clicking it takes the user to a Web page containing a textual description of the chart. As a screen reader reads over this link, it indicates to the user that descriptive text is available for the image. The user then has the option of having the screen reader read the description of the Corda image.

For example, in the image above, clicking the d link opens a page similar to the following:

This data is fully interactive. What would appear as hover text in a graphical Corda image appears as text right beside the description for each item. Likewise, drilldown links appear next to each item that is enabled for drilldown effects. Visually impaired users are able to drill down from this descriptive text to another Corda image with d-link descriptive text.


Materi ini menjelaskan tentang teks descriptive , yaitu teks yang mempunyai ciri kebahasaan ( grammar ) menggunakan kalimat Present Tense dan mempunyai langkah retorika yaitu Identification-Description serta mempunyai fungsi sosial ( social function ) untuk menggambarkan manusia maupun suatu benda secara mendetail, ( to describe parts, qualities and characteristics ).

Materi ini dilengkapi dengan latihan dan tes yang cukup banyak dan bervariasi sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh kesempatan berlatih yang cukup banyak tentang penggunaan Present Tense and adjectives dalam kaitannya dengan teks descriptive. Key words: descriptive text, identification- description, present tense, adjective

Descriptive Text Descriptive is to describe a particular person, place or thing. It means you describe their colors, shapes, sizes, weight, height, width, density, contents, and so on. In writing the text, you use the Simple Present Tense. The structure of the text is: • •

Identification : identifies phenomenon to be described. Description : describes parts, qualities and characteristics

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