What Hindus Must Do

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  • Words: 2,188
  • Pages: 9
WHAT HINDUS MUST DO NOW? TREPIDATION OF A HINDU Prelude ‘‘Every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy more’’. Swami Vivekananda I am a proud inheritor of a religion which bosomed all the threatened species of the world with love and respect in its own HOLY LAND.I am proud of my Vedic Religion, which has taught me to treat all human beings of the world as my beloved brothers and sisters. Their happiness is my happiness. Their suffering is my suffering. This is my firm faith that in my country Aryavarta, which is called Bharatvarsha, Bharat and Hindusthan, all the citizens whether they follow Vedas or Quran or Bible or Guru Granth Sahib, are an integral part of our composite society entitled to equal rights, equal opportunities and equal privileges. In the words of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, they are ‘flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood’. Their progress is my progress. Their downfall is my downfall. But at the same time I earnestly desire that no one should assault my culture, my ethos and my civilization, and that no one should proselytise my brothers and sisters with political motive to disintegrate my country. He who does so, is my enemy and the enemy of my country. I shall do anything to protect my culture and its deep rooted values.

Todays Scenario 1.

Is Hindu really a majority ?

The world is shrinking .Everybody is a global citizen now. No body is minority or majority .If such a thought exists in anybodies mind may be due to their insecurity about their identity. Let us look at the world vide data of religions

Religions in the World 1. Christianity: 2.5 billion 2. Islam: 1.5 billion 3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion 4. Hinduism: 900 million 5. Chinese traditional religion: 394 million 6. Buddhism: 376 million 7. primal-indigenous: 300 million 8. African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million 9. Sikhism: 23 million 10. Juche: 19 million 11. Spiritism: 15 million

Considering this Hindus should be the one who should be shouting for minorities’ right all over. He would not do that ever. Because, a Hindu don’t feel insecure because of the inner stability given by his Dharma. He follows a way of life that leads to peace and divinity. 2. Few questions to ask(visualise)/think over as a member of most threatened religion.

A religion which stood years of vandalism and colonization with its inner strength and peaceful living. Hindus(India) looks today like a humbled fool. It was kicked nicely in the ' arse'and all the world heard was a few wornout statements about communal harmony and the usual ' foreign hand'(Both Christian and Muslim world).It is one thing to call its own religion, which is one of the greatest, most gentle, most tolerant creeds, the last living spiritualised religion in the world, fundamental ?????? and rabid???; it is another thing to have the guts to call a spade a spade and stand up to an occult menace to one' s own country: a covert attempt by universal Muslim fundamentalism and Christian Riches (through conversions) to implode Hinduism(India) and finish it once for all.

3. Why do my Indians revere a severe conversion maniac with the Bharath Ratna?

Once upon a time a missionary came to India with intention of converting the whole poor and under privileged to Christianity. Despite knowing her malicious intentions people of Calcutta gave her place to stand( serve her god through propagation world major religion under the cover of service). She accomplished her mission by making one of the tall standing establishment which can continue her mission till eternity. What foolish Indians had done to her instead, gave her Bharath Ratna the most revered Indian Civilian award. I have few question to ask 1. If serving the poor and under privileged was the only intention, was there no poor and under privileged in Ireland? They do exist even today. 2. If service was the only concern why there have been no Hindus in that big revered institution. WHY? Because her intentions were very clear,that was to convert Indians into Christianity under the pretext of service.

3. We still let the Govt to award her with Bharath Ratna.????? 4. Would any country which boasts of giving full religious freedom to their citizens do that to any missionary? 5. Was there no Hindu who did a good job for social uplift of the poor and helpless?


What were my secularist leaders thought?

Let me quote the most revered Indian leaders by secularists of India

“As I wander about throughout the length and breadth of India, I see many Christian Indians ashamed of their birth, certainly of their ancestral religion, and of their ancestral dress. The aping of Europeans by Anglo-Indians is bad enough, but the aping of them by the Indian converts is a violence done to their country and, shall I say, even to their new religion. Is it not truly deplorable that many Christian Indians discard their own mother-tongue, bring up their children only to speak in English ? Do they not thereby completely cut themselves adrift from the nation in whose midst they have to live?”.“Only the other day .a missionary descended on a famine area with money in his pocket, distributed it among the famine-stricken, converted them to his fold, took charge of their temple and demolished it. This is outrageous. The temple could not belong to the converted Hindus, and it could not belong to the Christian missionary. But this friend goes and gets it demolished at the hands of the very men who, only a little while ago, believed that God was there.” M.K. Gandhi

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru writes about Inquisition, the terrible weapon of Roman Church in his book “Glimpses of World History”as under : “About this time, the Inquisition that terrible weapon which the Roman Church forged to crush all who did not bow down to it, was established in Spain. Jews, who had prospered under the Saracens, were now forced to change their religion, and many were burnt to death. Women and children were not spared.”Pandit Nehru further states : “The Church started the reign of violence in religion,

formally and officially, in 1233, by starting what is called “The Inquisition”. This was a kind of court which inquired into the orthodoxy of people`s beliefs, and if they did not come up to the standard, their usual punishment was death by burning. There was a regular hunt for “heretics” and hundreds of them were burnt at the stake. Even worse than this burning was the torture inflicted on them to make them recant? Many poor unfortunate women were accused of being witches and were burnt.All over the country the Inquisition flourished and the most horrible tortures were inflicted on so called “heretics”. From time to time great public festivals were arranged when batches of these “heretics” men and women were burnt alive on huge pyres in the presence of the king and royal family and ambassadors and thousands of people. Autos-da-fe, acts of faith, these public burnings were called. Terrible and monstrous all this seems. The whole history of Europe of this period is so full of violence and horrible and barbarous cruelty and religious bigotry as to be almost unbelievable. Let me quote few westerners too “Commenting on the horrible atrocities-massacres of population, burning of villages, capture of young males and females for sale as slaves, plunder of property-committed by the Portuguese in 1532 and 1549 on Hindus living in the coastal areas of Saurashtra. It would perhaps be fortunate for Christianity, if the historic muse in India were mute, as many have endeavored to prove her to be, since atrocities like these are alone sufficient to have scared the Hindus from all association with her creed.???”Colonel James Todd The Christians proceeded to spread some of history`s most non-violent teachings by force and violence. Thus there were religious wars of unprecedented violence, history-

bending crusades of blood-shed, and the crushing cruelty of the Inquisition, all in the name of the Carpenter from Nazareth.???????????Charles Duryea Smith Still we don' t wake up to the reality you know why??? 1. We are fed with wrong picture through fully westernized media. 2. Will we be waking at least when the enemies of my dharma start burning us down calling us as heretics? That day also not too far as the world religious commission is in the verge of entering India with blessing of Secularist Italian and her UPA aides. Let me assure you this commission will be worse than erstwhile East Indian Company, whose aim was just to take away wealth not the soul of Bharath? This time they will be more focused and powerful(with money and Law).Above all,they too fear Jihads and we are still indifferent as always. 3.


We are great, very great, so great like an elephant in comparison to an ant which will succumb to death eventually when the ant gets into the ear. This is timeTo stand up united.

What had been inflicted upon so far on us?

In spite of the judgments of Supreme Court, the Christian missionaries, under direct and indirect patronization of pseudo-secular Hindu politicians, continue to convert the poor, illiterate and innocent tribal Hindus with political motive on the plea that, it is God`s command to them that they must baptize and convert all persons of all nations on the earth.

The Christian missionaries are not allowed entry in Egypt, Afghanistan and the Middle-East Arab countries. In several African countries, not only the missionaries are banned, but even the churches are demolished and the converts, persuaded to return to their ancestral faith. Will the pseudo-secular Hindu politicians awake and act only when all the provinces of Hindustan follow the suit of Nagaland, Mizoram and Meghalaya, reducing Hindus to minority? The north east my motherland is succumbed to already. My blood and kin there are already suffering from identification crisis. They no longer associate themselves with India as they used to do .Is this good for my Bharath union. Now the south is following suit. People there are already ashamed of being an Indian, which results in huge brain drain to west. Especially in states like Kerala (Gods own country), Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh conversion is already thriving unchecked and abetted by political will. Thanks to my motherlands vote bank politics.


The Crux 1. That was a glimpse of what had happened so far. What next? Let us understand the scenario in our country today. 2. No Political will to help the actual global minorities???????? (I don’t want to call a Hindu so still) 3. When the party formed by Mr.MK Gandhi and his aide Mr.(Late) JL Nehru dont have the concern to address the menace of conversion which the founders severely condemned. WHY? White Hand on top? 4.

How did the churches become so powerful???

Money is power. How they (The Church) earn money? The MNCs and philanthropists of the west donate lump sum money to the churches. That money flows into my motherland with out accounting. Even in India every member of every church pays his more than 20% of earning for the development of the church. 5. We, Indians, as a breed tend to defame -devalueunder estimate our own production, culture and living method.(Courtesy Western education).This trend is to be changed by developing the attitude of being an Indian and buy Indian made goods. Otherwise MNCs will once again enslave us through trade and religion. Once again we will be slaves and lost for ever but in different aspect with even realising. 6. It is pertinent to mention here that 30% of the world poor (BPL) is in India. Poors are the very easy target for the west for the conversion. The riches are equally easy target for converting their goods into money. (Thanks to their WEST WHITE GOOD attitude) 7. Take note of one thing that every rupee earned by a non believer of our Dharma is going to come back to us as brutal money power to buy poor through conversion or as bomb which will take lives of our innocent brothers and sisters???? The day is not too far.

WHAT HINDUS MUST DO NOW? What to do now before getting extinguished from our holy land once for all. (Here are some practical solutions- may be the only possible solution) 1. Be a Hindu . Buy Indian Hindu products. 2. Avoid enrolling the kids to any missionary institution. They are the primary source of vitiating by alluring our fertile Hindu mind through easy living. 3. RENDER maximum support to the Indigenous Hindu products. 4. Have a benign heart for the poor Hindus in and around your society so that they are not bought and become your enemy (In Swamy Vivekananda`s words). 5. Take pride in your traditions, culture, ethnic identity and Dharma. 6. Anti-Hindu forces are targeting Hinduism. Stop being indifferent. It's time for all Hindus to unite, wake up and smell the coffee! Before it turns into poison and annihilate all at once.


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