Welcome To Class 12a

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 574
  • Pages: 10
Welcome to class 12A

CHAIN GAME: In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar. In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar and watching TV. In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar, watching TV and listening to music In my free time, I enjoy playing the guitar, watching TV, listening to music and reading books

I- Presentation: 1. Formation of the gerund: 2. Functions of the gerund: Ex1: Draining swamps is necessary to reclaim land. Ex2: Conservation also includes searching for alternative fuels. Ex3: Conservation is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources. Ex4: Farmers can protect their land by growing different crops.

3. Positions of the gerund: Ex1: The draining of swamps is very important here. Ex2: I don’t like their coming here. Ex3: - He gave up smoking - Do you mind giving me a hand - He tries to avoid making mistakes. Ex4: - She is busy doing her homework. - It is not worth saying about that. Ex5: - I can’t help laughing - She can’t stand doing the same things every day.

Note: 1. You can use the infinitive or the gerund with like, love, hate, dislike. (I like doing chores. Or I like to do chores) 2. Remember: - TO- INFINITIVE refers to the present or future; -ING refers to the past Ex: Remember to post my letter Ex: I remember posting your letter 3. Try: - TO- INFINITIVE: (make an effort) Try+ V_ing: (experiment) Ex: I try to understand Ex: Try holding your breath for more than one minute.

4. Stop: - TO- INFINITIVE: (purpose) ; Stop V_ing: (cancel) Ex: We stopped to buy a newspaper. Ex: Stop shouting

II- Practice: Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

.... and (understand) learning understanding ... 1. He is good at (learn) things. making so much noise. 2. Could you please stop (make)... 3. (Drain) ... these swamps helps to destroy the Draining mosquitoes’ bleeding 4. Does your job involve (meet) meeting ... a lot of people? 5. Don’t you remember (see) seeing ... this film at the local cinema last year? splashing 6. If you use a shower, try and avoid (splash) ... water on the floor. 7. Have you finished (wash) .... your hair? washing looking ... at me like that? 8. Why do you keep on (look) 9. They had to postpone (go) ... away because going their son was ill. .... 10.(Irrigate) Irrigating... deserts is one of the way of (reclaim) reclaiming land

III- Production: Transformation writing 1. The children like to walk in the rain. ........................................... -> The children enjoyed walking in the rain 2. I’d like you to help me to put the chairs away. helping me to put the chair away -> Would you mind ................................................... 3. He thinks it is easy to learn English. -> He thinks learning English is easy ................................................ 4. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rushhour. -> It’s better to avoid ................................................ traveling during rush- hour

IV- Consolidation: Write sentences about yourself. Use the infinitive or the gerund 1. I enjoy ..................................................................... 2. I don’t mind ............................................................ 3. I can’t stand ........................................................... 4. I love ....................................................................... 5. Next weekend, I plan ............................................. 6. Next year, I want .................................................... 7. After class, I need ..................................................

V- Homework: - Learn by heart the uses (function & positions) of the gerund - Finish the exercise above - Prepare the next lesson

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