Welcome The Lord Of Your Heart

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 852
  • Pages: 2
Sri Krishna Janmastami Special!!!

Volume II Issue 13

APPETIZER “There is no God but there is Godliness!” claims a well known (so-called) spiritual guru and fake incarnation of God. Many people have similar beliefs. For many, God Himself is not that much important then what He provides them to make them feel Godliness in pursuing their material goals. God has created everything with beauty and qualities, “Why would He not possess those qualities?” MAIN COURSE Different Scriptures of world address God by different names likeAllah (All Powerful), Jehovah (All Strong), Buddha (All Enlightened), Rama (All Joyful), Vishnu (All Pervasive), and so on. These are some of the many attributes that the God possesses. That‟s what make Him all-attractive! Someone may ask - Can God fall in love? Does He have friends? Does He ever do anything naughty? And if He does the same things we do, is He still God? The Vedic scriptures say yes to all of these, but to see this side of God to the fullest, one must worship Him as Krishna. The name Krishna means „the all-attractive one‟ (sarva akarshiti iti krishna), describes all-attractiveness of the Lord and thus is the most complete name of God. The Vedas tell us that God Himself has come to this world many times. He came as Rama, the perfect king, Vamana, the small boy who recaptured the universe with just three steps of his feet, Narasimha, half-man half-lion, the protector of His devotee; and so on. So far, we haven't read of any incarnation who just sat around all day and night because God is active. He does extraordinary things, and He comes into this world to let us see Him, so that we get attracted to His pastimes and go back to Godhead! "Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all living entities, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form." [Bhagavad-gétä 4.6] We get the most intimate view of God when He comes Himself in His original form of Krishna, also known as Govinda, the original source of all incarnations. "All of the above-mentioned incarnations are either plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions of the Lord, but Lord Sri Krishna is the original Personality of Godhead." [Srimad Bhagavatam, 1.3.28] The name Krishna describes The Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A person having intelligence, beauty, fame, wealth, power or who is renounced attracts us in this world. We can‟t find even one person who can claim to have all these six opulence fully and together. Being Supreme by definition, Krishna possesses all these opulence fully and eternally! He possesses incomparable intelligence, wealth, fame, strength, beauty and renunciation.

Another doubt that may arise in this dirty mind “Does Krishna fall in love?” answer is “Yes!” He loves the cowherd girl Radharani. Well, one may ask now, "What's extraordinary about that?"Radharani is not an ordinary girl. She is the embodiment of love of God, and She is as divine as Krishna. Her body, mind, and senses are made of love of God, so Krishna's love for her is a normal reciprocation. Although the love of Radharani and Krishna looks like a romance of this world, however; there is no sex desire in it. Great sages who have no interest in sex stories spend lifetimes trying to fathom the profundity of the relationship between Radharani and Krishna!! When Krishna danced at midnight in the forest with Radharani and thousands of her girlfriends, each girl thought she was alone with Krishna. It hardly seems to be an ordinary romance!! Once Krishna went to a forest with thousands of cowherd boys and calves and demigod Brahma stole away the calves and boys by his mystic power, Krishna expanded Himself into as many forms as there were boys and calves and imitated each one so perfectly that even their mothers could not tell. This continues for about one year and thus He defeated the mystic power the great Brahma. As a small child, Krishna would eat the butter and yogurt stored in His house and the houses of neighbors, just like an ordinary naughty little boy, but at the same time He defeated and killed powerful demons who had come to make Him their victim. DESSERT This is just the tip of an iceberg and we need no jazzy and fancy things to make God interesting. He is so attractive that He doesn’t need such tantrums. Just by chanting His holy names with love we can attain him. Janmastami, the divine appearance of Lord Krishna in this world, is approaching. Let’s all welcome our Blissful Lord by chanting loudly:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Welcome the Supreme Personality of Godhead and Godliness will automatically follow!!!

the HIGHER TASTE An ISKCON Delhi Publication

In loving service to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness Magazine Committee: Director: Mohan Rupa Das, Author & Editor: Nandagopal Jivan Das, Design & Layout: Avyanga Das

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