Weighted Divisor Sums And Bessel Function Series

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  • Words: 11,309
  • Pages: 35
Math. Ann. 335, 249–283 (2006)

Mathematische Annalen

DOI: 10.1007/s00208-005-0734-3

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series Bruce C. Berndt · Alexandru Zaharescu Received: 3 December 2004 Published online: 21 March 2006 – © Springer-Verlag 2006 Abstract. On page 335 in his lost notebook, Ramanujan records without proof an identity involving a finite trigonometric sum and a doubly infinite series of ordinary Bessel functions. We provide the first published proof of this result. The identity yields as corollaries representations of weighted divisor sums, in particular, the summatory function for r2 (n), the number of representations of the positive integer n as a sum of two squares.

1. Introduction In this paper we establish identities that express certain weighted divisor sums as double series of Bessel functions. Our main result, stated in Theorem 1.1 below, is an identity claimed by Ramanujan on page 335 in his lost notebook [14], for which no indication of a proof is given, and which has not been heretofore proved. (Technically, page 335 is not in Ramanujan’s lost notebook; this page is a fragment published by Narosa with the original lost notebook.) The identity involves the ordinary Bessel function J1 (z), where Jν (z) :=

∞  n=0

 z ν+2n (−1)n , n!(ν + n + 1) 2

0 < |z| < ∞,

ν ∈ C.

To state Ramanujan’s claim, we need to first define  [x], if x is not an integer, F (x) = 1 x − 2 , if x is an integer,



B.C. Berndt Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, 1409 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA (e-mail: [email protected]) A. Zaharescu Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, 1409 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, P.O. Box 1-764, Bucharest 70700, Romania (e-mail: [email protected]) 

Research partially supported by grant MDA H92830-04-1-0027 from the National Security Agency.


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

where, as customary, [x] is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Theorem 1.1. If 0 < θ < 1 and x > 0, then ∞  n=1


x  n

sin(2π nθ) = π x

1 2

 − θ − 41 cot(πθ )

  √  ∞ ∞ 1 √   J1 4π m(n + θ )x x + √ 2 m(n + θ ) n=0 m=1  √  J1 4π m(n + 1 − θ )x − . √ m(n + 1 − θ )


We emphasize that (1.3) is not the formulation given by Ramanujan in his lost notebook. Ramanujan claims that x x x x sin(2πθ) + sin(4π θ) + sin(6π θ) + sin(8πθ ) + · · · 1 2 3 4  √ ∞  1 1 1 √  J1 (4π mθx) x = πx 2 − θ − 4 cot(π θ) + √ 2 mθ m=1 √ √ √ J1 (4π m(1 − θ)x) J1 (4π m(1 + θ )x) J1 (4π m(2 − θ )x) + − − √ √ √ m(1 − θ) m(1 + θ) m(2 − θ ) √

J1 (4π m(2 + θ)x) + − ··· , (1.4) √ m(2 + θ) “where [x] denotes the greatest integer in x if x is not an integer and x − 21 if x is an integer.” Since Ramanujan employed the notation [x] in a nonstandard fashion, we have introduced the notation (1.2). Also, note that the order of summation in the double series on the right side of (1.3) has been reversed from that given by Ramanujan on the right side of (1.4). It could be that in an unorthodox fashion, Ramanujan meant that the distributive law must be employed in (1.4), and so his view of (1.4) may actually be the same as ours in (1.3). Note that the series on the left-hand side of (1.3) is finite and discontinuous if x is an integer. To examine the right-hand side, we recall that [17, p. 199], as x → ∞, Jν (x) ∼

2 πx


  cos x − 21 νπ − 41 π .


Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


Hence, as m, n → ∞, the terms of the double series on the right-hand side of (1.3) are asymptotically equal to 1

√ π 2x 1/4 m3/4

 √  √   cos 4π m(n + θ )x − 43 π cos 4π m(n + 1 − θ )x − 43 π . − (n + θ )3/4 (n + 1 − θ )3/4

Thus, if indeed the double series on the right side of (1.3) does converge, it converges conditionally and not absolutely. Before proving (1.3), it is natural to ask what led Ramanujan to the double series on the right side of (1.3). Let r2 (n) denote the number of representations of the positive integer n as a sum of two squares. In connection with his significant work on the famous circle problem, in 1915, Hardy [9], [10, pp. 243–263] proved that  0≤n≤x

r2 (n) = π x +

∞  n=1

r2 (n)

 x 1/2 n

√ J1 (2π nx),


where the prime  on the summation sign on the left side indicates that if x is an integer, only 21 r2 (x) is counted. Observe that the series on the right side of (1.6) is similar to the inner series on the right side of (1.3). Moreover, the sums on the left side in each formula are finite sums over n ≤ x. Ramanujan might therefore have derived (1.3) in anticipation of applying it to the circle problem. When Hardy published his paper [9] in 1915, Ramanujan was at Cambridge University, and he must have been intrigued by Hardy’s identity. In this same paper, Hardy relates a beautiful identity of Ramanujan connected with r2 (n), namely, for a, b > 0, [9, p. 283], [10, p. 263], ∞ ∞  r2 (n) −2π √(n+a)b  r2 (n) −2π √(n+b)a = , e e √ √ n+a n+b n=0 n=0

which is not given elsewhere in any of Ramanujan’s published or unpublished work. To see the connection between (1.3) and divisor sums, note that if the factor sin(2πnθ) were missing on the left side, then the sum on the left side of (1.3) would coincide with the number of integer points (n, l) with n, l ≥ 1 and nl ≤ x, where the pairs (n, l) satisfying nl = x are counted with weight 1/2. It follows that ∞ x    = F d(n), n n=1 1≤n≤x where d(n) denotes the number of divisors of n, and the prime  on the summation sign indicates that if x is an integer, only 21 d(x) is counted. Therefore one may interpret the left side of (1.3) as a weighted divisor sum. In this way we can also obtain, for instance, exact formulas for divisor sums twisted


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

by Dirichlet characters. If q is a positive integer and χ is an odd primitive character modulo q, and if we denote dχ (n) =

χ (k),



 then we obtain a formula for the corresponding twisted divisor sum 1≤n≤x  dχ (n), where the prime  on the summation sign has the same meaning as before. Theorem 1.2. Let q be a positive integer, let χ be an odd primitive character modulo q, and let dχ (n) be defined by (1.7). Then, for any x > 0, √ iτ (χ ) i x  dχ (n) = L(1, χ)x − χ(h) ¯ L(1, χ¯ ) + 2π τ (χ) ¯ 1≤h

(1.8) where L(s, χ) denotes the Dirichlet L-function associated with the character χ , and τ (χ) ¯ denotes the Gauss sum τ (χ¯ ) =


χ¯ (m)e2πim/q .


In particular, let χ be the nonprincipal Dirichlet character modulo 4. Recall Jacobi’s famous formula [12], r2 (n) = 4

(−1)(d−1)/2 = 4dχ (n),


d|n d odd

for all positive integers  n. Then by Theorem 1.2 we can conclude the following representation for 0≤n≤x  r2 (n). Corollary 1.3. For any x > 0,     1 3    J1 4π m(n + 4 )x  ∞  J1 4π m(n + 4 )x ∞     √    r2 (n) = π x + 2 x − .    m(n + 41 ) m(n + 43 ) 0≤n≤x n=0 m=1    (1.10)

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


Recall that the famous circle problem is to determine the precise order of magnitude for the “error term" P (x) defined by  r2 (n) = π x + P (x). (1.11) 0≤n≤x

  In [9], Hardy showed that P (x) = O (x log x)1/4 , as x tends to ∞. Most efforts toward obtaining an upper bound for P (x) have ultimately rested upon (1.6), (1.5), and methods of estimating the resulting trigonometric series. At present, the best result in this direction has been established by N. M. Huxley [11], who proved that P (x) = O(x 131/408 ). Will (1.10) lead to greater success in estimating P (x) than (1.6) has been? A possible advantage in using (1.10) is that r2 (n) does not occur on the right side of (1.10), as in (1.6). On the other hand, double series are likely to be more difficult to estimate than a single infinite  series. Analogues of the problem of estimating the error term P (x) for 0≤n≤x  r2 (n) exist for many other arithmetical functions a(n) generated by Dirichlet series satisfying a functional equation involving the gamma function (s). See, for example, a paper by K. Chandrasekharan  and R. Narasimhan [7]. Again, representations for a(n) in terms of Bessel functions play a critical the summatory function n≤x role. However, in many cases n≤x a(n) may not be representable in terms of an  infinite series of Bessel functions, but, for sufficiently large positive numbers q, n≤x a(n)(x − n)q can be so represented. See, for example, [6], [1], and [2].  Is there an analogue of (1.8) for 1≤n≤x  dχ (n)(x − n)q for complex q? If a(n) is generated by a Dirichlet series  satisfying a functional equation involving (s), is there an analogue of (1.8) for n≤x a(n)? If so, can it be extended to provide  q, as a double series of a representation for n≤x a(n)(x − n)q , for complex  Bessel functions? Bessel function identities for n≤x a(n)(x − n)q are, in fact, equivalent to the corresponding Dirichlet series satisfying a functional equation involving (s) [6]. 2. Proofs of Theorem 1.2 and Corollary 1.3 We derive Theorem 1.2 from Theorem 1.1. First, we rewrite the given twisted divisor sum in terms of the function F , namely, 

dχ (n) =


∞  n=1


x  n



Secondly, we write χ (n) as a linear combination of values of sin(2πnθ ) for certain appropriate values of θ . Thus, using the well known identity [5, p. 9, Thm. 1.1.3] 1  χ¯ (h)e2πinh/q τ (χ) ¯ h=1 q

χ (n) =


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

where τ (χ ) =


χ (m)e2πim/q ,


and the fact that χ is odd, we see that χ (n) =

 2πnh 2i . χ¯ (h) sin τ (χ¯ ) 1≤h

Third, recall the classical formulas (e. g., see [4, Thms. 3.2 and 13.3]) 

χ¯ (h) =

iτ (χ) ¯ (χ (2) − 2) L(1, χ ) π


iτ (χ)q ¯ (χ (2) − 1) L(1, χ ). 2π



χ¯ (h)h =

Combining the last two equalities, we find that 2π i  1 h − . L(1, χ) = χ¯ (h) τ (χ¯ ) 1≤h

Lastly, recall the elementary identity

πh cot q

q−1 2 2πj h =− . j sin q j =1 q


Multiplying both sides of (2.6) by χ¯ (h), summing on h, 1 ≤ h < q/2, inverting the order of summation, using (2.2), recalling that χ is odd, employing the identities (2.3) and (2.4), and appealing to the fact that τ (χ )τ (χ¯ ) = −q for odd χ [5, Thm. 1.4(a), p. 10], we find that 

πh χ(h) ¯ cot q 1≤h

q−1  2πj h 2 j χ(h) ¯ sin =− q j =1 1≤h

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


   τ (χ¯ )   2 =− j χ(j ) − q χ (j ) iq 0<j

Finally, let θ = h/q, multiply both sides of (1.3) by 2i χ(h)/τ ¯ (χ¯ ), and sum on h, 1 ≤ h < q/2. On the new left side of (1.3), we find that  ∞ ∞ x  x     2i 2π nh sin = = χ(h) ¯ χ (n)F F dχ (n), τ (χ) ¯ 1≤h
3. Reduction to trigonometric functions The remainder of this paper is devoted to a proof of Theorem 1.1. In this section we first convert (1.3) into an identity for a double series of trigonometric functions, Theorem 3.1, which is perhaps as intriguing as (1.3) and in which Bessel functions do not appear. Then we proceed to show that this double series converges uniformly for 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1. The proof of convergence is considerably involved and will be postponed to the next section. In Section 4 we then use the fact that if a series converges uniformly, its Fourier series coefficients uniquely determine the sum of the series. Thus, in the last part of our proof, we establish the Fourier series on the left side of (1.3). We convert (1.3) into an identity for a double series of trigonometric functions. To proceed, we employ Poisson’s summation formula [16, pp. 60–61].


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

∞ If f (t) is continuous and of bounded variation on [0, ∞), and if 0 f (t)dt exists, then  ∞ ∞ ∞  ∞   1 f (0) + f (m) = f (t)dt + 2 f (t) cos(2πmt)dt. (3.1) 2 0 m=1 m=1 0 Let us apply (3.1) with  √  J1 4π t (n + θ )x f (t) := . (3.2) √ t (n + θ) √ Making the change of variable u = 4π t (n + θ)x and using the differentiation formula J1 (u) = −J0 (u), which is easily derived from (1.1), we find that  ∞  ∞ 1 f (t)dt = J1 (u)du √ 2π(n + θ) x 0 0  ∞ 1 1 J0 (u)du = =− √ √ , (3.3) 2π(n + θ) x 0 2π(n + θ ) x where the evaluation of the integral on the far right side is a consequence of (1.5) and (1.1). To evaluate the integral   ∞  √  ∞ J1 4π t (n + θ )x f (t) cos(2π mt)dt = cos(2πmt)dt, (3.4) √ t (n + θ ) 0 0 we appeal to the formula [8, p. 771, formula 6.725, no. 2] √  2 2  ∞ a νπ π Jν (a t) π a cos − − Jν/2 , (3.5) cos(bt)dt = √ b 8b 4 4 8b t 0 √ where Re ν > −1 and a, b > 0. Hence, employing (3.5) with a = 4π (n + θ )x, b = 2πm, and ν = 1 and then using the familiar formula  2 sin x, J1/2 (x) = πx which is easily derivable from the definition (1.1), we find from (3.5) that   ∞ π(n + θ )x π 1 cos − f (t) cos(2π mt)dt = 2m(n + θ) m 2 0 π(n + θ )x × J1/2 m 1 2 π(n + θ )x . (3.6) = √ sin m π(n + θ) x

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


Lastly, from the definition of f (t),

√ √ 2π t (n + θ)x f (0) = lim √ = 2π x. t→0 t (n + θ)


Hence, using (3.7), (3.3), and (3.6) in (3.1), we find that   √ ∞  √ J1 4π m(n + θ)x 2 1 π x+ = √ √ + √ 2π(n + θ ) x π(n + θ ) x m(n + θ) m=1 ∞  2 π(n + θ )x . (3.8) sin × m m=1 Similarly,  √  ∞  J1 4π m(n + 1 − θ)x 1 2 π x+ = √ + √ √ 2π(n + 1 − θ ) x π(n + 1 − θ ) x m(n + 1 − θ) m=1 ∞  2 π(n + 1 − θ )x . (3.9) sin × m m=1 √

Subtracting (3.9) from (3.8), we deduce that   √  √   ∞  J1 4π m(n + θ)x J1 4π m(n + 1 − θ )x − √ √ m(n + θ) m(n + 1 − θ ) m=1 ∞ 1 2  1 1 1 2 π(n + θ )x − + √ sin = √ n+1−θ m 2π x n + θ π x m=1 n + θ π(n + 1 − θ)x 1 sin2 . (3.10) − n+1−θ m We now sum both sides of (3.10) on n, 0 ≤ n < ∞. Now, ∞ N   1 1 1 − = lim = π cot(πθ ). N→∞ n+θ n+1−θ n+θ n=0 n=−N Hence, so far we have shown that   √    √ ∞  ∞  J1 4π m(n + θ)x J1 4π m(n + 1 − θ )x − S(θ, x) := √ √ m(n + θ) m(n + 1 − θ ) n=0 m=1 ∞ ∞ 1 2  1 2 π(n + θ )x sin = √ cot(π θ) + √ m 2 x π x n=0 m=1 n + θ π(n + 1 − θ)x 1 sin2 . (3.11) − n+1−θ m


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Multiplying both sides of (3.11) by 1 2

√ xS(θ, x) =

1 4

1√ x, 2

we write (3.11) in the equivalent form

∞ ∞ 1  1 2 π(n + θ )x cot(π θ) + sin π n=0 m=1 n + θ m

1 sin2 − n+1−θ

π(n + 1 − θ )x m



Comparing (3.12) with (1.3), we see that it suffices to prove the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. For 0 < θ < 1 and x > 0, ∞ 





sin(2πnθ) − π x

1 2

∞ ∞ 1  1 2 π(n + θ )x sin −θ = π n=0 m=1 n + θ m 

1 sin2 − n+1−θ

π(n + 1 − θ )x . m (3.13)

The identity (3.8) was, in fact, first proved by S. L. Segal [15]. The proof of (3.8) that we have given is due to Berndt [3, pp. 158–162], who actually proved more general identities using the character Poisson summation formula. See also a related paper by T. Kano [13]. In the following paragraph, we outline our methods in proving Theorem 3.1. Fix x > 0 and allow θ to vary in (0, 1). It will be convenient to set θ = 1 + t, − 21 < t < 21 . Then (3.13) takes the shape 2 

∞ ∞ 1 π x(n + + t) 1  1 2 sin2 π n=0 m=1 n + 21 + t m 

1 π x(n + − t) 1 2 sin2 − m n + 21 − t ∞ x   = (−1)n F sin(2π nt) + πxt. n n=1


It is easily seen that the inner sum on the left side of (3.14) converges for any fixed n. Set fn (t) :=

∞  m=1

1 n+

1 2




π x(n + 21 + t) m


1 n+

1 2




π x(n + 21 − t) m

 . (3.15)

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


Each function fn (t), n ≥ 1, is continuous on the compact interval [− 21 , 21 ]. Also, f0 (t) is well defined and continuous on (− 21 , 21 ) and can be extended by continuity  1 1 to [− 21 , 21 ]. If we can show that ∞ n=0 fn (t) converges uniformly on [− 2 , 2 ], then f (t) :=


t ∈ [− 21 , 21 ],

fn (t),



will be continuous on [− 21 , 21 ]. Then, by (3.14), we need to prove that ∞ x   1 f (t) = sin(2πnt) + πxt. (−1)n F π n n=1


Since both sides of (3.17) are continuous functions of t, and since the Fourier coefficients of a continuous function uniquely determine the function, (3.17) will be established if we can show that both sides of (3.17) have the same Fourier coefficients. Moreover, if we can show that the sum on the left side of (3.17) is uniformly convergent on [− 21 , 21 ], then 


f (t)e



dt =

∞   n=0

1/2 −1/2

fn (t)e2πikt dt.


4. The convergence problem We now address the task of showing the uniform convergence of the series in (3.16). For all (large) n, write fn (t) = An (t) + Bn (t) + Cn (t) + Dn (t),

− 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 ,

where An (t) :=

cm,n (t),


1≤m≤n/ log5 n

Bn (t) :=

cm,n (t),


n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n

Cn (t) :=

cm,n (t),


n log2 n<m
Dn (t) :=

n3/2 ≤m

cm,n (t),



B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu


 π x(n + 21 + t) sin cm,n (t) := m n + 21 + t 

π x(n + 21 − t) 1 2 . − sin m n + 21 − t




We now show that each of the series An (t), Bn (t), Cn (t), and Dn (t) is uniformly convergent. First, since | sin y| ≤ |y| for all real numbers y, we find that |cm,n (t)| ≤

2π 2 x 2 (n + 1) . m2


For m larger than n we use the estimate

 3 πx(n + 21 + t) π x(n + 21 + t) n sin = +O m m m3 to deduce that

4  π 2 x 2 (n + 21 + t)2 n cm,n (t) = +O 1 2 m m4 n+ 2 +t

4  π 2 x 2 (n + 21 − t)2 n 1 +O − 1 2 m m4 n+ 2 −t 3 π 2 x 2 (n + 21 + t) π 2 x 2 (n + 21 − t) n − + O = m2 m2 m4 3 1 n =O +O , 2 m m4 1

where here and in the sequel the constants implicit in the O-symbols may depend on x. For m ≥ n3/2 , the estimate above reduces to 1 cm,n (t) = O , (4.7) m2 ! uniformly for t ∈ − 21 , 21 . It follows that    1 1 =O Dn (t) = O  . (4.8) m2 n3/2 3/2 m≥n

Hence, the series

∞ n=1

! Dn (t) converges uniformly for t ∈ − 21 , 21 .

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


Next, we examine An (t). Here we do not have an upper bound for each ∞ individual A (t) to ensure the absolute convergence of n n=1 An (t), as we had ∞ for n=1 Dn (t). Instead, we average the terms An (t) over intervals of the form [N, N + N/ log3 N ] in order to produce enough cancellation to ensure (uniform) convergence of the series. For m ≤ n/ log5 n, we write cm,n (t) in the form

 2π x(n + 21 + t) 1 1 − cos cm,n (t) = m n + 21 + t 2 2

2π x(n + 21 − t) 1 1 1 − cos − m n + 21 − t 2 2 

2πx(n + 21 + t) 1 t − =− cos m (n + 21 )2 − t 2 2(n + 21 + t) 

2π x(n + 21 − t) 1 cos + m 2(n + 21 − t) 

2πx(n + 21 + t) 2π x(n + 21 − t) 1 − cos cos = m m 2n 1 , (4.9) +O n2


where we have used the fact that 1 1 =O − 1 2(n + 2 ± t) 2n

1 n2


Using (4.9) in (4.1), we find that 

 2πx(n + 21 + t) 2π x(n + 21 − t) 1 − cos cos An (t) = 2n m m 1≤m≤n/ log5 n 1 +O n log5 n  2π xt π x(2n + 1) 1 1 , sin sin +O = n m m n log5 n 5 1≤m≤n/ log n

(4.10) uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 . We now choose N sufficiently large and average An (t) over a set of integers from an interval of the form [N, N  ], with N  ∈ (N, N + N/ log3 N ], where N


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

and N  are both integers. Now,   An (t) = N≤n≤N 

N≤n≤N  1≤m≤n/ log5 n 


2π xt πx(2n + 1) 1 sin sin n m m

N −N N log5 N


This further implies that " " " " " " " " "  " "  "  " " " " " πx(2n + 1) "" 1 "sin 2π xt " " " An (t)"" ≤ sin " " " " " m m " 1≤m≤N  / log5 N  " N≤n≤N  n " "N ≤n≤N  " " n/ log5 n≥m 1 +O log8 N " " " " "  "  " πx(2n + 1) "" πx " 1 sin ≤ " m "" n m "  1≤m≤2N/ log5 N " N≤n≤N " n/ log5 n≥m 1 . +O log8 N From the definition of N  , we observe that 1 n−N 1 1 1 = − = +O . n N nN N N log3 N Hence,  " " " "   " " πx  "≤ 1 " A (t) n " "  " 1≤m≤2N/ log5 N m N "N≤n≤N  +O


πx N

 1≤m≤2N/ log5 N


N − N N log3 N

1 log5 N


" " " " " " " "

N≤n≤N  n/ log5 n≥m

 +O  " " " 1 "" m "" "

" " " πx(2n + 1) "" sin " m " "

1 log8 N

N≤n≤N  n/ log5 n≥m

" " " πx(2n + 1) "" sin " m " "


Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


It should be remarked that on the right side of (4.11) we need the error term to be that small; more precisely, an error term of the form 1 O log4 N would be insufficient. Next, the inner sum on the right side of (4.11) has the form  π x(2n + 1) , sin Sm := m   Nm ≤n≤N

for some Nm that depends on m. We distinguish two cases. If x/m is an integer, then clearly Sm = 0, and so such values of m, if there are any, can be excluded from the summation on the right side of (4.11). On the other hand, if x/m is not an integer, then e2πix/m − 1 = 0, and we write Sm = =

1 2i

eπix(2n+1)/m − e−πix(2n+1)/m

 ≤n≤N  Nm

eπix/m 2i

e2π ixn/m −

 ≤n≤N  Nm

e−πix/m 2i

e−2πixn/m .

 ≤n≤N  Nm

Therefore, " " " " "  " " 2πixN  /m  m " " e − e2πix(N +1)/m " 2π ixn/m "= " " |Sm | ≤ "" e " "e2πix/m − 1" "Nm ≤n≤N  " ≤

2 |e2πix/m

− 1|



2 1 = . −π ix/m −e | | sin(πx/m)|


If we consider the real numbers x/m, 1 ≤ m ≤ 2x, and select the one that is closest to an integer, without being an integer itself, and if we let δ(x) denote the distance from this number to the closest integer, then δ(x) > 0, and δ(x) depends only on x. Thus, for any integer m such that 1 ≤ m ≤ 2x, by (4.12), we deduce that 1 1 |Sm | ≤ =O = O(1), (4.13) | sin(π x/m)| δ(x) since x is fixed. For any m with m > 2x, clearly, πx/m ∈ (0, 21 π), and so sin(πx/m) ≥ c0 πx/m, for some absolute constant c0 > 0. Thus, for such m, by (4.12), |Sm | ≤

m + O(m). c0 π x



B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Employing (4.13) and (4.14) in (4.11), we deduce that " "   " "  "  " 1 1 1 " "   ·m +O An (t)" = O " N m log5 N "N≤n≤N  " 1≤m≤2N/ log5 N 1 , (4.15) =O log5 N ! uniformly in t ∈ − 21 , 21 .  We are now ready to show that the series ∞ n=1 An (t) converges uniformly for ! t ∈ − 21 , 21 . As an intermediate step, let us choose two large positive numbers N1 and N2 such that N1 ≤ N2 ≤ 2N1 . We seek an upper bound for the sum  N1 ≤n≤N2 An (t). In order to derive such a bound, we divide the interval [N1 , N2 ] into subintervals of the form [N, N  ], with N ≤ N  ≤ N +N/ log3 N , and for each of them we apply the upper bound from (4.15). Clearly, since N2 ∈ [N1 , 2N1 ], we obtain a partition of the subinterval [N1 , N2 ], with the number of subintervals bounded by log3 N1 . We then deduce from (4.15) that " " " " "  " 1 " " An (t)" = O , (4.16) " log2 N1 "N ≤n≤N " 1


uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 . In particular, if we apply (4.16) with N1 = 2k and N2 = 2k+1 , for some positive integer k, we find that " " "  " " " 1 " " An (t)" = O , (4.17) " k2 "k " k+1 2 ≤n≤2

uniformly for t ∈ [− 21 , 21 ]. Lastly, if N and N  are arbitrary positive integers such   that N < N  , we choose k and k  such that 2k ≤ N ≤ 2k+1 and 2k ≤ N  ≤ 2k +1 , and then apply (4.16) and (4.17), as appropriate, to the intervals 

[N, 2k+1 ], [2k+1 , 2k+2 ], . . . , [2k −1 , 2k ], [2k , N  ]. We therefore conclude that " "   " "   1 " " 1 " "   , An (t)" = O =O " 2 k " "N≤n≤N  k≤ ≤k 


uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 . The estimate (4.18) implies, by Cauchy’s criterion,  1 1 that the series of functions ∞ n=1 A∞n (t) is uniformly convergent for − 2 ≤ t ≤ 2 . Next, we turn to the series n=1 Cn (t). As was the case with the functions Dn (t), the functions Cn (t) are small enough to ensure the desired absolute and

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


uniform convergence. In order to show this, we first derive some sharper estimates for the terms cm,n (t) in the corresponding range n log2 n < m < n3/2 . First, since 

2 π x(n + 21 ± t) n 2 =O , sin m m2 it follows that


1 1 π x(n + πx(n + + t) − t) 2 2 + sin2 sin2 m m n log2 n<m

n log n<m
Also, 1 n+

1 2



1 +O n

1 n2



By (4.19), (4.20), and (4.5), we then derive that  

1 1  π x(n + πx(n + + t) − t) 1 2 2 − sin2 sin2 cm,n (t) = n m m n log2 n<m
1  π x(n + + t) 1 2 +O  2 sin2 n m n log2 n<m
1 π x(n + 2 − t)  + sin2 m  1 π x(2n + 1) 1 2π xt = sin +O sin n m m n log2 n n log2 n<m
uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 . It follows that the series absolutely and uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 .

∞ n=1

Cn (t) converges


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Lastly, we turn to the sum the estimates 1 n+

1 2

1 = ±t n+



1 2

∞ n=1

Bn (t). For n/ log5 n < m ≤ n log2 n, we use

t ∓ +O (n + 21 )2

πx(n + 21 ± t) m

 = sin2 = sin


1 n3

1 = n+

 π xn  m  π xn  m

1 2

t ∓ 2 +O n

+O +O

1 m

1 , n3

log5 n , n



1 1 πx(n+ π x(n+ +t) −t) 2πxt πx(2n+1) 2 2 2 2 −sin = sin sin , sin m m m m

in the definition of Bn (t) to derive that 

 πx(n + 21 + t) t 1 2 − 2 sin Bn (t) = n m n + 21 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n 

 π x(n + 21 − t) 1 t 1 2 +O + 2 sin − 1 n m n3 n+ 2  πx(2n + 1) 2π xt 1 sin sin = m m n + 21 n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n 5    t log n n log2 n 2 π xn − 2 +O +O 2 sin n m n n3 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n  πx(2n + 1) 2π xt 1 sin sin = m m n + 21 n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n 7    2t log n 2 π xn − 2 +O sin . (4.22) n m n2 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n

We would like to approximate each of the two sums on the right side of (4.22) by an appropriate integral. Before we do this, we slightly modify the first sum. On the given range of m, we observe that 15 2π xt 1 log n 2πxt 2πxt = +O +O = , (4.23) sin 3 m m m m n3

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


and so the contribution of the error term from (4.23) in (4.22) is  1 O n


n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n

log n  =O n3

log17 n . n3

Hence, from (4.22), 2π xt Bn (t) = n + 21 −

2t n2

πx(2n + 1) 1 sin m m 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n 7    log n 2 πxn sin +O . m n2 5 2 


n/ log n<m≤n log n

Next, we apply the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula to the function π x(2n + 1) 1 g(y) := sin y y to find that  n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n

 n log2 n  n log2 n π x(2n + 1) 1 sin = g(y)dy + {y}g  (y)dy m m n/ log5 n n/ log5 n −{n log2 n}g(n log2 n)

% n n g , + log5 n log5 n


where {x} denotes the fractional part of x. The last two terms on the right side of (4.25) are each bounded by (log5 n)/n. Also, for n/ log5 n ≤ y ≤ n log2 n, we see that 1 π x(2n + 1) πx(2n + 1) π x(2n + 1) cos − g  (y) = − 2 sin y y y3 y 15 n log n 1 + 3 =O , =O 2 y y n2 and hence 

n log2 n n/ log5 n

{y}g (y)dy = O

log17 n . n


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Using this last estimate in (4.25), we conclude that  π x(2n + 1) 1 sin m m 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n

=  =  =

n log2 n n/ log5 n n log2 n n/ log5 n n log2 n n/ log5 n

17 π x(2n + 1) log n 1 sin dy + O y y n 17 2π xn 1 log n 1 sin +O dy + O y y y n 17 2π xn log n 1 sin dy + O . (4.26) y y n

On the far right side of (4.26), make the change of variable u = 2πxn/y to find that  2πx log5 n 17  π x(2n + 1) log n 1 sin u sin = du + O . m m u n 2πx/ log2 n 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n

(4.27) Recall that

∞ 0

π sin u du = . u 2


2πx/ log2 n 0

sin u du = O u

1 . log2 n

Also, by an integration by parts, we easily see that  ∞ 1 sin u du = O . log5 n 2πx log5 n u Using these last three equalities in (4.27), we find that  π x(2n + 1) π 1 1 sin = +O . m m 2 log2 n 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n

Inserting this last result in (4.24), we arrive at    π 2 xt 2t 1 2 πxn Bn (t) = − 2 sin +O n m n log2 n n + 21 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n  πxn   2t 1 π 2 xt − 2 +O sin2 . = n n m n log2 n 5 2 n/ log n<m≤n log n


Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


Next, we apply the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula to the function 2 π xn h(y) := sin y to obtain the equality 


 π xn 

n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n



n log2 n

h(y)dy +

n/ log5 n

n log2 n n/ log5 n

{y}h (y)dy

−{n log2 n}h(n log2 n)

% n n h . + log5 n log5 n


Each of the last two terms on the right side of (4.29) is O(1). Also, for n/ log5 n < y ≤ n log2 n, 10 2πxn π xn π xn n log n  h (y) = − 2 sin cos =O , =O y y y y2 n so that

n log2 n n/ log5 n

  {y}h (y)dy = O log12 n .



 π xn  m

n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n


n log2 n

sin2 n/ log5 n

 = π xn

πx log5 n

πx/ log2 n

  πxn dy + O log12 n y   sin2 u du + O log12 n , 2 u (4.30)

upon making the change of variable u = π xn/y. Clearly,  πx/ log2 n 1 sin2 u du = O u2 log2 n 0 and

∞ πx log5 n

sin2 u du = O u2

Therefore, from (4.30)  n/ log5 n<m≤n log2 n


 π xn  m

= π xn 0

1 . log5 n sin2 u du + O u2

n . log2 n


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Lastly, using the result above in (4.28), we conclude that  ∞ 2t sin2 u π 2 xt n 1 Bn (t) = − 2 π xn du + O +O n n u2 log2 n n log2 n 0  ∞ sin2 u 1 πxt π −2 du + O = 2 n u n log2 n 0 1 , =O n log2 n uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 , upon using the evaluation 

∞ 0

π sin2 u du = . u2 2

It follows that the series Bn (t) converges absolutely and uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 . In conclusion, ∞ 

fn (t) =



(An (t) + Bn (t) + Cn (t) + Dn (t))


≤ 21 , as claimed earlier, and so, for any real numconverges uniformly for − 21 ≤ t  ber x > 0,! the function f (t) = ∞ n=0 fn (t) is well defined, and it is continuous on − 21 , 21 . 5. Identifying the Fourier coefficients Having established the convergence of the double series in (3.13), we now focus our attention on proving the identity (3.13) itself. For fixed x > 0, define the function f˜ by x   f˜(t) := sin(2π nt) + πxt, t ∈ [− 21 , 21 ]. (−1)n F (5.1) n 1≤n≤x Then (3.17) reduces to 1 f (t) = f˜(t), π

t ∈ [− 21 , 21 ].


In order to prove (5.2), it is enough to show that for any integer k, 1 π


f (t)e −1/2


dt =

1/2 −1/2

f˜(t)e2πikt dt.


Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


With the use of (3.18), (5.3) takes the form ∞  




fn (t)e


dt = π


f˜(t)e2πikt dt.



Since f (t) and fn (t), n ≥ 0, are odd functions of t, (5.4) will be valid provided that we can show that, for every integer k ≥ 1, ∞  

1/2 −1/2


 fn (t) sin(2π kt)dt = π


f˜(t) sin(2πkt)dt.



Now, by (5.1), 

1/2 −1/2

f˜(t) sin(2π kt)dt = π x


t sin(2πkt)dt −1/2

+(−1)k F

x   k


sin2 (2πkt)dt


x 1 x  . = (−1)k+1 + (−1)k F 2k 2 k Thus, (5.5) reduces to ∞   n=0

1/2 −1/2

fn (t) sin(2π kt)dt = (−1)k+1

πx π x  + (−1)k F . 2k 2 k


In the sequel, both x and k will be fixed. In the estimates below, constants implied by the O-symbols depend (at most) on x and k. For any positive integer N, let IN :=

N−1   1/2 n=0


fn (t) sin(2πkt)dt,


πx π x  + (−1)k F . 2k 2 k


so that (5.6) is equivalent to lim IN = (−1)k+1


Choosing a large positive integer N and using the definition (4.5), write IN in the form IN =

N−1   1/2 n=0


sin(2π kt)

∞  m=1

cm,n (t)dt,



B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

 where cm,n (t) is defined by (4.5). Since for each fixed n, the series ∞ m=1 cm,n (t) converges absolutely and uniformly for − 21 ≤ t ≤ 21 , we may interchange summation and integration, and then interchange the order of summation, to put IN in the form N−1 ∞  1/2  sin(2π kt)cm,n (t)dt IN = n=0 m=1 −1/2


∞ N−1   m=1 n=0

1/2 −1/2

sin(2π kt)cm,n (t)dt.


For each fixed m, we find that N−1   1/2 n=0



sin(2π kt)cm,n (t)dt

N−1   1/2 n=0


N−1   1/2 n=0



N−1   n+1 n=0


 π x(n + 21 + t) dt m 

sin(2π kt) 2 π x(n + 21 − t) dt sin m n + 21 − t

sin(2π kt) 2 sin n + 21 + t

sin(2π k(u − n − 21 )) 2  πxu  sin du u m

N−1   −n

sin(2π k(u + n + 21 )) 2  πxu  sin du u m n=0 −n−1  N sin(2π ku) 2  π xu  k = (−1) sin du. u m −N +

For each pair of positive integers m, N, set  N sin(2π ku) 2  πxu  sin du. IN,m := u m −N



Then, from (5.10)–(5.12), IN = (−1)



IN,m .



Inserting (5.13) into (5.8), we see that it remains to prove the equality lim


∞  m=1

IN,m =

π  x  πx F − . 2 k 2k


Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


For m > N , we estimate IN,m by integrating by parts on the right side of (5.12) and finding that " cos(2π ku) 1 2  π xu ""N · sin IN,m = − 2π k u m "−N  N  π xu  πx 1 2πxu cos(2π ku) + − 2 sin2 + sin du 2π k u m mu m −N  N 1 cos(2πku) 2  πxu  1 2 π xN sin − du =− sin πkN m 2π k −N u2 m  N 2π xu x cos(2π ku) sin du. (5.15) + 2km −N u m On the right side of (5.15), we use the estimates 2 N 2 π xN sin =O , m m2   1 1 2 π xu sin =O , 2 u m m2 and

1 2π xu 1 sin =O , u m m

uniformly in u, in order to conclude that

IN,m = O

N m2



Now let LN and MN be integers such that 1 < LN < N < MN , where the values of LN and MN will be chosen later. By (5.16),     N N   IN,m = O . (5.17) =O m2 MN m>M m>M N


We shall let N → ∞ and choose MN so that N/MN → 0. Hence, from (5.17), it will follow that  IN,m = 0, lim N→∞


and so (5.14) reduces to lim



IN,m =

π  x  πx F − . 2 k 2k



B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

In the range LN < m ≤ MN , we use (5.15), sum on m, and interchange summation and integration to arrive at   1 πxN IN,m = − sin2 π kN L <m≤M m LN <m≤MN N N  N   cos(2π ku)  1 2 πxu sin du − 2π k −N u2 m LN <m≤MN  N 2πxu cos(2π ku)  1 x sin du. + 2k −N u m m L <m≤M N


(5.19) In order to estimate the first sum on the right side of (5.19), we apply the EulerMaclaurin summation formula to the function 2 π xN hN (y) := sin . y Recalling that LN and MN are positive integers, we therefore deduce that  MN  2 π xN 2 πxN sin sin = dy m y LN LN <m≤MN  MN {y}hN (y)dy. (5.20) + LN

Here, hN (y)

2π xN π xN N π xN = − 2 sin cos =O , y y y y2

and hence 


{y}hN (y)dy

=O N




sin LN



πxN y

 dy = π xN



sin2 u du u2

= π xN

πxN/MN  πxN/MN ∞

 = π xN

1 dy y2


π +O 2





∞ πxN/LN





sin2 u du u2 .


Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


Using (5.21) and (5.22) in (5.20), we see that



LN <m≤MN

π xN m

N2 MN N +O(LN ) + O . LN

π 2 xN = +O 2


Next, for each fixed u ∈ [−N, N], we estimate the sum inside the first integral on the right side of (5.19) by applying the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula to hu (y) := sin


π xu . y



 π xu 

LN <m≤MN






 MN π xu {y}hu (y)dy. dy + y LN


Since we are going to apply (5.24) for both small and large u, we need to exercise care in estimating hu (y). To that end, hu (y)


2π xu π xu |u| π xu |u| = − 2 sin min 1, cos =O . y y y y2 y



{y}hu (y)dy


max{LN ,|u|}

{y}hu (y)dy



MN max{LN ,|u|}  MN

{y}hu (y)dy

|u| |u|2 dy + O dy =O 3 y2 max{LN ,|u|} y LN 1 1 |u|2 = O |u| − +O LN max{LN , |u|} (max{LN , |u|})2  2 |u|   , if |u| ≤ LN , O 2 L N (5.25) = |u|   O , if |u| > LN . LN 

max{LN ,|u|}


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Thus, from (5.25), we find that  N  cos(2π ku) MN {y}hu (y)dydu 2 u LN −N  −LN  LN 1 u2 1 |u| · du + O · du =O 2 L2 u2 LN −LN u −N N  N 1 |u| · du +O 2 L u N LN 1 log N log N =O +O =O . LN LN LN


Using (5.23), (5.24), and (5.26), we find that (5.19) now takes the form  N  MN  1 cos(2πku) 2 πxu πx − dydu IN,m = − sin 2k 2π k −N LN u2 y LN <m≤MN  N 2πxu cos(2π ku)  1 x sin du + 2k −N u m m LN <m≤MN N log N LN +O +O +O . (5.27) MN N LN An examination of the error terms above shows that not only must N/MN → 0 as N → ∞, but we also must require that LN /N → 0 and log N/LN → 0 as N → ∞. Next, we apply the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula to estimate the remaining sum in (5.27). Set 1 2π xu . Hu (y) := sin y y Then, by the Euler-Maclaurin formula,  MN  2π xu 2πxu 1 1 sin = sin dy m m y LN y LN <m≤MN  MN {y}Hu (y)dy. + LN

Here, Hu (y) and hence

2π xu |u| 1 2π xu 2πxu − =O = − 2 sin cos , 3 y y y y y3


{y}Hu (y)dy



|u| dy y3


|u| L2N



Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


This further implies that 


cos(2π ku) u



{y}Hu (y)dydu


1 |u| =O · 2 du −N |u| LN N =O . L2N N


Using (5.28) and (5.29) in (5.27), we find that 


LN <m≤MN

 N  MN 1 πx cos(2πku) 2 πxu − dydu =− sin 2k 2π k −N LN u2 y  N  MN 2πxu cos(2π ku) x sin dydu + 2k −N LN uy y log N LN N N +O +O +O . +O MN N LN L2N (5.30)

Examining the error term in (5.30), we see that LN needs to be chosen so that √ both N/LN → 0 and LN /N → 0, as N → ∞. As mentioned before, we also need to choose MN such that N/MN → 0 as N → ∞. Next, in the second double integral on the right side of (5.30), we integrate by parts with respect to y to obtain 2π xu cos(2π ku) sin dydu uy y −N LN  N  MN 2πxu cos(2π ku) ∂ 1 cos dydu y = 4π k −N LN u2 ∂y y  N 2πxu cos(2π ku) 1 = MN cos 4π k −N u2 MN  MN 2π xu 2πxu dy du. cos − −LN cos LN y LN

x 2k




Using the identity cos(2a) = 1 − 2 sin2 a for each of the three cosines appearing M on the right side of (5.31), we find that the three terms MN −LN − LNN dy cancel.


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

We can therefore write (5.31) in the form  N  MN x 2π xu cos(2π ku) sin dydu 2k −N LN uy y  N cos(2π ku) 1 2 πxu sin −M = N 2π k −N u2 MN  MN 2 π xu 2 πxu dy du sin + +LN sin LN y LN  MN N cos(2π ku) 2 πxu sin =− du 2π k −N u2 MN  N cos(2π ku) 2 πxu LN sin du + 2π k −N u2 LN  N  MN cos(2π ku) 2 πxu 1 dydu. sin + 2π k −N LN u2 y


Putting (5.32) in (5.30), we see that the first double integral on the right side of (5.30) cancels. Hence,   πx MN N cos(2πku) 2 πxu IN,m = − sin − du 2 2k 2π k u M N −N LN <m≤MN  N cos(2π ku) 2 πxu LN sin du + 2π k −N u2 LN log N LN N +O +O +O MN N LN N . (5.33) +O L2N In the two integrals in (5.33), we make the changes of variable z = πxu/MN and z = πxu/LN , respectively. First,  MN N cos(2π ku) 2 π xu − sin du 2πk −N u2 MN  πxN/MN cos(2kMN z/x) 2 N x sin z dz = O . (5.34) =− 2k −πxN/MN z2 MN Secondly,  N  πxN/LN LN x cos(2πku) 2 π xu cos(2kLN z/x) 2 sin sin z dz. du = 2 2πk −N u LN 2k −πxN/LN z2 (5.35)

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


The integral on the right side of (5.35) is over an interval that is much larger than that on the right side of (5.34), since, as we have previously prescribed, we must require that N/LN approach ∞ as N → ∞. In order to estimate this integral, we need to take advantage of the highly oscillatory behavior of the factor cos(2kLN z/x). Integrating by parts, we therefore deduce that 

π xN/LN

cos(2kLN z/x) 2 sin z dz z2 −πxN/LN  πxN/LN d sin2 z x2 sin(2kLN z/x) dz =− 2 4k LN −πxN/LN dz z2  πxN/LN z sin(2z) − 2 sin2 z x2 sin(2kLN z/x) dz =− 2 4k LN −πxN/LN z3 "  ∞" " z sin(2z) − 2 sin2 z " 1 1 " " =O , " " dz = O L L z3

x 2k





since (z sin(2z) − 2 sin2 z)/z3 is analytic at the origin and O(1/z2 ) as z → ±∞. Hence, using (5.34) and (5.36) in (5.33), we conclude that 


LN <m≤MN

N log N πx LN +O +O =− +O 2k MN N LN N +O . (5.37) L2N

Therefore, subject to the conditions N → 0, MN

LN → 0, N

√ N → 0, LN

as N → ∞,


we can deduce that lim


 LN <m≤MN

IN,m = −

πx . 2k


We can easily choose MN so that the first condition in (5.38) is satisfied. Naturally, we prefer that (5.39) holds under the largest possible range of m, and so we want to √ choose LN√as small as possible. Therefore, we choose LN slightly larger than N, so that N/LN → 0 as N → ∞. Subject to this condition, by (5.39) and (5.38), we deduce that (5.18) will be established if we can show that  π x  lim . (5.40) IN,m = F N→∞ 2 k 1≤m≤L N


B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Choose now a large N , and choose LN subject to the growth condition introduced above. Choose m such that 1 ≤ m ≤ LN . By (5.12), 

sin(2π ku) 2  π xu  sin du u m −N  2πxu 1 N sin(2π ku) 1 − cos du = 2 −N u m    1 N sin 2πku + 1 N sin(2π ku) du − = 2 −N u 4 −N u    N 2πxu sin 2π ku − m 1 du. − u 4 −N

IN,m =


2πxu m

 du (5.41)

We first examine the first integral on the far right side of (5.41). Letting z = 2πku, we find that 1 2



1 sin(2π ku) du = u 2



π sin z dz = + O z 2

1 N



Similarly, the second integral on the right side of (5.41) equals 1 − 4



 sin 2π ku + u

2πxu m

1 du = − 4

 2πx N m   2πx N − 2πk+ m 


sin z dz z

1   2πk + 2πx N m 1 π , =− +O 4 N π =− +O 4


uniformly for m in the given range, 1 ≤ m ≤ LN . In examining the third integral on the far right side of (5.41), we need to take into consideration the possibility that the quantity 2πk − 2π x/m is small, or possibly even 0. This last possibility can happen only if k = x/m, which can only happen if x/k is an integer. If such is the case, then there is a unique m, which will be in the given range 1 ≤ m ≤ LN if LN is sufficiently large. In this situation, we obviously have 1 − 4



 sin 2π ku − u

2πxu m

 du = 0.


Next, for m large enough in terms of k and x, the quantity 2πk−2πx/m stays away from the origin, and so we may proceed as above. To be precise, for m ≥ 2x/k,

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


we have 2πk − 2π x/m ≥ π k, and hence       2πk− 2πx N m 1 sin z 1 N sin 2π ku − 2πxu m du = − dz −   4 −N u 4 − 2πk− 2πx N z m

 1 π  =− +O  4 2πk − 2πx N m 1 π =− +O 4 πkN 1 π . (5.45) =− +O 4 N Now let 1 ≤ m ≤ 2x/k and suppose that m is not equal to x/k in the case that x/k is an integer. Then in this finite range, the quantity |2πk − 2πx/m| has a minimum which is strictly positive and depends on x and k only. Denote this minimum by δ(x, k) and distinguish two cases. First, if x/k < m < 2x/k, then 2π k − 2π x/m ≥ δ(x, k), and, as in (5.45), we find that    π 1 1 N sin 2π ku − 2πxu m du = − + O − 4 −N u 4 δ(x, k)N 1 π . (5.46) =− +O 4 N Secondly, if 1 ≤ m < x/k, then 2π k − 2π x/m ≤ −δ(x, k), and       2πk− 2πx N m 1 sin z 1 N sin 2π ku − 2πxu m du = − dz −   2πx 4 −N u 4 − 2πk− z N =

1 4

m " " 2πx " " "2πk− m "N

" " 2πx " " −"2πk− m "N

sin z dz z

1 π = +O 4 δ(x, k)N 1 π . = +O 4 N Combining (5.41) and (5.42)–(5.47), we conclude that  π 1   + O , if m <    2 N  π 1 +O , if m = IN,m =  4 N    1   , if m > O N

x , k x , k x . k




B.C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu

Adding the relations (5.48) for 1 ≤ m ≤ LN , we finally deduce that  LN x x π   +O , if is not an integer,   k (5.49) IN,m = kx 2 1 π N L x N   1≤m≤LN − +O , if is an integer.  k 2 2 N k √ Recall that LN was chosen to be slightly larger than N , so that the error terms on the right-hand side of (5.49) tend to 0 as N tends to ∞. We therefore conclude that  x π x  if is not an integer,   k 2,  k IN,m = lim (5.50) 1 π x x N→∞   1≤m≤LN − , if is an integer.  k 2 2 k Taking into account the definition of F (x) in (1.2), we see that (5.50) establishes the desired equality (5.40), and hence it also establishes Theorem 3.1, for all x and θ in the given ranges x > 0 and 0 < θ < 1. The authors are grateful to O-Yeat Chan for numerical calculations of both interpretations of Ramanujan’s Bessel series identity. References 1. Berndt, B.C.: Identities involving the coefficients of a class of Dirichlet series. I, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 137, 345–359 (1969) 2. Berndt, B.C.: Identities involving the coefficients of a class of Dirichlet series. VII, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 201, 247–261 (1975) 3. Berndt, B.C.: Periodic Bernoulli numbers, summation formulas and applications. In: Askey, R.A. (ed.) Theory and Application of Special Functions. Academic Press, New York, 1975 4. Berndt, B.C.: Classical theorems on quadratic residues. L’Enseign. Math. 22, 261–304 (1976) 5. Berndt, B.C., Evans, R.J., Williams, K.S.: Gauss and Jacobi Sums. John Wiley, New York, 1998 6. Chandrasekharan, K., Narasimhan, R.: Hecke’s functional equation and arithmetical identities. Ann. of Math. 74, 1–23 (1961) 7. Chandrasekharan, K., Narasimhan, R.: Functional equations with multiple gamma factors and the average order of arithmetical functions. Ann. of Math. 76, 93–136 (1962) 8. Gradshteyn, I.S., Ryzhik, I.M. (eds.): Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, 5th ed., Academic Press, San Diego, 1994 9. Hardy, G.H.: On the expression of a number as the sum of two squares. Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 46, 263–283 (1915) 10. Hardy, G.H.: Collected Papers, Vol. II, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1967 11. Huxley, N.M.: Exponential sums and lattice points. III, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 87, 591–609 (2003) 12. Jacobi, C.G.J.: Fundamenta Nova Theoriae Functionum Ellipticarum. Sumptibus, Fratrum Bornträger, Regiomonti, 1829

Weighted Divisor Sums and Bessel Function Series


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