Weekly News Sep 28-oct 2

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Second Grade Weekly News


Miss Miller Sep 28-Oct 2

B) Bagel & Cream Cheese w/ Fruit Salad

Contact Info:

[email protected] 408-578-4800 ext 214 408-510-1831 (cell) (Please call before 8pm.)

Wednesda y

Memory Treasures Tuesday Sep 29

Matthew 22:37 – Love the Lord your God will all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Thursday Hebrews 11:1 – Now Oct 1 faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Friday Hymn 573 – Hark! Oct 2 The voice of Jesus crying, “Who will go and work today? Fields are ripe and harvests waiting; Who will bear the sheaves away?” Loud and long the Master calleth; Rich reward he offers thee. Who will answer, gladly saying, “Here am I – send me send me.”

Hot Lunch Monday

A) A) Chicken Patty w/ Chips B) B) Garden Burger w/

Chips A) Grilled Turkey & Cheese Bagel w/ Fruit Salad



A) Mild Chicken Curry w/ Rice B) Mild Mushroom & Potato Curry w/ Rice A)Chicken Nuggets w/ Mac & Cheese B) Veggie Egg Rolls w/ Mac & Cheese A)Pepperoni Pizza B) Cheese Pizza

What’s going on this week? I.

Spelling - passes, passing, teaches, teaching, wishes, wishing, mother, myself, danger, paint


Christ Light – 6A God Tests Abraham’s Faith, 6B Abraham’s Servant Finds a Wife for Isaac


Reading – The Ugly Duckling & Duck


Math – Diving a shape in ½, ID if a fraction is closer to 0, ½, or 1; diving a square in ½ two different ways,

addition facts: doubles +1, ID geometric shape pieces that differ in 1 way, Test Thursday, Telling & Showing Time to the ½ hour. V.

Phonics – Long ‘a’ sound: ai,ay; review of Long ‘e’ sound: e,y; ‘ed’ ending review


Grammar – compare & contrast; nouns;


Social Studies – Where do we live? Discovering maps & our surroundings.


Science – Animals Grow & Change. Discovering Life Cycles; Quiz Thursday


Music – Counting beats (quarter notes, half notes, eighth notes)


Art –Tintoretto’s Last Supper; a study of Chiaroscuro (contrast of light and dark)


Current Events – Friday


September Birthdays - Jonny, Kyle, Courtney S. Happy Birthday!


Field Trip – Oct. 19 Natural Bridges State Park for observation of Monarch Butterflies


Children’s Choir is singing in church October 4.

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