Week 6 Study Guide Tutorial

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Week 6 – Tutorial (Language Lab.) A. Expected Learning Outcomes of the Lesson By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:  Identify different types of sources they may use to support their positions in the research essay  Locate library materials using the library catalogue  Research topics using the Internet  Evaluate Internet sources

B. Suggested Learning Activities for Tutorial 6  Online reading: CPCE Libraries Catalogue Search Guides: “Search Guide” at http://lib.cpce-polyu.edu.hk/screens/searchguide.html – focus on the section on “Searching”. Practice online how to do searching by “Author”, “Title”, “Subject” and “Keyword”.  Online reading practice: Read the webpage about “How to Search the Internet” (whole document) at http://www.lib.polyu.edu.hk/internet/guide.htm#General and answer the following questions: 1. What search tools can you use to locate your source materials? 2. If you’d like to perform advanced search of non-Chinese materials, which type of search engines is the best? 3. How can you evaluate the results of your search?

C. Supplementary Learning Activities  Textbook Exercises (Using the Library): o Unit 2, Ch 3, Activity 2, pp.93-94 o Unit 2, Ch 3, Activity 7, pp.102-103  Textbook Exercises on Evaluating Internet Sources o Activity 6, pp.101-102  Textbook Exercises on Using Research Skills o Mastery Test, pp.104-105  Reading: CPCE Libraries Catalogue Search Guides at http://lib.cpce-polyu.edu.hk/ : o EBSCO: ASP, BSP & Others at http://lib.cpcepolyu.edu.hk/screens/EBSCO_user_guide_revwp.pdf o ProQuest 5000at http://lib.cpce-polyu.edu.hk/screens/ProQuest_rev2wp.pdf o WiseNews at http://lib.cpce-polyu.edu.hk/screens/WiseNews_user_guide_wp.pdf C C204 0 E ng lis h for Acad e mi c S t udie s ( He al th Ca re) – S tudy Guid e

D. Useful Resources  Library Virtual Orientation  Online Tutorial: View lesson 1 and 2 of “Searching the Library Catalogue Effectively” at http://www.lib.polyu.edu.hk/collser/libguides/catalogue/index.htm  Online Information Literacy Programme: Complete the online information literacy programme at http://www.lib.polyu.edu.hk/collser/libguides/literacy/introduce.htm  Online Revision Practices at Companion Website (RSS) at http://highered.mcgrawhill.com/sites/0072982772/student_view0/  Online Supplementary Information about Research Skills Exercises at Companion Website (CWSR) o i. CWSR, Guide to Electronic Research o ii. CWSR, Using the Internet  Online Revision Exercises at Companion Website (CWSR) o iii. CWSR, Ch 21, Interactive Exercises: Web Hunt o iv. CWSR, Ch 21, Interactive Exercises: Evaluating Sources

C C204 0 E ng lis h for Acad e mi c S t udie s ( He al th Ca re) – S tudy Guid e

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