Week 3 Table 1

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 2


Squat test

Ankles, knees and hips for pathological conditions

Lumbar Kemps test

This is loading the IVF and impacts the facets by creating extension and rotation of the lumbar spine

Djerine’s triad (Valsalva, cough, sneeze) Flip or Bechterew’s

To reproduce the symptoms felt with sneezing. Looking for pressure from a possible IVD herniation Testing for impingement on the sciatic nerve

test Straight leg raising

Stretches the nerve root of the sciatic up to a 70* angle, past that it is probably

test (SLR)

joint pain from the lumbo sacral area a sacro iliac joints

Well straight leg

This is testing for a space occupying lesion, complaint would be on the opposite leg

raising test (WSLR)

to the one that is being raised.

Braggard’s test

Putting the foot into dorsi flexion to determine if there is stretching of the dura mater of the spinal cord

Bowstring’s test

Stiff leg test is performed, if there is pain leg gets bent and pressure applied to the popliteal area to test for radicular pain. Testing for pressure on sciatic nerve

Bonnet’s test

Stretching the piriformis to test for sciatic nerve irritation

Kernigs test

Testing much the same as the straight leg test except the patient is actively doing the movement. Looking for irritation that could possibly indicate meningeal irritation, nerve root involvement or dural irritation.

Sign of the buttock

Passively raising the leg straight as far as it will go then flexing at the knee to see if there is any more movement to come from the hip joint. This is testing for bursitis, tumour or abscess in the ilio-femoral joint.

Slump test

This is testing for increased tension in the neuromeningeal tract

Milgrams test

Laying supine and raising both straight legs off the table to a hold to test for space occupying lesion

Sacral thrust

Subject test to feel for springing of the sacrum

(Springing the sacrum) SIJ distraction

This test stresses the anterior sacroiliac ligaments

SIJ compression

This test stresses the posterior sacroiliac ligaments

Thigh thrust

This test is used to distinguish between pelvic girdle and lower back pain


Testing the Psoas muscle

Nachlas test (prone

Bending the knee to the buttock to test for shooting pain up the thigh indication a

knee bending

lesion to the L2 L3 nerve root

Ely’s test

Testing for femoral nerve tension L2 – L4

Yeoman’s test

Testing for pain in the lumbar and sacroiliac joints

Lumbar springing test

Testing for pain while doing spring test on the lumbar vertebral segments

Stoop test

By having the patients stand in a forward flexing position pain from neurogenic intermittent claudication will be relieved

Hoover test

Testing consistency in muscle strength between both legs

Trendelenberg’s test

This is testing the ability of the abductors to stabilise the pelvis on the femur as the knee bends into flexion. A positive result is when the hip drops to the side of the bent knee

Patrick Fabere test

By putting the leg into a flexed abducted and externally rotated position you are testing for iliopsoas spasms or a lesion of the sacro-iliac joint

Rotational deformities

Checking the patella for alignment to indicate tilting of the pelvis

Thomas test

By having the patient laying supine and bringing one leg up to the chest you can check to see if there is contracture at the hip. The leg not raised should rise off the bench.

Test for true leg

Using a tape measure to measure from the ASIS to the lateral malleolus

length Ober’s test

Testing the tensor facia latae for contracture

Pelvic Rock test

Pressing on the ASIS and Iliac tubercles to test for movement

Homer pheasant test

Trying to decrease the size of the IVF by putting the spine into extension

Schober test

To measure the amount of flexion in the lumbar spine

Bicycle test of Van

Patient sitting on an exercise bike, arching back to increase lordosis then leaning


forward in flexion to see if neurogenic claudication is relieved

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