Week 18

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,168
  • Pages: 6
Week 18, Day 1: Monday, 4 May 2009 1 Samuel 1, 2 How long did Hannah pray to the Lord for a child? (1:7) Have you been praying for something for a long time? What was one of the consequences of Elkanah’s choice to marry two women? (1:7) What type of vow is Hannah making for her son to be in verse 1:11? ( See Numbers 6) Do we often have a tendency to assume the worse in others? (1:14) What is the attitude of those who do not honor God? (2:3) How do you prevail (2:9) How successful was Eli as a father? (2:12) Why did the Lord take the sins of Eli’s sons so seriously? (2:17; see also Leviticus 4:35 and 7:23) Did Eli know this was going on? If not, why not? Do small sins open the door to bigger sins? (2:22) When Eli found out about his son’s terrible sins, what did he do? (2:22-25) Why did Eli’s sons refuse to listen to him? (2:25) Can a person come to a place of no return in their character? Compare 2:26 with Proverbs 3:4, Luke 2:52, and Acts 24:16. Can this be said of you and/or your children? What was Eli guilty of with his sons? (2:29) Who will God honor? (2:30) Will God accomplish His purposes regardless of man’s sin? (2:35) What sort of servant does God desire? (2:35) Proverbs 4 Where are we to keep God’s Word? (4:4; see Proverbs 2:2, 2:10, 3:1, 3:3, 4:21, 6:21,

7:3, 22:18, and 23:12; also Psalm 37:31, and 40:8) Will you have to live your life completely differently than most of the world? (4:14, 15) How will your life be different than those around you? (4:18, 19) How do you practically guard your heart every day? (4:24-27) Romans 14 How are we to treat those who are less spiritually mature or those whom we feel are sinning in disputable areas? (14) Week 18, Day 2: Tuesday, 5 May 2009 1 Samuel 3, 4 What was the result of sin in Israel? (3:1) How did Eli do as a father? (3:13, 14) What were the consequences? Do you let God’s Words fall on the ground? (3:19) Does strength come from the symbols of God and religious activity for from a genuine relationship with the Lord why doing His will? (4) Proverbs 5 What will many say at the end of a painful life? (5:12-14) Are sins ever committed in secret? (5:21) What destroys most people? (5:22-23) Romans 15 How are we to deal with the failings of others? (15:1-3) Why does God provide you with accounts of the past? (15:4) Compare 15:5, 6 with Proverbs 6:12-14 and 6:17-19. How are we to accept others? (15:7)

As we trust in the Lord, He will fill our heart with what? (15:13, 14) What was Paul’s ambition? (15:20). What is yours? How can we join in the work of other servants of God? (15:30) Week 18, Day 3: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 1 Samuel 5, 6 Does God use the consequence of sin to reveal Himself? (5) Did the world know what God did in Egypt with the Jews? Did they understand that Pharaoh hardened his heart before the Lord? (6:6) Proverbs 6 What should you do if you realize that you have made a commitment you should not have? (6:1-5) What is the lesson we are to learn from the ant? (6:6-11) How does 6:12-15 relate to the story of Eli’s sons in 1Samuel? What is the relationship between the mouth, eyes, feet, hands, and heart when discussing sin? (6:12-14, 17-19). How important is the Word of God in your life? (6:21-24) Can you play around with sin? (6:27) How serious is adultery? (6:27-35) Romans 16 How do you deal with those who put up obstacles and cause divisions? (16:17) What do we know about the heart of those who cause disputes? (16:18) Are you known for your obedience to God’s Laws, and are you wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil? (16:19) In what two ways does God want man to respond to His Gospel? (16:26)

Week 18, Day 4: Thursday, 7 May 2009 1 Samuel 7, 8 What does God expect from you when you return to him? (7:3) How did Samuel’s children turn out? (8:3) What lesson should we learn here? What did Samuel know about the down-side of government? (8:11-18) Compare with Romans 13. Proverbs 7 How many times does Proverbs warn against adultery? (7:6-27, 2:16, 5:1-3, 5:20, 6:20-32, 22:14, 23:27, 29:3, and 30:20) 1 Corinthians 1 Christians are called to be _________ (1:2) What was Paul’s appeal to the Corinthians (1:10) Who do unbelievers feel about the cross? (1:18) Can human wisdom reveal the mysteries of God? (1:21-25) Week 18, Day 5: Friday, 8 May 2009 1 Samuel 9, 10 How does God use seemingly normal circumstances to accomplish His plans? (9) Would it be easy for people to miss His work? What impact does the Spirit have on God’s people? (10:6, 9) Proverbs 8 What does wisdom detest? (8:7) What is the difference between knowledge and discretion? (8:12) What does wisdom hate? (8:13)

Who finds wisdom? (8:17) 1 Corinthians 2 Do you need to be smart and talented to proclaim the Gospel? (2:1-5) How is the truth of God revealed? (2:10) Can you understand God without the Spirit? (2:14) Week 18, Day 6: Saturday, 9 May 2009 1 Samuel 11, 12 Does God use challenges to build your faith? (1:11) How did Saul show wisdom in dealing with his enemies? (11:13) How did Samuel live his life? (12:3) Does God demand obedience from His people? (12:15) Compare with Romans 16:26. Is it a sin not to pray for those you know need it? (12:23) What warning does Samuel give God’s people? (12:24) Proverbs 9 Does Wisdom plan ahead in a disciplined, organized manner? How about Folly? (9) Psalm 52 Compare Psalms 52 with Proverbs 10 and note the many parallels Week 18, Day 7: Sunday, 10 May 2009 1 Samuel 13, 14 Should we be led by emotions or by faith? (13:12) What sort of leader is God looking for? (13:14) How strong was Jonathan’s faith? (14:6) How about his armor bearers? (14:7)

Can the courage of a couple of faithful servants inspire many? (14:16-23) What was Saul’s motivation for fighting; was it for God or for his own glory? (14:24) What becomes of a king’s credibility when his people have to intervene to prevent him from killing his heroic son? (14:46) Proverbs 10 What makes a person poor? (10:4) What does love do? (10:12) What is the way to life? (10:17) What do the wise know how to do? (10:19) What is different about the wealth the Lord brings? (10:22) Who survives calamity? (10:25, 30) What do you need to know about the mouth? (10) Psalms 53, 54 What type of person does not believe in God? (53:1) Who does good? (53:3) How do ruthless men view God? (54:3)

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