Week 1 Review

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 561
  • Pages: 2
Week 1: JC Garcia

1. To check for wound hemorrhage after a client has had a surgery for the removal of a tumor in the neck, nurse grace should: •

A. Loosen an edge of the dressing and lift it to see the wound

B. Observe the dressing at the back of the neck for the presence of blood

C. Outline the blood as it appears on the dressing to observe any progression

D. Press gently around the incision to express accumulated blood from the wound

2. As part of the diagnostic workup for pulmonic stenosis, a child has cardiac catheterization. Nurse Julius is aware that children with pulmonic stenosis have increased pressure: •

A. In the pulmonary vein

B. In the pulmonary artery

C. On the left side of

D. On the right side of

the heart the heart

3. A patient has partial-thickness burns to both legs and portions of his trunk. Which of the following I.V. fluids is given first? •

A. Albumin

B. D5W

C. Lactated Ringer’s solution

D. 0.9% sodium chloride solution with 2 mEq of potassium per 100 ml

4. During the first 48 hours after a severe burn of 40% of the clients body surface, the nurse’s assessment should include observations for water intoxication. Associated adaptations include: •

A. Sooty-colored sputum

B. Frothy pink-tinged sputum

C. Twitching and disorientation

D. Urine output below 30ml per hour

5. Before a client whose left hand has been amputated can be fitted for a prosthesis, nurse Joy is aware that: •

A. Arm and shoulder muscles must be developed

B. Shrinkage of the residual limb must be completed

C. Dexterity in the other extremity must be achieved

D. Full adjustment to the altered body image must have occurred

6. After a lateral crushing chest injury, client experiences DOB , obvious right-sided paradoxic motion of the client’s chest demonstrates multiple rib fractures, resulting in a flail chest. The complication the nurse should carefully observe for would be: •

A. Mediastinal shift

B. Tracheal laceration

C. Open pneumothorax

D. Pericardial tamponade

7. To assess orientation to place in a client suspected of having dementia of the alzheimers type,

nurse Chris should ask: •

A. “Where are you?”

B. “Who brought you here?”

C. “Do you know where you are?”

D. “How long have you been there?”

8. While a client is on intravenous magnesium sulfate therapy for preeclampsia, it is essential for

nurse Amy to monitor the client’s deep tendon reflexes to: •

Asses level of consciousness

Evaluate the mobility of the extremities and response to medication

Determine her response to painful stimuli

Prevent development of respiratory distress

9. Realizing that the hypokalemia is a side effect of steroid therapy, nurse Monette should

monitor a client taking steroid medication for: •

Hyperactive reflexes

An increased pulse rate

Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

Leg weakness with muscle cramps

10. When planning care with a client during the postoperative recovery period following an

abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, nurse Frida should include the explanation that: •

Surgical menopause will occur

Urinary retention is a common problem

Weight gain is expected, and dietary plan are needed

Depression is normal and should be expected

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