Wednesday Night 17-diciembre-08

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 105
Wednesday Night 17-12-08 Henry Rojas: que tal amigos de la LWC, yo soy Henry Rojas, y aquí a mi lado esta Marco Perez!! Marco Perez: gracias por tus saludso Henry y hoy tenemos a nada mas y nada menos que los los octavosa de final del torneo que definira al retador numero 2, ya que el numero 1 es Chirsto.. Juan Olarte Juan Olarte

Mascara Chilena Mascara Chilena BloodRedSandman

Killer Montxo

Santo Angel Santo Angel Gameto



Tom Bonecrusher El Vaquilla Killer Montxo El Cantante



Spanish Dream

El Pirinola

Darkneo Prision666



El Bulla

Compadre Moncho He-Man Show

Ferroki Maestro Xtremo Maestro Xtremo

Lord Evil


He-Man Show Serginho

El Mexicano

Lord Evil


Dave Snake Dave Snake

Takeshi Morishima Fn Socko Fn Socko


Juan Valdez Juan Valdez Matt Parkman

Santiago Sangriento Dipe El Pistolero S-PAIN

Henry Rojas: y como vemos.. esos son los luchadores que quedan.. y para el sabado seran los cuartos de final!! Marco Perez: y sabes que mas se acerca.. pues REVOLUCION LATINA!! El evento mas grande de la LWC!! Bueno y sin nada mas que decir comensemos con la pelea entre Juan Olarte y Kiler Montxo!!, quien acepto entrar en la pelea por los titulos hardcore e hispano.. y Juan Olarte que luchara nuevamente hoy pero esta vez inaugurando su tag team con Santo Angel!!

Primera Pelea Juan Olarte vs Killer Montxo Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Juan Olarte"!

it seems like a thunder has just stroke! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Juan Olarte makes his way to the ring no se sabe por donde saldrá, vistiendo su habitual pantalon pata de elefante, y la sudadera blanca... mounting a custom chopper preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Killer Montxo"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Killer Montxo makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Juan Olarte prevails Juan Olarte prepares his arm to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! Juan Olarte rushes drooping sideways to the rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Juan Olarte grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a light Crucifix Armbar!! Juan Olarte keeps his agonizing submission hold Juan Olarte keeps his excruciating submission hold Juan Olarte releases his grasp

Killer Montxo interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Killer Montxo stares at the opponent Juan Olarte avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative Juan Olarte prepares his arm to strike the adversary performing a light Punch!! Juan Olarte turns against the adversary and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!! Juan Olarte lif his down headed opponent on his back and slams him down violently with a strong Vertabreaker!! Juan Olarte grabs Killer Montxo's hair Juan Olarte grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Juan Olarte makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, stretching his arm hitting his back with a light Clothesline to Back!! Juan Olarte pulls Killer Montxo still groggy, by his hair Juan Olarte grabs both of his opponent's arms, hooks them, and places his hands palm down flat against Killer Montxo's upper back then he lifts him up, he flips Killer Montxo and sits down, slamming his back on the mat connecting with a light Tiger Bomb!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Killer Montxo gets up and resolutely fights back Killer Montxo prepares his arm Juan Olarte moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative Juan Olarte droops Killer Montxo moves and dodges a Forearm On Leg, starting to counter-attack

Killer Montxo stands in front of Juan Olarte and hits his opponent with a light Karate Kick!! Killer Montxo blocks his opponent's head Juan Olarte punches his way out of the grasp, and retakes the initiative Juan Olarte grabs his opponent by the waist and throws him to the mat with a strong German Suplex!! Juan Olarte grabs Killer Montxo's hair Juan Olarte grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Juan Olarte charges his opponent Killer Montxo moves out of the way avoiding the Shoulder Block, taking the initiative Killer Montxo grasps his opponent by the neck and moving forward he make his rival fall to the ground performing a light Full Nelson Bulldog!!! Killer Montxo grabs Juan Olarte's hair Killer Montxo and lunges himself on the ropes Killer Montxo grabs the running adversary and with his own legs pushes him on the ground performing a light Monkey Flip!! Killer Montxo pulls Juan Olarte still groggy, by his hair Killer Montxo encircles his opponent's head with his right arm and locks the chokehold by grabbing his own left arm's biceps performing a light Sleeper Hold!! Juan Olarte escapes from the hold Juan Olarte quickly gets up and counterattacks! Juan Olarte approaches his rival loading his arm and executes a strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! Juan Olarte turns against the adversary and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!!

Juan Olarte lif his down headed opponent on his back and quickly hurls him down to perform a devastating Monchobreaker!! Juan Olarte is about to perform his taunt Killer Montxo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Juan Olarte is faster and is not caught off guard! Juan Olarte gets next to Killer Montxo bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Killer Montxo's jaw performing an strong European Uppercut!! Killer Montxo interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Killer Montxo puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead Juan Olarte shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative Juan Olarte approaches his rival loading his arm and executes a strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! Juan Olarte droops and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with strong Forearm On Leg!! Juan Olarte grabs Killer Montxo's hair Juan Olarte blocks Killer Montxo placing his head under the arm, quickly turns his body making Killer Montxo's face slam on the ground with a strong Twist of Fate!! Juan Olarte kneels on Killer Montxo's back, grasping his legs and his head rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!! Juan Olarte keeps his weak submission hold Killer Montxo escapes from the hold Killer Montxo quickly gets up and counterattacks! Killer Montxo prepares his arm hitting him with a light Punch!!

Killer Montxo garbs his running opponent by the arm Juan Olarte strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Earthquake Punch and counterattacks Juan Olarte grabs Killer Montxo's hair Juan Olarte grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Juan Olarte bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent then he hits him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!! Juan Olarte is about to perform his taunt Killer Montxo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Juan Olarte is faster and is not caught off guard! Juan Olarte gets next to Killer Montxo bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Killer Montxo's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! Juan Olarte prepares to hit Killer Montxo hurling his leg and hits him on the face with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Juan Olarte toma a Killer Montxo y le grita SAY MY NAME executing strong Chilean Nightmare!! Juan Olarte keeps his excruciating submission hold Juan Olarte keeps his weak submission hold Juan Olarte releases his grasp Killer Montxo pulls himself together and fights back [Special Submission activated for Juan Olarte] Killer Montxo gets ready to hit Juan Olarte with his right hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! Killer Montxo grabs his running opponent by the arm Juan Olarte strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Uraken and counterattacks

Juan Olarte prepares to hit Killer Montxo hurling his leg and hits Killer Montxo with a light Roundhouse Kick!! Juan Olarte puts his rival's head under his arm hooking him by his leg Killer Montxo dodges the a Fisherman Suplex hitting the opponent with his elbow, taking the initiative Killer Montxo flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest and sweeps Juan Olarte's leg with his own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first, executing a light STO!! Killer Montxo pulls Juan Olarte still groggy, by his hair Killer Montxo se coloca detras de nome que esta cegato despues de un piquete de ojos que se ha llevado cogiendolo y estampandolo fuera del ring y a continuacion le mete un ZAS EN TODA LA BOCA y le coloca a su oponente una txapela en la cara para no mostrar al mundo el horrible rostro que se le ha executing MORTAL Euskera Fate Slam!! Killer Montxo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Juan Olarte gets his shoulder up somehow Killer Montxo gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt Killer Montxo Laughs Off His Opponent And Finally He He Steals His Opponent Taun And Uses It Against Him executing An Humillation Killer Montxo climbs the turnbuckle and makes a jump towards Juan Olarte hitting him with his arm performing a light Flying Clothesline!! Killer Montxo gets on the top turnbuckle and jumps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a strong Diving Headbutt!! Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

Killer Montxo Laughs Off His Opponent And Finally He He Steals His Opponent Taun And Uses It Against Him executing An Humillation Killer Montxo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Juan Olarte gets his shoulder up somehow Killer Montxo gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Juan Olarte interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Killer Montxo prevails Killer Montxo prepares the back of his hand hitting Juan Olarte with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Killer Montxo garbs his running opponent by the arm Juan Olarte strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Earthquake Punch and counterattacks Juan Olarte prepares the leg and hits Killer Montxo with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Juan Olarte places himself behind his opponent blocks his arms and joining his fingers behind his rival's head, executes a devastating Mko!! Juan Olarte keeps his ruthless submission hold KILLER MONTXO IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Killer Montxo escapes from the hold Killer Montxo quickly gets up and counterattacks! Killer Montxo gets ready to hit Juan Olarte with his right hand and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a light Slap!!

Killer Montxo grabs his running opponent by the arm Juan Olarte strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Earthquake Punch and counterattacks Juan Olarte turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and hits hime with a light Mule Kick on the groin!! Juan Olarte lif his down headed opponent on his back and quickly hurls him down to perform a devastating Monchobreaker!! Juan Olarte jumps on the turnbuckle while the opponent is knocked out on the ground Killer Montxo moves at the last moment dodging a a Frog Splash taking the initiative back Killer Montxo gets on the top turnbuckle and jumps onto Juan Olarte hitting him sideways with his body and forcing him to the mat with a powerful Diving Crossbody !! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... KILLER MONTXO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS JUAN OLARTE !!!! Henry Rojas: gano killer Montxo!!.. ahora como ira Juan Olarte para su pelea de mas tarde.. Marco Perez: no parece que este feliz.. (Mascara Chilena y Darkneo aparecen bajando hacia el titan tron con microfono en mano y vestidos como estrellas de Hollywood) Henry Rojas: A este par le bajaron aires de grandeza Marco Perez: Si son proximos super estrellas de la pelicula Mascara Chilenavs Los Talibanes Asesinos Mutantes", veamos que tienen que decir Mascara Chilena: Les tengo a todos uds muchas noticias, primero que todo debo anunciarles que los titulos en pareja si se defenderan en Revolución Latina!!! Publico: YEAH!!!!!, mascara, mascara!!! Mascara Chilena: Pero le dejare el trabajo de decidir eso al GM Vincent, las parejas que podrian

enfrentarnos son tan malas, que me da pereza decidir por quienes. Elemental Salty Biscuits??? por favor!!!, solo saben pelear entre ellos y ya los derrotamos. Fuerza Maña KO???? manga de inutiles. Prision666 y su pareja misteriosa?, quien querria ser pareja con ese perdedor???. Los Jobbers??? al menos derrotaron a un par de grandes campeones como lo son Christo y Kubit. Juan Olarte y Santo Angel?? Un nadie y un mesero???. Todos ellos no son dignos de pelear contra nosotros Publico: No son dignos!, no son dignos!!! Mascara Chilena: Otra cosa, asi como van las cosas en la siguiente ronda del torneo nos enfrentaremos Darkneo y yo, y dejenme decirles que esa sera la mejor pelea nunca antes vista en LWC, ya que somos Los elegidos Publico: Elegidos, elegidos Darkneo: Mi victoria sobre Cruscifer es inminente y es obvio que Mascara derrotara al mesero Santo Angel. O es que acaso nos quiere timar???? Publico: jajajajjajaja Mascara Chilena: Otra cosa, he oido rumores que la directiva de LWC quiere hacer una lucha de escalera por un contrato en mi pelicula. Dejenme decirles que "Esa pelea se llevara acabo en Revolucion Latina"!!!!!!!! Henry Rojas: Ohhhh increible, que gran anuncio Marco Perez: Esta pelicula traera mucho dinero a LWC Films Darkneo: Quien gane en la lucha de escaleras por el contrato sera el villano de la pelicula!!!!, ya que obvio que los chicos buenos y heroes seremos Mascara y yo Henry Rojas: Bueno tiene sentido ese anuncio Marco Perez: Un exito en taquillas de seguro!!! Mascara Chilena: Vamos Darkneo, Guerrero Fakir y Monje, a ganar!!!!!! Darkneo: A ganar!!!!

Suena My Curse de Killswitch Engage Fn Socko: PLEASE WELCOME YOUR HARDCORE CHAMPION....FN....... Socko-Holics: SOCKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fn Socko: So tonight.....I have a match against Juan Valdez.....Let me tell you something........WHO IS JUAN VALDEZ??? Socko-holics:WHO????

Fn Socko: como dije anteriormente...este torneo va a ser facil.....ya tengo asegurado un lugar en la 3 way Hell in a Cell for the LWC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP........primero cayo Takeshi Morishima.....ahora le toca a Juan Olarte.... Henry Rojas: Y dale.......recordo el nombre de su oponente de la semana pasada.....pero sigue sin saber como se llama su oponente de hoy..acaso Fn Socko no estudia a su oponente antes de luchar..... Marco Perez: Estudiar a su oponente????.....THE ONE AND ONLY Fn Socko no necesita estudiar a su oponente....el es kien va a ganar el torneo...el es el mejor campeon hardcore en la historia de la LWC....... Fn Socko: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!..........No interesa si es Juan Valdes o Juan Olarte.........De todas maneras ya gane este torneo...... Marco Perez & Socko-Holics: PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!! PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!! PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!! Fn Socko: Y otra semana pasada me atacaste por la espalda despues de mi pelea.....xq haces eso????.......kieres k el GG se fije en ti y te ponga en la lucha por el titulo hardcore y el hispano??????....El_Mexicano se ve que tu, al igual ke Serginho Lord Evil y Killer Montxo no kieren sus interesa cuantos luchadores mas se añadan a esta pelea......yo saldre de Latino Revolution with the HARDCORE AND HISPANO CHAMPIONSHIPS......... Socko-Holics: CHAMPION MATERIAL!!!!!! CHAMPION MATERIAL!!!!!!! CHAMPION MATERIAL!!!!!!!! Fn Socko:Oh!...casi lo olvido......y como voy a ganar este torneo.....tmb saldre de la HELL IN A CELL con el LWC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BELT AROUND MY WAIST......y sere el primer wrestler en la historia de LWC con 3 titulos en su poder.....THE TRIPLE CHAMPION..............asi que para todos los que se suban conmigo en un ring.....como Juan Olarte...... Henry Perez:........Juan VAldes........ Fn Socko: OR........

It's The same piece of crap.......como decia.....para todos ustedes........TAP OUT

Socko-Holics & MArco Perez: PAIN TIMEEEEEEEEEE Suena What´s Up People - Maximum the Hormone. Sale Juan Valdes con ropa informal con un microfono en su mano. Valdes: Wooo Wooo Wooo. Espera que no escuche lo que dijiste. Que tienes asegurado facilmente esta pelea conmigo?. Amigo, no sabes lo que estas preparado con lo que sigues, te toco con la peor pesadilla que hayas visto. Fn Socko: La peor pesadilla?. Jajajaja, papito, apenas debustaste el sabado y me dices a mi, el Hardcore Champion, que te tengo miedo?. Pffff, le tengo miedo mas a mi abuelita cuando utilizas sus vestidos de baño cuando va a la playa.

Henry Rojas: No sabia que Fn Socko tenia abuelita. Marco Perez: Si no tuviera abuelita no lo veriamos como el Hardcore Champion imbecil. Valdes: Me imagino a su abuelita en vestido de baño... Vayamos al grano, aunque tengas razon porque es lo unico que tienes en ese minusculo cerebro que te queda. Aunque haya debutado y me toca enfrentarme ante el Hardcore Champion no significa que sera una lucha facil para el campeon. Fn Socko: No me importa lo que dices, yo lo hago porque me da la puta gana y tambien porque soy campeon, crio. Ademas, ser campeon Hardcore es tener agallas de acero y tambien tener resistencia en cualquier tipo..... Valdes: Shut the fuck up HijodePuta. Ud no sabe lo que es el verdadero Hardcore, yo te dare el verdadero Hardcore si aceptas mi desafio por el Campeonato Hardcore de LWC en este mismo torneo. Fn Socko: Solo eso lo decido yo y el GG Vincent, asi que si el no dice, lo siento, pero todavia no estas preparado. Muajajajaja. Marco Perez: Vaya sorpresa la que tenemos Henry, el debutante Juan Valdes esta desafiando al Campeon Hardcore Fn Socko por el titulo Hardcore en este mismo torneo. Henry Rojas: Y eso que el campeon no acepta el desafio sin la respuesta del GG. Acaso vendra el GG para decidir este conflicto?... -Aparece el GG VincentGG Vincent: bueno si estas de acuerdo Fn SOcko.. pues que comiense tu retencion por el titulo hardcore!! Marco perez: que!!! Como que va a pelear por el titulo??? Henry Rojas: ya lo escuchaste.. Marco Perez: a mi jefe se le ocurre cada cosa..

Segunda Pelea Fn Socko vs Juan Valdez Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Juan Valdes"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!

Juan Valdes makes his way to the ring technicians create a terrific choreography with coloured lights as he steps into the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Fn Sock-O"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena Fn Sock-O makes his way to the ring a light shines over him on the ring Juan Valdes gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Juan Valdes gets ready to hit Fn Sock-O and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Juan Valdes stands firmly on the mat Fn Sock-O bends dodging the Back Spinning Wheel Kick Fn Sock-O gets behind his opponent and grabs his wrist taking it on his opposite shoulder threads an arm under his opponent's neck and crushes him on the ground by throwing him back, executing a light Cobra Clutch Suplex!! Fn Sock-O pulls Juan Valdes still groggy, by his hair Fn Sock-O kicks the opponent's abdomen, but he parryes and throws the leg out away from himself Juan Valdes suddenly dodges the Dragon Whip, taking the initiative Juan Valdes jumps placing his own feet beneath Fn Sock-O's shoulders and makes Fn Sock-O roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Fn Sock-O kicks out Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's hair Juan Valdes grabs the opponent's head Fn Sock-O avoids the DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative

Fn Sock-O lifts up his opponet so Juan Valdes's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! Fn Sock-O keeps his excruciating submission hold Fn Sock-O keeps his excruciating submission hold Fn Sock-O releases his grasp Fn Sock-O grabs Juan Valdes's hair Fn Sock-O grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Fn Sock-O runs toward the opponent grasping his head Juan Valdes gets free from the opponent's Running DDT, taking the initiative Juan Valdes hooks his opponet's leg with his own legs and twists it by trapping it with his own to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Juan Valdes keeps his weak submission hold Fn Sock-O escapes from the hold Fn Sock-O quickly gets up and counterattacks! Fn Sock-O puts a hand on Juan Valdes's face and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Fn Sock-O turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! Fn Sock-O lifte his opponent on his back while headed down and quickly hurls him down to perform a light Vertabreaker!! Juan Valdes interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Juan Valdes prepares the back of his hand hitting Fn Sock-O with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Juan Valdes prepares to hit the rival Fn Sock-O moves and dodges a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back

Fn Sock-O Charges his arm and strikes his opponent with a light Elbow Smash!! Fn Sock-O hugs Juan Valdes to the chest and throws him backwards with a violent Modified Belly to Belly Suplex!! [Special Power Body activated for Fn Sock-O] Fn Sock-O grabs Juan Valdes's hair Fn Sock-O puts the opponent's head under his arm Juan Valdes easily gets free from a a Reverse Suplex, taking the initiative Juan Valdes grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he lifts Fn Sock-O up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a strong Tiger Suplex!! Juan Valdes pulls Fn Sock-O still groggy, by his hair Juan Valdes loads his opponent on his shoulders Fn Sock-O climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Modified Samoan Drop regaining the initiative Fn Sock-O approaches Juan Valdes from behind and puts his head under Juan Valdess arm and hooks his arm between Juan Valdess legs lifting him in the air twisting his body slamming him to the mat holding the power bomb executing a light Blue Thunder Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Juan Valdes gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Mortal Submission activated for Fn Sock-O] Juan Valdes hits Fn Sock-O with the back of his hand hitting Fn Sock-O across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Juan Valdes holds his opponent

Fn Sock-O hits his opponent with a knee strike to evade the a Uppercut gaining the initiative Fn Sock-O charges his arm and strikes his opponent with a light Elbow Smash!! Fn Sock-O brings Juan Valdes nearer, hugging him to the chest and throws him backwards with a devastating Modified Belly to Belly Suplex!! Fn Sock-O pulls Juan Valdes still groggy, by his hair Fn Sock-O grabs both of his opponent's arms, hooks them, and places his hands palm down flat against Juan Valdes's upper back then he lifts him up, flipping Juan Valdes and dropping him on his back while falling to a sitting position with a violent Tiger Bomb!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Juan Valdes gets up and resolutely fights back Juan Valdes prepares his arm to strike the adversary Fn Sock-O moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Fn Sock-O raises a hand putting it on Juan Valdes's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Fn Sock-O hurls the leg preparing the blow and connects with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Fn Sock-O hugs Juan Valdes to the chest and throws him backwards with a powerful Modified Belly to Belly Suplex!! Fn Sock-O opens his opponent's legs charging his leg Juan Valdes skips aside to avoid the a Kick to Groin and counterattacks Juan Valdes is about to perform his taunt Juan Valdes Slaps The Back Of His Opponents Head Making Their Eyes Roll Backwards And Showing Him The Respect He Deserves Executing executing The Dragon Colombian

Juan Valdes bounces off the top rope with Fn Sock-O lying face up on the mat then leaps at him and executes a 180 degrees horizontal rotation before crashing on Fn Sock-O connecting with a strong Modified Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! Juan Valdes is about to perform his taunt Juan Valdes Slaps The Back Of His Opponents Head Making Their Eyes Roll Backwards And Showing Him The Respect He Deserves Executing executing The Dragon Colombian Juan Valdes locks his rival's legs shaping a 4 and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Fn Sock-O gets his shoulder up somehow Juan Valdes gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's hair Juan Valdes tightens his rival's head under a shoulder and crashes him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a strong Head Lock Takedown!! Juan Valdes is about to perform his taunt Juan Valdes Slaps The Back Of His Opponents Head Making Their Eyes Roll Backwards And Showing Him The Respect He Deserves Executing executing The Dragon Colombian Fn Sock-O interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Fn Sock-O gets next to Juan Valdes bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Juan Valdes's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! Fn Sock-O turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and hits hime with a light Mule Kick on the groin!! Fn Sock-O grabs his opponent Juan Valdes quickly evades the a Inverted DDT and gains the initiative

Juan Valdes tucks Fn Sock-O's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a strong Snap Suplex!! [Special Attack activated for Juan Valdes] Juan Valdes bounces off the top rope with Fn Sock-O lying face up on the mat then leaps at him and executes a 180 degrees horizontal rotation before crashing on Fn Sock-O connecting with a strong Modified Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O blocking his shoulder Fn Sock-O breaks free from the a Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining the initative Fn Sock-O lifts his opponent's leg raises his elbow and performs a light Elbow drop to inner thigh!! Fn Sock-O takes his opponent's legs crossing them and turns his opponent holding an ankle under the armpit performing a light Texas Cloverleaf!! Fn Sock-O keeps his ruthless submission hold Fn Sock-O keeps his weak submission hold Fn Sock-O releases his grasp Fn Sock-O grabs Juan Valdes's hair Fn Sock-O lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder Juan Valdes avoids a a Canadian Back Breaker, counterattacking Juan Valdes approaches Fn Sock-O and grasps him by his chest, executing a light Tie Up Knee Strike!! Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's neck and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a strong Falling Neck Breaker!! Juan Valdes firmly grapples his opponent's leg and twists it a bit, before slamming it on the mat, performing a strong Spinning Leg Crush!!

Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's hair Juan Valdes grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Juan Valdes runs towards his opponent and he snaps his foot into Fn Sock-Os chin with a light Chin Breaker!! Fn Sock-O interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Fn Sock-O goes towards his rival Juan Valdes droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Juan Valdes gets ready to hit Fn Sock-O and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! Juan Valdes prepares to strike the rival loading the leg hitting him with a light Middle Kick!! Juan Valdes grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting with a light Snapmare!! Juan Valdes pulls Fn Sock-O still groggy, by his hair Juan Valdes jumps with his feet held togheter Fn Sock-O bends dodging the a Dropkick, taking the initiative [Special Pinning Resistance activated for Juan Valdes] Fn Sock-O grabs Juan Valdes's hair Fn Sock-O and lunges himself on the ropes Fn Sock-O waits for the running opponent Juan Valdes performs a somersault on the rival's back to avoid the a High Back Body Drop, and gains the initiative Juan Valdes grabs the running adversary grabbing him by the hands performing a light Monkey Flip!! Juan Valdes grabs his opponent's leg

Fn Sock-O easily avoids the a Koji Clutch gaining back initiative Fn Sock-O lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and closes a light Gory Special by crossing his arms with his own arms!! Fn Sock-O keeps his weak submission hold Juan Valdes escapes from the hold Fn Sock-O grabs Juan Valdes's hair Fn Sock-O and lunges himself on the ropes Fn Sock-O grabs the running adversary Juan Valdes avoids a a Monkey Flip and takes back the initiative Juan Valdes runs toward Fn Sock-O driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a strong Running Arm Drag!! Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's hair Juan Valdes grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Juan Valdes runs toward the opponent and jumps Fn Sock-O bends dodging the a Running Crossbody and starts a counterattack Fn Sock-O runs toward Juan Valdes grasping his head and drives him down to the ground performing a strong Running DDT!! Fn Sock-O pulls Juan Valdes still groggy, by his hair Fn Sock-O puts the opponent's head under his arm and takes him by his leg Juan Valdes dodges the a Fisherman Suplex hitting the opponent with his elbow, taking the initiative Juan Valdes pulls Fn Sock-O still groggy, by his hair Juan Valdes bounces against the ropes and runs toward Fn Sock-O's back grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a strong Bulldog!! Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's hair

Juan Valdes and lunges himself on the ropes Juan Valdes throws his opponent over his head straight up and drops him backwards on the mat with a strong Back Body Drop!! Juan Valdes pulls Fn Sock-O still groggy, by his hair Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's arm from the back and locks him in with his arm and a leg and twisting Fn Sock-O's body executes an light Abdominal Stretch!! Juan Valdes keeps his weak submission hold Juan Valdes keeps his weak submission hold Juan Valdes releases his grasp Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's hair Juan Valdes puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a light Snap Suplex!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Fn Sock-O has fallen out of the ring!!!! Juan Valdes leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Juan Valdes tucks Fn Sock-O's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head then raises Fn Sock-O and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Fn Sock-O down to the steel steps shoulder and neck first, executing a strong Suplex on Step Ladder!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Juan Valdes lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Juan Valdes removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"

Juan Valdes lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Juan Valdes lifts the adversary on a shoulder Fn Sock-O avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Fn Sock-O throws himself head forward, on Juan Valdes lying outside the ring with violent Flying headbutt Outside the Ring!!!!! Fn Sock-O is about to perform his taunt Fn Sock-O Mira Al Oponente Lo Se Ala Y Junto Con La Fanaticada Le Dice Recatate Gil executing The Recatate Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" Fn Sock-O falls from the apron ring on the opponent Juan Valdes avoids the a Knee Drop from Apron Ring and gains the initiative Juan Valdes lifts the adversary on a shoulder to crash the adversary on it with a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Juan Valdes lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" Juan Valdes goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Fn Sock-O goes up again in the ring Juan Valdes grabs Fn Sock-O's neck and makes him fall with a twist in a light Neckbreaker Cutter!!!! Juan Valdes Go to the Turnbuckle is prepared for launch executing devastating Colombian Star Press!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... INCREDIBLE!!! FN SOCK-O a breaks the count by pulling the referee shirt!! Juan Valdes is forced to get up Juan Valdes tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... INCREDIBLE!!! FN SOCK-O a breaks the count by pulling the referee shirt!! Fn Sock-O brings Juan Valdes nearer, hugging him to the chest and throws him backwards with a devastating Modified Belly to Belly Suplex!! Fn Sock-O pulls Juan Valdes still groggy, by his hair Fn Sock-O grabs both of his opponent's arms, hooks them, and places his hands palm down flat against Juan Valdes's upper back then he lifts him up, flipping Juan Valdes and dropping him on his back while falling to a sitting position with a violent Tiger Bomb!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... FN SOCK-O WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS JUAN VALDES!!!! Marco Perez: ya sabia yo que mi caballo no perderia una lucha contra un mocoso.. Henry Rojas: si pero tienes que tener en cuenta que dio mucha pelea.. y creo que ni Fn SOcko se lo esperaba..

awaken the giant!! Publico divididO!! fans: yeeaah!!! relleno: buuu!! Henry Rojas: y aqui tenemos a uno de los grandes de este torneo.. Marco Perez: pero la verdad no creo que vuelva a ganar.. ya se le paso el tren.. Henry Rojas: ohm.. no lo creo aun sigue vigente.. cuantos años puede tener?? Cruscifer:Darkneo dejame decirte que tu como campeon solo eres gracias a Mascara y quiero que vengas rapidamente porque quiero acabar esto rapido.. y asi lograr mis metas.a. que son el titulo de la LWC.. muchos pueden pelear por sus amigos.. muchos pelean por su honor, otros simplemente por cumplir y otros por sus riñas.. pero se olvidan de algo este torneo no incumbe nada de sus cosas.. es mas en este torneo no les deberia importar otra cosa mas que lograr el titulo mundial e la LWC.. y yo.. vengo por eso... Henry Rojas:waaoo.. tiene razon la mayoria no busca el titulo de la LWC sino entrar a esa pela y eso..

Tercera Pelea Cruscifer vs Darkneo Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Darkneo"! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Darkneo makes his way to the ring Enters with a Chilean flag at his back Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Cruscifer"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow Sparks are showering Cruscifer makes his way to the ring Con su pantalon negro y un saco del mismo color con una calavera atras botando fuego de los ojos

followed by his nurse smoke hides the whole ring Darkneo gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Darkneo hits Cruscifer with the back of his hand performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! [Special Resistance activated for Darkneo] Darkneo raises his opponent and puts him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an light Augmented Fireman Carry!!! Darkneo grabs Cruscifer's hair Darkneo grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Darkneo jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter hitting him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the ground!! Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Cruscifer puts a hand on the opponent's face Darkneo shifts and avoids an Eye Rake taking the initiative Darkneo prepares the back of his hand performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Darkneo garbs his running opponent by the arm Cruscifer strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the Uraken and counterattacks Cruscifer brings his foot up then drops it into Darkneo executing an light Axe Kick!! Cruscifer bounces against the ropes and performs a light Rope Drop Clothesline hitting Darkneo with a clothesline!! Cruscifer pulls Darkneo still groggy, by his hair Cruscifer doges an opponent's attack moving behind Darkneo

and performs a Roll Up, pinning him!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Darkneo gets up and resolutely fights back Darkneo gets ready to hit Cruscifer and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Darkneo grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm to crash him with the other one performing a violent Pepsi Twist!! Darkneo tucks the opponent's head in his armpit Cruscifer avoids the DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative Cruscifer raises his elbow preparing the hit and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! Cruscifer grabs Darkneo's hair Cruscifer grabs the opponent's neck Darkneo escapes from the Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Darkneo grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then lifts Cruscifer up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Cruscifer down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting with a violent Tiger Suplex!! Darkneo grabs Cruscifer's hair Darkneo blocks Cruscifer holding him by his arm and falling down performs a strong Falling Arm Breaker on his rival's arm!! Darkneo grabs Cruscifer's hair Darkneo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Darkneo runs toward Cruscifer and jumps crushing him with his own body pinning him with a strong Running Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Cruscifer kicks out Darkneo grabs Cruscifer's hair Darkneo grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Darkneo grabs Cruscifer from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Cruscifer kicks out Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence [Special Damage activated for Darkneo] [Special Damage Resistance activated for Cruscifer] Cruscifer prepares to strike the adversary performing a light Punch!! Cruscifer prepares to hit the rival hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! Cruscifer jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Darkneo gets up and resolutely fights back

[Special Damage Resistance activated for Darkneo] Darkneo prepares the back of his hand Cruscifer dodges a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Cruscifer charges his arm and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! Cruscifer jumps at his opponent and performs a light Bicycle Kick hitting Darkneo with two kicks!! Cruscifer jumps placing his own feet on Darkneo's shoulders and makes Darkneo roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Darkneo gets up and resolutely fights back Darkneo approaches his rival loading his arm and hits him to his throat with a strong Throat Thrust!! Darkneo lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm Cruscifer strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Darkflash and counterattacks Cruscifer prepares to strike the rival loading the leg hitting him with a light Middle Kick!! Cruscifer hooks the opponent's neck Darkneo escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Darkneo gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a devastating Kneex On!! Darkneo grabs Cruscifer's hair Darkneo grabs the adversary and lifts him in the air

and after a spin, crashes him on the ground with a violent Protobomb!!!! Darkneo approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a devastating Kneex On!! Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Cruscifer opens wide his arms and strikes Darkneo's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! Cruscifer lifts the opponent on his shoulders horizontally Darkneo dodges the a Fireman Carry quickly counter attacking Darkneo grabs Cruscifer standing up, and raises him on his shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an strong Augmented Fireman Carry!!! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Darkneo off guard! Cruscifer puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead Darkneo shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative Darkneo hits Cruscifer with the back of his hand performing a strong Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Darkneo grabs his running opponent by the arm and throws him down by performing an powerful Uraken!! Darkneo grabs Cruscifer's hair Darkneo in a fast movement hooks Cruscifer's arms and making a bridge pressing Cruscifer while he's suffering on the mat executing devastating Falc-on Knockbinaxion!! Darkneo keeps his ruthless submission hold CRUSCIFER IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!!

Darkneo keeps his weak submission hold CRUSCIFER LOOKS SLIGHTLY INJURIED!!! Darkneo releases his grasp Darkneo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Cruscifer kicks out Darkneo pulls Cruscifer still groggy, by his hair Darkneo grabs Cruscifer's arm from the back and locks him in with his arm and a leg and then bends him leaning on the abdominal muscles applying an light Abdominal Stretch!! Cruscifer escapes from the hold Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Cruscifer stares at Darkneo in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! [Special Submission activated for Cruscifer] Cruscifer raises his arm and hits his opponent's neck, performing a light Club to the Neck!! Cruscifer grabs Darkneo's hair Cruscifer and lunges himself on the ropes Cruscifer runs toward Darkneo driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a light Running Arm Drag!! Cruscifer grabs Darkneo's hair Cruscifer and lunges himself on the ropes Cruscifer waits for the running opponent lifting him by the arm to make his body fall on the back, performing a light Hip Toss!!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side Darkneo easily avoids the a Cruceta Del Averno, counterattacking Darkneo puts Cruscifer shoulder in a lever and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!! Cruscifer escapes from the hold Darkneo places Cruscifer onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him criscrossing Cruscifers arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a violent Caribbean Splash!!!! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt Darkneo Puts Out His Weed And While His Opponent Is Still Groggy He Smokes It To Get High executing A Eon Blue Apocalipxyx Darkneo grabs his rival's leg Cruscifer moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Cruscifer grabs Darkneo's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Darkneo gets up and resolutely fights back Darkneo gets ready to hit Cruscifer and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European Uppercut!! Darkneo grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a devastating Pepsi Twist!! Darkneo in a fast movement hooks Cruscifer's arms and making a bridge pressing Cruscifer while he's suffering on the mat executing devastating Falc-on Knockbinaxion!!

Darkneo keeps his ruthless submission hold CRUSCIFER LOOKS SERIOUSLY INJURIED!!!

-en eso aparece XMP!!Darkneo se levanta y suelta a Cruscifer.. XMP señala para atrás.. y aparece PRISION!!! El arbitro trata de botar a XMP mientras Prision ataca a Darkneo… y luego se va por entre el publico.. Cruscifer quien no se dio cuenta de lo sucedido retoma la pelea Cruscifer escapes from the hold Cruscifer interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Cruscifer stares at Darkneo in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! [Special Submission activated for Cruscifer] Cruscifer raises his arm and hits his opponent's neck, performing a light Club to the Neck!! Cruscifer grabs Darkneo's hair Cruscifer and lunges himself on the ropes Cruscifer runs toward Darkneo driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a light Running Arm Drag!! Cruscifer grabs Darkneo's hair Cruscifer and lunges himself on the ropes Cruscifer waits for the running opponent lifting him by the arm to make his body fall on the back, performing a light Hip Toss!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side Darkneo easily avoids the a Cruceta Del Averno, counterattacking Darkneo puts Cruscifer shoulder in a lever and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold Darkneo places Cruscifer onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him criscrossing Cruscifers arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a violent Caribbean Splash!!!! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt Darkneo Puts Out His Weed And While His Opponent Is Still Groggy He Smokes It To Get High executing A Eon Blue Apocalipxyx Darkneo grabs his rival's leg Cruscifer moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Cruscifer grabs Darkneo's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... CRUSCIFER WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS DARKNEO!!!! Marco Perez:Cruscifer gano como lo a venido hacienda hasta ahora.. con trampa.. Henry Rojas: pero veo que no se a dado cuenta d que a ganado con trampa.. ya que estaba agotado en el momento en que entro XMP.. Marco Perez: da igual.. Suenan los tambores, la musica de El MAtador retumba!!! Caen globos del techo, las luces lasers comienzan a danzar Publico: SHOW SHOW SHOW Marco: Ojala que esta vez si exista fiesta Henry: PEroooo mira Marco que tales niñaaaaaaaaaassss 12 Linduras aparecen cada una con una mini camiseta que tiene una letra, formadas se puede leer I LOVE SPANISH Explotan fuegos artificiales y sale He-Man!!! Marco: que?? esta con el mismo atuendo que Spanish!!!!!!

Henry: Homenaje a su amigo supongo o sera huachafada??? He-Man: Yeaaaaaaaaaahhh Party Time!!!!! Are you ready to partyyyy????????????? Publico: YEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Henry: Veste...... ahora habla en ingles al estilo Fn Socko MArco: Shut up, envidioso, ya quisieras tener a esas flacas a tu lado. He- Man: Spanishhh!!! despues de la lucha te envio a Fatima, Paola y Karen, asi que tu tranquilo my brotherrrrr. Esta lucha es por ti, y si se llega a la final el campeonato tendra tu nombre!!! Marco: He-Mannnn mandame la morenitaaaaaaaaaaaaa Henry: que nivel..... LAs chicas bailando rodean a He-Man y lo acompañan al cuadrilatero He-Man: Muchas cosas he podido apreciar en esta federación, borrachos, ladrones y traicioneros, pocos son los que llevan este deporte como debe ser con honor, lealtad y diversion, todo eso se veia reflejado en Spanish. Es inconcebible que el Mexicano ataque a traicion a Fn Socko o que esos borrachines quieran incumplar a alguien con videos falsos, eso es algo mediocre y bajo, pero que puedes esperar de gente inculta. Kimi, respeto mucho tu trayectoria y respeto el hecho que hayas sido pareja de Spanish, respeto tu forma de pensar y tu profesionalismo, si le agregaras un poco de diversión a lo que haces serias un luchador perfecto!! Este torneo dices que lo vas a ganar por honor a Spanish, bueno yo tambien y no es porque tenga mayor derecho que tu, simplemente lo hago porque un amigo y profesional como el no debio salir asi de la federacion, asi que supongo que nos veremos en la final!!!! Marco: waooo.. me sorprende la ultima declaracion de He-MAn.. esperando a Kimi en la final.. Henry: lastima que no s podra dar.. ya que estan en la misma.. llave pero podrian encontrarse en la semifinal.. que seria sorprendente..

Cuarta Pelea He-Man vs Lord Evil Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, He-Man Show"! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron He-Man Show makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Lord Evil"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke!

lord evil's short video appears breakdancing in bc red bull championship. suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘tron was set to fire! Lord Evil makes his way to the ring wearing a raper clothes and a chainsaw in his back and mounting a green kawasaki zx-14 with grey and black tribal vinyls, two pyrotechnics green and blue, blow at each corner of the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Lord Evil prevails Lord Evil charges his arm and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! [Special Attack activated for Lord Evil] [Special Dodging activated for Lord Evil] Lord Evil prepares to hit He-Man Show hurling his leg and hits him on the face with a light Roundhouse Kick!! Lord Evil grabs He-Man Show, lifts him and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a light Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! Lord Evil pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair Lord Evil grasps He-Man Show while running and throws him up across the ring with a light Big Toss!! He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! He-Man Show prepares to hit the rival and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!!

He-Man Show lifts up Lord Evil from behind and throws him backwards with a strong Back Suplex!! He-Man Show pulls Lord Evil still groggy, by his hair He-Man Show grabs his opponent's trunks Lord Evil moves out of the way, dodging the Small Package and regains initiative Lord Evil grabs He-Man Show's hair Lord Evil grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Lord Evil runs towards his opponent and strikes his chin violently with a kick executing a light Chin Breaker!! Lord Evil Hooks his opponent's neck and with a 90° rotations makes him hit the ground, connecting with a strong Sambo Suplex!! Lord Evil grabs He-Man Show's hair Lord Evil grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Lord Evil jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter and hits his face with a strong Dropsault!! Lord Evil pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair Lord Evil hooks the adversary's head and he drops ahead making He-Man Show fall with a strong Neck Drop!! He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show gets ready to hit the opponent Lord Evil dodges an Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Lord Evil raises a hand putting it on He-Man Show's forehead and leaves him blind using his fingers performing an light Eye Rake!! Lord Evil is ready to hits the rival with an extreme power performing a strong Powerful Knee Strike!!

Lord Evil approaches his opponent with some light Knee Strikes!! Lord Evil grabs He-Man Show, lifts him and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a strong Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! Lord Evil grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands and raises him and nobbles He-Man Show down with the head on the ground executing a MORTAL Extreme Two Handed Face Destruction!! He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show prepares his arm Lord Evil moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Lord Evil gets ready to hit He-Man Show and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European Uppercut!! Lord Evil charges his arm and with a great strength punches He-Man Show's face performing a light Big Punch!! Lord Evil lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with powerful Apocalypsis Drop!! Lord Evil is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Lord Evil off guard! He-Man Show tucks the opponent's head in his armpit Lord Evil avoids the a Modified DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative Lord Evil grabs the adversary by the arm and the groin, lifting him launching him backwards perfroming a devastating Pump Handle Suplex!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that He-Man Show has fallen out of the ring!!!! Lord Evil leaves the ring

Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Lord Evil hurls his opponent against the crowd barriers and breaks through them tackling him with a powerful Spear trough Crowd Barriers!!!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Lord Evil positions He-Man Show with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing strong Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Lord Evil places his opponent standing against the crowd barriers He-Man Show dodges the a Spear trough Crowd Barriers regaining the initiative! He-Man Show puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then lifts Lord Evil up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Lord Evil down to the step ladder shoulder and neck first connecting with a strong Suplex on Step Ladder!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt Lord Evil capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching He-Man Show off guard! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" Lord Evil positions He-Man Show with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head, executing strong Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Lord Evil goes up again in the ring He-Man Show goes up again in the ring Lord Evil charges the hand and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!! Lord Evil approaches his opponent, getting in close range, and knocks him down on the mat with a light Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!! Lord Evil is about to perform his taunt

Lord Evil Lord Evil Do An Expert B-boy Move Turning His Legs In The Air And With Only One Hand On The Floor executing The Sixteen Ninety-nine Lord Evil grabs He-Man Show's hair Lord Evil grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Lord Evil runs towards his opponent with a tight arm and catches him by the torso with a light Lariat, smashing him down!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that He-Man Show has fallen out of the ring!!!! Lord Evil is about to perform his taunt Lord Evil Lord Evil Do An Expert B-boy Move Turning His Legs In The Air And With Only One Hand On The Floor executing The Sixteen Ninety-nine Lord Evil leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Lord Evil positions He-Man Show's head on the apron ring to take a run-up and to land on He-Man Show with a violent Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Lord Evil places his opponent standing against the crowd barriers and breaks through them tackling him with a powerful Spear trough Crowd Barriers!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Lord Evil positions the opponent with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring He-Man Show withes unbalancing the opponent, who slips, to take the initiative !!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" He-Man Show grabs his opponent's head and repeatedly beats it on the ground, by performing a strong Head Pounds outside the Ring!!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" He-Man Show lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!!

Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" He-Man Show removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections Lord Evil avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Lord Evil sets the steel steps ladder and proves once more that, in a flesh vs. steel fight, steel usually wins, performing a strong Spinebuster on the Step Ladder on his opponent!!!! Lord Evil is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Lord Evil off guard! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" He-Man Show positions Lord Evil's head on the apron ring to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a violent Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" He-Man Show goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Lord Evil goes up again in the ring He-Man Show prepares to strike the rival loading the leg hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!! He-Man Show uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, Lord Evil breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the initiative Lord Evil grabs both of his opponent's arms and hooks them, places his hands palm down flat against He-Man Show's upper back, then he raises He-Man Show and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming He-Man Show down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a light Tiger Suplex!! Lord Evil grabs He-Man Show's hair Lord Evil grabs He-Man Show's neck as making him fall with great strength perfoming a light Neck Breaker!!

Lord Evil gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and throws himself toward He-Man Show hitting him with a strong Modified Double Axe Handle!! HE-MAN SHOW HAS A CUT!!! -El Mexicano ingresaMarco Perez: el mexicano? Que hace aca? Henry Rojas: creo que quiere eliminar a todos y cada uno de los integrantes de la pelea por los titulos.. Marco Perez: pero cual es el motivo de esa reaccion? Henry Rojas: pero si esta claro quiere entrar tambien!! El Mexicano entra corriendo y trata de atacar a Lord Evil pero este bloquea y contraataca.. el arbitro le dice que salga de la arena.. en eso He-Man aplica Aplicandole un combinacion de golpes se aleja del oponente y corre hacia el y le aplica una super lanza devasting Rumbo a Ethernia He-Man Show tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... HE-MAN SHOW WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS LORD EVIL!!!! Marco Perez: el mexicano se va feliz de que que otro de los participantes este fuera.. Henry Rojas: pero si es el primero que saca de circulación.. lo bueno que He-Man a cumplido su palabra y esta cada vez mas cerca de su cometido… Se ve a un camarografo corriendo y la camara enfoca a alguien caminando sin fuerzas, es terryhenry. Terryhenry: y pensar que hace unos dias... casi recupero mi titulo... parece solamente un sueño... cuando me enfrente a christo.. (se ven imagenes de la lucha de christo y terryhenry) Terryhenry: ademas de mis luchas contra otros tristes jobbers...

(se ve la lucha de la invitacional) Terryhenry: y solo pensar que alguna vez tuve una lucha epica (se ve a BBM casi haciendo rendir a Terryhenry) Terryhenry: Incluso iba a formar mi grupo (se ve a cuando varios luchadores aparecieron en el ring para dar victoria a terryhenry contra BBM: Juan Olarte, Matt Parkman y The enterrador) Terryhenry: osea... es el fin de mi carrera? fuera de la LWC? como puede ser posible... yo.... yo.... mi titulo... (Terry cae al piso) Aparece una limosina, el brillo del sol no deja ver quien sale del auto, un tipo con terno va donde terryhenry lo levanta y lo mete al carro. luego de ello la limosina se aleja. Marco Perez: quien podra haber sido? Henry Rojas: rescato a terry, lo volveremos a ver? ¨ Marco Perez: algun dia... algun dia... Marco Perez: mascara no parece feliz con la derrota de su compañero a manos de Cruscifer Henry Rojas: aunque este no tiene la culpa ya que Prision fue quien aparecio para hacerlo perder..

Quinta Pelea Mascara Chilena vs Santo Angel Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Santo Angel"! Santo Angel makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, "Mascara Chilena"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Mascara Chilenamakes his way to the ring wearing black pants with the name The Submission Lord greeting the mob from the limousine's roof

within three Paparazzi who precede him taking many shots two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Mascara Chilenaprevails Mascara Chilenaapproaches his rival loading his arm Santo Angel droops quickly dodging a Throat Thrust Santo Angel prepares his arm to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! Santo Angel places the opponent horizontally on his shoulders Mascara Chilenadodges the Fireman Carry quickly counter attacking Mascara Chilenastrongly grabs the head of the adversary and strikes him with unheard strength with a light Hard Headbutt!! Mascara Chilenagrabs his opponent's head and arms to weave them in an unnatural way, executing a light Eastern Stretch!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his agonizing submission hold Mascara Chilenakeeps his excruciating submission hold Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenacrosses in a figure 4 Santo Angel's legs who's laying prone on the mat performing a light Reverse Figure 4!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his ruthless submission hold Mascara Chilenakeeps his ruthless submission hold Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenagrabs Santo Angel's hair Mascara Chilenagrabs one Santo Angel 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Mascara Chilenamakes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, Santo Angel crouches down and avoids the Clothesline. gaining the initiative Santo Angel makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, then he hits him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!! [Special Power Body activated for Santo Angel] Santo Angel moves towards the opponent and jumps Mascara Chilenaavoids the Elbow Drop to gain the initiative Mascara Chilenagrabs Santo Angel's hair Mascara Chilenamoves around his opponent, and grabs his head and clamps it with strength, trying to submit him in a light Side Head Lock!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his ruthless submission hold Mascara Chilenakeeps his agonizing submission hold Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenagrabs Santo Angel's hair Mascara Chilenaflanks his opponent, and grapples his head and starts gripping it violently, performing a light Side Head Lock!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his ruthless submission hold Mascara Chilenakeeps his weak submission hold Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenagrabs Santo Angel's ankle twisting it applying an light Ankle Lock!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his weak submission hold Mascara Chilenakeeps his agonizing submission hold Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenacatches his opponent's legs

and locks them painfully with his own to form a strong Figure 4!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his agonizing submission hold Mascara Chilenakeeps his agonizing submission hold Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenacrosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat Santo Angel easily avoids a Reverse Figure 4, taking the initiative Santo Angel lifts his opponent's leg raises his elbow and performs a light Elbow drop to inner thigh!! Santo Angel lifts his opponent's leg Mascara Chilenamoves at last to dodge the Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Mascara Chilenacrosses in a figure 4 Santo Angel's legs who's laying prone on the mat and subdues him with a light Reverse Figure 4!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his ruthless submission hold SANTO ANGEL IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his ruthless submission hold SANTO ANGEL LOOKS SLIGHTLY INJURIED!!! Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenagrabs Santo Angel's ankle twisting it in an irregular way executing an strong Ankle Lock!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his ruthless submission hold SANTO ANGEL LOOKS SERIOUSLY INJURIED!!! Mascara Chilenakeeps his excruciating submission hold Mascara Chilenareleases his grasp Mascara Chilenapulls Santo Angel still groggy, by his hair Mascara Chilenagets ready to attack Santo Angel lifting a hand,

and waits for Santo Angel to turn to him hooking his jaw with a violent Llave De Condor! Mascara Chilena keeps his agonizing submission hold SANTO ANGEL SEEMS UNABLE TO CONTINUE THE MATCH!!! Mascara Chilena keeps his excruciating submission hold SANTO ANGEL HAS TO FORFEIT THE MATCH DUE TO INJURY!!! REFEREE IS FORCED TO CALL THE BELL!!! MASCARA CHILENA WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS SANTO ANGEL !!!! Marco Perez: fue rapido.. la pareja de Santo Angel y Juaan Olarte fue eliminada.. ahora como pelearan contra el campeon Kubit? Henry Rojas: bueno pregunta.. ya los veremos.. Suena la canción "Inmortal" de Savia mientras aparece S-PAIN inmóvil en la parte de arriba de la rampa... La canción llega a estribillo: "In-mor-¡¡TAL!!"... ¡¡KABOOOOM!! una explosión pirotécnica atrona el escenario mientras S-PAIN alza los brazos haciendo el gesto del heavy metal. Sube al ring. Marco Perez: Ahí está S-PAIN. ¡Qué raro! Pero, ¿no dice nada más que Ferroki? Henry Rojas: Pues si, yo tampoco lo entiendo. Público: ¡¡¡S-PAIN, S-PAIN, S-PAIN, S-PAIN!!! S-PAIN: Hola a todos. Desde que Ferroki me dejó en coma no recuerdo lo que he hecho, como si estuviera en un sueño. pero tranquilos, mis queridos fans, he vuelto con ganas de dar dolor. Público: ¡¡¡WEEEE!!! S-PAIN: Y voy a empezar esta noche contra Dave Snake. ¡Me siento como nuevo y hoy lo quiero petar todo! Público: ¡¡¡WEEEEE!!! S-PAIN se marcha a los vestuarios.

Sexta Pelea S-PAIN vs Dave Snake Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Dave Snake"!

it seems like a thunder has just stroke! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Dave Snake makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena smoke hides the whole ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, S-PAIN"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena Sparks are showering S-PAIN makes his way to the ring with his lover who kisses him burning with passion smoke hides the whole ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort S-PAIN prevails S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat Dave Snake bends dodging the Back Spinning Wheel Kick Dave Snake prepares his arm and falls on S-PAIN with his fist executing a light Fist But!! Dave Snake lifts his opponent sideways to himself S-PAIN skillfully moves sideways dodging Tilt A Whirl Side Slam, taking back the initiative S-PAIN grasps Dave Snake while running and throws him up across the ring with a light Big Toss!! S-PAIN gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and jumps toward Dave Snake quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe Handle!! S-PAIN bounces off the top rope with Dave Snake lying face up on the mat then leaps at him

making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! S-PAIN pulls Dave Snake still groggy, by his hair S-PAIN takes an arm of Dave Snake and twists his body throwing Dave Snake to the mat executing a light Arm Dragon Screw!! S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's leg and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN leans himself on the ropes placing his foot on his rival's neck and starts to push levering on the ropes performing a light Foot Choke!! S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's hair S-PAIN places himself at the side of Dave Snake, grabbing his head and trips him up falling backward with a light Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down to the ground back first!! [Special Submission activated for Dave Snake] [Special Pinning Resistance activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN pulls Dave Snake still groggy, by his hair S-PAIN waits for the running opponent and throws him up in the air with a light Big Toss!! Dave Snake pulls himself together and fights back [Special Resistance activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake open his arms ready to hit S-PAIN and strikes S-PAIN's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! Dave Snake holds his opponent

S-PAIN hits his opponent with a knee strike to evade the Uppercut gaining the initiative S-PAIN loads his arm chop style and and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!! [Special Initiative activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking Dave Snake's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Spanish Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Dave Snake gets up and resolutely fights back Dave Snake prepares the back of his hand hitting S-PAIN across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Dave Snake brings his foot up S-PAIN dodges the a Axe Kick taking the initiative S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! S-PAIN performs a backflip, using the top rope as a springboard Dave Snake moves out the way just in time, dodging the a Springboard Crossbody and retaking initative Dave Snake tightens his opponent's head and strikes him with a series of blows, performing a light Head Lock & Punch!! [Special Submission activated for S-PAIN] Dave Snake approaches his laying opponent S-PAIN avoids the a Knee Of The Death and counterattacks S-PAIN gets close to his grounded opponent

and strikes his forehead with a violent Knee Stomp!! S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's hair S-PAIN hooks the opponent's neck Dave Snake escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Dave Snake gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a devastating Knee Of The Death!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Dave Snake is faster and is not caught off guard! Dave Snake grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! Dave Snake grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him S-PAIN lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat and hits Dave Snake with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for Dave Snake] S-PAIN grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking Dave Snake's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Spanish Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Dave Snake kicks out S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The Time To Pain S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's arm and bending it imprisons him in an light Armbar!! S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp [Special Damage Resistance activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's hair S-PAIN grabs one Dave Snake 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN runs toward Dave Snake and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The Time To Pain S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's leg flipping him onto his stomach and yards on it while leaning into Dave Snake forming a light Argentine Leg Lock!! S-PAIN keeps his excruciating submission hold S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but S-PAIN is faster and is not caught off guard! S-PAIN opens wide his arms with a strong Mongolian Chop!! S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat

and hits Dave Snake with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a devastating Pain Kick!! S-PAIN Lanza a Dave Snake entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE HA PASADO DE LARGO!! OH, NO!! S-PAIN SE AGARRA A LA ULTIMA CUERDA Y PEGA A SU OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!! Dave Snake pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Dave Snake prevails Dave Snake puts a outstretched hand on S-PAIN's forehead and leaves him blind using his fingers performing an light Eye Rake!! Dave Snake holds his opponent and strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!! Dave Snake loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a violent Samoan Inferno!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Dave Snake off guard! S-PAIN gets ready to hit Dave Snake and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European Uppercut!! [Special Resistance activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN Charges his arm Dave Snake dodges the a Elbow Smash and counterattacks Dave Snake charges his arm and hits S-PAIN's face with a light Big Punch!!

Dave Snake violently grasps S-PAIN and slams him down to the ground performing an amazing light Rushing Armbar!! Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp Dave Snake grabs S-PAIN's hair Dave Snake grabs one S-PAIN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Dave Snake throws S-PAIN to the ring's corner running toward him hitting him with his own body performing a strong Body Avalanche!! Dave Snake grabs S-PAIN's hair Dave Snake grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Dave Snake takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent S-PAIN gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative S-PAIN dashes towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a strong One Arm Bulldog!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching S-PAIN off guard! Dave Snake takes a run-up on the ropes and jumps on his bent opponent and strikes him on the nape performing a strong Scissor Kick knocking him down face first!! Dave Snake moves sideways, and grabs one of his opponent's legs and starts to twist and compress it, trying to force a submission performing a light Side Leg Lock!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp

Dave Snake kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands trying to submit him with an irregular choke, executing a light Choke Hold!! Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp S-PAIN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence [Special Increased Pinning activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN points to Dave Snake with decision and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!! S-PAIN loads his arm chop style and and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!! [Special Power Body activated for Dave Snake] S-PAIN Lanza a Dave Snake entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE HA PASADO DE LARGO!! OH, NO!! S-PAIN SE AGARRA A LA ULTIMA CUERDA Y PEGA A SU OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!! S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's leg and sits on Dave Snakes back and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN gets ready to hit his opponent executing a light Low Dropkick!! S-PAIN approaches his laying opponent to hit him with a strong Knee Stomp!! S-PAIN grabs Dave Snake's hair

S-PAIN goes to the side of the opponent grasping him from behind, hooking his head Dave Snake prevents the opponent's a Russian Leg Sweep with an elbow smash, taking the initiative Dave Snake tucks S-PAIN's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a strong Snap Suplex!! [Special Blocking activated for S-PAIN] Dave Snake pulls S-PAIN still groggy, by his hair Dave Snake grapples his opponent, putting him on his shoulders crashing him on the ground, executing a violent Samoan Driver!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Dave Snake is faster and is not caught off guard! Dave Snake gets his hand ready hitting his opponent with the palm with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! [Special Attack activated for Dave Snake] [Special Submission Defence activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake kicks his rival S-PAIN moves quickly dodging a a Toe Kick, taking back the initiative S-PAIN while Dave Snake is bent he hooks his arms behind his back throwing him behind and pinning him, performing a strong Chicken Wing Suplex Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Dave Snake gets up and resolutely fights back Dave Snake stares at S-PAIN

and gives him an light Ear Slap!! Dave Snake turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee and delivers the blow sideways right on S-PAIN's face, executing a light Side Kick!! Dave Snake jumps placing his own feet beneath S-PAIN's shoulders and makes S-PAIN roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN gets his shoulder up somehow Dave Snake gets up while his opponent is still on the ground S-PAIN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence S-PAIN open his arms ready to hit the opponent Dave Snake moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Dave Snake charges his open hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! Dave Snake stops S-PAIN taking him by an arm and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an strong Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! Dave Snake grabs his adversary from a leg crashing him on the ground with a violent Protobomb!!!! Dave Snake grabs S-PAIN's hair Dave Snake and lunges himself on the ropes Dave Snake bounces off using the middle rope, leaping towards his opponent with his elbow and delivers the blow on the jaw of his opponent, connecting with a light Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN pulls himself together and fights back

S-PAIN prepares the back of his hand Dave Snake dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Dave Snake grabs the adversary with an arm to crash him with the other one performing a strong Pepsi Twist!! Dave Snake is ready to hit his opponent and hits him with some light Knee Strikes!! Dave Snake coloca las piernas como si fueran unas tijeras encerrando las piernas de S-PAIN y al apretar con todas sus fuerzas suena un crujido en las piernas de S-PAIN executing devastating Rompetibias!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! S-PAIN escapes from the hold S-PAIN pulls himself together and fights back S-PAIN gets ready to hit Dave Snake and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a violent European Uppercut!! S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat and hits Dave Snake with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! S-PAIN Lanza a Dave Snake entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE HA PASADO DE LARGO!! Dave Snake somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Dave Snake bounces off by using the top rope, performing a backflip in mid-air towards his opponent and leaps on him, landing on him and covering him with a light Springboard Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2....

S-PAIN kicks out Dave Snake turns S-PAIN still groggy up pulling his hair Dave Snake grabs S-PAIN's arm from the back blocking S-PAIN's leg with his own and then bends him leaning on the abdominal muscles applying an light Abdominal Stretch!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp Dave Snake climbs the turnbuckle jumping on S-PAIN striking S-PAIN with a violent Mad Splash!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Dave Snake is faster and is not caught off guard! Dave Snake puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead S-PAIN shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative S-PAIN gets next to Dave Snake bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Dave Snake's jaw performing an violent European Uppercut!! S-PAIN takes the Dave Snake's arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an strong Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, Dave Snake breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the initiative Dave Snake lifts his opponent above the shoulder and hurls him, crashing his shoulder on his knee, performing a strong Shoulder Breaker!! Dave Snake places S-PAIN onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him criscrossing S-PAINs arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a powerful Caribbean Splash!!!!

Dave Snake grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a light Crucifix Armbar!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN can't resist anymore and taps out!! DAVE SNAKE WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS S-PAIN !!!! Ferroki ingresa al ring con su cadena y empiesa a ahorcar a S-PAIN Rey Andres aparece para salvar a S-PAIN Marco Perez: que hace rey andres aca?? Henry Rojas: creo que se a aliado a S-PAIN?

Septima Pelea Prision666 vs Kimi Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, prision666"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves prision666 makes his way to the ring wearing a black shirt with the word !!hell yeeaaahh!!! in the back ,a black pant with a converses driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, KiMi37"! A drum roll is playing loud and clear A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves KiMi37 makes his way to the ring prision666 gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

prision666 grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! prision666 lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm to make his face fall on the mat with an light Uraken!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... KiMi37 kicks out prision666 clutches his laying rival's head tightening it with a light Head Lock!! prision666 keeps his weak submission hold KiMi37 escapes from the hold KiMi37 quickly gets up and counterattacks! KiMi37 gets next to prision666 bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm prision666's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! KiMi37 jumps at his opponent and kicks him twice performing a light Bicycle Kick!! KiMi37 bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent's back prision666 side steps the opponent, avoiding the Bulldog prision666 grasps KiMi37 and slams him down to the mat performing a light Body Slam!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's hair prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes

prision666 waits for the running opponent hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's hair prision666 grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's hair prision666 raises his elbow preparing the hit and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an light Elbow to Back of Head!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... KiMi37 kicks out prision666 grabs KiMi37's hair prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes prision666 waits for the running opponent hooking him by the arm to make him fall on the ground with a light Hip Toss!! KiMi37 pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort KiMi37 prevails KiMi37 prepares the leg and hits him on the face with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! KiMi37 performs a really high jump

and hits prision666 with his feet with a light Dropkick!! KiMi37 pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair KiMi37 loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a powerful Caidita Samoana!! prision666 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence [Special Damage activated for prision666] prision666 hugs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! prision666 draws back his arm rocking his body and connects with a light Big Punch!! prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Prision Samoan Drop!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's hair prision666 grabs one KiMi37 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 runs toward the opponent KiMi37 suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative KiMi37 runs to the rival and he jumps onto him executing a strong Lou Thesz Press Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 holds his opponent by the head KiMi37 easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative

[Special Resistance activated for prision666] KiMi37 jumps at his opponent hitting him with two consecutive kicks performing a light Bicycle Kick!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for KiMi37] KiMi37 bounces against the ropes and runs toward prision666's back and grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a light Bulldog!! KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt prision666 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching KiMi37 off guard! prision666 uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, KiMi37 breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the initiative KiMi37 lifts up his opponet so prision666's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! prision666 escapes from the hold prision666 quickly gets up and counterattacks! [Special Damage Resistance activated for prision666] [Special Pinning Resistance activated for prision666] prision666 grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! prision666 moves sideways and charges his right hand and strikes his opponent right on his jaw, performing a light Side Mounting Punch!! prision666 grasps KiMi37 and lifts him up, slamming him down to the mat performing a violent Body Slam!! prision666 pulls KiMi37 still groggy, by his hair prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a devastating Prision Samoan Drop!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... KiMi37 kicks out prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco KiMi37 pulls himself together and fights back KiMi37 puts a outstretched hand on prision666's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! KiMi37 kicks his rival and hits his opponent to his belly with a light Toe Kick!! [Special Mortal Submission activated for prision666] KiMi37 grabs prision666 lifting him into the air and drops him backfirst onto an extended knee, performing a light Backbreaker!! KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt prision666 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching KiMi37 off guard! [Special Blocking activated for prision666] prision666 grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a powerful Modified Pepsi Twist!! prision666 grabs his opponent's arms

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco prision666 grabs KiMi37's hair prision666 grabs one KiMi37 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 charges his elbow striking him with an elbow performing a strong Back Elbow Smash!! KIMI37 HAS A CUT!!! prision666 gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and leaps toward KiMi37 quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! KIMI37 IS BLEEDING!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Move His Hands As If He Was Playing Guitar executing A Guitar Move prision666 gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and throws himself toward KiMi37 hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!! KIMI37 IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!! prision666 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... KiMi37 kicks out KiMi37 pulls himself together and fights back KiMi37 puts a outstretched hand on prision666's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! [Special Dodging activated for KiMi37]

KiMi37 prepares to hit prision666 hurling his leg and connects with a violent Roundhouse Kick!! KiMi37 is going to the corner and take their skim prision666 somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! prision666 grabs KiMi37's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... KiMi37 kicks out KiMi37 locks Prision666’s head under his arm forcing El Cantante to dive onto his head with a powerful Kimi's Ddt!! KiMi37 pulls El Cantante still groggy, by his hair KiMi37 lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a powerful Caidita Samoana!! KiMi37 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... KIMI37 WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS PRISION666!!!! Kimi señala el panel de Revolucion Latina!! -Suena Wait and bleed de Slipknot y XMP entra al ring.Mica Callaway: Midiendo 1.75cm y un peso de 90 kg Xtreme Master of pain!! -XMP pide que corten la musica y pide un microfono.-

XMP: Señoras y señores vengo aqui a avisarles que ni se esperen ver un espectaculo, ya que yo XMP, en esta lucha de torneo, acabaré facilmente en lo que menos se imaginan a Ninja. Público: BUuiuuuuuuuuu XMP: Buuuu buuuu, sigan llorando como simples bebitos cuanto quieran.... Publico: APESTAS NO SIRVES!! XMP: Pero no por eso vine a hablar sino lo siguiente, FN Socko. Socko-Holics: Please dont die! please dont die! XMP: Preparate para la sguiente pelea que TENLO por seguro que será contra mi, asi que en la siguiente fase del torneo, ve a tu casa, tomate un vino caro, consiguete a una mujer buenota y facilona you know, that tipe of b*tches who you sigh to do it with her, y disfruta de esa noche, por que será la ultima vez que podras disfrutar ese tipo de vida, MARK THIS IN THE CALENDAR, XMP VS FN SOCKO!! FOR THE FIGHT TO ANOTHER LEVEL, ESA PELEA SERA A OTRO NIVEL QUE TODOS PAGARIAN POR VER!!! ASI QUE TEN POR SEGURO QUE LLEGUES POR QUE NO ME VOY A PERDER LA OPORTUNIDAD CUANDO TODOS TUS SOCKOHOLICS TE RENIEGEN you tap out.... Socko-holics: YOU SUCK!! YOU SUCK!! Marco Perez: Imaginate Henry, 2 de mis luchadores favoritos luchando uno contra otro, le ire a Fn socko, no mejor a XMP, no mejor a Fn Socko aaaah Henry Rojas: de seguro sera una pelea aburrida ¬¬

Octava Pelea XMP vs Ninja Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Ninja"! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Ninja makes his way to the ring From Chile, The Machine of the Rajazo Submissionero driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena smoke hides the whole ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Maestro Xtremo"!

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Maestro Xtremo makes his way to the ring wearing a blackshirt with the mexican flag in the back, jeans and vans driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena with his lover who kisses him burning with passion Maestro Xtremo gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Maestro Xtremo stares at the opponent Ninja avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative Ninja grabs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! Ninja turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!! Ninja puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then he jumps down, swinging his legs forward, bending Maestro Xtremo, and driving him down to the mat face first, connecting with a light Snap DDT!! Ninja puts Maestro Xtremo's legs under his armpits and sits down on his back making him turn, performing a light Boston Crab!! Ninja keeps his ruthless submission hold Ninja keeps his agonizing submission hold Ninja releases his grasp Maestro Xtremo pulls himself together and fights back Maestro Xtremo prepares to strike the adversary Ninja moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative Ninja charges his arm to hit his opponent with a light Hook Punch!!

Ninja prepares the leg and hits him on the face with a light Roundhouse Kick!! Ninja grabs his opponent from behind Maestro Xtremo evades the German Suplex and gains the inititative Maestro Xtremo loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Samoan Drop!! Maestro Xtremo grabs Ninja's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Maestro Xtremo bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent Ninja gets down and avoids the Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative Ninja grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Ninja puts Maestro Xtremo's head under his arm and lifts him up in a vertical position, throwing him forward with a light Reverse Suplex!! Ninja grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Ninja grabs one Maestro Xtremo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ninja stretches in flight with his feet held togheter and hits him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!! Ninja grabs his rival's legs and locks them painfully with his own to form a light Figure 4!! Ninja keeps his ruthless submission hold Ninja keeps his ruthless submission hold Ninja releases his grasp Maestro Xtremo pulls himself together and fights back Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm Ninja moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative

Ninja gets ready to hit Maestro Xtremo and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! [Special Dodging activated for Ninja] Ninja dives into Maestro Xtremo with a clothesline knocking him down!! Ninja grabs Maestro Xtremo from behind executing a German Suplex, then he connects a second one and in the end he connects also the third one, performing a MORTAL Ninja X-sentence!! Ninja grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Ninja grabs one Maestro Xtremo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ninja bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent stretches his arm hitting him with a light Clothesline!! Maestro Xtremo pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Maestro Xtremo prevails Maestro Xtremo gets next to Ninja bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Ninja's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! Maestro Xtremo loads an arm towards himself hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! Maestro Xtremo hooks his opponent's leg threading his head under his arm lifting him up and falling backwards, executing a light Capture Suplex!! Maestro Xtremo grabs Ninja's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Maestro Xtremo makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent,

Ninja gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative Ninja runs towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! Ninja grabs Maestro Xtremo's arms and legs stretching them from behind hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a light Mexican Stretch!! Ninja keeps his excruciating submission hold MAESTRO XTREMO IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Ninja keeps his ruthless submission hold MAESTRO XTREMO LOOKS SLIGHTLY INJURIED!!! Ninja releases his grasp Ninja is about to perform his taunt Maestro Xtremo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Ninja off guard! Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm to strike the adversary Ninja moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Ninja turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a strong Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! Ninja lif his down headed opponent on his back and quickly hurls him down to perform a devastating Ninja Deathplex!! Ninja grabs Maestro Xtremo's ankle twisting it in an irregular way executing an strong Ankle Lock!! Ninja keeps his excruciating submission hold MAESTRO XTREMO LOOKS SERIOUSLY INJURIED!!! Ninja keeps his agonizing submission hold MAESTRO XTREMO SEEMS UNABLE TO CONTINUE THE MATCH!!!

Ninja releases his grasp Maestro Xtremo interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm hitting him with a light Punch!! Maestro Xtremo prepares to strike the rival loading the leg lifting his own leg and hitting him with a light Middle Kick!! Maestro Xtremo hooks the opponent's neck Maestro Xtremo baja del ring y toma una silla… el arbitro lo detiene… pero se guarda su manopla y sube al ring antes que el arbitro y le da una en la cabeza!! NINJA HAS A CUT!! Maestro Xtremo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... MAESTRO XTREMO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS NINJA!!!! Publico: buuu! Buuu!! Marco Perez: una Victoria clasica de XMP… * Luces se borran para el delirio de los aficionados e empieza a tocar el tema KILLING IS MY BUSINESS de MEGADEATH Publico : heheheheheheehehhehe las luces se encienden y parece llevar BLOODREDSANDMAN y Kubitschek con el Cinturón Mundiall en el hombro usando Bermudas y camisa negros com la frase : christo el touro y manchada de rojo y con los pies descalzos caminar en el comienzo de la rampa de entrada al ring va mirando todo el escenario para un segundo antes de una fa pero despos segue su camino ate el ring sube en la parte superior de una de las esquinas con Puno planteado a elevar el Cinturon Mundial HABLANDO a los fans pelo microfono

BLOODREDSANDMAN:варијанти е најупотребуваната Kubitschek : bloodredsandman dice que ti conheces , tu no eres el mesonero que nos queria

timar ??? Santo Angel :de nuevo esto noooooo !!!!!!!!!!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN: е најуп отр ебува натавар ијанти kubitschek : bloodredsandman dice y que ese triste final para un campeón yo tambiem acho blood .... Santo Angel : puede reír, pero ahora voy a ganar el título de un torneo y obtener mi espalda Kubitschek : que ??? piensa que usted y es Rocky Balboa ??? que se jubila ,se torna mesonero ,y, a regressa , vuelve a tratar de luchar de nuevo Juan Olarte : no hablar con él, como que fosse cualquer ... este es el primer campeon ...desta fed nos otros vamos ganar el fuerza man.. BLOODREDSANDMAN: е отр ебува вар ијанти натанајуп Kubitschek :bloodredsandman dice que no es usted quien fue una de las mayores oleadas de pérdidas ? Juan olarte : esto paso ahora estoy .... Kubitschek :Yo recuerdo ahora yo gane usted en ppv ... Santo angel : esto fuera sorte Kubitschek : Y tambiem gane usted alias tengo ganado media de la fed y voy continuar ganando usted dos estan no torneio certo Juan Olarte : si Kubitschek :no importa quien gane el torneo , por que en ppv Yo ainda salirei vitorioso una vez mas ...

Novena Pelea Fuerza Maña KO vs Juan Olarte y Santo Angel JUAN OLARTE and Santo Angel walks in the ring between thunderous applauses!

The opponents make their way to the ring as well, kubitschek and BLOODREDSANDMAN! Santo Angel and kubitschek enter the ring. JUAN OLARTE and BLOODREDSANDMAN are waiting in the respective corners kubitschek gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! kubitschek prepares to strike the adversary Santo Angel moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative Santo Angel charges his open hand kubitschek ducks and evades the Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back kubitschek charges his arm and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!! kubitschek jumps at his opponent Santo Angel doges the Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative Santo Angel hooks his opponents leg with his own legs kubitschek avoids being catched by the Octopus Hold and gains the initiative kubitschek grasps the opponent and lifts him up, slamming him down to the mat performing a light Body Slam!! kubitschek grabs Santo Angel's hair kubitschek grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes kubitschek runs toward the opponent grasping his head Santo Angel gets free from the opponent's Running DDT, taking the initiative Santo Angel tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails and strikes his opponent with a light Elbow Smash!! Santo Angel places himself sideways to his rival grabbing his head with an arm tripping him throwing himself forward with a light Front Russian Leg Sweep making him fall face first!! Santo Angel grabs kubitschek's hair

Santo Angel grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Santo Angel runs toward the opponent and leaps hitting him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... kubitschek gets up and resolutely fights back kubitschek gets besides the laying opponent Santo Angel avoids the Knee Stomp and counterattacks Santo Angel gets closer to the opponent laying on the mat and strikes him with the elbow may times by performing a light Elbow Crush!! Santo Angel climbs the turnbuckle and jumps towards the rival hitting him with his arm executing a light Flying Clothesline!! Santo Angel grabs his opponent's wrist and sits down on his back then he grabs the other one too crossing them under the chin to press with a light Goku-Raku Stretch!! Santo Angel keeps his ruthless submission hold Santo Angel keeps his ruthless submission hold Santo Angel releases his grasp kubitschek pulls himself together and fights back kubitschek gets ready to hit the opponent and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!! kubitschek charges his arm Santo Angel dodges the Elbow Smash and counterattacks Santo Angel brings the opponent nearer, hugging him to the chest

and throws him over his head, dropping him down to the ground with a devastating Castigo De Los Cielos!! Santo Angel jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back kubitschek evades the a Jumping HH Pin to gain the initiative kubitschek locks his rival's legs shaping a 4 holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santo Angel kicks out TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! kubitschek gives the touch to BLOODREDSANDMAN who enters the ring! BLOODREDSANDMAN locks Santo Angel's waist lifting him Santo Angel avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back Santo Angel gains speed bouncing against the ropes and knocks the opponent down while running, performing a light Rope Drop Clothesline!! Santo Angel catches his opponent's legs and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a violent Figura Argentina Wachin!! BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold Santo Angel bounces off the top rope with the opponent lying face up on the mat then leaps at him BLOODREDSANDMAN rolls out the way just in time, dodging the a Springboard Corkscrew Splash and regaining the lead BLOODREDSANDMAN jumps quickly over his laying opponent to hit him with the elbow by performing a light Elbow Drop!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Santo Angel's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one Santo Angel 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well BLOODREDSANDMAN bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent Santo Angel suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative Santo Angel grabs the opponent's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... BLOODREDSANDMAN kicks out Santo Angel bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting BLOODREDSANDMAN BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back BLOODREDSANDMAN gains speed bouncing against the ropes and knocks the opponent down while running, performing a light Rope Drop Clothesline!! BLOODREDSANDMAN takes a short run performing a violent Ainglinglinglin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santo Angel kicks out BLOODREDSANDMAN moves towards the opponent and jumps Santo Angel avoids the a Elbow Drop to gain the initiative Santo Angel crosses his opponent's legs locking him in a light Texas Cloverleaf imitating the famous "Lasso from el Paso"!! Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold

Santo Angel keeps his ruthless submission hold Santo Angel releases his grasp Santo Angel pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair Santo Angel hugs the opponent to the chest and throws him backwards with a strong Castigo De Los Cielos!! Santo Angel clutches his opponent from behind and lets him fall to the ground with a light German Suplex!! BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence BLOODREDSANDMAN opens wide his arms Santo Angel moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Santo Angel turns against the adversary to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Santo Angel gives the touch to JUAN OLARTE who enters the ring! JUAN OLARTE falls on his knees, and hits him executing light Low Blow!! JUAN OLARTE catches his opponent's head BLOODREDSANDMAN fiercely avoids the a Implant DDT and counterattacks BLOODREDSANDMAN flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest JUAN OLARTE breaks loose of his opponent's grip, neutralizing the a STO and regaining the initiative! JUAN OLARTE waits for the running opponent and throws him up across the ring with a light Big Toss!! JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

JUAN OLARTE runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes JUAN OLARTE runs, approching his opponent with a jump BLOODREDSANDMAN nips up and dodges the a Shining Wizard, retaking the initative BLOODREDSANDMAN puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent No Te Metas Pa Lo Ondo Ke Tu No Sabes Nadar!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head from behind and strikes him with a light Headbutt to Back of Head!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head JUAN OLARTE quickly dodges the a Coconut Crush and counterattacks JUAN OLARTE lifts the opponent and moves him from an arm to the other making him hit his knee with a strong Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! JUAN OLARTE pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair JUAN OLARTE lifts the opponent showing great strength and throws him backwards with a strong Back Suplex!! JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE hooks the opponent's neck forcing him to an irregular movement performing a light Neck Breaker!! JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE runs to this opponent, who is running too and he jumps onto him executing a light Lou Thesz Press Pin!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... BLOODREDSANDMAN kicks out BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence BLOODREDSANDMAN points to the opponent with decision and gives him an light Ear Slap!! BLOODREDSANDMAN approaches his opponent, getting in close range, JUAN OLARTE ducks and evades the a Standing Clothesline, catching his opponent off guard! JUAN OLARTE moves behind the opponent and grasps his head putting it under his arm, he lifts him up over his shoulder and falls down, making him hit it with his chin with a strong Rolling Cutter!! JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE BLOODREDSANDMAN somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs JUAN OLARTE from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back JUAN OLARTE gets ready to hit the opponent striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! JUAN OLARTE turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a light Side Kick!! JUAN OLARTE grabs his rival and lifts him sideways to himself and makes him whirl behind himself with mastery, making him slam his back with a violent Killer!! JUAN OLARTE performs a backflip, using the top rope as a springboard landing on him, setting for a pinfall with a light Springboard Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... BLOODREDSANDMAN kicks out JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE executing devastating Storm!! JUAN OLARTE tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... BLOODREDSANDMAN kicks out JUAN OLARTE stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent and with a light Shoulder Block shows his might, knocking him on the ground!! JUAN OLARTE puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat and locks them behind his back performing a light Butterfly Lock!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE releases his grasp

JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! BLOODREDSANDMAN pulls himself together and fights back BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares his arm performing a light Punch!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN gives the touch to kubitschek who enters the ring! kubitschek garbs his running opponent by the arm to throw him down with an light Black Spiral!! kubitschek stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders and slams his column against his knee executing powerful Final Death!! kubitschek tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... JUAN OLARTE kicks out kubitschek lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with powerful Samoan Drop!! JUAN OLARTE interrupts his opponent attacks sequence JUAN OLARTE open his arms ready to hit the opponent kubitschek moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative kubitschek grabs a JUAN OLARTE's arm

and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! kubitschek grabs the opponent's legs and locks them holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... JUAN OLARTE kicks out kubitschek grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair kubitschek and lunges himself on the ropes kubitschek grasps the opponent and with the other arm, hits his face performing a strong Real Deal!!!! JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back JUAN OLARTE goes towards his rival kubitschek droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust kubitschek gets ready to hit the opponent and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!! kubitschek grabs his running opponent by the arm to make his face fall on the mat with an violent Black Spiral!! kubitschek jumps at his opponent and performs a strong Bicycle Kick hitting the opponent with two kicks!! JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back JUAN OLARTE gets his hand ready hitting his opponent with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! JUAN OLARTE turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee and then lands a blow on his opponent's stomach, performing a strong Side Kick!!

JUAN OLARTE and Santo Angel lift kubitschek by the neck and slam him violently to the ground executing a devastating Double-chokeslam!! JUAN OLARTE grabs kubitschek's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes JUAN OLARTE executing devastating Storm!! JUAN OLARTE tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... kubitschek firmly pulls a shoulder up JUAN OLARTE turns kubitschek up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction JUAN OLARTE runs toward the opponent and leaps crushing him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... kubitschek gets up and resolutely fights back kubitschek gets ready to hit JUAN OLARTE and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European Uppercut!! kubitschek jumps at his opponent JUAN OLARTE doges the a Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! JUAN OLARTE gives the touch to Santo Angel who enters the ring!

Santo Angel lifts the opponent on his shoulders JUAN OLARTE climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent executing a devastating Doomsday device!! Santo Angel pulls kubitschek still groggy, by his hair Santo Angel grabs his opponent's wrist from behinds taking it on his opposite shoulder threads his other arm under his opponent's neck and crushes him on the ground by throwing him back, executing a violent Cobra Clutch Suplex!! Santo Angel grabs one of the opponent's legs, and places the opponent's ankle between his own thighs, and lying on top of him wraps his arms around his chin, performing a light STF!! kubitschek escapes from the hold kubitschek quickly gets up and counterattacks! kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders Santo Angel avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back Santo Angel puts his rival's head beneath his arm grabbing him by his leg and lifts him up executing a violent Fisherman DDT and makes him fall head on the ground!! Santo Angel stands behind his rival stretching his face to show his dentist's bad work performing a light Face Stretch!! Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt kubitschek capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Santo Angel is caught out! kubitschek gets ready to hit Santo Angel Santo Angel shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative Santo Angel prepares to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! Santo Angel dives into the opponent with a clothesline knocking him down!!

Santo Angel lifts the hand preparing to attack kubitschek eludes the adversary's a Mandible Claw , taking back the initiative kubitschek stands in a fighting pose performing a strong Kicking Combination!! JUAN OLARTE leans on the ropes to get the touch! kubitschek locks his rival's legs shaping a 4 holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santo Angel gets up and resolutely fights back Santo Angel grabs his head, standing side-to-side and slightly behind with the opponent slamming him on the mat flipping himself backwards, executing a strong Spanish Flip!!!! Santo Angel gets on the top turnbuckle kubitschek suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative kubitschek lifts his opponent's leg and hits it with an elbow performing a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! kubitschek gives the touch to BLOODREDSANDMAN who enters the ring! BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts the opponent on his shoulders kubitschek climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent executing a powerful Doomsday device!! BLOODREDSANDMAN bounces against the ropes and dives on the opponent with a devastating Ainglinglinglin!! Referee starts counting... ....1....

....2.... Santo Angel kicks out BLOODREDSANDMAN turns Santo Angel still groggy up pulling his hair BLOODREDSANDMAN stands behind his rival Santo Angel moves at the last moment and dodges a Face Stretch, taking the initiative Santo Angel places himself sideways to his rival grabbing his head with an arm and lets himself fall forward tripping him, making him slam his face with a strong Front Russian Leg Sweep!! Santo Angel grabs hold of his opponent's leg and moves around it, twisting and crushing it on the mat, delivering pain and connecting with a light Spinning Leg Crush!! Santo Angel grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair Santo Angel blocks the opponent holding him by his arm BLOODREDSANDMAN dodges a Falling Arm Breaker and takes the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN slams his stunned opponent down and steps on his belly with both his feet to perform a violent Walk on Belly!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the opponent's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santo Angel firmly pulls a shoulder up BLOODREDSANDMAN turns Santo Angel up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction BLOODREDSANDMAN puts a hand on the opponent's face Santo Angel shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative Santo Angel prepares the back of his hand

BLOODREDSANDMAN dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack BLOODREDSANDMAN puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the opponent's head Santo Angel lowers and avoids an a Head Butt, departing to the counterattack Santo Angel lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids a a Canadian Back Breaker, counterattacking BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head Santo Angel quickly dodges the a Coconut Crush and counterattacks Santo Angel attempts to kick the opponent, who parryes the blow throwing the leg out away from himself helped by the push, spins and hit him with a strong Dragon Whip kicking his nape of the neck!! Santo Angel grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat to perform a light Head Lock!! Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold Santo Angel folds the opponent's leg against his calf BLOODREDSANDMAN easily avoids a a Reverse Achilles Lock, taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN slams his stunned opponent down and gets on his belly with both feet performing a light Walk on Belly!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Santo Angel's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN and lunges himself on the ropes BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him Santo Angel crouches and eludes a a Polish Hammer taking back the initiative Santo Angel turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a strong Side Kick!!

Santo Angel lifts his opponent on his shoulders BLOODREDSANDMAN climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Samoan Drop regaining the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN holds his opponent by the head throwing it over his knee executing a strong Coconut Crush!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the opponent foot holding it parallel to the mat Santo Angel dodges a a Dragon Screw with great agility, taking the initiative Santo Angel begs his opponent for mercy and hits is opponent with a light Low Blow!! Santo Angel locks BLOODREDSANDMAN's waist lifting him runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a powerful 3D!! Santo Angel crosses his opponent's legs and turns his opponent holding an ankle under the armpit performing a light Texas Cloverleaf!! Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! KUBITSCHEK enters the ring hitting Santo Angel and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! BLOODREDSANDMAN releases his grasp BLOODREDSANDMAN puts his rival's body across his shoulder and lifts him up, stands for a while, showing off his strengh to the crowd and then falls backwards, driving the opponent down to the mat on his back, performing a strong Super Samoan Drop!! BLOODREDSANDMAN charges his leg Santo Angel avoids the a Kick to Back taking initiative. Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt Santo Angel Extiende Sus Brazos En Forma De Alas Y Luego Baja Sus Pulgares executing A Die Santo Angel grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Santo Angel grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Santo Angel bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent BLOODREDSANDMAN suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the opponent's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santo Angel kicks out BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts Santo Angel up, still groggy BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him tryes to strike him with a powerful heading performing a light Hard Headbutt!! BLOODREDSANDMAN places himself sideways to his rival grasping him from his back, hooking his head with an arm and lets himself fall forward tripping him, making him slam his face with a strong Front Russian Leg Sweep!! BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt BLOODREDSANDMAN Me Komen El Cipote executing A Esta Yegua No Es Mi Vieja Yegua Gris Santo Angel interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Santo Angel prepares the back of his hand BLOODREDSANDMAN dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack BLOODREDSANDMAN puts a hand on the opponent's face and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares to hit the rival and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the opponent's leg

Santo Angel dodges a a Dragon Screw with great agility, taking the initiative Santo Angel tucks the opponent's head in his armpit falling backward slamming the opponent's head into the mat with a strong DDT!! Santo Angel gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and throws himself toward the opponent hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!! Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt Santo Angel Extiende Sus Brazos En Forma De Alas Y Luego Baja Sus Pulgares executing A Die Santo Angel grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN executing a backbreaker JUAN OLARTE bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a devastating Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! Santo Angel climbs the turnbuckle and makes a jump towards the opponent hitting him with his arm performing a strong Flying Clothesline!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Santo Angel gives the touch to JUAN OLARTE who enters the ring! JUAN OLARTE approaches the opponent and grasps the opponent's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!! BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold Santo Angel leans on the ropes to get the touch! JUAN OLARTE grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes JUAN OLARTE runs toward the opponent jumping against the opponent hitting him with a shoulder, performing a violent Diving Shoulder Block!! JUAN OLARTE rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on the opponent while performing a torsion with the body executing a light Modified Twisting Body Attack!!

JUAN OLARTE jumps on the turnbuckle jumps towards the rival hitting him with his arm executing a strong Flying Clothesline!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt BLOODREDSANDMAN capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but JUAN OLARTE is faster and is not caught off guard! JUAN OLARTE raises a hand putting it on the opponent's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! JUAN OLARTE grabs the opponent's arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! JUAN OLARTE lifts the knee to hit the opponent and with a knee blow executes a light Knee Smash!! BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence BLOODREDSANDMAN gets ready to hit the opponent and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!! kubitschek leans on the ropes to get the touch! BLOODREDSANDMAN takes the opponent's head with both hands JUAN OLARTE lowers and avoids an a Head Butt, departing to the counterattack JUAN OLARTE spotting his bent opponent, throws himself on the ropes and leaps on him and strikes him on the nape performing a powerful Scissor Kick knocking him down face first!! JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent's arm BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the a Flipping Armbar easily, taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt BLOODREDSANDMAN Me Komen El Cipote executing A Esta Yegua No Es Mi Vieja Yegua Gris BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand

JUAN OLARTE breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the initiative JUAN OLARTE jumps towards his rival on the ground falling down with a strong Falling Headbutt hitting him with his head!! kubitschek leans on the ropes to get the touch! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! kubitschek touches BLOODREDSANDMAN suddenly entering the ring! kubitschek charges the hand and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!! kubitschek lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm to throw him down with an light Black Spiral!! kubitschek jumps at his opponent and kicks him twice performing a light Bicycle Kick!! JUAN OLARTE interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort JUAN OLARTE prevails JUAN OLARTE brings his foot up then drops it into the opponent executing an light Axe Kick!! JUAN OLARTE lifts up the opponent from behind and throws him backwards with a strong Back Suplex!! JUAN OLARTE grabs kubitschek's hair JUAN OLARTE and lunges himself on the ropes JUAN OLARTE bounces off by using the middle rope, performing a backflip in mid-air towards his opponent kubitschek dodges a a Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash and retakes the initiative! kubitschek gets besides the laying opponent

to hit him with a violent Knee Stomp!! kubitschek gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! kubitschek is about to perform his taunt kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage kubitschek pulls JUAN OLARTE still groggy, by his hair kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders JUAN OLARTE somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! JUAN OLARTE jumps with his feet held togheter and hits the opponent in a perfectly horizontal position with a light Dropkick!! JUAN OLARTE pulls kubitschek still groggy, by his hair JUAN OLARTE grabs the opponent lifting him sideways to himself and he makes him whirl behind his body to slam his back on the ground with a strong Killer!! JUAN OLARTE grabs kubitschek's arm from the back blocking the opponent's leg with his own and twisting the opponent's body executes an light Abdominal Stretch!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN enters the ring hitting JUAN OLARTE and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! kubitschek releases his grasp kubitschek prepares to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! kubitschek grabs a JUAN OLARTE's arm hurling him on the ground executing an light Arm Drag!! JUAN OLARTE interrupts his opponent attacks sequence JUAN OLARTE puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead

and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! JUAN OLARTE charges his arm and with a great strength punches the opponent's face performing a light Big Punch!! JUAN OLARTE grabs the opponent raising him up onto his shoulder so the opponents head is down his back kubitschek avoids an a Air Raid Siren easily. taking the initiative kubitschek approaches his laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! kubitschek pulls JUAN OLARTE still groggy, by his hair kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders JUAN OLARTE somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a light Crucifix Armbar!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN enters the ring hitting JUAN OLARTE and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! kubitschek takes advantage of the situation! kubitschek releases his grasp kubitschek tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back JUAN OLARTE comes close to the lying opponent kubitschek avoids the a Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

JUAN OLARTE suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponet's arm then he throws him down to submit him with a light Ultimate Armbar!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN enters the ring hitting JUAN OLARTE and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! kubitschek takes advantage of the situation! kubitschek releases his grasp kubitschek is about to perform his taunt kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage kubitschek traps his opponent's leg with his own legs JUAN OLARTE dodges the a Indian Death Lock and gains the initiative JUAN OLARTE while kubitschek's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of the opponent and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish Bone!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN enters the ring hitting JUAN OLARTE and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! kubitschek takes advantage of the situation! kubitschek releases his grasp kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and leaps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! kubitschek locks JUAN OLARTE's waist lifting him runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a devastating 3D!! kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

and throws himself toward the opponent hitting him with a violent Double Axe Handle!! JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort JUAN OLARTE prevails JUAN OLARTE gets ready to hit the opponent preparing his leg and performs a strong Big Kick!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! JUAN OLARTE gives the touch to Santo Angel who enters the ring! Santo Angel grabs kubitschek executing a backbreaker JUAN OLARTE bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a powerful Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! Santo Angel climbs the top turnbuckle kubitschek suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative kubitschek hooks his opponet's leg with his own legs making it strangely twist to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Santo Angel escapes from the hold kubitschek is about to perform his taunt kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage kubitschek gets besides the laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! kubitschek hooks his opponet's leg with his own legs making it strangely twist to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Santo Angel escapes from the hold kubitschek grabs Santo Angel's hair kubitschek grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

kubitschek takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a strong Clothesline to Back!! Santo Angel interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Santo Angel gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! Santo Angel grabs the opponent's arm kubitschek avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative kubitschek grabs Santo Angel's neck and crashes him to the ground making him whirl performing a violent Falling Neck Breaker!! kubitschek pulls Santo Angel still groggy, by his hair kubitschek grasps the opponent Santo Angel gets free from the a Body Slam, taking the initiative Santo Angel lifts his opponent up over his head with arms fully extended tossing him away, letting him land with his belly on the ropes, executing a violent Slingshot!! Santo Angel pulls kubitschek still groggy, by his hair Santo Angel grabs his opponent's head from behind and connects with a violent Scoop Reverse DDT making him spin and drop down on his head!! Santo Angel jumps on the top turnbuckle and throws himself across the opponent in a strong Diving Crossbody, pinning him!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... kubitschek kicks out Santo Angel turns kubitschek still groggy up pulling his hair Santo Angel tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting... ....1.... kubitschek gets his shoulder up somehow Santo Angel gets up while his opponent is still on the ground kubitschek pulls himself together and fights back kubitschek prepares to strike the adversary Santo Angel moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Santo Angel goes towards his rival and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! Santo Angel grabs the opponent's arm kubitschek avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative kubitschek grabs Santo Angel's neck and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a light Falling Neck Breaker!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! kubitschek gives the touch to BLOODREDSANDMAN who enters the ring! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Santo Angel executing a backbreaker kubitschek bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a powerful Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! BLOODREDSANDMAN slowly climbs the top turnbuckle Santo Angel suddenly shifts dodging a a Banzai Drop, taking the initiative Santo Angel locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... BLOODREDSANDMAN gets up and resolutely fights back

BLOODREDSANDMAN puts his foot over his rival's abdomen Santo Angel rolls aside to dodge the a Cocky Pin, gaining the initiative Santo Angel grabs the opponent's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... BLOODREDSANDMAN kicks out Santo Angel turns BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy up pulling his hair Santo Angel grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground performing an amazing light Rushing Armbar!! BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold Santo Angel grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair Santo Angel grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Santo Angel bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent BLOODREDSANDMAN gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN hurls the leg preparing the blow Santo Angel bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack Santo Angel puts his rival's head beneath his arm hooking him by his leg crashing his head on the ground after lifting him up performing a violent Fisherman DDT!! Santo Angel moves sideways, and grabs one of his opponent's legs and clamps it with strength, twisting it, and trying to submit him performing a light Side Leg Lock!! Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! KUBITSCHEK enters the ring hitting Santo Angel and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN releases his grasp BLOODREDSANDMAN open his arms ready to hit the opponent Santo Angel moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Santo Angel charges the leg striking his head with an light Overhead Kick!! Santo Angel grabs his opponent by his hips and perpendicularly hurls him with a strong Gutwrench Suplex!! Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt Santo Angel Extiende Sus Brazos En Forma De Alas Y Luego Baja Sus Pulgares executing A Die Santo Angel lifts his opponent's leg BLOODREDSANDMAN moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN slams his stunned opponent down and steps quickly on his back with both feet performing a light Walk on Back!! BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt BLOODREDSANDMAN Me Komen El Cipote executing A Esta Yegua No Es Mi Vieja Yegua Gris BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Santo Angel's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes BLOODREDSANDMAN se va a un lado del ring y ve una tia buena y......MOZAAAA HAYYY LO K TE ACIA YO SI TE PIYARA POR BANDAAA TE IBA A METER DE TODO MENOS DINERO EN EL BANKO Santo Angel somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Santo Angel gets on the top turnbuckle and leaps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a strong Diving Headbutt!! Santo Angel tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting...

....1.... BLOODREDSANDMAN gets up and resolutely fights back BLOODREDSANDMAN slowly gets on the top turnbuckle Santo Angel suddenly shifts dodging a a Banzai Drop, taking the initiative Santo Angel lifts his opponent's leg and hits it with an elbow performing a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! Santo Angel takes BLOODREDSANDMAN's head from behind, locking him between his arm and his body BLOODREDSANDMAN breaks free from the a Dragon Sleeper easily, taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN slams his stunned opponent down and gets on his belly with both feet performing a strong Walk on Belly!! BLOODREDSANDMAN slowly climbs the top turnbuckle and jumps down, dropping his buttocks on Santo Angel's face performing a devastating Banzai Drop!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Santo Angel's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN begs his opponent for mercy and hits him executing strong Low Blow!! BLOODREDSANDMAN falls on his knees, Santo Angel avoids a a Low Blow and counterattacks Santo Angel approaches the opponent and grasps him by his chest, then he hits him with a strong Tie Up Knee Strike!! Santo Angel hooks his opponent's head from behind and makes him fall on his nipe spinning him performing a violent Scoop Reverse DDT!! Santo Angel grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair Santo Angel grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Santo Angel runs toward the opponent grasping his head

BLOODREDSANDMAN gets free from the opponent's a Running DDT, taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares to hit the rival Santo Angel moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back Santo Angel encircles his opponent's head with his right arm and locks the chokehold by grabbing his own left arm's biceps performing a strong Sleeper Hold!! BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN quickly gets up and counterattacks! BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg and hits him on the face with a light Roundhouse Kick!! BLOODREDSANDMAN performs a backflip, using the top rope as a springboard Santo Angel moves out the way just in time, dodging the a Springboard Crossbody and retaking initative Santo Angel clutches his laying rival's head and performs a strong Head Lock!! Santo Angel keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! KUBITSCHEK enters the ring hitting Santo Angel and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! BLOODREDSANDMAN releases his grasp Santo Angel waits for the running adversary, and grabs him by the arm throwing him on the ground performing a strong Monkey Toss!! Santo Angel is about to perform his taunt Santo Angel Gets His Skimboard And Climbs The Turnbuckle To Ride The Ropes executing A Ss Santo Angel grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair Santo Angel grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Santo Angel dashes towards his opponent

and grabs him by the head in order to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence BLOODREDSANDMAN holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him and strikes him with unheard strength with a strong Hard Headbutt!! BLOODREDSANDMAN loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Santo Angel's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent with an arm and he stretches it out Santo Angel evades a a Death Magnetic and counterattacks Santo Angel falls on his knees, and hits is opponent with a strong Low Blow!! Santo Angel locks BLOODREDSANDMAN's head under his arm forcing BLOODREDSANDMAN to dive onto his head with a powerful Kimi's Ddt!! Santo Angel pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair Santo Angel lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a powerful Caidita Samoana!! Santo Angel tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... SANTO ANGEL AND JUAN OLARTEWINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS BLOODREDSANDMAN!!!!

Kubit sale del ring sin ayudar a BloodRedSandman.. en eso aparece Christo quien le revienta una lata de cerveza en la cabeza!!.. y la bebe sobre el… Marco Perez: esto sra premonicion a la pelea titular que tendra lugar el sabado!! .. Henry Rojas: Christo podra convertirse en el 2 veces campeon de la LWC!! Juan Olarte

Mascara Chilena Killer Montxo

Mascara Chilena

Killer Montxo

Santo Angel


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