Web Technology Questions

  • November 2019
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LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS True/False Question It is possible to use more than one Web browser. If another Web browser is installed on our computer, we can still safely install Microsoft Internet Explorer. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

Your Answer NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator , Internet Explorer

Question ________ is the language that describes how pages of text, graphics and other information are organized, formatted and linked together on web. Multiple Choice Single Answer Correct Answer Hypertext Mark-up Language Question The speed of Internet connection is (HTML) measured in terms of "how many bits of data can Your Answer Hypertext Mark-up Language be transmitted across the Internet in a second" and (HTML) termed as :Correct Answer Bps Your Answer Bytes Multiple Choice Single Answer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The SUBMIT type accepts only the Question The three vertices of Web pyramid are attribute, which can be used to rename the button, Select The Blank :called :Question Prior to hiring outside testers , create Correct Answer Form , Function , Purpose Correct Answer VALUE Your Answer Form , Function , Purpose a list of key________ to accomplish on your site. Your Answer VALUE Correct Answer Tasks Your Answer Tasks Multiple Choice Single Answer Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Question The MIME Equivalent of File AVI Multiple Choice Single Answer video for the Tag is :SoftQuad SoftQuad Question An Internet service which is based on HotMetal Pro Correct Answer application/avi Your Answer application/avi a common set of protocols and allows a Dreamweaver Macromedia particularly configured server computer to Macromedia distribute documents across the Internet in a Multiple Choice Multiple Answer standard way is termed as :FrontPage MicrosoftMicrosoft Correct Answer World Wide Web Question Proper planning of web site is Your Answer World Wide Web required to make it more :Fusion NetObjects NetObjects Correct Answer Attractive , Informative , Interactive Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Your Answer Attractive , Informative , Question Here are few points for initially Interactive Multiple Choice Multiple Answer testing your web pages Question Web design is truly a multiCorrect Answer Resize the page several times disciplinary field as it involves various fields such Multiple Choice Multiple Answer to see how your layout is affected by different as :sizes. , Check various browser commands. , use Question The some main reasons for Correct Answer Graphic design , developers making mistakes while building a web Dreamweaver which enables you to specify upto Programming client/server technology , User 13 browsers with preview in browser feature, site are :interface design Your Answer use Dreamweaver which Correct Answer Lack of developer experience Your Answer Graphic design , enables you to specify upto 13 browsers with , Poorly defined process , Unrealistic schedules Programming client/server technology , User Your Answer Lack of developer experience preview in browser feature, , Resize the page several times to see how your layout is affected by interface design , Poorly defined process different sizes. , Check various browser commands. Multiple Choice Single Answer Select The Blank Question The tag takes the attributes NAME Question RADIO requires that you use the and :VALUE attribute, and that the NAME attribute be Multiple Choice Single Answer Question in addition to browsers , OS and the same for all of ________ tags that are Correct Answer VALUE platforms , it is also necessary to test :intended for the same group. Your Answer VALUE Correct Answer resolution of screen Correct Answer Your Answer mouse click Your Answer Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The computer used by a user for Multiple Choice Multiple Answer retrieval of information from internet is generally Question Here are some examples of ActiveX termed as :True/False Scripting hosts:Correct Answer Client computer Correct Answer Microsoft Internet Explorer , Question Being ranked upon top 10 positions Your Answer Client computer Internet Authoring tools , Shell for any web site is extremely important , Your Answer Microsoft Internet Explorer , especially because 8 million other sites are Internet Authoring tools fighting for same business. Multiple Choice Single Answer Correct Answer True Question When a binary document such as a Your Answer False Select The Blank graphics file is sent over the Web, it's important Question The Web is based on a concept called that it has the appropriate :Correct Answer Extension Multiple Choice Multiple Answer ________ which means that text within the Your Answer Extension Question The hypertext concept of the Web was paragraphs on a Web page is designed to act as links to other Web pages. introduced to the world of multimedia, resulting in the hypermedia links that are possible in HTML Correct Answer Hypertext True/False Your Answer Hypertext with graphical browsers such as Question To help determine the most important Correct Answer NCSA Mosaic , Netscape browsers and platforms for your testing schemes , Navigator , Internet Explorer Select The Blank it is necessary to prioritize them according to

which constitutes the widest portion of your audience. Correct Answer True Your Answer False

Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

, Street or e-mail address e-mail address Select The Blank Question Although you shouldn't copy others' work, don't forget that you can always use ________ commands to learn how something was done on the Web. Correct Answer View Source Your Answer View Source

Street or

ALT attribute Accepts a text that describes the graphic, in case a particular browser can't display the graphic. Accepts a text that describes the graphic, in case a particular browser can't display the graphic. ALIGN attribute We can align other elements to the top, middle, or bottom of the graphic. We can align other elements to the top, middle, or bottom of the graphic.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The following lists the attributes you use with Term definition Term definition Correct Answer NAME is the name of the data , (required). , SIZE determines how many choices to show. , MULTIPLE allows you to select multiple options and always renders a scrolling Multiple Choice Single Answer list. Your Answer NAME is the name of the data Question The text typed by us in an editor can be displayed in form of paragraph by :(required). , SIZE determines how many choices Correct Answer Paragraph [ to show. , COLOR selects color for form ] tag. Your Answer Paragraph [ ] tag. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various INPUT types are :Correct Answer CHECKBOX , RADIO , True/False HIDDEN Question In order to evaluate performance of a Your Answer CHECKBOX , RADIO , web site with respect to Operating system and HIDDEN browser , prepare the following table :- Netscape IE AOL MS Windows UNIX Macintosh Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Your Answer False Question VLINK stands for :Correct Answer Visited link Your Answer Visited link Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of parameters required for designing a web site are as follows :Select The Blank Question ________ is commonly used to gather Correct Answer Search engines , Hit counter , Metaphor feedback from your Web users. Your Answer Search engines , Hit counter , Correct Answer Metaphor

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various types of lists used in HTML are :Correct Answer - Unordered list , - Menu list , - Ordered list Your Answer - Menu list , - Ordered list , - Unordered list Select The Blank Question The attribute ACTION accepts the ________ for the script that will process the data from your form. Correct Answer URL Your Answer Text

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Unlike any other Internet service or protocol, the World Wide Web is based on a concept of information retrieval called :Correct Answer Hypertext Your Answer Hypertext Select The Blank Question The ________ is generally used to send a keyword, validation number, or some other kind of string to the script so that the script knows it's being accessed by a valid (or just a particular) Web page. Correct Answer HIDDEN Your Answer HIDDEN

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms to properly format and display the information served. These programs are called :Correct Answer Web browsers. Your Answer Web browsers. Match The Following Question Correct Answer Java

Your Answer

Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems

Mosaic National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) Navigator

Netscape Netscape

Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Internet Explorer supports the following HTML extensions:Correct Answer Frame: Creates permanent panes for displaying information, supporting floating frames or borderless frames.. , NOFRAMES: Content that can be viewed by browsers not supporting frames , OBJECT: Inserts an OLE control Your Answer Frame: Creates permanent panes for displaying information, supporting floating frames or borderless frames.. , NOFRAMES: Content that can be viewed by browsers not supporting frames , OBJECT: Inserts an OLE control True/False

Question HTML is not an encoding scheme which is used to create a web page. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The following are attributes of the FORM and /FORM tags :Correct Answer METHOD is the way in which you send this information. , ENCTYPE is the MIME type of the information you upload to a server. , ACTION is the location where you want this form to go. Your Answer ACTION is the location where you want this form to go. , METHOD is the way in which you send this information. , ENCTYPE is the MIME type of the information you upload to a server. True/False

Question The GIF formats tend to lose less Multiple Choice Multiple Answer image clarity than JPEGs. Question Some of the protocols that can be part Correct Answer True Your Answer True of an URL are :Correct Answer http:// , ftp:// , gopher:// Your Answer http:// , ftp:// , gopher:// Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The first web browser was developed in the year Correct Answer 1991 Your Answer 1991 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question For UNIX operating system, the HTML editor is :Correct Answer VI Your Answer VI True/False

Question A FrontPage web contains not only files we create but several other folders and files created by FrontPage also . Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The ActiveX Scripting Engine is the ________ object that supports the IOLEScript interfaces, with at least one of the IPersist interfaces and an optional IOleScriptParse interface. Correct Answer OLE COM Your Answer OLE COM True/False

Question In order to have a maximum utilization of FrontPage, it is necessary to install Microsoft Internet Explorer. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question If you want to send graphics, games, WordPerfect documents, or just about anything else, just put a ________ to that file on your Web page. Correct Answer Hypertext link Your Answer Hypertext link Select The Blank Question The tag also has a ________type that automatically submits the data that's been entered into the HTML form. Correct Answer SUBMIT Your Answer SUBMIT True/False

Question URL system of addressing makes every single document, program, and file on the Internet a separately addressable entity. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

can be specified in the HTML by the user. , InLine sound and video Your Answer TABLE: Fully compliant with Select The Blank HTML tables with cell shading and text wrapping. Question Setting wrap to ________ forces the , StyleSheet: font size, intra-line space, margin, browser to include actual line breaks in the text highlighting and other features related with styles when sending it to the Web server. can be specified in the HTML by the user. , InCorrect Answer PHYSICAL Line sound and video Your Answer BREAK Multiple Choice Single Answer Question User loads the page in the Navigator in the event called :Correct Answer load Your Answer load

Select The Blank Question Like human ________, the head is followed by Body in an HTML page. Correct Answer Body Your Answer Body

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The Mosaic is written for various platforms such as :Correct Answer MS Windows , Macintosh , UNIX Your Answer MS Windows , UNIX , MS DOS

Select The Blank Question The first possible value for the TYPE attribute is ________, which creates a single-line textbox of a length you choose. Correct Answer TEXT Your Answer INPUTBOX


Question HTML Tags are case-sensitive. Correct Answer Your Answer

False False

Select The Blank Question In order to add graphics, an empty tag called the________ tag is used . Correct Answer Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question It is necessary to test your web site under following resolutions using both Netscape and Internet Explorer :Correct Answer 640X480 , 800X600 , 1024X768 Your Answer 640X480 , 800X600 , 1024X768 Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Internet service that allows computers to transfer binary files (programs and documents) across the Internet is called :Correct Answer File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Your Answer File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Select The Blank Question ________ is the computer program that interprets HTML commands to collect, arrange and display parts of web page. Correct Answer Web Browser Your Answer Web Browser

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The following HTML extensions are supported by Internet Explorer :Correct Answer TABLE: Fully compliant with Multiple Choice Single Answer HTML tables with cell shading and text wrapping. Question The web address of Adobe PageMill is :, StyleSheet: font size, intra-line space, margin, Correct Answer www.adobe.com highlighting and other features related with styles Your Answer www.adobe.com

Select The Blank Question ________are any documents created by applications such as word processing or graphics applications or even the applications themselves. Correct Answer Binary files Your Answer Binary files Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The three basic HTML document tags are :Correct Answer Head , Title , Body Your Answer Head , Title , Body Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An format for SUBMIT would be the following: Correct Answer Your Answer

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms such as Correct Answer UNIX , Windows 95 , Mac OS Your Answer UNIX , Windows 95 True/False

Question Most browser programs have a text box at the top of the screen that tells you the name of the HTML document being displayed. HTML document names will end with the extension .HTM or .HTML. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False

Question the

tag can accept the same CLASS attribute that most other HTML tags can take when used with a style sheet. Correct Answer True Your Answer False

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question For Macintosh, the HTML editor is :Correct Answer SimpleText Your Answer SimpleText

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Users need to have forms-aware Question Like comment statements used in browsers, like the current versions of :programming languages, the Web browser ignores Correct Answer Microsoft Internet Explorer , the contents of :NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator Correct Answer Comment tag Your Answer Microsoft Internet Explorer , Your Answer Comment tag NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator Multiple Choice Single Answer Question User gives a form box input focus in the event called :Correct Answer focus Your Answer select True/False

Question The IMG tag is inserted into the body section of your HTML document as follows : [ SRC accepts the name of the file that you want to display, and image URL (or path/filename) is the absolute (full URL) or relative path (for a local file or a file in the current directory) to the image. ] Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question One should to develop web sites which are :Correct Answer Sophisticated , Dynamic , Interactive Your Answer Sophisticated , Dynamic , Interactive Multiple Choice Single Answer Question 16 bit graphics offer :Correct Answer 65536 colors Your Answer 65536 colors

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms to properly format and display the information served. These programs are called :Correct Answer Web browsers. Your Answer Web browsers. Select The Blank Question Although you shouldn't copy others' work, don't forget that you can always use ________ commands to learn how something was done on the Web. Correct Answer View Source Your Answer View Source Select The Blank Question ________ is a protocol used to communicate between your HTML forms and your program so that your program can extract the information from the form. Correct Answer Common Gateway Interface Your Answer Common Gateway Interface True/False

Question Unlike printed letters, memos, and word-processing documents, Web sites can be changed or updated even after they have been published. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The HTML standards were agreed upon and accepted by many organisations such as True/False :Question The basic reason for learning HTML Correct Answer Microsoft , Sun Microsystems is to create pages for the World Wide Web. , Netscape Correct Answer True Your Answer Microsoft , Sun Microsystems Your Answer True , Netscape


Select The Blank Question If you want to send graphics, games, WordPerfect documents, or just about anything else, just put a ________ to that file on your Web page. Correct Answer Hypertext link Your Answer Hypertext link

Select The Blank Question The World Wide Web is composed of millions of ________, each of which is served to a browser (when requested) one at a time. Select The Blank Correct Answer Web pages Question ________ allows you to explicitly Your Answer Web pages indicate the type of Internet service involved. Correct Answer URL Your Answer URL

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Object value RIGHT indicates that the Object is Aligned :Correct Answer With right border and allows text wrap Your Answer With right border and allows text wrap Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Using center tag :Correct Answer All lines of text between the begin and end of the element are centred between the current left and right margins. Your Answer All variables between the begin and end of the element are centred between the current left and right margins. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question One should to develop web sites which are :Correct Answer Sophisticated , Dynamic , Interactive Your Answer Dynamic , Interactive Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The Web is fairly unique among Internet services which include :Correct Answer E-mail , Gopher , FTP Your Answer E-mail , Gopher , FTP True/False

Question Links can only be in form of text and not in form of graphics. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False

Question When you begin checking performance of your site , it is helpful to have a spreadsheet or table containing information about points to be checked. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ essentially creates a variable, assigns a value, and passes it to the Java applet. Correct Answer Your Answer True/False

Question Links can point to another part of the same document, in which case clicking the link will cause the browser to move to a new part of the currently displayed document. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The Internet service that allows computers to transfer binary files (programs and documents) across the Internet is called :Correct Answer File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Your Answer File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Question Using the forms tags, you can ask users to :Correct Answer Enter text information , Choose from menus, checkboxes, radio buttons , Send that information to the Web server for processing. Your Answer Enter text information , Multiple Choice Single Answer Choose from menus, checkboxes, radio buttons , Question A collection of Web pages under the Send that information to the Web server for control of a particular person or group is known as processing. :Correct Answer Web site Select The Blank Your Answer Web site Question The off tag is the same as the on tag, except for the ________after the <. True/False Correct Answer / Your Answer / Question In order to have a maximum utilization of FrontPage, it is necessary to install Microsoft Internet Explorer. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Correct Answer True Question You have three options for WRAP Your Answer True attribute such as :Correct Answer OFF-No text wrap. , Multiple Choice Multiple Answer VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL Your Answer OFF-No text wrap. , Question Following are some of parameters VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL required for designing a web site : Correct Answer Date & time , Orientation , Navigation Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Your Answer Date & time , Orientation , Question Web design is truly a multiNavigation disciplinary field as it involves various fields such as :Select The Blank Correct Answer Graphic design , Question ________ makes the textbox seem to Programming client/server technology , User interface design offer line wrap, but sends a continuous stream of Your Answer Graphic design , words to the Web server (unless the user has Programming client/server technology , User entered returns on his or her own). interface design Correct Answer VIRTUAL Your Answer VIRTUAL True/False

Question The older browsers sometimes do not support new technologies used by you in your web site, which adversely affects performance of your website. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

Web browser Software required for HTTP Software required for HTTP Web Collection of electronic documents or pages held on computers around the world. Collection of electronic documents or pages held on computers around the world. Web Page A document written in HTML that includes text, images, sound and other digital contents. A document written in HTML that includes text, images, sound and other digital contents. Web site Collection of web pages of web pages

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer


Select The Blank Question Like human ________, the head is followed by Body in an HTML page. Correct Answer Body Your Answer Body Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

SIZE The size of the input field (in number of characters) for text or password types The size of the input field (in number of characters) for text or password types HIDDEN Is not displayed by the browser Is not displayed by the browser SUBMIT When this is clicked, it submits the form. When this is clicked, it submits the form. RESET Clears all input fields and resets to the defaults Clears all input fields and resets to the defaults

Select The Blank Question ________ tags specifically inform a browser how the text should be appeared physically. Correct Answer Explicit

Your Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The first page of a web site is called :Correct Answer Home page Your Answer Home page Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The text entered by us in an editor will be displayed in one continuous line unless it is broken by :Correct Answer tag. Your Answer tag. Select The Blank Question Functions start by being "passed" a particular value; they work with that value to make something else happen and then ________ a new value to the body of your program. Correct Answer Return Your Answer Return True/False

Question Nearly all graphical browsers have a View Source command. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False

Question URL system of addressing makes every single document, program, and file on the Internet a separately addressable entity. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An Internet service which is based on a common set of protocols and allows a particularly configured server computer to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way is termed as :Correct Answer World Wide Web Your Answer World Wide Web Multiple Choice Single Answer Question JavaScript programs are generally written right in HTML pages unlike :Correct Answer Java, Your Answer Java, Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The protocol under URL that is followed by just the newsgroup name is :Correct Answer news: Your Answer news: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The commonly used packages for Creating Graphics for the Web are :Correct Answer CorelDraw!, , Adobe Photoshop , Fractal Painter

Your Answer Photoshop

CorelDraw!, , Adobe

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question All Web browsers are capable of certain basic tasks like :Correct Answer Finding Web pages , Loading Web pages , Displaying web pages following HTML standards and conventions Your Answer Finding Web pages , Loading Web pages , Displaying web pages following HTML standards and conventions Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The process of left/right hand and top/bottom traversal through web site is known as :Correct Answer Navigation Your Answer Navigation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Object value LEFT indicates that the Object is Aligned :Correct Answer With left border and allows text wrap Your Answer Between browser borders and allows text wrap Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question A Web page is generally a single HTML document, which might include in addition to text :Correct Answer Graphics , Sound files , Hypertext links Your Answer Graphics , Sound files , Hypertext links

, Street or e-mail address of memory location


ALT attribute Accepts a text that describes the graphic, in case a particular browser can't display the graphic. Accepts a text that describes the graphic, in case a particular browser can't display the graphic.


Question Unlike printed letters, memos, and word-processing documents, Web sites can be changed or updated even after they have been published. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Select The Blank Question ________ tags allow the browser to choose, within limitations, how the marked-up SIZE The size of the input field (in number of text will be displayed. characters) for text or password types The size Correct Answer Implicit of the input field (in number of characters) for text Your Answer Header or password types HIDDEN Is not displayed by the browser Is not displayed by the browser SUBMIT When this is clicked, it submits the form. When this is clicked, it submits the form. RESET Clears all input fields and resets to the defaults Clears all input fields and resets to the defaults

Question GET is a little easier for Web programmers to deal with, and is best used with single responses, like a single textbox. Correct Answer True Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Unlike any other Internet service or protocol, the World Wide Web is based on a concept of information retrieval called :Correct Answer Hypertext Your Answer Hypertext

Select The Blank Question It takes 15 to 30 seconds (on average) for a ________ kilobyte graphic file to be transmitted over a 28.8 kbps modem connection. Correct Answer 25 Your Answer 100

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

ALIGN attribute We can align other elements to the top, middle, or bottom of the graphic. We can align other elements to the top, middle, or bottom of the graphic. ,

Term definition

Term definition

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Inline value BASELINE indicates :Correct Answer Bottom vertically aligned with baseline of text Your Answer Bottom vertically aligned with baseline of text

Your Answer

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Object value CENTER indicates that the Object is Aligned :Correct Answer Between browser borders and allows text wrap Your Answer Bottom horizontally aligned with lowest point in text


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Inline value TEXTTOP indicates :Correct Answer Top vertically aligned with top of text's font Your Answer Top horizontally aligned with top of text's font

Select The Blank Question The ________ allows us to take photos that can be downloaded directly from the camera to the computer. Such photographs can be easily converted for use on the Web. Correct Answer Digital Camera Your Answer Digital Camera Multiple Choice Single Answer Question HTML tags are enclosed within :Correct Answer Angular brackets Your Answer Angular brackets Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The web address of Dreamweaver is :Correct Answer www.macromedia.com Your Answer www.macromedia.com True/False

Question Building a good Web site often means being aware of other offerings on the Web, and creating links to other people's pages that coincide with or expand upon the information you're presenting. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Here are few points for initially testing your web pages Select The Blank Correct Answer use Dreamweaver which Question ________, the first graphical browser enables you to specify upto 13 browsers with for the Web, appeared in 1993. preview in browser feature, , Resize the page Correct Answer Mosaic several times to see how your layout is affected by Your Answer Netscape Navigator different sizes. , Check various browser commands. Your Answer use Dreamweaver which True/False enables you to specify upto 13 browsers with Question Now a days the best web design tools preview in browser feature, , Resize the page take graphical or DTP like approach for creating several times to see how your layout is affected by web sites. different sizes. , Check various browser Correct Answer True commands.

Your Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question We should view your web page through different :Correct Answer Operating systems , Screen Sizes , resolutions Your Answer Screen Sizes , resolutions

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are some of parameters required for designing a web site : Correct Answer Date & time , Orientation , Navigation Your Answer Orientation , Navigation

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question No matter how beautiful or Multiple Choice Single Answer spectacular your home page design , it is not a Question We can create and edit web pages and web page unless viewed through :manage entire Web sites within one application. Correct Answer web browser Such interface is called as :Your Answer web browser Correct Answer Integrated interface Your Answer Integrated interface True/False Question The tag body bgcolor is an empty tag Select The Blank which does not act on text. Question A ________ is simply a computer Correct Answer True with an Internet connection that runs software Your Answer False designed to send out HTML pages and other file formats (such as multimedia files). Correct Answer Web server Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Your Answer Web server Question The three vertices of Web pyramid are :Correct Answer Function , Purpose , Form Select The Blank Your Answer Form , Function , Bytes Question The Web protocols were first created by ________ when he was with the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (also know as Multiple Choice Single Answer CERN). Question The special program that will visit Correct Answer Tim Berners-Lee your site and scan documents for HTML errors if Your Answer Tim Berners-Lee any is called Correct Answer HTML validation services Your Answer HTML validation services True/False Question The W3C continues to be largely responsible for negotiating standards and creating Select The Blank technology to enhance data transfer on the Web. Question Each ________ displays HTML codes Correct Answer True in slightly different ways and some-like Netscape Your Answer True and MS Internet Explorer-even add their own HTML-style commands. Correct Answer Browser Multiple Choice Single Answer Your Answer Browser Question If the graphic file logo.bmp is incorrectly typed as Logo.bmp Correct Answer image corresponding to Multiple Choice Single Answer logo.bmp would not be seen Question The SUBMIT type accepts only the Your Answer nothing would happen attribute, which can be used to rename the button, called :Correct Answer VALUE Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Your Answer NAME Question As a preventive measure take the following actions :Correct Answer eliminate slale links , True/False periodically check hyperlinks , check hit counters. Question The older browsers sometimes do not Your Answer eliminate slale links , support new technologies used by you in your periodically check hyperlinks , check antivirus web site, which adversely affects performance of software your website. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An Internet service which is based on a common set of protocols and allows a Multiple Choice Multiple Answer particularly configured server computer to Question Most Web server scripts are written in distribute documents across the Internet in a shell scripts such as :standard way is termed as :Correct Answer Perl , C , UNIX Correct Answer World Wide Web Your Answer Perl , C , UNIX Your Answer Email

Select The Blank Question ________ is the computer program that interprets HTML commands to collect, arrange and display parts of web page. Correct Answer Web Browser Your Answer Web Browser True/False

Question Any program that generates ASCII text files will work perfectly as an HTML editor even with a word processor like WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The World Wide Web is composed of millions of ________, each of which is served to a browser (when requested) one at a time. Correct Answer Web pages Your Answer Web pages Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question You have three options for WRAP attribute such as :Correct Answer OFF-No text wrap. , VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL Your Answer OFF-No text wrap. , VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL True/False

Question It is always beneficial to test web page created by us in more than one type of Web browser before we publish our Web site. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Maening of tag is :Correct Answer Your Answer

Input field Input field

Select The Blank Question The HTML does not remove the text documents created by a word processing. It simply adds certain commands called ________, to the text document to tell a Web browser how the document should be displayed. Correct Answer Tags Your Answer Tags Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question All Web browsers are capable of certain basic tasks like :Correct Answer Finding Web pages , Loading Web pages , Displaying web pages following HTML standards and conventions Your Answer Finding Web pages , Loading Web pages , Translate ASCII code into plain text Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question The Internet service that allows computers to transfer binary files (programs and documents) across the Internet is called :Correct Answer File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Your Answer File Transfer Protocol (FTP) True/False

Question The Paragraph Tag is an empty tag . Correct Answer Your Answer

False False


Question Gopher is a system of menu items that link sites around the world for the purpose of information retrieval. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms to properly format and display the information served. These programs are called :Correct Answer Web browsers. Your Answer Web browsers. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The activities involved in a planning of web site are a follows :Correct Answer Prepare a rough layout of proposed web site on paper. , Prepare a tree structure of various components of a web site , Prepare attractive home page Your Answer Prepare a tree structure of various components of a web site , Prepare attractive home page , Select operating system. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The following objects are all considered an ActiveX control :Correct Answer Existing OLE controls (OCX) , OLE objects that make use of monikers , Java Applet with the support of COM Your Answer Existing OLE controls (OCX) , OLE objects that make use of monikers Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The different ways of Creating Graphics for the Web are :Correct Answer Graphics packages , Digital cameras , Scanned photographs Your Answer Graphics packages , Digital cameras , Scanned photographs

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question The ________ structure of web site is the most logical structure for a publication of moderate complexity. Correct Answer Hierarchical

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The some main reasons for developers making mistakes while building a web site are :Correct Answer Lack of developer experience , Poorly defined process , Unrealistic schedules True/False Question The title, HTML, head, and body tags are all container tags. The relevant text is present between the on and off tags. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Check whether your website performs properly on the following operating systems :Correct Answer UNIX , Macintosh , MS Windows Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The web address of position agent is as given below :Correct Answer www.positionagent.com True/False Question When you begin checking performance of your site , it is helpful to have a spreadsheet or table containing information about points to be checked. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The valid example of SUBMIT are as follows :Correct Answer , ,

Hybrid The best way to organize a large site might be a hybrid of various methods . The best way to organize a large site might be a hybrid of various methods . Single-directory sites Smaller sites (with just a few HTML pages and graphics) can often get by with a single directory on the Web server. Smaller sites (with just a few HTML pages and graphics) can often get by with a single directory on the Web server. Directory by function One way to organize more complicated sites is to put each section of related Web pages in the same directory. One way to organize more complicated sites is to put each section of related Web pages in the same directory. Directory by file type Some people prefer to create subdirectories according to the type of file as opposed to the content of the page. Some people prefer to create subdirectories according to the type of file as opposed to the content of the page.

Select The Blank Question ________ is a text editor like notepad , WordPad , Writepad etc. It is developed by ColdFusion specially to support the web page. Multiple Choice Single Answer Correct Answer HomeSite Question With most Web server programs, the True/False default page that is first loaded is usually :Question Building a good Web site often means Correct Answer Index.html being aware of other offerings on the Web, and Multiple Choice Single Answer creating links to other people's pages that coincide Question When a binary document such as a with or expand upon the information you're graphics file is sent over the Web, it's important presenting. that it has the appropriate :Correct Answer True Correct Answer Extension Select The Blank Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question COM objects are ________ binary Question These attributes let us control the components. coloring of link text :Correct Answer Reusable Correct Answer LINK , VLINK , ALINK Select The Blank Select The Blank Question If you cannot access a page that you Question ________ is a protocol used to are sure should be available, check the ________ communicate between your HTML forms and of your links. your program so that your program can extract the Correct Answer Syntax information from the form. Select The Blank Correct Answer Common Gateway Interface Question Functions start by being "passed" a Multiple Choice Single Answer particular value; they work with that value to Question User loads the page in the Navigator make something else happen and then ________ a in the event called :new value to the body of your program. Correct Answer Load Correct Answer Return Select The Blank Multiple Choice Single Answer Question If you want to send graphics, games, Question The Internet service that allows WordPerfect documents, or just about anything computers to transfer binary files (programs and else, just put a ________ to that file on your Web documents) across the Internet is called :page. Correct Answer File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Correct Answer Hypertext link Match The Following True/False Question Correct Answer Your Answer Question URL system of addressing makes every single document, program, and file on the Web browser Software required for HTTP Internet a separately addressable entity. Software required for HTTP Correct Answer True True/False Web Collection of electronic documents or Question Nearly all graphical browsers have a pages held on computers around the world. View Source command. Collection of electronic documents or Correct Answer True pages held on computers around the world. Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Web Page A document written in HTML that includes text, images, sound and other digital

contents. A document written in HTML that includes text, images, sound and other digital contents.

Question You can create HTML file using any text editor such as :Correct Answer Textpad , Notepad , Editpad True/False Web site Collection of web pages Collection Question The web pages look same in different of web pages browsers. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The MIME Equivalent of File OLE Multiple Choice Single Answer object for the Tag is :Question One of the factors considered in web Correct Answer application/x-oleobject site design is :True/False Correct Answer Space utilization. Question HTML Tags are case-sensitive. True/False Correct Answer False Question Now a days the best web design tools Multiple Choice Single Answer take graphical or DTP like approach for creating Question This Web standard allows programs web sites. on many different computer platforms to properly Correct Answer True format and display the information served. These Multiple Choice Single Answer programs are called :Question Unlike any other Internet service or Correct Answer Web browsers. protocol, the World Wide Web is based on a Multiple Choice Multiple Answer concept of information retrieval called :Question Users need to have forms-aware Correct Answer Hypertext browsers, like the current versions of :Multiple Choice Single Answer Correct Answer Microsoft Internet Explorer , Question The following service identify your NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator website's performance in terms of ranking and True/False also explain how to improve ranking Question The text editors create an ASCII text Correct Answer Position Agent file when extension .htm or .html is given to a Multiple Choice Multiple Answer filename Question As a preventive measure take the Correct Answer True following actions :Multiple Choice Single Answer Correct Answer check hit counters. , eliminate Question A collection of Web pages under the slale links , periodically check hyperlinks control of a particular person or group is known as True/False :Question Understanding the tag might enable Correct Answer Web site you to use freeware/shareware Java applets on Multiple Choice Multiple Answer your own pages. By passing your own parameters Question The three vertices of Web pyramid are to general purpose applets, you may find them :useful for your particular Web site Correct Answer Form , Function , Purpose Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The web address of FrontPage is :Question For Macintosh, the HTML editor is :- Correct Answer www.microsoft.com Correct Answer SimpleText Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various INPUT types are :Correct Answer CHECKBOX , RADIO , LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND HIDDEN ANSWERS Select The Blank Question Prior to hiring outside testers , create a list of key________ to accomplish on your site. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Correct Answer Tasks Question As a preventive measure take the Select The Blank following actions :Question ________ is the computer program Correct Answer check hit counters. , eliminate that interprets HTML commands to collect, slale links , periodically check hyperlinks arrange and display parts of web page. Your Answer check hit counters. , eliminate Correct Answer Web Browser slale links , periodically check hyperlinks Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The commonly used text editors are :Correct Answer WordPad , Write pad , Select The Blank Notepad Question Once a web page is downloaded, it Multiple Choice Multiple Answer can be placed in the ________, so that the next Question Some of the protocols that can be part time you access the page, it will take much less of an URL are :time to display. Correct Answer http:// , ftp:// , gopher:// Correct Answer Cache Multiple Choice Single Answer Your Answer Cache Question An Internet service which is based on a common set of protocols and allows a Match The Following particularly configured server computer to Question Correct Answer Your Answer distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way is termed as :ALIGN attribute We can align other elements Correct Answer World Wide Web to the top, middle, or bottom of the graphic. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

We can align other elements to the top, middle, or bottom of the graphic. , address

Term definition

Street or e-mail

, Street or e-mail address definition


ALT attribute Accepts a text that describes the graphic, in case a particular browser can't display the graphic. Accepts a text that describes the graphic, in case a particular browser can't display the graphic.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question HTML was developed by :Correct Answer Tim Berners-Lee , Dan Connolly , Karen Muldrow Your Answer Tim Berners-Lee , Dan Connolly , Karen Muldrow Select The Blank Question The METHOD attribute accepts either POST or ________ as its value. Correct Answer GET Your Answer GET True/False

Question ActiveX technologies enable content providers and application developers to create powerful and dynamic Web content and Web server extensions quite easily. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The following is a list of the operations and media types supported by Active Animation:Correct Answer Sound: Supports for importing, mixing, and rendering 3D models of sound waves. , Images: Support infinite resolutions, 2D transformation, overlaying, and rendering images from 3D models. , 3D geometry: Supports texture mapping of animated images combined with control of color and opacity, aggregation, and transformations. Your Answer Sound: Supports for importing, mixing, and rendering 3D models of sound waves. , Images: Support infinite resolutions, 2D transformation, overlaying, and rendering images from 3D models. , Dynamic Object Model Select The Blank Question The Web is based on a concept called ________ which means that text within the paragraphs on a Web page is designed to act as links to other Web pages. Correct Answer Hypertext Your Answer Hypertext Select The Blank Question Functions start by being "passed" a particular value; they work with that value to

make something else happen and then ________ a tag takes two attributes: METHOD and :new value to the body of your program. Correct Answer Return Your Answer Return Correct Answer ACTION. Your Answer FUNCTION Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The MIME Equivalent of File OLE object for the Tag is :Correct Answer application/x-oleobject Your Answer application/x-oleobject Multiple Choice Single Answer Question An Internet service which is based on a common set of protocols and allows a particularly configured server computer to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way is termed as :Correct Answer World Wide Web Your Answer World Wide Web Match The Following Question Correct Answer

Your Answer

Select The Blank Question The HTML does not remove the text documents created by a word processing. It simply adds certain commands called ________, to the text document to tell a Web browser how the document should be displayed. Correct Answer Tags Your Answer Tags Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Maening of tag is :Correct Answer Your Answer

Input field Input field

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The main types of graphic files are :Intranet Private Corporate Network Private Correct Answer GIF (CompuServe Graphics Corporate Network Interchange Format) , JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). , BMP [Bit map] Hypertext Text in electronic form with Your Answer GIF (CompuServe Graphics cross reference links between pages Text in Interchange Format) , JPEG (Joint Photographic electronic form with cross reference links between Experts Group). , BMP [Bit map] pages HTML Language that describes how pages of text, graphics and other information are organized, formatted and linked together. Language that describes how pages of text, graphics and other information are organized, formatted and linked together. Web browser A computer program that interprets HTML commands to collect, arrange and display the parts of web page. A computer program that interprets HTML commands to collect, arrange and display the parts of web page.

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Netscape Navigator was developed by a programmer named :Correct Answer Marc Andersen Your Answer Marc Andersen True/False

Question The title, HTML, head, and body tags are all container tags. The relevant text is present between the on and off tags. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question For Macintosh, the HTML editor is :Correct Answer SimpleText Your Answer SimpleText Multiple Choice Single Answer Question the

Your Answer OFF-No text wrap. , VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms to properly format and display the information served. These programs are called :Correct Answer Web browsers. Your Answer Web browsers. True/False

Question Each HTML document you create is a single Web page, regardless of the length of the document or the amount of information included. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The different ways of Creating Graphics for the Web are :Correct Answer Graphics packages , Digital cameras , Scanned photographs Your Answer Graphics packages , Digital cameras , Scanned photographs Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Some of the protocols that can be part of an URL are :Correct Answer http:// , ftp:// , gopher:// Your Answer http:// , ftp:// , gopher://

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question For any sort of connection to the Internet, you'll need to deal with an company which would offer dial-up and special high-speed Multiple Choice Single Answer connections to the Internet, as well as generally Question The tag which can be used to create offering Web and other types of Internet servers different types of pop-up and scrolling menus is :for your use. The company that provides such Correct Answer services is named as :Correct Answer Internet service provider [ ISP Your Answer ] Your Answer Internet service provider [ ISP ] True/False Question Gopher is a system of menu items that link sites around the world for the purpose of Select The Blank information retrieval. Question ________ essentially creates a Correct Answer True variable, assigns a value, and passes it to the Java Your Answer True applet. Correct Answer Your Answer True/False Question As the bandwidth of connections to the Internet grows, and the technology for inline Select The Blank multimedia grows with it, more and more Web Question ________ simply creates a push viewers will be capable of viewing inline button (named with the VALUE string) that resets animations, presentation graphics, movies, and all of the elements in that particular FORM to more. their default values (erasing anything that the user Correct Answer True has Your Answer True Correct Answer RESET Your Answer RESET Select The Blank Question Using ________ attribute, the text Multiple Choice Multiple Answer between the opening and closing anchor elements Question You have three options for WRAP becomes a hypertext link. attribute such as :Correct Answer HREF Correct Answer OFF-No text wrap. , Your Answer HREF VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question It is necessary to test your web site under following resolutions using both Netscape and Internet Explorer :Correct Answer 640X480 , 800X600 , 1024X768 Your Answer 640X480 , 800X600 , 1024X768 True/False

Question There are service providers to improve the ranking of your website. However usually they are chargeable. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question The attribute ACTION accepts the ________ for the script that will process the data from your form. Correct Answer URL Your Answer URL

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The basic requirements for viewing a web site on your computer are :Correct Answer Web server software , An Internet connection , A Web URL for your pages Your Answer An Internet connection , A Web URL for your pages Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In order to submit the form by a user every form must include a :Correct Answer Button Your Answer Button Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question It is necessary to take the following parameters in consideration for designing a web page :Correct Answer Diagrams , Photographs , Video clips Your Answer Diagrams , Photographs , Video clips


Question Unlike printed letters, memos, and word-processing documents, Web sites can be changed or updated even after they have been published. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The MIME Equivalent of File QuickTime video for the Tag is :Correct Answer video/quicktime Your Answer video/quicktime True/False


Question GET is a little easier for Web Question ActiveX Control used inside scripting programmers to deal with, and is best used with

languages make this binary reusable components reused in the Internet world. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

single responses, like a single textbox. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Single Answer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question No matter how beautiful or Question The three vertices of Web pyramid are spectacular your home page design , it is not a :web page unless viewed through :Correct Answer Form , Function , Purpose Correct Answer web browser Your Answer Form , Function , Purpose Your Answer web browser Select The Blank Question If an HTML page is created in a word processor, it is essential to use the ________ command to save it as an ASCII text file. Correct Answer Save As Your Answer Save As True/False

Question The text browsers which do not show italic text, can display the or tags by underlining, bold facing, or highlighting the text. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Like human ________, the head is followed by Body in an HTML page. Correct Answer Body Your Answer Body

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question When the performance of your website is to be evaluated by outside testers , ensure the following :Correct Answer hand over the list of testing tasks , monitor that each testing task is performed. , record the tests conducted. Your Answer hand over the list of testing tasks , monitor that each testing task is performed. , record the tests conducted.

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Select The Blank Question: ________ allows you to explicitly indicate the type of Internet service involved. Correct Answer: URL Your Answer: Web Browser

Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer BODY LINK, VLINK, These attributes let us controlThese attributes let us control and ALINK the coloring of link text. the coloring of link text. BODY BGCOLOR Sets background color for the Sets background color for the document document BODY TEXT Used to control the color of all Used to control the color of all the normal text in the document. the normal text in the document. BODY BACKGROUND Used to point to an image file Used to point to an image file that will be tiled across the that will be tiled across the browser window . browser window . Select The Blank Question: ________are any documents created by applications such as word processing or graphics applications or even the applications themselves. Correct Answer: Binary files Your Answer: Graphic files Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: This is best used when there are two possible values for a given choice-and no others :Correct Answer: CHECKBOX Your Answer: DIALOGBOX Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The commonly used packages for Creating Graphics for the Web are :Correct Answer: CorelDraw!, , Adobe Photoshop , Fractal Painter Your Answer: CorelDraw!, , Adobe Photoshop , Fractal Painter Select The Blank Question: ________ tags allow the browser to choose, within limitations, how the marked-up text will be displayed. Correct Answer: Implicit Your Answer: Implicit True/False Question: The text browsers which do not show italic text, can display the or tags by underlining, bold facing, or highlighting the text. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The Netscape Navigator was developed by a programmer named :Correct Answer: Marc Andersen Your Answer: Marc Andersen Select The Blank Question: Like CHECKBOX, ________ is designed to offer your user a choice from predetermined options. Correct Answer: RADIO Your Answer: RADIO

Select The Blank Question: IIS is built on the ________. Correct Answer: Windows NT Advanced Server Your Answer: Windows 95 server True/False Question: It is possible to use more than one Web browser. If another Web browser is installed on our computer, we can still safely install Microsoft Internet Explorer. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The three vertices of Web pyramid are :Correct Answer: Form , Function , Purpose Your Answer: Form , Function , Purpose Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The MIME Equivalent of File AVI video for the Tag is :Correct Answer: application/avi Your Answer: application/avi

Your Answer: Bytes

HotMetal Pro

Select The Blank Question: Prior to hiring outside testers , create a list of key________ to accomplish on your site. Correct Answer: tasks Your Answer: tasks

Dreamweaver Macromedia Macromedia FrontPage Fusion

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: An Internet service which is based on a common set of protocols and allows a particularly configured server computer to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way is termed as :Correct Answer: World Wide Web Your Answer: World Wide Web Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Here are few points for initially testing your web pages Correct Answer: Resize the page several times to see how your layout is affected by different sizes. , Check various browser commands. , use Dreamweaver which enables you to specify upto 13 browsers with preview in browser feature, Your Answer: use Dreamweaver which enables you to specify upto 13 browsers with preview in browser feature, , Resize the page several times to see how your layout is affected by different sizes. , Check various browser commands.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Proper planning of web site is required to make it more :Correct Answer: Attractive , Informative , Interactive Your Answer: Attractive , Informative , Interactive Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: in addition to browsers , OS and Multiple Choice Multiple Answer platforms , it is also necessary to test :Question: The some main reasons for developers Correct Answer: resolution of screen making mistakes while building a web site are :Your Answer: mouse click Correct Answer: Lack of developer experience , Poorly defined process , Unrealistic schedules Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Your Answer: Lack of developer experience , Question: Here are some examples of ActiveX Poorly defined process Scripting hosts:Correct Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , Select The Blank Internet Authoring tools , Shell Question: RADIO requires that you use the Your Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , VALUE attribute, and that the NAME attribute be Internet Authoring tools the same for all of ________ tags that are intended for the same group. Select The Blank Correct Answer: Question: The Web is based on a concept called Your Answer: ________ which means that text within the paragraphs on a Web page is designed to act as True/False links to other Web pages. Question: Being ranked upon top 10 positions for Correct Answer: Hypertext any web site is extremely important , especially Your Answer: Hypertext because 8 million other sites are fighting for same business. Select The Blank Correct Answer: True Question: ________ is the language that describes Your Answer: False how pages of text, graphics and other information are organized, formatted and linked together on Multiple Choice Multiple Answer web. Question: The hypertext concept of the Web was Correct Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language introduced to the world of multimedia, resulting (HTML) in the hypermedia links that are possible in HTML Your Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language with graphical browsers such as (HTML) Correct Answer: NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator , Internet Explorer Multiple Choice Single Answer Your Answer: NCSA Mosaic , Netscape Navigator Question: The SUBMIT type accepts only the , Internet Explorer attribute, which can be used to rename the button, called :Multiple Choice Single Answer Correct Answer: VALUE Question: The speed of Internet connection is Your Answer: VALUE measured in terms of "how many bits of data can be transmitted across the Internet in a second" and Match The Following termed as :Question Correct Answer Your Answer Correct Answer: Bps

SoftQuad SoftQuad




Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Web design is truly a multi-disciplinary field as it involves various fields such as :Correct Answer: Graphic design , Programming client/server technology , User interface design Your Answer: Graphic design , Programming client/server technology , User interface design Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The tag takes the attributes NAME and :Correct Answer: VALUE Your Answer: VALUE Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The computer used by a user for retrieval of information from internet is generally termed as :Correct Answer: Client computer Your Answer: Client computer Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: When a binary document such as a graphics file is sent over the Web, it's important that it has the appropriate :Correct Answer: Extension Your Answer: Extension True/False Question: To help determine the most important browsers and platforms for your testing schemes , it is necessary to prioritize them according to which constitutes the widest portion of your audience. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: False Select The Blank Question: Although you shouldn't copy others' work, don't forget that you can always use ________ commands to learn how something was done on the Web. Correct Answer: View Source Your Answer: View Source Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The following lists the attributes you use with Correct Answer: NAME is the name of the data (required). , SIZE determines how many choices to show. , MULTIPLE allows you to select multiple options and always renders a scrolling list. Your Answer: NAME is the name of the data (required). , SIZE determines how many choices to show. , COLOR selects color for form Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Various INPUT types are :Correct Answer: CHECKBOX , RADIO , HIDDEN Your Answer: CHECKBOX , RADIO , HIDDEN

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: VLINK stands for :Correct Answer: Visited link Your Answer: Visited link

Your Answer: image/gif


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Following are some of parameters required for designing a web site : Correct Answer: Date & time , Orientation , Navigation Your Answer: Date & time , Orientation , Navigation

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The following factors should be considered while designing a web site :Correct Answer: Linearity , Interoperability , Interactivity: Your Answer: Linearity , Interoperability , Interactivity:

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The web site should be designed to provide : Correct Answer: Better reliability , Enhanced scalability , Stronger security Your Answer: Better reliability , Enhanced scalability , Stronger security

Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer VALUE [ Checkbox ] Indicates the value that is Indicates the value that is returned by the form if the returned by the form if the checkbox is checked. checkbox is checked. CHECKED [ Checkbox ] Indicates true or false to specify Indicates value of result of if the checkbox is checked. computation DEFAULTCHECKED[ Checkbox ] Indicates whether or not the Indicates whether or not the checkbox was marked checked checkbox was marked checked upon page load. upon page load. NAME [ Checkbox ] Indicates the name of the Indicates the name of the checkbox. checkbox.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Here are some examples of ActiveX Scripting hosts:Correct Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , Internet Authoring tools , Shell Your Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , Internet Authoring tools

Select The Blank Question: The Web is based on a concept called ________ which means that text within the paragraphs on a Web page is designed to act as links to other Web pages. Correct Answer: Hypertext Your Answer: Hypertext Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: We can create and edit web pages and manage entire Web sites within one application. Such interface is called as :Correct Answer: Integrated interface Your Answer: Integrated interface Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: Unlike any other Internet service or protocol, the World Wide Web is based on a concept of information retrieval called :Correct Answer: Hypertext Your Answer: Hypertext Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Check whether your website performs properly on the following operating systems :Correct Answer: UNIX , Macintosh , MS Windows Your Answer: UNIX , Macintosh , MS Windows Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The MIME Equivalent of File GIF for the Tag is :Correct Answer: image/gif

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The following service identify your website's performance in terms of ranking and also explain how to improve ranking Correct Answer: Position Agent Your Answer: Position Agent Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms to properly format and display the information served. These programs are called :Correct Answer: Web browsers. Your Answer: Web browsers. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: For Macintosh, the HTML editor is :Correct Answer: SimpleText Your Answer: SimpleText Select The Blank Question: The first possible value for the TYPE attribute is ________, which creates a single-line textbox of a length you choose. Correct Answer: TEXT Your Answer: TEXT True/False Question: Microsoft FrontPage provides a platform to build professional, attractive Web pages and Web sites. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Select The Blank Question: ________ identify how you plan to gauge whether or not your site has achieved its goals. Correct Answer: success metrics Your Answer: success metrics Select The Blank Question: Scrolling down the page by clicking the ________ to the right of the browser window reveals the rest of the web page . Correct Answer: Scroll bar Your Answer: Scroll bar

Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Java Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems Mosaic National Center for Super- National Center for Supercomputing computing Applications (NCSA) Applications (NCSA) Navigator Netscape Netscape Internet Explorer Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The first page of a web site is called :Correct Answer: Home page Your Answer: Home page Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The Internet service that allows computers to transfer binary files (programs and documents) across the Internet is called :Correct Answer: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Your Answer: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Select The Blank Question: If you cannot access a page that you are sure should be available, check the ________ of your links. Correct Answer: syntax Your Answer: syntax Select The Blank Question: The Web protocols were first created by ________ when he was with the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (also know as CERN). Correct Answer: Tim Berners-Lee Your Answer: Tim Berners-Lee Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The MIME Equivalent of File AIFF sound for the Tag is :Correct Answer: audio/aiff Your Answer: audio/aiff Select The Blank Question: Most often the script is stored in a directory called ________ located on your Web server. Correct Answer: bin/ Your Answer: temp/ Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: There are two different types of files that can be sent over various Internet services. These are ASCII text files (plain text) and :Correct Answer: Binary files Your Answer: Graphic files Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The popularity of the Web site can be decided by visitors giving a number of :Correct Answer: Hits Your Answer: Hits Select The Blank Question: A ________ is simply a computer with an Internet connection that runs software designed to send out HTML pages and other file formats (such as multimedia files).

Correct Answer: Web server Your Answer: Web server Select The Blank Question: ________ tags specifically inform a browser how the text should be appeared physically. Correct Answer: Explicit Your Answer: Header True/False Question: CODEBASE and CODE work together to create a complete URL. So, for a relative URL, CODEBASE isn't required if the applet is in the same directory as the Web page. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Select The Blank Question: ________ allow you to enhance the interactivity of your Web pages by increasing your ability to request information from users. Correct Answer: Forms Your Answer: Forms Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: ActiveX provides extensive support for :Correct Answer: 3D virtual reality, , Real-time audio and video. , Animation Your Answer: 3D virtual reality, , Real-time audio and video. , Animation

Select The Blank Question: The ________ tag is used to hide text. Correct Answer: Comment Your Answer: Comment True/False Question: ActiveX Control does not refer to any COM objects. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Various types of lists used in HTML are :Correct Answer: - Menu list, Ordered list , Unordered list Your Answer: - Ordered list, Unordered list True/False Question: Nearly all graphical browsers have a View Source command. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The Inline value MIDDLE indicates :Correct Answer: Middle vertically aligned with middle of text's font Your Answer: Middle centrally aligned with middle of text's font

True/False Question: Understanding the tag might enable you Multiple Choice Multiple Answer to use freeware/shareware Java applets on your Question: Using the forms tags, you can ask users own pages. By passing your own parameters to to :general purpose applets, you may find them useful Correct Answer: Enter text information , Choose for your particular Web site from menus, checkboxes, radio buttons , Send that Correct Answer: True information to the Web server for processing. Your Answer: True Your Answer: Enter text information , Choose from menus, checkboxes, radio buttons , Send that True/False information to the Web server for processing. Question: The WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes accept the number in pixels for the Java applet on True/False your Web page. Question: ActiveX Control used inside scripting Correct Answer: True languages make this binary reusable components Your Answer: True reused in the Internet world. Correct Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Your Answer: True Question: ActiveX Scripting Engines can be developed for any language, such as :True/False Correct Answer: Microsoft Visual Basic Script Question: You can nest forms within one another Edition (VBScript) , JavaScript , Perl without adding end tag. Your Answer: Microsoft Visual Basic Script Correct Answer: False Edition (VBScript) , JavaScript Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single Answer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: A collection of Web pages under the Question: The commonly used text editors are :control of a particular person or group is known as Correct Answer: WordPad , Write pad , Notepad :Your Answer: WordPad , Notepad Correct Answer: Web site Your Answer: Web site Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The computer in the internet in which Multiple Choice Multiple Answer the information is stored is generally termed as :- Question: To evaluate performance, test your Correct Answer: Server computer website on :Your Answer: Server computer Correct Answer: many browsers , many browser versions , platform configurations Multiple Choice Single Answer Your Answer: many browsers , many browser Question: The Internet Engineering Task Force versions , platform configurations created the HTML Working Group in the year :Correct Answer: 1994 Your Answer: 1994

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The speed of Internet connection is measured in terms of "how many bits of data can be transmitted across the Internet in a second" and termed as :Correct Answer: Bps Your Answer: Bps Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The essential document structure elements are :Correct Answer: ... , ... , ... Your Answer: ... , ... , ... Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: ActiveX Scripting Engines can be developed for any language, such as :Correct Answer: Microsoft Visual Basic Script Edition (VBScript) , JavaScript , Perl Your Answer: JavaScript , Perl Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: User loads the page in the Navigator in the event called :Correct Answer: load Your Answer: select Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The web site should be designed to provide : Correct Answer: Better reliability , Enhanced scalability , Stronger security Your Answer: Better reliability , Enhanced scalability , Stronger security Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Because HTML documents are ASCII text, it's possible to create them in simple text editors such as :Correct Answer: Notepad , Edit , WordStar Your Answer: Notepad , Microsoft Word Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The special program that will visit your site and scan documents for HTML errors if any is called Correct Answer: HTML validation services Your Answer: Check sum error services Select The Blank Question: ________, the first graphical browser for the Web, appeared in 1993. Correct Answer: Mosaic Your Answer: Internet Explorer Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms to properly format and display the information served. These programs are called :Correct Answer: Web browsers. Your Answer: Object Oriented Programs Select The Blank Question: ________ makes the textbox seem to offer line wrap, but sends a continuous stream of words to the Web server (unless the user has entered returns on his or her own). Correct Answer: VIRTUAL Your Answer: WRAP

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The basic explicit tags are :Correct Answer: Bold , Italic , Underlined Your Answer: Bold , Italic , Underlined Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The protocol under URL that is followed by a simple e-mail address is :Correct Answer: mailto: Your Answer: html:// Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The three basic HTML document tags are :Correct Answer: Head , Title , Body Your Answer: Head , Title , Body Select The Blank Question: Companies such as ________ offer free polls and surveys that are easy to use and customize. Correct Answer: Pollit Your Answer: Microsoft Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: An Internet service which is based on a common set of protocols and allows a particularly configured server computer to distribute documents across the Internet in a standard way is termed as :Correct Answer: World Wide Web Your Answer: World Wide Web Select The Blank Question: The HTML does not remove the text documents created by a word processing. It simply adds certain commands called ________, to the text document to tell a Web browser how the document should be displayed. Correct Answer: Tags Your Answer: Tags True/False Question: When you begin checking performance of your site , it is helpful to have a spreadsheet or table containing information about points to be checked. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The Web browser should identify that the document created by us is an HTML document. For this purpose :Correct Answer: the page should have a starting tag and ended by tag . Your Answer: the page should have a starting tag and ended by tag .

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: Unlike any other Internet service or protocol, the World Wide Web is based on a concept of information retrieval called :Correct Answer: Hypertext Your Answer: Hypertext

includes areas where readers where readers can enter information to can enter information to be sent be sent back to the publisher of web back to the publisher of web page. page. Multiple Choice Single Answer TEXTAREA tag These tags provide Question: A collection of Web pages under the an area for These tags provide an area for control of a particular person or group is known as a user to :a user to enter Correct Answer: Web site multiple lines of enter multiple lines of text. Your Answer: Web browser text. Radio Object This object allows a True/False user to This object allows a user to make a Question: Many websites charge a fee for raising make a choice of a ranking of your website. single choice of a single selection from many. Correct Answer: True selection from Your Answer: False many. Select The Blank Question: The ________ allows us to take photos that can be downloaded directly from the camera to the computer. Such photographs can be easily converted for use on the Web. Correct Answer: Digital Camera Your Answer: Scanner

Select The Blank Question: The Web protocols were first created by ________ when he was with the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (also know as CERN). Correct Answer: Tim Berners-Lee Your Answer: De Morgan

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: It is necessary to take the following parameters in consideration for designing a web page :Correct Answer: Diagrams , Photographs , Video clips Your Answer: Diagrams , Photographs , Video clips

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The explicit tags are also called :Correct Answer: Physical tags. Your Answer: Physical tags.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The different ways of Creating Graphics for the Web are :Correct Answer: Graphics packages , Digital cameras , Scanned photographs Your Answer: Graphics packages , Digital cameras , Scanned photographs Select The Blank Question: The simplest way to structure a hypertext document is in a ________ fashion. Correct Answer: Linear Your Answer: Linear True/False Question: We can use keyboard shortcuts for accelerating basic tasks such as opening Web sites and pages, printing etc. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

Match The Following Question Correct Answer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Your Answer Question: Proper planning of web site is required The checkbox Object Is created inside a to make it more :form and Is created inside a form and Correct Answer: Attractive , Informative , appears as a small box with appears as a small Interactive box with or Your Answer: Attractive , Informative , Interactive or without a mark (usually an x) without a mark (usually an x) Select The Blank inside it. inside it. Question: ________ allows you to explicitly HTML Form A part of web page indicate the type of Internet service involved. that A part of web page that Correct Answer: URL includes areas Your Answer: URL

True/False Question: The GIF formats tend to lose less image clarity than JPEGs. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True True/False Question: Any program that generates ASCII text files will work perfectly as an HTML editor even with a word processor like WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: HTML tags are enclosed within :Correct Answer: Angular brackets Your Answer: Angular brackets Select The Blank Question: Like tables, the ________ tag is a container for other tags that help define the element. Correct Answer: Your Answer: Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer User submits a form onSubmit onSubmit User loads the page in the Navigator onLoad onLoad User moves mouse over a link onMouseOver onMouseOver User selects form input field OnSelect OnSelect Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question: The following service identify your website's performance in terms of ranking and also explain how to improve ranking Correct Answer: Position Agent Your Answer: Position Agent True/False Question: Most browser programs have a text box at the top of the screen that tells you the name of the HTML document being displayed. HTML document names will end with the extension .HTM or .HTML. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

Correct Answer: video/quicktime Your Answer: video\\quicktime Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Here are some examples of ActiveX Scripting hosts:Correct Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , Internet Authoring tools , Shell Your Answer: Microsoft Internet Explorer , Internet Authoring tools LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Select The Blank Question: ________ tags specifically inform a browser how the text should be appeared physically. Correct Answer: Explicit Your Answer: Explicit

Select The Blank Question: The first possible value for the TYPE attribute is ________, which creates a single-line textbox of a length you choose. Correct Answer: TEXT Your Answer: TEXTBOX

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Following are some of parameters required for designing a web site : Correct Answer: Date & time , Orientation , Navigation Your Answer: Date & time , Orientation , Navigation

True/False Question: Professional web design firms run their sites through a vigorous quality assurance phase before going 'Live'. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

True/False Question: The Paragraph Tag is an empty tag . Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Select The Blank Question: ________ is the language that describes how pages of text, graphics and other information are organized, formatted and linked together on web. Correct Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) Your Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: Tips on web building , performance evaluation of a web site , testing of web site etc are provided by the website :Correct Answer: builder.com Your Answer: amazon.com Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: To evaluate performance, test your website on :Correct Answer: many browsers , many browser versions , platform configurations Your Answer: many browser versions , platform configurations , C compiler True/False Question: As the bandwidth of connections to the Internet grows, and the technology for inline multimedia grows with it, more and more Web viewers will be capable of viewing inline animations, presentation graphics, movies, and more. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The MIME Equivalent of File QuickTime video for the Tag is :-

Select The Blank Question: Like human ________, the head is followed by Body in an HTML page. Correct Answer: Body Your Answer: Body Match The Following Question Answer Your Answer User gives a form box input focus onBlur User moves input focus from form box onFocus User clicks form element or link onClick User changes a form value onChange

Correct onFocus onBlur onClick onChange

Select The Blank Question: Prior to hiring outside testers , create a list of key________ to accomplish on your site. Correct Answer: tasks Your Answer: tasks True/False Question: One can add information and other pages the Web site already published. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: False True/False Question: It is the maintenance of site that can often make or break it. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True True/False Question: The older browsers sometimes do not support new technologies used by you in your web site, which adversely affects performance of your website. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

Select The Blank Question: ________ is a protocol used to communicate between your HTML forms and your program so that your program can extract the information from the form. Correct Answer: Common Gateway Interface Your Answer: Common Gateway Interface Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The first page of a web site is called :Correct Answer: Home page Your Answer: Home page Select The Blank Question: In 1994, the ________ was formed by interested corporate and educational entities to combine their resources and continue creating standards for the Web. Correct Answer: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Your Answer: World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The following concepts are fundamental to COM:Correct Answer: Interface: The mechanism through which an object exposes itself. , Multiple Inheritance: A derived class may inherit from multiple interfaces. , IUnknown Interface: The interface on which all others are based. Your Answer: Interface: The mechanism through which an object exposes itself. , Multiple Inheritance: A derived class may inherit from multiple interfaces. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Following parameters should be taken in consideration for designing a web page :Correct Answer: Text , Font , Style Your Answer: Text , Font , Style Select The Blank Question: Script code should be hidden between HTML ________ tags, to keep it from being interpreted by non-JavaScript browsers. Correct Answer: Comment Your Answer: Body True/False Question: The W3C continues to be largely responsible for negotiating standards and creating technology to enhance data transfer on the Web. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Various types of lists used in HTML are :Correct Answer: - Unordered list , - Menu list , Ordered list Your Answer: - Menu list , - Ordered list , Unordered list Select The Blank Question: The attribute ACTION accepts the ________ for the script that will process the data from your form.

Correct Answer: URL Your Answer: Text Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The following HTML extensions are supported by Internet Explorer :Correct Answer: StyleSheet: font size, intra-line space, margin, highlighting and other features related with styles can be specified in the HTML by the user. , In-Line sound and video , TABLE: Fully compliant with HTML tables with cell shading and text wrapping. Your Answer: TABLE: Fully compliant with HTML tables with cell shading and text wrapping. , StyleSheet: font size, intra-line space, margin, highlighting and other features related with styles can be specified in the HTML by the user. , InLine sound and video Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: User loads the page in the Navigator in the event called :Correct Answer: load Your Answer: load Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The Mosaic is written for various platforms such as :Correct Answer: MS Windows , Macintosh , UNIX Your Answer: MS Windows , UNIX , MS DOS True/False Question: HTML Tags are case-sensitive. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False Select The Blank Question: In order to add graphics, an empty tag called the________ tag is used . Correct Answer: Your Answer: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: It is necessary to test your web site under following resolutions using both Netscape and Internet Explorer :Correct Answer: 640X480 , 800X600 , 1024X768 Your Answer: 640X480 , 800X600 , 1024X768

Question: Setting wrap to ________ forces the browser to include actual line breaks in the text when sending it to the Web server. Correct Answer: PHYSICAL Your Answer: BREAK Select The Blank Question: Like human ________, the head is followed by Body in an HTML page. Correct Answer: Body Your Answer: Body Select The Blank Question: The first possible value for the TYPE attribute is ________, which creates a single-line textbox of a length you choose. Correct Answer: TEXT Your Answer: INPUTBOX Select The Blank Question: ________are any documents created by applications such as word processing or graphics applications or even the applications themselves. Correct Answer: Binary files Your Answer: Binary files Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The three basic HTML document tags are :Correct Answer: Head , Title , Body Your Answer: Head , Title , Body Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: An format for SUBMIT would be the following: Correct Answer: Your Answer: Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: This Web standard allows programs on many different computer platforms such as Correct Answer: UNIX , Windows 95 , Mac OS Your Answer: UNIX , Windows 95


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The Internet service that allows computers to transfer binary files (programs and documents) across the Internet is called :Correct Answer: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Your Answer: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Select The Blank Question: ________ is the computer program that interprets HTML commands to collect, arrange and display parts of web page. Correct Answer: Web Browser Your Answer: Web Browser Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The web address of Adobe PageMill is :Correct Answer: www.adobe.com Your Answer: www.adobe.com Select The Blank

Question: The special program that will visit your site and scan documents for HTML errors . The errors are usually reported through Correct Answer: e-mail Your Answer: e-mail

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The explicit tags are also called :Correct Answer: Physical tags. Your Answer: Logical tags Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: You can create HTML file using any text editor such as :Correct Answer: Textpad , Notepad , Editpad Your Answer: Textpad , Notepad , Editpad Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: You have three options for WRAP attribute such as :Correct Answer: OFF-No text wrap. , VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL Your Answer: OFF-No text wrap. , VIRTUAL , PHYSICAL Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Web server software generally requires a fairly robust operating system like :Correct Answer: UNIX , Windows NT , OS/2 Your Answer: UNIX , Windows NT , OS/2 Select The Blank Question: ________ makes the textbox seem to offer line wrap, but sends a continuous stream of words to the Web server (unless the user has entered returns on his or her own). Correct Answer: VIRTUAL Your Answer: WRAP Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: Ranking of your web site can also be done within the directory. This practice is followed by :Correct Answer: yahoo Your Answer: yahoo Select The Blank Question: The Web is based on a concept called ________ which means that text within the paragraphs on a Web page is designed to act as links to other Web pages. Correct Answer: Hypertext Your Answer: Hypertext True/False Question: Library databases, academic phone books, and similar information are never kept in WAIS systems. Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True

True/False Question: the tag can accept the same CLASS Select The Blank attribute that most other HTML tags can take Question: ________ is the language that describes when used with a style sheet. how pages of text, graphics and other information Correct Answer: True are organized, formatted and linked together on Your Answer: True web. Correct Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language Multiple Choice Multiple Answer (HTML) Question: A Web page is generally a single HTML Your Answer: Hypertext Mark-up Language document, which might include in addition to text (HTML) :Correct Answer: Graphics , Sound files , True/False Hypertext links Question: HTML is not an encoding scheme Your Answer: Graphics , Sound files , Hypertext which is used to create a web page. links Correct Answer: False Your Answer: False True/False

Question: When you begin checking performance of your site , it is helpful to have a spreadsheet or table containing information about points to be checked. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

RADIO Renders a small circle that allows you Renders a small circle that allows you to to choose one among many options choose one among many options TEXT A plain text box A plain text box Multiple Choice Single Answer CHECKBOX Renders a small box that Question: The web site of web position is as indicates Renders a small box that indicates follows :whether it is selected. Usually for Yes whether it Correct Answer: www.webposition.com is selected. Usually for Yes or Your Answer: www.webposition.com or No Questions No Questions Select The Blank PASSWORD A text box that echos bullets Question: The World Wide Web is composed of when youA text box that echos bullets when you millions of ________, each of which is served to a type into it. The bullets hide the typed type into browser (when requested) one at a time. it. The bullets hide the typed Correct Answer: Web pages text. Your Answer: Web pages text. Select The Blank Question: Most often the script is stored in a directory called ________ located on your Web server. Correct Answer: bin/ Your Answer: include/ Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: When a binary document such as a graphics file is sent over the Web, it's important that it has the appropriate :Correct Answer: Extension Your Answer: Extension True/False Question: Some validation services pick up spelling mistakes , in addition to their work. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: Although your web pages will have different appearance in different environments , make such that :Correct Answer: Contents of page are clear , Web links are not broken , Pictures are visualized Your Answer: Contents of page are clear , Pictures are visualized , Cost of web site is reasonable True/False Question: The Paragraph Tag is an empty tag . Correct Answer: False Your Answer: True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: An format for SUBMIT would be the following: Correct Answer: Your Answer: …. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The average amount of information transferred from your site to a user multiplied by the number of users who access your Web site is termed as :Correct Answer: Throughput Your Answer: Throughput Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer

Question: The internet connection through a telephone line is provided various devices, one of them is :Correct Answer: ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Your Answer: ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) True/False Question: Not only do the Web protocols allow more interactive, multimedia presentations of information, but the typical Web browser can also offer its user an access to other Internet resources, making a Web browser perhaps a user's most valuable Internet application. Correct Answer: True Your Answer: True

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: : An Internet service which is based on Multiple Choice Single Answer a common set of protocols and allows a Question: The first web browser was developed in particularly configured server computer to the year distribute documents across the Internet in a Correct Answer: 1991 standard way is termed as :Your Answer: 1988 Correct Answer: World Wide Web Your Answer: World Wide Web Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: All Web browsers are capable of certain Multiple Choice Multiple Answer basic tasks like :Question: The Mosaic is written for various Correct Answer: Finding Web pages , Loading platforms such as :Web pages , Displaying web pages following Correct Answer: MS Windows , Macintosh , HTML standards and conventions UNIX Your Answer: Finding Web pages , Loading Web Your Answer: Macintosh , UNIX , MS DOS pages , Displaying web pages following HTML standards and conventions Select The Blank Question: Each ________ displays HTML codes Multiple Choice Multiple Answer in slightly different ways and some-like Netscape Question: The some main reasons for developers and MS Internet Explorer-even add their own making mistakes while building a web site are :HTML-style commands. Correct Answer: Lack of developer experience , Correct Answer: Browser Poorly defined process , Unrealistic schedules Your Answer: Browser Your Answer: Lack of developer experience , Poorly defined process , Difficult HTML code Multiple Choice Single Answer Question: The hyperlink either removed or disappeared from website is called Correct Answer: slale link Your Answer: slale link Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question: The tag can take the attribute ALIGN, which can accept LEFT :Correct Answer: CENTER , RIGHT , JUSTIFY Your Answer: CENTER , RIGHT , TOP Select The Blank Question: The ________ allows us to take photos that can be downloaded directly from the camera to the computer. Such photographs can be easily converted for use on the Web. Correct Answer: Digital Camera Your Answer: Digital Camera Select The Blank Question: Like tables, the ________ tag is a container for other tags that help define the element. Correct Answer: Your Answer: Multiple Choice Single Answer

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