Web Services Client Development

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  • Words: 1,495
  • Pages: 16
IBM System i5

Getting Started with SOA on System i5 Building Web services client applications

8 Copyright IBM Corporation, 2006. All Rights Reserved. This publication may refer to products that are not currently available in your country. IBM makes no commitment to make available any products referred to herein.

IBM System i5

Agenda • Client application requirements • Web service client applications – Web and Java based applications – Other applications – demonstrations

• Interoperability considerations

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services client • Web service client – An application that invokes a Web service

• Can be written in any programming language – Programming language should be efficient in processing XML

• For a Web service client, calling a Web service is – Executing a remote procedure call – Sending an XML document

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services client • Web service invocation steps 1.Create a SOAP message: service location, procedure name, input parameters (or simply XML document) 2.Send the SOAP message 3.Process the response SOAP message: output parameters

• Web service client does not use a SOAP server, just APIs to construct a SOAP message

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services client • Development – Web service client creation is simplified by tools – Most IDEs generate “proxy” code based on a WSDL document – A proxy encapsulates logic to process SOAP message

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services clients •

Web application clients – JavaServer Faces (JSF) applications – PHP applications – AJAX applications

Portal application clients – Portlets – Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)

Rich client applications – Java – Microsoft .Net

Traditional iSeries applications – RPG – COBOL –C

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services clients: Web applications • JSF – Java framework for building Web applications – Extends servlet/JSP programming model – Simplifies Web application development – Can be used to develop Web applications and portlets – JSF applications can be created with JSF tooling in WDSC or with EGL Demo – JSF Web Service Client Demo – JSF SDO Client Demo – EGL Web Service Client

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services clients: Web applications • JSF Web service client development 1.Use Web services JSF widget to generate Web services proxy code 2.Customize JSF “look and feel” Web service client

Java Web service

Internet / Intranet


Generated by WDSC tooling

© 2006 IBM Corporation

Web service

IBM System i5

Web services clients: Portals • Portlets – Portlets are very similar to Java Web applications – Same approach: create a Java proxy from WDSL and integrate it with a portlet

• Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) – Taking Web services to the “next level” – UI – With WSRP, you can access portlets that run on a different Portal server

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services clients: Rich client •

Rich client Web service client development 1.Build UI 2.Generate Web service proxy from WSDL file 3.Integrate UI events (button click, etc.) with Web service proxy Web service client

Java Web service

Internet / Intranet


Created manually

Generated by tooling

© 2006 IBM Corporation

Web service

IBM System i5

Web services clients: iSeries applications •

RPG, COBOL, C – In previous examples, Web services invocation proxies were implemented in the same programming language as a Web service client – For RPG and COBOL the recommended approach is to create proxies in in C, C++ or Java

C/C++ Web service client prerequisites – XML Parser (XML Toolkit for iSeries, licensed program product ID 5733XT1, option 9) – C++ Compiler (Compiler - ILE C++, licensed program product ID 5722WDS, option 52) – Java (IBM Developer Kit for Java, JDK 1.4, licensed program product ID 5722JV1, option 6) – C Compiler (Compiler - ILE C, licensed program product ID 5722WDS, option 51) •Only needed if generating C stubs

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services clients: iSeries applications •

RPG, COBOL or C Web service client 1.Generate Web service proxy based on a WSDL file 2.Add code to call Web service proxy to an RPG, COBOL or C program Web service client

C or C++ Web service

Internet / Intranet

Web service


Created manually

Generated by tooling

Demo – RPG Web Service Client © 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

Web services clients: iSeries applications •

Java Web service wrapper – Use JNI or Data Queues to communicate with the wrapper

Development process 1.Generate a Java proxy from a WSDL file 2.Add code to the Java proxy to get a message from a data queue 3.Add code to an iSeries program to put a message to a data queue Web service client Text

Request Data Queue




Web service Proxy Response Data Queue

Generated by tooling with some manual coding © 2006 IBM Corporation

Internet / Intranet

Web service

IBM System i5

Web service interface for maximum interoperability • Web service client development is automated by tools • The challenge is to create a Web service interface for maximum interoperability, especially for complex types • Important to choose parameter types that are supported by most programming languages Microsoft .Net Web Service Client

Java Web Service

Type: String

XML Type: String

Type: String

Type: int

XML Type: String

Type: int

Type: array of Strings

XML Type: String

Type: DataSet

XML Type: String

© 2006 IBM Corporation

Type: array of Strings


IBM System i5

Troubleshooting Integration Problems •

Use TCP/IP Monitor in WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (WDSC) to monitor SOAP messages (for Java clients only)

© 2006 IBM Corporation

IBM System i5

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e-business on demand






IBM (logo) iSeries

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© 2006 IBM Corporation

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