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  • Words: 692
  • Pages: 17

Presented By: Prem Kumar .R Venue

: Tidel – 6th Floor Conference Room


:20th June 2008

Agenda    

What is WEBPART ? Advantage and Uses of WEBPART Architecture of WEBPART Different In-Built Zones and WEBPARTS

What is WEB PART  Web Part is an integrated set of controls for creating website, which will help the end user to modify the content,appearance and behaviour  Any asp.net server control or user control can behave as a webpart  Its have a capabilities that developer can empower end user to personalize a webapplication dynamically

Advantage and uses of webpart  Personalize Page Content : user can add a webpart control to a page, remove, hide or minimize  Personalize Page Layout : user can change its appearance, properties and behaviour

 Export or Import the Controls : use can import or export web part controls for using in other pages or sites  Create Connection : user can establish connection between control for example a chart control could display a graph for the data in a stock ticker control  Manage and Personalize site-leve setting : set role base access to control users can save their settings so that the site will remember their preferences the next time

Architecture of web part

Vs 2005 Tool Box


Webpart manager control manage the pages personalization state and co-ordinate communication between parts and zone, every webparts in a page must have a webpartmanager control

Web Part Zones Web Part Zones provide a way to organize parts into regions on the page. Zones are container controls that provide layout for parts, consistent UI elements such as a Verb Menu and border to each part.

Built-in Zones WebPartZone This class represents basic functionality for managing server-side controls within zones on a page. WebPartZone controls are responsible for hosting both normal server-side controls as well as WebPart controls. CatalogZone This zone hosts CatalogPart controls. Catalogs generally manage the visibility of parts on a page. The CatalogZone control shows and hides its contents based upon the catalog display mode. Web Part Catalogs are named such because they act as catalogs of controls from which the end user may select.

EditorZone The EditorZone control represents the means through which end users may modify and personalize Web pages according to their preferences. Personalizing a Web site includes such things as setting up personal information (such as birthdays, gender-specific addressing, number of visits to the site, etc.). Other kinds of personalization involve setting up color schemes and layouts. The EditorZone helps manage this functionality as well as saves and loads those settings so they're available the next time the user logs on. ConnectionZone Web Parts are often more useful when they're connected together and communicate dynamically. The ConnectionZone manages this functionality.

Built in web part ASP.NET provides some ready-to-use WebPart controls as well. The WebPart controls fit into various functional categories. DeclarativeCatalogPart When building a WebPart page, you may add parts dynamically or declaratively. Adding parts to a page dynamically means executing code that adds parts to the page at runtime. For example, imagine you had a Web Part represented as a class named "MyWebPart" (ultimately derived from System.Web.UI.Controls.WebParts). PageCatalogPart One way end users will probably want to customize a site is by opening and closing controls.

ImportCatalogPart The ImportCatalogPart enables users to import a Web Part description from XML data. AppearanceEditorPart The AppearanceEditorPart is used to edit the appearance properties of an associated WebPart or GenericWebPart. BehaviorEditorPart To support editing the behavior of a WebPart or GenericWebPart, ASP.NET provides the BehaviorEditorPart. LayoutEditorPart The LayoutEditorPart is for editing the layout properties and associated WebPart (or GenericWebPart control).

sample page containing Web Parts Default page and add a new page to the site named Start.aspx. Switch to Design view. Add a heading to the page with the text Web Parts Demonstration Page. From the WebParts tab of the Toolbox, drag a WebPartManager control onto the page. The WebPartManager control does not render any output, so it appears as a grey box on the designer surface

Reference URL's:

http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/asp.net-2.0/using-web-parts-and-controls-in-web-pages.html http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e0s9t4ck.aspx http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/17518 http://www.frontpages-web-hosting.net/sharepoint-tutorials/CreateWebPartPage.htm http://www.brainbell.com/tutorials/ASP/Web_Parts.html http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Web-Parts/10361 http://quickstarts.asp.net/QuickStartv20/aspnet/doc/webparts/intro.aspx

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