We Are The Midchux.

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 3,390
  • Pages: 28
By Smash Hits

Exclusive interview with the Midnight Chucks' lead and drummer. After a 6 month world tour of Europe, Asia and the Americas, Smash Hits caught up with the rock yuppies at the Bahamas for must needed rest, rarely interviewed this editor was ecstatic to have been granted 10 minutes with the lead singer Nesa and drummer Noza at the Hilton, below is what transpired.

You both seem to have contrast personalities yet share a close relationship. Noza: True, we have different personalities, but its what makes us diverse and unique. We get along cause we respect each other's individualism yet share in what we have in common. From all I'm probably the one who is transparent enough to show I disapprove of someone, I'll try and get along with that person for friendship's sake, but I get bored easily with selfish and shallow people. I admire deep personalities with wacky open minded sense of humour. Each of the other band members represents that.

You both seem to have contrast personalities yet share a close relationship.

Nesa: I think if we were all the same, we'd be at each other's trout. For example about me maybe not everyone understands me, especially when my mind drifts, I'm often teased being in pilot mode when that happens. (she chuckles) but really that's when lyrics form in my head, I think that’s when my creativity kicks in.

Are you really Emo? Nesa: I have tendencies, maybe my being quiet and sometimes aloof is mistaken for being EMO, I have no problems with being called that, in fact its flattering since I appreciate the EMO style and manner.

What is an Ehros? (Noza and Nesa exchange knowing smiles.) Noza: Nesa and I are big fans of J.R Wards black dagger series of books, one time we were discussing it and started making fun of its glossary of unique words, Ehros associates itself with being sexually artistic, I won't elaborate but I want to make it clear that I'm not..... although maybe wish I was in some imaginary word an ….Ehros. Maybe I should be tested!

Catching up with one of the busiest performers of the band, we trapped Renee at her hotel balcony were she was enjoying her fave meal of tofu. The down-to-earth, violin whiz draped in a light-blue array courtesy of Forever 21 which she endorses, this editor could only be delighted at her matured answers, despite being the group’s baby.

Q: Lucia Micarelli and you are often compared, does that bother you?

It bothers me in a good way! (laughs) I love Lucia Micarelli, but I don't even think I deserve that comparison. Her skill is far more awesome than mine and I have a huge respect for her. It’s a shame that she gets compared to an amateur like me. Q: Ai Otsuka has said she is your idol for Japanese pop, can you comment on that?

What more could I say? Well, she's not just my idol, she's my icon. I love, not just her music but her fashion sense, as well! I hope she tells me where she gets her nails done. (laughs)

Q: You were always seen with Matsumoto Jun. Is it true you’re dating him? We go out, yes, but not as “dates." And its not always just the two of us. They usually tour me around Tokyo, when we’ve got the time. About Jun-kun. I don't even know how to explain our relationship. Hahaha! I used to have this big crush on him since I am a fan of Arashi and I was really into his character as Domyouji (in Hana Yori Dango). I'm still a member of Domyouji-Loves-Makino fan group up to now.

Jun and Ren shopping in Ginza, Tokyo

Well, I told him about that obsession the first time we met. I think I scared him, though. So may be our relationship now is more of a stalker-stalked kind. Hahaha!

Q: Are you still crushing on him? I have to admit, the more I work with him, the more disillusioned I get. (laughs again) Oh, I think I'd take back what I said. I don't want to get in trouble with the other Matsujun fan girls out there. Hehehe!

Q: Do you see yourself collaborating with him for a single? I hoped so!! I really wished we could sing for BokuImo (Boku wa Imoto ni Koi wo Suru or BokuImo is Renee and Jun's upcoming movie), but he's got 4 jealous wives. Hahaha! (She's referring to Jun's four Arashi band mates: Ohno, Sho, Aiba, and Nino). So it's either he sings with them, he sings alone, or he doesn't sing at all! These behind-the-scene pictures from Boku wa Imoto ni Koi wo Suru show how comfortable Jun and Renee are with each other.

Q: Then would you like to sing with Arashi? Why not? That’ll be really cool! Wooohoo~! (Shortly after the interview, it was announced that Renee would be filming a special episode with Arashi in the live-action drama remake of Boys Be.)

Q: Is there anything else you haven’t done that you would like to do? Of course! There are lots of thing that I still want to do. As of now, my priority is to pursue my second degree in Theology. And I’m also looking forward to the opening of the auditions for Voyage of the Dawn Treader I really want to play as the Star’s daughter “a.k.a. Caspian’s bride.” Hahaha! Aside from singing and acting, Renee also enjoys photography as a hobby.

I was really looking forward to my interview with Ava, the self-proclaimed “geek” of the Chucks, rumour has it and so has the other members confirmed, that she is the funniest member. And she often strikes an “Ava moment” when the atmosphere seems dull or at the most unexpected moments. She enters the room dressed in her signature black and pink hoodie, and the room lights up with radiance.

I understand you’re a registered nurse? Do you have any plans of eventually going back to that profession? Yes, I am, but I am only registered in my country. That is actually a good question, because honestly, I don’t know yet. Well, maybe in the future I will consider that, though that doesn’t mean that I will be turning my back on music, because that would be impossible. Music is my life. Right now, I’m loving everything about my job. Yatta! {{>.<}}

Why do you think so many of your fans can relate to you more then the other members of the band? Honestly? Oh, I am not aware of that fact! I think it’s obvious that we all have different personalities in our band, and the fans can see that. So I think that anyone can relate to at least one member of the band.

Are you excited about being invited to make a cameo at Daniel Radcliffe’s new movie? Yeah, of course! Dan and I have been really close since we worked together with Harry Potter. And I’m ecstatic to have a chance to work with him again. We always keep in touch and we see each other a lot (or is it: we see a lot of each other? Hahahahahaha! I am kidding, Noza!), but it’s a different thing when you’re working. So yeah, I’m looking forward to that. •

You have worked with him before in the Harry Potter series, tell us about it. Well, I just got a call informing me that Dan refused to play Harry Potter unless they get me as his Firebolt. And come on, how can I refuse? Can you imagine the Harry Potter movies without Dan? It’s terrible.

Would you mind explaining to us what an “Ava Moment” is that the whole band proclaims unique. I guess it a quirk I have. I don’t know if you’ve felt this before… But you know those times that you just have a lot of energy and happiness in yourself and you feel like you might burst? That’s what happens to me. I just have a lot of happiness to share. Hahahaha!

Fjel, the lead guitarist doesn’t demand attention but accomplishes to do so with her presence. She politely shakes my hand and introduces herself. Taken back by her down to earth and laid back personality, I run through my questions and quickly fall into her mystic authoritative yet charming disposition.

You have said that your parents are your inspirations for making dramatic music for the band, can you briefly tell us about your childhood? Childhood… Mmm. How completely horrid. Ha-ha. Just kidding. I grew up really fast. I got acquainted with reality when I was eight. Been growing eons a year since then. My folks, sort of, pulled me up to their level. My teenage years were a whirlwind of emo, darkness, and searching. When I hit my twenties, I went down several epiphany lanes so the kid in me got the release it’d been sorely deprived of. Sorry, am I being cryptic?

Do you think challenges while growing up is the reason you embrace being goth? Do you think challenges while growing up is the reason you embrace being goth? Well, not exactly THE reason… But I guess they chipped in a bit. Goth has a myriad of faces. I just consider myself a free thinker toughened through time and experience. I have my beliefs but I don’t force them on anyone--anymore. Ha-ha. I am very oblique. I never actually tried to be Goth. I guess my crazy swing between extreme passion and blatant indifference, and black-donning nature sort of plunked me right in the middle of Goth-hood.

Are you goth? Yeah. I’m totally barbaric. I admire your beaded wrist band, your mother makes it for the band right? Yep. Her fingers are gonna go on strike soon. The woman is tireless and she’s 60.Give her a can of beads and she’ll whip up a crafty wrench. What other goals in life would you like to achieve given that you are already successful? We’d be here till next summer if I told you everything. But yeah, I want to be able to collaborate with my bud, Nick Jonas, for a song for the last Narnia installment, “The Last Battle”. A cameo won’t be too bad, either. I’d have to call Andrew because Skan won’t quit bugging me about it. I want to be a centaur. He said I’d most probably be a Calormene. Git. I’d finally finish the book I’m writing soon. I wish to teach literature or creative writing for a while too. I guess I’d love to build a life with a couple of sons in our ranch in New Zealand. Teach Sunday school. Ride horses. Go fishing. Ride a pink dolphin. Yeah.

Pearl, the manager and the “Soul” of the band, arrives in an all-green ensemble. She smiles nervously as I throw questions at her, especially made by her “girls.”

Nesa asks: Is it true that you and Kat are secretly

competing with each other? LOL! Pearl: It’s

no longer a secret because you knew about it. Just kidding! Of course not! How can I compete with her? I mean, we are incomparable. She has her own style and job and I have mine. I like her and we get along well especially when it comes to scheming on how to make the girls work when they are not in the mood and when we do crazy stuff. When the girls are too busy with their thing, she and I do stuff together like going to the spa, shopping or simply boy-hunting. But she’s been busy these days with her other business so I’m doing most of the demanding things for the girls. We actually miss having her around because she’s the noisiest and craziest among us. Kat, if you can hear me, please come back soon because I’m gonna die working solely for these crazy girls.

Renee asks: When I auditioned for the Live Action special of Detective Conan as Ran Mori, you wanted to try out for the role, too. Does that interest have something to do with Oguri Shun, who played Shinichi Kudo? PEARL: Actually, when I first

saw the anime, I already dreamed of playing Ran if there’ll be a live adaptation. I like her funny yet strong-willed character. Not to mention her expertise in karate which I’ve never done in my life. That could’ve been really cool. So my desire to audition for that role was not solely because of Oguri Shun-kun. I think everybody knows that we’ve been good friends since we met in Macau 2 years ago. We really get along well. She’s like my older brother / best friend and it would have been great to work with him. But of course, when you (Rhenee) told me that you’ll audition too, I changed my mind immediately to give way. My primary job is not to be an actress but to give my girls the best opportunities for their careers. That’s how much I love them. <winks>

Why do you like the color green so much? How does it correspond to your personality? (FYI: Most of Pearl’s possessions are green.) Actually, it wasn’t my first favorite color. When I was younger, I was fond of pink but it all changed when I became a fan of the musical Wicked. Since then I had a different appreciation for the green color. In the musical, the green girl was viewed as ugly and different so she wasn’t really accepted as normal but her character was superior. Beneath her bizarre physical appearance lies a good heart. Because of that, I think green represents superiority. Just like nature where it can be very common and ubiquitous but its force is beyond measureable. But I don’t actually know how to relate myself to it. Maybe, I want to be as strong and superior as the green girl in the musical. I have to be for my job and for the girls.

What is a typical day for you like? (with the band ) Oh gosh! I really can’t describe what my day is like with the band. But I can only tell that it’s really exhausting in a good way. I don’t know if you can picture that. It’s strenuous because I have to deal with and take care of 5 girls but it’s pleasurable because I get to experience a lot doing my job. Not to mention the freebies and perks. I have to wake up before the sun rises to check the schedule of the girls. Before 8 am I have to call a lot of people and companies for endorsements, interviews etc., etc. I also have to wake them up and check them hourly. I’m incharge of their wardrobes, make-up, diet and even their social lives. I even cover their a**** when the Big Boss finds out their juvenile/outrageous activities. I’m their ultimate nanny, mother, sister, girl friend, counselor, manager and what not rolled into one. Whew! I love them and they love me to… I hope... Well, they have to. Hahaha.

How can you describe the girl’s personalities? That’s pretty easy. Working with them almost 24/7 is like reading their biographies every single day. Let me start with their lead guitarist, Fjel. I’ve known her the longest and we’ve been through a lot even before the band was formed. She’s really strong-willed and independent. She doesn’t speak much but when she does, you’ll be awed with how she delivers her thoughts. She’s very articulate so you cannot not listen to what she has to say. BUT she can be childish in a very cute way. Can you imagine her baby talking? Yeah! She does that but only behind the lens and when we just fool around.

Vanessa is the silent one. When the others are going gaga about petty stuff, she just stays quiet and just smiles once in a while. She is the emo goddess of the group. If you don’t know her that well, you’ll be shocked with her behavior and preferences. Of course, we already got used to that side of her but she never failed to surprise me… again in a good way. I like how she carries herself. She is ‘the Emo’ who wants to go as unadorned as she can. As much as possible, she doesn’t want to wear make up. She is a natural-beauty not to mention very talented. We have this thing for the same guy and we just laugh and giggle when we talk about him. Team Jacob Tees ® designed by Pearl and Nesa.

Noreen is quite impossible to describe. But she’s not going to give me the new Jimmy Choo pumps and Gucci bag that she promised me when she comes back after her vacation in Europe if I’m not going to build her up. She would always tell me, “you know what sweetheart, that doesn’t look good on you. Try this on and you’ll be as gorgeous as I am” then throws a sexy outfit. She’s so thoughtful that way. She’s the most generous among the girls and I hope she won’t stop. I hope she won’t kill me for saying this but she is the mother of the group but not the typical mother-figure. She’s so cool and hot as the same time, you know what I mean. She’s always herself and she’s not afraid to flaunt it to everyone. I envy that characteristic because I’m a bit shy and I have a problem with my self-esteem but she’s always there to tell me and the girls that we’re beautiful and hot, the hell with those people.

Ava is my partner in crime when it comes to my obsessions and it’s our secret what those obsessions are. Shhhhh. She’s the “what you see is what you get” among the girls. It’s rare for her to be silent and serious. When that happens, all of us will be worried not only for her but for ourselves. I think when she does become silent, something’s wrong with the world because it’s not her to not smile even just once in a day. She’s like our sunshine. ^___^ We can’t be together much because we won’t accomplish anything once we started talking about out Korean dream and other fanatical stuff. Lollipop sung by Big Bang and 2ne1, written by Pearl and Ava.

Rhenee is our baby and just like normal babies, she is the group’s bundle of joy. Her smile and animated character are priceless. She never failed to make me smile everytime she does the things that only she can do. We all know her fascination of the Oriental trends and culture. She actually influenced me with all those. Because of her, I didn’t become a dimwit in Macau when this tall man approached me to tell me that I’m about to enter his room. That man turned out to be Oguri Shun-kun. If she didn’t introduce the Jdoramas and the Japanese celebrities to me then I could’ve argued and fought with him and we wouldn’t have been this close now. Arigatou, Thanks to Pearl, Renee was Mizuki-chan. cast as Mizuki in Hana Kimi. She’s also my buddy when it comes to our interest in Musicals. We watched quite a few musicals in Broadway when we were on vacation. We even went to London to see the West-end versions of some of those. She’s like my younger sister too since I don’t get to see my sisters often because of my work.

They are all different and unique that makes them really special individually but they become more special as a group. I think that’s what make people love the, because they are not afraid to show their individuality every performance and interview yet you know that they are also solid as a team. I know that my girls will go a long way in their careers and I will be with them throughout their journey. They are my family and I love them. Guys, if you happen to get across this interview, you know where to send your tokens of appreciation, a’ight.


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