Way Finding In Social Networks

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  • Pages: 50
Wayfinding in Social Networks

David Liben-Nowell Carleton College [email protected]

Microsoft Research–Cambridge | 7 December 2007 Workshop on Online Social Networks


Analyzing Social Networks, pre-1995

Social Network Analysis:

Old S˜ool

social networks have been around for 100K+ years! before the web, hard to acquire (surveys, interviews, ...). but many interesting, relevant, generalizable observations!


Zachary’s Karate Club 12 8



22 18

17 5




25 4


3 7


[Zachary 1977] Recorded interactions in a karate club for 2 years. During observation, adminstrator/instructor conflict developed ⇒ broke into two clubs.

26 14

29 10 9


Who joins which club?

24 admin

33 31 21 30




Split along administrator/instructor minimum cut (!)

15 23


Zachary’s Karate Club 12 8



22 18

17 5




25 4


3 7


[Zachary 1977] Recorded interactions in a karate club for 2 years. During observation, adminstrator/instructor conflict developed ⇒ broke into two clubs.

26 14

29 10 9


Who joins which club?

24 admin

33 31 21 30




Split along administrator/instructor minimum cut (!)

15 23


Zachary’s Karate Club 12 8



22 18

17 5




25 4


3 7


[Zachary 1977] Recorded interactions in a karate club for 2 years. During observation, adminstrator/instructor conflict developed ⇒ broke into two clubs.

26 14

29 10 9


Who joins which club?

24 admin

33 31 21 30




Split along administrator/instructor minimum cut (!)

15 23


Zachary’s Karate Club 12 8



22 18

17 5




25 4


3 7


[Zachary 1977] Recorded interactions in a karate club for 2 years. During observation, adminstrator/instructor conflict developed ⇒ broke into two clubs.

26 14

29 10 9


Who joins which club?

24 admin

33 31 21 30




Split along administrator/instructor minimum cut (!)

15 23


Zachary’s Karate Club 12 8



22 18

17 5




25 4


3 7


[Zachary 1977] Recorded interactions in a karate club for 2 years. During observation, adminstrator/instructor conflict developed ⇒ broke into two clubs.

26 14

29 10 9


Who joins which club?

24 admin

33 31 21 30




Split along administrator/instructor minimum cut (!)

15 23


X Why to think algorithmically about social networks The small-world phenomenon

X Models of the navigable small world X Some conclusions and musings

Milgram: Six Degrees of Separation Social Networks as Networks: [Milgram 1967]

People given letter, asked to forward to one friend. Source: random residents of Omaha, NE; Target: stockbroker near Boston, MA. Of completed chains, averaged six hops to reach target. 8

Milgram: The Explanation?

“the small-world problem” Why is a random Omahaian close to a Boston stockbroker? Standard (pseudosociological, pseudomathematical) explanation:

(Erd˝ os/R´ enyi) random graphs have small diameter.


In fact, many bogosities: degree distribution clustering coefficients ... 9

High School Friendships White Black Other

Self-reported high school friendships.

[Moody 2001] 10

High School Friendships

[Moody 2001] 11


homophily: a person x’s friends tend to be ‘similar’ to x. One explanation for high clustering: (semi)transitivity of similarity. x, y both friends of u ≈⇒ x and u similar; y and u similar ≈⇒ x and y similar ≈⇒ x and y friends 12

Navigability of Social Networks [Kleinberg 2000] Milgram experiment shows more than small diameter: People can construct short paths! Milgram’s result is algorithmic, not existential.

Theorem [Kleinberg 2000]: No local-information algorithm can find short paths in Watts/Strogatz networks. 13

Homophily and Greedy Applications homophily: a person x’s friends tend to be similar to x. Key idea: getting closer in “similarity space” ⇒ getting closer in “graph-distance space”

[Killworth Bernard 1978] (“reverse small-world experiment”) [Dodds Muhamed Watts 2003] In searching a social network for a target, most people chose the next step because of “geographical proximity” or “similarity of occupation” (more geography early in chains; more occupation late.) Suggests the greedy algorithm in social-network routing: if aiming for target t, pick your friend who’s ‘most like’ t. 14

Greedy Routing Greedy algorithm: if aiming for target t, pick your friend who’s ‘most like’ t. Geography:

greedily route based on distance to t.


≈ greedily route based on distance in the (implicit) hierarchy of occupations.

Want Pr [u, v friends] to decay smoothly as d(u, v) increases. (Need social ‘cues’ to help narrow in on t. Not just homophily! Can’t just have many disjoint cliques.)


The LiveJournal Community


“Baaaaah,” says Frank.

Online blogging community. Currently 14.3 million users; ∼1.3 million in February 2004. LiveJournal users provide: disturbingly detailed accounts of their personal lives. profiles (birthday, hometown, explicit list of friends) Yields a social network, with users’ geographic locations. (∼500K people in the continental US.) [DLN Novak Kumar Raghavan Tomkins 2005] 16

LiveJournal 0.1% of LJ friendships

[DLN Novak Kumar Raghavan Tomkins 2005] 17

Distance versus LJ link probability 1e-03

link probability




1e-07 10 km

100 km distance

1000 km

[DLN Novak Kumar Raghavan Tomkins 2005] 18

Analyzing Social Networks, pre-1995

Social Network Analysis:

Old S˜ool

social networks have been around for 100K+ years! before the web, hard to acquire (surveys, interviews, ...). but many interesting, relevant, generalizable observations!

Social Network Analysis: New Sch00l automatically extract networks without having to ask. phone calls, emails, online communities, ... big! but are these really social networks? 19

The Hewlett-Packard Email Community [Adamic Adar 2005]

Corporate research community. Captured email headers over ∼3 months. Define friendship as ≥ 6 emails u → v and ≥ 6 emails v → u. Yields a social network (n = 430), with positions in the corporate hierarchy. 20

Emails and the HP Corporate Hierarchy [Adamic Adar 2005]

black: HP corporate hierarchy

gray: exchanged emails. 21

Emails and the HP Corporate Hierarchy [Adamic Adar 2005]

So what? 22

X Why to think algorithmically about social networks X The small-world phenomenon Models of the navigable small world

X Some conclusions and musings

Requisites for Navigability


link probability




1e-07 10 km

100 km distance

1000 km

[Kleinberg 2000]: for a social network to be navigable without global knowledge, need ‘well-scattered’ friends (to reach faraway targets) need ‘well-localized’ friends (to home in on nearby targets) 23

Kleinberg: Navigable Social Networks [Kleinberg 2000]

put n people on a k-dimensional grid connect each to its immediate neighbors 1 add one long-range link per person; Pr[u → v] ∝ d(u,v) α. 24

Navigability of Social Networks put n people on a k-dimensional grid connect each to its immediate neighbors 1 add one long-range link per person; Pr[u → v] ∝ d(u,v) α.

Theorem [Kleinberg 2000]:

(short = polylog(n))

If α 6= k then no local-information algorithm can find short paths. If α = k then people can find short—O(log2 n)—paths using the greedy algorithm.


Geography’s Role in LiveJournal [DLN Novak Kumar Raghavan Tomkins 2005]

By simulating the Milgram experiment, we find that LJ is navigable via geographically greedy routing. By Kleinberg’s theorem, navigable 2D geographic mesh ⇒ Pr[u → v] ∝ d(u, v)−2.

Original goal of this research: verify that Pr[u → v] ∝ d(u, v)−2 in LiveJournal. 26

Distance versus link probability 1e-03

ε + 1/d link probability




1/d 1e-07 10 km

100 km distance

1000 km

shows Pru,v [u is friends with v | d(u, v) = d] Kleinberg’s 1/d2 highly unsupported! Not really linear! Link probability levels out to ∼ 5 × 10−6. 27

The LiveJournal Odyssey

Dot shown for every inhabited location in LiveJournal network. Circles are centered on Ithaca, NY. Each successive circle’s population increases by 50,000. Uniform population ⇒ radii would decrease quadratically. (actually mostly increase!) People don’t live on a uniform grid! 28

Why does distance fail?

500 m

c b cb cb cb b cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb c cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb ccb b cb b cb bb c c c b c b c c b c b c b c b ccb c b c b c b c b c c c b cb c b c b c c b c b c b c b c b cb c b cb cb b cb ccb b c cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb b cb b ccb b cb b cb b cb cb b cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb b cb ccb ccb b cb b cb b cb cc b b cb cb ccb cb cc b b cb cb ccb ccb b cb c c c c b c c c b c b c c c c b c c b c b c b c b c b c c b c b c b c b c b cb b c b c b ccb b cb b cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb b cb cb b cb cb cb cb c cb cb b cb b cb cb cb b ccb cb cb cb cb cb ccb cb ccb b cb cb cb b cb c c c b c b c c b c b c c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c c b cb b c c b c c b c b c b c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b cb cb cb b cb cb b cb b cb cb c b cb b cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb c b cb cb cb cb ccb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b ccb b ccb b cb cb b c cb b cb b cb b cb b cb cb cb cb c b cb ccb cb cb cb b cb c b c b c b cb c b c c b c c b c c b ccb c b c b c c c b c b c c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c c b cb cb b cc b b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b ccb b cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb ccb cb cb cb cb b cb cb b cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb ccb b cb cb c cb cb cb ccb b ccb b cb cb cb b cb cb cb b c b c b ccb b c b cb b c b c b c c c b c c c c b c b cb cb c ccb b c b c c b c b c b c b c b cb b c b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b c b cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb ccb b cb b cb cb cb ccb b cb cb b cb cb b c c b c b c c b c c b ccb cc cb c b c b cb c b cb b c c b c c c cb c b c b cb b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c b cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb b cc b ccb b cb cb cb cb b cb cb b cb cb b cb cb b cb b cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb c cb cb b cb cb b cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b c c c b c b c c b ccb cb c b c b c c cb b cb b c c b c c b c c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c c c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b cb b c b c b cb c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c cb cb b cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b cb cb cb ccb b cb cb b cb cb b cb cb cb b cb b cb cb cb cb c cb b cb c c cb b c c c c b c b c c b c c b c b c b c b cb c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c c c b c b c b c b c b c b cb b cb b cb c b cb cb b cb c b cb cb cb b cc b ccb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb c cc b b cb cb cc b ccb cc b b cb b cb ccb b cb c b ccb b cb b ccb

500 m

Population density varies widely across the US! and

: best friends in Minnesota, strangers in Manhattan. 29

Rank-Based Friendship How do we handle non-uniformly distributed populations? Instead of distance, use rank as fundamental quantity. rankA(B) := |{C : d(A, C) < d(A, B)}| How many people live closer to A than B does?

Rank-Based Friendship : Pr[A is a friend of B] ∝ 1/rankA(B). Probability of friendship ∝ 1/(number of closer candidates) c b c b

c b c b b c c b b c b cc b cb b cb c c b c b b c cb cb cb b c b c c c b b c c cb b cb b c b c b cb b c c b c b c b cb b c b cb c cb c cb c b b c b c b c b c b c b bb c c

c b

c b c b

bb c c

c b c b c b c b c bcbc cb b cb c b cb cb c b cb cb c b cb cb c cb cb c cb c b cb c b c b cb bc cc b b cb cb b cb b cb cb b bb c c cb cbc bcbcbc bc b c b c c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b cb b c b cb b c b c b c c b c b c c b b cb cb b cb c c bc bc cb b cb c b cb b cb cb cb b cb ccb c b cb cb c b c bc cc b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb b c b cb cb cb b c c b c b c b cb b cb c bcbcbcbcbcbc b cb b c b c c c b cb c b c b c cb cb b c b cb cc b c cb c bc bcbc b c b b cb c b c b cb b cb c b b cb bc c b c c c b c b c b cc b b c b b cb b c b c c bc cb b c b cb c cb cb b c b b cb b cc c bc bcbcbcbcbcbc cc b b cb c b cb b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b cb c b b bc c b cb b cc b cb cb cb b cb cb cb b c b b cb cb c bcbcbc bc cb cb cc b b c cb b cb cb cb cb cb cb cb ccb cc b cb bc c b cb b cb cb cb cb ccb b cb ccb cb b c c b cb b c b c b c c c b c c b c b cb cb cb b cc cb c bc c cb cb b c b cb b c b cb cb b c b c b cb c b ccb c b b

bc bc bcbcbcbc bc bc bc bcbc bc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bc bcbcbc bcbc bc bcbc cbbcbc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbc bcbcbcbc bc bc bcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bc bcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbc bcbcbc bcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbc bc bc bcbc bc bc bc bc bcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bc bcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbc bc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbc bc bcbcbcbc bcbcbc bcbc bc bc bc bcbcbcbc bc bcbcbc bc bc bc bc bc bcbc bcbcbcbc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b c b bcbcbc bcbcbcbc bc bcbcbc bc bc bcbc bc bc bc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbcbc bc bcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbc bcbc bcbcbc bc bcbc bc bc bcbc bc bc bcbc bcbc bcbcbcbcbcbc bcbcbcbcbc bc bc bcbc bc bc bc bcbc bcbc bc bcbc bcbc


Relating Rank and Distance Rank-Based Friendship:

Pr[A is a friend of B] ∝ 1/rankA(B).

Kleinberg (k-dim grid):

Pr[A is a friend of B] ∝ 1/d(A, B)k .

Uniform k-dimensional grid:

radius-d ball volume ≈ dk 1/rank ≈ 1/dk

For a uniform grid, rank-based friendship has (essentially) same link probabilities as Kleinberg. 31

Population Networks A rank-based population network consists of: a k-dimensional grid L of locations. a population P of people, living at points in L (n := |P |). a set E ⊆ P × P of friendships: one edge from each person in each ‘direction’ one edge from each person, chosen by rank-based friendship

e.g., locations rounded to the nearest integral point in longitude/latitude.


The Real Theorem

Theorem: For any n-person rank-based population network in a k-dimensional grid, k = Θ(1), for any source s ∈ P and for a randomly chosen target t ∈ P , the expected length (over t) of Greedy (s, loc(t)) is O(log3 n).

Intuition: difficulty of halving distance to isolated target t is canceled by low probability of choosing t. Real theorem: not just for grids. (use doubling dimension of metric space instead of k).


Short Paths and Rank-Based Friendships Theorem: For any n-person population network in a k-dim grid, for any source s ∈ P and a randomly chosen target t ∈ P , the expected length (over t) of Greedy (s, t) is O(log3 n). Theorem [Kleinberg 2000]: For any n-person uniform-density population network, any source s, and any target t, the length of Greedy (s, t) is O(log2 n) with high probability.

Lose: Lose: Gain: Gain?

expectation (not whp). another log factor. arbitrary population densities. holds in real networks? 34

Ranks and Friendships in LiveJournal 1e-01

link probability

1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07




1000 10000 100000 rank

shows Pru[u is friends with the v : ranku(v) = r]


Ranks and Friendships in LiveJournal 1e-01

r −1.2 + ε

link probability

1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05

r −1.15

1e-06 1e-07




1000 10000 100000 rank

shows Pru[u is friends with the v : ranku(v) = r] very close to 1/r, as required for rank-based friendship! again, must correct for nongeographic friends. 35

1e-01 1e-02 link probability

1e-01 1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 1e-10 1e-11

1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07

link probability minus ε

link probability minus ε

Ranks and Friendships in LiveJournal

r −1.25 1



1e-01 1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 1e-10 1e-11




1000 10000 100000 rank




1000 10000 100000 rank

1000 10000 100000 rank

shows probability of rank-r friendship, less ε = 5.0 × 10−6.


1e-01 1e-02 link probability

1e-01 1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 1e-10 1e-11

1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07

link probability minus ε

link probability minus ε

Ranks and Friendships in LiveJournal

r −1.25 1



1e-01 1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 1e-10 1e-11




1000 10000 100000 rank




1000 10000 100000 rank

1000 10000 100000 rank

shows probability of rank-r friendship, less ε = 5.0 × 10−6. LJ “location resolution” is city-only. average u’s ranks {r, . . . , r + 1300} are in the same city ⇒ we’ll average probabilities over ranks {r, . . . , r + 1300} 36

Ranks and Friendships in LiveJournal 1e-01

link probability


1e-02 1e-03

1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07




1000 10000 100000 rank




1000 10000 100000 rank




1000 10000 100000 rank

1e-04 1e-05 1e-07

r −1.30

1e-08 1e-09

link probability minus ε





1000 10000 100000 rank

1e-01 1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09 1e-10 1e-11

1e-01 link probability minus ε, averaged

link probability minus ε, averaged


1e-02 1e-03 1e-04 1e-05 1e-06 1e-07 1e-08 1e-09

still very close to 1/r (though not absolutely perfect)


X Why to think algorithmically about social networks X The small-world phenomenon X Models of the navigable small world Some conclusions and musings

Geographic/Nongeographic Friendships 1e-03

link probability minus ε


link probability




1e-07 10 km

100 km distance

1000 km




1e-07 10 km

100 km distance

1000 km

good estimate of friendship probability: or Pr[u → v] ≈ ε + f (d(u, v)) for ε ≈ 5.0 × 10−6. ‘ε friends’ (nongeographic)

‘f (d) friends’ (geographic).

LJ: E[number of u’s “ε” friends] = ε · 500,000 ≈ 2.5. LJ: average degree ≈ 8. ∼5.5/8 ≈ 66% of LJ friendships are “geographic,” 33% are not. 38

A Puzzle to Ponder This talk: 66% of LJ friendships form through geographic processes. Geography is very important, even in a virtual community. The ∼5.5 ∼rank-based geographic friends per person suffice to account for the small world.

Not in this talk: Why should networking people care?

Also not in this talk: And what about the other 2.5 nongeographic friends? But why does geography matter so much? ‘virtualized’ real-world friendships? 39

Routing Choices In real life, many ways to choose a next step when searching! Geography:

greedily route based on distance to t.


≈ greedily route based on distance in the (implicit) hierarchy of occupations.

Age, hobbies, alma mater, ... Popularity:

choose people with high outdegree. [Adamic Lukose Puniyani Huberman 2001] [Kim Yoon Han Jeong 2002] ...

What does ’closest’ mean in real life? How do you weight various ‘proximities’ ? minimum over all proximities? [Dodds Watts Newman 2002] a more complicated combination? 40

A Puzzle to Ponder This talk: 66% of LJ friendships form through geographic processes. Geography is very important, even in a virtual community. The ∼5.5 ∼rank-based geographic friends per person suffice to account for the small world.

Not in this talk: Why should networking people care?

Also not in this talk: And what about the other 2.5 nongeographic friends? But why does geography matter so much? ‘virtualized’ real-world friendships? 41

Open Directions A half-sociological, half-computational question ... Why should rank-based friendship hold, even approximately? Are there natural processes that generate it?

E.g., a generative process based on “geographic interests”?


Thank you!

David Liben-Nowell [email protected] http://cs.carleton.edu/faculty/dlibenno

Some references Milgram 1967 “The Small World Problem.” Psychology Today. Kleinberg 2000 “The Small-World Phenomenon: An Algorithmic Perspective.” STOC’00. Dodds Muhamad Watts 2003 “An Experimental Study of Search in Global Social Networks.” Science. Liben-Nowell Novak Kumar Raghavan Tomkins 2005 “Geographic Routing in Social Networks.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. Kumar Liben-Nowell Tomkins 2006 “Navigating Low-Dimensional and Hierarchical Population Networks.” ESA’06. Adamic Adar 2005 “How to search a social network.” Social Networks.


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