Totara Inquiry Topic Plan Waste Not, Want Not! Level 3
Term 2
Enduring Learning
Citizenship is everyone’s business
Key Idea
The World has finite resources that we all need to share.
Key Competencies
Relating to others, using language symbols and texts, thinking & participating and contributing.
Curriculum area
Curriculum Objective
• English
Health & P.E. Social Studies
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Lines of Inquiry
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Integrate sources of information, processes and strategies with developing confidence to identify, form and express ideas. Show an understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences. Select form and communicate ideas on a range of topics, Identify and demonstrate ways of maintaining and enhancing relationships between individuals and within groups. Understand that people have social, cultural, and economic roles, rights, and responsibilities. Conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle Compare statements with the features of simple data displays from statistical investigations undertaken by others. Explore and act on issues and questions that link their science learning to their daily activity. Extend their experiences and personal explanations of the natural world through exploration, play, asking questions and discussing simple models. Water is a finite resource and we need to take care of it. Our planet is a fragile place. Nature needs balance. People have a responsibility to share the World’s resources. Many people in the World don’t have their human rights fulfilled. What we do today affects the future.
Specific Learning Intentions We are learning to…
Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we …
Identify, sort and categorize resources and materials
Discuss & establish with students
Identify meanings and synonyms of keywords
Discuss & establish with students
Pose, edit and select questions for inquiry/fair testing
Discuss & establish with students
Carry out a fair test
Discuss & establish with students
Use graphs to show our data
Discuss & establish with students
Gather, sort and display data.
Discuss & establish with students
Make statements about what we have found out from our data.
Discuss & establish with students
Read & interpret graphs made by others
Discuss & establish with students
Identify the features of an informational report/scientific explanation
Discuss & establish with students
Identify our target audience before starting our writing
Discuss & establish with students
Write an informational report./scientific explanation
Discuss & establish with students
Work well in a team/group
Discuss & establish with students (looks like & sounds like)
Inquiry Rich Task
Task: In groups using the investigative process explore what we can do to improve how we manage and/or use resources and take action to improve to what we do.
Relevant Learning Week Intentio # n
Possible Learning Progressions
Setting the scene: 1. Categorise materials/resources – chln discuss and classify materials and explain why they have grouped materials. 2. Complete online categorization activities such as t/html%3b%20charset=utf8&config=results&page=1&pagesize=12&SuppressCaching=1&oper_1=eq&att rib_1=SCHOOL_LEVEL_NAME&bool_1=AND&oper_2=eq&attrib_2=SUBJ ECT_NAME&val_2_1=science&bool_2=AND&oper_3=eq&attrib_3=TOPIC &val_3_1=&bool_3=AND&attrib_4=SearchText&oper_4=eq&val_4_1=&val_ 1_1=primary&level=primary&subject=science&topic= 3. Undertake class fair tests to learn the ‘fair testing’ processes. 4. Vocabulary development activities – keywords, synonyms, silent card shuffle, crosswords etc. 5. Chln/tchr choose a line of inquiry to form an investigation about and pose, edit and select questions for research. Identify criteria for questions that can be answered using fair testing. 6. Through literacy programmes identify language & structural features of scientific explanations & informational reports.
Acquire • Identify, select, understand & evaluate types of graphs & informational reports/scientific explanations • Plan, and undertake a fair test that fits into their line of inquiry.
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3,4,5,6,7 2 3 8,9,10,11
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Use •
Create a Totara Science Fair presentation in groups that answers a question related to one of the lines of inquiry.
Communicate • Share & discuss Science Fair presentation with other classes, parents & judges Evaluate • Peer/Self-evaluation of fair testing • Science fair judging
Relevant learning Intention
Assessment tasks •
Complete a fair test in inquiry groups to investigate a scientific research question related to one of our lines of inquiry.