Warriors Far East

  • October 2019
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warriors of the far east home brewed warband by drew swanson last modified on 12/16/05

-= choice of warriors =your warband must include a minimum of 3 models to a maximum of 12 models. you have 500 points to assemble your warband with. the maximum characteristics for each type will be the same as any mordheim mercenary war band.

heroes enlightened master: each warband must have one enlightened master to lead it – no more, no less. venerated warriors: each warband may have up to 3 venerated warriors whom are apprentices of the master. master shinobi: each warband may only have one master shinobi whom leads the other shinobi in battle.

henchmen warrior: each warband may employ any number of warriors to fight for them shinobi: each warband may have up two 3 shinobi that follow the master shinobi

-= starting experience =an enlightened master starts with 20 experience. a venerated warrior starts with 5 experience. a master shinobi starts with 10 experience.

-= hired swords =a warriors of the east warband can use any hired sword available to the mercenary warbands in the mordheim rulebook upkeep costs are doubled seeing as how it will take a lot of gold to keep a hired sword from leaving because of there unusual habits

-= special rules =warriors from the far east have also mastered the arts of unarmed combat. split into the two paths and the art of silent death, most of the heroes start with one of these three skills (one of the two paths) any can choose them as skills. keep in mind they are “unarmed styles” so you may not use them if you have a shield and must choose when a combat first begins whether you will use your weapons or you’re path/unarmed. the only exception to this is cumbersome weapons, if you have one equipped that’s all you can fight with (it’s kind of hard to remove fighting claws or put away a sword with about 6-8 feet worth of chain in a fight). also while the art of silent death mixes with the two paths. only one path may be used during combat. so even if you learn both your attacks don’t count as both

swords and maces. although you may get two swords or two maces using the art of silent death. tanto, wakizashi, and katana are the three blades of the far east; each is treated like a standard dagger, sword, or double handed weapon. with the exception that there far superior and take almost 6 months to complete just one. they are rare blades and they will never willingly give one up or sell them to others.

-= special equipment =dueling bracers (25+2d6 gold crowns/rare 10) these bracers are formed from a mix of reinforced steel and leather, while giving some protecting in hand-to-hand combat they prove worthless against missile weapons. often these are used as a substitute for shields as you do not have to dedicate a hand to using them in combat and help with the art of deflection in combat. special rules armour: gives a 6+ save in close combat, may be combined with armor saves (doesn’t count as armour though) parry: a model equipped with dueling bracers may parry the first blow in each round of hand-to-hand combat just as if they had a buckler. when his opponent scores a hit, a model with a buckler may roll 1d6. if the score is greater than the highest to hit score of his opponent, the model has parried the blow, and that attack is discarded. a model may not parry attacks made with double or more its own strength – they are simply too powerful to be stopped. dueling bracers act just like a buckler, so you get to reroll failed parries if you also have a sword, but isn’t an actual buckler so you can’t gain a +1 bonus to your armour save if you use the house rule(hand weapon and shield = 1+ save bonus). tanto (5 gold crowns/rare 6) the martial arts practiced by warriors of the far east employ many unusual weapons. even the swords produced in the far east are often far better to any made within the empire. they have special ways to fold the blade of a sword over and over till it’s sharp as a razor and strong as steel. this provides a light yet piercing blade. tanto’s are the daggers of the far east. range save modifier special rules strength close com.

as user


cutting edge

wakizashi (15 gold crowns/rare 7) the martial arts practiced by warriors of the far east employ many unusual weapons. even the swords produced in the far east are often far better to any made within the empire. they have special ways to fold the blade of a sword over and over till it’s sharp as a razor and strong as steel. this provides a light yet piercing blade. wakizashi’s are the swords of the far east



save modifier

special rules

close com.

as user


parry, cutting edge

katana (20 gold crowns/rare 8) the martial arts practiced by warriors of the far east employ many unusual weapons. even the swords produced in the far east are often far better to any made within the empire. while made in the same fashion as a wakizashi the katana can range from 3-4 feet long. while in the hands of a novice strikes from such a weapon are slow and unwieldy. in the hands of a true master this blade will cut a bloody wave through his enemies. katana are the double handed weapons of the far east. range save modifier special rules strength close com.

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two-handed, strike last, cutting edge

fighting claws (35 gold crowns/rare 8) the martial arts practiced by warriors of the far east employ many unusual weapons. the most famous of these are the fighting claws: sharp metal blades attached to the hands of a warrior. it takes a real expert to use them effectively, but an adept warrior is a fearsome opponent when armed this way. range save modifier special rules strength close com.

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pair, climb, parry, cumbersome

special rules adepts: shinobi are experts with fighting claws and as such may ignore the cumbersome rule when using throwing stars wakizashi and chain (35 gold crowns/rare 8) the martial arts practiced by warriors of the far east employ many unusual weapons. while a lesser known weapon, they are feared weapon in the hands of a master. typically nothing more than a sword mounted to the end of a chain with a large weight at the end. when used by a skilled warrior the chain section can be thrown at an enemy or there weapon, ensnaring them and making it nearing impossible to attack back. range save modifier special rules strength close com. special rules

as user


parry, cutting edge, ensnare, pair, cumbersome

ensnare: while the wakizashi portion works as normal the additional attack from the chain is special. roll to hit as normal but instead of inflicting a wound the enemy loses one attack till the beginning of the next turn (can be parried, lucky charmed, etc just like any other attack). although at least one attack must go through each of the weapons any extra attacks can be divided how ever you choose, just remember you can’t reduce them to 0 attacks. adepts: shinobi are experts with sword and chain and as such may ignore the cumbersome rule when using throwing stars

-= special skills =path of the open fist: the warrior has taken the path of patience and virtue, the warrior has learned to predict the attacks of others and strike when vulnerable often with the force of steel. when ever the warrior fights barehanded his attacks count as sword attacks instead of fist attacks. this ability may not be used if the warrior is currently using a shield as such things slow his stride and reactions. if a model has art of silent death both attacks count as sword attacks. although a warrior may learn both paths he must choose one of the two paths he will use at the beginning of every turn of combat, he may never use both. path of the closed fist: the warrior has taken the path of violence and strength, the warrior has learned to decimate foes by shifting body weight and striking with the strength of stone. when ever the warrior fights barehanded his attacks count as mace attacks instead of fist attacks. this ability may not be used if the warrior is currently using a shield as such things slow his stride and reactions. if a model has art of silent death both attacks count as mace attacks. although a warrior may learn both paths he must choose one of the two paths he will use at the beginning of every turn of combat, he may never use both. art of silent death: the warrior has patiently mastered the deadly art of open-hand fighting, as taught by the mystics of cathay in the temples of the far east. in hand-to-hand combat, the warrior can fight with his bare hands without any penalties and counts as having two weapons (i.e., +1 attack). in addition, a hero with this skill will cause a critical hit on a to wound roll of 5-6 instead of just 6. this skill may be used in conjunction with the fighting claws to give +2 attacks instead of +1. quickness: some warriors have an ability to react with near super human quickness and agility. a warrior with quickness can avoid melee or missile attacks on a roll of 6. if the warrior also has step aside or dodge this will increase to a 4+ in the relevant area. for example, a warrior with quickness and step aside avoids melee attacks on a 4+ and missile attacks on a 6. master of blades: this warriors martial skill surpasses those of a normal warrior. when using a weapon or item that has a parry special rule, this hero parries successfully if he beats or matches his opponents highest ‘to hit’ roll, not just if he beats the roll. in addition, if this warrior is using two weapons that have the parry special rule, he is allowed to parry two attacks (if his two dice match or beat the two highest attack dice against him) instead of the normal maximum of one. swiftness: the shinobi can move at near god like speed with out ever getting tired or

slowing in pace. when ever the shinobi runs treat them as if they only walked. for example a model that just ran could shoot a bow (with a -1 penalty for moving). his max movement is also increased to 5 as well as his max initiative to 7, this replaces the normal max. (shinobi only) hide in shadows: the shinobi can blend into the shadows so that his opponents will not see him. as long as he is within 1" of a wall or other linear obstacle (hedge, fence, well, etc), opposing models must pass an initiative test in order to charge or shoot at him. (shinobi only)

warriors of the east skill tables combat






enlightened master

venerated warriors

master shinobi

 

 

when henchmen obtain lad’s got talent only the shinobi can choose shooting and speed skills and only the warriors can choose strength skills. shinobi are loners and servants to those with power and there for may never become leader. if the leader dies and you only have shinobi heroes, no one receives the leader skill and you must recruit a new venerated warrior as soon as you are able. that warrior also gains the chi channel power and must roll for his first chi power the next time he gains a skill.

warriors of the east equipment list hero equipment list hand-to-hand combat weapons dagger 1st free/2 gc staff 3 gc tanto 5 gc sword 10 gc halberd (kikuchi yari) 10 gc spear (yari) 10 gc double-handed weapon

15 gc

wakizashi katana wakizashi and chain

15 gc 20 gc 35 gc

henchmen equipment list hand-to-hand combat weapons dagger 1st free/2 gc staff 3 gc tanto 5 gc sword (wakizashi) 10 gc spear (yari) 10 gc halberd (kikuchi yari) 10 gc double-handed 15 gc weapon wakizashi 15 gc katana 20 gc

fighting claws

35 gc

missile weapons short bow throwing stars(shinobi only)

missile weapons short bow 5 gc throwing stars(shinobi 15 gc only)

5 gc 15 gc

armour helmet light armour shield

armour helmet light armour shield

10 gc 20 gc 5 gc

10 gc 20 gc 5 gc

miscellaneous equipment dueling bracers 25 gc

-= heroes =1 enlightened master 85 gold crown to hire an enlightened master is a fierce warrior from the far east that has spent the majority of his life studying not only the ways of martial arts but of the mind and soul as well. he has mastered the power of his essence or chi, capable of heightening his own abilities or releasing his chi physically on others. profile

m ws bs
















weapons/armour: the enlightened master can be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the heroes equipment list. special rules leader: any model in the warband within 6" of the master may use his leadership instead of their own. chi channel: the enlightened master can focus and channel his chi for various affects and uses the chi powers, detailed below path: when you hire the enlightened master you may give him one of the two path skills for free. 0-3 venerated warriors 45 gold crowns to hire those warriors who have witness many battles often seek out masters to hone not only there blades but there minds and someday learn to focus there chi. if they can prove there

skills and show there worth the master will accept them, training them in all he knows. profile

m ws bs
















weapons/armour: venerated warriors can be armed with weapons chosen from the heroes equipment list. special rules path: when you hire the venerated warrior you may give him one of the two path skills for free. 0-1 master shinobi 75 gold crowns to hire shinobi are the ninja of the far east, equally capable of spying or assassination. shinobi of course like any other group have members who have more than proven there skills are given the title master. enlightened masters often seek out such skilled shinobi for none have skills such as them. profile

m ws bs
















weapons/armour: master shinobi may be equipped with weapons and armour from the heroes equpiment list. the master shinobi will never use armour or two handed weapons as they are two cumbersome and slow for a spy special rules infiltration: shinobi are spies with no equal and may infiltrate. the shinobi is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. if both players have models which infiltrate, roll a d6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first. hide in shadows: the master shinobi is already well trained in stealth and such starts with hide in shadows.

-= henchmen =(may be bought in groups of 1-5 models) warriors 25 gold crowns to hire these warriors although mere novices compared to the master are skilled warriors. they hope to someday gain favor or be noticed by the master so they to may someday train under him, they are fully devoted to the martial arts


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weapons/armour: warriors can be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the henchmen equipment list. 0-3 shinobi 45 gold crowns to hire shinobi are the spies and assassins of the far east. although not the strongest of warriors there ability to sneak past even the more dangerous and well fortified areas makes them quite useful. profile

m ws bs
















weapons/armour: shinobi can be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the henchmen equipment list. shinobi will never use armour or two handed weapons as they are two cumbersome and slow for a spy special rules infiltration: shinobi are spies with no equal and may infiltrate. the shinobi is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. if both players have models which infiltrate, roll a d6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.

-= chi channel =the enlightened master over the many long years of training and battle has unlocked abilities all men have within them. they can take the chi or life energy flowing with in there own bodies and channel it to do extraordinary things. while not unlike magic in a sense, chi uses energy from ones own body instead of trying to harness the magic energy flows that stain this world. the practitioner of such an art can use this form of magic even if he has armour on, and in a game sense just treat it as any other school of magic. 1: energy blast dc 7 the warrior extends his hands while focusing his chi, then like a bullet from between his palms a sphere of the purist white lauches it self at the unwary enemy. the foe has a split second to notice the white flames wafting off the sphere before it sends him to the ground unconscious. the energy blast has a range of 18" and causes one strength 4 hit. it strikes the first model in its path. armour saves are taken as normal (ie, with -1 modifier). 2: all encompassing aura dc 9 a swirling, flowing, layer of what seems to be perfectly clear water about 1 inch thick and 2

inches away from any one part of his body encompasses the warrior. the warrior then laughs as arrows and even claymores bounce off the aura doing no damage what so ever to the warrior. the warrior has an armour save of 2+ which replaces his normal armour save. this power lasts until the beginning of the warriors next shooting phase. 3: hot palms dc 8 the warriors fists begins to burn with a pure white flame. although the flame does nothing to the warrior, his enemies won’t be so fortunate. as long as the warrior fights bare handed he gains +1 strength in hand-to-hand combat, all hits cause double damage (e.g. 2 wounds instead of 1). the warrior must test each shooting phase he wants to keep this power going. 4: force blast dc 9 the warrior extends his hands while focusing his chi and then drops his hands to his side. then just feet away an enemy warrior is launched backwards as if a giant just rammed him. designate a spot within 12” of the warrior that he can see, all models within 1 inch of that spot are hit (e.g. a 2inch circle). all affected models must roll a d6 adding +1 if it’s a large target and +1 it wearing heavy armour, if they can not score at least a 5+ they are then hurled away from that spot d3 inches and knocked down. if they collide with a building they take an automatic strength 3 hit, if they collide with a model both suffer a strength 2 hit. 5: burst of speed dc 8 after noticing something in a far off building a swirly force can be seen flowing around and though the warrior. then in an instant the warrior appears in the building panting softly. the warrior may immediately make another move of 10. treat this just like running/charging, if he can get into base contact with an enemy, he counts as charging. if he engages a fleeing enemy, in the close combat phase he will score one automatic hit and then his opponent will flee again (if he survives). 6: energy wave dc 9 the warrior stretches his arms around his torso as if trying desperately to hold something in. then suddenly throwing his arms out and around his body what can only be described as an ocean wave of pure white flame completely encompassing the warrior spreads out colliding will all unfortunate to be in its path. all models within 3" of the warrior, friend or foe, suffer one s3 hit.

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