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  • Pages: 14
CYQ GYM TRAINING AWARD: Session Plan Introduction (SP1) Discipline: Gym Training

Name: Keeran Phull

Venue: SEEVIC College

Nearest telephone: At Reception

First Aid Kit: At Reception

Duration: 80 Minutes

Name of Duty First Aider: David Kreyling Aim: The purpose of this session is to: To deliver a safe and effective gym induction, using the cardiovascular equipment, Resistance Machines and the Free Weights for an intermediate fitness level and intermediate skill level. Objectives: To achieve this I will: To Introduce Keeran to the Cardiovascular Machine, Resistance Machines and the Free Weights.

Fitness Level of Participant/Client: Intermediate

Skill Level of Participant/Client: Intermediate

Age of Participant/Client: 18 Any specific considerations relating to participant’s needs with reference to screening and appropriate clothing: Shoes must be tied. Wear T-Shirt and Shorts. Remove jewellery that may be obstructive.

Health & Safety Checks – What do I need to consider with reference to the following: Checks: Comments: Temperature/Ventilation: 18˚C Floor: Carpet – clean Water Availability: By reception Obstacles: Leads/cables/towels/refreshments for other users. Fire Exits: Front and back of gym are clear. Other: Remove jewellery – make sure equipment is usable. Equipment: I require the following equipment: Treadmill, Bike, Cross Trainer, Pec Dec, Leg Curl, Shoulder Press With regard to this equipment I will need to make arrangements with (Names): David Kreyling The checks I will need to make with regard to the equipment are as follows: All equipment is working. Free of obstacles. Date of action:28/04/2007 Any other arrangements relative to: Environment :Mirrors Clean

Equipment: Towelled down and dry

Participants: Carries Water

Candidate’s Signature: Assessor’s/Manager’s/Supervisor’s/Colleague’s Signature:

Date: Date:



Name…Keeran Phull…………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Sit-Up Bike……………………….. Date…Saturday 28th April… Duration…10 Minutes..……………………….… Fitness level…Intermediate………. ……….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Mobility pulse raiser (include CV1 on this page) Time Time/Intensity

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

6-8 Reps

Mobility on Spine (Side Turns)

-Neutral Spine -Rotate body Left, Centre, Right

6-8 Reps

Mobility on Spine (Side Bends)

-Neutral Spine -Tight Abs -Bend to the Left, then Right

6-8 Reps

Mobility for Shoulders – Whilst on the machine

-8 Rotations forward -8 Rotations Backwards

6-8 Reps

Mobility for Neck – Whilst on the machine

-Neutral Spine -Do not rotate the Neck Back -Look Left, Centre then Right

5 Minutes

Sit-up Bike which works the: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Soleus

Keep RPM Above 60

0-2 Minutes - Level 3 2-4 Minutes - Level 4 4-5 Minutes - Level 5

-Neutral Spine -Head up, Facing forward -Do not lock knees/must be slightly bent -Bottom of feet on the resting pads -Start pedalling to start machine

Progression/ Adaptation

Mobility 5 Minutes

Look Left, drop the chin to chest, run along, looking at the floor, up to the right

Pulse Raiser

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………

Nice slow cycle just enough to raise the pulse



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Preparatory Stretch…….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…5 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Prep stretch Time Time/Intensity

5 Minutes

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

Deltoids (Performed on Bike)

-Neutral Spine -Feet hip width apart -Stretch arm across the body -Use other arm for support

Triceps (Performed on Bike)

-Neutral Spine -Make sure you DO NOT hyperextend the spine

Lats & Obliques

-Neutral Spine -Knees slightly bent -Avoid leaning forward and back


-Neutral Spine -Knees slightly bent -Feet hip width apart

Erector Spinae

-Stand with feet slightly wider than hip width apart and bend knees -Place both hands on knees

Gluteus Maximus

-Neutral Spine -Keep back straight -Facing forward -Maintain slight bend of knee on the supported knee


-Avoid arching the Spine -Keep knee close to the supporting leg

Holding 8-10 Seconds for each Stretch

Progression/ Adaptation

Hold in front

Use wall for support

Use wall for support

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Preparatory Stretch…….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…5 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Prep stretch Time Time/Intensity

5 Minutes

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points


-Turn the foot out slightly, so the knees is in alignment with the ankle and bend the knee -Avoid twisting the hips


-Keep a Neutral Spine -Keep the leg extended but not hyper-extended -Avoid bouncing -Keep the hips square


-Bend the front knee -Keep a Neutral Spine -Feet hip width apart


-Both knees bent -Keep a Neutral Spine -Feet hip width apart -Aim to cit on a chair

Holding 8-10 Seconds for each Stretch

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………

Progression/ Adaptation

Combines with upper body stretches



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Tredmill………………….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…25 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

CV2 Re- Warm up Time Time/Intensity

5 Minutes

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

Progression/ Adaptation

-Head up and looking forward -Neutral Spine -Must be working at quite a high intensity -Always take big breaths and try and relax -Keep asking how they are feeling with the 1-10 scale -Keep talking to the customer -Motivate them -Drink!

-Increase the Speed -Increase the Gradient -Decrease the Resting Time -Must be hitting about Level 8 on the RPE Scale

Treadmill which works the: -Quadriceps -Hamstrings -Gastrocnemius -Soleus -Gluteus Maximus

Re-Warm up RPE at 3

0-2 Minutes - Level 2.5 2-4 Minutes - Level 3.0 4-5 Minutes - Level 3.5

Main Aerobic Workout Continuous Training RPE at 4-5 RPE at 5-6 RPE at 6-7 RPE at 7-8 RPE at 6-7

4-6 Minutes 6-8 Minutes 8-10 Minutes 10-12 Minutes 12-15 Minutes 15-18 Minutes 18-20 Minutes 20-22 Minutes 22-25 Minutes


Level 4 Level 4.5 Level 5 Level 5.5 Level 6 Level 6.5 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5.5

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Resistnace Machines…….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…15 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Resistances Machines Time Time/Intensity

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

Progression/ Adaptation

15 Minutes Pec Dec 3 Sets of 10 Reps

-This works the Pectoralis Major

Weight – 6

-Neutral Spine Knees at 90º Head facing forward Back Straight -Check the Weight -Elbows at 90º -Breathing out on exertion

Leg Curl 3 Sets of 10 Reps

-This works the Hamstrings and your Gluteus Maxinmus

Weight – 6

-Neutral Spine Head facing downwards Back Straight -Check Weight -Ensure the padding is resting just above the ankles -Do not lock the knees -Breathing out on exertion

Shoulder Press 3 Sets of 10 Reps Weight – 5

-This works the: Deltoids Biceps Trapezius

-Neutral Spine Head facing forward Back Straight Knees at 90º -Check the weight -Adjust the seat so that the elbows are just below 90º -Do not lock the elbows

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………

Changing the body positioning and the grip Increase the Weight Increase the Sets Increase the Reps



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Free Weights…………….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…15 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Free Weights Time Time/Intensity

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

Progression/ Adaptation

15 Minutes Dead Lift 3 Sets of 10 Reps

-This works the: Quadriceps Gluteus Maxinmus Hamstrings

Weight – 20Kg

Clean 3 Sets of 10 Reps Weight – 10Kg

-This works the: Quadriceps Gluteus Maxinmus Hamstrings

-Neutral Spine Head facing Forwards Back Straight Bent knees -The Get Set position: -Toes slightly under the bar -Feet hip width apart -Hands gripped on the outside -Lifting from the legs and not from the back -Keep the bar close to the body -Do not lock the elbows and knees -Keep facing forwards -Breathing out on exertion

Increase the Weight Increase the Sets Increase the Reps

-Neutral Spine Head facing Forwards Back Straight Bent knees -Perform the Dead Lift as above -Continue the movement up to the chest -Keep the elbows above the wrists -Lift yourself onto your toes to sustain the weight -Twist the wrists and elbows at the same time keeping the bar close to your body -Bend the knees to sustain the weight -Breathing out on exertion

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Free Weights…………….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…15 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Free Weights Time Time/Intensity

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

15 Minutes Back Squat 3 Sets of 10 Reps Weight – 10kg

-This works the: Quadriceps Gluteus Maxinmus Hamstrings

Teaching Points

-Neutral Spine Head facing Forwards Back Straight Bent knees -You must perform the Dead Lift and the Clean before you perform the Back Squat -Rest the bar just below the neck -Widen the grip -Widen your feet to shoulder width apart -Lift from the knees and not from the back -Stick your bottom out to perform the squat -Keep facing forwards -Breathing out on exertion

Progression/ Adaptation

Increase the Weight Increase the Sets

Tricep Extension 2 Sets of 10 Reps

-This works the Triceps

Weight – 7.5Kg

How to Spot

-Neutral Spine Head facing Upwards Back Straight Adjust your legs so that your back is straight -Do Not lock the Elbows -Avoid moving the Shoulders -Keep Elbows tucked in -Breathing out on exertion -Get into the Get Set position -Lift the bar using the Dead Lift -Perform the Upright Row keeping the bar as close to the body as possible -Both the client and the spotter takes hold of the barbell away from the face -With a leap forward, take the barbell past the face, above the chest -When the client is comfortable, the client will say ‘my bar’, the spotter will then let go of the bar bell -The client then spots for me as I perform/demonstrate the exercise -I will then spot the client as they perform the exercise

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………

Increase the Reps



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Cross Trainer…..……….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…5 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

CV3 Cool Down Time Time/Intensity

5 Minutes

RPE at 4

Keeping RPM above 60

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

Progression/ Adaptation

Cross Trainer which works the: -Quadriceps -Hamstrings -Gastrocnemius -Gluteus Maximus -Deltoids -Triceps -Biceps

-Neutral Spine -Head facing forward -Knees and Elbows must not lock -Keep elbows close to the body -Toe to Heel/Heel to Toe action

-Increase the Level -Decrease the Resting Time

0-2 Minutes – Level 4 2-4 Minutes – Level 5 4-5 Minutes – Level 6

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Post Workout Stretch….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…5 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Post workout stretch Time Time/Intensity

5 Minutes

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

Progression/ Adaptation

Lats and Obliques

-Support the Upper Body -Lean directly to the side -Avoid Bouncing


Hold for: 15 – 30 Seconds

-Standing Trapezius & Posterior Deltoid


-Maintain a Neutral Lower Spine -Put the Abdominals tight

-Keep a Neutral Spine -Gently press the elbow behind the head -Take care that not to hyperextend the spine

Pertorials & Anterior Deltoid

-Relax the chest and keep the back neutral -Sit tall, chin lifted

Erector Spinae

-Avoid holding the breath -Relax the neck

Hamstrings (Developmental Stretch holding for 30-45 Seconds)

-Sit down, and keep a neutral spine -Bend 1 leg towards your inner thigh -Keep the other leg straight that you want to stretch -Reach forward to the foot with the same arm -Make sure you are at mild discomfort


-Sit upright -Gently with both hands, draw the thigh to the left

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………



-On Hands and Knees



Name… Keeran Phull …………………………… Venue…SEEVIC College…………… Component…Post Workout Stretch….……….. Date…Saturday 28th April..… Duration…5 Minutes..…………………………… Fitness level… Intermediate ………………….. Skill level… Intermediate ………………………………………..

Post workout stretch Time Time/Intensity

5 Minutes Hold for: 15 – 30 Seconds

Exercises (name the exercise and muscles, draw diagrams for stretching)

Teaching Points

Progression/ Adaptation

Adductors (Developmental Stretch holding for 30-45 Seconds)

-Gently press down on the thighs -Keep the back neutral -Only increase if tension eases




-Sit Tall -Slight lean from the hips -Abdominals tight

Quadriceps & Hip Flexors

-Keep the knees together -Gently press the hip into the mat -Support the head with the other arm -Avoid twisting the knees

Rectus Abdominals

-Keeping the hips into the mat with the elbows resting on the floor, gently lift the sternum up and hold -Look forward


-Bend the front leg, place the other leg directly behind you in line with the hips -Gently press the heel into the floor

Candidate’s Signature: ………………………………………… Assessor’s Signature:…………………………………………… Date: ……………………

-On Side

-Use a Wall

CYQ GYM TRAINING AWARD Workout Plan and Evaluation Discipline:


Name of trainer:

Name of client: Date:



Session Number:

Session Aim: Warm Up



Intensity/method of monitoring:



Intensity/method of monitoring:


Main Workout


Candidate’s Signature: Assessor’s Signature:

Pass Date:


Cool down



Intensity/method of monitoring:


Client feedback:

Instructor’s evaluation with reference to: Teaching, Observation, Instructions, Communication

Agreed action for next session:

Signed (Client): Candidate’s signature: Assessor’s signature:
