Warlord Obama--walking The Plank To A Dhimmi Nation--chapter 9

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9 Warlord Obama Regardless of what Obama thinks or says, Muslims consider him a Muslim. In the Muslim world, one is automatically a Muslim if the father is a Muslim, and Obama’s birth father was descended from Kenyans who adopted Islam from Arab invaders in Africa. No matter what religion Obama claims publicly, he is still considered a Muslim in the Muslim world. Even if his father was not an active practitioner, Obama’s Islamic inheritance and his public endorsement of Islam make him a useful Muslim. He can proclaim to be a Christian, and even attend a church, and still be considered a good Muslim if it enables and advances Islam. President Obama’s insistence that America is not in a war with Islam puts us in enormous peril because Islam has declared war on the West. Knowingly or unknowingly; willingly, or not willingly, Obama’s position and policies are helpful to the Islamic totalitarian agenda to conquer the West, and render him useful for its advancement to the extent that his naïveté, ignorance, admission, or arrogance will allow. Prior to the 2008 Presidential campaign, Obama attended a radical Christian church led by Pastor Jeremiah Wright. However, since becoming President, Obama has demonstrated more passion for Islam than for Christianity. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Candidate Obama never used his middle name “Hussein.” The Islamic name was frowned upon as an insinuation that he was Muslim. “Hussein” was the name of the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Hussein’s caliphate succession created a rivalry within Islam, marking the early beginnings of Sunni-Shiite differences. 1 Obama’s first name “Baraq” is reported to be the name of the mythological winged horse that Mohammed claimed carried him to paradise one night in a dream (while he was sleeping in Medina).2


Warner, Bill; “Barack Obama and Slavery,” September 26, 2008http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/09/barack_obama_and_slavery.html 2

“Who was Responsible for the al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969?” http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_1967to1991_alaqsa_fire_1969.php

After the election, Obama tried out his full name in Strasburg and uses it henceforth as if it is normal to the sensibilities of Americans in the wake of 9/11. On his inauguration as president, Barack Hussein Obama received a letter from the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, congratulating him for his new office, and calling for Obama to recognize the need for a new partnership between the U.S. and the Muslim world. Ihasanoglu is the major backer of the UN Defamation of Religions resolution that will end freedom of speech and freedom of conscience by criminalizing skepticism of, and opposition to Islam. The Jeddah-based OIC is made up of 57 Muslim-majority nations heavily influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood agenda. The Muslim Brotherhood has the self-described mission of “destroying Western civilization from within.” Ihsanoglu wrote in the letter: “…commitment of the OIC to cooperate in order to promote a constructive dialogue and fruitful joint action in a bid to work out appropriate solutions to the intractable crises that face the Muslim world and the world at large.” 3 Obama promptly sent an unpublicized reply to Ihasanoglu thanking him for the congratulatory wishes. Ihasanoglu’s reply to Obama was published in major U.S. newspapers on January 21, 2008. It stated that the OIC urged Obama to work for “shared” peace rather “imposed” peace: “We warmly welcome your expressed desire to give a major address in a Muslim nation soon after you assume the presidency and hope it will mark the beginning of a more fruitful and better-informed dialogue between the West and the Muslim world…We firmly believe that America, with your guidance, can help foster that peace, though real peace can only be shared -- never imposed. A nation can either be great or feared, but rarely both at the same time.”



“Obama Sends Letter to OIC Head to Boost Relations,” February 1, 2009, http://www.worldbulletin.net/news_detail.php?id=35935 4

“Obama Says U.S. Can Work With Muslims: OIC,” February 1, 2009, http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArticle08.asp?

Soon afterward, Obama showed further allegiance to Islamic causes in an interview with Al Arabia television. Obama appeased Islamists by withdrawing all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center bombing. He halted all military trials of the detainees, banned waterboarding, closed all overseas CIA interrogation centers, and allowed an investigation into the CIA. He has not sent extra troops to Afghanistan as requested by General McChrystal, and he is determined to close Guantanamo Bay. All this even though a group of five al-Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo, including one of the 9/11 masterminds, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, described their charges in a document filed March 10, 2009 titled “The Islamic Response,” as: “badges of honor, which we carry with pride,” further resolving that “killing you and fighting you, destroying you and terrorizing you...are all considered to be great legitimate duty in our religion.” Even though the group of five further declared they were “terrorists to the bone,” Obama will also abandon the term “enemy combatant” with regard to Guantanamo Bay prisoners.5 Attorney General Eric Holder announced on Friday, November 13, 2009 that the five Guantanamo Bay detainees will be transferred to New York to go on trial in civilian court.6 The publicized concern is that in a civilian court the terrorists will gain access to American interrogation methods and have a jury of “peers.” Ostensibly up for grabs to the interpretation of “fair trial” and “justice,” this makes the American court system hostage to terrorist rational based on Islamic Shari’ah Law, where it is legal to kill non-Muslims who obstruct the Koranic manifesto to make the world submissive to Islam. The jury of peers could ostensibly find the prisoners not guilty and release them free of charges because they acted according to their religious values and also because waterboarding was used to obtain evidence, which Obama has xfile=data/middleeast/2009/February/middleeast_February30.xml§ion=middleeast 5

Campanille, Carl; “Terrorist Thugs to the Bone,” March 11, 2009, http://www.nypost.com/seven/03112009/news/worldnews/terrorist_thugs_to_the_bone_158983.htm 6

Accused 9/11 Plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Faces Trial in New York, November 13, 2009, http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/11/13/khalid.sheikh.mohammed/index.html

already denounced as “torture.” Such a scenario would be a devastating blow to Western democratic values and a huge victory for Islam. Just prior to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, President Obama signed a Presidential Determination on January 27, 2009 which appeared in the Federal Register on February 4, 2009. The Determination allows for hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to “migrate” at American taxpayer expense. Pursuant to the Migration Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, the Determination allowed for $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza, giving aid to Palestinians with ties to Hamas. According to the Register, President Obama’s decision was necessary due to the “victims” urgent needs. It is worded: “…it is important to the national interest to furnish assistance under the Act in an amount not to exceed $20.3 million from the United States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund for the purpose of meeting unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs, including by contributions to international, governmental, and nongovernmental organizations and payment of administrative expenses of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the Department of State, related to humanitarian needs of Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.” 7 In Cairo, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton announced an American Initiative to spend more money in the effort to rebuild Gaza, giving a UN agency authority to administer the funds. Hilary Clinton promised an additional $600 million to cover the Palestinian Authority’s budget deficit in the West Bank and $300 million in reconstruction aid to Gaza. 8 Then in early June 2009,

The United States agreed to provide another $55 million in funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). That pledge brought 2009 funds given to the UNRWA to $154.5 million.9 7

February 4, 2009, http://www.thefederalregister.com/d.p/2009-02-04-E9-2488


May, Theodore; March 2, 2009, http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/egypt/090302/what-clinton-brings-egypt


NNRWA To Get $55 Million From US, June 10, 2009, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/166317

In confusing or intentionally misleading statements, Obama has acknowledged the importance of recognizing that there is “a battle or a war” against some terrorist organizations which are not representative of the broader Arab Muslim community.”10 Choosing his words carefully in an attempt to win over ‘moderate’ Muslims, Obama explained in a CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” television interview why he has not used the phrase, “war on terror,” Obama answered: “Words matter in this situation because one of the ways we’re going to win this struggle is through the battle of hearts and minds.” Whose hearts and minds he wants to win is highly questionable. In his inaugural address, Obama invited the Muslim world to embark on “a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.” As president, his first call to a head of state was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory. Not addressing the fact that the United States and Europe have been the targets of Islamic jihadists for centuries, Obama’s apologetic tone indicated that Americans are disrespectful: “My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy…although we sometimes make mistakes… and have not been perfect…too often the United States starts by dictating and fails to use the language of respect.” According to an article by Zudhi Jasser in Family Security Matters, Muslims in the U.S. are likely to view Obama’s administration as a friendly one. Jasser revealed that the group, The Congressional Muslim Staffers Association (CMSA), is trying to establish themselves in Obama’s Administration with prominent and influential positions in the White House, the House, and the Senate. Jasser wrote that the CMSA hosted an inaugural gala for the new President with an invitation list of Islamists in the United States that share the ideologies of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood.11 10

Baldor, Lolita C; “Obama: US Choosing Words Carefully in War on Terror,” February 3, 2009, http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090204/ap_on_go_pr_wh/obama_war_on_terror 11

Jasser, Zudhi;“Exclusive: Obama Administration Stacking the Deck with Islamists,” April 15, 2009 http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.2999/pub_detail.asp

As a result, Obama appointed Arif Alikhan, a Sunni Muslim to the sensitive position of Assistant Secretary to Homeland Security. He also appointed Kareem Shora, the national executive director for the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, to a position on the Homeland Security Advisory Council. The Homeland Security Office released a report on April 7, 2009 titled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” Police and sheriff departments across the U.S. received a copy of the report that defined “rightwing extremism in the United States” as groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. The definition included returning U.S. veterans, and groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration.12 Multiple lawsuits filed during the 2008 Presidential Campaign challenged Obama’s presidential qualifications. Many believe he is not qualified to be President because he will not produce a physical copy of the birth certificate. Skeptics claim there is ample evidence that Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii as the candidate maintains, believing a birth certificate posted on Obama’s campaign website was inauthentic. Sarah Obama, Barack Hussein Obama’s paternal grandmother in Africa, claims to have been present when her grandson was born in Kenya. Another woman who would have known the circumstances of Obama’s controversial birth was Madelyn Dunham, his now deceased maternal grandmother who he visited in Hawaii twelve days prior to the 2008 Presidential Election. Early in the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Obama admitted that his grandmother was a “typical white person, “who was sometimes afraid of some black men.” That is about all that the American public knew about Madelyn Dunham until Obama visited her in Hawaii days before the election. Speculations were that Obama’s real intention was to go to Hawaii to be sure his birth certificate did not become public, rather than to just visit his grandmother. The birth certificate remains an enigma today because within two weeks of the visit, Madelyn Dunham was deceased. In an ABC’s Good Morning America interview prior to Madelyn’s death, Obama said: “Without going through the details too much, she’s gravely ill. We weren't sure and I'm still not sure whether she makes it to Election Day.” 13 12

Hudson, Audrey & Lake, Eli; “Federal Agency Warns of Radicals on Right,” April 14, 2009, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/apr/14/federal-agency-warns-of-radicals-on-right/ 13 CBS2 Chicago article, “Obama’s Grandmother Dies on Eve of Election”, November 3, 2008, http://cbs2chicago.com/local/obama.grandmother.died.2.855394.html

Prior to the Hawaii trip; the media reported that Madelyn Dunham’s health had deteriorated after recently breaking a hip, adding that it was uncertain how long she would live. Obama announced the death of his maternal Grandmother on the day before he was elected U.S. President, just eleven days after his trip to Hawaii. In a joint statement with his younger halfsister who was in Hawaii at the time, Obama told the press from North Carolina that his grandmother had died peacefully after a battle with cancer. A CNN report quoted Obama’s statement at a rally in Charlotte: “She has gone home and she died peacefully in her sleep with my sister at her side… I'm not going to talk about it long because it's hard to talk about.” At his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Barack Hussein spoke kindly of his grandmother: “She’s the one who put off buying a new car or a new dress for herself so that I could have a better life.”14 The ashes of Madelyn Dunham were scattered out to sea in late December while the Obama family was on a post election “vacation.” Meanwhile, focused on the legitimacy of Obama’s citizenship, Hawaii’s Governor Linda Lingle placed the birth certificate in question under seal with Hawaii’s Department of Health to ensure no one in the press obtained access to it. In a letter to World Net Daily, Governor Lingle said that the birth certificate would be released if Obama requested. The governor’s communication gave no indication whether the birth certificate was originally issued by a Hawaiian doctor or if it was generated in Kenya and subsequently registered in Hawaii.15


“Obama’ Grandmother Remembered as Calm, Assured,” November 4, 2008,

http://www.gainesville.com/article/20081104/NEWS/811040968/1034/NEWS? Title=Obama_s_grandmother_remembered_as_calm__assured 15

Corsi, Jerome, World Net Daily, “Obama’s Birth Certificate Sealed by Hawaii’s Governor”, October 26, 2008, http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=79174

Confusing the circumstances of Obama’s birthplace, Obama’s younger half-sister told reporters in a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow Newsletter that Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu. Then, in a February 2008 interview with Honolulu Star-Bulletin she reportedly told reporters that Obama was born at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children. Hawaii’s KGMB9 News reported that a health official in Hawaii, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, said she had seen a birth certificate. Fukino said that Hawaiian laws regarding identity theft prevented her from releasing the document. 16 After multiple dismissed lawsuits to produce the birth certificate, Obama still will not allow the birth certificate’s release. The secrecy perpetuates suspicion that Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen, and therefore ineligible for Presidency.17 Unfortunately, Madelyn Dunham could have shared information about Obama’s life. She could have helped Obama prove the country of his citizenship, and possibly elaborated on his relationship with associates who are alleged to be terrorists and communists. She also could have answered the question of who paid for her grandson’s expensive tuitions at Hawaii’s elite Punahou High School, and his college education at Harvard. Barack Hussein Obama’s background and associations make him a well groomed President for Communist and Islamic movements. Sharing mutual goals and historical allies, the grooming consists of radically controversial Communist and Islamic mentors and sponsors like Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi, Kahlil alMansour, and the infamous Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Frank Marshall Davis was picked by his maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham, to be a black role model, mentor, and father figure for Obama when he was a youth in Hawaii. Obama would later write about the man identified as “Frank” in his book, “Dreams of My Father.” Giving Obama advice on college and racial matters, Frank, considered a security threat to the U.S., was under surveillance for 19 years, and had a 600 page file with the FBI. With communist


KGBM News Hawaii; “Health Department Confirms Obama Born in Hawaii,” October 31, 2008, http://kgmb9.com/main/content/view/10981/40/ 17

“Corsi, Jerome; “Doubt Persists Over Obama’s Birth Certificate,” World Net Daily, November 2, 2008, http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=79900

associations in Hawaii and Chicago, Frank shared his poetry with Obama, which consisted of anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-American themes.18 Saul Alinsky, considered the father of community organizing in Chicago, wrote a book called “Rules for Radicals” which he actually dedicated to Lucifer. The book advocates working within a system to obtain revolutionary ‘change’ in a given society, noting that it requires an agitating ‘organizer’ whose job is to persuade the people in the community to believe that unresponsive governments and greedy corporations are the sources of their alleged misery. The organizing agitator then unifies the community to demand what they think they deserve, until governments and corporations grant their wishes in appeasement to quiet them. This excerpt from “Rules for Radicals” describes Saul Alinksy’s recipe for change: “There’s another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system…” Alinsky believed the established church communities provided perfect launching for agitation, creating bonds, and for demanding goods and services. A few years after his death, Saul Alinsky’s Chicago followers hired Barack Obama as a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project (DCP) of the Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) in Chicago’s South Side poor neighborhoods. Organization efforts required associations with pastors and congregants so Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ where Black Nationalist pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, preached an anti-American, racist, “black” gospel. Obama would later say that the DCP position may have been the best education he had ever received in the methods of community organizing. Obama’s experiences later broadened to an association with Allison Davis, who hired Barack Obama in his small Chicago law firm called Davis, Miner, and Barnhill in 1993. Obama 18

Fank Marshall Davis Files,” http://www.usasurvival.org/marshall.fbi.files.html

left the firm five years later to go into business with the Syrian-American housing developer, Tony Rezko, who had been a client of Allison Davis. Tony Rezko, an activist who raised money for both U.S. political parties, was one of Obama’s first campaign contributors when he ran for the Illinois state senate. Then in 1998 Senator Obama wrote letters to city and state officials urging them to fund a Davis-Rezko housing project. Tony Rezco was indicted on sixteen counts of financial corruption, charges of fraud, attempted extortion, money laundering, aiding bribery, and demanding kickbacks from companies seeking state government business contracts under Illinois’ former governor, Rod Blagojevich. Rezko was convicted on multiple charges of federal corruption just one day after Obama became the Democratic Presidential nominee. Obama was cited in the indictment as receiving political contributions out of Rezko’s kickback fund. Tony Rezko hosted fundraising events for Obama and was a member of Obama’s Senate campaign finance committee, which collected $14 million for Obama’s race against conservative Alan Keyes. In order to avoid a scandal during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama returned $85,000 to Rezko. Bill Ayers was former leader of the Weather Underground, part of the “domestic terrorist group,” a radical left-wing group that advocated violence against the United States that during the late sixties and early seventies, openly called for revolution in America. The Weather Underground participated in the bombings of the U.S. Capital, the Pentagon and a State Department building while Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dohrn, hid from law enforcement. Ayers and Dohrn went underground in 1970 after others in the group accidentally detonated a bomb in a Greenwich Village townhouse, killing three of the group’s members. In 1981 Ayers and Dohrn turned themselves in to federal authorities, but all charges were dropped as a result of alleged government misconduct. In his 2001 memoir, Ayers wrote, “I don't regret setting the bombs. I feel we didn't do enough.” 19 20 A top official at the Pentagon during former-President George H. W. Bush’s Administration and a former CIA intelligence officer maintained that Barack Obama and Bill 19

Malkin, Michelle; “Help Unlock the Obama/Ayers Papers,” http://michellemalkin.com/2008/08/19/help-unlockthe-obamaayers-papers/ 20

Maguire, Tom; “Obama, Ayers, and the Annenberg Challenge Cover-Up,” August 22, 2008, http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/obama-ayers-and-the-annenberg-challenge-cover-up/2/

Ayers funneled money to Professor Rashid Khalidi, a known terrorist sympathizer and former spokesman for Yassir Arafat. Born in New York to a Jerusalem born Saudi citizen with Palestinian origins who worked for the UN, Khalidi was the director of the Beirut, Lebanon official Palestinian press agency, FAFA from 1972 through 1983. Khalidi left Chicago for Columbia University in New York, where he holds the Edward Said Chair in Arab Studies. He serves on the faculty as History teacher and is the director of its Middle East Institute in the School of International and Public Affairs. Bill Ayers and Barack Obama gave testimonials at a goodbye party for Khalidi when he left Chicago for New York. Khalidi is reported to have direct ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), a group on the US State Department’s list of known terrorist groups. Khalidi is also the professor who invited Iranian President Ahmedinejad to visit Columbia University after he finished his speech at the UN in September 2007.21 Bill Ayers formed the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, the radical “education reform” organization when philanthropist Walter Annenberg made a $500 million grant to cities across the nation for the public school reform in 1995. Barack Obama was the first chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Obama stepped down in 1999, but remained on the board until 2001. Obama and Ayers sat on the board of the nonprofit Woods Fund in 2001 while Obama was Senator. The Woods Fund is a Chicago-based foundation that claims its primary mission is to make financial grants to create and increase opportunities for disadvantaged people and lowincome communities. The Woods Fund granted $40,000 in 2001, and $70,000 in 2002 to the Arab American Action Network, a Chicago-based group founded by Rashid Khalidi. The Woods Fund also granted money to Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, and to organizations that donated to Obama’s senate campaign. In return, Obama sought earmarks for those organizations in the Senate. 22 Today a professor of education and a Senior University Scholar at the University of Illinois in Chicago, Ayers has also authored a series of books about parenting and educating children. 21


Definition of Rashid Khalidi; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashid_Khalidi

Rubin, Jennifer; “Obama and the Woods Fund,” September 13, 2009, http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/obama-andthe-woods-fund/2/

Obama served on the board of the Chicago-based charity, The Joyce Foundation from 2000-2001. During that time, the Joyce Foundation gave close to $1.1 million in two separate grants to help develop the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange pioneering a carbon trading exchange system. With worldwide affiliates, the Chicago Climate Exchange claims to be North America's only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, and may play a large role in the Cap and Trade Bill.23 Obama was recruited by Madeline Talbott, head organizer for Illinois ACORN, in the early 1990’s when the group wanted banks to ease down-payment requirements and ignore weak credit histories. Talbot recruited Obama to run training sessions for activists pushing the uncertain loans. With many of the loaning decisions reportedly based solely on the color of the borrowers’ skin, the cause endorsed lending to people who could never reasonably pay their loans off. With Obama’s radical religious connections, one wonders if potential requirements had anything to do with borrower’s religious affiliations as well. ACORN would later become a key beneficiary of TARP’s rescue plan in October 2008. 24 The Association of Community Organizations for Reform (ACORN) received funding from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Grant, the Woods Fund, and the Joyce Foundation when Obama served on their boards. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, a lawyer who helped establish the Black Panthers, recommended Barack Obama for admission to Harvard Law School in 1988. In the 1960s, alMansour was involved with California Bay Area racial politics as founder of a group called the African American Association. Formerly known as Don Warden, al-Mansour would later become a Muslim. A key figure in the Islamist “stealth” jihad, al-Mansour recruits prison inmates and mosque worshippers to engage in an apocalyptic battle against America. In the words of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic cause is to: “Eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within.”


Barnes, Ed; “Obama Years ago Helped Fund Carbon Program he is Now Pushing Through Congress,” March 25, 2009, http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/03/25/obama-years-ago-helped-fund-carbon-program-pushingcongress/ 24

“The Meltdown’s Acorn,” New York Post, September 29, 2009, http://www.nypost.com/seven/09292008/postopinion/editorials/the_meltdowns_acorn_131274.htm

In the mid 1970’s, al-Mansour met Saudi Prince Alwaweed bin Talal. Since then alMansour has been an adviser to Saudi billionaires who fund stealth jihad and spread Wahhabi Islamic extremism in America.25 Nephew of the late Saudi King Fahd, Prince Alwaweed founded the Alwaweed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMSU) that has given millions of dollars to Middle East studies programs at Georgetown, Harvard, UC Berkeley, and other Universities. He offered ten million dollars to families of victims of the terrorist attacks on 9/11. After Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York rejected the offer, Alwaweed criticized U.S. Middle East policy, especially regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict saying: “Our Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of Israelis as the world (looks the other way).” 26 Alwaweed also suggested that the terrorist attacks were an indication that America “should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stand toward the Palestinian cause.”27 The Nation of Islam’s leader, Louis Farrakhan, endorsed Obama for President. Farrakhan is known for targeting hateful statements toward Jews, whites and homosexuals. In his address to the world at Saviors’ Day in 2008, Farrakhan, said: “Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way. …Would God allow Barack to be president of a country that has been so racist, so evil in its treatment of Hispanics, Native Americans, and Blacks? Would God do something like that? Yeah. Of course he would.” As President, Obama’s service to an Islamic agenda extends to participation in the “Alliance of Civilizations.” The UN-sponsored Alliance reflects the views of the OIC. A 2005 statement issued after a summit in Mecca explains the Alliance mission to internationally criminalize defamation of Islam as a form of racism: 25

Perazzo, John; “Black Racists Recruited to Guide the Jihad,” Front Page Magazine, 10/10/2008, http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Printable.aspx?GUID=0F03A69D-2986-4CE8-9158-C986849424D5 26

Shapiro, Ben; “King Fahd’s Plan to Conquer America,” December 20, 2002, http://www.campuswatch.org/article/id/408 27

“Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour,” http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/Articles/katalm.html

“The Conference underlined the need to collectively endeavor to reflect the noble Islamic values, counter Islamophobia, defamation of Islam and its values and desecration of Islamic holy sites, and to effectively coordinate with States as well as regional and international institutions and organizations to urge them to criminalize this phenomenon as a form of racism.” 28 The Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee began the 2008 Presidential Campaign with $95 million in cash, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). By the end of September 2008, more than half Obama’s donations came from small donors whose names the Obama campaign would not disclose. Only $39.6 million of the campaign’s donations came from identified donors. Federal law requires campaigns to identify donors who give more than $200 during the election cycle. The Federal Election Committee (FEC) determined that the Obama campaign drew in $222.7 million in donations of $200 or less so there is no way of knowing who they came from. The FEC did notice unusual patterns in the donations among disclosed donors who went beyond the $200 minimum. The FEC does a post-election review of all presidential campaigns, but results can take three or four years. 29 Further endorsement of Islam within his administration came when Obama announced in early February 2009 that he would change a “Faith Based Initiative” originally announced by former President Bush early in 2001. Obama said a new expanded Office for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships will give money to mosques and Islamic charities in a sign of “outreach to the Muslim world.”


Gaffney, Frank Jr.; “Gaffney: “Friends of the Muslim Brotherhood are no friends of America,” March 16, 2009, http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/025266.php 29

Timmerman, Kenneth R.; Secret, “Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign,” September 29, 2008, http://www.newsmax.com/timmerman/Obama_fundraising_illegal/2008/09/29/135718.html

Writer and journalist, Debbie Schussel reported that President Bush had invited Hezbollah agent and pro-Iranian Imam, Hassan Qazwini to his Crawford ranch to help him design the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Act. 30 The Faith-Based Act creates tax incentives and other advantages to encourage charitable contributions and participation in so-called Faith-Based programs.31 When addressing criticism that the Act violated separation of church and state as provided for in the “establishment clause” of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, the Bush Administration claimed that funds would create a “compassion capital fund” matching private donations to help small community and faith-based charities with non-religious expenses. President Bush maintained that the office would assist and encourage faith-based organizations to combat problems like “drug addiction, homelessness, and soup.” 32 Further troubling is the unqualified language Barack Obama used throughout his campaign, and continues to use. He painted an abstract picture of “change” with a broad brush without accurately describing what the change would be. For example, he said that part of the money for the proposed Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Plan should go to education so that foreign investors would continue to invest in America, while promising to “return America’s wealth to its rightful owners.” Exactly who he thinks the rightful owners are is left to the imagination. What education (or re-education) efforts this will include is also left to the imagination, as he mentioned Science and Math as mere examples. In his first Press Conference at the White House later the same day, February 9, 2009, he added Libraries and Labs, this time without mentioning Science and Math. He added that we need to “experiment with Charter Schools, hire new teachers and fire bad teachers.” Does he mean that we need Charter schools like the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy (TIZA) in Minnesota, recently discovered promoting Islam with taxpayer dollars? An increase in education funding could usher in more than Americans would allow if they knew the details, such as an expansion of Bill Clinton’s 1995 Education Guidelines that allowed Islamic religious programs disguised as cultural enlightenment. 30

Schussel, Debbie; “Obama Expands Worst Bush Idea: Announces He’ll Give Your Tax $$$ to Mosques,” February 5, 2005, http://www.libertypost.org/cgi-bin/readart.cgi?ArtNum=254775 31

“Faith Based Initiative: Current Status,” April 16, 2002, http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/aa053001a.htm 32

January, 30, 2001, http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/aa012901a.htm

The definition of good and bad is merely suggestive based on what we expect to be right. Americans can agree that currently good teachers do not get enough recognition, and it is difficult to fire bad teachers. We assume education reform efforts will uphold traditional American values of freedom and liberty. But without qualification, the unqualified statements could actually mean that funds will be used to hire new teachers who will be submissive to an agenda, and to fire those who value Christian or American traditions and Constitutional values. Obama wants to create more jobs with infrastructure projects, but who will benefit? What companies will get the contracts and who will they hire? Who are the foreign investors Obama hopes will invest in America? Is Obama part of a larger plan to provide labor and money for the already immensely oil rich Saudis, who are known to fund financial jihad, and have been successful in keeping secret the American corporations they have ownership in? Obama pressured Americans to pass the stimulus bill quickly, saying, “so we must act quickly to avoid disaster.” What disaster is he referring to? Could the urgency actually be extortion to ward off a potential terrorist attack? Americans need to realize that unqualified statements are potential threats because without specific word qualification and transparent plans, any definition is possible from a man who is potentially unqualified to hold the office of U.S. President. Consistent with the premise of this book and the examples in this chapter, that our leaders have willingly or unwillingly coerced Americans to accept Islam while steadily making the U.S. a dhimmi nation, Obama bowed down to Saudi King Abdullah at the G20 in Europe. Expressions on the faces of onlookers showed both amusement and surprise, and many Americans called the spectacle a national disgrace. Just a few months earlier in Cairo, Obama said that the U.S. is “one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” Perhaps Obama bowed down to the Emperor Akihito of Japan a few months later to make the bow to Saudi King Abdullah appear normal, as he had not bowed down to any leader previously. The federal government requires "sensitivity training" for federal employees, including those who work at the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Political correctness combined with acceptance of Muslims in the U.S. military produced 13 victims when Army Major Nidal Hasan went on a murderous rampage at Fort Hood only days after the House Judiciary Committee removed a part of the Patriot Act for tracking non-U.S. citizens in antiterrorism investigations. Obama would not admit it was an act of Islamic terror in spite of

mounting evidence that proves Major Hasan had been openly espousing Islamic jihad in the military against non-Muslims for years. After the banking bailout opened the floodgates as Bush left office, Obama has nationalized entire industries with taxpayer bailouts, passed the Economic Stimulus Bill, pushed the Health Care Bill, and the Cap and Trade Bill; converting a once free-market into a government-run socialist state. All of these actions will rely heavily on massive tax increases from the American taxpayer, with more control over their lives for generations to come. Obama’s socialist plans may have a lot to do with the only piece of legislation he introduced by himself in his single term as Senator. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, the Obama sponsored bill, The Global Poverty Act, had the support of liberal religious groups, and will make levels of U.S. foreign aid submissive to the dictates of the UN under the guise of humanitarianism. Senator Joe Biden, then Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, pushed the bill as it passed the House with only a voice vote—even though most of the Congressmen did not know that it committed the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of its gross national product on foreign aid; with a 2015 goal of $845 billion.33 Obama’s leniency toward Islam provokes the question of whose and what interests he is really standing for. The man with the name Barack Hussein Obama apologizes for America to Muslim nations while he endorses Islam in America. The socialist plans he has proposed and enacted will force Americans into feudal serfdom, ending the liberty and freedom we cherish today. With Communism riding the backs of liberal Democrats, and Islamists riding the backs of both, Obama’s plans are not just socialist. They form a framework for generations of “dhimmitude,” a class status forced upon non-Muslims by coercion and constant fear of reprisal as a result of cowardice, vulnerability, bribery and extortion, while paying “jizya”taxes for the “right” to live as second class citizens. Obama’s controversial plans and the resulting taxes are effectively dhimmitude and jizya in accordance to Islamic doctrine--to control dhimmis until they embrace Islam completely.


Kincaid, Cliff; “Obama’s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote,” February 12, 2008, http://www.aim.org/aim-column/obamas-global-tax-proposal-up-for-senate-vote/

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