Walk Trough Egypt 3

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  • Pages: 23
Egypt III: The Fate of Ramses Solutions Pi-Ramses: The Investigation Initial Clues You are Maya, a young magician in the service of the Pharaoh. The game starts on the Pi-Ramses construction site, which is troubled by strange incidents. By asking the workers questions, you locate Chief Architect Paser's house, and ask for his permission to investigate. Visit all the rooms of the temple. First locate a relatively modest room, which includes only two columns. At the foot of one of them, you will find a fragment of the mysterious cartouche. Go find Djer, Chief of Construction. To prove to him that you are on an official mission, show him the Pharaoh's seal, which is part of your inventory. Show him the cartouche fragment. He gives you another one. Find a worker making bricks in a courtyard. Show him Pharaoh's seal. Then give him the two cartouche fragments. He glues them together and gives you back the cartouche, whole yet undecipherable and mysterious. Go into the most remote and sacred part of the temple: the room of Naos. Find an empty space in the form of an oval and put the mysterious cartouche there. This triggers the opening of a crypt. In order to explore it, you'll need a torch. You will find one in the backroom of Paser's house.

The Crypt In front of the crypt door, light your torch using one lamp nearby, and then descend into the crypt. The door closes behind you. Don't panic! First, methodically explore the space in looking at your feet. On the ground, you'll find the cartouche of Amun-Re and the foundation deposits. In collecting the deposits, you have a rather unpleasant vision. Don't let you get upset, but go and face the door. Click on the bas-relief, on your left: it's a puzzle that controls the opening of the door. To activate le puzzle, take the Pharaoh’s seal in your inventory, and place it in the central oval space.

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Once the puzzle is activated, you have four buttons (the eye and the base of each snake). Here is one of the possible solutions, in only using the base of the snake on the left and the eye of the snake on the right. Press: • One time on the left base • Two times on the right eye • Three times on the left base The solved puzzle will look like this:

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The Quarry Documents Once out of the crypt, return to see Paser. His state of health has worsened. He gives you the spell of the purification. Return before the room of Naos. Use the spell of the purification to destroy the mysterious cartouche. In the freed space, place the cartouche of Amun-Re that is in your inventory. This closes the crypt. Return to see Paser. Before falling unconscious, he gives you a black stone. Go to the back room. Click on the small black statue of Imhotep that is located near the place where you took the torch. Place the black stone in the statue. The latter slides open, revealing a hiding place. Take the quarry documents of the obelisk that are inside. In accordance with Paser's wishes, you must bring the documents to his assistant Uni, who directs the quarry project of the Aswan obelisk. Leave Paser's home and find the boatman who will take you to Aswan. He is crouched near a closed door, in the same courtyard where the brick makers are, but facing them.

Aswan: The Bite The Transport At Aswan, Uni's house is easy to find: two donkeys stand in front of it. Uni (with a very bad cold) is sitting next to the door of his home, his head in his hands. Strike up a conversation and give him the quarry documents. Uni complains about the fragility of the tools used in the quarry and invites you to test them. Slip in between him and the donkey and go before the pile of black balls that are located in front of the canopy. Take a ball and break it on the rock next to it.

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Collect the pieces of the broken dolerite ball and show it to Uni. Put the ball back in your inventory and start up the conversation again. Uni tells you that his wife, Tuya the healer, is in the house. Go see her, but not right away. First, turn in the direction indicated in the illustration:

Advance a mouse click, gather the dried donkey droppings and then turn around, come back and enter Uni's house.

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In passing through the different rooms, observe the objects found there. You cannot take anything as long as the woman of the house is at home, but this visit will help you later on. For example, in 07, you can consult a book of remedies that provides a formula against snakebites. You meet Tuya the healer, in room 15, in the courtyard, which she uses as her kitchen. Speak to her. She will help you to cure Paser if you prove your talents as a healer to her. Then return to see Uni. With the "transfer handkerchief" spell given to you by Tuya, click a first time on Uni and then on the donkey next to him immediately afterwards. By doing this, you cure Uni of his cold by giving it to the donkey.

The Snake Go back to see Tuya in her kitchen. Ask for her permission to look for a papyrus misplaced by Uni, which will allow you to resolve the problem of the dolerite tools, which are too fragile. The door of the storeroom 17 is now open. Enter and open a large wicker basket on the left at your feet. It contains the parchment on the dolerite, but also… a venomous snake, which bites you! Don't waste any time! Return to room 16. Tuya is no longer there. You are going to have to prepare a remedy against the venom alone, in following the recipe that you read in the book of remedies. In the courtyard, take the terebinth leaves in a basket suspended near the door of the storeroom. Go to 15, facing the place where Tuya was seated.

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Study the screenshot well to identify the important objects: • The gum (little white balls which the "hand" cursor points to) • The knife with wooden handle, located just left of the gum • The mortar (a sort of bowl situated to the right of the gum) and the pestle, just to the right and half in the shadow. Don't pay attention to the mortar or the pestle for the moment, but take the gum and the knife. Go to 14. Use the dolerite ball in your inventory to break the jar at your feet. Pick up a fragment of the broken jar. Go to 08 and take the ocher.

In position 03, Find the bitter apple and use the knife to split it.

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Gather the bitter apple seeds. Return to the kitchen in 15. Zoom in on the mortar. Place all the remedy ingredients inside it: • dried leaves of terebinth • dried donkey droppings • gum • fragment of jar • ocher • bitter apple seeds Take the pestle and use it on the mortar to concoct a beverage which will save your from death. Having taken care of the most urgent, go take the papyrus on dolerite that is in the storeroom. Go speak to Uni who you find back in front of the door of his home. After reading the papyrus, Uni announces to you that only Ptah can resolve the problem with the tools which break. Ask him how to get to Ptah. He advises you to go to Memphis to consult with Khâemouaset, High Priest of Ptah. Go find the boatman so that he can bring you to Memphis.

Memphis : Khâemouaset The Stubborn Guardian When you arrive at Memphis, go left towards the entrance of the chapel of Ptah. Talk to the guardian who blocks your passage. He is impossible to reason with, so you must hypnotize him, and in order to do so you must find out his name! Turn around and go before a large pool. Circle around it to the right. Lean over to pick up a pebble. Speak to the worker weaving baskets, seated near the edge. He refuses to give you the name of the guardian. Throw the pebble in the water to create a diversion, and while the worker looks away, steal from him the ostracon placed in front of him.

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This ostracon is a compromising caricature for the worker. Give it back to him in exchange for the name of the guardian. Come back before the guardian and cast the "Cobra of Hypnosis" spell on him. Then show him any object and he will take it as a kind of pass and grant you passage. Go straight ahead to the chapel of Ptah where the High Priest Khâemouaset is found. In guise of an introduction, give him the dolerite papyrus. Explain to him the problem of the dolerite tools that are too fragile and tell him that you require the aid of the god Ptah.

Scorpion and Coffer Khâemouaset would like to help you get to the god Ptah, but he imposes his conditions. First, you must clear his temple of an unclean presence. Turn right towards the wooden doors of a closet. Open them. Cast the spell of clairvoyance inside. A vision reveals the presence of a scorpion that a malevolent hand has hidden inside the wall. Use your knife to dig out the wall. Take the scorpion. Talk to Khâemouaset. He asks you to open the coffer. Take the key on the altar in the center of the room, come back towards the open closet, and use the key on the coffer at your feet. A puzzle is launched.

Seven discs must be aligned along a notch in using the key that you control by four commands: A: forwards B: backwards C: up D: down Be aware that this solution is only valid if the discs are in their starting positions. If the discs have moved, put them back in place in pressing the "restart" key.

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Click successively on the following arrows: D - down A - forwards A - forwards D - down D - down A - forwards A - forwards A - forwards A- forwards D – down D – down B - backwards C - up B – backwards B – backwards B – backwards D – down B – backwards B – backwards C – up A – forwards A – forwards A - forwards A – forwards A – forwards D – down B – backwards D – down D – down B – backwards C – up B – backwards D - down If you do not succeed at resolving the puzzle, you can press the Alt + F7 keys which automatically open the coffer.

The Missing Ingredient Take the perfume found inside the coffer and give it to Khâemouaset. Alas, one ingredient is missing! Ask the High Priest what you must do. He will ask you to bring him fragrant rushes. Return to speak to the worker near the pool. He will give you fragrant rushes if you help him find his chisel, which he stupidly threw in the lake. It is situated out of reach, on a water lily leaf:

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Take your leave of the worker and circle the pool to the right. Go to the nilometer, a well for measuring the water level. Pick up a rope near the stairs that descends towards the well.

Continue until you reach a wall where a falcon is perched. Pick up a pebble to the right of your feet and throw it towards the bird. It flies away, dropping a piece of copper that falls to the left. Lean over in this direction and pick up the piece of copper.

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The piece of copper automatically combines with the rope in your inventory to form a grappling hook. Return to the worker. Take your grappling hook and aim carefully at the chisel, which appears as a small dark shadow on the water lily leaf. With the grappling hook, bring the leaf and the chisel back near to the staircase that descends into the pool.

Take the chisel. Give it back to the worker. He will give you some fragrant rushes in exchange. Take this ingredient to Khâemouaset. The High Priest immediately commences a ceremony that sends you to a divine world: the underground forge of the god Ptah.

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The Forge of Ptah The Baboon Head

You come to the main room of Ptah's forge. The center is occupied by a lake of melting lava and the outside is divided into four isolated parts by streams of lava. You are located in the north-east part of the room, in 01. Go to 05 and pick up some pincers that are on the ground. Leave the main room by the exit 01. You enter a new room whose center is occupied by a statue of the lion goddess, Sakhmet. The room of Sakhmet has four exits, but, by a strange wonder, you quickly note that they all lead to the same place, to the main room. Go to the center of Sakhmet's room. Lean over on the vase in the form of a baboon at the foot of the goddess. Use the pincers to turn the monkey's head. Each time that you turn the monkey's head, you access another part of the main room, as shown in the table below: If the monkey's head… …faces you …looks to your right ...faces away from you …looks to your left

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You access the main room in the part which is … …North-East …South-East …South-West …North-West

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The Sistrum Orient the monkey's head to access the south-east portion of the main room. Ask the dwarf that is located in 08 how to meet the god Ptah. He advises you to craft a musical instrument called a "sistrum". To do so, you will find the parts dispersed in the forge. Move the baboon's head each time that you must move from one part of the room to another. Gather : • the sistrum neck in 13 • a bronze strip in 12 • a mallet in 15 While still in 15, take your knife and cut a piece of rope hanging on the wall. Go into 03 next to a large stone anvil. Plunge the bronze strip into the lava at your feet, and then place it on the anvil. Use the mallet to curve the strip. Place the neck on the curved strip. Recover the object obtained from the anvil: it is a "muted" sistrum, which is only missing some small bronze strings. Return to see your dwarf. Speak to him and strike a deal: the sticks that you need in exchange for a length of rope. Take the rope in your inventory and attach it to the length of rope that hangs on the wall behind the dwarf. He will then give you the sticks. Go to 03 near the anvil. When you play the sistrum, the God Ptah appears. He accepts to help you if you bring him a magical ball of dolerite.

The Key of Life Go speak to the dwarf. He gives you a mold. Go into 03, plunge the mold in the lava, remove it from the mold on the anvil, and you recover a lava object. Go into Sakhmet's room and put this object on the broken key of life that the goddess holds in her right hand. This action repairs the key of life and unblocks a golden lever located in a stone niche, behind you. Approach this lever and press on it. Then leave the room – using any exit. Instead of returning to the main room, you enter a room much like the one that you just left, with a statue of Sakhmet in the center, four exits, and four niches dug into the walls. Note that you will find the same set up in the next two rooms, which only differ slightly in detail.

The Four Goddesses In your inventory, take the damaged dolerite ball and place it before the pedestal of the statue. This mechanism opens a cavity in the pedestal of the statue. From inside it, take four clay balls each of which bears the symbol of a goddess: Bastet, Sakhmet, Wadjet, Sechemtet. Turn your back to the statue and go towards the niche situated to your immediate right and decorated with an engraving representing a cat's headed goddess. Place the Bastet ball on it. Go towards the right and circle the room, successively placing the balls of Sakhmet, Wadjet and Sechemtet in the three remaining niches. Once this rite is accomplished, you can leave the room and enter the next (in using any exit).

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Sacred Music Go to the middle of the room. Cast the purification spell on the bowl at the foot of the statue. You obtain a bowl filled with lava that you place in your inventory. Talk to the statue of Sakhmet. She asks a riddle that you must answer with: "He (Ptah) created the world". Click on the lotus flower that the statue holds. You hear music that you must recreate from the sound of water that falls in the niches of the grotto. Turn your back to the statue and go towards the first niche on your right – the one where the drops fall in a rapid rhythm. Place the water lily seed found in your inventory in the niche. It blooms into a leaf, which muffles the sound of the drops. Go around the room to the right, in placing the sistrum in the second niche and the bowl of lava in the third. (Do not put anything in the fourth niche.) You have recreated the music and you can proceed to the next room.

The Tool Room

You arrive in 01, facing an altar surrounded by lava.

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On the altar, from left to right, are placed a cube, a ball, and an inverted pyramid. It's the ball that you must secure. The solution that we will give you is valid starting from the initial configuration. If you have started to disturb the objects, leave the room and enter again to re-initialize the puzzle. • In 01, use the spell "banner for controlling the winds" to push the ball at the center of the altar to 03. (Once the ball is in 03, you might be tempted to take it immediately, but this is impossible. In fact, in 03, the ball floats on a pedestal with a triangle engraved on it. Now it is not possible to take the ball unless it floats on the pedestal marked with a circle, in 02. The great difficulty will lie in bringing the ball to 02… by successive manœuvres…) • Go to 04 and, still with the spell to control the winds, push the pyramid to the center of the altar. • In 03, push the pyramid in the center of the altar towards 01. • In 02, push the cube to 04. At this stage, no more objects remain on the altar. • In 03, push the ball to the center of the altar. • In 04, push the ball to 02. • Go get the ball in 02 and leave the room. You arrive directly in the main room. Approach Ptah and receive your reward. Ask him how to get to Egypt and then as he instructs you, throw the magical ball of dolerite into the lava.

Return to Memphis You have returned to Memphis and are in front of Khâemouaset. The problem concerning the breaking dolerite tools has been solved. Now Paser must still be cured. Take the boat for Aswan where Tuya should have prepared a remedy for the Chief Architect.

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Aswan : The statuette The Remedy

Go see Tuya in her house in 07. She tells you that she has found a remedy for Paser. Ask her what your role will be. She asks you before doing anything else to get rid of the unclean animal that you are have on you. Give her the scorpion that is in your inventory. Tuya asks you to recopy a healing formula. Go to 06. Take the blank sheets of papyrus on your right and then zoom in on the mastaba (writing desk) on the left. In the zoom, put down the blank papyrus sheets, take the calamus (a kind of pen), dip it in the red ink and use it on the blank papyrus. You obtain a healing formula written in red. Take it and give it to Tuya. Tuya slides the formula in an unfired statuette representing Paser. She gives you this statuette and asks you to fire it. Take the lighter on the stool next to Tuya.

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Go to the kitchen. In 16, bend over to your right and pick up the twigs at the foot of the tree. Go into 15 facing a large terracotta oven. Place the twigs in the hole provided at the base of the oven, and use the lighter. The wood takes flame. Place the unfired figurine in the oven, close to the hole through which the smoke passes. You will soon get back a fired figurine: it is the remedy for Paser.

The Evil Fire Leave the house. Uni complains of a magical fire, which appears in front of the obelisk. It must be put out! Return to the house and go into 10. Take a mat, which you will use to extinguish the fire. Then go to the stone pit of the obelisk quarry. To find it, go in the same direction that you went to look for the dried donkey droppings and keep going straight. Use the mat to smother the fire that burns near the obelisk. Remove the mat. There is something in the ashes, but it is too hot for you to get it. Turn around, go forward one click and pick up the stick that is to your right. Return to the hearth. Use the stick to stir the ashes and free the mysterious knife that is found stuck inside. Take the knife. Uni waits for you at a safe distance. Go and talk to him and then go find the boatman. On the way, you have a vision: the gods order you to come to Memphis.

Memphis: The Cup of Isis In Memphis, talk to the guardian. He informs you that Khaemouaset is absent. Go to the edge of the pool and walk around it. Talk to the little Nubian that stands before the staircase of the nilometer. She promises you the answers to all your questions if you bring her the cup of Isis. For that, you must restore the drawing on the curb of the nilometer. Take leave of the little girl and circle the nilometer, placing you before the curb. Zoom in on the almost rubbed out drawing that decorates the stone border. Place a blank sheet of papyrus here then rub it with the charred stick in your inventory. In this way, you obtain a tracing (a copy) of the bas-relief. Take the tracing, pass in front of the little Nubian, and go talk to the worker at the edge of the pool. On the way, you notice a plate. Pick it up. Show the tracing of the drawing to the worker and ask him to complete it. He accepts on the condition that you bring him an egg that will serve as a binder for his ink. After this conversation, turn to your left and move away from the worker in following the large portion of the pool. You notice a long stick on the ground. Pick it up. Stand up; turn slightly to your right. You see a falcon perched on a wall, and lower down, a nest hanging from the stone. Go towards this nest. Place the plate at the foot of the wall, then hit the nest in using the long stick that you picked up. An egg falls and smashes into the plate. Give the egg to the worker, as well as the calamus found in your inventory. The worker finishes the drawing and gives it to you. Go place the finished drawing on the curb of the nilometer and study it: one of the figures carries an object that is bright like a star. Click on this object. The cup of Isis appears on the edge of the nilometer. Take it and bring it to the little Nubian. She fills it with a magic beverage that she makes you drink. And thus you enter the kingdom of Isis – a world of small islands, reeds and still waters.

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The World of Isis The Water Lily The goddess Isis appears to you. Question her. She sets a goal for you: go from island to island until you arrive at the gate of the Book of the Dead. Throw water lily seeds in the arm of water that separates the first island from the second. A large leaf instantaneously grows, allowing you to clear the first obstacle.

Geb, Shu and Nut On the second island, go face an altar where symbols of the three gods lie. From the bottom to the top, you observe: • Geb, the earth • Shu, the wind • Nut, the sky You must bring these signs of the gods to an analogous altar placed on a third island. This requires several trips due to the incompatible moods of the three divinities. • Take Nut, the sky, to the altar of the second island • Go put him on the altar of the third island. • Come back to the second island. Take Geb, the earth. • Go to the third island. Drop off Geb, take Nut, the sky. • Go to the second island. Drop off Nut. Take Shu, the wind. • Go to the third island. Drop off Shu. • Go to the second island. Take Nut. • Go to the third island. Drop off Nut. When the three gods are assembled on the altar of the third island, a bridge leading to the fourth island appears.

The Falcon and the Tortoise Between the fourth and last island, we find five small islands arranged a bit like the fingers of a hand. We number these small islands from 1 to 5, starting from the left. For the moment, do not advance towards the small islands and content yourself with orienting yourself well. Observe that a falcon circles in front of islet 1. Then turn right and watch a tortoise dive into the water in front of islet 4. Your goal is to align the tortoise and the falcon on the middle island, 3. To do so: • Go to islet 1 (where the falcon is located). The falcon disappears and reappears two islets to the right, above 3. • Go to islet 4 (where the tortoise is located). The animal dives and appears two islets to the left, on 2. • Go to islet 2, still towards the tortoise. It shifts over to 5. • Follow the tortoise to 5. It shifts over to 3. • The tortoise and the falcon are now aligned in front of 3. • Go to islet 3. You can now access the last island in walking on the tortoise's back.

The Chadouf On the fifth island, go right and advance until you reach a pile of rocks. Take one. Solutions for The Egyptian Prophecy

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Turn around and go to the chadouf – an irrigation device in wood, equipped with a pendulum and a basket. Place your rock in the basket to create a counter weight. Click on the cord on your left to trigger the mechanism. The raised water flows into an irrigation ditch and the gate of the Book of the Dead appears …

Book of the Dead The Altar You are now in the Book of the Dead: a long band of papyrus suspended in space. The voice of the book orders you to guess the name of the guardian of the first gate. Place yourself, in facing the altar closely and cast the "magical bee's wax" spell on the bee engraved in the stone. This done, press successively on the first button on the left (you hear the sound "neg"), the last (the sound "a") and the fourth (the sound "ou"). You have pronounced the name of the guardian ("neg-aou"). He then disappears, freeing the passage.

The Double Trial You reach the entrance of a labyrinth. On your left, you see your immaterial double ready to go through an identical labyrinth. Carry out the following trip to exit the labyrinth at the same time as your double:

Note: • The red arrows indicate the moves to be made and the green bars correspond with the walls. • An arrow directed towards a wall indicates that you must click in the direction of the wall. You do not move, but your double advances in the pointed direction. • A double arrow towards a wall indicates: click two times consecutively in the direction of the wall.

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The Heart of the Guards Five guards with lion's heads appear before you. From left to right: the luminous guard, the little guard, the transparent guard, the big guard, the dark guard. The voice of the book asks the following riddle: "The transparent guard is to the right of the little guard. The heart of the papyrus is to the right of the golden heart. The golden heart is to the right of the stone heart. The lapis-lazuli heart is between the golden and the stone one. Find the guard with the feather heart and you may pass." The solution is the guard of light. You only have to click on the guard to be able to continue your journey. Be careful! If you pick the wrong guard, the voice will ask you another riddle whose answer is the dark guardian. If you make a mistake once again, another guard will submit you to yet another riddle whose answer is the little guardian. In the case of a new error, the voice returns to the first riddle, and so on.

The constellations "May the skies guide your footsteps!" says the voice as you arrive before four squares of papyrus, each marked with a drawing which represents a constellation. First, look at the sky and cast the "clairvoyance" spell on the stars that shine there. You see a drawing appear, superimposed upon the stars. From there, it's very simple: you just need to go to the square of papyrus whose drawing corresponds to what is displayed in the sky. To win, you only have to make six corrects moves in the correct order. You then see a new square of papyrus appear like a footbridge that permits you to continue your voyage.

Osiris Osiris appears before you in all his glory. Show him the mysterious knife. Thanks to this clue, Osiris identifies your enemy: He is the god Set. After your interview with Osiris, lean over to your left towards a burn mark on the floor, a hole in the shape of a snake. Place the dried snake found in your inventory, here. A staircase appears, which brings you back to Memphis.

Memphis: The Salted Recipient Osiris has recommended that you prepare a salty drink. First of all, you'll need a recipient. Talk to the little Nubian and she will give you the sacred recipient of Isis. On the border of the pool, a second worker is working next to the one that you already know. Speak to the one you don’t know yet. He asks you to rid him of his stutter. Use the handkerchief spell to transfer the stutter from one worker to the other. The cured worker, in thanks, gives you some salt. Go find Khâemouaset, who has returned to the chapel of Ptah. In passing, hypnotize the guardian who refuses to let you pass. Give Khâemouaset the recipient and the salt. Conforming to the instructions of Osiris, Khâemouaset offers a salty drink to the god Ptah. The latter uses it to deceive Set and obliges him to release the waters of the Nile. The obelisk thus arrives in time at Pi-Ramses. Now it remains to cure Paser, or else all your efforts would have been in vain… Go find the boatman and have him take you to Pi-Ramses. Solutions for The Egyptian Prophecy

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Pi-Ramses: The Confrontation The Treason Back again in Pi-Ramses, go to Paser's home and place the statuette on his chest. Alas, this rite, prescribed by Tuya worsens Paser's state instead of curing it. Thus, Tuya has betrayed you! At that moment, she shows up, accompanied by an officer of the Pharaoh who arrests you, charging you with practicing black magic. Approach the lamp that burns behind Paser's bed and pour the soporific incense that Osiris has given you into it. These two acts must be performed rapidly one after another, if not the officer intervenes and obliges you to return to face him. As soon as the incense starts to burn, Tuya and the guard are paralysed. Take this opportunity to leave the house.

The Training Once you are in the courtyard, you experience a new vision. Follow your path and talk to Djer, the worksite manager. He announces the arrival of one of your friends to you. Follow Djer's directions and find Khâemouaset in the courtyard of the shops. He declares that you must affront Tuya in a duel of magic. Ask him to train you to counter the spells of your adversary. When you feel ready, take leave of Khâemouaset and in three clicks, go directly to the gate of the temple. To enter, you must interpret the dream of the worker who guards the gate. Here is the correct interpretation: Worker: Maya: Worker: Maya: Worker: Maya: Worker: Maya: Worker: Maya:

"I was sitting on the edge of a lake, when I saw three cats come out of the water. The last one was big, very fat..." "The beginning of your dream indicates that in three summers, the harvest will be particularly good." "...The cats moved away. I got up and discovered that my backside was naked…" "You will lose your parents." "... A big crowd was surrounding me and jeered at me. I climbed to the top of a high pole that was there..." "You will have the support of the gods, and because of that, you will rise above common folk." "... Then I saw myself drinking a bowl of wine…" "You will live an honest life." " ... As I was wiping my mouth, I saw that my face had changed. It was now a leopard's face. That was the end of my dream!" "You will gain authority over people."

Once this obstacle is passed, you must then slip yourself among the men working without calling their attention. Look out for the moment where the worker on the left sleeps and the other is crouched on the right.

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At the right moment, advance a mouse click. There is still a third worker (invisible on the screenshot) before you. Wait until he goes off to the right and then go ahead. This passage is delicate and you might have to try several times before getting by. Don't be discouraged!

The Combat of the Magicians Turn to the left and go towards Naos. You will see Tuya, who scans the incantations. Approach her and challenge her. With each spell that she casts, retort as soon as possible in casting the suitable counter spell. Be careful, Tuya can cast her spells in any order! If Tuya casts the spell… Counter with the spell… Column of fire: "I obey magic: burn, leave nothing but Rain spell ashes!" Transformation in lotus: "I am the lotus nourished by the Wedjat-eye of clairvoyance sun and inhaled by the nose of Re." Hypnosis: "Stay, Maya, may the fire of the goddess Purification vase Nekhbet turn you to stone!" Evocation of the Dead: "Come ye, come ye, O dead souls, Cobra of hypnosis come unto this place that ye know not!" Encircling: "May the shadow of your ka be surrounded and Magical net turned to stone!" Magical net: "Attendants of the cords, bind my enemy!" Banner for controlling the wind

The Giant Snake You have won the magic duel, but you still haven't finished with Tuya! Transformed into a snake, she waits for you in the room of Naos for a last combat. Solutions for The Egyptian Prophecy

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Note that the Alt + F7 keys allow you to win automatically after answering “No” to the question “Do you want to start the duel again?”. With the snake neutralized, return to Paser's house. He has let go of the cursed figurine, which allows you to destroy the statuette without harming him. For this, use the mysterious knife in your inventory on the figurine. This act breaks the evil spell. Paser is cured, the obelisk will be erected in time and the Pharaoh will live. You have accomplished your mission perfectly!

Solutions for The Egyptian Prophecy

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