Waiver Contract Packet

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 9,535
  • Pages: 34
MI Choice Medicaid Waiver Program

Contract Agreement FY 2006 For Direct Service Purchasing through Region 2 Area Agency on Aging Revised July 11, 2005

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Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

MI Choice Medicaid Waiver Program Contract Agreement TABLE OF CONTENTS Instructions ..........................................................................................................4 Overview Definition of Forms Additional Information Contract Agreement ............................................................................................7 Compliance with Applicable Laws ..................................................................... 11 Service Program Standards HIPAA Business Associate Requirements Assurance of Compliance - Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Assurance of Compliance - Civil Rights Act of 1964 Assurance of Compliance – Michigan Handicappers Civil Rights Act of 1976 Assurance of Compliance – Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act of 1976 Request For Taxpayer Identification Number .................................................... 13 Application for Employer Identification Number ................................................. 15 Medical Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement ......................................... 19 Suspension and Disbarred Declaration ............................................................. 23 Authorization for Criminal Background Check ................................................... 24 Business Associate Agreement .........................................................................25 Sample Business Forms.................................................................................... 29 Sample Certificate of Liability Insurance Sample Invoice for Billing Sample Worker Log Sheet Sample Service Authorization

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

MI Choice Medicaid Waiver Program Contract Agreement INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This packet includes the necessary forms to complete a contract agreement. The following forms must be completed and submitted to Region 2 Area Agency on Aging: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Direct Purchase of Service Cost Agreement (The Contract) Medical Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement IRS form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number IRS form SS-4 Application for Employer Identification Number Assurance of Compliance Suspension and Disbarred Declaration Business Associate Agreement

In addition, samples of forms are provided as each provider must include additional information. This information includes: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Copy of general liability insurance certificate Copy of license or certification as required by individual service standards Copy of blank invoice to be used when billing Copy of worker log sheet and procedures for completing

All forms and additional information must be accurate and currently up to date. When expiration dates occur, all providers are required to maintain up to date licenses, certifications, insurance, contracts, and other information contained in the forms. When changes occur, notify Region 2 Area Agency on Aging by sending an updated form. DEFINITION OF FORMS All companies that provide MI-Choice Medicaid Waiver services must complete the following documents before services can be utilized. Although specific instructions are located with the actual documents, this section gives general guidance when completing the forms. 1. Direct Purchase of Service Cost Agreement This contract identifies the responsibilities of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and the provider agency. The contract contains identifying information, specific rates of payment for selected services, and a signature location for an authorized representative. 2. Medical Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement Since most Direct Service Purchases are made with Medical Assistance (Medicaid) funding, this form must be completed to be maintained at Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, regardless of current or past participation with other Medicaid programs. Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

3. IRS form W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number A person/company required to file an information return with the IRS must get a TIN to report income received. Providers are required to show proof or a request for a TIN. 4. IRS form SS-4 Application for Employer Identification Number This form is necessary to be filed with the IRS to establish a business tax account if no such account has been previously set up. 5. Assurance of Compliance All providers must sign a statement of compliance with federal, state, and Region 2 Area Agency on Aging regulations including: service standards, the Rehabilitation Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. 6. Suspension and Disbarred Declaration All providers must declare that they or their principles have not been suspended or debarred from receiving federal funds. 7. Business Associate Agreement Providers must formally accept and comply with specific Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations set forth in this agreement.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The following information must be maintained on file at Region 2 Area Agency on Aging. 1. Copy of general liability insurance certificate Providers must provide a copy of insurance coverage amounts and timeframes. Additionally, they must contact their insurance agent and include Region 2 Area Agency on Aging as a certificate holder. See the Sample Certificate of Insurance included in this packet. 2. Copy of license or certification as required by individual service standards Certain services require special licenses, certifications, or have additional requirements. Provider qualifications include, but are not limited to the following Office of Services to the Aging standards: SERVICE Homemaker Companion Care Respite Care Adult Day Service

PROVIDER Agency Agency Adult foster care home or agency Agency

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

LICENSURE MCL 400.701 ff.

OTHER STANDARD OSA standard B-2 OSA standard B-7 OSA standard B-9 OSA standard C-1

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Contract Agreement

Environmental Modifications

Contractor or agency


Centrally-organized transportation company or agency DME equipment providers, pharmacies, etc. Agency or private contractors PERS agencies or hospitals

Specialized Medical Equipment/Supplies Chore Service Emergency Response Systems Private duty nursing Counseling

Home Delivered Meals Training

Agencies or licensed individuals Agency or licensed individuals

Agency or Contractor Agency or Individual

MCL 339.601 (1), MCL 339.601.2401 (residential builder), MCL 339.601.2404 (3) (maintenance/alteration) Valid Michigan driver’s license

OSA standard A-4 Enrolled Medicare or Medicaid agency OSA standard B-1

Medicare/Medicaid home health agencies, MCL 333.21501 (hospitals), MCL 338.1051 (security guards) MCL 333.172 (nursing) MCL 333.172 (nursing), MCL 333.181 (counseling), MCL 333.182 (psychologist), MCL 333.1723 (social worker) OSA standard B-3 MCL 133.178 (physical therapist), MCL 133.183 (occupational therapist), MCL 133.1723 (social worker)

3. Copy of blank invoice to be used when billing Invoices must include a client name, services provided, and date of services. 4. Copy of worker log sheet and procedures for completing In-home services must record tasks that are completed, date and time of services, and identification of the worker and client.

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement


DIRECT PURCHASE OF SERVICE COST AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the Provider Agency, listed below, and the Region 2 Commission on Services to the Aging, d.b.a.: Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, of 8363 U.S. 12, Onsted MI 49265, herein referred to as the Area Agency on Aging. PROVIDER AGENCY:

Hereinafter referred to as Provider CONTACT PERSON:







Tax Status: Sole Proprietor Partnership Corporation



Type of Provider: Private for Profit Corporation Private Non-Profit Corporation Public

Service Delivery Area by County: (Check all that apply)

Minority Provider: YES NO Hillsdale



This agreement is to promote the development of a comprehensive and coordinated service delivery system to meet the needs of those individuals who are “medically eligible” for institutional placement as established by the Michigan Department of Community Health under the guidelines of the Federal Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for the Elderly and Disabled, also known as the MI Choice Waiver program. This agreement provides a mechanism for the creation of an individualized network of resources on a one by one basis, through Region 2 Area Agency on Aging’s Care Management Program. Other direct purchase of service funding sources shall also be managed through this agreement.

TERMS OF AGREEMENT Region 2 Area Agency on Aging shall: 1. Provide comprehensive care management services to individuals who are medically eligible for institutionalization, and determined eligible for care management intervention. These responsibilities include: a. Prescreening of all individuals referred for care management intervention b. Client assessment, using assessment tools provided by the State of Michigan c. Care Plan development, in consultation with the client’s physician, family, and inclusive of a determination or frequency and duration of all services required under the care plan d. Service negotiation, including the arrangement of all health and human services as outlined in the care plan and that maximize all reimbursement sources available e. Care plan monitoring, to track client progress, through direct observational visits f. Client re-assessment, and appropriate care plan modification 2. Provide technical assistance to the Provider, as requested and available. 3. Offer the Provider information regarding the service utilization patterns of care management clients.

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

PROVIDER shall meet the following specifications and provisions: 1. Licensing. The Provider shall comply with all applicable state and local licensure requirements. 2. Business Status. The Provider shall provide documentation upon request that it has a legal basis for existence such as: private non-profit corporation status with appropriate IRS tax exempt status, a private for-profit corporation, governmental affiliation, partnership, or sole proprietor. 3. Insurance. The Provider shall maintain and supply evidence that it has a public liability and property damage insurance policy insuring the Provider against any liability imposed upon the Provider arising out of the performance of work of any nature carried out by the Provider, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Provider, under this agreement. Coverage shall include, where appropriate to the operations of the Provider, facility insurance, worker’s compensation, unemployment, personal liability, professional liability, bonding, general liability, property and theft coverage, malpractice insurance, no fault vehicle, and program drivers insurance. 4. Hold Harmless. The Provider shall, at its own expense, protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the Area Agency on Aging, its officers, directors, agents, and employees, from all damages, liability, costs and expenses that the Area Agency on Aging may incur as a result of any activities of the Provider or its employees or agents that may arise out of this contract. 5. Independent Contractor. It is understood and agreed that Provider holds itself out to the general public as a business providing the services described in this agreement. It is expressly understood and agreed that the legal and tax status of the Provider shall be that of independent contractor, and that under no circumstances shall the Provider or the employees of Provider be deemed to be the employees of the Area Agency on Aging. Provider shall fill out and submit to the Area Agency on Aging upon request an Independent Contractor Statement supplied by the Area Agency on Aging. Provider shall retain its business organization status, i.e., private for profit corporation, private non-profit business corporation, governmental affiliation, partnership, sole proprietor, throughout the term of this agreement and shall immediately notify the Area Agency on Aging of any change in its business status, or business office address during the term of this agreement. Provider agrees to provide to the Area Agency on Aging any evidence of independent contractor status requested by the Area Agency on Aging. The Provider assumes full responsibility for payment of all withholding tax, social security tax, unemployment tax or any payroll deductions required by law for individuals who perform services for, or on behalf of, the Provider pursuant to this Agreement. 6. Subcontracts. The Provider shall not assign the agreement or enter into subcontracts with additional parties without obtaining prior written approval of the Area Agency on Aging. Assignees or subcontractors shall be subject to all conditions and provisions of the agreement. The Provider shall be responsible for the performance of all assignees or subcontractors. The Area Agency on Aging shall have the authority to monitor and assess said subcontractors. 7. Bid Acceptance. The Provider understands and agrees that an acceptance by the Area Agency on Aging of Provider’s bid shall create a binding agreement on the terms set forth herein. 8. Use of Services. Provider further understands and agrees that the Area Agency on Aging is not required by the terms herein set forth to use the services of Provider upon acceptance and signature by the Area Agency on Aging and that the use of Provider’s services is entirely within the discretion of the Area Agency on Aging based on existing program needs and other factors. 9. Communication. The Provider agrees to provide the Area Agency on Aging with regular feedback regarding participants referred to the Provider for services, including, but not limited to: increase or decrease in need, emergency related situations, inability to provide services, and reporting possible fraud, neglect, abuse, and exploitation. 10. Audit Compliance. a. Provider shall permit the Area Agency on Aging, Federal, or State auditors to inspect books and records related to this agreement and Agency shall retain said records for at least six (6) years after the termination of this agreement. b. If, prior to the expiration of the six (6) year retention period, any litigation or audit is begun, or a claim is instituted involving the Agreement covered by the record, the Provider shall retain the records beyond the six (6) year period until the litigation, audit finding, or claim has been finally resolved. Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

11. Amendments. Any changes to this Agreement will be valid only if made in writing and accepted by all parties to this Agreement. 12. Federal Regulations. The Provider will comply with federal regulation 45 CFR Part 76 and certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that its employees: a. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency. b. Have not within a 3-year period preceding this agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offence in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statement, or receiving stolen property. c. Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in section b, and; d. Have not within a 3-year period preceding this agreement had one or more public transaction (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default. 13. Formal Sanctions. Any violation of this contract, including all standards and rules identified in Section 15 may institute proceedings to impose administrative sanctions upon Provider to include holding referrals, changing services to another provider, or terminating the contract. Formal notice will be provided indicating specific violations and administrative sanctions prescribed. 14. Confidentiality. Provider shall protect client confidentiality, and agree not to identify the Area Agency on Aging clients by name or otherwise, in any reports, without prior consent from client, and approval by the Area Agency on Aging and the Department of Community Health. Legal limitations exist on both the Provider and the Area Agency on Aging regarding the disclosure of information about a client. The law treats all communication received from the client as confidential, whether oral or written, including records derived from those communications. However, the disclosure of information to others does not by itself, abolish a client’s expectation of privacy as protected by law. Those to whom disclosure is made have a duty to maintain the confidentiality of the disclosure. As such, it is permissible for the Area Agency on Aging to share with or request information from a provider for the purpose of better serving the client based on the general release of information obtained from the client in writing by the Area Agency on Aging staff at the time of the initial assessment. 15. MI Choice Medicaid Waiver Compliance a. The Provider shall comply with all MI Choice Medicaid Waiver service standards (located online at www.r2aaa.org under Working With Us, MI Choice Waiver). i. General operating standards for waiver agents and their contracted service providers ii. General operating standards for MI Choice waiver service providers iii. Specific operating standards for MI Choice Waiver service providers b. The Provider must maintain a current copy of the following forms at the Area Agency on Aging: i. Direct Purchase of Service Cost Agreement (Contract) ii. Medicaid Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement DCH-1625 iii. Assurance of Compliance with Rehabilitation, Civil Rights, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acts, and requirements Part a of this section. iv. Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification form W-9 (or proof of such) v. Suspension and Disbarred Declaration vi. Business Associate Agreement vii. Certificate of Liability Insurance viii. Applicable license or certification as required by service standards c. Services provided must not duplicate services available under Medicare, Medicaid State Plan, or other third party resources. 16. Care Plan. The Area Agency on Aging shall determine the care plan to be followed by the Provider and monitor care plan adherence on an individual client basis. Service Authorizations sent from the Agency shall be the primary document for establishing specific service requirements. 17. Rates. The rate charged shall not vary unless authorized by the Region 2 Area Agency on Aging.

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

18. Billing. a. The Provider agrees to bill the Area Agency on Aging within 15 days following the last date of service/delivery in a month. b. The Area Agency on Aging shall not be charged for services not authorized on a service authorization. c. The Provider shall not charge for services not delivered or provided. d. If payment is made to the Provider by the Area Agency on Aging for services not performed or for overcharges for services, the Area Agency on Aging reserves the right to require reimbursement of those funds from the Provider. e. Provider shall charge all the Area Agency on Aging clients herein agreed costs for units of service regardless of whether the source of funding is private (i.e., client pay) or public. f. The Area Agency on Aging shall not accept bills that are more than 60 days old. 19. Mileage. The Agency shall not charge for mileage unless it has been pre-approved as transportation by the Area Agency on Aging. 20. Effective Date of Agreement. It is understood by and between the Provider and the Area Agency on Aging that a binding agreement shall commence on the date of acceptance as indicated by the signature of the Area Agency on Aging herein and that this agreement shall terminate on September 30, 2006. 21. Termination. Either party may terminate this agreement, with or without cause, prior to the termination date set forth hereinabove, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party. 22. Unit Cost of Services. Provider agrees to provide the identified services at the following costs: Service Category

Bid Per Unit

Service Category

Bid Per Unit

Respite Care


/ 15 minutes

Home Delivered Meals


/ meal

Personal Care Aide


/ 15 minutes



/ visit



/ 15 minutes

Adult Day Service


/ 15 minutes

Medical Equipment & Supplies

Per Bid

Private Duty Nursing


/ 15 minutes

Environmental Modification

Per Bid

Out-of-Home Respite


/ day, or

Durable Medical Equipment

Per Bid


/ 15 minutes

Personal Emergency Response


Other _______________________ $

/ month

Chore (lawn, snow, etc.)


/ 15 minutes




/ mile

Specific Details

Authorized Provider Agency Representative

Acceptance by the Area Agency on Aging

__________________________ Signature/Title

___________________ Signature/Title

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

________ Date

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________ Date

Contract Agreement

COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS Providers shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, executive orders and ordinances applicable to the Contract so far as they are applicable to the services provided. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Providers expressly agree to comply with the following standards, laws, regulations and executive orders, as they may be amended from time to time during the term of the Contract, to the extent they are applicable to the Contract and to the Provider. Service Program Standards The Department of Community Health has issued standards for the MI Choice Waiver program. These standards identify the responsibilities and requirements associated with being a Waiver agent or contracted service provider. The standards are broken down into three categories: (1) General operating standards for waiver agents and their contracted service providers, (2) General operating standards for MI Choice waiver service providers, and (3) Specific operating standards for MI Choice Waiver service providers. HIPAA Business Associate Requirements The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) and the federal regulations implementing the Act require that Agency obtain certain satisfactory assurances from its business associates. Such satisfactory assurances and the other business associate contracting requirements. Contractor is a business associate of Agency and desires to provide such assurances with respect to the performance of its obligations under the Contract. Contractor provides the satisfactory assurances, which is incorporated herein by the following reference, and Contractor and Agency agree to comply with the terms and conditions contained in 42 USC 1320d –1320d-8, Public Law 104-191, sec. 262 and sec. 264 and the implementing Privacy Rule at 45 CFR part 160 and 164, subparts A and E. Assurance of Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Amended The undersigned recipient of funds from the Michigan Commission and Office of Service to the Aging (hereinafter called the “recipient”) HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29.U.S.C. 794), all requirements imposed by the applicable HHS regulations (45.C.F.R. Part 84) and all guidelines and interpretations issued pursuant thereto. Pursuant to 84.5(a) of the regulation (45.C.F.R. 84(a)) the recipient gives this assurance in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all grants, loans, contract (except procurement contracts of insurance or guaranty), property, discounts, or other financial assistance made after such date on applications for financial assistance that were approved before such date. The recipient recognizes and agrees that such financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this assurance and that the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging will have the right to enforce this assurance through lawful means. This assurance is binding on the recipient, its successors, transferees, and assignees, and the person or persons whose signatures appear below are authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of the recipient. This assurance obligates the recipient for the period during which Federal financial assistance is extended to it by the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging or, where the assistance is in the form of real or personal property for the period provided for in 84.5(b) or the regulation (45.C.F.R. 84.5(b)).

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

Assurance of Compliance with the Department of Health, Education & Welfare Regulation Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Michigan Handicappers Civil Rights act of 1976, ElliottLarsen Civil Rights Act of 1976. The Subcontractor named below HEREBY AGREES THAT it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-52), the Michigan Handicapper’s Civil Rights Act of 1975 (P.S. 220), and the Elliott-Larsen civil Rights Act of 1975 (P.A. 453, Section 209) and will comply with requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulation of the Department of Health and Human Services (45.C.F.R. Part 80) issued pursuant to that title to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of that Act and the Regulation, no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Subcontractor receives Federal or state financial assistance from the Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of federal or state financial assistance extended to the Subcontractor for the period during which said property or structure is used for a purpose for which Federal or state financial assistance is extended. This Assurance further certifies that the applicant agency has no commitments or obligations which are inconsistent with compliance of these and any other pertinent Federal or state regulations and policies, and that any other agency, organization or party which participates in this project shall have no such commitments or obligations, and all activities shall not run counter to the purpose and intent of this agreement. THIS ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal or state grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts, or other Federal or state grants, loans, contracts, property, discounts or other Federal or state financial assistance extended after the date hereof to the Subcontractor by the Contractor or the United States or both shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this Assurance. This Assurance is binding on the Subcontractor, its successors, transferees, and assignees, and the person or persons whose signatures appear below are authorized to sign this Assurance on behalf of the Subcontractor.

_______________________________ ____________________ _________________ Agency Signature

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging



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Contract Agreement


Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement


Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement


Attached is a Medical Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement form that is used for enrollment as a provider in the Michigan Medicaid Program and the State Medical Program. This agreement will also allow you to become a provider in the Michigan Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) program. To deliver specialty care, as a CSHCS provider, you must include proof of board certification regarding your specialty and subspecialty. Receipt of a properly completed agreement does not guarantee enrollment in the Medicaid, State Medical, or CSHCS Programs. Enrollment will be based upon established program criteria and submission of a completed application. The effective date of enrollment for most providers is the date you sign the enrollment agreement (license permitting) if we receive it within 30 days of the signature date. Effective dates for some providers are determined by certification requirements or other approval dates. You may request retroactive enrollment in writing. Enclose the request with the enrollment agreement. Retroactive enrollment eligibility does not mean you can bill for services that do not meet established program billing criteria. One Medicaid provider billing manual is sent to each service/practice location. The manual contains specific rules on beneficiary eligibility, covered services, and billing limitations. The manual also defines procedures requiring prior authorization, related administrative requirements, and reimbursement methodology. If you have any questions about this enrollment application, please call us at (517) 335-5492. Provider Enrollment Unit Medicaid Payments Division Department of Community Health PO Box 30238 Lansing MI 48909

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DCH-1625 (5/01) (W) Replaces and Obsoletes MSA-1625

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

Instructions An original enrollment agreement must be submitted for each service/office location and for each eligible provider rendering services. Note: Photocopies of the application will not be accepted. Only the items needing clarification are listed. APPLICANT NAME (Box 1): Doctors, CRNAs, Nurse Midwives, Nurse Practitioners, Dentists, Independent Physical Therapists, and Hearing Aid Dealers must enter their last name, first name and middle initial as licensed. All other applicants must enter the complete business name as licensed. STATE LICENSE NUMBER (Box 3): These applicants must submit the following documentation: All out-of-state, newly licensed, and limited / temporary licensed applicants must supply a copy of their current state license. • Ambulance: a copy of your state license. • Hearing Aid Dealer: a copy of your state license. • Hospice: copies of your state license and Medicare certification. • Nurse Midwife: copies of your current state RN license and state specialty certification. • Nurse Practitioner: copies of your current state RN license, state specialty certification as a nurse practitioner and certification as a Nurse Practitioner. • CRNA: copies of your current state RN license and state specialty certification as a nurse anesthetist. EMPLOYER NAME (Box 5): If you are employed or contracted by a business or in a partnership, enter the name of the business you are employed by or affiliated, contracted, or in partnership with. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) (Box 6): Enter the Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the business listed. PROOF IS REQUIRED. Supply a photocopy of the EIN received from the federal government. SPECIALTIES (Box 8): Specialty data will not be added to your enrollment record without proof. Attach the following documentation of specialties: • Physician: proof of board certification. • Dentist: a copy of the state specialty license. • Home Health Agency: a copy of the Medicare certification/approval. • Clinical Laboratory: a copy of the CLIA Certificate and HCFA-116 form. NONPROFIT (Box 14): Freestanding clinics that receive federal, state, or local funds must attach a statement describing the (a) source of funding and (b) distribution of funds. Nonprofit organizations do not complete Boxes 26-37. BILLING ADDRESS (Boxes 22 - 27): Complete this address only if you want checks, remittance advices, and IRS 1099 forms sent to an address other than the Service Address. EMPLOYER/OWNER OR AGENT SIGNATURE (Box 45): The employer/owner or agent of the business, listed in Box 5 employing the applicant must also sign the enrollment agreement.

Special Instructions: The following applicants must submit the additional documentation: AMBULANCE - GROUND BASED (Neonatal Transport): A copy of your neonatal approval letter from the regional perinatal center. AMBULANCE - FIXED WING: A copy of your Commission on Accreditation of Air Medical Services (CAAMS) certificate AMBULANCE - HELICOPTER (Rotary): A copy of your state license and Certificate of Need (C.O.N.) CLINICAL LABORATORY: Copies of the HCFA-116 form and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Registration Certificate or CLIA Certificate of Accreditation or Compliance. END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE (ESRD) FACILITY: A copy of Medicare’s Certification Letter HEARING AND SPEECH CENTER: A copy of the Professional Services Board (PSB) accreditation from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. HOME HEALTH AGENCY & SUB UNIT(S): A copy of Medicare’s Certification letter, a copy of your surety bond, and a letter stating the applicant’s fiscal year end. HOSPICE: A letter stating the applicant’s fiscal year end. INDEPENDENT PHYSICAL THERAPIST/REHABILITATION AGENCY: A copy of Medicare’s certification letter. MATERNAL SUPPORT: A copy of the approved Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services Maternal / Infant Support Services Provider Application. MEDICAL SUPPLIER (DME): A list of or a brochure, describing the supplies / equipment you will provide. OPTOMETRIST: A copy of your Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents (TPA) certificate. ORTHOTICS AND PROSTHETICS: A list of or a brochure, describing the supplies / equipment you will provide and a copy of your Certificate from the American Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. SCHOOL BASED SERVICES (Intermediate School Districts): A copy of the Dept. of Education certification to provide these services.

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DCH-1625 (5/01) (W) Obsoletes and Replaces MSA-1625

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

To be Completed by DCH Staff Only


Provider ID Number

Eligibility BEGIN Date

Provider Type

Eligibility END Date

Location Code

Group ID Number




Photocopies of this form must NOT be used to request enrollment.

This form is to be completed by all eligible providers who wish to receive payment for services provided under the programs for which the Medical Services Administration serves as the fiscal intermediary. Read ALL information and instructions on pages 1 & 2. TYPE or PRINT in BLACK INK.

• •


• Photocopy the completed form (both sides) for your files. • When completed, separate this form and send it to: PROVIDER ENROLLMENT UNIT MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH PO BOX 30238 LANSING MI 48909

PROVIDER / APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant’s Name (see instructions)

2. Prof. Title

5. Employer’s Name (see instructions)

3. State License No. (see instructions)

4. Applicant’s Soc. Sec. No. (required)

6. EIN No. (proof required)

7. Applicant’s Medicare No.

8. Specialties: (PROOF IS REQUIRED) (see instructions)





9. N.A.B.P. Number

10. D.E.A. Number

11. C.L.I.A. Number (proof required)

12. FAX Number

( 13. Administrator’s Name (nursing home, hospital or clinic)



19. State

20. ZIP Code

16. PO Box



22. Address (No. & Street)

18. County

24. City

21. Business Phone No.

26. ZIP Code


NON PROFIT (see instructions)

BILLING ADDRESS: (see instructions)

15. Address (No. & Street) 17. City


14. This business is:

23. PO Box 25. State 27. Phone No.




This is Required if a Corporation or Business (List the individual owners / Use additional sheet if necessary) 31. Owner’s Soc. Sec. No. 29. Date of Ownership 30. % Owned


32. Owner’s Name

33. Date of Ownership

34. % Owned

37. Date of Ownership

38. % Owned


35. Owner’s Soc. Sec. No.


36. Owner’s Name


39. Owner’s Soc. Sec. No.

% •

As a condition of receiving payment from Medicaid (and programs for which the Michigan Department of Community Health is the fiscal intermediary) for services billed by or on behalf of the above listed applicant for an eligible beneficiary, the undersigned certify and / or agree to ALL conditions listed on the reverse side of this document.

The employer and the applicant certify that the undersigned have the authority to execute this agreement.

Enrollment in the Medicaid Program does not guarantee participation in MDCH managed care programs nor does it replace or negate the contract process between a managed care entity and its providers or subcontractors.


41. Date Signed

42. E-mail Address

Anyone employing the “applicant” (see box 1), who is the employer / owner of the business listed in box 5, must also sign this agreement in box 45. 43. Employer / Owner or Agent Name (PRINT)

45. Employer / Owner or Agent Signature (see instructions)

44. Employer / Owner or Agent Title (President, Owner, Manager, etc.)

46. Date Signed

47. Employer / Owner or Agent Telephone Number

( Authority: Titles V and XIX of the Social Security Act and P.A. 280 of 1939. Completion:Is Voluntary, but is required if enrollment in the Medical Assistance program is desired.


DCH is an equal opportunity employer, services, and programs provider.

DCH-1625 (3/01) (W) Obsoletes and Replaces MSA-1625

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

See Reverse Side for Agreement Conditions

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Contract Agreement


Conditions 1 through 8 apply to all applicants, in addition to the following provider-specific conditions. Conditions 10 through 14 apply to all parties engaged in an employer-employee relationship as stated in these conditions. This provider agreement may be canceled by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice.

Medical Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement - Conditions In applying for enrollment as a provider in the Medical Assistance Program (and programs for which the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) is the fiscal intermediary), I represent and certify as follows: 1.

All information furnished on this Medical Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement form is true and complete.


Before billing for any medical services I render, I will read the Medical Assistance Program provider manual from the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH). I also agree to comply with 1) the terms and conditions of participation noted in the manual and 2) MDCH’s policies and procedures for the Medical Assistance Program contained in the manual, manual updates, provider bulletins, and other program notifications.


I agree to comply with the provisions of 42 USC, Sec. 405 and Act No. 280 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, which state the conditions and requirements under which participation in the Medical Assistance Program is allowed.


I agree that, upon request and at a reasonable time and place, I will allow authorized state or federal government agents to inspect, copy, and/or take any records I maintain pertaining to the delivery of goods and services to or on behalf of a Medical Assistance Program beneficiary. These records also include any service contract(s) I have with any billing agent/service or service bureau, billing consultant, or another medical services provider.


I agree to include a clause in any contract I enter into which allows authorized state or federal government agents access to the subcontractor’s accounting records and other documents needed to verify the nature and extent of costs and services furnished under the contract.


I understand that payment for services billed under my provider identification number assigned by MDCH will be made directly to me, unless Item 11 (below) applies.


I am not currently suspended, terminated or excluded from the Medical Assistance Program by any state or by the US Department of Health and Human Services.


I agree to comply with all policies and procedures of the Medical Assistance Program when billing for services rendered. I also agree that disputed claims, including overpayments, may be adjudicated in administrative proceedings convened under Act No. 280 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, or in a court of competent jurisdiction. I further agree to reimburse the Medical Assistance Program for all overpayments and I acknowledge that the Medicaid Audit System, which uses random sampling, is a reliable and acceptable method for determining such overpayments.

Condition 9 applies to nursing care facilities only: 9.

If the nursing care facility on the Medical Assistance Provider Enrollment Agreement is sold, the seller will notify DCH of the sale at least ninety (90) days prior to the expected sale date. Further, it is understood that the sale will not be recognized for reimbursement purposes under the Medical Assistance Program until ninety (90) days after such notification. Provisions of 42 CFR 413.135(f) will be retrospectively satisfied at that time. Any exception must be approved in writing by DCH.

Medical Assistance Provider - Employer / Employee Agreement Conditions 10. The applicant is employed by the business listed, now referred to as the “employer,” to provide Medical Assistance Program services to eligible beneficiaries at the service address listed. 11. The employer shall use the applicant’s Medical Assistance provider identification number assigned at the service location when billing for Medical Assistance Program services provided by the applicant to eligible beneficiarys. 12. The applicant, as a condition of employment, agrees that the employer shall directly receive the payments made in his/her name by the Medical Assistance Program for services billed and paid for eligible beneficiarys. 13. The employer and the applicant shall advise MDCH within thirty (30) days after any changes in the employment relationship. 14. The employer and the applicant agree to be jointly and severally liable for any overpayments billed and paid under Act No. 280 of the Public Acts of 1939, as amended, for services provided by the applicant to eligible recipients.

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DCH-1625 (3/01) (W) (BACK) Obsoletes and Replaces MSA-1625

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement


Region 2 Area Agency on Aging is prohibited from contracting with providers that are suspended or debarred. Signing this form indicates that the agency is not suspended or debarred, to include the principles of your agency. Additionally, Region 2 Area Agency on Aging is interested in the provider agency’s experience over the past four years in reference to the following list. Please check one for each item: YES


… … …

… … …

… … … …

… … … …

EXPERIENCE Grievance or complaints against the organization (not including discrimination) Lawsuits or judgments Investigations of fraud, abuse, conflict of interest, political activities, nepotism, or any criminal activities Default or breach of contract Cancellation or non-renewal of contracts due to non-performance or poor performance Bankruptcy or receivership by the organization or a parent organization Discrimination complaints or rulings against the organization/agency

If yes was checked for one or more of the above, information must be provided which should include at a minimum: Date item checked was initiated; Party or parties involved with specific reference to any Federal funds; Brief description of the circumstances; Final disposition and date; and a Brief description if action is still pending. I certify that the agency and its principles are not suspended or debarred from receiving federal funds.

Authorized Provider Agency Representative







Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT A MICHIGAN STATE POLICE BACKGROUND CHECK Region 2 Area Agency on Aging MI Choice Waiver Program is applying for a contract to provide services to (Company Name) older adults and disabled clients enrolled in the MI Choice Waiver Program. As a contractor with Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, the following activities will be performed (check all those that apply): † † † † †

Home Delivered Meals Homemaker Personal Care (bathing) Respite Care Transportation (non-medical)

† † † † †

Counseling Services Chore Services (heavy household jobs) Home Modifications Personal Emergency Response Systems Private Duty Nursing

This background check is being sought for screening purposes to protect the safety and security of clients and employees of the above mentioned company. Operating Standards for the MI Choice Waiver Program require that each waiver agent and contracted service provider must conduct a criminal background review through the Michigan State Police for each person who will be entering client homes (p. 12). If a background check is already done through the provider’s application process, maintain the check in the personnel file and disregard this form. The Area Agency on Aging will verify a counselor, contractor, or very small home care agency that cannot run a check on themself.

Please complete the following for each staff entering a client’s home:

Full Name: ____________________________________

Date of Birth: ___/____/___

Alias/Maiden Name(s): ____________________________________________________ Social Security #: _____--____--______ Race: ___________ Sex: _____________ Driver’s License #: _________________________________

State: ______________

____________________________________________________ Signature

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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_______________ Date

Contract Agreement

BUSINESS ASSOCIATE AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into by and between Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and _________________________________________________, referred hereafter as PROVIDER, to set forth the terms and conditions under which protected health information, as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and Regulations enacted thereunder, created or received by PROVIDER on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging may be used or disclosed. This Agreement shall commence on April 15, 2003 and the obligations herein shall continue in effect so long as PROVIDER uses, discloses, creates or otherwise possesses any protected health information created or received on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and until all protected health information created or received by PROVIDER on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging is destroyed or returned to Region 2 Area Agency on Aging pursuant to Paragraph 15 herein. 1) Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and PROVIDER hereby agree that PROVIDER shall be permitted to use and/or disclose protected health information created or received on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging for the following purpose(s): a. Completing and submitting health care claims to health plans and other third party payers. (billing) b. Matching a participant with a client. c. Emergency and contingency planning. d. Providing services. e. None. 2) PROVIDER may use and disclose protected health information created or received by PROVIDER on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging if necessary for the proper management and administration of PROVIDER or to carry out PROVIDER’s legal responsibilities, provided that any disclosure is: a. Required by law, or b. PROVIDER obtains reasonable assurances from the person to whom the protected health information is disclosed that (1) the protected health information will be held confidentially and used or further disclosed only as required by law or for the purpose for which it was disclosed to the person; and (2) PROVIDER will be notified of any instances of which the person is aware in which confidentiality of the informed is breached. 3) PROVIDER hereby agrees to maintain the security and privacy of all protected health information in a manner consistent with Michigan and federal laws and regulations including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and Regulations thereunder, and all other applicable law. 4) PROVIDER further agrees not to use or disclose protected health information except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, applicable law, or for the purpose of managing PROVIDER’s own internal business processes consistent with Paragraph 2 herein. Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

5) PROVIDER shall not disclose protected health information to any member of its workforce unless PROVIDER has advised such person of PROVIDER’s privacy and security obligations under this Agreement, including the consequences for violation of such obligations. PROVIDER shall take appropriate disciplinary action against any member of its workforce who uses or discloses protected health information in violations of this Agreement and applicable law. 6) PROVIDER shall not disclose protected health information created or received by PROVIDER on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging to a person, including any agent or subcontractor of PROVIDER but not including a member of PROVIDER’s own workforce, until such person agrees in writing to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement and applicable Michigan or federal law. 7) PROVIDER agrees to use appropriate safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of protected health information not permitted by this Agreement or applicable law. 8) PROVIDER agrees to maintain a record of all disclosures of protected health information, including disclosures not made for the purposes of this Agreement. Such record shall include the date of the disclosure, the name and, if known, the address of the recipient of the protected health information, the name of the individual who is the subject of the protected health information, a brief description of the protected health information disclosed, and the purpose of the disclosure. PROVIDER shall make such record available to an individual who is the subject of such information or Region 2 Area Agency on Aging within five (5) days of a request and shall include disclosures made on or after the date which is six (6) years prior to the request or April 15, 2003, whichever is later. 9) PROVIDER agrees to report to Region 2 Area Agency on Aging any unauthorized use or disclosure of protected health information by PROVIDER or its workforce or subcontractors and the remedial action taken or proposed to be taken with respect to such use or disclosure. 10) PROVIDER agrees to make its internal practices, books, and records relating to the use and disclosure of protected health information received from Region 2 Area Agency on Aging or created or received by PROVIDER on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging available to the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, for purposes of determining the Covered Entity’s compliance with HIPAA. 11) Within thirty (30) days of a written request by Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, PROVIDER shall allow a person who is the subject of protected health information, such person’s legal representative, or Region 2 Area Agency on Aging to have access to and to copy such person’s protected health information maintained by PROVIDER. PROVIDER shall provide protected health information in the format requested by such person, legal representative, or practitioner unless it is not readily producible in such format, in which case it shall be produced in standard hard copy format. 12) PROVIDER agrees to amend, pursuant to a request by Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, protected health information maintained and created or received by Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

PROVIDER on behalf of the Agency. PROVIDER further agrees to complete such amendment within thirty (30) days or a written request by Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, and to make such amendment as directed by Region 2 Area Agency on Aging. 13) In the event PROVIDER fails to perform the obligations under this Agreement, Region 2 Area Agency on Aging may, at its option: a. Require PROVIDER to submit to a plan of compliance, including monitoring by Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and reporting by PROVIDER, as Region 2 Area Agency on Aging in its sole discretion, determines necessary to maintain compliance with this Agreement and applicable law. Such plan shall be incorporated into this Agreement by amendment thereto. b. Require PROVIDER to mitigate any loss occasioned by the unauthorized disclosure or use of protected health information. c. Immediately discontinue providing protected health information to PROVIDER with or without written notice to PROVIDER. 14) Region 2 Area Agency on Aging may immediately terminate this Agreement and related agreements if Region 2 Area Agency on Aging determines that PROVIDER has breached a material term of this Agreement. Alternatively, Region 2 Area Agency on Aging may choose to: (1) provide PROVIDER with ten (10) days written notice of the existence of an alleged material breach; and (2) afford the PROVIDER an opportunity to cure said alleged material breach to the satisfaction of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging within ten (10) days. PROVIDER’s failure to cure shall be grounds for immediate determination of this Agreement. PROVIDER’s remedies under this Agreement are cumulative, and the exercise of any remedy shall not preclude the exercise of any other. 15) Upon termination of this Agreement, PROVIDER shall return or destroy all protected health information received from Region 2 Area Agency on Aging, or created or received by PROVIDER on behalf of Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and that PROVIDER maintains in any form, and shall retain no copies of such information. If the parties mutually agree that return or destruction of protected health information is not feasible, PROVIDER shall continue to maintain the security and privacy of such protected health information in a manner consistent with the obligations of this Agreement and as required by applicable law, and shall limit further use of the information to those purposes that make the return or destruction of the information infeasible. The duties hereunder to maintain the security and privacy of protected health information shall survive the discontinuance of this Agreement. 16) Region 2 Area Agency on Aging may amend this Agreement by providing ten (10) days prior written notice to PROVIDER in order to maintain compliance with Michigan or federal law. Such amendment shall be binding upon PROVIDER at the end of the ten (10) day period and shall not require the consent of PROVIDER. PROVIDER may elect to discontinue the Agreement within the ten (10) day period, but PROVIDER’s duties hereunder to maintain the security and privacy of protected health information shall survive such discontinuance. Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and PROVIDER may otherwise amend this Agreement by mutual written agreement. Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

17) PROVIDER shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Region 2 Area Agency on Aging and its employees and directors from and against any and all losses, costs, claims, penalties, fines, demands, liabilities, legal actions, judgments, and expenses of every kind (including reasonable attorneys fees, including at trial and on appeal) asserted or imposed against any indemnities arising out of the acts or omissions of PROVIDER or any subcontractor of or consultant of PROVIDER or any of PROVIDER’s employees, directors, or agents related to the performance or nonperformance of this Agreement.

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging




Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement



The Insurance Company 123 Generic St. City, MI 49000 INSURED

Provider Company, Inc. 123 Quality Ave. City, MI 49000


Insurance Co. One Insurance Co. Two Insurance Co. Three Insurance Co. Four








Each Occurrence

$ 3,000,000


Fire Damage (1 fire)


Med Exp (1 person)


Commercial Gen Liability Claims Made






Comb Single Limit

1,000,000 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000

Bodily Injury (person)


Pers & Adv Injury Gen Aggregate





Prod – Comp/OP Ag

AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X Any Auto All Owned Autos Scheduled Autos Hired Autos Non-owned Autos










Property Damage


Bodily Injury (Accident) Auto Only – ea acct Other than Auto EA Acct Agg Each Occurrence Aggregate


WC Stat E.L. Ea Acct


Professional Liability Fidelity Bonding




E.L Disease – Ea

Per Occ Aggregate Deductible

$ $


E.L. Disease - limit OTHER


1,000,000 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 25,000 $ $


Region 2 Area Agency on Aging is included as an additional insured on both the general and professional liability policies. CERTIFICATE HOLDER


Region 2 Area Agency on Aging 8363 US 12 Onsted, MI 49265

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging



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Contract Agreement


INVOICE Provider:


Mail Invoice to: Region 2 AAA 8363 US 12 Onsted, MI 49265



Hours of Care Provided DATE









9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL

PC PCS HM Respite Nursing Mileage Other PC=Personal Care PCS=Personal Care Supervision HM=Homemaker MONTHLY SUMMARY Hours PC PCS HM Respite GRAND TOTAL

Unit Cost @ @ @ @

Sub-total = = = =




@ @

= =




Total Due


Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

Unit Cost

Nursing Mileage


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Contract Agreement


Provider Company Name










DATE Time IN Time OUT Total Hours Client Initials MONDAY BATHING Tub/Shower Assist Sponge Bath


GROOMING Dressing Hair Foot Skin Shave Nail Care Oral Bowel


PROCEDURES Catheter Ostomy Record In/Out Check Dressing Medication Cue


ACTIVITY Ambulation ROM Transfer Assist FRIDAY


NUTRITION Meal Prep Feeding Help Shopping OTHER Housekeeping Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom DATE

/ / / / / /


Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement


Bill to:

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging 8363 West U.S. 12 Onsted, Michigan 49265 517-467-2204 Date:

Participant: Address: City: Phone: SSN: Care Managers:


(for initial startup services only)












$ S








Start Date Stop Date













$ S








Start Date Stop Date













$ S








Start Date Stop Date













$ S








Start Date Stop Date











All services will be performed within the guidelines identified in MI Choice Waiver Operating Standards

HMK Homemaking

PC Personal Care

Private Duty Nurse

Meal Preparation


Bed Mobility

Medication Setup

Housework Laundry/Linen

Personal Hygiene Bathing

Transferring Home Locomotion

Nursing Assessment



Toilet Use

Non-medical Transportation


Foot/nail care


Flexible Scheduling

Specific Hours as Identified

We will only pay for the services authorized and provided as listed above. If there is a change or exception that is not called in, the billing department will not be able to pay for the change. Bills must be received no later than 30 days from the last date of service billed. Please keep us informed about any change in a client's condition or call if you have any questions.

Region 2 Area Agency on Aging

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Contract Agreement

Related Documents

Waiver Contract Packet
December 2019 0
April 2020 28
November 2019 37
October 2019 32
May 2020 21