Waidi - Book Of Remembrance..

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 14,764
  • Pages: 47
Contents A Book of Remembrance: Foreword


Tribute from Waidi’s mother, Dorothy


Tribute from Waidi’s brother, Komla


Tribute from Waidi’s Uncle Alex on behalf of the Kpikpi 7 family Tribute from the Alawe family, Nigeria


Tributes from Waidi’s uncles and aunts


Tributes from Waidi’s cousins


Tributes from City of God Church


Tributes from the Newfrontiers churches in Ghana


Tributes from the Newfrontiers churches in West Africa


Tributes from the Newfrontiers churches World-wide


Waidi’s personal testimony


A message written by Waidi about salvation in Jesus 44 Christ

A Book of Remembrance Foreword by John Kpikpi Elder, City of God Church Apostolic oversight of the Newfrontiers churches in West Africa We have called this a book of remembrance precisely because that is what it is. Waidi‟s death at the age of 27 has caused us all to stop in our tracks, to evaluate ~ and re-evaluate ~ the race that God has set before us. We want to give opportunity for his relatives and his many friends and co-workers in the vineyard of Jesus to express something of what Waidi meant to them. It is about Waidi, to help us put on record what we have come to know about him. It is for you, to help you see what a life given over to God can achieve even in so short a time. But above all it is to say thank you to Jesus Christ our Lord who has demonstrated again that he still dwells in human flesh today and can transform and make himself known through ordinary human beings like any one of us. Waidi was a real star who shone very brightly for a little while. We were privileged to share in the light that God gave through him. It was clear, from quite early on when he found Jesus Christ as his Lord, that he had decided in his heart that only Christ mattered and he devoted himself to worship him and to serve him. Waidi was my son in the Lord as well as my co-worker in the kingdom of God. We served together on the Eldership Team of City of God Church and also on the Apostolic Team that oversees the planting of Newfrontiers churches in the West African region. His grasp of God‟s truth was awesome ~2~

and this made him a real source of wisdom and strength as we handled the huge issues which confronted us daily in our work among the churches. Throughout everything his passion was to see people saved and brought into the kingdom of God. A passion that must have come from the thoroughgoing change that took place in his life when he himself met with the living Lord Jesus. He loved the church, the people of God, and gave himself to caring for them. As a matter of fact, during the last few weeks of his life, the only time you could get any great conversation going with Waidi was when you mentioned the new church in Asesewa. We‟ve laughed together, prayed together, sorrowed over errant souls together and rejoiced in great victories together. He has been a great companion in many of my journeys to serve our churches in Ghana as well as in other nations such as Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea as well as in the UK. He opened up many new areas for our church to plant new cell groups in places such as Shiashie, Ashaley Botwe Old Town, Nmai Djorn, University Farm etc. Only last year, he pioneered our church plant, City on a Hill Church, in Asesewa among a new people group called the Krobos. So from planting cell groups, he became a church planter. Waidi has walked along the track that God has laid down among us. Following their salvation people are equipped through in-house leadership training to be cell group leaders and after that to move on to planting churches. Last Sunday, when we gathered together all our leaders, who were at various stages of this training track themselves, to talk about Waidi‟s death, the mood was surprisingly victorious. Many said they would also like to leave as great a legacy as Waidi left behind. His death, far from discouraging many, has become an inspiration for our emerging leaders. We are sure we will see many more Waidi‟s coming through into leadership positions, planting cell ~3~

groups and going on to plant churches so that this part of our world and beyond will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the seas. Waidi, enjoy your time with the Lord. We‟ll see you again later.


Tribute from Waidi’s mother, Dorothy “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him." John 14:21 Waidi was moved and deeply touched by these words of Jesus ever since he got saved. He pressed on making disciples of Jesus to the very end. He was born on 16th May, 1979. He was of mixed race ~ half Nigerian, half Ghanaian ~ but was nurtured by the remarkable Kpikpi family. His maternal uncles and aunties loved, cherished and cared for him. The Kpikpis place great importance on education and they took great care to ensure that Waidi received a good education ~ in fact, he was educated up to the university level. He graduated from the University of Ghana, Legon in the year 2003. Waidi and his brother, Komla say thank you, Uncles and Aunties, for persevering in the legacy that your late parents left for you ~ “Help one another.” Waidi loved caring for people and he cared for us as a family too. His temperament was cool but he wouldn‟t side with any wrong-doing. Whether old or young, he would see that the right thing was done. If I should write everything I want to say about Waidi, it would have the volume of a book. He always had the welfare of his brother, cousins and friends at heart.


Oh, my smart and clever son, I didn‟t know at the hospital that that would be our last time together. You knew I loved you so much but as I read Psalm 115:3 “Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.” I say to you that this is exactly what He has done for you and you will live with Him. Rest in peace. Sleep well. Do agbe. Amen. Mum

Tribute from Waidi’s brother, Komla I‟ve known Waidi for 24 years. He was a man of integrity. The word „integrity‟ holds so much meaning that I can not go into. Throughout our lives together, every minute was a learning process. He was soft-spoken but very firm. He was always interested in what I was doing in order to make sure that I did what pleased the Lord ~ for that was what he lived for. He always advised from God‟s point of view and wholeheartedly helped me through to see why it should be God‟s way every time and not my way. I greatly admired him and rejoiced in my heart that I had him as a brother. I sort of always hid in the glory that surrounded him. At home he was father and big brother to me and a husband to my dear mother. He played all these roles perfectly, even in his last days. I dearly loved him ~ he was all anybody could dream of having around. Waidi lived his life in the service of God. He served him with all his heart in all aspects of his life. He was like an excellent wife to his husband who was God. Between Waidi and God it was like „to death do us part‟ ~ but I believe in death, they are even closer. He lived an exemplary life for me and, I‟m sure, for many of you. We mourn this great one but we also celebrate his short but very fruitful life. He was fruitful and some of you are testimonies to his desire to serve God. He preached and lived the life of Christ. Day or night, rain or shine, in richness or poverty, in sickness and in health, Waidi lived to please the Lord and to serve Him.


Words alone can not express how much I want to say about my brother. What then does his short life teach us? Well, it encourages us to make every day of our lives count. We should make a difference for God. He has called us to Himself, not to conform to the world but to be transformed as we walk with Him. Waidi did just that. We should find what the Lord has called us to and work at it to perfection. We have no excuse. Waidi is an example so it means we can also make it. We can also „write‟ (by the way we live our lives) a good tribute for ourselves as Waidi has done. All we are saying about Waidi is not just to give you a good story ~ it‟s true about him. This was because he lived these things we are saying about him. We are still alive now; we owe it to ourselves to write a good tribute for ourselves before we are called home. What also can we learn from his falling asleep? Well, we read in 1Thessalonians 4:13: “Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.” Waidi has fallen into a deep sleep and will wake up someday. We will be joined to him in Glory. He has fought the good fight and won, he has run the race marked out for him to perfection. What are we doing about our fight and race? Let us encourage one another with these words. We mourn this great man, but let‟s also celebrate his life for he has left a legacy worth following. “The sun has one kind of splendour, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendour. So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.” 1 Corinthians 15:41-44 ~6~

Dear Mother, do take heart for our dear one, Waidi, is happy with the Father. Komla

Tribute from Waidi’s uncle, Rev. Mac-Kpikpi, on behalf of the entire Kpikpi family Waidi Joseph Edem Kwaku Allawoe was born on 16th May, 1979 at Kadjebi to Mr Lamidi Allawoe of Nigeria and Dorothy Edem Kpikpi of Vakpo. He began his school career at the E.P. Primary School in Vakpo where he completed Class One to Five before moving to Ho to complete Class Six at the Dora Memorial School. Here his football talents were recognised as he was appointed as goal-keeper of the school team. Waidi was a pupil at the Experimental JSS in Ho and from there gained a place at Mawuli School where he read science and served as a student librarian, finishing in 1997. In 1999 Waidi entered the University of Ghana at Legon where he read Zoology. He graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor of Science degree. Thereafter, he did his National Service with the City of God Church, which had an incredible impact on his Christian life. Waidi became an uncompromising minister of the Word of God there and in this ministry, his sterling gifts of hard work, standing for and defending the truth, love and affability quickly emerged and were visible to all who came to know him. Early this year we heard that Waidi was not well. Medical tests revealed the alarming news that Waidi had Hepatitis B. We do not know for how long Waidi had had the virus, undetected, but it now became apparent that it had caused damage to his liver which the doctors said medical science could not treat or reverse. Many, many people prayed for Waidi but sadly, on 14th April, 2007 he died at the University Hospital at Legon. We are taking this as God‟s will for Waidi and trusting that, though we do not understand why this has happened, it is all in God‟s perfect plan for Waidi. God gave Dorothy, Waidi‟s mother, this verse from Psalm 115: “Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him.” ~7~

To us, Waidi‟s logo was: Love and Truth. He was the gem of his grandparents, the late Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Kpikpi and the entire Kpikpi family. Sweet Daffodil, why have you hastened away so soon?

Sweet Waidi, So you were in terminal pain But you didn‟t show it. You were bearing all that pain And yet you looked calm. I couldn‟t believe it. Aha, the truth was that You weren‟t alone! Jesus the Christ Whose faithful and committed servant you were Was bearing the pain with you. Yes - that was why!! Waidi, our son, Into your Father‟s good hand You committed your soul Surely, He will grant you eternal rest Rest in His Peace! Hede Nyuie! Uncle Alex


Tribute from the Alawe family, Nigeria Right from childhood Waidi was very intelligent and could always answer questions very well. He grew to be a quiet and humble person. He was very upright and became a pastor with an apostolic mission. We expected him in the future to evangelise his Muslim family members in Nigeria but his early death has prevented this. Rest in perfect peace, Waidi. Amen.

Tributes from Waidi’s uncles and aunts From Aunty Irene I miss the smiling face, the soft-spoken response to my call, “Wai!” ~ “Yes, Aunty” ~ with the smile, the broad smile. Rest in peace, rest in perfect peace. We shall meet on the Resurrection Day. Aunty Irene From Uncle Walter

Even the young flower buds fall! Occasionally, not too often though, I find a flower bud, the pretty petals just unfurling, which has fallen to the ground. I pick it up and inspect it keenly to see the point of excision, looking for a clue as to who or what could have so callously cut down what promised to be the most lovely of all blossoms. And there is none. The best I can do is to discard it, burying it back in the soil and hoping it would nourish the rest. That is what has happened to us. Waidi was a most lovely, peaceful, gentle and tender ~ and yet a very strong ~ soul, of formidable spirit. First a son, he was also a nephew, and a brother and a cousin. He was so young (he had not matured to be a father of children yet, nor a husband of a wife) but he achieved as much as a grandfather could. At such a young age he was cut off from the land of the living. We look for reasons and find none. None, because God is not bound to give us one ~ ~9~

for, He it is who plants and He, the same who harvests. And he does so at His will. Waidi, I sigh a heavy sigh in my breast as we cast your tender body to the earth but I lift up my eyes and rejoice at your sturdy but gentle spirit going on, living on. For your gentle spirit never dies. He never grows old, nor does he retire. He lives forever more and is always happy because he is in the company of the Lord, our Lord. Blessed are you, son, nephew, brother, cousin, Waidi, because you have lived in Him who is Lord and have fallen asleep in his arms where you are safe. Sleep well! Uncle Walter From Uncle Evans I know just two things about Waidi: his gentle nature and his passion for evangelism. We will forever miss him. From Aunty Dora Waidi! You were a true servant of God, a lover of Jesus, a very passionate worshipper, evangelist and preacher. You were so humble, calm and generous but humorous. So kind, loving and concerned about lost souls. So soft spoken, but powerful in the declaration of the Gospel. So young in age, small in stature but very matured and a giant in spirit. That‟s the nephew I had. We have not lost you because we know exactly where to find you. In heaven, you are in Jesus‟ bosom where there is no more pain or hurt. Waidi, you will forever be remembered for your good deeds. Joy and peace are now with you. Your sweet, loving aunty, Dora From Aunty Clara Waidi, why did you leave us so early? We knew the pain you were going through was so much but we thought it would pass and you would be well again. I remember when Uncle Lawson and I were by your side when you were on your sick bed. You held his hands and asked “Uncle, will I get better?” ~ 10 ~

Oh, Waidi! We shall forever miss you. You were so kind and ready to assist when the need arose. We love you but God loves you most. Aunty Clara From Aunty Yaya A bright light is suddenly put off in our midst. Its distinctive voice is gone forever. The worker hangs up his gloves. There is deep silence but… Waidi was my darling. When I was teaching in Vakpo in the early 80‟s, he was the only grandson in the house during the old age of his grandparents. Imagine the love we had for him! Waidi was the first baby I was able to comfortably carry at my back. Since I was almost the last-born, I had nobody to carry when I was young. When I carried him at my back and we were conversing people would ask who I was talking with. He was small but clever and could communicate without any difficulty. I took him with me to Accra for the week-ends. I treated him as my first-born. One day Waidi helped me to catch a thief in my room. He had hidden under my bed. Being still so small, Waidi was able to spot him. He quickly drew my attention to the intruder and the thief was caught! That earned him the name “Police” from Tasi Affoe. Waidi became the one boy among my girls. I am lost for words to describe my relationship with Waidi. He visited us in August last year, prayed with us, and shared with us from Psalm 20, especially verse seven:. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Little did we know that that was his last visit to us. Waidi, you‟ve fought the good fight, you‟ve finished the race and you‟ve kept the faith. Finally there is laid up for you the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will give to you on that day (“ Timothy 4: 7-8). Waidi, rest in perfect peace. Do agbe. Hede Nyuie. Dzidzo le ηutifafa me. Amen ~ 11 ~

Tributes from Waidi’s cousins From Mr. and Mrs Nyaku (Uncle Joe and Aunty Mabel) and children Waidi, it seems like a dream, but it is true. We have tried to fathom out the Hows and Whys to no avail. Why at this age? Why this way? But who are we to question God? When he says “Yes” no one can say no. You joined our family in Ho and attended the same basic school as your young cousins. They can vividly recollect the protection and care you gave them at school and at home. You willingly helped them, through little games, to learn. You were hard-working both at school and at home. You always woke up very early and arrived at school very early. You were so humble and polite and always eager to learn. Selorm and Selase will not forget your smiles. Your smiles, even in times of sickness, moved a lot of hearts. Your humble response to calls ~ always with “Yes, Aunty” ~ attracted the admiration of friends and relations who visited us. The way you appreciated the least favour or gift given you was so amazing! Waidi, you were wonderful. We cannot find the appropriate words to describe our sentiments about your death. Our whole family cannot forget our last visit to you ~ we were bringing a meal you requested ~ only to be told you had passed away! What a shock! Truly a vacuum has been created, but we know you would not want us to grieve too much for we can hear you say “Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room. Make no difference in your tone; wear no air of solemnity or sorrow. I am comfortable in the arms of Lord. All is well” Wai, may the Good Lord grant you eternal rest. Amen From Mrs. Attah (Akuvi) on behalf of Mawunyo, Kafui, Akpene, Vinolia and Michael Now the labourer‟s task is o‟er, Now the battle-day is past Now upon the farther shore Lands the voyager at last. ~ 12 ~

Father, in Thy gracious keeping Leave we now Thy servant sleeping John Ellerton (1826-1893) The words of this poem are in our minds as we write this tribute to Waidi. Waidi was full of compassion, generosity and godliness. His faith in Christ is a legacy he has left for the family which we will forever cherish. Added to this was the great effort he made in evangelism and this has become an inspiration for us. One thing that we remember so well is how he hosted the Attah family to dinner in July last year. This was characteristic of him. He always ensured that the relationship was kept intact and strong. Also characteristic of Waidi were his humility and his respect for all human beings. These things were so conspicuous that no one could fail to notice them. It is with sorrow and pain that we pay tribute to our beloved cousin. We have lost a very dear one, an inspirer, indeed someone we looked up to as far as purity, righteousness and obedience were concerned. He actually fought the good fight with all his might during his relatively short life. Our wish was that he had stayed with us longer than he did, but the Lord needs him most. Our consolation is, therefore, that he is in the arms of the Lord. Fare thee well, Waidi. Hede nyuie, Waidi. May your soul rest in perfect peace Akuvi From Godwin and Patrick Kpikpi Waidi, as we knew him, was always mild, gentle and pleasant with a lovely smile that truly reflected his nature. Any time you encountered Waidi, no matter what the conditions were around him, he would always tell you, “To the Lord be the glory”. He considered every bit of his life as being in covenant with his Maker so we were not surprised to see him live up to the challenge during the course of his illness. We can ~ 13 ~

confidently ask, “Has Waidi ever offended anyone?” As he departs, we see Waidi as a celebration of true life, from whom we all have something to learn. Even though we would all wish to have had Waidi with us much longer, we know that Waidi would also say, like Jesus, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will…." Matthew 26:39a We love you, Waidi, but the Lord has called you. Goodbye. From Clottey Richard Anang As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no-one can work. John 9:4 Waidi, your night has come too suddenly. It was only on 26th December, 2006 that you encouraged to start a church in Navrongo, telling me that it was in God‟s plan to send me there. You went further to promise me, “Clottey, start it and I shall be there to preach.” By the grace of God, the church started on 18th March, 2007. You haven‟t preached in this church yet and now you have gone home. Who have you detailed to preach in this church in Korania, Navrongo? Your death has reduced the known trio ~ Clottey, Waidi and Kafui ~ to a forced duo. All we can say now is: “…give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1Thessalonians 5:18 Waidi, rest in peace. Clottey From Rosemary Forson Waidi was one of the most thoughtful, generous and warm-hearted persons I knew. He was one of my favourite cousins, my cell leader and my pastor. It is a shock to realise I will never see him again till we meet in Glory. He fought the good fight, he ran the race and pressed on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of him. Though the pain of separation is almost unbearable, I am absolutely sure he is in a good place now. I only ask that God gives us grace to go through this difficult time.

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From Atta Forson One day Waidi and I decided to walk to the Church Centre from my house. It is only a thirty minute walk but I was amazed at how many people we had to greet because Waidi knew them. Waidi loved people and his desire was to see them love and serve Jesus Christ. His death is a great loss to me for he was a source of inspiration. Now I mourn because I miss you greatly but I know that we will meet again in the presence of our God and celebrate our great salvation. Atta From Kuma Forson I really came to know Waidi when he spent a holiday with us after his senior secondary education. One of the most striking things about him was his orderliness. He was a very responsible person and also had a great sense of humour. He however grew increasingly interested in God‟s work and so by the time he entered university he was ready to evangelize the whole campus ~ no wonder it was he who started the student cell group there! He was a very serious student and proved to me that hard work is worth it. Waidi was always ready to do what ever he was called upon to do in the church or at home. He loved football but never let it prevent him from doing any chore or carrying out any duty. One thing I will always remember Waidi for is his passion for the lost. He pursued the lost with all his heart and took me along some of the time. He was whole-hearted in all that he did. He seemed to say with his lifestyle: “If you can‟t do it wholeheartedly, don‟t do it at all.” Waidi, rest in peace and I know I will see you one day in heaven but now I really miss you. Bye. Kuma From Enyonam and Elorm Ahadzie Waidi, the void your absence has created cannot be filled. We will really miss all the advice, jokes and the biblical stories you shared with us. We will also miss the discussions (and arguments!) we used to have about football.

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The most important thing is that you are in the hands of God. You have run the race and fought a good fight. Till we meet again in the Lord‟s bosom, rest in peace. We love you. From Sedem, Yayira and Akpene Seneadza Our hearts are filled with pain and sorrow and no words can express our sadness for the loss of our dear cousin. We only give thanks to God for giving us such a cousin. We will always remember how encouraged us with Psalm 20 when he visited us last August. Waidi was with us all in Vakpo on the “26th December 2006 when the extended family came together. Little did we know that this would be the last time we would see him. Waidi, we love you so dearly. Waidi, rest in perfect peace. The Lord will keep you till we meet again. From Emily Kpikpi

A memory, a truth One afternoon, more than seven years ago, it was lunchtime at our home on the university campus at Legon. The beans were ready but, to our dismay, there was no plantain to go with them. Hungry and disappointed, I was close to tears. Then Waidi (a student at the time) appeared, and took Esther, Ruth and I across the road and bought us bananas. He taught us to eat them with beans as though they were plantain. What a rescuer! Waidi was the hero of our early childhood and, in later years, our teacher and our pastor; but always our cousin and always our friend. I will miss him greatly. But there is one truth he taught with all his heart that rescues me still: Jesus Christ came to the earth and lived a sinless life. People killed him on the cross. In dying that way, Jesus bore the punishment for all the sins you and I ever committed or ever will commit. Three days after His death, He rose again by the power of God and the Holy Spirit. Now Jesus is alive, seated next to God in heaven. Today, whoever believes in Jesus will have their sins washed away, and though their earthly bodies die, they will be given better, heavenly bodies with no sickness; bodies that can never die. And they will live with Christ in a better place forever. This arrangement stands because God truly loves us and wants to be with us.

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Waidi believed in Jesus. Waidi taught this truth. Waidi is alive. The question I think he would ask us today is: Are you alive? From Esther Kpikpi

My dear cousin, Waidi It is very difficult to put Waidi into words and onto a piece of paper. I really do not know where to begin. He was such a brilliant man through whom many were blessed and unmistakably touched. He was always so dedicated to God‟s work on earth. He faithfully served God and was blessed with a vibrant church at Asesewa which he looked after and cared for with all his heart. In everything Waidi did, he shone out with God‟s radiance; I really admired that. Although he always had so much to do and so many big issues on his mind, Waidi never failed to do the little things which showed love and care for others. He would often pass by our home with a handful of toffees for us. He never forgot our birthdays and always made us feel so special on those days. He played football with us (we always fought about whose team Waidi would be on because he was so good at playing). Waidi even played “Mummy and Daddy” with us - not many people went that far! - and it really communicated his love for us kids. He used to take us on walks around the neighbourhood, teaching us the names of the various plants. Those were times I always looked forward to ~ I am full of fond memories of my dear cousin. Even when he was ill, he kept up his kind and caring spirit. He continued to pray for other people and help them in times of trouble. On Ruth‟s birthday, Waidi was visibly ill and in great pain. However, he insisted on going all the way to East Legon to buy her a birthday present. I clearly remember him wincing at the pain he felt whenever the car went over a bump. It was really heartbreaking. When we arrived at our destination, I was amazed at his determination to buy her something special. That was Waidi for you! That day, I learnt a very big lesson which I will never forget. If a man who is sick and in pain can remember a loved one‟s birthday, go the extra mile of buying a present for the celebrant and show such love and care, we who are well should never fail to do so. ~ 17 ~

During the period of time in which he stayed at our house, I became much closer to him than ever before. I used to sit by his bed and have long conversations with him - I always enjoyed them and I thank God I had the opportunity to do so. Once we were talking about the electricity crisis and I asked him what he thought would help solve the problem. He spoke with such wisdom and his ideas were so creative that as he spoke I honestly wished deep in my heart that he was the President of Ghana! Waidi was much more than a cousin to me: he was my friend whom I trusted. His words were full of truth and he always had answers to the tricky questions I asked him about the Christian faith. Whenever he asked, “Esther, how are you?” I always felt free to tell him exactly how I felt because he was genuinely interested. He was always ready to help my siblings and me. Even though we were just kids, he served us wholeheartedly just like he did grown-ups, which made us love him all the more. Waidi truly was a gift from God.We all loved Waidi but God loved him even more and couldn‟t wait to have him back home. I will miss him so much. He will always have a special place in my heart. From Ruth Kpikpi

Waidi - a tribute to a favourite cousin Waidi, such a great man I don‟t even know what words can be used to describe him. He was a wonderful, kind man who thought of others a lot. For example, on my birthday, Esther, Anna and I.J were going out to get some things for my party and Waidi insisted on going with them just so that he could get a present for my birthday. Despite all the pain he was in he still got me something lovely. When he gave the gifts to me I felt so touched and happy. Waidi had strong faith and trust in God. He was a good Christian, one of the best I know, and you could see that there was something different about him, that he really had God in his life. When Waidi‟s traumatic illness started his faith in God remained and, even when things didn‟t seem to be getting any better, he still kept a strong faith. He was a real model citizen in the Kingdom of God. ~ 18 ~

Waidi loved others very much. He would always take time to find out how we were doing and what was happening in our lives. When we went to visit him during those difficult times, he would always receive us warmly and, no matter how much pain he was in, join in with the conversation as best as he could. Waidi was a very committed Christian who loved the Lord. He found great joy in the Lord and wanted to share this joy with others. So he did ~ he was a great evangelist and has blessed many people. Many have found happiness, peace and new life in Christ through him. Waidi was a good man. Whatever he did, he made sure something good would come from it. He did everything willingly. He looked for the good in others and not for their faults. He was kind to complete strangers, showing them love and letting them know of God‟s love for them. He was one of those one-in-a-million guys who went the extra mile. His loss is felt very much. The church has been deprived of a great pastor and a strong soldier in God‟s army. Waidi‟s family has lost a dearly loved son and brother. I have lost a wonderful cousin whom I loved very much. Though Waidi has left us, we know he is in a better place, resting in perfect peace with the Father in heaven. Waidi, I love you, and you are remembered fondly in my heart and mind. Ruth From Anna Kpikpi

My beloved cousin, Waidi Waidi was just a young man when he died. He had a nice smile and a very soft heart. Waidi‟s good deeds blessed many people, for example going to Asesewa and starting a church, making friends and leading them to Christ and, last but not least, helping others see the truth. I loved Waidi because he was very friendly, funny, caring and loving. He played with me and sang with me, plus he danced with me. The other thing was that he didn‟t mind babysitting my brother and I. The relationship between Waidi and I was that he was my ~ 19 ~

cousin - my very dear cousin. I‟m sure his death will bring the cause for mourning. But we should all brighten up a bit: for he has gone to a better place - he has gone to Glory!! Anna Kpikpi

From Isaac John Kpikpi

Waidi Waidi was a good man. He was one of my favourite cousins. He was a good servant of God and was a very, very, very good church planter. To Waidi, love I.J. Xxx

Tributes from City of God Church From the Eldership Team of City of God Church I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow ~ 20 ~

me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honour the one who serves me. John 12:24-26 We find consolation in the words of our Lord but Waidi, we would rather have you here with us, for a little longer at least, if we had our way. You truly were a good seed. God really put so much into one seed when he formed you. Your passion for God and his Kingdom was boundless. Your hospitality was unmatchable. Your love for the poor and your compassion towards those in crisis was something that came naturally to you. You served the church wholeheartedly, faithfully bringing truth to God‟s people. At our elders‟ meetings you were always slow to speak but your contributions were always full of wisdom. We will miss your great sense of humour, the little dinners you invited us to, your passionate preaching and your godly counsel. All said and done, we believe that yours was a successful life. You lived for God and for his Kingdom. You multiplied your gift as an evangelist many times over in the New Creation Team and you allowed the Lord to use you in building his church. You spent your energy and your time on that which lasts forever. Yes, we mourn. Yes, we grieve. Yes, we feel the pain and the loss. But through it all, deep down, we rejoice in the truth that yours was a life well-lived and that you have gone to be with our Lord. From Sam Akrasi You were a real blessing to me. Thanks for sharing everything you had. From Gabriel Agbenyegah “A man may live many days and every day brings something different, therefore, call no man great until he dies greatly”. These were the words of the Greek philosopher Solon. The greatest thing a person can achieve in life is eternal life. “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3. In this way we will call Waidi a great man because he died having a relationship with Jesus and

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God the Father. Indeed, Waidi ~ one of God‟s army generals who invariably expanded the kingdom by preaching the gospel ~ died greatly. Waidi, I am experiencing genuine sorrow but it is mixed with joy that you‟ve gone to be with the Lord. I console myself with these words: “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15 From Isaac Villars “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-- and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:78. These verses describe Waidi. I first met Waidi eight years ago when he visited City Of God Church having completed his secondary school education. I was rehearsing an evangelistic play with some of the young people in the church and offered Waidi a part which he shyly accepted. Little did I know that the part offered him typified the call of God on his life. Having given his life to Christ he quickly rose to be an elder in the church. Over the years my friendship with Waidi grew and developed. We ate, prayed and relaxed together. We shared the gospel together at times .Our friendship deepened the more when I moved in to stay at Hope House under the stewardship of Waidi as landlord. He played this role in such a godly manner. At times Hope House would be filled with a sweet aroma as he prepared his impeccable "red red" or groundnut soup which he would invite all the guys in the house to share with him. Waidi‟s life exemplified that of a true leader. His passion for the lost is worthy of emulation. I will always remember the way he worshipped God. "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments but what is woven into the lives of others". Till we meet again, Waidi, rest in perfect peace.

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From Kafui and Vanessa Tetteh Sweet, gentle, Waidi! We will always remember you for your thoughtfulness, generosity and encouragement to our family. As an ardent 'praiser', you were such a great support for the New Streams project, and we are ever grateful that you were able to play a key role in the recording. Your passion for the lost was - and still is - inspirational. It was always heart-warming to hear about your plans for the New Creation Team, or to hear about what God was doing in Asesewa. Your earthly life was exemplary. When we think of you, we think of this chorus: I'm going for the harvest, to save the lost I'm going for the harvest, to heal the sick I'm going for the harvest, delivering captives I'm satisfied with my Father's business By spreading His Gospel light. You were so satisfied with your Father‟s business! May he reward you abundantly. See you in Heaven, Kafui and Vanessa. From Mensah Seneadza Waidi and I have been friends and brothers for the past ten years. We‟ve shared a lot of things together- homes, mothers, food, dreams, cares and worries ~ and more. He was an excellent dance mate during Sunday morning celebrations. He always gave me great counsel and support in times of need. Waidi‟s greatest passion, besides evangelism and advancing the Kingdom, was to see his mum and younger brother happy. He was genuinely concerned about their well-being and always trusted God to care for them. Waidi will be most remembered in my heart for his integrity, passion for Christ and total selflessness. He lived out the Gospel and was totally passionate about winning others. ~ 23 ~

He totally lived out Paul‟s words in Philippians 1: 21: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Waidi, I know that you are safe in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ. I will mourn the loss of a great friend and brother, but will celebrate your good works. You will always be a star in our hearts. From Emmanuel Kowblah When I first came to City of God Church Waidi befriended me and encouraged me to share anything that was bothering me. He was always very generous to me and to others as well.. Whenever I visited him he would ask, “Emma, have you eaten? Do you want something to drink?” He often gave me clothes. Waidi discipled me. He taught me on the City Discipleship Course and when I had been through the course he sat me down and taught me how to teach other new believers too. I enjoyed doing it. Even though I knew I was far from perfect he made me feel I could do it. “Why not, Emma?” he would ask me. Waidi encouraged me to do evangelism. At first I did not want to because I felt I was not fluent enough in the English language. I was not eloquent and I was shy. Waidi took time to break through all these barriers. Now, just like him, I have developed a strong passion for evangelism. I have been to many places with him to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I traveled with him I learnt new things from him all the time. When Waidi formed the New Creation Team, he encouraged me to join it. He trained and taught us and then the team began to move out, doing crusades within and outside Accra with amazing results. Being in his team I learnt how to be disciplined and how to pray unceasingly. I thank God for Waidi‟s life. He fought the good fight of faith. He accomplished his God-given tasks on earth. Now we must stay focused in order to complete our tasks. We feel sorrowful but we know that Waidi has gone to a better place in heaven. The New Creation Team will not stop. We are going to move forward. From Maurice Ledi Waidi was my discipler and he helped me get started on my carpentry course. He gave me advice when I made mistakes and taught me when I didn‟t understand something in the Bible. When I was short of money, ~ 24 ~

Waidi would provide for me and if I went to him with a problem he would really try to solve it for me. He was so kind and lovely and he did so much for me. May he rest in peace. From John Nwachukum Waidi was my discipler. When the Iroco tree falls, all the birds are very sad because they lodge on it. Just as we are sad today, brother Waidi. You were my discipler and I will never forget you because I fell into a pit and you brought me out. When I was hungry, you fed me. It is God who called Waidi and I am sure that it is a great day in heaven. Good bye for now until the time we will meet again. From Joe Amankwa Waidi, I want to say thank you for all your love and care for me. Thank you for your advice and teaching. Thank you for your concern about my life. I think we should all do something… we should all do unto others as you did unto us. Waidi, may your soul rest in peace. From Musa Idriss A great person of the faith; a hero in God‟s kingdom; someone who could justifiably have said, like Paul, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” because he went all out for Christ; a man who went through joy and pain to see cells and churches established has just fallen asleep. Many may have other names for him but I choose to call him a hero. My heart cries out as I realise that we‟ve lost such a great person, one who was very caring and loving in every way. But I know that even though Waidi‟s body has faded his spirit is rejoicing with Christ in heaven. This great seed has fallen and died and out of him will come a great tree of evangelists and church planters. From Isaac Yaw Kumah A great hero of God‟s Kingdom has fallen asleep. A great evangelist has left us. A hero who will never be forgotten. A hero who had the fire of God in his heart to see every unreached people group hear the gospel.

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Waidi, I love you and, together with the New Creation Team, we will keep the fire burning and reach out to many with Christ. We will join your fight to depopulate hell and populate heaven. “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Timothy 1:17 From Abas Idriss As a pastor, you always set us a good example in everything you did. As an evangelist, you had a great passion to share the gospel everywhere which led to the birth of the New Creation Team. As a teacher, you always taught us boldly from the Bible and also lived like the Apostle Paul in the Bible. As a brother to all you, had a good and kind heart towards all who need your help in any way. As a friend to all, you would always share what you had even when it was not enough. Waidi, we shall meet again. This is one of the things you taught us from the Bible. From Theresa Tutu We, the New Creation Team, have all lost a hero. Waidi was a shepherd to all of us on the team ~ always ready to help, advise and teach us. His heart was for the Lord and his „food‟ for us was the „what, where, how, when and who to‟ of the gospel. Our friend, brother and shepherd, what you have given to us we will do our best to pass on. Sound sleep till we meet again. From Daniel Nyatepe I watched a video with Waidi of a song entitled „In Christ Alone‟. I feel the words of this song speak volumes to me at the present time and I would like to share them with all: In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song This cornerstone, this solid ground ~ 26 ~

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm No guilt in life, nor fear in death This is the power of Christ in me From life‟s first cry to final breath Jesus commands my destiny No power of hell, no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from his hand Till he returns or calls me home Here in the power of Christ I‟ll stand.

Tributes from Newfrontiers churches in Ghana From Michael Akotia City of Grace Church, Ho

Waidi Allawoe ~ a man who believed and served God “The heart has its own reason that Reason knows nothing of.” Pascal.


Waidi, God the creator and sustainer of all things has his reason and it pleases him to call you to glory at this time. I have known and worked with Waidi, a fellow servant in Jesus‟ Kingdom, for a long time and have admired his passion and zeal for Jesus. At the slightest opportunity, he would talk about Jesus to people and speak the peace of Jesus into situations that were difficult, thereby advancing the Kingdom of Jesus. He lived his life expressing the will of Jesus. Looking back now I can say that his life was a fragrant offering and a sacrifice of praise to Jesus. I was always challenged by Waidi‟s devotion to Jesus. It was a constant reminder to me that my life had come under a new and graceful government of Jesus. I was always confident of his ability to bring the presence of God to any place he went so I often tried to have him around me to bring him into situations that required the urgent counsel of God. ~ 27 ~

I was looking forward to seeing God use him to break more barriers and so extend the frontier of Jesus in our community and beyond. I will always remember how he received instructions from his leaders without complaining, his love for truth, his exuberant praise and worship of Jesus and his sound judgement, how he saw things only from Jesus‟ point of view. Waidi, but for my intervention, would have stopped a large procession of Catholics on the street of Tafi Mador in the Volta region, who were carrying a huge cross of Jesus Christ on an Easter Friday, to tell them to stop wasting time and that Jesus was no longer on that cross and that he had risen and is now ruling the world. I could only sustain a conversation with Waidi for more than twenty minutes if the subject for discussion was Jesus and his church. If there were anything else Waidi could have done to speed up the coming of the Kingdom of God, he would have done it. For Waidi, success in life was to know Jesus and serve him ~ absolutely nothing could make him surrender his faith in Jesus. He believed that Jesus is faithful in keeping his promises so he never gave up doing again and again things in which he had suffered temporary failures. My friends and I in the City Grace Church and City of Hope church will miss you. We were hoping that you would visit us sometime this year but God had better plans for you, till we meet you on the other side with the Church Triumphant, rest in peace Waidi. From Rita Kwame City of Grace Church, Ho

„Waidi‟ ~ a book, the Good Book Waidi ~ a book displayed on the shelf. I was attracted and quickly scanned through the contents. The sheets revealed various themes - education, entertainment, social life, challenges…. As an independent reader, I agreed with some of the things I read and was indifferent to or disagreed with others. Then…an amazing discovery ~ the Good Book! ~ that perfected the contents of the former book. There was now nothing to disagree with in ~ 28 ~

the book which was Waidi. This was a Spirit-filled package with no streak of timidity. This was indeed a new edition that treated the Gospel of God as its major theology with sub-themes like the New Creation Team, evangelism, church-planting and faith among others. These truths were so impacting, infectious and gripping that one could hardly part with this New Book. Any weaknesses in the book were insignificant as they were constantly being reviewed and therefore no room was left for criticism. Waidi, though we bury your body, your book will go on and continue to reproduce good fruit. I have personally learnt one big truth about your life Waidi, and it is this: winning lost souls is the best treasure one can possibly accrue here on earth because its imperishable and the most pleasing thing to God our Father. Though crushed by the temporal separation I feel stronger as I remember these words: “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. O LORD, truly I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of your maidservant; you have freed me from my chains.” Psalm 116:15-16 Thank you, Waidi, for a life well lived. From Hartmut Foli City on a Hill Church, Asesewa On the 4th November, 2006 Waidi left his work in City of God Church and New Nation School to pastor City On a Hill Church in Asesewa full-time. I left Accra with him to assist him. It was a privilege to be in the school of God with Waidi. It was a wonderful time and I learnt a lot from him in the months that we stayed together. His leadership was characterised by a humble heart for God and his people. I remember his humility in serving. He was ready to give at all times not thinking about how much it would cost him. I will also always remember his preaching and teaching of the word and his example. What a privilege and a joy to have had him as my pastor and friend. Who can replace him? But I believe God is preparing another Waidi. What pain. What loss. But, to repeat myself, I believe God is raising and preparing more Waidis. ~ 29 ~

Waidi transformed my personal life not only spiritually but physically. But my hope is not gone because I know with all my heart that he has gone to a better place. He has gone to be with the heavenly father. As Paul said: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21 Waidi has fought the good fight. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

Tributes from Newfrontiers churches in West Africa From Sam and Lovette Amara Abundant Grace Church, Lagos, Nigeria Dear Waidi, I can scarcely believe that you have left us. I write with a heavy heart and tears streaming down my cheeks, wondering at the mystery of death. I am tempted to ask God questions but who am I? Can the pot ask the potter what he is doing? I remember that he is allknowing and great is his love and faithfulness and so I relax and my emotion melts before our great Saviour and Lord who conquered death and made a way for us to enter eternal Glory. Waidi, you were a brother, a friend and co-labourer. Your passion for the lost was unwavering. You were a rising star. You shone wherever you went. Your brief visit to Lagos kindled a fire for evangelism amongst us. We love you. We are missing you. Goodnight. We shall meet on Resurrection Day. From Prince and Charlotte Avornyo Cite de les Rois, Cotonou, Benin I first met Waidi ten years ago. We became very good friends and did many things together. We prayed, studied the word of God, travelled and ate together. On many occasions we slept on the same bed. He has been a great source of inspiration and encouragement to us. He was a friend and a brother to us. Waidi‟s passion for the gospel and to see the kingdom of God advanced in the earth was exemplary. It is this enthusiasm for God and His work that took him to Asesewa before his unexpected illness and death. He ~ 30 ~

made a huge positive impact on our lives as a family of churches. His work and service in the churches will forever be remembered. Waidi, we will miss you but you have gone to be with the Lord which is far a better place as the scriptures say. May your soul rest in peace. From Abiodun and Watchen Babalola Living Hope Missions Church, Monrovia, Liberia

Waidi, you are a child of God. You belong to our father‟s household. I hear death say, “I have gotten rid of one of you.” But almost immediately, I hear our Father saying, “I have conquered death through your brother Jesus. Death does not take my children from me. I have just called one of my children home, to rest. Please, do not grieve like those who do not belong to me. Rather, celebrate the conquest wrought through one of my sons, Waidi.” We love you, Waidi, and until we meet again in our glorious home, on behalf of our Father‟s household, we say rest in the warm and loving embrace of our Daddy. From our Father‟s Heart: Waidi, Death says, “Dead” Our Father says, “Rest” Death says, “It was sickness unto death” Our Father says, “It is victory unto Glory” Death says, “Hell” Our Father says, “Heaven” Death says, “I got him” Our Father says, “I receive him” Death says, “Defeat” Our Father says, “Victory. Hallelujah!” Death says, “You have lost” Our Father says, “We have won” Death says, “I hate him” Our Father says, “I love him” ~ 31 ~

Death says, “Weep” Our Father says, “Celebrate!!” Death says, “A dangerous blow” Our Father says, “A pat on the back” Death says, “It is a curse” Our Father says, “It is a blessing” Death says, “Failure” Our Father says, “Success” Death says, “Waidi‟s ministry is finished” Our Father says, “His ministry has just started. You have not seen anything yet. Praise Jesus!!” From Sewa and Tanty Segbe Cite de la Gloire, Lome, Togo Waidi was a man of prayer and a hero of faith. We‟ll miss him for the mean time but we‟ll see him one day in our glorious Father‟s home. From Momoh Sesay and the Leadership team New England Church, Freetown,



We came to know Waidi when he came with John to Freetown, en route to Guinea to attend the ‘Joy in the City’ conference there last year. Waidi was a friendly brother, a man who had a special passion for lost souls. He was prepared to give himself for anything that had to do with evangelism. It was for this reason that he longed to come back to Sierra Leone to help train our evangelism team. Although very sick during the last Power Camp Conference, he asked me, "Are you now prepared to receive me in Freetown?" We really regret the home calling of Waidi at this time and it is with great grief and sorrow that we send our condolences to the bereaved family. We believe that he is in the safe hands of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This is the confidence that we have: that those who die in Christ are not dead but are merely asleep. Lie on, Brother, and wait for the glorious coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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Tributes from Newfrontiers churches world-wide From Terry and Wendy Virgo Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK Although Wendy and I never had the opportunity to develop a friendship with Waidi we were very aware of how highly he was loved and esteemed by John and all the church. He will be sadly missed but is one whose living faith in Christ and full commitment to Christ‟s kingdom made it very clear that he has been received into the Lord‟s presence with joy and celebration. May the Lord be praised for giving us victory over death. We are thinking of you especially at this time. Love Wendy and Terry From Nigel Ring Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK Sadly, I hardly knew Waidi. However, the brief contact I did have with him and his reputation both show me that I am the worse off for not having known him well. I did have some time with him during his last few weeks together with the church elders and was impressed by his faith and peace. He surely knew where he was going if God did not raise him up. What rejoicing there must now be in Heaven! Such a loss leaves a large hole in the ministry of City of God Church and the Ghanaian family of churches. But when a seed falls into the ground it grows to produce an abundant harvest. May this prove true of His Special Seed! From John and Sue Hosier Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK Sue and I have known Waidi since he was in his late teens and always saw him as a wonderfully zealous and godly young man. We remember his great passion for the Lord Jesus followed by his passion for the local church. We remember his warm smile and his friendly and welcoming manner. We were not surprised that he was involved in helping to plant and lead a new church and really felt that he would have a great future serving the purposes of God in his generation. He was a tremendous ~ 33 ~

credit to his Mum and also to the wider family. With so many others we are very deeply saddened by his early death and will always remember him as an inspiring example of how a young man can live for Christ. Waidi was a friend of Jesus and he now lives right alongside the Lord. It was such a privilege to have known him. From Steve and Rosey Walford Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK So sorry to hear the sad news of Waidi but we rejoice greatly that he is now better by far. From David and Scilla Devenish Woodside Church, Bedford, UK “We were very impressed with Waidi’s passion for Jesus and His gospel. Waidi’s faith and his actions revealed genuine fire for the Lord combined with a sense of the tenderness of God’s grace at work within him.”

From George Bartley Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK I pray the loss of Waidi will draw people together in a new way and the work that he started will be carried on by others and lead to a great harvest. From Ian Galloway City Church, Newcastle, UK May there be a harvest from his death as well as from his life From Paul & the church in Bangalore, India His life and his efforts for God‟s Kingdom will always be remembered. We are challenged by such people‟s lives. From Chris and Margaret Chilvers Bridge Church, Wilton, USA “Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore…” John 21:4 May Waidi‟s testimony be the means of bringing very many to the Lord and give all who are with you, an even stronger testimony to the ~ 34 ~

Kingdom. It is not in vain, the seed has fallen into the ground, but many others sown in weakness, it is raised in honour and will result in changes lives as yet unseen. From John and Jasmine Hammond Southside Church, Bedford, UK Waidi will always be someone special in our hearts. His quiet gentle way expressed a real compassion and love for people. His love and zeal for the Lord came through whenever and wherever he witnessed. It has been a privilege working with Waidi and seeing God use him powerfully over many years. Waidi will always be „Greatly Loved and Greatly Missed‟. From Onno Weststrate Elim Church, The Netherlands I remember Waidi as a great man of God; a person who, just by looking at him, you could tell that he lived close to God; a passionate preacher who had one goal ~ to bring people to Christ. I will miss his warm handshake, his smile and his friendliness. It is good to know that he now is in a much better place. From Emmanuel Chanda and the leadership team Grace Church, Table Bay, Cape Town, South Africa It is with deep regret that we hear of the passing away of brother Waidi. We know our friend and brother is with the Lord. From Greg and Angela Kemm, Jubilee Community Church, Cape Town, South Africa

A tribute to Waidi ~ a man of encouragement It is with a deep sense of privilege and respect that we pay tribute to an excellent young man who did all he could to walk in the ways of God and advance the Kingdom in whichever way he believed was necessary. I first met Waidi in 2001 when Simon Pettit, Emmanuel Chanda and I came to Accra for a few days before going to Sierra Leone. Each year, on returning to Ghana, it was with great joy that Waidi would come to greet me and then Greg when he came with me, and made us feel so welcome and at home. He was a man of quiet dignity and strength of character which one could sense immediately. He made us both feel as ~ 35 ~

though we were very special and had a way of encouraging us that made us want to return to Ghana year after year. We were so chuffed when we heard that he was stepping into eldership as he was so obviously a leader in God‟s house. And then when we heard that he was pioneering a church plant in regions beyond Accra, we marvelled at the boldness the Lord had given him and the wonderful anointing to see immediate success. We will miss seeing him when we return to Ghana again but we know that he has served the purposes of God in his generation. Thank you Lord that we could be friends with Waidi. From Dave and Herma Adams Jubilee Community Church, Cape Town, South Africa We remember Waidi from our visit to Accra in early 2005. What an excellent young man. From Dave Turner On behalf of Rugeley Community Church, UK We are deeply sorrowful for the passing of our brother Waidi, a fellow worker with us in God‟s harvest field. While we did not know him personally we have heard of his love for our Lord Jesus and his service for God and have prayed for him over the last months. When those with whom we serve pass on to be with the Lord we feel touched by sadness yet also full of hope, knowing that they have entered into the glorious presence of the God whom they loved. No work done for the Lord will go unrewarded, no seed sown will fail to bring a harvest of glory to God. Our tribute to Waidi, our brother in Christ, our fellow labourer in God‟s harvest now passed on to be with his Lord and ours: “Well done, your labours of faith have become well known…you became an example to all the believers…For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything.” 1 Thessalonians 1:7 (adapted). We will continue the work until we are called home. Maranatha!

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From Michael Preston Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK In the five months I stayed with Waidi I came to know and respect him. The way he treated people and served them was amazing. This servanthood could be seen both from the platform when he was preaching and at home when new guests arrived and needed welcoming. He was a great friend to me in my time out in Ghana and represented to me a example of what a man looks like when he is on fire for God. From John Ford King’s Church, Kingston, UK Two words come to mind as I think about my friend Waidi - passion and evangelist. When I came to Ghana in 2001, I remember doing door-to-door evangelism and street work with him in Ho. I partnered him for an afternoon and I saw him lead several people to Christ. It was no surprise to me that he was involved in pioneering a church plant in a remote area of Ghana, because that was his passion and his gifting. He will be greatly missed. During my short time in Ghana I was stirred by his fervour, passion and urgency to tell people about this wonderful God. I will miss him. From Bill and Margaret Fradin Southside Church, Bedford, UK We will remember Waidi as such a gentle, yet such a committed, young man, whose life seems to us, to have been cut so short, by our human standards. May his living, and his dying, so shine out that many will be challenged to follow his example and continue the work of building the Lord's church in Ghana and beyond. From Stephen and Anna van Rhyn and all at Jubilee Community Church, Cape Town, South Africa It was with great sadness that we heard the sad news of Waidi's passing on Sunday night. Our thoughts and hearts went out to all our brothers and sisters in Ghana. We prayed for you in our evening meeting on Sunday night and will continue to hold you up in prayer. As a ~ 37 ~

congregation we know the pain of losing a significant leader in an unexpected way. May God be with you in a mighty way during this season of grieving. From Phil and Liz Dowling New Life Church, Rushden, UK We had the privilege of getting to know Waidi both in Ghana, and in the UK. We found him to be the same in both contexts. He was sincere, friendly, enthusiastic, fun, hard-working. All this flowed from his passionate commitment to seeing the growth of the church and the extension of the Kingdom of God. The grace of God had taken hold of him and changed his life. He allowed God‟s grace, love and power to work through him to see many other lifes changed. If we had to use one word to describe Waidi it would be „passion‟. We will miss him. From Ian and Rose McDonald Fleet Family Church, Hampshire, UK While we grieve that we shall not see Waidi again until we join him in heaven, we rejoice at his life and service, his great love for his Saviour and for the church and his passion to take the gospel to new people groups. Our abiding memory will be seeing him praising God so extravagantly and so energetically in the church, and our comfort is in knowing he is doing exactly the same right now in the presence of his King. Well done good and faithful servant! From Sam and Marlene Poe Newfrontiers, USA For Waidi this is a 'home going' and he rejoices in the very presence of God. One day we will join him and a host of others there with great celebration. From Ben Kyte Church of Christ the King, Brighton, UK When I came to City of God Church on a Life Change Team in 2004, Waidi was the person who most befriended me. My happiest memories of Ghana are tied up with him in some way or other. I will treasure ~ 38 ~

thoughts of him leading his cell group in times of joyful praise and worship; I will remember his zeal for God and smile. When I am raised from the dead and living in the presence of the glory of our Saviour, he will be one of the first people I shall look forward to seeing. Until then I shall remember him fondly as a great man of God and a great friend. From Jeremy and Darlene Cons, Cape Town, South Africa Having only met Waidi on a couple of occasions when we have been in Accra we did not know him well. However, the times we spoke with him and watched him will always live with us. Our main memories are of him dancing before the Lord. He danced with such abandonment and adoration of His Saviour. We have never seen a man dance before the Lord with the same passion and exuberance that Waidi did. The memory will always live with us. His life was one that was laid down for Jesus. It appeared from the little we saw of him that it was an uncompromising walk with God. He modelled something that we think Jesus would want of all of us. We are sure that Waidi is dancing before our amazing Saviour and enjoying the freedom of no restrictions of a tired body or time! We are grateful to God that He gave us the opportunity to meet Waidi. From Robin and Diana Gwynn Surrey, UK When we think of Waidi we will always remember a person devoted 110% to his Saviour, with his faith uncompromisingly right at the centre of his life. It was a privilege to know him, and I'm sure his memory will remain an inspiration to many. In that context, his life and passing seem to echo Psalm 73: 23-26: “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterwards you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.”

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In thinking of Waidi passing to a better place, free from the suffering he must have endured these past months, I was also reminded of Matt Redman's beautiful song which you may know: "Welcomed in to the courts of the King I've been ushered in to Your presence Lord I stand on Your merciful ground Yet with every step tread with reverence There is none in the heavens like You And upon the earth, who's Your equal? You're far above, You're the highest of heights I am bowing down to exalt You And I'll fall facedown As your glory shines around Yes, I'll fall facedown As your glory shines around Let Your glory shine around King of glory, here be found." As with Simon Pettit, it seems that Waidi's death was so untimely when there was so much more he could surely have gone on to do, especially through the work at Asesewa. But equally we know that cannot be true in God's perspective, and that Waidi ~ like Simon before him ~ will have achieved the ultimate accolade in heaven of running the race set before him in the perfect masterplan. What a loss though for Dorothy and all of Waidi's natural and church family to bear. We pray you will be deeply comforted at this time, knowing that he has gone ahead to a better place where we will all meet again. We also pray that many more like Waidi will be raised up to support you and take on the work which God is opening up for you all around. From Catherine Aitken Cheltenham, UK Our dear Elder and friend Waidi,will be greatly missed by friends all over the world. I thank God for the love he showed Anita and I during our stay in Ghana and the continued friendship we shared when we ~ 40 ~

came back home. We will miss his gentle sprit, sense of humour and listening ear. I thank God for the example he gave us, always thinking of others, for his zeal for God and sharing the Good News. From Richard and Aliy Brown City Church, Newcastle, UK We will always remember Waidi as a friend, brother and amazing witness of Jesus' love and compassion. Waidi always made us feel so welcome and loved, he helped us when we first arrived in Ghana and showed us lots of the places we came to love and enjoy. We remember fondly the time he took us to visit the university at Legon and when he asked us to teach him to swim. We laughed together so many times, it is now sad to think we won't be able to do that again. His love for English strawberries, and his delight at receiving a tin from a lady in our church who had heard how much he loved them always brings a smile to our faces. But Waidi was much more than a lovely friend, he was an inspiration, a thought-provoking teacher and preacher who believed Jesus was the answer to all and for all. He will remain a constant reminder to us of the importance of sharing Christ with all you meet. We learnt much from him, and remember the times he led us on evangelism with such grace and joy. His death is a great loss to all those who knew and loved him so very dearly. But today he will be dancing in heaven as only Waidi can and praising Jesus with the men and women of God who have gone before him. Rest in peace Waidi, our loved and honoured brother in Christ.

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Waidi’s personal testimony

Turning Point I was born in the year 1979 to a Moslem man and a Christian woman. Life for me started out as a rather boring, unexciting and, in fact, bitter experience. One of the reasons why I was unhappy was the fact that I did not grow up with my parents since my father had abandoned us and left for another country. As a result I spent most of my childhood with my lovely grandparents. They were staunch Christians and introduced me to their religion which I practiced with zeal. I attended church meetings, said the “right” words, did good works before people and, in fact, won the respect and love of all who knew me, especially my relatives. To all these people I had become their delight and joy and I had a very good reputation before them. However, I had been leading another life behind their backs. I had a hidden sin of which none of them was aware. This was the sin of stealing. I was a thief and was enjoying this wicked lifestyle as long as nobody knew about it. The turning point for me began when my deeds of darkness were brought to light one day. Fear suddenly gripped me and a sense of guilt was heavily upon me. The incident came as a shock to my admirers and they bowed their heads in shame. I remember one of them asked me from where I had learnt this disgraceful habit. I could not give him an answer at that time because I did not have one. But now I think I have an answer: I had inherited this life of sin from Adam and up until that time nothing had been done about it. I had been stealing because I was a sinner (Romans 5:12-14). No amount of the religion I had been practicing would have been potent enough to set me free. I did not have the answer to my problem of sin. I had to admit that. Who then had the answer to my problem of sin? The truth was that Jesus Christ alone had this answer that I so badly needed. I needed to hear the powerful, life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. I eventually heard this ~ 42 ~

„good news‟ which was that the Lord Jesus Christ died for my sins once for all. He was righteous (without any sin) but died for me, the unrighteous (full of sin) in order to bring me to God (1 Peter 3:18). I also had explained to me the need for a living relationship with Jesus Christ. It is only with this relationship that we can be sure of escaping the coming wrath of God. I did not have this relationship though I had lots of religion, knew all the Christian jargon and was abounding in „dead works‟. All these, I later discovered, did not save ~ only faith in the Lord Jesus Christ does. I had to put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved and brought into this living and eternal relationship with God the Father. I did this by confessing my sins and making a declaration of faith in a prayer like this: “Lord God, I know I am a sinner and I want to turn away from my sin and be forgiven and have my guilt removed from within me. I know that I am in need of your forgiveness because without that I cannot enter into Heaven. I declare to you today that I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe He is your son and that he died on the cross for me. I believe that you are calling me and I know that it is time to respond. Lord I give myself unreservedly to you. I will follow you. I will serve you for the rest of my life. Amen”. In Romans 10:9 we are told that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead we will be saved. I did this. Praise God I have been saved, born again and I have received eternal life, which means I will live forever with Christ!

If you would like any further help, please contact any of the pastors of City of God Church Tel: 021 511126 E-mail : [email protected]

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A message written by Waidi about salvation in Jesus Christ Jesus meets your need God sees every person as having a need. For all have sinned and become unclean. “As it is written: "There is no-one righteous, not even one; there is no-one who understands, no-one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no-one who does good, not even one." Romans 3:10-12 In fact, friends, this is the situation of every person. We have been doing a lot about our situation, thinking that we could satisfy our need. In our desperation to satisfy our need we have embraced all sorts of things including embracing different forms of religious belief systems, believing in some names, following some teachings of life. All of these ways seem right to us but the end surely leads to death because they are not God‟s ways. We also observe some laws thinking that by them we can be justified (made right with God) but Galatians 2:16a tells us that: “..a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ…” God knows your need to be put right with him and he knows you can not meet this need yourself. He is aware of your helplessness and hopelessness and has made a wonderful provision for your need. .. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 Jesus died for our sins. He took our place and our punishment on the cross. When he died on the cross, he took our condemnation and our guilt. Jesus indeed met our need by suffering and dying as our substitute. He provided the righteousness that God can credit to your account. He also made reconciliation possible between God and sinners (1 John 2:1-2)

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You as an individual can receive the righteousness of Jesus Christ right now. Romans 10:9-10 tells us “That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Salvation, which is man‟s most important need from God‟s point of view, is found in no one else except in Jesus Christ. “Salvation is found in no-one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12 Man‟s need is not happiness, as we sometimes think, but rather forgiveness from God. You can now come to Jesus in order to receive the gift of forgiveness of sin and escape the coming wrath of God. Pray this prayer to Jesus. Lord, I accept that I am a sinner and deserve death. I know that I cannot save myself but believe that you died in order to save me. I accept this truth today. I accept your finished work on the cross as a perfect sacrifice. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Lord, please give me your gift of salvation. I accept your righteousness today. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me, Amen. I thank God for your decision to follow Jesus Christ. I want you to know that God loves you and does not condemn you any longer. You can now join the family of Jesus Christ, which is the church, and be taught how to live this new life you have received. You are welcome to City of God Church this and every Sunday.

If you would like any further help, please contact any of the pastors of City of God Church. Tel: 021 511126 E-mail : [email protected]

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