Wachter Digital Storytelling Project

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,032
  • Pages: 10
Wachter 1

Advanced Project Component Overview • Building a plan for doing the project with your students (specifying features that describe your targeted students) (e.g., a unit plan, an instructional sequence, and/or relevant lesson plan(s)). See Unit Timeline below • Building a student work sample that is relevant to your discipline/practice. See http://bookbuilder.cast.org/ For sample student (Joey Calzone) story login using the following information: Username: smileyjoe12 Password: abernfitch1 **Will say Welcome Amanda Wachter** Click on the Create and Edit Books tab Click on the Read tab along the right hand side of the page next to the story “Summer Vacation” Click the right arrow button to read through the short story I am purposefully giving you this login information because in a typical classroom situation, I wouldn’t want just anyone looking at my students’ work. This information needs to be kept secure and not shared unless specified by the student. Ideally, all students will be assigned a login and password by the teacher. This approach will help the teacher login in and view each student’s work without trouble. • Delineating the elements (tools, applications, sub-products, etc.) of your student work sample. Internet Applications: • CAST UDL Book Builder http://bookbuilder.cast.org/ • Microsoft Office Online: Clipart http://office.microsoft.com/enus/clipart/FX101321031033.aspx?pid=CL100570201033 • PacDV Free Sound Effects http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/index.html Unit Tools: -Assistance • Student Informational Guide for Making a Digital Story (based on CAST UDL Book Builder) • Tutorial Session on Microsoft Online Office: Clipart site • Tutorial Session on PacDV Free Sound Effects site • Group Meetings in Class ( seek help from teacher(s) and peers) • Rubric Review on Day 2 (students will know what is expected of their outcome) -Assessment • Digital Story Rubric

Wachter 2 • Informal Assessment Checklist • Describing your assessment plan (including tools that you would use). Two assessment components will be used for this unit. The Informal Assessment Checklist will be shown and explained on Day 2 to the students. A copy of the Digital Story Rubric will be given to the students and reviewed with them on Day 2 as well. Students will see that the assessment pieces connect to each other. Students’ checklist score will be factored in to the grade they receive on the final rubric at the end of the unit. The students will be required to hand in TWO hard copy rubrics on the final day of the unit. One rubric will be blank for the teacher to fill in. The other rubric will be completed in full by the student. The students will need to grade themselves before the teacher grades them. The Unit Timeline will be given to the students on Day 1 of the unit. The timeline states what days assessment will occur. This is located along the right hand side of the timeline. Students should not be surprised when assessments occur. All unit information will be given to the students within the first few days of the unit. The Date column is left blank to accommodate a flexible schedule for the students and teacher(s) (days off from school, state testing, school assemblies, and individual student cases: sickness, slow down pace for special needs students, etc.). This particular digital story unit is only worth 30 points. Since students will be writing about their summer vacations, the unit will be done at the beginning of the school year. This type of computer based project may be completely new to some if not most of the students. I want this first digital story attempt to be a “tester” and not worth a great deal of points to reduce student anxiety. A second attempt during the remainder of the school year will be worth more points. • Delineating the universal design/accessibility/differentiation features of your plan and story format (e.g., in terms of readiness, learning profile, interest). The digital story software that I chose to use is based on UDL; Universal Design for Learning. Before selecting this technology outlet, I viewed the tab “Learn About Universal Design for Learning (UDL) located on the site’s home page. The site provided videos describing their views for addressing learners of diverse needs, interests, and skills. This is a great site to use when working with students of multiple academic levels and intelligences. The features of the CAST UDL Book Builder site accommodate the learner’s needs. The options that students have while building their stories are endless. These options are highlighted in the Student Informational Guide for Making a Digital Story. The digital story building process on this site is definitely student driven. • Delineating teacher skills/toolbox needs. The following teacher skills will be needed: -Extreme familiarity with CAST UDL Book Builder site -Extreme familiarity with Microsoft Office Online site -Extreme familiarity with PacDV Free Sound Effects site -Familiarity with portable applications for handicapped students if needed (Portable Magnifying Glass for visually impaired students; IntelliKeys Alternate

Wachter 3 Keyboard for visually handicapped students; Adaptive Switch Interface for students with disabilities) -Familiarity with presenting information in the school computer lab (Presentation Mode which takes control over all computer screens) • Expanding your technology tool use. • As relevant, providing a rationale to amend the district’s Acceptable Use Plan/school rules to accommodate the planned technology use. Before contacting students and their families, the teacher will meet with the school principal to explain the project and get the “go ahead” for the project. Once the principal is on the same page as the teacher, then the student families will be notified. Students will be given a newsletter/permission slip before school starts. This letter will explain the unit’s goals and all components to parents/guardians. The parents/guardians will need to sign off stating their approval of their child’s access to the internet sites discussed in the letter.

Assignment Expectations 1. Complete and compile the materials relevant to your project choice (see later subsections), publishing your work to the course Wiki. Done 2. Respond to the Superintendent’s/Principal’s following requests, publishing your response as an electronic paper document to the course Wiki, as well as saving this response as a bookmarked PDF file that is submitted to the course’s Box site. Done a. Describe how you and/or another teacher might use your EDU 528 Advanced Project in the classroom. Describe the project (by giving an abstract of it); indicate the age/grade range of the students who will use it, and include information on each of the following topics, using no less than 100 words for each, and citing sources for your thinking: Grade: 5th • The goal of the project (e.g., What specific content are students supposed to learn?) The goal of this digital story unit is to familiarize students with telling a story through the use of technology instead of the traditional Word document or pencil/paper method. The students are to specifically learn how to navigate through the CAST UDL Book Builder site to create a story about their summer vacation (real or fictional version accepted). In addition to navigating CAST UDL Book Builder, students will need to learn how to upload images and audio from two additional sites. The biggest goal that I’d like my students to master is transporting all components of a story into a technological version. By this I mean students will need to be mindful of and include evidence of the following in their digital story: -Story structure (clear beginning, middle, and end)

Wachter 4 -Character and setting development - Correct grammar and punctuation -Include a morale or lesson to be learned (optional) -Questions for the reader to analyze as they read the story • The teacher's role The teacher’s role in this project is both “manager-like” and facilitative. The unit would be a disaster if the teacher didn’t keep the unit on track running in an organized manner. The teacher’s role is to explain all unit components (rubric, timeline, assessment explanation, etc.) to the students at the beginning of the unit to ensure student full understanding. In addition, the teacher will host multiple tutorials to help the students learn how to maneuver through all three internet sites pertaining to the project. The teacher will show students how to create files and folders to keep their unit information organized. On Day 6 of the second week, the teacher will hold a discussion with the students about how they thought the project went. The teacher will ask “What worked? What didn’t work? What internet applications should we keep, discard, or add to our next project? Did you feel nervous/stressed at all during the project? If so, why?” The teacher will facilitate students as they work in the computer lab after he/she gives all necessary guidance. The teacher will remain active and work with students on an individual basis. • The students' role The students’ role will require students to active participate in all the Setup/Tutorial events during Week 1. Students will need to ask questions if they don’t understand at any given point. The student will need to be mindful of all deadlines and assessment dates explained to them. It is the student’s responsibility to read over all material given to them by the teacher (especially the rubric). The student will need to take all new information learned and apply it to begin his/her story. Students should include evidence of the following in their stories: -Story structure (clear beginning, middle, and end) -Character and setting development - Correct grammar and punctuation -Include a morale or lesson to be learned (optional) -Questions for the reader to analyze as they read the story The students will also need to turn in two rubrics at the end of the unit when they finish their story. One rubric will require the student to grade themselves. • Technology's role Technology plays a huge role in making this project a success. The digital story unit includes active participation on three different websites (CAST UDL Book Builder, Microsoft Office Online, and PacDV Free Sound Effects). Technology based applications will be used to upload images and audio sound clips for student stories.

Wachter 5 A presentation using multiple computers in the computer lab will help students understand the unit goals and all unit requirements. Each student will be assigned their own computer to complete their project. Technology is present in multiple ways. • How students are grouped Students are placed in small groups at a couple different points within the unit. On Day 3 of Week 1, students will be working in heterogeneous groups to come up with story ideas, image ideas, and sound clip ideas. On Day 3 of Week 2, students will meet in the same heterogeneous groups to discuss how the project is going. Students will help each other work out issues and swap great ideas they’ve come up with. Those two instances are the only moments when students will be grouped together. Students will be mostly working on their story on an individual basis. During future digital story units, I may opt to have students write a story in pairs. • How outcomes are assessed Student outcomes are informally and formally assessed using two different documents: Informal Assessment Checklist; Digital Story Rubric. Students will be informally assessed through classroom observations (Walk and Talk, Day 3 Week 2) and monitoring of small group conversation. The teacher will assess to make sure students are on the right track with their projects and that they are working effectively in small groups. Students will be formally assessed using the rubric described to students on Day 2 of the unit. At the end of the unit, students will have to complete their own rubric for the teacher to view. This assessment is completely fair to all students because they will have the rubric to follow as they complete the unit requirements. • Range of student skills anticipated, and how this range of readiness skills will be addressed The planning of this project includes an awareness of students with multiple intelligences and abilities. As mentioned above, the teacher involved in the unit will need to familiarize themselves with additional supports to aid students who need extra accommodations. Some supports are: -Portable Magnifying Glass for visually impaired students -IntelliKeys Alternate Keyboard for visually handicapped students -Adaptive Switch Interface for students with disabilities Other supports will be provided to struggling students as well. Students with kinesthetic difficulties will be able to use a scribe (aide, teacher, etc.) so that they can speak their story instead of type it. Extra time to complete the story will be given to students who need it. • Staffing needs The unit will run smoothly with the help of additional people. The following team would help the unit run in an effective manner: -administration approval -parental consent

Wachter 6 -general education teacher -special education teacher (to help with differentiating the project requirements) -student aides -computer lab teacher b. Describe how your project illustrates your current ideas about the value of using technology for teaching and learning, in at least 100 words, citing sources for your thinking. Compile one to two paragraphs that describe each of the following, ensuring that – for each topic – your response is approximately 50 to 100 words: • Your growth related to the use of technology in the classroom (How have your ideas about using technology changed over the semester, and as you have done your Advanced Project?) I have learned so much in this technology class this semester. Prior to the class, I knew how to email and use sites based on social networking. I knew how to use programs such as Word and PowerPoint to create documents. After taking this class, I now know many more technological applications. I’ve learned that you can connect these applications and make them work effectively together. For example, I learned that you can use software like Wordle to create a word collage and then upload that visual on another internet platform (wiki, eportfolio, blog, etc.). The connections between applications are sometimes tricky to figure out but are endless in numbers. I’ve learned that technology, specifically computer use, can be adapted to meet students with varying handicaps. I was amazed and relieved to know that there are options for learners of all abilities. Through this Advanced Project, I have seen just how student centered a digital project can be. Digital storytelling is a great project to implement if you believe in making your curriculum student driven. • Your specific plans for continued growth (What will you do to continue improving, learning, growing? In other words, what is your Action Plan for your own professional development in this arena?) Even though I’ve learned quite a bit from this course, I know that there are areas that I’d like to explore to a greater extent. I would like to play around with additional digital storytelling sites. I would like to compare these to the CAST UDL Book Builder site. I would also like to find additional methods of gathering free images, clipart, and audio clips for digital storytelling projects. Another venue I would like to investigate further is a digital poster maker site; Glogster. I learned about this application at a conference in November but I would like to test it out for myself. This is another great student driven application to implement with kids. My interest is in making learning real and relevant to students so applications that allow students to showcase what they know in their own way is best for my purposes.

Wachter 7 • Resources that you anticipated using/needing, for your continuing growth (What types of resources will you plan to assemble/tap/build, to pursue your Action Plan?) There are some resources that I would like to tap in to in order to continue my growth technologically. One resource mentioned above is Glogster. One technological tool that we touched upon in class was the Smartboard. I would like to actually play with the board and see how I could implement its features into a lesson plan. I would love to own a Kindle as well.

Wachter 8

Unit Timeline Date:

Week 1: Set-up and Tutorial Day 1: Computer Lab

Day 2: Computer Lab

Day 3: Classroom (Whole & Small Group)

Student Informational Guide pgs. 1-3 & Sample Student Story Student Informational Guide pgs. 4-6 & Rubric Review Summer Vacation Story Webbing

Day 4: Computer Lab

Microsoft Office Online Tutorial & Image Gathering

Day 5: Computer Lab

PacDV Free Sound Effects Tutorial & Audio Gathering

Week 2: Digital Story Making Day 1: Computer Lab Day 2: Computer Lab Day 3: Classroom (Small Group)

Catch up/Familiarize with New Sites/Get Started Story Creation Discuss & Share with Peers: How is it going? Give pointers and feedback!

Day 4: Computer Lab Day 5: Computer Lab

Story Creation Story Creation-Wrap Up Day

Day 6: Classroom

Discussion of the Process

Assessment Will check your planning for the following by the end of class: -story plot -related image ideas -related audio ideas Assessment Will check your Image folder to make sure you have at least 10 images. Assessment Will check your Audio folder to make sure you have at least 5 mp3 audio clips available.

Assessment Classroom Walk and Talk. Informal assessment of group discussions. Assessment Formal assessment using Digital Story Rubric

Wachter 9

Name:_______________________________ Digital Story Title: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________ Miss Wachter

Assessment Criteria Content: Material

Digital Story Rubric Story is complete; presents accurate information; completed and turned in on time

Content: Organization

Story is extremely well organized; presentation is clearly summarized in student’s own words; format is easy to follow


________ Teacher Comments:

Media Resources

Method of using media is very effective


________ Teacher Comments:



Informal Checklist Grade

Score (1=poor 5=excellent) 1-5 ________ Teacher Comments:

Story captures the interest 1-5 ________ of the audience and presents Teacher Comments: a clear message

Clever, creative delivery of required story pieces; material is engaging and original


________ Teacher Comments:

1-5 _________ Total out of 30 _________

Wachter 10

Informal Assessment Checklist Story Webbing

Plot, Image, Audio Ideas

Image Folder Check

Audio Folder Check

10 images

at least 5 clips

Classroom Walk and Talk

Tony Sarah Mike Sammy Daniel Mary Hannah

Names highlighted in pink are fictional due to not having a class of my own

Project Completed

2 rubrics handed in

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