Vue And Node.docx

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,112
  • Pages: 18 Go in some dir Vue2019 D:\Vue2019\> vue create my-app

$ vue create my-app $ cd my-app


Tip: If you already have vue-cli installed, make sure you are on the latest version by typing vue --version into your cli. Now that you have an instantiated project, you can add the Vuetify package using the cli. $ vue add vuetify $ npm install vuetify --save // OR $ yarn add vuetify

content_copy Once Vuetify has been installed, navigate to your application's main entry point. In most cases this will be index.js or main.js. In this file you will import Vuetify and tell Vue to use it. import Vue from 'vue' import Vuetify from 'vuetify' Vue.use(Vuetify)

Node.js Express.js Vue.js

reate your first app with Vue.js If you've never created a Vue.js application, I am going to guide you through the task of creating one, and understanding how it works. The app we're going to build is already done, and it's the Vue CLI default application Published Jun 02, 2018 Learning Vue? Download my free Vue Handbook 🔥


First example


o See on Codepen Second example: the Vue CLI default app o Use the Vue CLI locally o Use CodeSandbox o The files structure o o o o o

index.html src/main.js src/App.vue src/components/HelloWorld.vue

Run the app

If you’ve never created a Vue.js application, I am going to guide you through the task of creating one, and understanding how it works.

First example First I’ll use the most basic example of using Vue. You create an HTML file which contains

{{ hello }}

<script src=""> <script> new Vue({ el: '#example', data: { hello: 'Hello World!' } })

and you open it in the browser. That’s your first Vue app! The page should show a “Hello World!” message. I put the script tags at the end of the body so that they are executed in order after the DOM is loaded. What this code does is, we instantiate a new Vue app, linked to the #example element as its template (it’s defined using a CSS selector usually, but you can also pass in an HTMLElement). Then, it associates that template to the data object. That is a special object that hosts the data we want Vue to render.

In the template, the special {{ }} tag indicates that’s some part of the template that’s dynamic, and its content should be looked up in the Vue app data. See on Codepen You can see this example on Codepen:

Codepen is a little different from using a plain HTML file, and you need to configure it to point to the Vue library location in the Pen settings:

Second example: the Vue CLI default app Let’s level up the game a little bit. The next app we’re going to build is already done, and it’s the Vue CLI default application. What is the Vue CLI? It’s a command line utility that helps to speed up development by scaffolding an application skeleton for you, with a sample app in place. There are two ways you can get this application. Use the Vue CLI locally The first is to install the Vue CLI on your computer, and run the command vue create <enter the app name>

Use CodeSandbox A simpler way, without having to install anything, is to go to CodeSandbox is a cool code editor that allows you build apps in the cloud, which allows you to use any npm package and also easily integrate with Zeit Now for an easy deployment and GitHub to manage versioning. That link I put above opens the Vue CLI default application. Whether you chose to use the Vue CLI locally, or through CodeSandbox, let’s inspect that Vue app in detail.

The files structure Beside package.json, which contains the configuration, these are the files contained in the initial project structure: ď‚· ď‚· ď‚· ď‚· ď‚·

index.html src/App.vue src/main.js src/assets/logo.png src/components/HelloWorld.vue


The index.html file is the main app file. In the body it includes just one simple element:
. This is the element the Vue application will use to attach to the DOM. <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> CodeSandbox Vue

This is the main JavaScript files that drive our app. We first import the Vue library and the App component from App.vue. We set productionTip to false, just to avoid Vue to output a “you’re in development mode” tip in the console. Next, we create the Vue instance, by assigning it to the DOM element identified by #app, which we defined in index.html, and we tell it to use the App component. // The Vue build version to load with the `import` command // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias. import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App'

Vue.config.productionTip = false /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { App }, template: '<App/>' }) src/App.vue App.vue

is a Single File Component. It contains 3 chunks of code: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

This might seem weird at first, but Single File Components are a great way to create selfcontained components that have all they need in a single file. We have the markup, the JavaScript that is going to interact with it, and style that’s applied to it, which can be scoped, or not. In this case, it’s not scoped, and it’s just outputting that CSS which is applied like regular CSS to the page. The interesting part lies in the script tag. We import a component from the components/HelloWorld.vue file, which we’ll describe later. This component is going to be referenced in our component. It’s a dependency. We are going to output this code:

from this component, which you see references the HelloWorld component. Vue will automatically insert that component inside this placeholder. <script> import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld' export default { name: 'App', components: { HelloWorld }

} <style> #app { font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; text-align: center; color: #2c3e50; margin-top: 60px; } src/components/HelloWorld.vue

Here’s the HelloWorld component, which is included by the App component. This component outputs a set of links, along with a message. Remember above we talked about CSS in App.vue, which was not scoped? The HelloWorld component has scoped CSS. You can easily determine it by looking at the style tag. If it has the scoped attribute, then it’s scoped: <style scoped> This means that the generated CSS will be targeting the component uniquely, via a class that’s applied by Vue transparently. You don’t need to worry about this, and you know the CSS won’t leak to other parts of the page. The message the component outputs is stored in the data property of the Vue instance, and outputted in the template as {{ msg }}. Anything that’s stored in data is reachable directly in the template via its own name. We didn’t need to say data.msg, just msg. <script> export default { name: 'HelloWorld', data() { return { msg: 'Welcome to Your Vue.js App' } } } <style scoped> h1, h2 { font-weight: normal; } ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } li { display: inline-block; margin: 0 10px; } a { color: #42b983; }

Run the app CodeSandbox has a cool preview functionality. You can run the app and edit anything in the source to have it immediately reflected in the preview.

Installing and Starting Node

Build full stack web apps with MEVN Stack [Part 1/2] At CloudFactory, we always strive to go an extra mile. Even though we are a Ruby first company, we like to invest in learning new technologies. While exploring full-stack development framework for a pet project we thought about MEAN and MERN but since VueJS was something new we wanted to give it a try and MEVN came to light. The acronym “MEVN” stands for “MongoDB Express.js VueJS Node.js”. In this post, I am going to show how to create a basic MEVN (MongoDB/Express/VueJS/Node.js) Stack application. Prerequisites for this guide:    

Basic knowledge of Javascript Concepts of REST and CRUD Node.js / NVM installed MongoDB installed

What to expect from this guide: ď‚· ď‚· ď‚·

Full stack application with MEVN architecture CRUD operations via Express.js Connect APIs with MongoDB(we will be using mongoose)

This tutorial is based onMongoDB v3.0.5, ExpressJS v4.15.4, VueJS v2.4.2, Node.js v8.5.0. This guide will be focused on generating a skeleton for MEVN full stack application. We will cover the Mongo part in the next tutorial. The github repo for this tutorial can be found here. Okay, so let’s get started! First, let’s create an application folder called posts in the workspace: mkdir posts cd posts

Now, we want to set up our client VueJS for the frontend. We will be using vue-cli to build up the template. npm install -g vue-cli

Now, we will be creating a separate folder of client with VueJS templating. vue init webpack client

(This command will ask you certain questions like project name, author, description, using eslint, using test, etc. You can just hit enter for every question.) The command should look like this:

Now, we have a folder named client in our application. As we can see, now we need to run npm install inside the client folder to install all the dependencies listed in client/package.json file. So, let’s go ahead and do it.

cd client npm install npm run dev

Running npm run dev will open up the http://localhost:8080/#/in the browser which renders the default VueJS template. Now that we have set up the frontend framework, let’s move ahead on creating the backend with express . Let’s create a server folder in the root directory which is going to hold all the server code. mkdir server cd server

We want to initialize this server project with npm which we can do with npm init -f which will create a package.json file inside the server directory. What this package.json file is missing is it doesn’t have a start command. So let’s do that first so that we can run the server with npm start command. The package.json file should look like this:

Now, let’s go ahead and create src folder inside this directory and create a file called app.js. In app.js , let’s write: console.log('Hello World');

and then inside server directory in terminal, let’s run npm start

If everything went well, we should be able to see the printed out Hello World in the terminal.

Vue Tutorial in 2018 - Learn Vue.js by Example Learn how to build Single Page Applications in this Vue Tutorial for 2018. This is a 100% free course with video and written lessons. Learn Vue.js 2 by example!

Vue.js is a JavaScript Framework that competes with Angular and React. It's growing in popularity in 2018, and it's a must-learn for the aspiring front-end developer. In this course, we're going to learn how to use Vue to create a real project. In doing so, you're going to learn all about the fundamentals of this great framework. You're going to learn all about: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Installing Vue (Three different methods) Vue Components Templating Styling Forms Animation Routing

While learning all about this, you will build a simple app that allows you to add skills in a liststyle app. The benefits of Vue.js 2: ď‚· ď‚· ď‚· ď‚· ď‚·

Easy to understand as long as you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript It's incredibly versatile and works with a wide variety of other web technologies It's one of the smallest and fastest frontend JavaScript frameworks Vue Components are very easy to understand with excellent organization ..and much more

This Vue Tutorial is really a crash course into learning one of the most popular frontend JS frameworks today. It's just right for beginners who want to get up and running quickly, without being bogged down by excessive powerpoint slides and theory. Requirements ď‚· ď‚· ď‚·

Understanding of HTML & CSS Basic understanding of JavaScript An eagerness to become a frontend master!

So, if you're ready to start learning Vue.js 2 today, let's get started!

Course Curriculum



Installing Vue 10:10

Written Lesson: How to Install Vue 2 - Through CDN, NPM and the Vue CLI ď‚·


Understanding Vue Components 04:49

Written Lesson: Vue Components Tutorial ď‚·


Vue Templating 10:04

Written Lesson: Vue Templating Tutorial ď‚·


Vue Styling 12:01

Written Lesson: Vue CSS Tutorial - Class and Style Binding ď‚·


Vue Forms 10:15

Written Lesson: Vue Forms Tutorial - Capturing and Validating User Input ď‚·


Vue Animation 07:34

Written Lesson: Vue Animation Tutorial - Learn how to use Vue's Animation System ď‚·


Vue Routing 09:53

Written Lesson: Vue Router Tutorial - Using Vue's Router Library

How to Install Vue 2 - Through CDN, NPM and the Vue CLI Note: This tutorial is a part of our free course: Vue Tutorial in 2018 - Learn Vue.js by Example In 2018, Vue.js is growing in popularity and if you've landed on this page, chances are -- you want to start learning how to use this powerful JavaScript Framework. I'm going to show you exactly how to get up and running with Vue.js 2 in this tutorial. There are several methods from which you can install Vue, and we're going to cover them all. There's a quick and easy method that involves simply referencing a CDN, a method that uses the Node Package Manager (NPM) to integrate it into existing projects, and then the Vue CLI. Let's get started.

Installing Vue through a CDN The easiest and quickest way of installing Vue is by directly including Vue via a CDN (Content Delivery Network) in a <script> tag. This means that instead of Vue residing on your own server, it will be delivered from a separate server. Technically, you aren't installing Vue in this scenario, as you're simply creating a reference of Vue. If you're interested in using this method, open up your command line or console and create a new folder: > mkdir vue-cdn && cd vue-cdn

Open up your code editor and create an index.html file with the following content: <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> Vue CDN <script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js">

If you view this index.html file in a browser and view the console (ctrl-shift-i in Chrome), you will see the message: Download the Vue Devtools extension for a better development experience:

vue.js:8436 You are running Vue in development mode. Make sure to turn on production mode when deploying for production. See more tips at

This means that Vue has been integrated and you're ready to rock. To prove this, we can create a very simple Vue app. Go back to the index.html and update it to match the following within the body tags:
{{ message }}
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js"> <script> var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { message: 'Hello Vue!' } })

Refresh the browser and you will see Hello Vue!, which means Vue is working. Throughout this course and our project, however, we are not going to use this method. Feel free to delete the /vue-cdn folder you just created.

Install Vue through NPM NPM (Node Package Manager) is used to install packages. You can use it to install Vue within either a new or existing project. You will need to ensure you have Node.js installed along with access to NPM. To check, open up your console and type: > node -v > npm -v

Both of these commands should provide you with version numbers. If they go unrecognized, visit and download the appropriate installer based on your operating system. Install it through the default options and reload your console. You can now re-issue the same commands and they will work.

First, we have to create a new project folder: > mkdir vue-npm && cd vue-npm

In order to save our project dependencies based on what we install with NPM, we need to create a package.json file. To do that, issue the following command: > npm init -y

This will create a new package.json file and enter the defaults -y for the prompts. Next, we will use npm to install vue: > npm install vue --save

At this point, you could create an index.html file with the same exact contents as the CDN example above, except change the <script .. src to node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js, and it will work just the same. Typically, however, you would use something like Webpack or Gulp as a more robust development environment. Because our project is not going to be set up in this fashion, we're going to use the Vue CLI method as the actual method that we use to install Vue.

Installing Vue with the Vue CLI The Vue CLI (Command Line Interface) is a quick, easy and robust way to get started with a brand new Vue project. You first need to install the Vue CLI: > npm install -g @vue/cli

Also, you will need to make sure Node is up to date. By the way: You can also use Yarn to install Vue. Next, we can use it to start a new Vue project: > vue create vue-proj

This will provide you with the following prompt: Vue CLI v3.0.0-alpha.8 ? Please pick a preset: (Use arrow keys)

> default (babel, eslint) Manually select features

To keep things simple, we'll leave it at the default option and hit enter. ď‚· ď‚·

babel is a JavaScript compiler. eslint is a JavaScript linter. Linting flags coding errors, bugs, etc..

After it's finished installing, you can hop into the directory and then serve the Vue app: > cd vue-proj > yarn serve

Then, the project will become accessible at http://localhost:8080/ in your browser!

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