Vtu Mba 4th Sem Old Question Papers

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WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS ON 5th April 2007 DETAILS OF DISCUSSION: PATTERN OF QUESTION PAPERS The following points were discussed in detail and the participants made certain recommendations. ♦The present system of 8 questions of 20 marks each will be retained. And each main question of 20 will consist of three sub questions of 3, 7 & 10 marks. However this can be flexible for some subjects like core Papers and Electives of 4th Semester. This is left to the decision of the committees in charge of these subjects. Note: After the detailed discussions at the group level the committees of the following subjects felt that they will have slightly different patterns. 05MBA41 – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 05MBA42 – TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 05MBA43 – LOGISTICS & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ELECTIVES – MARKETING, HRM, FINANCE, IBM













05MBAMM418/ 05MBAIB468







05MBAHR445/ 05MBAIB465















05MBAFM 425



05MBAFM 426 / 05MBAIB466



05MBAFM 427



05MBAFM 428








05MBAIB466 / 05MBAFM426
























S.NO 1 2 3 4














05MBA M455


05MBA M456


05MBA M457


05MBA M458



The need of case study was discussed and it was decided to retain the case study as a compulsory question in each subject.

It was recommended that case studies must be contemporary & relevant. The questions related to case study analysis must provide an opportunity to link with some basic concepts & theories related to the subject.

Eight separate groups for each subject, consisting of faculties handling those subjects met separately and prepared 2 sets of model papers.

PREREQUISITES OF PAPER SETTING • The issue was discussed in detail and the participants made the following recommendations • Paper setter should have minimum of 5 years teaching experience, teaching of the postgraduate courses. • The paper setter must have taught that specific subject. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE PAPER SETTERS 1. The teaching experience of the faculty. 2. The teacher must have taught the subject at least twice before the current semester. 3. Minimum experience - 5 years of teaching Maximum experience – 33 years of teaching NOTE: Faculty members above 62 years of age shall not be considered for paper setting. 4. Only one paper should be set by a paper setter in core subjects. 5. Faculty of VTU affiliated colleges only need be identified. PROCEDURE FOR GETTING QUESTION PAPERS SET 1. The examination section of the VTU will procure the “Who is teaching what” from the various colleges and furnish the same to the BOE. 2. The BOE shall recommend a “list of examiners/paper setters “to the Registrar (Evaluation) who will communicate further to the paper setters depending on the need for manuscripts by the examination section.


3. On receiving the question paper manuscripts the same will be made available for scrutiny by the BOE. PAPER SCRUTINY It was felt that an expert panel constituted for that subject must do scrutiny. The paper scrutiny panel must check whether the paper setter has followed the guidelines provided for the paper setting. The panel scrutinizing the papers must go through the scheme provided by the paper setter. The papers without the scheme should not be accepted.

PREREQUISITES FOR PAPER VALUATION: • Paper valuators must have minimum of 5 years of teaching experience and must have taught that specific subject during that calendar year. • All the faculty members must attend the allocated valuation work without any excuses. • Maximum of 40 papers can be valued per day • The faculty must value only the number of papers assigned by the BOE. • Faculty must uphold ethics while valuing the papers.


CORE PAPERS Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBA41



Questions should be framed from within the syllabus prescribed and modules provided.


Two/three modules should be combined in each set of question carrying 3 -7-10 Marks


Instructions to examinees must be provided specifying compulsory question and choice questions.


Any application questions should be within the syllabus area.


Caselet should be minimum 350 words to maximum 500 words. Caselet should be close-ended with four questions to answer for which marks should be per question. There should not be any ambiguity in questions. Suitable weightages should be given to student’s analysis in the use of application-oriented questions.

6. Caselet in Strategic Management (05MBA41) should be in Indian Context. 7. The marks pattern should be 3 7 10 format for a, b, c Questions respectively. 8. If any models are considered, the questions pertaining to it should be within the prescribed textbook model. 9. In the subject Global Strategic Management caselet should be based on global companies or (MNC’S).


CORE PAPERS Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBA41 -STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory

Answer any four questions from question nos 1 – 7. Question no. 8 is compulsory. 1. (a). Mention any six characteristics of Strategic Management? (b). Write a note on SWOT analysis?

3 marks 7 marks

(c). Explain the key success factors for the growth and development of IT industry in India in the light of your knowledge in strategic management? 10 marks 2. (a). What is meant by Business Model? (b). What is value chain analysis? Explain.

3 marks 7 marks

(c). How do you use Porters five force model in analyzing car manufacturing industry? 10 marks 3. (a). Mention any four external environmental factors 3 marks (b). Critically evaluate different types of organizational structure and their relevance in strategy implementation? 7 marks (c). Illustrate a policy, an objective, and functional tactic in textile indus trial unit? 10 marks 4. (a). What is Core Competence?

3 marks

(b). Explain briefly the four perspectives of balanced scorecard? 7 marks (c). Explain GE’s 9 cell matrix?

10 marks


5. (a). Mention any three generic strategies?

3 marks

(b). Explain briefly the process of strategy formulation? 7 marks (c). Critically evaluate the pros and cons of corporate growth through mergers and acquisitions with special reference to any two Indian co’s? 10 marks 6. (a). What is SBU? 3 marks (b). Explain the relation between business strategy and organization structure? 7 marks (c). Give an instance of any Indian company following suicidal strategy in marketing their products? Give reasons as to how their strategies are suicidal? 10 marks 7. (a). What is Turn around strategy?

3 marks

(b). Explain briefly the significance of McKinsey’s 7’s model?

7 marks

(c). Explain BCG Matrix highlighting its merits and demerits?

10 marks

8. Case study

20 marks


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBA42 -TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR QUESTION PAPER SETTING 1) Seven Questions will be in 3 parts ( viz A,B,C) with 3,7,10 marks respectively. In any question a, b, c parts will be from different modules. These seven questions shall cover all the modules. 1. “Four full questions will be answered from questions 1 to 7”. 2. Question Number 8 will be compulsory. 3. From any modules questions for not more than total 30marks will be given. 2) 8th question will be compulsory, and will be based on case study of Indian context. The case study will be of 350-500 words. •

“FOUR” questions (viz A, B, C, D) of 5marks each will be asked against the case study.

3) Two questions of 10 marks each (viz ‘-c’ part) may be general application oriented, relating to concepts of T.Q.M. within the syllabus.


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper-I Master of Business Administration 05MBA42 -TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any Four full questions from 1 to 7. 2. Question Number 8 is Compulsory. 1


a) What do you understand by Quality and Total Quality? 3 marks (b) E xpand the concepts of Juran’s Trilogy of quality management adopted by companies to achieve quality leadership 7 marks (c) What are the factors which can be considered while Bench marking Management Institute. 10 marks (a) Write a brief note on QS 9000 (b) What is Strategic Planning? Explain its process. (c) Explain Deming’s PDCA cycle with appropriate diagram.

3 marks 7 marks 10 marks


(a) What is Zaire model in TQM? (b) Describe Poka Yoke in TQM. (c) Describe the benefits and limitations of Reengineering.


(a) What you understand by “Quality is free” ? (b) Briefly explain different quality awards for TQM. (c) Explain the 5 levels of capability Maturity model

3 marks 7 marks 10 marks

(a) What is the need for ISO Certification? (b) Explain the concept of Six Sigma. (c) Explain the Reengineering Process and its relevance of TQM

3 marks 7 marks 10 marks


3marks 7marks 10 marks

6 (a) what are the Crosby’s absolutes of Quality Management? (b) Explain the Baldrige Award evolution process? (b) Explain the role and process of Benchmarking in TQM

3 marks 7marks 10 marks


3 marks 7 marks


(a) Define Statistical Quality Control. (b) Explain Juran’s 10 steps of continuous Quality Improvement. (c) Discuss the process of a company achieving, perpetuating and Institutionalizing TQM. Case study as per guidelines.

10 marks

4 x 5 = 20 Marks


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration IV SEMESTER MBA - CORE PAPER

05MBA42- LOGISTICS & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR PAPER SETTING 1. The question paper consists of 8 questions divided into 2 parts. a. Part A consisting of 3 questions from logistics management and answer any two b. Part B consisting of 4 questions from supply chain management & answer any two c. Case study is compulsory The students should answer any two from Part-A and any two from Part-B Each of the questions consists of 3 subdivisions with 3, 7 and 10 marks distribution. 2. Maximum of 2 application questions each of 10 marks to be included in the question paper. 3. Case study shall be of maximum 350 words and shall consist of 4 questions of 5 marks each. 4. No numerical questions / problems to be included in the question paper.


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper-I Master of Business Administration IV SEMESTER MBA - CORE PAPER


Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q. No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 is compulsory PART - A 1. a. What is meant by logistical competency? b. Explain the role of logistic in supply chain management? c. Discuss in detail the element of logistic cost?

3 7 10

2. a. What is demand management? b. Discuss the relationship between operation strategy and logistic strategy. c. Discuss in detail various logistical activities.

3 7 10

3. a. What is logistic positioning? 3 b. Explain the time based control techniques of logistic. 7 c. “Customer service is the output of logistic and supply chain management and 10 It is key interface between marketing functions and logistic function”. PART-B 4. a. What is supply chain management? 3 b. What are the factor affecting distributions in supply chain management? 7 c. Discuss in detail the concept of supply chain planning and implementation. 10 5

a. What is meant by VMI? b. Discuss the role of network and the factor effecting network design? c. Discuss the importance of supply chain drivers in detail.

a. What is artificial intelligence? b. Discuss managerial levels use to supply chain profitability. c. Discuss the trend in strategies sourcing or supply base management? 6

a. What is meant by co-ordination in SCM? b. What are the effects of lack of co-ordination in supply chain? c. Discuss the role of IT in SCM.


CASE STUDY. (Compulsory)

3 7 10 3 7 10 3 7 10

4 x 5 = 20 Marks


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper-II Master of Business Administration IV SEMESTER MBA - CORE PAPER 05MBA42- LOGISTICS & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q. No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 is compulsory PART – A 1. a . What is logistics management? Mention its objectives. b. Briefly explain the various logistics costs. c. Discuss the role of information systems in integrated logistics.

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

a. What is public warehousing? Give an example. b. How customer services are met through logistics activities? c. Explain the various modes of transportation and their characteristics.

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


3. a. What do you understand by the term manufacturing postponement? 3 Marks b. Briefly discuss the various elements of logistics environmental assessment.7 Marks c. What are the future challenges in logistics management? Explain with special references to retailing. 10 Marks PART-B 4. a. List the various drivers of supply chain. 3 Marks b. Compare and contrast traditional and supply chain based sourcing practices. 7 Marks c. Briefly explain the various factors affecting the supply chain network design decisions. 10 Marks 5. a. What is aggregate planning in supply chain? 3 Marks b. Briefly discuss the various elements to be considered in the supplier relationship strategy. 7 Marks c. Discuss the causes for bullwhip effect and mechanism to counter it. 10 Marks 6. a. What is RFID? Where is it used? b. Briefly discuss the vendor managed inventory system. c. Discuss briefly the emerging trends in 3PL in India.

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

7. a. Mention the various models considered in the supply chain network design. 3 Marks b. Discuss the role of ERP in supply chain management. 7 Marks c. Explain the various strategies decisions in SCM. 10 Marks 8.

Case study

4 x 5 = 20 Marks



Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q. No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 is compulsory 1 (a) Why are capital expenditures often the most important decisions taken by a firm? 3 Marks (b) Discuss the five broad phases of capital budgeting 7 Marks (c) Explain the difficulties faced in capital expenditure decisions. 10 Marks 2 (a) What is a work schedule and what is its purpose? 3 Marks Explain the nature of BCG product matrix & GE stop light matrix as a planning tool.7 Marks (b) What is abandonment analysis in Project review? Describe the general procedure of this analysis. 10 Marks 3 (a) What conditions should the capital budget satisfy in order to be meaningful and viable? 3 Marks (b) Discuss the influence of Intuition and judgement in capital budgeting. What factors influence judgement? 7 Marks (c) Problem on “Special Decision Situations” 10 Marks 4 (a) What are the pros and cons of decision-tree analysis? 3 Marks (b) Distinguish between the physical life and economic life of an asset. How would you determining the latter? 7 Marks (c) Problem on “Risk Analysis & Selection of Projects” 10 Marks 5 (a) What are EOT & LOT in Network Techniques? (b) Explain the ways of evaluating on International Investment Proposal (c) Problem on “Ranking of Five Projects”

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

6 (a) What steps are involved in determining the project rating index? 3 Marks (b) Explain the Jury of Executive method and Delphi method of demand forecasting. 7 Marks (c) Problem on “Estimation of Project Cash flows & calculation of NPV” 10 Marks 7 (a) What do you understand by ‘effective rate of protection’? (b) Explain the five stages of appraisal in the UNIDO method? (c) Discuss the role of the PAD and the PIB? 8. CASE STUDY

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks 4x5=

20 Marks


FOURTH SEMESTER M.B.A MODEL QUESTION PAP ER MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05MBAFM426 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAG EMENT Answer any FIVE full questions, question NO.8 is compulsory All questions carry equal marks MAX MARKS: 100 1) a) What is current account generally composed of? 3 Marks b) You are setting up a project in USA. The estimated NFV is $12 million. Your finance officer started in the report that he has not accounted for foreign exchange risk. He felt that with such a large NPV, the project should be accepted since even a risk adjusted NPV would likely be positive. You have the final decision as to whether to accept or reject the project. What is you decision? Calculate the following rates into outright rates: ii) Indicate their spreads 7 Marks c) Derive and explain the monetary approach. 10 Marks 2) a) W hat do mean by International Portfolio Investment? b) Differentiate between Spot, Forward and Future Contract? c) Write a note on the following: 1. Foreign bond and Euro bond. 2. Global bond 3. Floating rate notes. 4. American Depository Receipts 5. Zero coupon bonds.

3 Marks 7 Marks 5x2 = 10 Marks

3) a) What is SWIFT? b) Briefly explain the meaning and characteristics of GDR? c) What do you mean by International Capital Budgeting? What is its process? Explain its factors.

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

a) What do you mean by SDR? b) Explain International Fisher effect. c) Consider the following data

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


Spot 1 1 month 3 months 6 months i) ii)

Exchange Rate $ 1,5753/ £ $ 1, 5623/ £ $ 1, 5577/ £ $ 1.5536/ £

$ Interest Rate 3% p.a 3.5% p.a 3.5% p.a

£ Interest Rate 8.5% p.a 7.5% p.a 7% p.a

Find out the arbitrage possibilities for various periods. Show how interest rate parity will be restored as a result of arbitrage activities.

5)a. Define translation exposure. b. What is the difference between Devaluation and Depreciation of currency? c. Define International Monetary System? Explain its Evolution briefly?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


6) a) What are the Challenges of today’s Finance Manager? 3 Marks b) What do you mean by Arbitrage? Explain Triangle Arbitrage with an example. 7 Marks c) List one situation when Multi National Corporation is exposed to interest rate risk. 10 Marks 7) a) What do you mean by a Dirty Float? 3 Marks b) What is the difference between Devaluation and Depreciation of currency? 7 Marks c) Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of maintaining multiple manufacturing sites in various countries as a hedge against exchange rate exposure. 10 Marks 8) Case Study Analysis.

5x4 = 20 Marks




1. a) What do you understand by Foreign Exchange Market? 3 Marks b) What is a Future Contract? Explain the salient features of Future contract? 7 Marks c) What are the important sources and causes for International Financial Flows? 10 Marks 2. a) Name six major risks in FOREX dealings? 3 Marks b) From the following imaginary quotes. Derive Bid/Ask DM rates for one unit of FF. 7Marks $ 0.3302-0.3310 per DM ; $ 0.1180 – 0.1190 per FF Note: DM means Deutsche Marks and FF means French Francs c) Name major players in Foreign Exchange Market. Briefly write their roles. 10 Marks 3. a) What is Translation Exposure? Give an example. b) Critically Evaluate Purchasing Power parity Theory. c) What do you mean by Interest Rate Swaps? Explain its uses and advantages

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10Marks)

4. a) What do you mean by Spot Rate and Forward Rate? ( 3 Marks) b) Explain the concept of disequilibrium in Balance of Payment. How does Disequilibrium arise? How it can be restored? ( 7 Marks) c) What do you mean by Hedging? Explain its various internal and external strategies ( 10 Marks) 5. a) What is netting, how it improves MNCs performance? ( 3 Marks) b) Briefly explain different methods of exchange rate forecast and explain their suitability in Indian context ( 7 Marks) c) You are setting up of a project in USA. The estimated NPV is 12 million $. Your Finance office stated in the report that he had not accounted for Foreign Exchange Risk. He felt that with such large NPV, the project should be accepted since a risk adjusted NPV is likely to be positive. You have the final decision to accept or reject the project. What is your decision? ( 10 Marks) 6. a) Explain Nostro Account and Vostro Account. (3 Marks) b) Describe some potential benefits to MNC as a result of direct foreign investments. Elaborate on each type of benefits. (7 Marks)


c). Given the following data. Spot Rate : 1$ = Rs 42.0010 Six month forward rate : 1$ = Rs 42.8020 Annualized interest rate on six month rupee = 12% Annualized interest rate on six month dollar = 8% How can an arbitrageur take advantage of the situation? Assume the arbitrageur is willing to borrow $1,000 or Rs 1,000. Calculate the arbitrage possibilities. (10 Marks) 7. a) Differentiate between transaction and economic exposure? (3 Marks ) b) How can you manage economic exposure? Give the marketing and production initiatives of managing economic exposure. (7 Marks) XYZ Company a US based firm plans to use a money market hedge to hedge its Payment of 30 lakhs of dollar for Australian goods in one year. The US interest rate is 7% p.a while the Australian interest rate is 12% p.a. The spot rate of Australian dollar is 0.85 US $. Determine the amount of US $ needed in one year. If a Money market hedge is used? (10 Marks) 8. CASE STUDY

(20 Marks)


FOURTH SEMESTER M.B.A MODEL QUESTION PAP ER – I MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05MBAFM427 RISK MANAGEMENT Answer any FIVE full questions, question NO.8 is compulsory All questions carry equal marks


1. (a) What is reinsurance? (3 marks) (b) What is pricing of insurance? Enumerate the distinguishing features of health and group insurance products. (7 marks) (c) Explain the steps in the risk management process. (10 marks) 2. (a) Mention the principle of’ put call parity’. (3 marks) (b) How are naked calls different from covered calls? What implications do both the types of calls have in respect to the margins to be kept? (7 marks) (c) Bring out the role of IRDA in regulating the insurance in India. (10 marks) 3. (a) A forward contract of 200 shares, currently trading at Rs.112 per share, is due in 45 days. If the annual risk-free rate of interest is 9%, calculate the value of the contract price. How would the value be changed if the dividend of Rs.4 per share is expected to be paid in 25 days before the due date? (3 marks) (b) How is strangles different from straddles? Explain with the help of suitable diagrams. (7 marks) (c) An investor has portfolio consisting of seven securities as shown below: Security

Number of Shares

Share price as on 18-4-2002


ABN AMRO 4000 1029.75 0.59 CIPLA 5200 208.40 1.32 ICICI Ltd. 6600 61.20 0.87 Infosys 2400 3958.95 0.35 TATA Engg. 5600 308.80 1.16 HIND LEVER 1500 128.05 1.24 Zee telefilms 4000 168.00 1.05 The cost of capital for the investor is given to be 20% per annum. The investor fears a fall in the prices of the shares in the near future. Accordingly, he approaches you for advice. You are required to; I) Calculate the bets of his portfolio II) The May future on BSE Sensex is quoted at 3444.60. Assuming the market lot to be 100, calculate the number of contracts, the investor should short for hedging his portfolio against falling markets. (10 marks)


4 (a) How interest rate swaps is valued? Explain with an example. (3 marks) (b) Compare and contrast between forward and future and future contracts with suitable examples. (7 marks) (c) Mr.M. Established the following spread on X company’s stock a) Purchased one 3 – month put option with a premium of Rs. 3 and an exercise price of Rs. 55. b) Purchased one 3 – month put option with a premium of Rs. 3 and an exercise price of Rs. 45. Determine M’s profit or loss if i) The price of X stays at Rs. 50 after 3 months. ii) The price of X falls to Rs 55 after 3 months and iii) The [price of X rises to Rs. 60 (10 marks) 5 (a) A financial institution quotes an interest rate of 14% per annum with quarterly compounding. What is the equivalent rate with i) continuous ii) annual compounding? (3 marks) (b) Consider a 3-month futures contract on NSE – 50. Assume that the spot value of the index is 1100, the continuously compounded risk free rate is 10% per annum and the continuously compounded yield on shares underlying the NSE – 50 index is 3% per annum. Assuming the multiplier to be 50, find the value of the futures contract. (7 marks) (c) How is the value of an option with time to expiration determined? What are the various factors affecting option prices? (10 marks) 6 (a) Write a note on risk evaluation and risk identification. (3 marks) (b) What is a butterfly spread? Explain with the help of a diagram. (7 marks) (c) The current price of a share is Rs.50 and it is believed that at end of one month the price will be either Rs. 55 or Rs 45. What will a European call option with an exercise price of Rs.53 on this share be valued at, if the risk free rate of interest is 15% per annum? Also calculate the hedge ratio, applying binominal formulation. (10 marks) 7 (a) What do you understand by the term interest rates? Discuss the various types of interest rates along with different yield curve. (3 marks) (b) Consider a 6-month forward contract on 100 shares with a price of Rs. 40. The risk free rate (continuously compounded) is 10% per annum. The share in question is expected to yield a dividend of Rs 2 in 4 months from now. (7 marks) Calculate the value of the forward contract. (c) Discuss the recent developments in the Indian insurance sector. (10 marks) 8

case study

(5x4 20 marks)


FOURTH SEMESTER M.B.A MODEL QUESTION PAP ER – I MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05MBAFM427 RISK MANAGEMENT Answer any FIVE full questions, question NO.8 is compulsory All questions carry equal marks


1. a) What is arbitrage? 3 Marks b) Explain different types of risk and what are the measurements of Risk? 7 Marks c) Explain how the political environment and legal environment affect the process of risk analysis providing at least two examples of changes in these environments creating a risk that was not present previously. 10 Marks 2. a) What is butterfly spread? 3 Marks b) Suppose you contemplate to buy a call option with strike of Rs. 42 / $ as you expect the following spot rates with their probabilities i. Rs / $ 40 41 43 44 46 ii. Probability 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.20 0.10 What should be the options premium to enable you to break even?

7 Marks

c) The following information is available: i) Current stock price Rs. 225 ii) Strike price Rs. 245 iii) The continuously interest rate is 13% per annum iv) Volatility of interest rate is 4% v) Duration of option 5 months. Using the Black and Scholes Model determine Value of call and put option Option delta, Gamma, Vega, Theta and Rho.



3) a) What is derivate market? 3 Marks b) Briefly explain the role of different players in derivatives market. 7 Marks c) Explain the term, life insurance, endowment policy, money back policy & Keyman Insurance Policy? 10 Marks 4) a) What is the principle of subrogation? 3 Marks b) A 10 month coffee futures are available at Rs. 3000 per bag of 60 kg. The storage cost per bag is Rs. 20 per bag per month. If the continuously compounded interest rate is 9.5% P/A annum. What is future price of coffee as on date? 7 Marks c) Explain the various principles of insurance contract. 10 Marks 5) a) What do you mean by open interest contracts? 3 Marks b) What do you mean by Risk Management and Risk Control? 7 Marks c) What is basis? What happens in normal and inverted markets? Explain hypothesis during uncertainty. 10 Marks


6) a) What are the carry type and non-carry type commodities? 3 Marks b) What do you mean by VAR? Explain its various approaches? 7 Marks c) Explain margin system under futures and explain daily marking to market margin? 10 Marks 7) a) What is plain vanilla swap? 3 Marks b) Differentiate between short hedge and long hedge. 7 Marks c) What is an exchange-traded derivative and what is a OTC derivative, explain the difference? Name various products under OTC/Exchange Trade & category. 10 Marks 8) Case Study Analysis.

20 Marks



05MBAFM428 - TAX MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR SETTING QUESTION PAPER 1. The questions should be for previous year 2006-2007 (A.Y. 2007-2008) 2. Question paper will have 8 full questions of 20 marks each. 3. Each question from 1-6 will have 3 sub-sections carrying 3, 7 and10 marks and question 7 will have2 sub-sections carrying 5 and 15 marks. 4. Question No 1 and 5 shall be theory questions only. Q No 1 on direct taxes and Q No 5 on indirect taxes. 5. Question number 2 to 6 other than question 5 a, b and c shall be divided into theory and problems of 10 marks equally i.e., a and b can be theory or problems for 3 and7 and c for 10 marks for either theory or problem. 6. Question 7 shall be divided into A and B parts, part A of the question shall carry 5 marks (theory) and part 15 marks (problems). 7. Question No 8 will be a case study and is compulsory. The case should carry 4 questions of 5 marks each or 3 questions of 5, 5 and 10 respectively. This case study should be from modules3, 4 and 6 only. 8. No Question should be asked from Income & House Property 9. All the modules should be covered. 10. No modules should exceed 30 marks



05MBAFM428 - TAX MANAGEMENT Answer any FIVE full questions, question NO.8 is compulsory All questions carry equal marks MAX MARKS: 100 1. (a) Who is a person as per Income tax Act 1961?

(3 Marks)

(b) Explain the permissible deductions under sec 80D to 80 U

(7 Marks)

(c) Problem on residential status or incidence of tax

(10 Marks)

2. (a) What is cost inflation index?

(3 Marks)

(b) “Tax planning is within four corners of the Act and it is not a colourable device to avoid the tax,” Comment

(7 Marks)

(c) Problem on income from Profession

(10 Marks)

3. (a) What is Agricultural income?

(3 Marks)

(b) Enumerate any seven transactions, which are not regarded as transfer for the purpose of capital gains tax under section 47 of the I.T. Act

(7 Marks)

(c) Problem on computation of taxable salary

(10 Marks)

4. (a) Distinguish between Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts

(3 Marks)

(b) Enumerate the difference between the valuation of income for a registered and a nonregistered firm

(7 Marks)

(c) Problem covering leave salary and gratuity

(10 Marks)

5. (a) State the objectives of the custom duty (b) Define the following terms under central excise duty

(3 Marks) (7 Marks)

i. Manufacturer, ii. Excisable goods, iii. Factory (c) What is a sale under CST Act? State the transactions, which are not sales under CST Act (10 Marks) 6. (a) What is block of assets for depreciation purpose? (b) Explain any of the sections 44 AD/AE/AF

(3 Marks) (7 Marks)

(c) Problem on computation of taxable income with reference to MAT (10 Marks) 7. (a) What is MAT? When is it applicable? (b) Problem on income from business 8. Case study from the module 3, 4, and 6

(5 Marks) (15 Marks) (20 Marks)



05MBAFM428 - TAX MANAGEMENT Answer any FIVE full questions, question NO.8 is compulsory All questions carry equal marks MAX MARKS: 100 1. (a) Distinguish between maximum marginal rate and the average rate of IT (3 Marks) (b) “Income tax is a tax on income and not on receipt” comment with essential characteristics of the term Income

(7 Marks)

(c) Problem on residential status and incidence of tax

(10 Marks)

2. (a) Distinguish between short-term capital gain and long-term capital gain (3 Marks) (b) Write a short note on i.

Carry forward and set off of speculation loss.


Carry forward and set of capital loss.

(7 Marks)

(c) Problem on capital gain

(10 Marks)

3. (a) Distinguish between tax evasion and tax avoidance

(3 Marks)

(b) Problem on taxable salary

(7 Marks)

(c) Write a note on RPF and PPF

(10 Marks)

4. (a) State any 6 items includable under the head income from other sources. (3 Marks) (b) Enumerate and describe any 7 items which are exempt from charge of IT(7 Marks) (c) Problem on Partner ship firm

(10 Marks)

5. (a) What are declared goods under section 14 of KST act?

(3 Marks)

(b) Explain the basis for valuation of excise duty

(7 Marks)

(c) Discus the nature of custom duty levied under customs act 1962

(10 Marks)

6. (a) What is relief U/s 89(1) and rule 21A? (b) Write a note on

(3 Marks) (7 Marks)

i. VAT, ii. Carry forward of business losses (c) Problem on income from salary

(10 Marks)

7. (a) Explain the permissible deduction in computing income under the head salary (5 Marks) (b) Problem on computation of professional income 8. Case study from the module 3, 4, 6

(15 Marks) (20 Marks)


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper I Master of Business Administration 05MBAHR445/05MBAIB465 - INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory 1.

(a) Define international human resource management (IHRM)?

(3 Marks)

(b) What are the selection criteria for international assignment?

(7 Marks)

(c) What are the components of effective pre-departure training programs?

(10 Marks)

2. (a) Explain 5p models of IHRM? (b) Outline the differences between domestic and international human resource Management and the variables that moderate these differences?

(7 Marks)

(c) Explain the models of international HRM?

(10 Marks)

3. (a) What are the key components of an international compensation program?


(3 Marks)

(3 Marks)

(b) What are the reasons for expatriate failure? What are costs associated with Expatriate failure?

(7 Marks)

(c) Outline the main characteristics of four approaches to international Staffing?

(10 Marks)

(a) What is national culture?

(3 Marks)

(b) What are the reasons for the emergence of international HRM?

(7 Marks)

(c) Explain the influences of non-cultural factors at individual level and at Organizational level? (10 Marks) 5.

(a) Define hard, soft and contextual goals in assessing managerial Performance? (3 Marks) (b) Explain the cultural and employee management issues?

(7 Marks)

(c) What are the performance management issues associated with international Employees? (10 Marks) 6. (a) differentiate between inpatriate and expatriate? (3 Marks) (b) Explain the types of international assignment?

(7 Marks)

(c) You have been asked to accept an international assignment that involves Working in china for two years for the general trend, your employer will not Provide a past assignment guarantee you realize that the probability of Unemployment than the assignment is finished rather high. Why would you accept this international assignment?


7. a) What is “social dumping”? (3 Marks) b) Outline the two main approaches to international compensation and the Advantages and disadvantages of each approach? (7 Marks) c) Language standardization requires sub day employees to become competent in the corporate language, if they seek a career with in MNC. Discuss ways in which employees can be disadvantaged by a lack of corporate language competence? (10 Marks)


20 Marks


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper I Master of Business Administration 05MBAHR445/05MBAIB465 - INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory

1. (a) Define IHRM? (3 Marks) (b) What makes MNC’s HR practices distinctive from single nation firms? (7 Marks) (c) How does a Japanese Managers approach to dealing with problems in HR are different from that of a British Managers? (10 Marks) 2. (a) who is ‘Expatriate’? (3 Marks) (b) State and explain different approach from single nation firms? (7 Marks) (c) Explain the influences of non-cultural factors at individual level & at organizational level? (10 Marks) 3. (a) what are the reasons for using international assignment? (3 Marks) (b) Discuss the major factors associated with appraisal of expatriate managerial Performance? (7 Marks) (c) What are the merits and demerits of Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regina centric, & Geocentric HRM strategies? (10 Marks) 4. (a) What is organizational knowledge and where does it comes from? (3 Marks) (b) In what ways are IJV’s similar to and different from MNC with regard to cultural issues? (7 Marks) (c) How would you go about importing and implementing foreign best practices of your company if you were in charge of such matters? (10 Marks) 5

(a) What is social dumping? (3 Marks) (b) Identify four characteristics of multinational that gives trade unions cause for Concern? (7 Marks) (c) What are the important factors involved in selection decision of expatriate? (10 Marks)


(a) What is national culture (b) How can multinationals assist dual career couples repatriation? (c) Explain HRM practices in Arab Middle East?

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)

7. (a) what is meant by differentiation and integration? (3 Marks) (b) What should be the main objectives for a multinational firm with imagine you are about to be sent as a HR director of a subsidiary country. (7 Marks) Compare the HRM policies and practices prevalent in your home country with those in the country. You are going to, and discuss the main challenges you might face if you wish to manage your employees in that country in the way things are done in yours? (10 Marks) 8. CASE STUDY

(20 Marks)


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper - I Master of Business Administration 05MBA 446 TEAM DEVELOPMENT AND LEADERSHIP Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory 6.

(a)What is leadership? (b)Discuss the classification of teams? (c)Discuss situational leadership model?

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)

2. (a)What is meant by synergy? (b)Discuss the concept of team performance curve? (c)Describe the characteristic features of effective teams?

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)

3. (a)What you mean by group norms? (b)Discuss the different types of leaders? (c)What are advantages and disadvantages of virtual teams?

(3 Marks) (7M arks) (10 Marks)

4 (a) What is Fiedler’s contingency theory of leadership? (b)Can leader be a change agent? Discuss (c)Explain in detail the strategic leadership

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)



(a)Discuss the concept of collaboration in teams? (3 Marks) (b)Explain the role and significance of leadership in organization (7 Marks) (c)Discuss giving examples the different styles of conflict management (10 Marks) (a)What are the characteristics of a charismatic leader? (b)Explain the concept of leadership succession. (c)Explain Transformational leadership?

7. (a)What is diversity in team work? (b)What are objectives of self managed work teams? (c)Explain the role of organization culture in teamwork?


Case study

(4 x 5 = )

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks) (3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)

(20 Marks)


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBA 446 TEAM DEVELOPMENT AND LEADERSHIP Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory 1. (a) Mention role of organizational culture? (b)Discuss the managerial grid model of leadership? (c)Explain situational leadership theory?

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)

2. (a)What is group think? (3 Marks) (b)Explain the conflict resolution techniques? (7 Marks) (c)Discuss the leadership profile of any corporate leader of your choice? (10 Marks) 3. (a)What are virtual teams? (3 Marks) (b)Discuss the characteristics of effective teams? (7 Marks) (c)Discuss the barriers of communication with reference to teamwork? (10 Marks) 4.


(a)What are self managed work teams? (3 Marks) (b)Explain the advantages and disadvantages of S.M.W.Ts? (c)Explain the various stages of team development?

(7 Marks) (10 Marks)

(a) Differentiate work team and work group? (3 Marks) (b)Discuss the symptoms of group think? (7 Marks) (c)Managers role and leader role is not one and the sank, explain? (10 Marks)

6. (a)What is team cohesiveness? (3 Marks) (b)What is meant by feed back? How does it help in improving team performance? (7 Marks) (c)Explain the challenges of globalization of technology to leadership? (10 Marks) 7. (a)What is synergy in a team? (3 Marks) (b)Explain the functions of leadership? (7 Marks) (c) Compare of contrast transactional of transformational leadership? (10 Marks)


4X5=20 Marks


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBAHR447- ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory Note: 1. Answer any 4 full questions from Question No.1 to 7, Question No. 8 is compulsory. 2. Each question carries sub-question a, b, c carrying 3 marks, 7 marks & 10 Marks respectively. 1. a) What is Organization Development? 3 Marks b) What are the characteristics of Organization Development? 7 Marks c) Explain with a diagram Techno-structural approach and Human proconsul approach to organizational development 10 Marks 2. a) What is an intervention? 3 Marks b) Discuss the OD Values necessary for dealing with individuals, groups & organization. 7 Marks d) Discuss various forms of results expected from different OD interventions. 10 Marks 3. a) Who is a change agent? b) Discuss the seven phases of OD programs? c) Explain Beckards confrontation meeting in detail?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

4. a) What are the 3 steps in Kurt Lewin’s Model planned change? 3 Marks b) Explain Weisberg’s 6-box model as diagnostic framework of organizational diagnosis? 7 Marks d) Explain the action Research model for OD? 10 Marks 5. a) What is ‘Force Field Analysis’? 3 Marks b) Explain Organization as an open system? 7 Marks c) List of Explain the steps that managers can take to minimize résistance to change? 10 Marks 6. a) What is a T-Group? 3 Marks b) State of Explain the various theories of planned change? 7 Marks d) Explain the different kinds of OD interventions specifically designed to improve team performance? 10 Marks 7. a) What is “third wave consulting”? b) Explain force field Analysis? c) Explain in brief any 2 of the following of OD Interventions a) Parallel learning structures b) Third party peace making intervention.

8. CASE STUDY (compulsory)

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

4 x 5 = 20 Marks


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBAHR447- ORGANISATION DEVELOPMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory Note: 1. Answer any 4 full questions from Question No.1 to 7, Question No. 8 is compulsory. 2. Each question carries sub-questions a, b, c carrying 3 marks, 7 marks & 10 Marks respectively.

(a) (b) (c)

Define Organizational Development What are the characteristics of Organizational Development? Explain Techno-structural approach to Organizational Development

(3 Marks) (7 Marks)


What are OD interventions?

(b) (c)

What are the triggers for change? Explain Human Processual approach to Organizational Development

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)


(a) (b) (c)

Write a brief note on ‘OD cube’? Distinguish between first order change and second order change. Explain the Weisbord’s (Six Box) model for organizational diagnosis.

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)


(a) (b) (c)

What are parallel learning structures? What are the factors leading to resistance to change? Explain the OCTAPACE Model of climate survey

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)


(a) (b) (c)

What is meant by partnering? Explain the Grid Organizational Development Explain briefly the 7 phases of OD programs?

(3 Marks) (7 Marks)


(a) (b) (c)

What is meant by Systems 1 – 4T? What are organization mirror interventions? Clarify the meaning of action research with the help of a model.

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)


(a) (b) (c)

What is third party peace making interventions? Explain the gestalt approach to team building. Explain the process of managing organizational change with the aid of a model.

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)




Case Study ( compulsory)

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(20 Marks)


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBAHR448- TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory 1.

a. What are the objectives of Training Programmes? b. Explain Training Process Model? c. What are the various methods of determining training needs?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


a. Discuss briefly Learning Principles? b. Difference between Training and Development? C.Explain Operational and Person analysis in detail?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


a. What are the objectives of Training Design? b. Explain outcomes of Training Design/ c. Explain Facilitation of learning focus on Trainee & Training Design?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


a. Describe approaches to training methods? b. Explain In-Basket technique? c. Describe Teaching aids for Training?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks


a. What is Interactive Multimedia? b.Explain Computer based training in a detail manner? C.Describe Development and Implementation of Training?


a. Define and Distinguish between Training and Education? 3 Marks b. Describe various methods Management Development Programmes? 7 Marks c. Explain Model and Steps of Training Audit? 10 Marks



a. What is meant by Training Audit? b. What are the special needs of Technical Manager? c. Explain the types of Evaluation Instruments?

Case Study

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

20 Marks


Fourth Semester M.B.A Model Question Paper Master of Business Administration 05MBAHR448- TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Time: 3 hrs

Max Marks: 100

Note: 1.Answer any four questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2. Question No.8 (case study) is compulsory 6.

(a) Define training and development (3 Marks) (b) What are the merits and demerits of training and development? (7 Marks) (c) Discuss the role and significance of training and development with reference to public sector and MNC’S. (10 Marks)

2. (a) What is TNA? Why it is to be conducted? (3 Marks) (b) Explain different approaches to TNA. (7 Marks) (c) What are the problems an HR executive may face while planning and implementation of training programme ?. (10 Marks) 3. (a) List out the various costs involved in training programme (3 Marks) (b) Explain the essentials to be followed in designing a training programme?.(7 Marks) (c) As a HR manager prepare a programme schedule to organize a 3 day training programme for Management trainees?. (10 Marks) 7.

(a) Differentiate between on the job training and off the job training. (b) Describe any 3 training techniques. (c) Explain the importance of teaching aids in training activities.

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)


(a) What is pilot programme?. (3 Marks) (b) What are the features of training policies?. (7 Marks) (c) Explain the logistics arrangements needed for conducting a training programme. (10 Marks)

6. (a) Mention the body language and gestures effect on training programme. (3 Marks) (b) Explain the role played by a trainer in a training programme. (7 Marks) (c) Discuss the different training skills needed for trainer. (10 Marks)

7. (a) What is meant by training audit? (b) Explain the validation concepts of training? (c) Explain the importance of computer based training?

8. Case study

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)

(20 Marks)


FOURTH SEMESTER MBA MODEL QUESTION PAPER MASTERS OF BUSSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05MBAMM415 RURAL MARKETING Guidelines 1) The Question paper will consists of 8 questions carrying 20 marks each. 2) Any 5 full questions have to be answered with the 8th question is being compulsory. 3) The question paper will have 3, 7, &10 patterns. 4) Questions should cover all the modules. At least two questions of 10 marks each (20 marks) should be application oriented. 5) The case study should be with reference to Indian context not exceeding 350 words. Case study will have four questions of 5 Marks each.




NOTE: 1) Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2) Question no 8 (case study) is compulsory. 1) a. What do you mean by the term agriculture marketing? 3 Marks b. Explain the scope and objecti ves of agriculture marketing? 7 Marks c. Explain the concepts of Thomson – rural market index and their parameters in detail? 10 Marks 2) a. Write a note on bio-fertilizer? 3 Marks b. Explain in detail the major problems of rural marketing in India?7 Marks C Rural electrification and rural communication go a long way in bridging the urban, rural divide. Discuss? 10 Marks 3) a. Explain the term AGMARK? 3 Marks B.Explain the significance and functions of KVIC? 7 Marks c. What do you mean by co-operative marketing? Evaluate the effectiveness of co-operative Marketing in India? 10 Marks 4) a. What is market efficiency? b. Explain in detail the marketing system of fertilizers in India? c. discuss the salient features of EXIM policy?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

5) a What do you mean by term ‘grading’ and standardization? B.What is APEDA on agricultural products? c. Explain the role and functions of FCI?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

6) a. What is social marketing? 3 Marks b. Discuss the rural communication challenges? 7 Marks c. Discuss in detail various rural distribution strategies adapted by major Indian FMCG Companies? 10 Marks 7) a. What is “contract farming”? 3 Marks b. Explain the concept of research and its steps used in agricultural marketing? 7 Marks c. Discuss the role of functional institutions in rural marketing? 10 Marks 8 Case Study

20 Marks




NOTE: 1) Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.1 to Q.No.7 2) Question no 8 (case study) is compulsory 1) a. Define rural marketing? 3 Marks b. Bring out the distinction between rural and urban marketing? 7 Marks c. Explain the Thomson – rural market index and their parameters? 10 Marks 2) a. Explain the hierarchy of markets for rural consumers? 3 Marks b. Discuss land and irrigation issues in rural India? 7 Marks c. Suggest suitable marketing strategy for talcum powder to be sold in the rural area? 10 Marks 3) a. How do you classify the agriculture inputs? 3 Marks b. What marketing strategy would you propose for fertilizers? 7 Marks c. Write a note on the SWOT analysis of agro-chemicals market? 10 Marks 4) a. Briefly explain the marketing of consumables and durables? 3 Marks b. Explain the functioning of regulated markets? 7 Marks c. Bring out the significance of rural/cottage industries? How is helpful to Indian farmers? (10) 5) a. Write a note on agriculture export zone (AEZ)? 3 Marks b. Write a short note on 7 Marks i) NABARD ii) SCB c. Discuss the impact of Kissan credit card scheme on rural market? 10 Marks 6) a. Explain the structure of co-operative organization? b. Discuss the role and function of FCI? c. Analyze the impact of co-operatives on rural marketing?

3 Marks 7 Marks 10 Marks

7) a. How do you segment rural markets? 3 Marks b. Discuss the challenges Indian agriculture is facing currently under LPG scenario? 7 Marks c. Describe the needs for education in the agricultural sector and explain various training programs for agriculture markets? 10 Marks


FOURTH SEMESTER MBA MODEL QUESTION PAPER I MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05MBA MM 417- INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION Note: Answer any 4 full questions from Question No.1 to 7 Question No. 8 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks 1. a) What is integrated marketing Communications? (3) b) Discuss various methods of allocating advertising budget. (7) c) Briefly explain the reasons due to which companies switch their Ad Agency. Also discuss how Ad Agencies gain clients. (10) 2. a) What is an advertising agency? (3) b) What do you mean by TRP? What are the methods of measuring TRPs? (7) c) Creative execution refers to the way an advertising appeal is presented. Explain in detail the various ways of presenting advertising message with suitable examples.(10) 3. a) What do you mean by cluster? (3) b) Discuss how objectives can be set using communication effects pyramid with an Example. (7) c. Discuss the challenges of International Advertising? What can happen if detailed study of the international environment is not made? Give examples (10) 4. a) What is corporate advertising? (3) b) Explain the significance of the DAGMAR model for setting advertising goals. (7) c) Discuss issues related to measurement of advertising effectiveness. (10) 5. a) What is Creative Boutique b) Discuss the importance of integrating sales promotion with advertising c) What are events? Discuss in detail various key elements of events

(3) (7) (10)

6. a) Differentiate between Direct Marketing and Personal Selling (3) b) What product and services do you think are best suited to world wide appeals and why? (7) c) What are different types of consumer-oriented sales promotion and Trade-oriented Sales promotion? (10) 7. a) How Recognition Test is different from Recall Test? (3) b) Measuring the effectiveness of the promotional program is critical element in the promotional planning process? Discuss? (7) c) Discuss the tactical consideration in creating print ads and TV commercials. (10) 8. CASE STUDY (COMPULSORY) • The Case Study should not exceed more than 350 to 500 Words. • The sub division question should have four questions of 5 Marks each.


FOURTH SEMESTER MBA MODEL QUESTION PAPER II MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05MBA MM 417- INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION Note: Answer any 4 full questions from Question No.1 to 7 Question No. 8 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks 1. a) What do you mean promotional mix? (3) b) The integrated marketing communication movement is being driven by changes in the ways companies market their product & services - Discuss (7) c) Explain various approaches for setting promotional budget (10) 2. a) What do you mean by advertising creativity? (3) b) Explain various methods by which advertising agencies are compensated? (7) c) Discuss the importance of media in present Indian Scenario with suitable examples. (10) 3. a) What do you understand by readership survey? b) Explain the role of Direct Marketing in IMC c) Advertising exploits the vulnerability of customers – Evaluate Critically

(3) (7) (10)

4. a) What is event management? (3) b) Advertising is creative only if it sells the product – Comment .(7) c) What are public relations? How does public relations play an important role in IMC. (10) 5. a) What do you mean by sales promotion trap (3) b) Write a note on presetting of finished ads (7) c) What do you understand by global advertising? Explain the tests used for measuring advertising effectiveness (10) 6. a) What do you mean by concept testing (3) b) Explain the factors that have led to the increase in the importance of sales promotion .(7) c) Briefly explain the concepts of pricing and promotion in events with an example. (10) 7. a) What is unique selling proposition? (3) b) Compare and contrast commercial and non-commercial advertising with examples. (7) c) Describe various factors that effect the promotional budget allocation decision (10) 8. CASE STUDY (COMPULSORY)

(20 Marks)

P.S.:1. The Case Study should not exceed more than 350 to 500 Words. 2. The sub division question should have four questions of 5 Marks each.


FOURTH SEMESTER MBA MODEL QUESTION PAPER I MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05 MBA MM416 -STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT Note: Answer any 4 full questions from Question No.1 to 7 Question No. 8 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks Max Marks: 100

TIME: 3hrs 1. a) Define Brand? (3) b) Describe the functions of brand managers? What are the essentials differences between brand management & product management? (7) c) Briefly explain growing importance of branding in Indian Market? (10) 2. a) What is brand dilution? (3) b) Explain in detailed the strategies adopted by the marketer in the brand life cycle? (7) b) What are the advantages & disadvantages of celebrity endorsement? Explain with examples. (10) 3. a) What do you mean by Co-Branding? (3) b) Explain in detailed the factors involved as a part of legal considerations for branding? 7) c) What is Brand Identity? Briefly explain sources of brand Identity? (10) 4. a) What do you by corporate Brand? (3) b) What is Brand Loyalty? Explain with examples. (7) c) What is Brand Equity? Explain how companies build “Brand Equity”. (10) 5. a) What is Brand Imitation? (3) b) What are the courses of measuring brand equity? (7) c) What do you mean Brand Positioning? What different strategies of brand positioning? 10) 6. a) What do you mean by global brand? With examples? (3) b) If you are brand manager of Nokia Mobile phone, what are the strategies adopted by you for brand repositioning? (7) c) What is Brand Personality? How marketers build brand personality? (10) 7. a) What do you mean by First Mover Advantage? (3) b) What are the factors to be considered by a Brand Manager for selection of a good brand Name? (7) c) What are Brand Extensions / stretching? What are its advantages & disadvantage? (10) 8. CASE STUDY 20 Marks


FOURTH SEMESTER MBA MODEL QUESTION PAPER MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 05MBA MM 418 - INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT Duration: 3hrs Max Marks:100 Note: Answer any 4 full questions from Question No.1 to 7 Question No. 8 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks 1. a) What is green marketing? (3) b) Discuss the significance of the EPRG framework in global marketing. (7) c) Explain the alternative strategies for global product planning in the context of geographical expansion with examples. (10) 2. a) What is meant by dumping? (3) b) Explain the need for communication adaptation in global advertising. (10) c) Discuss the diving and restraining forces affecting international marketing. (10) 3. a) What are the types of economic systems in the global environment? (3) b) What are the factors favoring global product standardization? (7) c) Discuss the different market entry strategies of international marketers. (10) 4. a) What is counter trade? Give three examples. (3) b) Explain the environment factors affecting international trade. (7) c) Discuss the relevance of instruments of trade policy in international marketing. (10) 5. a) What is global marketing? Give the examples. (3) b) What are the problems in gathering primary data in global marketing research? (7) c) Discuss the issues involved in international retailing. (10) 6. a) What product adaptation. Give two examples of global product adaptation in India. (3) b) Discuss the role of the Internet and its impact on global marketing. (7) c) Critically review the institutional infrastructure for exports promotion in India. (10) 7. d) What is meant by sourcing in global marketing? Give to examples. (3) e) What are the different types of non- tariff barriers used by governments to check international trade? (7) f) Discuss the different pricing strategies available to global marketers. (10) 8. Case Study

20 Marks

1. 350 to 500 words & 4 questions of 5 marks each = 20 marks.



All full questions carry equal marks Max. Marks: 100 Answer five full questions Answer to question # 8 is compulsory.


(a) (b) (c)


(a) (b) (c)


(a) (b) (c)


(a) (b) (c)


(a) (b) (c)


(a) (b)


(c) (a) (b) (c)


What points we have to consider while drawing up a logistics plan? Briefly state them. Do you think it is advantageous to have agents in foreign market? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Justify your response. Give a brief description of the factors affecting channel decision in international markets.

(3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks)

What do you understand by generic promotion in international (3 Marks) marketing? Compare surface transport with air transport on the basis of cost elements. Under what conditions air transport is preferred over (7 Marks) surface transport? Contrast domestic advertising with international advertising. (10 Marks) Briefly explain what is meant by multicultural research? (3 Marks) How does international marketing differs from domestic marketing? Explain. Write a detailed note on the usefulness and selection of a trade fair as promotional tool in international marketing. Briefly explain the country-of-origin effect (COE) on the market’s perception of the product. What is a bill of lading? What purposes does it serve? Is it a negotiable instrument? Discuss the impact of international trade on the economic development of India. Enumerate the various factors that still retard the growth of international trade in India. What do you understand by Self Reference Criterion (SRC)?

(7 Marks) (10 Marks) (3 Marks) (7 Marks) (10 Marks) (3 Marks)

Debate the issue of global versus adapted products for the (7 Marks) international markets. Describe briefly the main channels of distribution used in export markets. Which one would you recommend for the product of a small (10 Marks) manufacturer and why? Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payments (3 Marks) How does the ECGC help the exporters in obtaining the finance? (7 Marks) Discuss. (10 Marks) Discuss various payment terms in international marketing. Write a brief note on ‘Dumping’. (3 Marks) What do you mean by exchange control? Describe the objectives of exchange control. Discuss the breadth and scope of international marketing research. Why is international marketing research generally broader in scope than domestic marketing research? Case Study

(7 Marks) (10 Marks) (20 Marks)


Fourth semester of MBA MODEL question paper I 05 MBA BI 476 LEGAL ASPECTS OF BANKING Time: 3 hours Note:

Max marks: 100

1. Answer any five full questions including question No 8 which is Compulsory 2. All main questions carry 20 marks each

1. a) What is the jurisdiction of District Forum under COPRA act? (3 marks) b) Discuss the role of RBI and Government of India as regulators of banks (7 marks) c) Define the term mortgage. Explain various types of mortgages. What is the difference between equitable and legal mortgage? (10 marks) 2. a) What is the role of Central Registry under SARFAESI act 2002? b) Explain the different types of credit facilities extended by banks. c) What is a bank guarantee? Explain the types of bank guarantees issued by banks . What is invocation of bank guarantee?

(3 marks) (7 marks)

3. a) Explain Supply Bills as a credit facility. b) Explain the recovery steps a bank resorts to under SARFAESI act 2002? c) What are the provisions of Banker’s Books Evidence Act applicable to banks?

(3 marks) (7 marks) (10 marks)

4. a) What are the bank licensing requirements under section 22 of RBI act? b) What is the procedure followed by Debt Recovery Tribunals for dealing with the cases before them? c) Define indemnity. How is contract of indemnity different from contract of guarantee? What are the rights of an indemnity holder?

( 3 marks)

5. a) What is the difference between secured loans and unsecured loans? b) What is the procedure for filing complaint before banking Ombudsman? What are the powers of a Banking Ombudsman? c) Explain the various modes of creating charges as securities against the loans and advances.


6. a) What do you mean by joint and several liability of a partner? b) What are the responsibilities of paying banker and collecting banker under Negotiable Instrument Act? c) What are the provisions of RBI act and banking regulation act affecting banking companies?

(3 marks )

(10 marks)

( 7 marks) (10 marks)

( 7 marks) (10 marks)

( 7 marks) ( 10 marks)

7. a) Explain the term actionable claim. (3 marks) b) Explain the various types of borrowers whom bankers entertain in their (7 marks) course of lending operations c) What is a letter of credit? Who are the parties to a letter of credit? (10 marks) Explain various types of letters of credit in usage 8. Case study on Charging of Securities (Lien, set-off, appropriation) (5 marks for theory (15 marks for case)


Fourth semester of MBA MODEL question paper II 05 MBA BI 476 LEGAL ASPECTS OF BANKING Time: 3 hours Note:

Max marks: 100

1. Answer any five full questions including question No 8 which is Compulsory 2. All main questions carry 20 marks each

1. a) What are the bank licensing requirements under section 22 of RBI act? b) What are the responsibilities of paying banker and collecting banker under Negotiable Instrument Act? c) Define indemnity. How is contract of indemnity different from contract of guarantee? What are the rights of an indemnity holder?

( 3 marks)

2.a) Explain Supply Bills as a credit facility. b) What is the procedure for filing complaint before banking Ombudsman? What are the powers of a Banking Ombudsman? c) What is a letter of credit? Who are the parties to a letter of credit? Explain various types of letters of credit in usage

( 3 marks)

3. a)What are the bank licensing requirements under section 22 of RBI act? b) What is the procedure followed by Debt Recovery Tribunals for dealing with the cases before them? c) What are the provisions of RBI act and banking regulation act affecting banking companies?

( 3 marks)

( 7 marks) (10 marks)

( 7 marks) (10 marks)

( 7 marks) ( 10 marks)

4. a) Explain the term actionable claim. (3 marks) b) Explain the recovery steps a bank resorts to under SARFAESI act 2002? ( 7 marks) c) Define the term mortgage. Explain various types of mortgages. What is the difference between equitable and legal mortgage? (10 marks) 5. a) Explain Supply Bills as a credit facility. ( 3 marks) b) Explain the various types of borrowers whom bankers entertain in their (7 marks) course of lending operations c) Explain the various modes of creating charges as securities against the loans and advances. (10 marks) 6. a) What do you mean by joint and several liability of a partner? (3 marks ) b) What are the responsibilities of paying banker and collecting banker under Negotiable Instrument Act? ( 7 marks) 7. a) What is the difference between secured loans and unsecured loans? (3marks) b) Explain the different types of credit facilities extended by banks. ( 7 marks) c) What are the provisions of RBI act and banking regulation act affecting banking companies? ( 10 marks) 8. Case study on legal aspects of lending to a partnership firm or a Limited company (5 marks for theory (15 marks for case



Max marks: 100

1. Answer any five full questions including question No 8 which is Compulsory 2. All main questions carry 20 marks each

1.a) How do you arrive at Current ratio? ( 3 marks) b)What is pre shipment finance? What are the pre-sanction and post-sanction requirements of this credit facility to exporters? (7 marks) c) Explain the prudential norms with regard to income recognition, asset classification and provisioning for NPAs (10 marks) 2. a) What is debt equity ratio? How do you calculate it? b)How do you evaluate consumer loans? What is the difference between fixed and floating rate of interest c)What are the various types of agricultural loans? Explain the general appraisal norms for agricultural loans 3.a) What is assignment? Give examples of loans where assignment as a charge is created b) Explain the various types of charging of securities. What is the difference between pledge and hypothecation? c) Explain the role and functions of EXIM Bank. What are its facilities offered to exporters?

( 3 marks) ( 7 marks) ( 10 marks) ( 3 marks) ( 7 marks) (10 marks)

4. a) What is securitisation of debts? ( 3 marks) b) What are the accounting ratios that banks follow for considering short term and long term loans? ( 7 marks) c)What is working capital finance? What are the methods of assessment of working capital finance? ( 10 marks) 5. a) What is a back to back letter of credit? ( 3 marks) b) What are the post sanction follow up measures banks are expected to take in respect of loans and advances sanctioned by them? ( 7 marks) c) Explain the concept of Lead Bank scheme in India? How does it help overall banking development of a particular district? ( 10 marks) 6. a) What is the concept of Kisan Credit card? ( 3 marks) b) What is pre sanction appraisal? How does a banker make an effective pre sanction loan appraisal ( 7 marks) c) What is a cash flow statement? In what context it is used? What are its limitations? ( 10 marks) 7.a) How is capital Adequacy Ratio arrived at? ( 3 marks) b) How does an effective Credit portfolio management take place? ( 7 marks) c) What is term lending? How do you appraise a term loan proposal of Small scale and large scale industries? ( 10 marks) 8. Case study on Credit appraisal by using financial ratios ( Theory 5 marks, case 15 marks)




1. Answer any five full questions including question No 8 which is Compulsory 2. All main questions carry 20 marks each

1.a) How is capital Adequacy Ratio arrived at? b) Explain the various types of charging of securities. What is the difference? Between pledge and hypothecation? c) Explain the concept of Lead Bank scheme in India? How does it help overall banking development of a particular district?

(3 marks)

2.a) What is debt equity ratio? How do you calculate it? b) How does an effective Credit portfolio management take place? c) What are the various types of agricultural loans? Explain the general appraisal norms for agricultural loans

(3 marks) (7 marks)

3a) What is assignment? Give examples of loans where assignment as a charge is created b) What is pre sanction appraisal? How does a banker make an effective Pre sanction loan appraisal c) What is term lending? How do you appraise a term loan proposal of Small Scale and large scale industries?

(3 marks)

4a) What is the concept of Kisan Credit card? b) How do you evaluate consumer loans? What is the difference between? fixed and floating rate of interest c) What is working capital finance? What are the methods of assessment of Working capital finance?

(3 marks)

5a) What is a back to back letter of credit? b) What is pre shipment finance? What are the pre-sanction and post-sanction Requirements of this credit facility to exporters? c) What is a cash flow statement? In what context it is used? What are its Limitations?

(3 marks)

6 a) What is securitization of debts? b) What are the accounting ratios that banks follow for considering short term and long term loans? c) Explain the role and functions of EXIM Bank. What are its facilities Offered by exporters? 7 a) How do you arrive at Current ratio? b) What are the post sanction follow up measures banks are expected to take in respect of loans and advances sanctioned by them? c) Explain the prudential norms with regard to income recognition, Asset classification and provisioning for NPAs

(3 marks)


Case study on Charging of securities

(7 marks) (10 marks)

(10 marks)

(7 marks) (10 marks)

( 7 marks) (10 marks)

(7 marks) (10 marks)

(7 marks) (10 marks) (3 marks) (7 marks) (10 marks)

(Theory 5 marks, case 15)


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USN NEW SCHEME Fourth Semester MBA Degree Examination, July 2007 Business Administration

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Time: 3 hrs_j

[Max. Marks: 100 Note : I. Answer any TWO questions from PART-A and any TWO questions from PART- B. 2. Questions No.8 is compulsory. PART - A

1 a. What do you mean by the term logistics? ( 03 Marks) b. Explain different functions of warehouses. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain the elements of customer services. ( 10 Marks) 2 a. What is demand management? ( 03 Marks) b. Explain the various activities coming under logistics. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain various tools used in performance reporting system ( 10 Marks) 3 a. Explain the functions of packaging. ( 03 Marks) b. Explain logistics information system. ( 07 Marks) c. Discuss different model of transportation. ( 10 Marks) PART - B 4 a. Explain the meaning of the terms supply chain and supply chain management. (03 Marks) b. Explain the factors influencing distribution network design. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain the factors influencing supplier scoring and assessment. ( 10 Marks)

5 a. What is aggregate planning? ( 03 Marks) b. Discuss the drivers of supply chain. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain some typical IT applications in supply chain. ( 10 Marks) 6 a. What are the managerial levers to achieve co-ordination in supply chain? ( 03 Marks) b. Explain different cycle inventory related costs. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain the concept of "manufactures storage with direct shipping and In-transit merge. (10 Marks) 7 a. What do you mean by the term distribution? ( 03 Marks) b. Explain cyclic view of supply chain process. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain how information accuracy can be improved at different stages of supply chain. (10 Marks) Contd...2

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8 CASE STUDY : Farm Equipment Manufacture Ltd.(FEML), established in 1965, is one of the world's leading producers of agricultural equipments. FEML's latest efforts on supplier relationships have their origins in the plant redefining its business strategies during the 1990s. As a result of their redefinition, the factory was focused on sheet steel stampings, welding, assembly and paint as core manufacturing processes. With this strategy purchased past costs began to represent an increasing percentage of the FEMS's manufactured costs. This laid the first corner stone in FEML's re-examination of supplier relations. The second corner stone fell in place when, because of capacity constraints, steel stamping dept was unable to fill the factory's total stamping requirements and this led to the development of external stamping sources. Now the third corner stone was laid : Discussion began to arise as to whether the internal stamping dept should be treated the same as external stamping suppliers with the implication that the internal dept should compete for business and receive the same level of support at any other outside source. Typically FEMC's suppliers are small and medium sized manufacturers. Increasingly, such companies have been under industry wide competitive pressure to reduce overhead and trim costs. Many of them have reduced their employees to minimum necessary to run daily operations. Planning and implementation of new manufacturing strategies is beyond the capabilities of these companies because of lack of expertise. This realization led to the fourth and final corner stone. A vigorous debate began on "why don't strategic outside sources receive the level of support provided to FEML's internal sources"? In 1995, Mr. Sonawala, GM-scm at FEMC's jeadquarters, initiated a pilot supplies development programme. The aim was to resolve the debate via a pilot experiment to support 16 suppliers. An agreement was forged with the pilot suppliers that would entitle FEML to share in any savings obtained from the improvements over next 18 months. FEML's engineers were sent out to work with the suppliers who participated in the project. The result showed price reductions that resulted for FEML enabled it to more than recoup the investment it made. Based on these results, in 2001, the FEML works formed a dedicated supplier development group on providing resource to assist strategic supplies in implementing SCM. Recent improvement efforts have targeted lead-time reduction in suppliers factories. In addition to providing personnel to work at the supplier's facilities, FEML has provided training and education for supplier's staff. As a result of these efforts, FEML has seen reduction of more than 90% in lead time at some suppliers and resulting price reductions to FEML (after providing suppliers share) have been as much as 15%. The programme has yielded mutual benefits to FEMS and its suppliers.

Questions : a. What should be the basis for sharing benefits between FEML and its suppliers? (05 Marks)

b. c. d.

"Managing lead time is more important than reducing the inventory in a supply (05 Marks) chain". Defend the statement in the context of FEML. (05 Marks) Explain the brief performance indicators at FEML and its suppliers end. List at least four factors on which suppliers of FEML needs to be evaluated. (05 Marks)

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NEW SCHEME Fourth Semester M.B.A Degree Examination , July 2007 Business Administration

Strategic Management Time: 3 hrs.] [Max. Marks:100 Note : 1. Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 2. Question No.8 is compulsory. 1 a. State the characteristics of Strategic Management. (

03 Marks) b. Bring out the relationship between a company's strategy and its Business model. (07 Marks)

c. Explain the Strategic Management process. ( 10 Marks) 2 a. Differentiate between Vision and Mission statements. ( 03 Marks) b. Discuss the strategically relevant components of a company's external environment.

(07 Marks) c. How are strategic objectives superior to financial objectives? How is Balance score card beneficial in setting objectives? ( 10 Marks) 3 a. Distinguish between core competence and distinctive competence. ( 03 Marks) b. What is Strategic Group Mapping? What benefits can be derived from such maps? (07 Marks) c. Explain Porters five forces model. Use the model to analyze the Telecom industry. 10 Marks) 4 a. State any three benefits of benchmarking. ( (03 Marks)

b. Explain the concept of a company's value chain. ( 07 Marks) c. What are company's resource strengths and weaknesses? Prepare a checklist of such strengths and weaknesses. ( 10 Marks)

5 a. How is low cost provider strategy different from best cost provider strategy? (03 Marks) b. When does differentiation strategy work best and what are its pitfalls? ( 07 Marks) c. Write short notes on:

i) Strategic alliance. ii) Mergers / Acquistions. (

10 Marks)

6 a. State any three types of offensive strategies . (03 Marks) b. Discuss the options for a company to enter and compete in foreign markets. ( 07 Marks) c. How can the GE nine cell planning grid be used by a company that is diversified into multiple



10 Marks)

7 a. What is the relationship between strategy and structure? ( 03 Marks) b. Is culture an ally or obstacle to strategy execution? Discuss. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain the different types of strategic control. ( 10 Marks)

Contd.... 2

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8 Read the case given below and answer the questions. In July 1999, the Government of India decided to allow private players to enter the FM radio-broadcasting sector. It planned to offer ten-year licenses to private players in 40 cities across India. These private broadcasters would be permitted to offer only music, education and entertainment-based programs, not news or current affairs programs. Following the announcement, many companies bid for licenses to operate in various cities. The first private FM radio station Radio City began functioning in July 2001 in Bangalore, Karnataka. By October 2001, sixteen companies were issued licenses to operate private FM radio stations. In 1993, the government allowed private players in the FM sector by permitting them to take blocks (i.e. time slots to offer their programming content) on AIR, for FM transmissions. The purpose of this move was to earn revenues for AIR (by way of license fees) and provide variety for listeners. The major players in the private FM market during that period were Times FM (of the media giant Bennett Coleman & Co) and Radio MidDay (of the Midday Multimedia group). The programs offered by these private stations were much more listener-friendly and innovative than AIR's programs. As a result, the channels became very successful (in the mid-1990s) and attracted high advertising revenues. By 1997-98, the private FM business in India had grown to Rs.930 million. FM channels attracted most of the ad revenues. In June 1998, Prasar Bharati stopped the operations of private FM channels, reportedly in an attempt to improve AIR's revenues. But in July 1999, the government again decided to privatize FM broadcasts and came out with a ten-year license deal. The government refused to allow any foreign ownership in the sector. In 2000, the government called for bids for FM licenses. Reportedly, there are more than 150 million radio sets in India. On the basis of this data, private radio broadcasters claimed that radio had vast potential just waiting to be exploited. They aimed at duplicating the success of satellite television (which transformed the television industry in the 1990s) in the radio sector, with the help of latest digital technologies and innovative programming. According to estimates, radio's share in the total advertising budgets of corporates was likely to grow to 5% by 2007 as against less than 1% in 2001. Thus, radio ad spend was expected to grow by an estimated CAGR of 45% between 2002-2007 as compared to an estimated 15% growth for total ad spend. Though there was an initial rush for licenses, many companies decided to stay away from the sector because of the high license fees demanded by Prasar Bharati and the risk involved in investing heavily. These players were not allowed to offer news or current affair programs, and they were given only a fixed number of slots per city. As a result, only a few players remained in the race. They were given licenses to set up 37 stations that would operate across 19 cities in India.

Canto'.... 3

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Radio city achieved significant success in Bangalore and Lucknow, registering high listenership ratings. With the launch of Radio city, overall FM radio listenership increased by 56% while the time spent on listening to radio tripled (from 1 hour to 3 hours). Home listening increased to 85% with listenership at the workplace also growing at a rapid pace. By late 2001, FM transmission reached 21% of India's population and covered over 17% of the country's area. Radio city's market strategy was developed after six months of intensive research conducted in Bangalore. As part of this strategy, the company focused on creating brand name and brand awareness, before moving on to specific target programming. Sumantra Dutta, COO, Radio Division, STAR, said "What we are looking at is the first mover advantage. We are the first private FM radio station in India, and we plan to cash in on this." The company identified music as a universal theme and offered music-based programs in both English and local languages. Radio city also signed a contract with Newscorp to leverage the best international talent in the fields of technology, research, engineering, sales, marketing and programming. The target audience for Radio Mid-Day was however, car owners. The channel's programs targeted car owners, who had to spend hours stuck in the traffic. For the afternoon slot, Mid-Day focused on offering programs that appealed to housewives. Rajesh Tahil, Head of Radio Mid-day, said, " In the afternoon slot, we will have to compete with television for the attention of housewives. What we are aiming at is the top 20% of the radio audience. Thus we have decided to choose an audience, and go with it." The increasing popularity of FM resulted in considerable growth in the advertising revenues and listenership by radio companies. Questions for discussion : a. Discuss the growth and decline of radio broadcasting in India and examine the reasons for the fall in the medium's popularity during the 1990s. (05 Marks) b. Analyze the changes in the Indian radio market with the entry of private players into the FM sector. ( 05 Marks) c. Critically evaluate the private players strategies to leverage the potential of radio. (05 Marks)

d. Do you suggest the new entrants might follow similar strategies to expand the market and



( 05 Marks)

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Fourth Semester M .B.A Degree Examination , July 2007 Business Administration

Total Quality Management Time: 3 hrs.] [Max. Marks:100 Note :1. Answer any FOUR full questions from QI to Q7. 2. Question number 8 is compulsory. 1 a. Describe the five views of quality. ( 03 Marks) b. Discuss Deming's deadly diseases and sins that obstruct the quest for quality. (07 Marks) c. Explain the Baldrige Award criteria for performance excellence. ( 10 Marks) 2 a. What is a `Process'? What are its characteristics? ( 03 Marks) b. Discuss the significant characteristics of `Quality circles'. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain the advantages and limitations of Bench Marking. ( 10 Marks)

3 a. What is 'Re-engineering'? Why is it needed? ( 03 Marks) b. Briefly explain the principles of total quality. ( 07 Marks) c. Briefly explain the four themes around which Juran's contributions to TQM revolve. (10 Marks)

4 a. What are the three important aspects of designing product for quality? (03 Marks) b. Briefly explain the TQC tools. ( 07 Marks) c. Discuss the management and planning tools for implementing policy deployment. (10 Marks)

5 a. What is `Bench Marking'? What are the three types of Bench Marking? ( 03 Marks) b. Bring out the differences between continuous process improvement and process reengineering. ( 07 Marks) c. Discuss the dimensions of product quality and service quality. ( 10 Marks)

6 a. Describe the key elements of Feigenboum's philosophy of quality control. ( 03 Marks) b. Discuss the seven principles of activating team work in quality circles. ( 07 Marks) c. Explain Poka-Yoke and its application for services with suitable examples. ( 10 Marks) 7 a. What is strategic quality management? What are its components? ( 03 Marks) b. Discuss the seven step Bench Marking model. ( 07 Marks) c. What are the benefits and limitations of re-engineering? ( 10 Marks)

Contd.... 2


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8 Case study :

Heavy Truck (HT) Corporation : HT Corporation, a manufacturer of heavy trucks had a long, sad and bitter history of employee relations. The company openly practiced "management- through terrorism". Engineers and technicians dominated the culture. One of the company's assembly plants devoted major resources to statistical process control. An entire department staffed with engineers justified its existence by keeping control charts. The engineers collected and stored data on a computer and posted the charts in every production department once each week. They also posted lists of problems and defects attributable to each department. Another department kept itself busy with "work design" and assembly line balancing". The plant was highly product focused. Material moved smoothly from one operation to next. Sub assemblies flowed into assemblies like the tributaries of a river, all moving toward the final assembly line. Despite this effort, quality was mediocre at best. HT corporation devoted more factory space to rework and repair operations than to the original assembly. The individual and social aspects of the system were largely ignored. People lacked interpersonal skills, common goals and trust and they could not hope to attain these qualities under the existing power structure and reward system. a. Comment on the human resource management of HT Corporation.

( 05 Marks)

b. Why quality was mediocre at best?

( 05 Marks)

( 05 Marks) c. Inspite of problems, the production was smooth - comment. d. If you take over as chief executive officer of HT corporation what changes would you make? How would you begin? ( 05 Marks)

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