Volunteerism Mhc 2008 Penang

  • December 2019
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8th Malaysian Hospice Conference 2008, Penang Volunteer Forum 13 June 2008 (Friday) Facilitators: 1) Dr. Lalitha Kanny ([email protected]) 2) Dr. David Brumley The Challenges faced by most organizations Why do volunteers start out full of enthusiasm and then …”fade away “ after a while ? • I don’t feel needed • I’m not appreciated! • I’m Not important? • No support • No one cares about how I feel… • No education/ inadequate training Volunteerism may be defined as “Contributing one’s time or talents for charitable, educational, social, political, or other worthwhile purpose, usually in one’s community, freely without regard for compensation.” The American Heritage®Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition 2007 Suggestions for Improvements { Identify Organization’s Vision and Mission, focus on it and follow through, volunteering for a purpose { Identify areas / services which require volunteers

{ Organize on-going training -training module


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ƒ Overview of Palliative Care ƒ Roles of volunteers ƒ Code of conduct -- confidentiality ƒ Psychosocial Support for the patient and family ƒ The emotional, spiritual and cultural issues related to death and dying ƒ Grief and bereavement care ƒ Self care while helping patients and families to cope with their grief Orientation programme ƒ This should be made mandatory for each volunteer ƒ It would include the above modules of training ƒ the Do’s and Don’ts as a volunteer Prepare volunteer well at the beginning, psychosocially and emotionally, allow better understanding of what is Palliative Care all about Appoint A dedicated volunteer coordinator(VC) – with allowance/stipend, she/he would be responsible to liase with the list of volunteers, identify theirs areas of strength and skills, thus able to delegate task accordingly. He/She should be reporting to the hospice chairman on the hospices’ volunteers’ activities. VC to list activities of volunteers twice yearly. All VCs of hopices in Malaysia to meet at an agreed site twice yearly, to discuss progress, problems and proposal on ways to move forward.

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WAYS TO KEEP OUR VOLUNTEERS COMMITTED: To enhance “sense of belonging”, Volunteer reward of being able to contribute and play a part for the organization, patients and their family Initiate support group / counselling sessions for volunteers Organize regular debriefing session – grief and bereavement care, or whenever they face difficult death, allowing them to ventilate Better understanding of volunteers’ profiles and their areas of interest – better delegation of tasks “Get them while they are HOT!” During the initial phase, enthusiasm level is usually high, follow up closely and constant encouragement to appreciate their efforts Cross Exchange exposure within the nation, getting to know others volunteers from other successful organization, instill positive inspiration Contract / agreement of service. For example, sponsoring volunteer to attend national or international conference related to Palliative Care, they would agree on contribute what they learned or gained from such conference with all volunteer, this promote responsibility, develop them academically to lead others Good communication, committee / board members to have regular dialogue with the volunteers with regards to the happenings of the organization u such as fund raising event, activities, outings, training, conference etc..

Create a blog, easy access for all volunteers. Site to keep them updated on what’s happening at each hospice, ie. Events and training programmes and courses which they could attend

HOW TO KEEP THE FLAME OF VOLUNTEERISM BRIGHT Implement Volunteers Recognition Programme { Always give praises unconditionally, generously and publicly { Hold a formal recognition event such as dinner, a reception { Hold competition among different organization -- the best/outstanding volunteer team of the nation. At the VC meetings { Place articles in your organization newsletter projecting the hard work of volunteers { Plan a public event or community activity { Thank you card to each volunteer, show appreciation { Create volunteer bulletin board on events carried out by volunteers, with their photos and names on board { Involve the media, newspaper, television and radio on volunteers’ work { Tell a story, their inspiring contribution to the community { Make “volunteerism” be part of the topic for national and international hospices’ conferences { The most outstanding volunteers group with be rewarded with certificate of merit and trophy at the Malaysian Hospice Conference. { Invite international professionals to share the global volunteerism updates and movements { HOW TO RAISE FUNDS?

{ There should be a dedicated volunteer fund { Suggestions { Twice yearly event eg, food fairs / bazaar etc organized by volunteers specifically for volunteer fund { This funds could be use of sponsoring volunteers to attend major conference related to the service, to attend training and workshops { Allowance/stipend of the VC to be covered by Vol. fund { To fund the VCs to attend the twice yearly Volunteer Coordinator Meeting. { For selected volunteers to be sent for training in bereavement counseling, touch therapy, massage, reiki level 1 etc…. { Appreciation, Appreciations, Appreciations

“Volunteers, A gift to the community” WE HOPE THAT OUR PROPOSALS AND SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE CONSIDERED SERIOUSLY. MAY THE VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME OF EACH HOSPICE GROW SUCCESSFULLY! LET US JOIN HANDS AND MOVE FORWARD. Participants of the Volunteer Forum MHC 2008, Penang 1) Ms. Ng Goon Ghee 2) Puan Zainabi Basir Ahmad 3) Ms. Mary Tan 4) Ms. Emily Law 5) Ms. Helen Chong 6) Ms. Vimala 7) Sr. Flora 8) Ms. Lee Lang Eng 9) Ms. Esther Raj 10) Ms. Norzihan 11) Ms. Tey Kim Luan 12) Ms. Ellen Yee

Compiled by, Ellen Yee ([email protected]) Sabah

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