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The New Year is upon us, so it’s time to whip out your day-planner or electronic scheduler and make some plans for building your STEMTech business in 2007. Here is a suggested month-by-month plan of activities to use as a foundation for this year’s growth:







Editor Bonnie Goldfein HealthLink is a copyrighted publication of STEMTech HealthSciences, Inc. For permission to reprint articles from this newsletter, STEMTech Distributors may contact the Editor at STEMTech Corporate Offices, 1011 Calle Amanecer, San Clemente, CA 92673, or via e-mail at [email protected].

As you set down your general business goals for this year, you will want to plan t h i n g s around the First Annual STEMTech Convention. Now is the time to contact everyone in your organization and make sure they are registered to attend this exciting weekend event. Each member of your team who attends the Convention will take home untold benefits from the training, recognition and personal contacts they will experience. Work hard NOW to gather a good group who will share the Convention’s excitement and take its new momentum back into the field. Now is also a great time to check your Back Office to learn what you need to accomplish before the Convention to qualify as a StemGem Team member. Special activities and “perks”


await StemGems in Costa Mesa, including being the FIRST to hear on Friday evening what the weekend will reveal… and you’ll learn this exciting news at a StemGems-only gourmet reception! MARCH There is nowhere else to be in mid-March than Costa Mesa, CA, at the Hilton Hotel! You may want to plan a family vacation around the Convention. But here’s a tip: Plan that vacation leading into the Convention, because you will not want a moment’s delay in getting back to business after this fantastic event. You will want to get right back to your field organization to share your excitement about the Convention’s news and put into practice the training you gained in the workshops. APRIL-MAY Here are two perfect months to hold Regional Events in your area! Following the Convention’s announcements about product and business growth, you will have a unique opportunity to share a “better-than-ever” STEMTech business opportunity with groups of people in your area. Would you like to have Christian, Errol and members of the StemGem Team speak at your Regional Event? You can make it happen! All you need to do is:

Schedule your event early (NOW would be good), and make sure to have a crowd of at least 100 people for each meeting. There is no arguing the fact that having a Regional Event with Christian, Errol and Field Leaders will help build your business… Look at the growth seen in areas where the Fall Regionals were held in 2006! JUNE-JULY Decide NOW that you will not let the “dog-days of summer” affect your businessbuilding momentum. Summer is a great time to share the benefits of StemEnhanceTM with vacationers, who could always use a little more energy for play and increased mental awareness to appreciate their leisure activities. Perhaps plan a meeting with your local retired RVers, who can definitely benefit from the health support for their bodies as they age. AUGUST-SEPTEMBER Here is when STEMTech provides every Distributor with another valuable training opportunity: The Leadership Conference. This training event (for Directors and above only) will give you additional tools to use as you enter the Fall Growth Season. The dates and agenda of the Leadership Conference will be announced at the Convention. Start your Fall right! continued on page 2




Page 2

GROWTH & EXCITEMENT IN 2007 As we move closer to the upcoming 1st Annual Convention, excitement is building at the corporate offices and in the field. The announcements, training, tours and socializing will no doubt catapult your business through 2007 and beyond. Each and every person from your downline who attends will turn into a huge advantage to you in building your business. In our Top 10 this month (on p. 5), Florida jumped to #3 and Wash-

by Ray C. Carter, Jr.

ington jumped to #6, both with a sales increase of over 60%! Recent regional events in these two locations really helped to boost growth in these markets. Individual growth is exploding, too. We have so many Rank Advancements to report in this issue that our page 3 list is continued on page 7!

sure to plan events in your area for April and thereafter. In addition to providing the proven boost to growth seen in the Fall Regionals, your Spring and Summer Regionals will be perfect occasions to share the information, excitement and momentum you bring home from the Convention.

As we start to focus on the March Convention just around the corner, Errol and Christian will begin to reduce their regional event travel…but make

Our corporate staff continues to grow, keeping pace with the recordbreaking sales and recruiting we are seeing in the

Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2007. See you in March!



govern the transformation of the stem cell into a particular cell type. The new cell containing its own DNA is a healthy and strong cell that has the capacity to bring support to the challenged tissue. Faced with a strong surge of fresh stem cells from the bone marrow, the dysfunctional cells can be

continued from page 1


Can a stem cell that migrates into a dysfunctional tissue become a dysfunctional cell and make things worse? While the environment of a cell plays a very important role in its life and future, the identity of an individual cell is entirely determined by its own DNA. When a cell lands in a tissue, specific molecules in that tissue turn on a “switch” in the stem cell that triggers the transcription of the DNA that will

field each month. We will be introducing many of our new senior staff members to you at the March Convention. I know you will join me in making them feel welcome in our STEMTech family.

outnumbered, supporting a return of the tissue to a condition of optimal health. Send your questions for Christian to the Editor via email to: [email protected].

THE COUNTDOWN CONTEST ENDS JANUARY 31 How many “freebies” have you accumulated? • Will you be spending $100 or $200 in cash vouchers in Costa Mesa? • Will you be staying for FREE at the Costa Mesa Hilton? • Will you fly to the Convention for FREE? • Will you fly with a friend or colleague… both FREE?

To each of you who won “freebies” in the Countdown to Costa Mesa Contest, we say CONGRATULATIONS! See you at the First Annual Convention!

Here it is… The Fall Growth Season, traditionally a time of significant building. It’s also a great time to schedule another Regional Event, so your area may benefit from appearances by Christian and Errol, as well as STEMTech Field Leaders, who can share their business-building expertise with Distributors in your area. Your Fall Regional Event can spur your business to top levels of year-end growth! DECEMBER Where do you plan to be in the STEMTech ranks by the end of 2007? If you are currently a StemGem Team member, how many levels will you achieve between now and December? If you plan to step up to the StemGem Team, will you be a Sapphire Director by December… or maybe a Ruby or Diamond (or higher)? NOW is the time to decide where you want to be eleven months from now. Then start working to make your goal a reality!


Page 3

CONGRATULATIONS TO NOVEMBER & DECEMBER STEP-UPS! STEMGEM ADVANCES & NEW STEMGEMS! New Triple Diamonds Merlie & Dennis Kluver William & Caroline Lohmeyer BC Lighthouse New Double Diamonds Anna Gallman Sharon Soyka Madalyn Suozzo New Ruby Directors Dewey Lyden Arh, Inc. Ann M. Quaschnick New Sapphire Directors Mark & Terry Stupka Center for Natural Healing Olimpio Franceschi & Annie Rodriguez Donald Miller Antonio Ortiz Robert J. Rogers, M.D. (Dec.) Advanced Medical Practice Bill Werremeyer Peggy Zumbaum

New Senior Directors

New Senior Directors

Able I Group Sandra Bair Susan Darbo Better Health, LLc Bio Health (Dec.) Terri D. Branch (Dec.) Lyn Burleson (Dec.) Reinaldo Chico Cook Hee Choi Shirley Clark Rob Cranston (Dec.) Rhino Holdings, Inc.

Denise Neal Carmen Otero Tom Pace, ND Steve Pennycock (Dec.) Ridgeway Investments Inc (Dec.) Larry & Donna Jean Romans Ken Rose Envisioning Services Brooke Rudolf Peggy Sanchez (Dec.) Delta Sawyer Carol Sears Better Living Enterprises John Siakotos & Cinzia Genuardi

Jeremie Cron Gayle Cunningham D & L Trust (Dec.) Donald Dague Sandra Davis Pie Dumas Skye’s the Limit Publications Verne & Jan Eaton Mitch Fields (Dec.) Wellness Partners

Thursdays, 6 pm PST Hear Christian, Errol and product & business testimonials.

Avelino C. Gapasin Rosemary Gaudreau Jonathan Gomez Colleen Grams Joyce & Lyle Handeland Loretta & Kenneth Hayashi Martha & Bill Howland Peter Dorsett Information Assayers Helena Jackman (Dec.) Thomas Janossy Evelia & Indalecio Jiminez Dale Jokela Jin Kim Valentina Kneppers William & Dorothy Kusumoto Moon Ja Lee Cheryl LaRosa Longo Diane McGovern (Dec.) Maryellen Malack Irene Masci (Nov.) Flor Medina & Antonio Velasco Bruce Melmer

(218) 486-1400 Passcode

Meredith Murray

New Executive Directors Jung Ae Cha Gary Nice Transition Lifestyle, Inc. William M. Mabry Irene Masci (Dec.) Stephen Murphy Colleen Robertson Robert J. Rogers, M.D. (Nov.) Advanced Medical Practice Michael B. Schachter Cindy Yordy (Dec.) VitalNutrition


Mona Soliday Lamcos Narciso Sotomayer Victor & Marilyn Stewart (Dec.) Nadine Stoikoff Susan Strandberg Joseph Suozzo Ron Surface (Dec.) James Sutton Best of Health Bob Vance Winnifred VanderBorgh Alfred Waldner Geneva Williams Chris Woods Suzanne Wright Cindy Yordy (Nov.) VitalNutrition New Directors Gerald Anderson Jan Benner Bio Health (Nov.) Terri D. Branch (Nov.) Daniel & Yelena Brennan Ella Mae Brown Lyn Burleson (Nov.) Marta Bush Nicole Calasich Timothy Carlisle & Marie McCoy Marian Carlson

Baker Colony & Joshua Maendel James Connolly Health Directions, LLc Kathleen Conway Rob Cranston (Nov.) Rhino Holdings, Inc. Cathy Crout Jose M. Cruz D & L Trust (Nov.) Robert Davis Laura Dinnadge & Elijah Rubletz Marian Dubner Deborah Dunford Arlene Eastlund Connie Eccles Nancy Edmiston Stanley Eldred European Nature, Inc. Kirt Evans Althea Faria Mitch Fields (Nov.) Wellness Partners Melanie Fisher Avelina Gaerlan Nancy Moy Global Exchange Holding Jose & Marisela Gutierrez Karen Harris Reflexology Resource Steven Heuer Heuer Health Science Dean & Trisha Howell Edoba A.E. Igiesuorobo Francois & Catherine Jacques Helena Jackman (Nov.) Venustiano & Laura Jimenez Gregory Jones Optimal Health Concepts Lawrence Jungwirth Zauther Karim Keum Nan Kim Merle Lam New Directors continued on page 7


FROM THE FIELD First, thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the HealthLink newsletter. I would ask that each of you desiring to become a leader in the STEMTech business go back and re-read each of the issues of HealthLink. Triple Diamonds Izzy Matos, Ian Davies, Marijke Long and Phyl Franklin have offered up great tips. These are from people who walk their talk, people you can use as mentors. Do this as a first step towards your own growth. I was 19 years old when I read, Think and Grow Rich by Earl Nightingale. One point among many that jumped out at me was this statement: To be successful, find someone who is successful in your chosen field and emulate their actions.

Page 4

By Kevin Porter, Consumer Information Network STEMTech Health leaders, as with all leaders in business, have a “Job #1” to accomplish. What is this Job #1? Is it to share product with others? Enroll new distributors? Hold trainings? Do three-way calls? All of the above (and more)? At the end of the day, we do these tasks in order to accomplish our “Job #1”: DEVELOPING NEW LEADERS. That can and should be you! When you call your upline and ask for help, you are displaying Trait #1 of a new leader: Ask for help and be teachable. Contact your upline (Triple Diamond) whether you know him/her or not and ask this simple question: “How can I develop into a Leader in STEMTech?” Have your note pad and pen ready. The journey you will be about

FROM DISTRIBUTOR SERVICES Hello and Happy New Year! To start 2007 off on the right foot, here are some helpful hints from all of us in Distributor Services: • If you decide to enroll a new Distributor using your own credit card or bank draft for payment, please make sure to note the form of payment for that Distributor’s future orders. We want to make sure that the correct Distributor is billed for the new Distributor’s AutoShip orders. • Are you unsure how to enter your Bank Draft information into your Back Office? If so, please fax a copy of a voided check to us at (949) 542-8617, and we can enter it for you. • To change your AutoShip

to embark on will change your life forever! Make the call, take the notes, read the books, and as Triple Diamond Ian Davies said, “You will learn by taking daily action, over and over.” A rich man was overheard responding to the Kevin & Rebecca with Kanan & Brett question, “What is the difference between you and another person who is says, “Remember this: When not rich?” He said, “I am willyou’re through changing… ing to do the boring and you’re through.” sometimes nauseating things that anyone can do, but few 2007 will see many great will”. It is no different in our changes take place with our business! great company. You have the choice of watching from the I’d like to share a phrase stands or suiting up and getting that is etched in a stone siton the playing field. Can you ting on my home office desk. guess which one has more fun For years, this “stone” has and makes more money? Make reminded me to seek and your dreams come true! welcome change in my life. It

By Brianne Rogers and the DS Team

order, we suggest you contact us in DS. If you want to make the change in your Back Office, please input the change at least 24 to 48 hours before your AutoShip ship-date. • Are you planning a visit to STEMTech’s Corporate offices? Please call in advance to make an appointment if you would like to meet with a member of our management team. If you plan to pick up product on your visit, please let us know in advance, so we’ll have it ready for you. • If you would like to make changes to your website — such as adding/removing names, changing phone or email contacts, etc. — you can do this through your

Back Office. • Please include your name and Distributor number and contact information on each STEMTech brochure, DVD or other prospecting materials you hand out. This makes it easy for your new Distributor or retail customer to contact you. Remember: We cannot take a new Distributor application over the phone. • It’s a good idea to “proofread” each new Distributor application before submitting it to us, to avoid delays caused by errors on the form. • To verify your PPV or GPV, log on to your Back Office and click on “View my downline,” then click your ID. It’s that simple!

• If you need to leave a message for Distributor Services after business hours, please always state your name, ID number and phone number, along with a brief message, so we can contact you the next business day. • Reminder: It’s time to renew your distributorship as you reach the one-year anniversary of your enrollment. Have a wonderful, healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

March 16-18, 2007 FIRST ANNUAL STEMTECH CONVENTION Don’t miss it!


Page 5

AMNIOTIC STEMS CELLS… THE REALITY Many of you may have heard of the recent development regarding the isolation and manipulation of stem cells found in amniotic fluid. This is the fluid in which the fetus floats in the womb. It has been known for many years that the umbilical cord and placenta contain stem cells, but the identification of stem cells in the amniotic fluid is a recent discovery. As with the placenta and umbilical cord, stem cells have been isolated from the amniotic fluid for many years by various scientific teams. But it is very difficult to ascertain that the cells you are looking at under a microscope or the cells you are holding in a test tube are indeed stem cells. Stem cells by definition must respond to a series of criteria: 1. They must show an ability to multiply for many generations; 2. They must show an ability to differentiate into various types of tissue cells;

3. They must contain specific markers or signature molecules that are unique to stem cells.

by Christian Drapeau

opens new doors for the potential application of stem cells without the interference of ethical issues.

Amniotic stem Like stem cells cells have been extracted from the isolated for many umbilical cord or years but it is only the placenta, stem recently that scicells extracted entists have been from the amniotic able to confirm fluid are not viable that cells exfertilized zygotes tracted from the and do not amniotic fluid A human stem cell amount to what were indeed genuine stem has been defined as human life. However, although this cells. constitutes an interesting The group of Dr. Anthony development in the field of Atala at Wake Forest Univer- stem cell research, it must be sity in North Carolina has put into the global context of shown that amniotic stem stem cell science. Although a cells donated by pregnant significant contribution, it is women could be grown for nothing more than the dismore than 250 generations covery of a new source of while retaining their “stem stem cells devoid of ethical cellness.” The group was dilemma. It remains a relaalso able to differentiate the tively limited source of stem cells into fat, bone, muscle, cells, and therapeutic appliendothelial, neuronal, and cation can still face the probliver tissues. lem of rejection. By offering a novel source At times, the focus on the of stem cells, this indeed preservation of amniotic or

umbilical stem cells for future use is a little bit like wanting to preserve a glass of water in case one day you desperately need some water. There is water everywhere; there is no need to preserve a specific glass of water. At any one point in time, your body contains about 150 million stem cells, about 300 times the number of stem cells that are in the amniotic fluid. And this is not a onetime situation... it is every day of your life. Two capsules of StemEnhance™ will support the release of about 3-4 million stem cells, 6-8 times the number of amniotic stem cells that would be preciously preserved at great cost, in a freezer, for later use. Adult stem cells have shown capabilities similar to embryonic stem cells. Compounds that support the release of stem cells from one’s own bone marrow, therefore, constitute the most promising approach in the use of stem cells.



First Place

California (1)

First Place

California (1)

Second Place

Minnesota (2)

Second Place

Minnesota (2)

Third Place

Puerto Rico (4)

Third Place

Florida (5)

Fourth Place

Hawaii (9)

Fourth Place

Puerto Rico (3)

Fifth Place

Florida (3)

Fifth Place

New York (6)

Sixth Place

New York (5)

Sixth Place

Washington (9)

Seventh Place

Arizona (8)

Seventh Place

Texas (8)

Eighth Place

Texas (7)

Eighth Place

Arizona (7)

Ninth Place

Washington (6)

Ninth Place

Hawaii (4)

Tenth Place

Ontario (10)

Tenth Place

Ontario (10)

Previous month’s ranking shown in parentheses.


Page 6

SUCCESS= MEETINGS + PERSONAL CONTACT! The year 2006 certainly moved very quickly and it is now history, but what a wonderful year it was! There are so many things we could say about STEMTech through 2006, but if we were to come up with just one word, it would be… SUCCESS. Of course, there are so many other words that come to mind, like excitement, development, growth, hard work. But “success” was definitely the result of all that was done in the office and out in the field by dedicated, hardworking people. With all we have planned for the year 2007, this year will move just as quickly and also be a year of great success. For this reason, you might be asking what you should do to enjoy success in your own STEMTech busi-

ness and as a part of this exciting team. Of course, understanding the compensation plan and knowing as much as possible about our unique product would be very necessary, but what is the best way of getting this important information and making it a part of your business? I believe the best way is with personal contact. One excellent way to make personal contact a significant part of your business is to get to meetings and share with others. Some of those you meet with will be just starting out and will ask all the basic questions. Some will have a bit of knowledge and experience; others will be very successful and have a bounty of information and experience to share. Since STEMTech really is a

by Errol Lester

people business, we can do much to support personal growth, but there is nothing to replace personal contact.

formed, motivated, and very grateful for the investment you made to attend.

In addition to participating in your local meetings, your work on personal contact can and should include tele-conferences and one-onone meetings, as well as attending larger meetings such as Regionals. And don’t forget the “grand-daddy” of them all for personal contact in 2007: Our First Annual Convention at the Hilton Hotel, Costa Mesa, California, March 16-18! This fabulous weekend of training, recognition and a smorgasbord of personal contacts is not to be missed. You can be sure that there will be so much exciting news, information and honors shared with the attendees that you will head home in-

Charles Garfield once s a i d , “Everyone has noted the astonishing sources of energy that seem available to those who enjoy what they are doing or find meaning in what they are doing.” We trust you are enjoying what you are doing with STEMTech. We certainly find meaning in what we are doing, and look forward to doing everything we possibly can. to provide health and happiness around the world. See you in Costa Mesa!

GOT SQOLA? How often does the NEW KID ON THE BLOCK get a special “perk” not offered to the rest of the neighborhood? “Not often,” you say? That’s all the more reason for new STEMTech Distributors on AutoShip to feel a little special that they — and only they — may participate in the STEMTech Quality of Life Assessment (SQOLA)! Encourage each of your new Distributors to participate in this scientific program. It’s EASY, it’s FREE and it’s FUN! Learn about SQOLA at stemtechhealth.com/SQOLA. Do it today!


by George Tashjian, Webmaster

Getting information is easier than ever when you use the links provided below.

Here are “one-click” links you’ll want to know and use: HealthLink (past issues)


HealthSpan (past issues)


Regional Meeting Schedule


Quicklink to Back Office


Christian Drapeau Media/PR




Enroll as Distributor


FAQ (printable version)


CONVENTION AGENDA FRIDAY 5:00 -6:30 StemGem Meeting & Reception 7:00-9:00 Mixer (All Distributors invited) SATURDAY 9-10:30 & 10:45-12:00 General Sessions 12:00-1:00 Lunch (Contest winners lunch with STHS Executives) 1:00-5:00 Workshops (15 minutes between each 45-minute session) 6:00 Pre-Dinner Mixer (Hors D’oeuvres) 7:00 Banquet & Awards Ceremony 9:00-11:00 Music & Dancing SUNDAY 9:00-10:30 & 10:45-12:00 General Sessions 1:00-3:00 Tours of STHS & VitaTech (by reservation) SALES ROOM OPEN Sat. 12:00-7:00 & Sun. 8:00-2:00


Page 7

FROM CONCEPT TO DELIVERY When your bottles of StemEnhanceTM arrive on your doorstep, the product inside is ending a long journey that began months before in a pristine Pacific Northwest lake. As we all know, the primary ingredient in StemEnhance is AFA, a natural product that grows in lake water under the ideal conditions found in only a few places on earth. In this article, I want to share with you the procedures for harvesting the AFA, processing it under the strictest care, before delivery to the next step in the process, where the patented StemEnhance formula ingredients will be added and the product will be encapsulated and bottled. While AFA grows throughout most of the temperate months in the Northwest, harvesting occurs in late summer and into the autumn each year. As the “blooms” develop in the lake, the harvesting team makes daily trips to the growing site to check on the readiness of the

by John W. Meyer

AFA for harvesting. Samples are taken for quality analysis and removed to the process-

controlled holding tanks, where the lake water removal process begins. These storage tanks on the barge keep the raw AFA at 5 degrees Celsius (38 degrees Fahrenheit) to preserve the nutrients and maintain quality. Later the AFA is The Processing Barge ready for work. transported via a specially deing platform on the lake. signed motor launch from the Once the team assesses that harvesting barge to the local the blooms are ready, the processing facility, where harvesting barge is brought further de-watering occurs. into place and harvesting Then, under the strictest begins. The actual harvest- regimen for cleanliness and ing process can be a 24-hour- purity, the AFA goes through a-day job, seven days a week a proprietary process and is during this peak bloom, to dried into a powder. ensure that the highest qualThroughout the processity AFA is taken from the lake. ing, quality assurance perThe harvesting barge is a sonnel test the AFA many specially-designed machine times to ensure that the AFA that looks like a huge, wide is maintaining its purity and conveyor belt. It gently pulls potency. At the conclusion of the AFA blooms from the the processing, the quality water and transfers the raw control scientists complete a AFA to temperature- Certificate of Analysis, attest-

ing to the exact scientific “fingerprint” of each batch of AFA. At this point, the certified AFA is packaged in bulk and shipped to our manufacturing partner in Southern California, where the next step in the process will begin. Next month I will take you on a “verbal tour” of the manufacturing operation and its quality-controlled GMA (Good Manufacturing Practices) procedures for completing the patented StemEnhance formula, then encapsuling and bottling StemEnhance.


1 (888) STEMTEC


New Directors

New Directors

New Directors

Charles A. Larson

Maura Pateo

Sage Daily

Joanne Swanner

Josh Lee

Steve Pennycook (Nov.)

Peggy Sanchez (Nov.)

Patricia Taylor

Laura Light

Point of Balance

Deborah Sanders

Dorothy Tedrow

Robert Long

Ellis D. Pottorff

Thomas Sanders

Tulsa Medical Wellness

Schachter Center

Carol Underwood

Nelida Sepulveda & Rigoberto Carrero-Ramos

Josephine Dolly Warden

Simply Healthy for Life

Dr. E. M. Whitman

Sky Books

Duane Wiedrich

Ridgeway Investments, Inc. (Nov.)

Gene Stewart Brainstorm Seminars

Arlene Woolcox

Barbara J. Roberts

Victor H. Stewart (Nov.)

Ed Roelfsema

Val Strom

Sue Ann Rogers

Ron Surface (Nov.)

Kelly McCoy

Reuben Prinzing

Diane McGovern (Nov.)

Mathew Quaschnick

Galen R. Maki

Robert Raveling BS Enterprises

Jorge L. Morgado Olga Muniz Jose Nazario Vazquez Gail Niedzielski Ocean of Gratitude Patricia Pastor

Yung Yil Rhee 4everyoung, LLc.

Karolyn Whaley

H. Robert Wooley

This space is reserved for YOU.

See you at the FIRST ANNUAL



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1011 Calle Amanecer San Clemente, CA 92673 Phone: (949) 542-8600 Fax (949) 542-8617

“http://www.stemtechhealth.com” www.stemtechhealth.com







IS IT TIME TO RENEW YOUR DISTRIBUTORSHIP? Each year on the anniversary date of your enrollment as a STEMTech distributor, you must RENEW your distributorship. The fee for Annual Renewal is US$25. If you have not arranged for an automatic renewal of your distributorship, it is your responsibility to remit your renewal fee to STEMTech on or before your anniversary date. You may renew by mail or fax OR contact Distributor Services to renew by phone using a credit card. You may also renew your distributorship in your Back Office by going to stemtechhealth.com.

Register NOW for

We’ll be in Costa Mesa. Will you?


RESERVE YOUR SPOT for the Corporate and VitaTech Tours!

March 16-18, 2007 Costa Mesa Hilton Hotel COSTA MESA, CA

$159 per ticket

(includes all functions and meals)