Vol. Xxiv No. 46

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FREE AD LinEs: 256.891.0088 256.546.4664 256.569.1976

vol. XXiv no. 46

18 novEmBEr 2009



the lord ProVIdes

4500 ads thIs THIS WEEK! weeK!






e h T

Boaz Merchant Mart old west Point Pepperell Building OPENING


one of the Premiér Indoor markets in the southeast

BrAnd-nAmE mErCHAndisE

• ClotHEs • Avon • ComPutErs • KnivEs • GEnErAl mErCHAndisE • Hd ElECtroniCs • vidEo GAmEs & systEms • Arts & CrAfts • HousEwArE • linEns • CollECtiBlEs & lots morE!

wE rEnt sPACE


by the week or month all types vendors welcome for more info call Curt

ree F y l e t u l o Abs

! g n i s i Advert

ls,etc. ook: o o h c S , s urche NEsDAy’s BoN MoNdAy h C , s l a u No for Individ E for WED free Ads to Individuals.. N I L 256.891.0088 • 256.546.4664 DEAD n

BusINEss ADs for ANy BuDgEt

256.504.9981 Internet Café watCh Ballgames on our BIg sCreen tV GA


24 for Info

C l A S S I f I E d A dv E R T I S I N g M A g A z I N E SEE pagE

open thurs, fri&sat, 10am - 6pm • sundays 12-6

© THE SWAPPER, INC. 1986-2009 n all ads aCCePted at PuBlIsher’s dIsCretIon n the swaPPer Is a free serVICe & maKes no ClaIm as to the ValIdIty or aCCuraCy of any adVertIsement In thIs PuBlICatIon




18 NovEMbER 2009

WE BUY SCRAP F E R RO U S a n d N O N F E R RO U S 3 L O C At i O N S to better S E RV E YO U : Hwy 431 Albertville 256-878-3051 Hwy 278 Piedmont 256-447-9746 Hwy 72 Huntsville 256-852-1088 CALL FOR PRiCES Hours of Operation Mon-Fri 7:30am - 3:45pm

The Swapper, Inc.



18 NovEMbER 2009

$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ IS NoW THE TIME To REfINANCE? $ $ If you ARE PAyINg MoRE THAN 6% oN youR CuRRENT $ $ MoRTgAgE, you MAy bE PAyINg Too MuCH! $ $ $ $ CALL toDAy for A No oBLIgAtIoN quotE $ $ no out of PoCKet eXPenses on our refInanCed loans $ $ need to Pay off and ConsolIdate deBt? we Can helP! 15-year APR 4.89% 30-year APR 5.39% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ How to apply... call 256.840.9525 or 877.650.9525 $ $ ...or Apply Online: www.mortgagesbysouthern.com $ $ $ $ PrAyErs &donAtions nEEdEd $ outhern ome $ JoHnny rodEn’s HEArt trAnsPlAnt $ $ C J ortgage orp , G A H s 1987. $ $ H m B B l C , 888 Us Hwy 431 s m ,J — $ $ l — “P .” B C B H . We’re next to Walgreen’s in Boaz $ $ J 2 $ $ HE dEsPErAtEly nEEds your 256-840-9525 donAtions to HElP Him quAlify $ for tHE HEArt trAnsPlAnt list. $ J PlEAsE, r 877-650-9525 toll free $ $ His fAmily . t , i www.mortgagesbysouthern.com , $ $ , s s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $$$$ s d CAtEGory PAGE AnnounCEmEnts~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 AntiquEs/CollECtiBlEs~ . . . . . . . . . . . .23 APPliAnCEs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Auto PArts~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 BABy itEms~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 BldG. suPPliEs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 BusinEss/offiCE~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 CArs/vAns~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 ClotHinG~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 ComPutErs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 CyClEs/Atvs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 ElECtroniCs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 EXErCisE EquiP~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 fArm EquiP~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 for rEnt~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 furniturE~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Guns~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 HElP wAntEd~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 HousEHold itEms~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 JEwElry~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 lAwn/GArdEn~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 misCEllAnEous~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 moBilE HomEs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 musiCAl instrumEnts~ . . . . . . . . . . . .33 oPinions~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 PErsonAls~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 PEts/livEstoCK~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 rEAl EstAtE~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 rEC vEHiClEs/Eq~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 sErviCEs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 sPortinG Goods~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 tools/EquiP~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 toys~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 wAntEd~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 yArd sAlEs~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 for

oHnny wEnt to rossvillE for muCH of His lifE And rAduAtEd from lBErtvillE iGH CHool in is otHEr is Etty usH A ortE And our formEr AlEs Gr oE ord rEst Him wAs His APA Etty worKs in tHE AfEtEriA At oAz iGH


15-Year Rates as low as 4.5% 30-Year Rates as low as 5%





oHnny HAs not BEEn ABlE to worKfor yEArs Almost

EmEmBEr oHnny in your PrAyErs HAnK you And PrAy tHAt you And yours ArE BlEssEd inCErEly wAPPErmAn End onAtons to JoHnny rodEn HEArt fund suPErior BAnK 197 Billy dyAr Blvd.


BoAz, Al 35957

Crossville Al needs to call 256-894-7616 to CHRISTMAS IS COMING SOON wouldn’t you NNOUNCEMENTS~ A identify & remove immediately like to get that special someone an expen2ND AD IN for notice of filing lien for $1300 Bible study in the Arab area - get a sive gift at rock bottom prices, well we have

owned for an abandoned vehicle ’94 Toyota Camry license 1H6417B on my property 205-289-2862 ANYONE HAVING PROPERTY in chicken house located at County Road 468

panoramic view of the bible from Genesis to Revelation, minimum of 10 to 12 one hour lessons for a glimpse of the history, poetry, and prophecies of the whole bible. To learn more please call 256-586-0555

everything you want, some jewelry-computers-clothing-tools-etc no obligations just check our web site & don’t forget to mention agent code LC58355 CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD HWY 69




18 NovEMbER 2009

CooLing Larry’s Heating Larry’s Heating & CooLing

87 Co. rd 53






fax: 256-659-1065

license/Bonded/Insured fREE ESTIMATES sales & service on all makes & models

Residential & Mobile Home Installation

Mobile Home Special: 3-Ton A/C Split unit


SPECIAlIzINg in MH Installation &Residential Change-outs

includes complete installation

bEST PRICES IN ToWN! 17 yEARS ExPERIENCE G’VILLE has thrift store hrs mon thru fri 9 till 4pm sat 9 till 2pm accept all donations 505-3040 will pick up COUNTRY MUSIC W THE SOUTHERN EDGE BAND every sat night 7pm at westside opry jet pep hwy 35 west of scottsboro come join us for music dancing & lots of fun DEKALB SINGLES LINE DANCE LESSONS tues nites 7/9pm blake community center 6382505 ast EVERYONE WELCOME TO ATTEND COUNM AIN S T. B lOUNTSvIllE TRY DANCE every fri and sat nite 7pm till ime 11pm the red barn in snead al between F UrNITUrE UrNITUrE n J EwElry n C OllECTIBlES ntiques n G lASSwArE n C lOCKS n P OCKET w ATChES , etc crossroads and Brooksville, grt food and atmosphere, family fun come join us 116 S Main St. Boaz ome nj oy t he p er so nal om e eenj s onal Everything must go!? Inventory only!Old er viiCC e oot hs va ilaBllee and new train sets, race car sets, old comic e rv v ailaB books, DVD movies, TV and computers, on at aM pM n UES AT Office Equipment, Display cases, Sale starting @ 35- 50 % off, Some things 60 % off.,Hurry for best selections. closing Oct. 17th FRI NITES LAKE COMMUNITY CENTER/southern connection fri nites 7:30 to 10:30pm family oriented everyone welcome GADSDEN VFW/SAT NIE dance 7pm rainbow drive GOING TO SILVER STAR 18TH OF NOV from Canterbury station 256-593-3366 HUGE YARD SALE SAT SEPT 28TH 7AM TILL 12 NOON UNION GROVE no 1 Baptist church 1185 rice mills shaver rd a’ville, al I WILL PLAY THE VIOLIN flute & the piano n for nursing homes & assisted living homes for free weddings wedding receptions church events non smoking events proms balls plays & other events with a free also will be giving out basic piano lessons starting the beginning of next year its for $45 per mo for 4 lessons for 30min each for more info call me at 205-446-3733 snead area IF YOU KNOW ANY WOMAN CURRENTLY undergoing chemo there is a cleaning service that provides free housecleaning 1 time per 3Pt Post-HolE diGGErs w/ truCK BEds trailers, 5X8 & larger, mo for 4 mos while she is in treatment sign 6”-9”-12”auger complete 7X9, 8X9, 8X12 starting 3500# axle, new tires, up have dr fax note confirming treatment starts@$455 @ $1200 serv will make arrangement $690 &up KINGDOM KIDS loc at the church & lake guntersville is now enrolling waddlers & todSeeders dlers for more info please call dawn or tanya at 256-582-5518 $ 00 LATTER REIGN QUARTET will be singing at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church better &up known as (Little Antioch) located on the Martling Rd in Martling Al Saturday Nov 21st at 6pm everyone is invited Cutters, 4’ through 8’ dumP trAilEr 6X12, 24X6 Hybrid v-nose Horton LIGHTHOUSE OF PRAISE in Altoona would like for you to come & be a part of God’s plan, 5200lbs. 2-Brake axles starting @ $566 Hauler, 2000# axle we are plain people w/a big plan, help us to 2-cylinders $4100

P t

a 256.593.6890 M -S

10 -5






C s !B a T - S . 10-5 205-429-2988

LAWN&GARDEN 256.840.9090

2697 Hwy 431 - Boaz


- $1497.00



586 Mitchell Ave. n Albertville, AL n (256) 878-3261


n n


be a light for those in darkness, weds nite 7pm, ss 10am, worship 11am, sun nite service 6pm for info call 572-3077 LOST BLACK & TAN DACHSHUND male in boaz area $200 reward childs pet part of our family 256-200-0713 MAN TRYING TO GET A southern gospel group together needed music makers & singers more info call charles 256-9622668 culman MOUNTAINS OF GRACE radio church w rev calvin c white every sat afternoon at 4:45pm & sun afternoon at 3:30pm on internat shortwave radio freq 7.490 listen on line at MTNS OF GRACE .BIBLES AND GOSPELS OF JOHN FREE, to receive your copy write to Mtns of Grace World Outreach Center po box 511, Geraldine, al 35974-0511 MTNS OF GRACE has bibles gospels of john avail free of charge mtns of grace world outreach center p o box 2545 albertville al 35950 MUSIC IN THE PARK crossville park pavillion at 6:30 pm every friday the rest of the mo of july country bluegrass & gospel music free to the public bring lawn chair & enjoy the music NEED HELP CALL ON JESUS he cares I am not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ for it is the power of god unto salvation unto all them that believes need prayer email me for prayer anytime god bless NON DENOMINATIONAL CHURCH/PATHWAY MINISTRIES would like to invite anyone to come join us in worshipping the Lord 10:30am Sunday morning worship, we are located 122 No main st, boaz, al in old downtown mall, call Jason or tracy for directions 256-302-3925 NOW ACCEPTING DONATIONS/covered in the blood to feed homeless, we go to b’ham & set up to feed the homeless, we also accept coats & blankets in good cond 256659-2905 ORDAINED MINISTER in fort payne will perform weddings at your venue fee of $2 to cover paperwork processing donations

& honorariums accepted al licenses & marriages only pls also avail for renewal ov vows & child naming & dedications call 256-997-0037 lv msg PLEASE HELP SUPPORT needy spirit led ministries accepting donations clothing/furniture toys household goods etc will pick up 256-582-8667 REV CALVIN C WHITE is available to preach revivals & other meetings, contact at the Mtns of Grace Wrold Outreach Center po box 511 geraldine, al 35974-0511 256-8459316 REV CALVIN C WHITE is available to preach revivals & other meetings contact him at the mtns of grace world outreach center p o

box 2545 albertville al 35950 256-8785369 REV CALVIN C WHITE MTNS OF GRACE RADIO CHURCH sat afternoon 4:45 pm sun afternoon 3:30 pm on international short wave radio freq 7.490 listen on line at ” SATURDAY NOV 21 ‘09 between 11:30 am & 1:00 pm a free meal will be available at east gadsden church of god loc across fr aldi grocery on the corner of hood & elmwood ave trolley stops are loc nearby at k mart & coosa crossing shopping plaza everyone is invited & all will be welcomed 546-9732 SATURDAY NOV 21 2009 a free meal will e available between 11:30am-1:00pm at East Gadsden Church of God on corner of

Elmwood & Hood Ave across from Aldi grocery, trolley stops are located at K-Mart & Coosa Crossing shopping plaza everyone is invited to come & all will be welcomed 5469732 THE MTNS OF GRACE world outreach center has moved fr martinsville indiana to albertville al our new address is p o box 2545 albertville al 35950 THE ONLY ADDRESS for the mtns of grace world outreach center is p o box 2545 albertville al 35950 our only email is THE PLAN OF SALVATION admit you are a sinner romans 3:10; 3:23 repent & turn to god luke 13:5; acts 17:30 believe on the lord jesus christ that he died on the cross &

LANDSCAPE KURBING, LANDSCAPE KURBING, LLC LLC CoNTINuouS CuRbINg... 256.878.7656 n 256.504.1788 (cell) landscapekurBing.com

[email protected]



n Permantly Beautiful n Permanent material n limited warranty one-time installation n maintenance free n many Colors&Patterns Available

. .. Wh y U se Ce m ent ? n


PrACtiCAl n vErsAtilE n sEnsiBlE n CommErCiAl n rEsidEntiAl fREE ESTIMATES landscape Edging preferred over metal, Brick, or wood! -around flower Beds, walkways, drain-control &multiple other uses n

we specialize in... rEtAinEr wAlls


wAtEr ProBlEms








18 NovEMbER 2009


PoRTAblE buIldINgS

buy d AWAR

RENT to oWN No Credit Check


8’ sidEs Equ. CovEr

CoMbo gARAgE


NEW STylE bldgs w/ 40 yr Warr. 2” x3” Tubing - 20ft - 40ft Wide bARN



nEw sPECiAl

10ft. tAll witH sidEs




amerICan outdoor PRoduCTS 205


32x20 Barn

18x20 Bldg

EnClosEd 1 roll uP door



great for *Boat Cover *rV Cover *equipment



88222 Hwy 278 Snead Al 35952

see more ProduCts on under metal CarPorts, garages,Barns &storageBuIldIngs - alaBama

bARN STylE buIldINgS

shed his blood to pay for your sin debt & Weekly Sale- Clothing Only: 1st wk- pink at or 256-572-6123 front, interested in finding this car asap that he was buried & rose again fr the dead and red tag sale; 2nd wk Orange and THE UNION GROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL where I can conduct some stuff that needs romans 5:8; ephesians 1:7; romans 10:9 ask Yellow; 3rd wk Green; 4th wk White. Find a PTO is having a rummage sale to raise funds to be done on the person that has it UPPER ROOM CHURCH COME BE W/US large variety of Name ast imes WEDS NITE 7pm Sunday 10am Sunday nite 6pm for info call 738-6878 pastor Ryan Brand Guns In Stock ntiques Hammond located 205 white church on left Over 900 to choose From! WANT TO LOOSE WEIGHT call 256-2938468 B & B Pawn WE AT GREATER LIFE APOSTOLIC CHRUCH would like to invite you to come 256-546-4892 worship w us we are apostolic & we love to Check our ad page 50 on at aM pM dance run & praise god to the fullest we are on hwy 205 behind gville wal mart sundays the lord jesus christ to be your saviour bargain and help the needy! for our classrooms Sat Nov 21st 7am until 10am & 6pm thurs at 7pm romans 10:13; rev 22:17 pray this fr the THE UNION GROVE ELEMENTARY parent 2pm will be held at the school rain or shine WEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP pathway heart: lord jesus I am a sinner but I believe teacher organization is currently raising TO THE PERSON IN CROSSVILLE WHO ministries tues meetings 256-593-1243 for that you died on the cross & shed your funds to remodel our outdoor classroom we attempted to cut my dog in half, the dog is info blood to wash away my sins I believe you are excited about the new design we will be fine, we pd $300 to the vet, if you can live ARD SALES~ was buried & rose again fr the dead I accept renting the pto train to help raise funds the with it I guess we can, when we find out you into my heart as my personal saviour in train has been freshly painted & is ready for who you are we will press charges 1295 BETHSAIDA RD BOAZ fri and sat your name I pray lord jesus amen some fun if your church group school or TRYING TO FIND 1995 NISSAN ALTIMA tag everything 50 cents to $1 clothing for all The Salvation Army Family Stores: Gville, birthday party would like to rent the train #50J861T gold in color w/damage on psngr shoes furniture etc Arab, Boaz and Cullman Locations ONLY - please contact us for more info & avail dates side front door, on top of car, & also on 1408 PONDEROSA AVE sat only 7a to ? Rain

P a


116 S Main St. Boaz 256.593.6890 M -S 10 -5

B & B Pawn voted # 1 hand Gun Shop in Etowah Co. See ad on page 50 546-4892




18 NovEMbER 2009

Albertville, Al – 256-891-3150 HydRAulIC HoSE, fITTINgS, & AdAPTERS PoWER TRANSMISSIoN PRoduCTS Chain – Sprockets – belts – Pulleys – bearings INduSTRIAl HoSE & fITTINgS Air – Pressure Washer – Sand blast – Suction – discharge – Septic Jetter – Non-Conductive – Stainless Steel – food grade – doT CHAIN & CAblE doT Transport Chain – Mainline & Choker Cables Roll-off Cables – Winch Cables – Rachet binders PIPE, vAlvE, & fITTINgS Stainless Steel – black – galvanized – brass METAlS Stainless Steel – Carbon Steel – Aluminum Round bar – flat bar – Tubing – Channel – Angle SERvICES Hose fabrication – Saw Cutting – Pipe Threading (up to 4”) – delivery Call Sandy or brian Today!!! Check us out for belts, bearings and chain for your lawn mowers, tractors, balers, etc! Monday – Thursday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM friday 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM – Noon




or shine lots of clothes adults boys & girls shoes dishes electronics & lots of other misc items 2-FAMILY YARD SALE Fri/Sat 11/20 & 11/21 located inside the Douglas Day Care center next to the Douglas Football stadium right off hwy 75 across from the high school 3 FAMILY INDOOR YARD SALE FRI AND SAT HWY 431 A’VILLE inside buds pawn shop kids clothes etc ATTENTION TRADEDAYERS & yard sellers I have a 50ft bldg packed full of yard sale stuff, not able to do it but nice stuff, lots of collectors stuff etc sell all for $500 256-3020060 BAILEYTON HORSE BARN 8am until 3pm


18 NovEMbER 2009

inside yard sale something for everyone furniture clothing 256-558-9518 BARNYARD SALE ALTOONA and walnut grove 5214 ashville rd between Altoona and walnut grove behind west end hi school gym 205-589-2686 BIG BACK YARD SALE at 914 edgemont cir sat nov 21st HUGE MOVING SALE furniture clothing elec equip pa equip little bit of everything thurs fri and sat hwy 75 no 3rd house on left after you pass liberty bank 659-4239 KIDS WOMENS MENS CLOTHES 2054 FAIRVIEW DR Nixon chapel area LARGE MOVING/YARD SALE bed room furniture, pa equip, clothes, tools, little bit of


everything @ 40582 hwy 75 north Geraldine 3rd house on left past Liberty bank going north Thurs-Fri-Sat 659-4239 MOVING SALE furniture, antiques, hh items, misc, etc 256-504-0724 NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE on Daisy Lane in Boaz half mile from Shiloh Farms call for info 840-0840 NOVEMBER 20TH AND 21ST 8am until there will be yard sale along with baked goods, jewelry, Mary Kay makeup very nice childrens and adult clothing and Christmas crafts at SOUTH GADSDEN BAPTIST CHURCH one block from Gadsden health care on davis drive there will be individual vendors selling special items along with

4415 Hwy 431 Albertville, Al 256-894-8050 fALL spECIAL oCtoBEr through NoVEmBEr

Pickup/delivery fee $22.50

(normal price for Pickup/delivery - $45.00 for albertville & Boaz Country Clubs) regular price - $560 +tax (per set) fALL spECIAL: oNLy $489.00 +tax (per set) regular price - $610 +tax (per set) fALL spECIAL: oNLy $549.00 +tax (per set) normal battery installation - $35.00 fALL spECIAL: frEE INstALLAtIoN with purchase of batteries

6-Volt Batteries 8-Volt Batteries

donated items one would expect to find in most yard sales RAIN OR SHINE TRUCK LOAD yards sale items full load for $200 obo or pick what you want & make offer 256-996-7208 lv msg Geraldine area WANTED any unwanted yard sales, will clean/pick up 593-8107 WE WILL BE HAVING AN ONGOING YARDSALE in my garage over the course of the next few weeks in order to get rid of lots of items everything is either folded or hung & ready to go furn clothes some toys doodads & computer gadgets & solfware call 6772848 for directions YARD SALE in back garage at 1317 Wills Rd Boaz Fri & Sat large selection of tools & other garage supplies, lots other sale items for ladies, good selection of paper back books for 450 cents ea good winter reading at affordable prices YARD SALE LOTS OF HOUSEHOLD ITEMS clothes inc sz 3,4,5 boys 3 families 1584 pint st albertville al turn off baltimorw avenue sat 8-1pm YARD SALE Sat 21st 2222 Alabama Hwy 205 South in Albertville Al YARD SALE weather permitting Fri/Sat hwy 75 south 2 blocks south of Albertville police dept hh items, baby clothes, mens/womens clothes, shoes, purses, kitchen appliances, toys, furniture, electronics everything must go sale starts at 8am .05.VW VAN $20 393-6870 ISCELLANEOUS~


BUILT IN $400 205-274-2486 ’50’S COCA COLA FLIP LID BOX water cooled works grt $400 205-274-2486 ’95 CAR night light $8 393-6870 (2) GATES one walk thru, one drive thru w/all hardware $10 ea 256-538-8865 (2) SIDE BY SIDE burial plots at Valhalla Gardens, Garden of Everlasting Life, Section 2, lot 122, block B, units #1 & 2 $2000 for both 256-679-0609 (2) SIDE BY SIDE burial plots plus 2 vaults,




18 NovEMbER 2009

mill street Plaza Boaz, Ala. n


open: monday - saturday

lots More Name brands for lots lE$$!

7 5



$ 95

$ 99


1000s To CHooSE fRoM!

. ea or 2 for $10




18 NovEMbER 2009

the Fence Builders 1600 3rd sw -corner of Hwy 11 & 77, Attalla







800- 762-9045


Retail n Wholesale n Residential n Industrial n Commercial EvEryday WholEsalE PricEs


n n

finAnCinG AvAilABlE

side Gate operators



EvErytHinG for tHE do-it-yoursElfErs

Privacy fence


Portable Backstops


dog Kennels


Cedar split rails

CompLEtE EXCAVAtIoN services Available we sell & deliver top soil


Memory Gardens, Everlasting Life Garden, Section 8, lot 129D spaces 3 & 4 includes 2 vaults $2000 for both 256-679-0609 (5) PROPANE BOTTLES 20lb $25 ea 5936578 #20 HOME DEPOT $15 393-6870 1 COKE CRATE of cd tapes $3 ea $500 for all 393-6870 1 COKE CRATE vhs Disney movies $3 ea $45 for all 393-6870 10 CAR TONY STEWART 1/24 CAR COLLECTION exc cond $50 obo 256-605-0207 10,000 BASEBALL/FOOTBALL trading cars many are rookies from ’90’s $35 obo 205429-1028 125FT WELD WIRE FENCE 4’ tall includes 12 t-posts, around 15 4x4 posts it’s up but it’s new $200 cash firm for all w/wooden gate, I will help take down 256-728-8426 Grant Mt 15 X 20 SHED FULL OF YARD SALE ITEMS best offer 506-9016 16” HUSCAVARNA CHAIN no saw just chain 256-605-0207


Land CLearing





frEE EstImAtEs

2 BULLARD FIRE DEPT ISSUE helmets grt shape one issue coat and one pr fire resistant pants $40 256-605-0207 2 BUTANE WALL HTRS $55 portable butane tanks $25 4 pc hand made pillow set for porch 582-2483 2 COKE CRATES cassette tapes $2 ea $30 per crate 393-6870 2 SETS ENCYCLOPEDIAS one antique 256467-4160 2-4 X 8 UTILITY TRAILERS good lights and tires one is tilt 623-3668 2-AIR COMPRESSORS one paint type one pancake air nail guns staples brads hoses 100’ 12 ga ext cords 891-2291 2-AIR COMPRESSORS ONE W/HOSE several air nail guns 891-2291 2-METAL SHELVES $15 for both 256-2644221 2-WALL HTRS NAT GAS VANGUARD 3 brick like new $40 5 brick propane in good cond $40 728-5484 21 SPD MTN BIKE ALUM FRAME lightweight good cond $65 601-9562





24 MILK CRATES of hard back books $5 per crate 393-6870 290’ ¾” STEEL CABLE on wooden spool 878-0120 3 BRICK NAT GAS WALL HTR new in box $100 593-5101 3 COKE CRATES vhs movies $1 ea $20 per crate 393-6870 3-DBL D MAG LIGHTS 2 BLUE ONE RED takes d batteries $20 for all 256-605-0207 3-TOOL BOXES DIAMOND plated $70 ea 205-467-6874 30 AND 55 GAL PLASTIC AND METAL BARRELS 891-2291 30 CASSETTE PLAYING TAPES misc $5 5062161 30 PORCELAIN DOLLS $100 FOR ALL or $10 ea 891-1992 4 X 12 UTILITY TRAILER front and side rails new tires/wood floor ramp gate $475 256-677-1939 4-DRAWER FILING CABINET 891-2291 4’ X 6’ X 8’ MOVABLE CHAIN LINK FENCE

$150 OBO 256-677-1939 4X4 rolls of bermuda & fescue hay for $25 each near the intersection of 231 and 278. Well fertilized and sprayed kept in barn. Will load. Call 1-256-513-0410 or 5 PERSON LEISURE BAY SPA $2000 256228-0095 section 500 GAL PROPANE GAS TANK for sale good tank call 256-302-2537 55GAL USED METAL DRUMS, trash cans, or burn barrels 256-547-2903 Gadsden area 5X12 SINGLE AXLE TRAILER 3’ enclosed sides $600 256-630-3155 6 X 12 TRAILER W/GATE $795 16’ 2 AXLE TRAILER $950 morgan city area 256-4982135 6’ X 10’ X 10’ CHAIN LINK FENCE $175 OBO 256-677-1939 6FT & 5FT used t-posts $3.50 ea in Hollywood Al 256-728-8426 8X12 WALKIN COOLER albertville area 256-226-1203 ALABAMA QUILT FOR REG BED 593-6598

DeaLs DeaLs DeaLs!!! in Boaz outlet Center across from Boaz 9 Cinema • 256-593-3111 • open 7 days a week

BrAnd nAmE wHolEsAlE ClosEouts!

• tommy Hilfiger • polo • dockers • calvin klein • timberland • seven • lizWare • nautica • gloria Vanderbilt • Hathaway • union Bay • Jampick Jaxx • lacosta sHArP • sony • nintEndo • X-BoX 360 • tvs & morE!!

saVe uP to 75% off

5% off with coupon


ALL TYPES BOOKS new/used hardback & paperback good cond 25 cents to $8 ea cash 423-774-6001 ALPINE CD CAR STEREO system $100 205429-2207 ANTIQUE GRANDFATHER CLOCK 76” TALL MOON DIAL shows lunar phases cherrywood $250 505-7437 AUTO BIRD MAKER BY SANYO $30 obo 205-353-3262 AUTO BREADMAKER $30 OBO 205-3533262 BAMBOO AND TWISTED TREES to make furniture one lot 256-477-8488 BARN WOOD red oak 2 x 6’s $1.50 bd ft 256-306-0262 BATH TOWELS brand new lg sz thick assorted colors $2.50 ea if you take a lg quantity the price will be less 593-3948 BICYCLE RACK goes in receiver hitch 8780120 $35 BIKE RACK goes on trunk to travel $40 256601-6515 BILL GAITHER VHS video collection used toP quAlity

low PriCEs


Custom sizEs

CAMPER SHELL OFF ’76 CHEVY LWB make offer 477-0980 CAPTAINS CHAIR $75 878-0990 CARRIER FOR MOTORIZED SCOOTER or chair fastens into reese hitch on back of vehicle has ramp that lets down for loading $300 obo 256-657-5813 CARRIER FOR MOTORIZED WHEELCHAIR or motorized scooter fits on back of vehicle using reese hitch $200 256-657-5813 CASTER WHEELS (roller whls) off main frame cabinet small set of 4 $5 (hold about 700lbs) med sets of 4 to hold about 1200lbs $8 per set, large sets hold up to 1-ton $15 per 256-438-8099 DJ CEDAR FENCE POSTS 7’ long $5 ea 8784578 CEMENT MIXER 2 BAGGER EXC COND 8hp Honda motor $2000 or trade 205-274-2486 CHAIN LINK FENCE 3-50’ RLS 5’ HIGH 11 ga wire top rail some tension bars hdwe fittings 91 posts some corner posts $200 obo 205-647-9334 CHARCOAL BBQ GRILL great shape $40


toP quAlity


256-840-9030 CHRISTMAS IS COMING SOON wouldn’t you like to get that special someone an expensive gift at rock bottom prices, well we have everything you want, some jewelry-computers-clothing-tools-etc no obligations just check our web site & don’t forget to mention agent code LC58355 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS never used 150 count blue in color $5 will blink 256-628-0086 CLASSROOM FURNITURE bookcases 256504-7696 CLINT BOWYER CAR #7 $25, #9 Dodge $15 393-6870 COCA COLA CAR #1 Dale Earnhardt Jr $25 393-6870 COFFEE POT DECANTER MR COFFEE 12 cup $5 256-561-3213 COKE CRATE of 64 dvd movies $3 ea $200 all 393-6870 COMMERCIAL SEWING MACHINE $125 256-840-5060 COMMERCIAL UPHOLSTERY SEWING MACHINE hvy duty sews leather vinyl can-

low PriCEs


Custom sizEs n

sanD Mountain PortaBLe buIldINgS 256-659-5946



n n

us hwy 75 -7 miles north of albertville - 3 miles south of geraldine

Storage buildings decks gazebos


12X24 $3200

low PriCEs


Combo18X26-$2335+tax 30X21X6 $2285+tax

18X21X5 $695+tax

Custom sizEs


Covered Porches

toP quAlity





double wide20X24-$

Gazebo $185010X12

low PriCEs


Custom sizEs


toP quAlity


10x12 - $1850

Custom sizEs

low PriCEs

very good cond 11 tapes total $35 for all 894-3344 BIO DIESEL FUEL 300 gallons $2.50 per gal 352-9510 before 7pm BOTTLE FREON R22 30 lbs $150 256-2644221 BOWLING BALL DALE EARNHARDT $40 256-206-4264 BOX OF BRUCE gunstock brown oak flooring 2 ¼ x 3 ¼ 24sf $25 (left no #) BOX OLD LP RECORDS 200 for $200 3936870 BOYS BIKE 256-293-1105 $15 BRAND NEW MANUAL WHEELCHAIR navy blue exc cond $150 256-728-8426 BUNDLES OF DESERT CACTUS for food or live plants in bloom $2 per bndl 256-6050207 BUSHNELL NIGHT VISION MONOCULAR .2.5x42 built in infared illuminator new in box asking $250 obro call john after 6pm 256-660-0745 CAMPER SHELL FOR SM PU TRK like to trade for chain saw rifle pistol etc 996-6745





18 NovEMbER 2009

low PriCEs

Custom sizEs






18 NovEMbER 2009


vas cloth very clean w/walking ft cabinet w/web ft controlled x-tra lg bobbin $450 obo 256-593-6532 COOKBOOKS-10 weight watcher cookbooks 1 lean & luscious, 1 American heart assoc cookbook $60 obo for all 256-546-4137 aft 4pm COUNTER TOP ONE DRAWER BREAD WARMER lg commercial deep fryer 256572-6063 COUNTER TOP W/KITCHEN SINK formica 12’ long has delta faucet $150 have 2 other counter tops w/it 205-467-6875 CRAFT PROJECTS for sale soft books angles cats on printed panels vests $1 & $2ea 205429-2473

CROCHETING FOR PUBLIC would like any yarn someone wants to get rid of 388-9218 CRYSTAL ANGEL $25 393-6870 DECORATION FLOWERS 593-3325 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS and lances $10 per box call for details 205-429-4127 DINING TABLE w/tinted glass top $35 5822720 DP QUADRUM STEPPING MACHINE $25 256-264-4221 DRAFTING TABLE, electric raise & lower, lever controlled tilt, drawing machine, 2 drawers, several drawing tools & supplies, 1 ownr, DVD MOVIES AND CASS TAPES also vcr movies 293-1272

EMERSON HUMIDIFIER FEMALE BLK guardian angle w/baby $15 393-6870 FIREPLACE INSERT w/blower 30” electric w/remote brand new $150 256-558-2585 FIREPLACE TOOLS and stand new $20 256264-4221 FIREPLACE vent free natural gas complete unit brand new pd over $600 must sell $400 256-728-4151 FIREWOOD 256-281-9683 lv msg FIREWOOD 4’x8’ base cord w/average length 18”-24” split & stacked will deliver within 20 miles $80 256-390-1171 FIREWOOD all red oak $50 per load 256228-3545 Macedonia community in

PAYMENT REDUCTION PROGRAM ACT NOW! looking for 15 families — individuals for new HOME-LOAN PROGRAM Rates as low as

5.5% wAC

Call 256.878.4451

TAKE ADVANTAGE! homes omes dIsCounted IsCounted

for for

immEdiAtE sAlE!



HWy 431




Jackson Co FIREWOOD FOR SELL $65 load all hardwood 572-4279 FIREWOOD FOR SELL $75 trk load delivered $55 you haul 659-5562 FIREWOOD HAVE SEVERAL oak trees that can be cut down 256-225-3920 FIREWOOD OAK $40 PU TRK LOAD unbusted $100 load delivered busted marshall county FIREWOOD oak/hickory $50 per load, $65 per load delivered 878-4578 FIREWOOD you load/haul $35 for full size truck load $25 for small truck load 256490-0583 lv msg FIREWOOD/TRK LOAD $40 michael 205353-8444 FISHING WEIGHTS call for details & prices 256-632-5850 FIVE THOMAS KINCAID PUZZLES (1000 pieces) new never opened $10 ea cash plus shipping 423-774-6001 FLOOR MODEL TV AND KITCHEN TABLE W/5 CHAIRS $100 FOR table and chairs 891-4236 FOR CHURCH SINGING call 256-593-9326 FREE HORSE manure start composting for next yrs garden you load-haul, bring your own tools, Soddy Daisy area 423-332-3774 or 423-774-6001 FREE WOOD some standing, some already cut down, just cut & haul 256-586-3733 H/D ROAD KING TOURING BIKE accessories saddlebags windshield floorboards etc call for list and prices 256-738-8952 HAND MADE COUNTRY CURTAINS white w/baby blue trim 504-9968 HANDMADE QUILTS/country bunnies 5287178 HATCHIE BOTTOM camo seat covers 40/60 split fits 2005 Ford F250 like new $75 256599-3376 HERITAGE VILLAGE lighted houses Disney parks houses 3 houses one accessory 4292473 stored in boxes HIKORY AND OAK FIREWOOD 256-88943047 HOME INT 3 DIMENSIONAL COUNTRY

dERkSoN PoRTAblE buIldINgS NEW loCATIoN: Hwy 431 Albertville between Radio Shack&Jet Pep NT S ou THE SWAPPER


18 NovEMbER 2009


bIg dISCou and still on HWY 75 across From tHe airport oN cell 256 or home 256 d SE SS ES REPo S! buIldINg



8x12 to 12x32 Several Models to Choose From!!

*Quality Material *Quality Construction *Quality Workmanship *Quality Service To You, Our Customers, Is Our Priority Buy or r e n t to Own Free delivery and Set Up!

No Credit Check Needed

dISTRubuToR: JIMMy glovER Call For Information or Stop By!

wagon w/dbl sconce exc cond w/bales of hay etc $25 891-1992 HOME INT CINDY DOG very lg cocker spaniel $15 891-1992 HOME MADE HAIR BOWS ribbons and flowers $2 to $8 878-7024 HOME MADE WOOD STORAGE CHEST $100 593-3325 HOMELITE LEAF BLOWER LG SIZE 8912291 HOMEMADE HORSE Birchwood $20 3936870 HONEYDO SERVICE I’d be glad to run your errands do handyman type services repair things for you yard work clean up work anything you may need at reasonable rates call 256-302-1012 HORSE MANURE MULCH by the bag $5 u pick up 256-506-0137 HOT TUB brown/wht w/brown cover needs work only $80 256-547-2903 Gadsden area HVY DUTY TRAILER 4’ WIDE 6’ LONG $450 256-226-1944

I Have a 36 in. Natural Gas Fire Place Insert I have the logs and glass front that goes with it. Asking $250.00 I also have 1 set of 18 in. and 1 set of 24 in. Natural gas Logs. Will take $50.00 each.Call 256-302-4205 or IN HOME PRESCHOOL being started in the blount mtn straight men appalachian area between oneonta & ashville degreed early childhood education teacher wants to talk to you if you are serious about your child being ready or beyond for kindergarten fifteen ytrs exp this is not daycare if you want the best for your child & are willing to pay for it then please contact us immediately we are only going to take 3-5 children pre class 3 or 4 yr olds only please many references avail 205-274-7870 JOBES 757 SKIS $25 878-9538 KNIFE COLLECTION 52 total American, German, Sheffield, etc all collector’s knives sell whole lot $500 obo or sell separately 256-506-7206 KODAK CAMERA focus free 35mm $20 393-

6870 KODAK EASY SHARE digital camera & printer $175 393-6870 KODAK EASY SHARE digital camera $100 393-6870 KODAK STAR 335 35mm camera $20 39368790 LARGE TOWELS exc cond like new thick 1st quality $2.50 ea assorted colors 593-3948 LINCOLN RANGER 9 9K WATT generator plus welder alum trailer $4500 obo 4384938 LOTS FOAM RUBBER various thickness 256-293-1094 LUGGAGE 561-3213 MAGELLAN CROSSOVER GPS waterproof 8 hr battery vehicle boat & walking gps dash & windshield mount retails for $549 asking $250 call john after 6pm 256-660-0745 MAGNAVOX 52” BIG SCREEN TV CONSOLE style $150 205-429-2758 MALE GUARDIAN angel w/baby $15 3936870 MEAT SCALES old store type $75 boaz area

256-458-7903 MEDELA BREAST PUMP dual electric in back pack car adapter, bags, & bottles included $135 256-599-0365 METAL FILE CABINET 16” wide 27” deep 60” tall $50 205-640-6952

l o W R A T E S ! l o W P Ay M E N T S o N youR NEW HoME! PluS fREE govERNMENT MoNEy! H u R R y ! C A l l T o d Ay 1-866-325-5226

MICHAEL MYERS and hell raiser authentic mask 205-605-0207 MORTAR MIXER 8hp Honda motor $700 256-659-5603 MOTORCYCLE LEATHER vest $25 chaps $50 256-593-2697 NAT GAS UNVENTED 3 BRICK HTR never

ATvs ‘07 Honda shadow $4995 CHRISTMAS lAyAWAy AvAIlAblE Hummer 110 Full-size w/ reverse $899 pickup by december 12 Hunter 110 Front&rear rack w/ reverse $649.95 spiderman 110 w/ rear rack – remote kill $579.95 $200 off All 150cc SCooTERS!! atV 110s starting at $499.95 rEfurBisHEd trACtors 90-day ltd warranty TRACToRS

HondA 3cyl diesel 24hp 4X4 loader finish mower $9995 Kubota 3300 4X4 $9495 yanmar 27hp 2X4 w/ Cutter $4495 yanmar 18hp 4X4 w/loAdEr $5995 Helmets (frEE with some models) $49.95


B&B marKetIng



or (256)


1810 h wy 431 s


glencoe, al 35905





AAGAinst HiGH PriCEs!e


18 NovEMbER 2009

discount grocery

Save! Save! Save!

1118 KilPAtriCK rd n AlBErtvillE, Al n storE Hours: mon.-tHurs. 9Am-5Pm; fri&sAt 9Am-5:30Pm 256-878-1662 n Johnny & mary ellen gray, owners n www.gadiscountgrocery.com Spending Wisely is part of being a good steward of the blessings god gives us

Everyday Prices! Chicken fingers 5lbs -

nEw sHiPmEnt of HEAltH & BEAuty ProduCts nAmE BrAnds

nEw sHiPmEnt of PEt food &suPPliEs

$9.99 tEndEr loins

BiG  BuCKEts tidE & GAin PowdErs 400 oz.

2.56 lbs. n

stArBuCK’s BAG CoffEE




vEGEtABlEs 49¢


food stamps

es last suppli e il h w

fuzE drinKs $5.49/12-pk.

Credit & debit Cards accepted

used $50 293-3932 NEW BENCH STRETCHER 891-2291 $60 393-6870 NAT GAS WALL HTR $100 works good 281- NEW BLUE TOOTH HD SET $10 256-605- NEW LP GAS HOT WATER HTR 40 GAL $125 256-228-0095 NEW MED SIZE CAR COVER $10 256-6050207 NEW TATTOO AND BODY PIERCING KITS for sell w/supplies needles, etc 256-558SIze not a proBLem 0340 NEW WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION HITCH AND SWAY BAR $150 205-288-3840 NOBEL FIR CHRISTMAS TREE 7-1/2’ has pine cones like new in box $69.95 256-5939821 9051 ODDS & ENDS PIECES OF LUGGAGE there NEOPRENE SADDLE used twice $200 256- 0207 are 2 overnight hard shell makeup cases for NEW ENRO PRO DELUX sewing machine 410ea call 256-561-3213 528-7828

MoNEy To loAN!! moVe & Set-up mhs foR youR & BuILDIngS NEW HoME!! W E o W N T H E b A N k ! ! licensed&insured 205-640-2340 256-593-0291

OFC DESK/CHAIR $15 blue/gray w/arms good shape 538-3783 OLD COUNTRY ROSES CHINA service for four 593-3325 OLD TIMEY DISPLAY CASE 256-845-4472 ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK 256-226-1191 PAINT BALL GUN/LOTS OF X-TRAS $75 256-609-3684 PAINTED SAWBLADES all sizes also crosscuts, handsaws, etc, can also do custom painting on your saws, murals on walls, baptisteries etc 593-2086 PATIO FURNITURE TABLE and four chairs 205-589-4236 PECANS $1 PER LB 593-3819 PECANS $1.50 per lb 256-582-5340 PECANS $1.50 per lb 738-6311 Boaz PENTAX 12-ZOON 80E auto focus 35mm camera $20 393-6870 PETERSON VENTED LOGS new $50 5060840 PICNIC TABLE outside wood $25 firm 5934777 PINE FIREWOOD 256-894-3047 cheap PINE FIREWOOD CHEAP 256-894-3047 PLASTIC SNOW SLED $10 878-9538 POLARIS POOL CLEANER for above ground swimming pool $50 878-0128 POPLAR FIREWOOD one ton trk load 256302-7494 PORCELAIN ANGEL holding lamb $6 3936870 PROPANE GAS LOGS 18in vented used one season $100 call 256-558-8111 PU TRK LOAD WOOD $40 205-353-1997 PUNCHING BAG FOR SELL $60 256-7285749 QN SZ BED BOX SPRINGS MATTRESS AND BED FRAME also shts $200 sealy posturepedic mattress 256-470-2188 RARE COMMEMRATIVE POSTAGE STAMPS all prices a’ville 256-525-6284 RATTAN FURNITURE FOR SELL natural wood 3 pc set very lg sofa love seat and coffee table 256-543-9659 REFINANCE & Consolidation Loans, equity in your home = cash in hand! Free Prequalifying, Home Equity Loans, 256-


840-9525 RENKER 17’ FISHING BOAT or runabout tri hull older model 50’s boat good cond $3000 506-2161 REPAIR MANUALS 660-0639 Rock-ola juke box model # 451 a 1973 for $600 in good condition. Call 1-256-5130410 or ROLL ½” COOPPER TUBING prox 40’ 256605-0207 SAMSUNG MAXIMA 35mm camera $20 393-6870 SCHLAGE ENTRANCE DOOR handle w/dead bolt new in box cost $125 take $50 256-490-0745 SCREEN DOOR IN EXC COND low price 256506-5988 SEASONAL FIREWOOD $50 you pick up $65 we deliver lwb trk Georgia mtn 256-6731501 SEASONED FIREWOOD oak and pecan 5063158 SECOND CHANCE BULLET PROOF VEST threat level 2 monarch butterfly lite new never shot will stop 44 ,357 & 9mm retails for over $500 asking $175 call after 6pm 256-660-0745 SERVICE FOR 8 BONE CHINA $225 perfect cond 312-9737 SEV WKS OF NUTRA SYSTEM FOOD for sell 891-2693 SEVERAL ALMOST NEW FOSSIL quick silver billfolds like new cond $5 ea 256-6050207 can ship SEVERAL BOXES TOYS good cond 593-810 SEVERAL JEWELRY CASES and sm trays from jewelry displayer $50 obo for all 8912693 SHELLED PECANS $5 per lb 547-3454 SHOWTIME ROTISSERIE $40 BREADMAKER never used $25 ice cream maker $25 572-5322 SIMMONS 200 AMP BREAKER BOX still in box $75 new 256-281-6011 SLIM ARTIFICIAL Christmas tree 6.5’ used once exc cond easy to put up no lights included $20 256-593-2405 Douglas Al SMALL ANGEL set $8 393-6870


18 NovEMbER 2009

SMALL WOODEN DRAWING board w/attached straight edge 3aetmx2.5’ $45 256-593-2405 Douglas Al SMOKER COOKER BURNS CHAR or wood hand made $150 firm 516-2022 STACK OF CEDAR fence posts 6-8ft long $6 ea in Hollywood Al 256-728-8426 STAR DAVID PUNCH BOWL no glasses $65 538-6555 STEEL FRAMED SWING wooden seat and back no canopy waterproof $75 cash 256728-8426 STEREO TURNTABLE STEREO AND CASS spkrs $100 all 205-429-2213 SUN VISION PRO 26LX WOLFF SYSTEM tanning bed 26 bulbs good cond $1495 256-


593-9821 SWINGIN BOY/GIRL $20 set 393-6870 Sunquest 26 bulb tanning bed with head SWINGIN COWKIDS $20 set 393-6870 rest pillow used but in good condition. TABLE TOP PRODUCE SCALES $75 boaz

large selection of PrE f R E E M o N E y , T I M E I S R u N N I N g o u T OwNED Fine watches g o v E R N M E N T S u b S I d I z E d u P T o $8000.00 B & B Pawn oN THE PuRCHASE of A NEW HoME Name Brands 256-546-4892 C A l l To dAy ! f o R d E TA I l S see our ad page 13 1-866-325-5226

$500.00 OBO! Please call evenings 256- area 256-458-7903 312-7067. Or www.eswapper.com/ TANNING BED ESB brand 15-bulb 110 volt


105 Small St. Albertville behind Sonic



oil change: $24.95-5qts Castrol/$18.95 5qts House oil




the Cobbler Shoppe

18 NovEMbER 2009 50 cents a gallon you pick up 352-9510 Hanceville Al USED TIN some surface rust on it 16’ long 2’ wide around 20 sheets sell all at one time $7 per sheet 256-728-8426 UTILITY TRAILER 16’ X 6’ 7” $600 256706-3154 VANGUARD HEATER 5-brick new for $65 256-660-0284 VARIETY OF FIREWOOD delivery avail prices based on load 205-456-0926 VENT FREE compact classic hearth lp gas freestanding made by Vanguard this is the unit & logs all together in one unit like the blue flame heaters but has logs & can be used as either freestanding, wall mounted or placed inside fireplace like an insert model vmh26tpb new in sealed box pd almost $300 take $175 894-3344 VERA BRADLEY PURSE almost brand new asking $45 obo call 256-302-1520 VHS VIDEO COLLECTION 27 tapes very good cond all but 5 have org boxes titles vary from Gone with the Wind to The Net $25 for all obo 894-3344 VIDEO ROCKER SEAT W/SPKRS $25 256558-4024 VIEW MASTER $10 393-6870 VINYL HOUSE SHUTTERS for house for 7 sets windows good shape $125 256-4900745 WANTED 3 or 5 brick propane wall heater 256-352-1223 Cullman area WANTED ONE OR TWO CAR CARPORT good cond 302-0253 WANTED ORANGE BLK OR WHITE FEMALE kitten around flat rock area 256605-0207 WANTED VENDING MACHINE work 5062284 WEBBER GAS GRILLE new tank gas $50 cash 256-631-8603 WEE WILLLIE $20 393-6870 WHITES XLT METAL DETECTOR 3yo exc shape $300 256-259-0361 Hollywood Al WILL BUY all types metal 256-894-6102 WINDOW TINT FOR CARS 205-240-0576 comes w/20 yr warranty WINNEBAGO MOTORHOME ’89 MODEL non smoker 30’ long new tires/brakes nice TRAMPOLINE REGULATION SIZE free 205- home road ready will take vehicle for trade420-0474 in $15,000 prox 60k miles on it 256-506TREES TO BE CUT DOWN IN ANNISTON 2161 AREA 689-7804 WONY FD MOVIE digital camera $65 393TRUCK LOAD yards sale items full load for 6870 $200 obo or pick what you want & make WOOD BURNING WARM AIR FURNACE offer 256-996-7208 lv msg Geraldine area ashley martin 150k btu $600 firm exc cond TWO SETTEES from Freds pd $100 asking 256-586-1360 lv msg $50 ea 593-0019 WOOD HEATER w/blower heavy gauge U-HAUL TRUCK full of misc items (beds, steel very nice $250 25-894-6102 dressers, chairs, tires, etc) 878-8840 WOODEN PALLETS $5 ea 205-237-4801 UNDERGROUND DOG FENCE AND TWO WORM BED w/over 1000 red worms $30 COLLARS $150 wireless dog fence and one 547-0994 collar $150 256-599-7685 YARD SIGNS starting at $12 larger signs USED COOKING OIL to make bio diesel with THE SWAPPER



Shoe Repair & WEStERn BootS 1411 W. Meighan BLVD.

across from Jack gaston Coliseum • DIABETIC SHOES



Open: 8am - 5pm, M-FOwners:

Don &Juanita Berkey

like new used very little $800 obo 256-6210424 TANNING BED or sale 2 yr old radiance has 26 bulbs & 6 facial bulbs this bed is called the renew bed & is suppose to be better on skin will make a good christmas present $2k 256-894-5722 TECUMSEH BOTTOM SHAFT motor 12-1/2 hp ohb $150 477-0980 TIFFANY CEILING LIGHT very beautiful antique $125 593-0019 TILT TRAILER 4X6’ $230 256-529-9180 TOOL OR DOG enclosed trailer 4x8 2 side doors 2 back doors fiberglass top $1000 cash or trade for guns 256-352-1223 Hwy 168


Hwy 43

Hwy 1 aurora Bristow cove rd

outback outback



H w y 278

atV & CYCLE REpaiR 5537 Bristow cove rd. aurora community


dealership experience without dealership Cost!! • Honda • Kawasaki • Polaris • Yamaha • Suzuki • All Off Brands


avail 678-326-3198 EWELRY~


10k yellow gold pd $800 will sell for $200 obo call 256-470-2515 1 CARAT OPAL RING w 1/8th carat diamonds all set in 10k gold app for $600 will sell for $125 obo 205-908-9643 1 CT DIAMOND MEN’S WEDDING RING 14kt gold band $4000 firm 256-582-0392 14 CARAT YELLOW GOLD ladies diamond bridal ring w 1 marquise & 47 bagette diamonds 1ce tw certified ring retails for $2999 will sell for $800 obo albertville 256612-0264 2 CT DIAMOND RING $2000 wedding and engagement ring 515-3587 2.90 CTS CABOCHON SAPPHIRE & .20 diamond 14k yg 5.95 gr ring suitable for man or woman that comes w usgl est replacement value of $2002 sz 7.5 $425 also 1 ct oval rich deep natural green tourmaline solitaire 14k yg size 7 $150 call for email pics 256-498-3378 24” 10 CT GOLD CHAIN $150 256-5053074 2CT MARQUISE DIAMOND wedding set $1300 obo call 205-559-1198 3-DIAMOND RINGS CLUSTERS very nice 572-8703 5.5CT E3 STONE ENGAGEMENT RING new in box white gold appraised for over $3k $1575 cash paypal accepted can email pics call 256-506-0426 olv msg 5CT COCKTAIL RING appra at over $5k asking $1500 firm must see to appreciate 5931111 ARE YOU LOOKING for a new in the box diamond engagement ring at a wholesale price if so call 256-506-3383 for more info lv msg dont pay the big price at the jewlry stores appraisals furn ASSORTMENT OF TURTLE JEWELRY earrings bracelet 2 broaches will take $20 for all call 256-558-4424 AUTHENTIC COACH PURSE $100 OBO 270702-0458 AVON STERLING SILVER RING SET both size 10 new in box $25 205-446-8848 BEAUTIFUL WEDDING SET over 1 carat diamond hoop earrings w diamonds inside & out 256-293-9227 BRIGHTON JEWELRY half price 558-1833 COCKTAIL RING 9 diamonds 14 ct gold band $1000 firm 256-582-0392 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING 4 near colorless princess cut diamonds create the brilliant centerpiece of this one carat total weight diamond ring alone each side of the sparkling center is a row of princ cut diam all set in high pol 14k white gold purch this yr must sell $1500 obo 256-442-0492 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING one ct w/guard $600 pd $1800 677-1507 DIAMOND RING 1CT large tear drop shape 10ct gold loc in the huntsville area $150 neg great deal call 256-886-2386 ENGAGEMENT RING $450 never worn 256557-6006 ENGAGEMENT RING ½ ct gold sz 5 ½ $250 840-1908 GEMSTONES PRECIOUS & SEMI PRECIOUS many beaut cuts a must to see fr a to z many beautiful cuts need a stone to replace a lost stone just think a large beaut stone mounted just for her/him at christmas call 205701-278 or email GEMSTONES, precious & semi precsious may beautiful cuts 205-710-2678 GOLD FIGARO NECKLACE 593-8974 GOLD PLATED CITIZEN watch in great cond pd $150 will sell for $25 call 256-558-1860 GOLD WEDDING BAND & engagement ring 2 ct princess cut w ring guard 6 sm diamonds & big diamond in center & the mans wedding bed also w diamonds set all three $850 call 256-738-0491 appraised for $1900 can send pics HANDMADE BOYS & GIRLS bead bracelets assorted colors 2 for $1 256-458-8931 LADIES DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT & wedding rings & mans gold weding band appraised for $800 sell for $450 256-5060803 LADIES FOSSIL WATCH never opened never been worn $30 996-3092



18 NovEMbER 2009



PAWN youR TITlE... dRIvE youR CAR!!! TTHE HESSWAPPER WAPPERnn18 14NoovEMbER CTobER 2009 2009

fREE lAyAWAy foR CHRISTMAS We CasH inCoMe-taX CHeCks!

WE buy gold!

Now Available



HWy 431 N

Computers Car Stereos & Speakers

AlbERTvIllE, AlA. 35950 -1/2 MIlE SouTH

CHeCk CasHing!



WE HOLD PERSONAL CHECKS FOR CASH 30 DAY TERM! tHAnKs for your BusinEss! oPEn 7 dAys! 8Am till 6Pm

256-894-9994 n

LADIES GOLD WATCH geneve classic like new has sm diamond on face japan movement quartz beaut new batt asking $200 or make offer 256-593-4189 LOOKING FOR A NEW IN THE BOX engagement ring save big money w us only 3 left appraisal cert included for more info call 256-506-0426 lv msg MAN’S WEDDING BAND platinum w/diamond center $250 obo 256-677-5219 MEN’S 18” FLAT HERRINGBONE PLATINUM necklace brand new never worn pd $120 asking $50 256-605-0207 MEN’S GOLD WEDDING BAND one diamond engagmenet wedding ring $450 256506-0803 MENS 14K GOLD CHAIN almost new pd $800 will take $200 call evenings 256-5385897 MENS BRETLING REPLICA WATCH ss and gold exc shape $40 firm 256-605-0207 MENS GOLD WEDDING band womans diamond engagement wedding set appraised for $800 sell for $475 call 256-506-0803

NEW IN BOX 1.10 tcw white gold diamond ring size 7 princess cut stone w baguetts one either side beautiful ring appraisal cert inc appraised for over $5k $1400 cash obo no reason offer turned doen ready to sell call 256-506-0426 lv msg NEW IN BOX 1.15 tcw diamond ring white gold size 7 appraised for over $5k appraisal cert included no reasonable offer will be turned down $1600 cash obo georgeous ring got to co so we can buy more call 256506-0426 lv msg NEW IN BOX 1.15 tcw diamond ring wht gold size 7 appraised for over $5,000 asking $1300 cash obo no reasonable offer will be turned down 256-506-0426 NEW IN BOX one point one five tcw diamond ring white gold size 7 app for over $5k app cert inc no reasonable offer will be turned down $1100 cash obo geogeous ring got to go so we can buy more call 256-5060426 lv msg NEW MEN’S BRETLING REPLICA WATCH platinum and gold band mint cond $75 firm

256-605-0207 NEW MEN’S BRETLING REPLICA WATCH platinum and gold band mint cond $75 firm 256-605-0207 ONE CT DIAMOND LADIES WEDDING RING 14 ct gold band $4000 firm 256-582-0392 PAST PRESENT future diamond ring half ct total weight 10ct gold bane $600 obo 3122749 POINT 55 TCW 3-STONE diamond ring just over half carat brand new in box $700 cash obo 256-506-0426 POINT FIFTY FIVE TCW 3 stone diamond ring just over ½ carat brand new in box app for $3250 cert inc $900 cash obo ready to sell call 256-506-0426 & lv msg ROCK OLA JUKE BOX model #451 a ‘73 for $700 in good cond call 256-513-0410 set in 14 crt yellow gold appraised for $2800 willtake $100 OBO no resonable offer refused gadsden area 205-353-2171 or TENNIS BRACELET w clear stones lines w silver $5 256-515-9966

TWILIGHT INSPIRED bella charm bracelet 8in charm bracelet other sizes avail w 10mm swarvoski crystal heart to rep edward & an antique copper finish wolf charm to rep jacob on silver plated curb chain w a toggle clasp $10 email or call 256-677-4179 lv msgPACK N PLAY graco pooh bear great shape $40 has carrying bag 256-640-7249 VICTORIAN HAND CARVED CAMEO earrings circa 1880 $85 256-593-8085 boaz WATCH LADIES SOLID GOLD geneve classic like new has sm diamond on face japan movement quartz new batt $200 obo 256593-4189 WEDDING RING SET yellow gold sz 7 ½ .74 ct brilliant round cut solitaire & a diamond wrap guard band w diamonds & baguettes beautiful have appr of $3993 will sell for $1k call 256-328-1516 WHOLESALE DIAMOND RINGS new in box save big call 256-561-3383 aroney boaz area WHOLESALE DIAMOND RINGS save big $$$

we can email you pics or gie us a call to set up an appt we accept paypal & cash call us for more info at 256-302-1648 WHOLESALE FASHION JEWELRY & access earrings neckaces bracelets rings body jewelry hair clips & more call lee at 256-4185470 ZALES 1 ½ CARAT TW 14K white gold wedding quadset/set about 1 yr old still have paperwork rec & store boxes the rings are worth $2859 asking $1k obo call 254-2857350 or text me at the number or email boaz 2008 INVACARE WHEEL CHAIR all pwr new w/tag $5600 new take $1800 256467-4976 ALL ELECT HOSP BED invacare ofc never used 256-293-8378 BATTERY POWERED OPERATED wheel chair made by liberty in exc cond wt cap 650lbs asking $3500 arab 256-931-0135 BRAND NEW HOVEROUND elect chair padded seats red not even 20mi new book $2500 or car of equal value sm car charger used about 1 mo new $4900 205-446-9667 C PAP MACHINE for sale 256-738-6003 CARRIER FOR MOTORIZED SCOOTER or chair fastens into reese hitch on back of vehicle has ramp that lets down for loading $300 obo 256-657-5813 DIABETIC SUPPLIES 256-586-0577 DIABETIC SUPPLIES lancets, test strips call for details $10 per box 205-429-4127 ELDERLY CARE exp & ref 205-466-3192 ELEC HOSPITAL BED $500 OBO 256-5939943 ELECTRIC WHEEL CHAIR LIFT fits on reciever used very little gave over $1k asking $800 256-796-0869 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR jet 3 ultra everything you need to get moving $2250 call 256-891-3300 ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR pd $4500 asking $1000 like new 256-492-5249 GOLDEN COMPANION 4-wheel handicap scooter w/manual wheel cahir lift that fits a class III trailer hitch $1100 for pair or will separate 256-679-0609 HOSPITAL BED FOR SALE elect sell cheap 256-507-0402 HOSPITAL BED for sale good cond $100 w variable air mattress 256-302-9535 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR someone to take care of your loved ones 8 have 3 yrs exp w home health 1 yr exp in hospital care can training & can clean your home will work days reasonable price ref avail 256-6234829 INVACARE ‘00 LT wheelchair $125 barely used 256-498-3378 INVACARE SURE STEP P51 wheel chair 2008 perfect cond w/tags $6000 new take $1850 256-467-4976 JAZZY 1103 power wheel chair 250lb capacity $325 256-679-0609 LADIES SEIKO WATCHES brand new 205429-1028 PLUMER CHECK diabetic test strips 50 per box $10 per box have 20 boxes, also have at least 20 boxes lancets 28ga $10 per box 205-429-4217 POWER CHAIR LIKE NEW exc cond $1500 new batteries Marietta 205-274-7391 PRONTO M51 sure stop elect wheelchair fr the scooter store brand new never used $600 302-4091 RHAPSODY ELEC WHEELCHAIR w/2 new batteries like new 205-237-0896 ULTRA JET 3 electric wheel chair 300lb capacity exc cond $600 obo 256-679-0609 WANTED ELECT POWER CHAIR LIFT that fits class III trailer hitch 256-505-0046 WANTED old usable wheelchair 256-5825340 WEIGHT LOSS REALITY CHECK is your weight & health where you want them if not call 888-233-5709 for free info WHEELCHAIR 1 ½ YR OLD holds up to 175lbs $250 891-4414 ABY ITEMS~



18 NovEMbER 2009

SAND MOUNTAIN RECYCLING loCAtEd on HiGHwAy 75 ACross from tHE AirPort in AlBErtvillE 256-279-0228 oPEn mon-fri 8-4:30 sAt 8-12 scales state Certified CoPPEr PEr Pound CAtAlytiC ConvErtErs PEr unit

#1 copper #2 copper sHeet copper #1 insulated Wire 70% #2 insulated Wire 55% #3 insulated Wire

$ 2.15 $ 2.05 $ 1.95 $ 0.80 $ 0.50 $ 0.20 BrAssEs PEr Pound $ 1.15 YelloW Brass, clean YelloW Brass ironY 85% $ 0.70 semi-red clean $ 1.25 semi-red ironY 85% $ 0.65 red Brass clean $ 1.45 $ 0.65 red Brass ironY 85% $ 0.75 Heater cores turnings clean -any red/Yellow 0.70

eXotics (Xtra large BmW/mercedes/rr) $ 110 ea. large Foreign (toyota/nissan, etc) $ 65 ea medium Foreign (toyote/nissan, etc) $ 55 ea small Foreign (toyota/nissan, etc) $ 45 ea loW-grade Foreign (Hyundai/kia) $ 30 ea gm Bread loaF $ 60 ea large gm (chevy/Buick, etc) $ 60 ea Foreign pres (small converters) $ 20.00 ea large gm w/ air tube $ 35 ea 4-dots (gm/daeWoo) $ 35 ea gm sQuares (chevy/Buick, etc) $ 25 ea large domestic (dodge/chrysler) $ 25 ea small domestic (Fords/dodge/gm) $ 20 ea loW-grade Fords (aerostar/old Fords) $ 15 ea reg Bead (flat/pancake-shape converters)$ 15 ea rAdiAtors JumBo Bead $ 40 ea copper radiators, clean$ 1.25 pre-Heaters (small converters) $ 12 ea copper rads-unclean@85% $ 0.90 Wires $ 3-$15 ea alum copper radiators $ 0.95 aFtermarket $ 3 ea alum copper rad (unclean)$ 0.80 diesel $ 10 ea alum radiators @98% $ 0.27 rear Ford/Wide narroW gapFord $ 25 ea alum radiators unclean $ 0.20 Aluminum CAns $ 0.40 CoPPEr PEr Pound Aluminum PEr Pound BArrinG mAt aluminum WHeels, clean $ 0.53 electric motors $ 0.17 aluminum diesel WHeels $ 0.35 automoBile starters $ 0.20 aluminum WHeels W/ tires $ 5.00 ea automoBile alternators $ 0.25 clean aluminum (cast/mic/sheet) $ 0.33 zinC PEr Pound sligHtlY unclean @95% $ 0.20 ironY die-cast@55% $ 0.05 insulated aluminum Wire @70% $ 0.10 clean die-cast $ 0.10 clean aluminum Wire $ 0.30 lEAd PEr Pound ironY aluminum $ 0.08 lead WHeel WeigHts $ 0.10 transmissions (remove oil pans) $5 to 10.00 stAinlEss PEr Pound clean lead $ 0.15 torquE ConvErtErs $1.00 ea stainless non-magnetic $ 0.59 stainless non-magnetic oVer 4’ $ 0.35 SCRAP METAl - $5.50 PEr HundrEd AuTos - $5.50 PEr HundrEd

BAttEriEs: ***CAr/truCK BAttEriEs - $5.00 ea; large diesel & Golf Cart Batteries - $6.00 ea;

lawnmower Batteries - $2.50 ea; motorcycle Batteries - $1.00 ea ***$4.25 ea for loads of 25 or more auto batteries n all PrICes suBJeCt to Change wIthout notICe cond 256-878-7024 BABY BED AND BLUE METAL TODDLER BED reasonable well maintained 256-7536035 arab BABY BED OVER 100 YRS OLD type that

Good HousEs for sAlE Below market Value -all rented w/ 8-9% return albertville & guntersville CAll 256 673 4922

was taken out to fields $100 623-1179 BABY BED W/MATTRESS $30 256-2064264 BABY BED W/MATTRESS $75 256-6771339 BABY BOY CLOTHES 256-753-6035 BABY CLOTHING AND OTHER ITEMS 256550-0338 BABY GRACO DOUBLE STROLLER in exc cond $75 firm 558-1145 2 TEDDY BEAR PICS EXC COND $10 PR 504- BABY STROLLER 878-8625 BABY STROLLERS clothes up to 24 mos 9968 2-1/2 RLS SCOOBY DOO BORDER NEW $5 serious calls only 256-225-3920 BOX OF BABY GIRL CLOTHES 0 TO 3 MOS all 504-9968 $20 baby bassinet white $20 256-506-5062 6 MOS BOY CLOTHES 256-279-3159 BABY BED $50 NEEDS MATTRESS good BOYS SHOES AND BOOTS 504-9968 selling



cheap BOYS/GIRLS CLOTHES FOR SELL 0 TO 6 MOS 279-3159 BRAND NEW TODDLER PAD roll up mat w/cover and pillow $10 504-9968 CARSEAT FOR INFANT & stroller Graco like new $50 for both 256-601-6515


Leisure Acres Mobile Home Park

1 , 2, a n d 3 b E d Roo M u N I TS l oT R E N TA l S - H u d A P P R ov E d


Candy Cantrell Property mgr.

202 leisure acres Court Boaz, al 35957

256-593-3377 fax: 256-593-5302 n


email: [email protected]





18 NovEMbER 2009

MoNTHly CREdIT foR 12 MoNTHS frEE 2 room Hd dvr Already have dishnetwork? upgrade! Call us, we can help your loCAl rEtAilEr J&G sAtEllitE (256) 891-3488 base for 2nd car good cond also have papers 256-477-5035 GRAYCO PACK AND PLAY $45 256-7966949 GRAYCO TRAVEL SYSTEM car seat/stroller boys brown/blue khaki like new $150 obo 256-293-0371 JUMPAROO PLAYPEN baby tubs other items 659-5562 LB BOX BABY CLOTHES ALSO YARD sale items $20 256-628-0086 LILAC BABY BLANKET crocheted has a bit of shimmer very soft $20 390-7496 LITTLE TYKES race car bed & chest & other itmes 256-593-5379

BARBIE COLLECTION call for details 2939138 BARBIE JEEP exc cond $85 293-1124 BATTERY POWERED JEEP 256-753-6035 BIG AND SM TRANSFORMERS 891-9896 BOARD GAMES life monopoly sorry etc $5 ea 256-571-6205 BOYS SENECA VELCRO fastener inline skates red 504-9968 COVERED WAGON FOR CHILD 840-8107 DORA CAR GOOD COND girl/boys bicycle 505-3198 DRUM SET for kid age 4-9 $40 has cymbal, chair, numerous drums 256-506-8851 Arab GEO TRAIN W TRAINS TRACKS & all access $50 506-0840 HUGE LOT OF BARBIE DOLLS in exc cond beaut dressed for $20 558-1145 LG BLUES CLUES STUFFED ANIMAL $5 504-9968 LIKE NEW DORA EXPLORER GO CART battery operated by fisher price $70 good cond 256-477-5035 LITTLE BOYS SZ 7 H/D LEATHER JACKET fur lined $40 256-593-0001 MIXED TOYS in bags $20, $10, $5 ea 3936870 POWER WHEELS FOUR WHEELER $75 needs battery 878-7024 PULL BEHIND COACH for a child has a sport for 2 children pulls behind a bicycle $50 256-293-1094 SET OF SMALL DRUMS PD $125 mint cond take $50 878-5495 STAR WAR toys call for prices 256-5068851 Arab TOYS 8 big plastic bags of mixed toys $5 ea 393-6870 WANTED leap front leapster games 256601-6515 WANTED used doll house must be in good cond also doll called All American Girl must be clean 256-549-1470 LOTHING~

MEDELA BREAST PUMP dual electric in back pack car adapter, bags, & bottles included $135 256-599-0365 PR NEW NU BALANCE BABY SHOES $20 256-878-7024 SIMILAC FORMULA 12 CANS of powder $8 can 506-0840 SOLID OAK HI CHAIR exc cond $25 8785106 TODDLER 3T WINTER CLOTHES/girls 24 mos and 2t’s lots of nice clothes and shoes grt cond $85 for all 256-593-2616 USED ONCE VIBRATING BOBBY in box new $40 take $20 cream color and grn 256-6050207 WHITE CLOUD BRAND BAGS full of pull ups lg sz $5 504-9968 WINNIE THE POOH CAR SEAT W/BASE $20 obo 256-470-2015 OYS~ TUB FULL OF 24 2T AND 3T BOY CLOTHES shoes $50 878-7024 2 BOXFULLS hot wheels in cases $50-$100 1 36X32 PLEATED FRONT w cuffed legs 393-6870 mens black dress slacks $8 256-561-3213 2 HOT WHEELS streamliner trucks $15 ea 1 MENS SIZE L fleece pullover w zipper tab 393-6870 $5 256-561-3213 3 18-WHEEL TRUCKS Exxon, Crown, Shell 1 PAIR CARHARTT carpenter jeans 34x31 $20 ea 393-6870 $7 call 256-561-3213 40 MCDONALD HAPPY MEAL TOYS all in 1 PAIR GAP JEANS 32x32 $7 call 256-561early 90s $15 for all or 50 cents ea 205-589- 3213 8658 1 PAIR LEVI 560 jeans 33x32 $7 call 2565’ BOX FULL OF TOYS $30 for all 504-9968 561-3213 6 PIECES of Star Wars toys $5 ea or $25 all 1 PAIR LEVI silver tab jeans 36x32 $8 call 393-6870 256-561-3213 6 PIECES STAR WARS TOYS $5 ea $25 for 1 PAIR MENS ROUTE 66 jeans sz 34x30 all 393-6870 $7ea call 256-561-3213 80 GB PLAY STATION III 3 new games 2 1 PAIR NAVY BLUE MONTEREY by koret controllers $280 659-6363 60% cotton 40% poly slacks sz 10 petite ALL KINDS TRANSFORMERS energon etc waistband w elastic back side pockets 1 all in box 891-9896



rear pocket $7 256-561-3213 1 PAIR NO BOUNDARIES black corduroy jeans 36x32 $8 call 256-561-3213 1 PAIR NO BOUNDARIES black jeans 36x34 $8 call 256-561-3213 1 PAIR RUSTLER JEANS 34x32 $7 call 256561-3213 1 SHORT SLEEVE 65% poly 35% cotton laura gayle pullover sz m petite white w pink purple orange yellow & green accents $5 256-561-3213 1 SIZE L LONG SLEEVE BANDED collar off white button tab pullover mens shirt $4 256-561-3213 1 SIZE L LONG SLEEVE banded denim collar off white button tab pullover mens shirt $f 256-561-3213 1 size l long sleeve hooded flannel button down mens shirts $4ea 256-561-3213 1 SIZE L SHORT SLEEVE button down polyester mens shirt $5ea 256-561-3213 1 SIZE L TOMMY HILFIGER LS button down navy green & tan plaid shirt $7 call 2560561-3213 1 SIZE L WALLS brand flannel lined light weight mens jacket $5 256-561-3213 1 SIZE LT LONG SLEEVE guilted flannel bbutton down mens shirt $5ea 256-5613213 1 SIZE M BUTTON CUFF long sleeve button tab pullover mens shirt $5 256-561-3213 1 SIZE M LONG SLEEVE mens cable knit pullover sweater $5ea call 256-561-3213 1 SIZE M LONG SLEEVE V NECK mens pullover olive green w blue horizontal stripes $4 256-561-3213 1 SIZE XL CONSENSUS LS button down blue & white check shirt $7 call 256-561-3213 1 SIZE XL CRUISE CONT LS button down blue & white check shirt $6 call 256-5613213 1 SIZE XL LONG SLEEVE structure brand button tab pullover mens shirt $5ea call 256-561-3213 1 SZ XL CHAPS LS button down green w navy accents thin wale corduroy shirt $7 call 256-3213 100 BRAND NEW FLEECE HOODIES vests and coats men’s and women’s also youth variety of colors some still w/tags $300 for all grt for retail or trade day seller Crossville 256-295-1335 11 NAME BRNAD MENS long sleeve sz lt shirts $7ea 256-561-3213 1SHORT SLEEVE JANTZEN pullover top sz med petite red w white col blue gold & green accents $5 256-561-3213 2 100% COTTON PULLOVER TOPS made by eagle eye both are size med short sleeve one is light pink & the other is lavender worn very little will sell for $5ea 256-5613213 2 MENS size lt long sleeve shirts $5ea 256561-3213

2 PAIR BRIGGS new york 50% poly 50% rayon slacks sz 10 petite they have a look of linen one red pair & one black pair elastic wist w side pockets worn very little will sell for $7ea 256-561-3213 2 PAIR ELASTIC WAIST SLACKS one pair made by koret is size small petite it is colonial blue & white small checks it is 65% polyester 35%cotton crinkle has side pockets the other pair is jantzen size 10 petite it is red & white checks w beige & light blue contrast worn very little will sell for $7ea call 256-561-3213 2 PAIR MENS DICKIES jeans sz 34x30 $8ea 256-561-3213 2 PAIR MENS RUSTLER jeans sz 34x30 $7ea 256-51-3213 2 PLUS SZ LADIES COATS brand new w/tags also 2-ladies Seiko watches brand new 205-429-1028 2 PR ELEATIC WAIST SLACKS 1 pair made by koret is sz sm petite col blue & white sm checks 65% poly 35% cotton crinkle side pockets other pair jantzen sz 10 petite red & white checks beige & light blue cont $7ea 256-561-3213 2 PR LEATHER PANTS blk $25 for both sz 13 and 11 878-5092 2 PR MEN’S LEVI JEANS 38-32 38-29 also women’s 550 levis sz 18 brand new $10 pr 657-7415 2 SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVER TOPS w shoulder pads by koret 65% pooly 35% cotton 1 sz 1 pet white w red white & blue acc other sz med pet white w red white blue green & yel acc $6ea 256-561-3213 2 SIZE LT LONG SLEEVE flannel button down mens shirts $5ea 256-561-3213 2 WOMEN’S LEATHER JACKET one tan suede sz L pd $189 asking $25 other is blk distressed leather sz med to lg paid $189 asking $25 205-429-1028 2-FOX FUR COATS $150 EA 256-582-0392 2-PLUS SZ COATS brand new tags still on them sz 30 $35 ea 205-429-1028 21 SIZE L MENS SHORT SLEEVE dickies work shirts $5ea 256-561-3213 3 L LONG SLEEVE BUTTON DOWN sport shirts $5ea 256-561-3213 3 LONG SLEEVE BANDED COLLAR button down 2 xl 1 l $4ea 256-561-3213 3 SIZE L LONG SLEEVE BUTTON DOWN mens sport shirts $5ea 256-561-3213 3 SIZE XL LONG SLEEVE button down ments sport shirts $5ea 256-561-3213 3 XL LONG SLEEVE POLO brand button down mens sport shirts $5ea 256-5613213 3-PROM DRESSES $50 EA worn once blue strapless sz 4 grn w/sparkles sz 6 bubble gum pink sz 8 572-2513 4 PAIR OF WOMENS BLUE JEANS size 18 brand new 3 pair are 550 levis 1 pair riders $10ea 256-657-7415 henagar al 4 SIZE XL SHORT SLEEVE button tab pullover mens shirts $5ea 256-561-32135 PAIR 100% COTTON DRAWSTRING PANTS w elastic waist size small could be worn as nurses scrubs 1 ea navy purple black lavender & white laura gayle brand worn very little $6ea 256-561-3213 7 100% COTTON V NECK short sleeved button doen tops sz l each top has 2 breast pockets 1ea white salmon navy salmon navy aqua red lavender & colonial blue could beworm as nurses scrubs laura gayle grand worn very little will sell for $6ea 256561-2313 8 SZ L MENS SHORT SLEEVE cas shirts $4ea 256-561-3213 9 NAME BRAND MENS short sleeve sz lt dress shirts $7ea 256-561-3213 ALA COAT FOR BOY 10-12 and auburn coat snap zip up front like new $15 obo 8911992 ALABAMA HAND CROCHETED toboggans & tams for men & women $15 ea, childrens & infants $10 ea 205-589-4996 ALL BRAND NAME CLOTHING for girls sz 10 12 14-16 ladies x-sm to med shoes 7-1/2 to 9 ladies dress boots 593-8555 ALL SZ SHOES LG BOX $10 for all 628-0086 AUBURN COAT proplayer mens size med reversible w/removable hood cotton/poly/nylon new w/o tags never worn pd $125 take $50 256-572-8923 BABY BOY CLOTHES 256-753-6035



18 NovEMbER 2009



“where dreams Come true” En oP sAt n– mo 8 a m 7pm till

wE Buy usEd H o m E s

1999 1998 1998 1997 2002 1997 2001 2002 2001 2000 2000 2000

Hwy. 75 & 278 (at the Crossroads) snead, al 205.466.7175 • 1-877-464-7515

we specialize usedhomes! homes! we specialize in in used large selection!! large selection!! clayton redman chandaleur Fleetwood chandaleur southridge Waverlee Waverlee Fleetwood Fleetwood (vinyl) Horton (vinyl) clayton

16X70 14X70 16X80 16X80 16X80 28X48 28X70 28X60 16X80 16X80 16X80 16X80

2Br 2Br 3Br w/ fireplace 3Br 3Br 3Br 4Br 3Br 3Br 3Br 3Br 2Br

$195.35/mo $179.15/mo $184.02/mo $168.33/mo $191.03/mo $199.00/mo $331.29/mo $299.00/mo $181.04/mo $191.01/mo $188.44/mo $186.09/mo

o sunPEn d 1pm Ay till 5pm

Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac Wac

Look for NEW ArrIVALs WEEkLy... BEAUTIFUL SEQUINED pink prom dress worn pd over $500 asking $400 firm size 24 593-1111 BOX OF PURSES 504-9968 BOYS 3 PC SUITE gray w/long sleeve white shirt 4 t $10 504-9968 exc cond BOYS BLK 4 PC SUITE 3T $15 504-9968 BOYS CLOTHES SZ 8 GRT COND some still w/tags 256-593-2616 BOYS SPIDERMAN COSTUME $4 504-9968 BOYS SUPERMAN COSTUME 504-9968 $5 BOYS SZ 8 CLOTHES PANTS shirts shoes grt cond $30 for all 256-593-2616 BRAND NEW YELLOW/NAVY BLUE boys jacket sz 10-12 like insulated coat $10 has hood 891-1992 BROWN SATIN SZ 14 EVENING GOWN and long blk one sz 9-10 very reasonable 4775211 CALVIN KLEIN JEANS 6 pair sz 9 2pr 11 & 1pr 9 red 29 leng ladies st leg stone washed worn 3 or 4 times $10 256-561-3213 CLOGGING SHOES ADULT SZ 5-1/2 $50 256-840-5060 COTTON TOPS 7 100% cotton v neck short sleeve button down tops sz large 2 breast pockets 1ea white salmon navy aqua red lavender & colonial blue $6ea 256-5613213 David’s Bridal wedding gown great condition!! Size 10 if you normally wear a size 8 this wedding dress will fit you perfectly! Has red embroidery around bodice and down back, strapless beautiful dress! Asking $449 OBO Need to sell ASAP! 4 prom dresses or formal dresses, one is black and silver and has crisscross straps in back, gorgeous! Asking $60! One is a two piece that is navy blue, the top needs a little sewing on the front strap and the skirt zipper puller is broke off but it still zips great! Very Cheap! Asking $20!! Another is a champagne colored gorgeous dress has built in shoulder wrap great condition very elegant!! Asking $100!! Last is a light blue dress that goes to the shin. Pretty dress! Has a snag in the back not noticeable at all! Asking $40 OBO!! Also I have a stainless

steele brinkman grill that is in great condition need to sell ASAP!! I have only had it for less than a year! I paid $240 for it! Asking $140 OBO!! Will work out a deal with any items please call 558-8369 for more information!! Thank you!! DIFF SZ DRESSES PAGEANT FORMAL AND WEDDING $30 to $80 ea 256-628-0886 DRAWSTRING PANTS 5pr 100% cotton w elastic waist sm 1ea nav purple black laven & white laura gayle brand worn little $6ea 256-561-3213 EMERALD GREEN SILK EVENING GOWN cov w hand sewn sequins sz 14 worn in two pageants cost $1100 will sell for $200 256561-3213 can email pics GIRLS TODDLER WINTER CLOTHES and shoes grt cond $85 for all 256-593-2616 INFANT TO 4T ALSO 8 TO 12 IN BOYS CLOTHES arab 256-753-6035 JR GIRLS CLOTHES 0 TO 3 very nice grt cond name brands all for $30 256-5932616 LEATHER SCHOTT riding jacket like new well made $250 obo 256-840-9030 LITTLE BOYS H/D JACKET leather w/fur line sz 7 $40 256-593-0001 LITTLE GIRLS CLOTHING 0 TO 5 YRS 5933325 LITTLE GIRLS CLOTHING from infant to 5 yrs some brand name 593-3325 MEN’S CLOTHING pants waist sz 38/32 shirts name brand clothes $2 and up sell all at cheaper price 256-528-7187 also have brand new jackets MEN’S GRAY COAT SZ 44 100% wool lined fur collar Lakeland brand $20 256-5939821 MEN’S SZ 48 NEW LOOKING LEATHER motorcycle jacket exc cond $125 256-5063089 MENS CASUAL SHIRTS 3 sz lg tall creekwood short sleeve $5ea 256-561-3213 MENS CASUAL SHIRTS 8 SIZE LARGE mens shorts sleeve casual shirts very good cond will sell for $4ea 256-561-3213 MENS DRESS SHIRTS 4 sz lg mens short sleeve dress 3 by van heusen 1 by route 66

$7ea 256-561-3213 MENS XL JACKET IVY CREW winter jacket black hood can be hidden in collar $15 256561-3213 MINK STOLE W/FOX FUR TRIM COLLAR $4000 256-582-0392 MOTHER OF THE BRIDE DRESS coral cream sz 16-18 very tasteful nice detail $20ea 256-996-9298 NEW TEAL BLUE SEQUINED even gown never worn tags still on sz 14 $100 256561-3213 NICE PR MEN’S COWBOY BOOTS sz 11 good cond $25 505-3918 PAGEANT PROM DRESS purple strapless beaded on top size sm worn once $50 256847-7384 PHAT FARM JACKETS sizes L & XL brand new w/$99 retail tags still attached $35 ea have several 744-4354 PROM DRESSES FROM $50 TO $150 diff colors and szs 205-908-9408 PULLOVER TOPS 2 100% cotton by eagle eye sz med short sleeve 1 light pink & 1 is lavender $5ea 256-561-3213 SHORT SLEEVE MENS SHIRTS & shorts $1.50-$2.50ea name brands 256-706-2721 SILVER PROM DRESS worn once size 10 $100 256-550-0409 SLACKS 2 PAIR briggs new york 50% poly 50% rayon sz 10 petite look of linen 1 red pair 1 black eleatic waist w side pockets $7ea 256-5613213 SZ 2 DRESS FOR TODDLER AND PATENT leather shoes $50 256-538-6316 SZ 8 WHITE WEDDING DRESS built in train veil includd $50 891-9896 VARIOUS SZS/STYLES PROM DRESSES 256-878-7024 WANTED any unwanted clothes for little girl sizes 7/8/9/10 256-293-1094 WEDDING DRESS IVORY IN COLOR SZ 18 $30 256-728-4792 WEDDING DRESS SWEETHEART design casa blanca sz 7 558-1833 WEDDING DRESS SZ 2 HAS HALTER top w/sequins also natural gas firelogs works good pageant dresses little boys

tuxedos/some casual wear 256-506-5988 WEDDING GOWN W/BUILT IN TRAIN AND VEIL $75 sz 8 white 891-9896 WHITE EVENING GOWN bodice has sequins & beads of app flowers full skirt w layers of scalloped ruffles scalloped ruffled short sleeves w drop beads attached beading & sequin bow in back sz 14 actual wedding gown without train worn twice in pags cost $1200 will sell for $200 256-561-3213 can

mCCormiCK sErviCEs roadside tire & repair service HAndymAn sErviCE wEldinG, roof rEPAir, PAintinG, Air-ConditioninG ClEAninG, lAwn mAintEnAnCE, EtC. BEst PriCEs witH frEE EstimAtEs


email pic WHITE SZ 8 WEDDING GOWN built in train w/veil $75 891-9896 WHITE WEDDING DRESS W/BUILT IN TRAIN comes w/veil $65 sz 8 891-9896 WOMANS LONG BLK LEATHER coat zip out linerw/hood & belt size 14-16 very good cond $200 256-593-2777 WOMEN’S CLOTHES ALL SZS selling cheap 504-9968 WOMEN’S CLOTHES FROM SM TO 3X 5049968 selling cheap WOMEN’S CLOTHES SZ 10 UP TO 2X 5049968 YELLOW BRIDESMAID DRESS sz 8 spaghetti straps sequins $50 also yellow flower girl dress same design $30 205-446-5068 YOUNG BOYS SIZE SM camo winter coat & overalls like hunting clothes insulated new still have tag on will take $30 for outfit 8911992 URNITURE~


(2) LOVESEATS , overstuffed chair 6600639 (2) OCCASSIONAL CHAIRS good frame needs upholstered $20 ea (left no #)


BaRnYaRd antiques & Gifts THE SWAPPER


18 NovEMbER 2009

End of summEr sAlE-somE itEms

50% off

2661 wynnville road n 205-807-4731 oPEn: thur - sat 10-4pm


loTS of uNIQuE ANTIQuES name Brand Clothes new and slIghtly worn - all sIzes n n


directions: from albertville: take hwy 75 south to susan moore - left on wynnville road, 2 1/2 miles on right, Big red Barn (2) QUEEN ANN STYLE living rm chairs yellow base w/floral sunflower pattern very good shape $150 for both 256-506-8851 Arab (4) MAPLE KITCHEN table chairs need refinishing $40 256-486-1279 (4) WICKER ROCKERS high back painted very sturdy $50 (left no #) 2 AUDIO STANDS $100 FOR BOTH grt shape 205-368-0034 2 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS $20 256-571-3888 256-571-3888 2- END TABLES ONE COFFEE TABLE light oak $30 878-3692 after 5pm lv msg 2-BOOKSHELVES 7’ TALL light up dark

mountAintoP sHArPEninG 4652 main street grant al (256)293-9178

wE now offEr sHArPEninG sErviCE for CArBidE tootH CirCulAr sAw BlAdEs At A rAtE of $0.22 PEr tootH. Also AvAilABlE is sHArPEninG for drill Bits, Endmills&KnivEs open: 9am - 4:30pm m-F located next to anette’s salon

wood 891-9896 2-CHIPPENDALE OR SHEARTON BUFFET came out of burned out house $200 for both 256-659-6907 2-LG WOODEN DESKS 6’ long good cond $50 ea also dresser w/big hutch mirror $50 256-458-8762 2-WICKER BACK ROCKERS $50 256-5713888 3 DRESSERS $40 EA 256-477-4241 3 PC LR SUITE W/SM blk coffee table white

leather $350 for all 256-477-3804 3PC LIVING ROOM SET wht leather w/coffee table $350 256-477-3804 4 PC BR SUITE ANTIQUE NICE COND $200 572-8703 4 WICKER BASKETS/WHITE 2 lg and 2 rd waste baskets $25 for all 205-429-2473 5 PC BR SUITE 840-8107 A double or queen bed in good condition for reasonable price. Also need a twin box springs in good condition. 256-586-0555 ANTIQUE DRESSER BOTTOM $75 good cond 256-845-9282 ANTIQUE HARMANY end table red mahogany w/2 carved dwrs $75 256-4861279 ANTIQUE LAZY BOY ROCKER exc cond $25 659-4360 ANTQUE DRESSER approx 85yo lovely mirror $75 (left no #) BABY BED AND BLUE METAL TODDLER BED reasonable well maintained 256-7536035 arab BAKERS RACK $50 5 SHELVES 256-2817958 BAR STOOLS $30 OBO 878-3692 BAR STOOLS solid oak like new $85 for pair 256-506-8089 BASSET CHINA CABINET LIKE NEW $325 256-630-4474 BEAUTIFUL 3-DWR CHEST OF DRAWERS old knotted pine $75 561-4918 BEAUTIFUL 3PC CHERRY WOOD BEDRM SUITE (huge 13-drawer dresser w/tall fold on side mirrors (marble top), 3-drawer bachelors chest (marble top), queen/king sleigh bed, pillow top mattress & box springs, drawer pulls are originals by Bob Mackey, paid $10,000 asking $4000 exc shape call for appt to see 256-442-5303 or 256-313-9313 BED THAT HAS DBL BED on bottom made out of metal bottom is lg top if smaller exc cond w/mattresses etcv $75 477-4395 BEVELED GLASS TOP dining table w/brushed nickel wrought iron frame w/4 chairs like new cond $400 obo 256-4926323 before 9pm

BLUE LOVESEAT good cond $100 obo 256506-8851 Arab BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS SET $100 dining table w/three chairs $30 chest of drawers $30 desk w/chair $15 205-5892090 BR SUITE EXC COND 840-8991 BRAND NEW never used Ashley furniture dining room table seats 4-6 (chairs not included) oak stained top, blk legs $200 obo no trades 256-571-6694 BRASS BED/KING SZ 35 YRS OLD $600 205-640-6952 BUFFET 12 DRAWER SOLID WOOD DARK $75 256-558-4024 CALIFORNIA KING WAVELESS water bed mattress $200 256-582-0392 CARD TABLE W/NO CHAIRS blue $10 obo 205-353-3262 CHERRY POSTER BR SUITE hi boy chest of drawers dresser w/mirror bed is qn size dresser tops need refinished $250 neg 8789801 CHEST OF DRAWERS (have several) $35$70 ea 256-558-9647 CHILDRENS CHIFFEROBE w/spot to put tv light wood $50 891-9896 CHILDS HALF BED $25 470-2726 CHILDS SOLID OAK ROCKER never used $45 256-593-9821 CHINA CABINET $200 MED WOOD color glass/lights up 891-9896 CHINA CABINET MED WOOD glass on top lights up $225 891-9896 COFFEE TABLE solid cherry built by Amish needs some refinishing $75 256-506-8851 Arab COMPUTER ARMOIRE solid oak w/med dk finish exc cond has filing cabinets dwrs slide out table beautiful $250 256-5068851 Arab COMPUTER DESK $40 256-505-9829 COMPUTER DESK small exc cond $75 8408991 CORNER STAND W/FIVE SHELVES $20 256-264-4221 COUCH $35 256-571-6205 COUCH SLIGHTLY USED $20 256-593-9943

COUCH tan in color like new $300 obo 5934777 COUNTRY FRENCH dining table w/6 chairs mint cond oval table 2-arm & 4 side chairs w/cane back $300 (left no #) COUNTRY FRENCH DINING TABLE w/six chairs mint cond 2 arm and 4 sides cane backs $300 256-571-3888 CURIO CABINET 2-1/2’ TALL 3’ wide $40 also computer ofc chair $10 256-505-9829 DINETTE SET 5pc wood & blk iron $100 878-6603 DINING ROOM TABLE glass top 4 chairs solid oak exc shape $250 firm 256-5068851 Arab DINING TABLE W/TINTED GLASS TOP good cond $35 582-2720 DRESSER BOTTOM/ANTIQUE 256-8459282 DRESSER W/STAND UP MIRROR BEHIND sides fold in $75 256-264-4221 DRESSER/EIGHT DRAWER $70 205-4469731 DUAL RECLINING SOFA GOOD COND $150 obo 205-821-3606 ELEC HOSPITAL BED $500 OBO 256-5939943 ENTERTAINMENT center $35 256-5463838 Gadsden area ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 4pc 2 towers & tv centerpiece for 36” tv Pennsylvania House very good quality heavy pd over $4000 new will take $750 256-582-7624 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Amish style solid cherry adj shelves 48” tv w/swivel base concealment doors pd $1000 take $300 256-506-8851 Arab ENTERTAINMENT CENTER hold up to 42” tv has 2 drs on bottom shelf in middle side glass door for storage good cond hvy made $100 cash firm arab 256-931-0547 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER holds up to 32” tv not put together 256-505-9829 FELT TOP BLOW UP MATTRESS $10 8789801 FULL SIZE MATTRESS & uncovered springs $50 878-5106 FULL SZ MATTRESS W/COVER $15 256-

558-4024 FULL SZ TO QN SIZE to qn size bed frame $25 840-9807 FUTON SOFA BED BLK METAL FRAME full mattress $30 256-558-4024 GAME CARD TABLE $10 OBO 205-3533262 GENTLEMEN’S DRESSER just refinished $450 256-486-1279 GIRLS TWIN BR SUITE canopy bed dresser w/mirror and nightstand 738-4928 GLASS TOP BAR TABLE W/2 NICE CHAIRS $150 486-7921 GLIDER/ROCKER $100 256-302-6077 GRN LAZY BOY RECLINER good cond 256717-4504 HALF BED/NO BOX springs or mattress 256-845-9282 $25 HOPE CHEST BY LANE $75 256-264-4221 good cond I am looking for a twin bed in good condition. If you have one for sale please call 256601-6515. Thanks in advance. Or I BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE must be reasonable 878-1562 KING SIZE WATER BED looks like a reg bed has two inividual mattresses good cond mattress only $150 w foundation $200 call 205-429-2733 lv msg KING SZ BED mattress box springs and rails 593-7886 KING SZ MATTRESS 6 MOS OLD good cond $200 obo 298-1452 KING SZ MEMORY FOAM mattress set, pd $1499, will take $789, never used, free shipping, call Eric, 256-593-3852 KING SZ WATER BED WAVELESS hdbd w/mirror/drawers $150 obo 205-2742487 KITCHEN TABLE oak round pedestal type leaf makes it oval shape $40 256-601-6515 KITCHEN TABLE SEATS SIX $50 256-3026077 LANE COFFEE TABLE good shape $30 obo 256-840-9030 LANE HOPE CHEST WHITE COLOR $75 blountsville, al 205-429-2213 Large 3 cushion sofa that converts into a hideway bed with new mattress in excellent shape. $75.00 also large recliner $40.00 256-492-5631 Gadsden or LAZY BOY ROCKER/RECLINER MED SZ mauve $100 878-4564 LEATHER COUCH BARELY USED $75 obo 205-821-3606 LG OAK COFFEE TABLE 878-4564 LIGHT OAK table & chairs w/cream top tile top $225 205-466-7584 LIKE NEW OFF WHITE SECTIONAL still has tags and suede mocha chaise lounge chair for sell 256-506-1091 $700 LITTLE TYKES race car bed & chest & other itmes 256-593-5379 LIVING ROOM formal chairs (2) yellow w/floral pattern of burnt orange & sage exc cond $150 for set 256-506-8851 Arab LOTS OF FURNITURE FOR SELL all household items must go due to fire most salvageable attalla al sat and sun next wk 9 to 4 256-281-9254 LOVE SEAT HI BACK STRIPED red/grn/blue color w/footstool $45 256538-3783 LOVE SEAT STRIPED hi back w/foot stool good cond $40 256-538-3783 LOVESEAT blue in color $75 256-894-6102 LOVESEAT royal blue w/floral pattern 3 pillow cushions w/multi-color beige fringe $50 256-506-8851 Arab LR SUITE COUCH LOVE SEAT CHAIR solid oak bookcase 840-8991 MAGAZINE RACK $20 283-1350 MODULAR SOFA 10 PCS $100 256-5820392 NICE COUCH AND CHAIR $75 256-8780990 NICE COUCH good cond 256-571-6205 $35 OAK ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 256-4674160 OAK ENTERTAINMENT CENTER tv cabinet 256-505-8391 OFC FURNITURE l-shaped desks 5 drawer filing cabinets 593-1174 ONE YR OLD COUCH/LOVE SEAT grn flower pattern nice grt cond 205-473-1488 $75

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 ORNATE BROYHILL TABLE six chairs china cabinet $250 205-429-2213 PINE COFFEE & END table $30 (left no #) PINE COFFEE AND END TABLE $25 256571-3888 QN SIZE BED MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS only good cond $75 256-2819071 QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS & box springs good cond $50 call 256-558-0916 n QUEEN SZ MEMORY FOAM mattress set, pd $1099, will sell for $589 – never used, free shipping, call Eric, 256-593-3852 RATTAN FURNITURE FOR SELL natural wood 3 pc set very lg sofa love seat and cofn fee table 256-543-9659 REAL NICE WOODEN GLIDER rocking chair has cloth padding that can be removed or used $40 891-9963 RECLINER SOFA (hardly used) new cond pd $1200 asking $280 256-546-3838 Gadsden area n ROLL TOP DESKS oak have 3 exc cond $350 & $450 547-8388 n SEALY BIG MAN’S CHAIR w/large ottoman forest green real nice cond $275 new, I pd n $150 but will take $70 for it 256-281-9419 aft 9am Boaz n SET SLIGHTLY USED BUNK BEDS $50 wooden 256-593-9943 n SHOE CABINET $10 256-558-4024 SM TABLE $10 256-538-6316 n SMALL ANTIQUE DRESSER w/mirror 2 small dwrs & 2 large dwrs & full size bed mint cond $300 or consider separating 256486-1279 aft 2pm or lv msg SMALL BAMBO BAR for sale beaut has marble top drawer & shelf & also has two bar stools with it just no rm for it $250 256894-5722 SMALL WHITE iron bed/antique w/brass knobs $150 obo 256-845-9282 SOFA AND CHAIR exc cond 630-4474 SOFA LOVE SEAT AND 2 SWIVEL ROCKERS $500 256-582-0392 SOFA TABLE top extends upward matching end tables $125 256-796-6949 SOLID CHERRY coffee table made by the Amish ok cond needs some refinish work TV CONSOLE CABINET solid cherry 7’ tall 256-506-8851 Arab great cond beautiful piece $300 256-506SOLID GLASS table w/4 chairs great cond 8851 Arab $200 256-506-8851 Arab TWIN BED BOX SPRING AND FRAME 878SOLID MAPLE DINING RM SUITE 4 chairs 3692 w/cabinet & hutch & 2 leafs $500 obo 205- TWIN BED MATTRESS AND BOX SPRINGS 589-6079 Howellton community $55 20” tv $30 ties for trailer free need SOLID OAK CHINA CABINET by Pulaski has someone to get antique tub out of bathroom lighted top and bottom glass shelves drs are 572-5322 glass decorative stained glass pd $1000 TWIN SZ HDBD AND FTBD rails and slats asking $700 878-7034 $50 891-9896 SOLID OAK computer cabinet (filing cabi- TWIN SZ ORTHOPEDIC BED w/legs/hd nets, drawers, etc) $300 obo 256-506-8851 raised $350 obo 996-2678 SOLID OAK COMPUTER DESK w/cubby USED BEDROOM SET queen size wood 4pcs holes and hanging stacks for storage exc (drawers) $400 obo pd $3000 256-546cond 840-8991 3838 Gadsden area SOLID OAK DINING ROOM TABLE seats WANT TO PURCHASE FUTON BED or sofa eight puppy dog ft $350 has two leafs 256- bed in good to exc cond will pay reasonable 538-6555 price 660-0433 SOLID OAK ENTERTAINMENT CENTER WE SELL HARD WOOD FURNITURE USED $100 256-302-6077 in bedding dressers chairs tables 256-931SOLID OAK ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 2740 med finish 9’ long w/lights 2 glass cabinets WICKER BOTTOM STRAIGHT CHAIRS 878on side 2 open on top will come apart and 4564 make two $1500 cash 256-728-8426 SOLID OAK HI CHAIR exc cond $25 8785106 SOLID OAK ROLL TOP COMPUTER desk lots of storage exc cond like new $500 8408991 SOLID OAK TRUNK 20” WIDE 4’ long 20” deep burgundy and grn tapestry covered bench seat on top very unique $300 8787034 SUPER SINGLE WATER BED w/bookcase hdbd and mirror $175 582-0392 SWIVEL ROCKER $15 659-4360 TABLE AND CHAIRS and bench seat $75 256-264-4221 TABLE W/MAGAZINE RACK $25 283-1350 TABLES AND CHAIRS $175 DRESSER $50 ROCKING CHAIR $85 coffee table $20 qn sz bed hdbd very nice and lg $175 firm total gym chuck Norris still in box $65 256-9620893 TAUPE COLORED couch & loveseat w/big pillows very good cond $185 205-466-7584 TRUNDLE COUCH folds out into bed $30 256-264-4221


Kevin Jackson 



fREE ESTIMATES Licensed &Bonded

256-490-6867 256-302-0896

www.kevinjacksonfarms.com WICKER COUCH half of back is upholstered needs cushions $35 (left no #) WICKER COUCH needs cushion $35 256571-3888 WINE COLORED action lane reclining sectional very good cond $200 205-466-7584 WOODEN 1930 BEDROOM SUITE w/full size carved sleigh bed including head/foot boards & rails, full size chifferobe, 4 dwr chest, dresser w/mirror, & oak side table, all pcs finished w/red mahogany, solid brass hardware $950 205-246-3925 aft 2pm WOODEN FUTON BED FRAME good cond $50 obo 593-8107 WOODEN TABLE W/4 CHAIRS cloth seats w/plastic $75 878-4459 X-TRA LONG SOFA ALSO MATCHING CHAIR VERY NICE sage grn cloth $250 256-4702188 ntiques/Collectibles~

A ‘52 PONTIAC 4dr very restorable mtr will run whole car $1400 obo 593-1920


PECANS 256-528-2611 256-659-8983

Hwy 227 south crossville, al (just outside of town) look for our signs


18 NovEMbER 2009 2 ‘51 CHEVROLET TRUCKS for sale one runs good one for parts $3995 for both 256623-3627 2 COCA COLA METAL BOTTLE CAP SIGNS exc cond $15 ea 256-549-1819 2 NICE ANTIQUE STEREOS wood cabinet w/radio stereo and record player exc cond sell reasonable 256-658-4205 arab 431 SPORTS ARENA 2-ANTIQUE PIANOS FREE needs some work 659-6468 3 ANTIQUE PORCELIAN DOLLS all still in box different prices also have 2 microwave ovens $20ea 2 chandeleer light make best offer 2 baby strollers 1 is a 1 seater other one is for 2 babies call 660-0768 3 NICE ANTIQUE STEREOS in wood cabinets am fm stereo built in w record player 1 of them has 8 tract player built in in exc oPEn 6:30 BEll timE 8:30 P.m. cond all work fine also have home hand made quilts will sell all reasonable call 25630tH Annual thanksgiving spectacular 658-4205 3-MOVIE POST PRINTS gone w/the wind 2 ring triple Chance Battle royal casa blanca and laurel and hardy $35 ea obo 205-589-8680 Plus 4 PIECE BOWL SET pyrex wheat pattern 2 midget match ladies match tone brownish yellow & burnt orange $60 obo no cracks or chips 256-504-7759 410 SHOTGUN TOP LOADER shoots 410 44 and 12 mm $200 205-274-2486 50 LOOK AND LIFE MAGAZINES has beatles Johnny cash kkk on front page $10 ea 205rEnt tHE ArEnA for sPECiAl oCCAsions 274-2486 50+ WW2 LETTERS & some postcards $75 593-3813 CaLL for DETaILS aBoUT oUr 60’S OR 50’S PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE 4’ rd table mahogany very hvy $50 256-6050207 ALCOHOL POWERED IRON AND IRONING PRO WRESTLING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT BOARD both $75 205-274-2486 ANT ORIG CLIMAX TREADLE foot operated GEnErAl Admission $5 - rEsErvEd sEAts $6 sewing machine in great cond $150 256574-4832 CHildrEn undEr 11 yrs. frEE! ANT SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT sewing mach w orig storage box great cond $500 no vulGAr lAnGuAGE- no AlCoHol 256-574-4832 fun for tHE wHolE fAmily ! ANTIQUE ’72 CT70 TRAIL HONDA fair cond $800 256-587-6313 JoHn 3 :16 ANTIQUE BLK ROCKING CHAIR good cond $35 obo 256-486-6797 ‘60 THUNDERBIRD 352 v8 less than 4k mi W/WOOD COOK STOVE BUILT IN $400 ANTIQUE BR SUITE 3 pcs full sz bed chest on new mtr all orig american racing mags 205-274-2486 of drawers vanity w/mirror good shape drive anywhere $9500 firm serious inq ’50 PHILCO REFRIGERATOR $250 572- possible refinishing needed $250 obo 256912-978-0131 georgia 8567 486-6797 ‘70 RED CHEVY CHYENNE TRUCK 350 auto ’50’S COCA COLA FLIP LID BOX water ANTIQUE BUBBLE FRONT TV w cabinet it new tires brakes int chrome very nice cooled works grt $400 205-274-2486 sits on asking $250 firm for this item call restoration must see very nice truck call for ’64 FORD FAIRLANE thunder bolt clone 256-593-2338 this tv is act still in functionmore info $13900 891-1647 good parts car $2600 442-4252 ing cond when plugged in last it comes on & ‘78 FORD THUNDERBIRD diamond jubilee ’65 JC HIGGINS 26” BICYCLE EXC COND $50 has all the tuners in tact edition 351 wcid eng v8 auto pwr every- 593-1973 ANTIQUE CARS 256-470-1663 thing fact air great cond vinyl top ice dia- ’66 FAIRLANE 2DR HARDTOP new ANTIQUE CHERRY buffet $200 call carol mond blue color interior blue I am 3rd tires/rims int hot rod engine needs to be 256-486-3054 owner $2500 firm call ron at 205-937-5390 finished $2000 obo 205-274-2486 ANTIQUE CHEST DRESSER TIGER OAK ‘79 VW BUS redone 59k mi $7500 call for ’77 ERA ELVIS PRESLEY THRU YRS button $375 205-640-6952 details bet 10am & 7pm 256-878-5478 3” dia 256-605-0207 ANTIQUE CHIFFEROBE ARMOIRE 46’’w x ’27 ELEC STOVE AND 30’S REFRIGERATOR ’77 FORD T-BIRD 351 WINDSOR auto trans 72’’h mirror in dr $40 cash call 256-593stove needs rewiring fridge works $500 or all original will part out $650 whole 256- 7582 after 5pm trade 205-274-2486 244-4342 ANTIQUE CHINA cabinet $150 call carol ’31 FORD PU CAB drs fenders 1917 VICTROLA NEEDS RESTORA- 256-486-3054 and bed $2100 442TION make offer 353-2520 ANTIQUE CLOTHING ARMOIRE $200 dark 4252 1931 FORD PU CAB has drs wood call shelly 256-203-2007 ’40 ELEC fenders and bed ANTIQUE CONSOLE STEREO by magnavox S T O V E $2100 442-4252 8 track player turn table & tuner old tube 1964 FORD type stereo great shape $75 firm 228-4022 F A I R L A N E ANTIQUE DARK OAK DRESSER w beaut thunwood designs marble top w one small derbolt drawer ea side & two large bottom drawers c l o n e very good cond $350 obo 256-505-1680 have ANTIQUE DRESSER $75 w/mirror 256571-3888 p a r t s ANTIQUE DRESSER BOTTOM 256-845c a r 9282 ANTIQUE DROP DOWN sewing machine desk w drawer worked at one time inherited been stored for yrs $25 avle gsvle area 506-5540 ANTIQUE DUNCAN PYFFE coffee & end table 256-659-2235 ANTIQUE GALLON SIZE milk jugs can be n Jean Miller used as jugs for tea, milk, etc or even for crafts to paint or put Christmas lights in etc 256.226.8508 593-2086 ANTIQUE GLASS WARE shawnee mccoy n Mr. 256.558.4458 included pyrex bowls diff glassware also have a no answering machine g o o d china cabinet 256-538-3783 cond n debbie HiltzANTIQUE GRANDFATHER CLOCK moon $2600 442- dial shows lunar phases 76” tall cherry 4252 256.393.2100 wood $250 505-7437 THE SWAPPER

PRO WRESTLING in Boaz • 840-0050



10 BiG mAtCHEs Pro wrEstlinG sCHool

GOT A BUSINESS? NEED HELP GETTING THE WORD OUT? C o n t a c t   o n e   o f   o u r   S a le s   Professionals  for A d v e r t i s in g   w it h   T w i c e   t h e R e a c h   a t   H a l f   th e   C o s t   o f O u r   N e a r e s t   C o m p e t it o r !



ANTIQUE HARMANY end table red mahogany w/2 carved dwrs $75 256-4861279 ANTIQUE HOOSIER CABINET in very good cond 256-574-4832 $150 ANTIQUE MIRROR ORNATE FRAME 205640-6952 ANTIQUE OAK ICE box 256-659-2235 ANTIQUE ORIENTAL 40’S BLK LAQUERED folding screen w/mother of pearl design 6’ tall x 6’ wide good cond $500 205-4295305 ANTIQUE PEWTER PLATES set of ten good cond over 30 yrs old things remembered collectors collect $100 205-274-2514 ANTIQUE POOL TABLE ‘49 great shape $500 571-5695 ANTIQUE RE UPHOLSTERED tapestry type fabric rocker mahogany finished hardwood frame great cond $50 avle gsvle area 5065540 ANTIQUE SAHARA SWAN white 2 small ones w/it $30 538-3783 ANTIQUE SEWING MACHINE in wooden cabinet works grt all attachments 205-4665572 ANTIQUE SEWING MACHINE w the cabinet its built into in great cond it still functions but needs a belt will take $100 firm call 256-593-2338 ANTIQUE TAPESTRY multi-colored covered sofa & chair 256-659-2235 ANTIQUE TRUNK $25 obo 256-486-6797 needs some refinishing ANTIQUE VANITY/DRESSER w marble top 2 sm & 2 lg drawers very good cond $475 256-505-1680 ANTIQUE WASH POT w/basin from 1940s good cond wht creamish color Tennessee pottery $35 256-293-1094 ANTQUE DRESSER approx 85yo lovely mirror $75 (left no #) ANY VERY NICE ANTIQUES such as sofa chair tapestry cover oak ice box cathedral radios oak washstand oak crank telephones 256-659-2235 ARMOIR CHEFFEROBE made in the 1870s stands about 6ft tall absolutely beautiful has beaut wood working detailing on the front & top $500 205-908-9643 BLUE BALL ideal jars w wire $10 878-8710 BLUE CERAMIC top leaf breakfast table 659-2235 BUDWEISER LIGHT NEON SIGNS $75 PR 205-274-2486 CASE POCKET KNIVES 205-965-4091 CEDAR BEDROOM SUITE reg bed dresser chester crawers wardrobe chest new mattress & box springs $400 call 256-572-0359 CHINA CABINET 2 GLASS DRS $500 8914953 CHINA SET MADE IN ’81 MAKE OFFER 3532520 COCA COLA WATCH AND POLAR BEAR in box $15 256-549-1819 COLLECTORS COLLECTION of barbie dolls for sale all new in box never opened call 256-586-2572 CONSOLE MAGNAVOX STEREO very old good shape 505-3918 COOKOO CLOCK made in Germany complete works perfect $300 256-546-3838 Gadsden area DINING ROOM TABLE $65 50 yrs old or older seats 6 call 256-558-4322 DUNCAN PHYFE SOFA $125 256-891-8266 DUNCAN PHYFE SOFA $150 duncan phyfe harp end tables $175 per table 256-8918266 DUNCAN PHYFE SOFA $200 duncan phyfe harp end tables $175 per table 256-8918266 FINE CHINA DISHES royal swirl made in japan 8 pc setting $35 538-3783 FIRE NOZZLE old brass 2 ½ fire nozzel goes on the end of a fire hose made around ‘30 leather handles 14’’x19 ½’’ 11 ½ fr handle to handle made by the wooster brass co $150 aville 256-558-4615 FREE ANTIQUE piano 582-4668 GENTLEMEN’S DRESSER just refinished $450 256-486-1279 GENUINE US HVY CALVARY SABRE marked ames mfg company cabotville massachusetts made in 1851 sword and scabbard in grt cond leather hilt exc cond $750 mike 256-506-7206

GOLD BRUSHED ANTIQUE ROCKING CHAIR $35 OBO 256-486-6797 HOOSER CABINET w orig flour bens sifter still in $500 891-0626 J/D COOKIE JAR BY GIBSON official licensed product no cracks or chips like new $25 mike 256-506-7206 JUKE BOX for sale model # 451 a ‘73 for $600 in good cond 256-513-0410 KITCHEN BUFFET for sale antique great cond pd $400 8 yrs ago asking $400 256593-4189 LG BLK WASH POT W/STAND $100 OR TRADE 205-274-2486 LG COLLECTION HOT WHEELS and die cast cars must sell 205-368-0034 LG PICTURE VICTORIAN lady w/dog 2’ x 3’ gold frame $65 256-593-8085 boaz LOTS OF ANTIQUES FOR SELL different pcs 256-962-0893 NASCAR CUSTOM BAR TOP which depicts the history of nascar perfect for sports scene basement, etc full sz top has 43 original nascar illustrations by local artist, keith calvert must see to appreciate $2500 obo jean 256-05-1394 NEW SET OF SPOKED hub caps for ‘74 ford ltd car call 538-8346 OLD 16 GA DBL BARREL SHOTGUN $225 205-274-2486 OLD ELEC SEWING MACHINE w/cabinet $75 891-4953 OLD IRON BOTTOM ANTIQUE SEWING machine $50 891-4953 OLD METAL GLIDER 3 seater also have 2 seater 3 old chairs outside furniture 256706-3001 OLD SINGER SEWING MACHINE W/CABINET 506-1682 ORIGINAL WOOD ANTIQUE IRONING BOARD open stand on its own $30 obo 256486-6797 OVAL GRAY CRACKED ICE DINER TABLE w/x-tra leaf 6 chairs table in good cond $400 256-549-1819 chairs need reupholstering PEDAL TRACTOR for child $35 obo 256486-6797 any reasonable offer will be accepted PHILCO CATHEDRAL radioes 256-6592235 PICKUP TRUCK ‘69 chevrolet swb stepside pickup orig 6 cyl rebuilt 12’’ hd clutch recent baby blue paint nice needs inter wiring work done runs great $3500 call 256-574-4832 PINCH NECK BOTTLE w marble stopper also other old tools such al levels chisels old patent med bottles etc 205-903-6966 PORCH GLIDER 256-659-2235 REMINGTON K-BAR ROBESON SHAPLEIGH owl head Utica qn and many other prem pocket knives for sell separate or whole collection $500 obo 256-506-7206 ROCK OLA JUKE BOX mod #451 a ‘73 for $600 in good cond call 256-513-0410 ROLL 20 ‘79P S B ANTHONY DOLLARS orig crimped fed reserve wrapper never opened mint $35 878-8710 ROLL 25 ‘79 SBA DOLLARS crinped fed reserve roll mint $45 878-8710 ROOK CARDS ‘36 in orig box w booklets $20 878-8710 SET OF ANTIQUE END TABLES good cond $30 set obo 256-486-6797 SET OF JACKS christmas glasses 6 collectors items about 25 yrs old beautirul call 256593-6677 SEVERAL PCS HULL GLASSWARE also other glassware 538-3783 SINGER SEWING MACHINE PROX 80 to 90 yrs old pedal type grt cond 256-543-9659 SM PINE ONE DRAWER WASHSTAND or lamp table round dovetails w pegs late 1800s $175 obo 205-903-6966 SM WHITE IRON BED w/brass knobs/antique $150 obo 256-845-9282 SMALL ANTIQUE DRESSER w mirror 2 small drawers & 2 large drawers in mint cond $300 call 256-486-1279 after 2pm or lv msg SMALL ANTIQUE DRESSER w/mirror 2 small dwrs & 2 large dwrs & full size bed mint cond $300 or consider separating 256486-1279 aft 2pm or lv msg SMALL POT BELLY COAL BURNING HTR $150 205-274-2486

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 25 STANLEY ROUTER PLANE #71 ½ patented march 1884 closed throat design exc cond $75 obo also old pinch neck bottle w the marble stopper I have other old tools such as levels chisels old patent med bottles etc 205-903-6966 STAR NOTES $1 SILVER CERTIFICATES $5 ea mike 256-506-7206 TABLE & 6 CHAIRS also inc leaf chairs have beaut wood working detailing app for over $500 will sell for $125 obo 205-908-9643 TEXAS HANGING COTTON scales $20 8788710 UPRIGHT POLE LAMP w marble table n antique $35 call 256-593-6677 VICTOR VICTROLA crank type wood case prox 100 yrs old has lots of records 256543-9659 VICTORIAN HAND CARVED CAMEO earn rings circa 1880 $85 256-593-8085 boaz VICTROLA mahogany wood 100 yrs old works great crank type have records & orig paperwork call 256-543-9659 n VINTAGE 890T OLD TIMER 3 blade knife new in box never carried mint $65 878n 8710 VINTAGE GRETSCH 6159 dual bass amp all orig 35 watt feat 2 12’’ jensen cps spkrs 7 n tubes 4 duel purpose for an 11 tube sound 4 inst inputs built iin tremlo w sp & inten cont on off switch w pilot light beaut sounding amps must see & hear to apprec $600 obo 256-601-1628 WOODEN 1930 BEDROOM SUITE w/full size carved sleigh bed including head/foot boards & rails, full size chifferobe, 4 dwr chest, dresser w/mirror, & oak side table, all pcs finished w/red mahogany, solid brass hardware $950 205-246-3925 aft 2pm WOULD LIKE TO BUY CASE WHALER POCKET KNIVES 205-274-2486 ‘64 CLASSIC DODGE DART push button shift good tires 256-390-7336 #20 Home Dept $15 VW van $20 393-6870 1 SHORT SLEEVE ALABAMA polo shirt one long sleeve button up alabama shirt w tag still on it an alabama fitted cap a fossil money clip embroidered w the a autograph of tyrone prothro & tadd bates on memo cond overy 30yo Things Remembered col- BUDWEISER BEER STEINS for sale 256lectors collection $100 205-274-2514 281-9168 ask for jr paper will for $10 call 256-894-5813 BALL BLUE MASON JARS july 14 ‘08 glass CASE CIRCLE C TESTED XX 6165SAB fold12 DIECAST METAL trucks 660-0639 lid wire $10 878-8710 ing hunter knife super rare thin body pat1873 AUSTRIAN GENERAL CAMPAIGNE tern green bone handle w/documentation MEDAL King Franz Joseph on face date on BARBIE COLLECTION call for details 293- $700 256-506-7206 9138 back mint $45 obo 256-506-7206 CLINT BOWYER CAR #7 $25 #9 Dodge $15 1940 FORD SEDAN Law Enforcement $25 BARBIE DOLL COLLECTION Christmas, 393-6870 Valentine, Olympic, & everyday 1995-1997 393-6870 NRFB buy one or all have 65 total 205-822- COCA COLA CAR #1 Dale Earnhardt Jr $25 1962 SPIDER MAN COMIC BOOK has 12 cents on it, grade 8, nearly perfect, stored for many years book value $2200 asking $350 cash 256-362-5850 1975 ELVIS PRESLEY trading cards almost whole set (57 of 66) sell for $3 ea on E-bay metal roofing n metal Building will take $100 for all 256-538-8865 n Components 1976 D EISENHOWER DOLLARS w/rare 1-888-870-7663 type one reverse bold lettering AU50 cond $70 total of 23 coins 256-506-7206 256-492-6032 see our display on on p.50 2 BOXFULLS hot wheels in cases $100 ea 393-6870 1811 393-6870 2 HOT WHEELS streamliner trucks $15 ea BASEBALL TRADING CARDS 2 very large COLLECTABLE PLATES star wars star trek 393-6870 boxes jam packed full (thousands) some have 13 in all still in orig styro comesw cert 20K COMMON SPORTSCARDS baseball football, some nascar, some are worth a lot of auth pd over $600 taki $200 firm for all football basketball $25 call 256-538-3169 of money $150 for both boxes 256-538- call after 5 659-5167 attalla ask for phil 8865 COLLECTIBLE POCKET KNIVES five 3 18-WHEEL TRUCKS Exxon, Crown, Shell BEAR BRYANT 315TH WIN comm coin schrade knives schrade 1*xl cutlery 1 2 & 3 $20 ea 393-6870 token $10 878-8710 blades bounted in display case w red back3 18IN PORCELIN DOLLS still in box asking ‘36 ROOK CARDS in orig box w instruction ground fr fact bought in ‘80 perfect cond $10ea or $25 for all call 256-894-5813 booklet & ad booklet $20 878-8710 mountAintoP sHArPEninG 30 BEANIE BABIES $25 mint cond 205-473- BEAR BRYANT cokes $6 878-8710 1488 4652 main street grant al BEAUTIFUL STAINED GLASS CLOCK by 40 MCDONALD HAPPY MEAL TOYS all in danbury mint feat 4 remov glass plates 1 for (256)293-9178 early 90s $15 for all or 50 cents ea 205-589- ea season theme feat adorable beagles no 8658 chips in plates still in box clock works great wE now offEr sHArP5 GAL JUG UHL POTTERY acornwares hunt- w battery or w ac adapt inc $100 256-593EninG sErviCE for CArington indiana $80 878-8710 2405 50 LOOK AND LIFE MAGAZINES has beatles BILL GAITHER VHS video collection used BidE tootH CirCulAr Johnny cash kkk on front page $10 ea 205- very good cond 11 tapes total $35 for all sAw BlAdEs At A rAtE 274-2486 894-3344 50+ WW2 LETTERS some postcards $100 BOYD BEAR COLLECTION make reasonable of $0.22 PEr tootH. 593-3813 offer or would trade for something else of Also AvAilABlE is ALABAMA HAT CAP brand new signed by equal value call 256-486-4481 john parker wilson & rashad johnson about BUDWEISER BEER STEINS budman set ‘75 sHArPEninG for drill a yr ago in person asking $25 firm call after hollow head ‘89 ‘93 ‘99 w boxes but ‘75 5 659-5167 endangered species w boxes many singles Bits, Endmills&KnivEs ALL GODS CHILDREN collection call for such as spuds mckensey franky frog many open: 9am - 4:30pm m-F details 293-9138 more 256-281-9168 boaz located next to anette’s salon ANTIQUE PEWTER PLATES set of 10 good

MINTON BOY SALVAGE serving etowah Co. &surrounding areas

fREE HoME PICkuP of used appliances SCRAP METAl


Call now for

frEE pICkup

or 256. 438.1978 256. 538.1936

Trust it to a Minton Boy!

HoMES oN lARgE loTS foR SAlE IN HoRToN oWNER fINANCINg AvAIlAblE CAll 256-781-4537

All AmEriCAn mEtAl sAlEs




18 NovEMbER 2009




TATTOOS Prices starting at



256-582-2200 WWW.ARTISTICINK.COM 12500 B Hwy 431 • Lake Guntersville , AL each knife is diff & would make one of the nicest gifts around if you see it you will agree you cant buy this in the stores will sell for $300 call 256-586-8514 for old case & other pocket knives call same number COLLECTIBLE POCKET KNIVES six united bokers solingen germany 1 2 3 & 4 blades perfect cond if bought sep would cost $330 will sell for $200 which inc a solid oak display case must see a pretty set call 256-5868514 COLLECTION OF HALLMARK christmas ornament collectibles old cars airplanes trucks bears & shoes all part of diff coll hand painted & designed some valued at $100 best offer 256-684-6992 lv msg COMPLETE HE MAN & SKELATOR castle grey skull all men weapons horses the works will all for $150 cash 256-305-0024 CORVETTE DIECAST collector cars (50) 660-0639 DALE EARNHARDT LMTD EDITION CLOCK new in box car goes around face $45 205589-2518 certificate of authenticity DALE EARNHARDT SR cardboard stand up ‘96 bush/bush lite good used cond front in good shape torn & taped on back side $95 guntersville 302-2653 DEPT 56 SNOW VILLAGE HOUSES 19871993 all retired 45 in all sell one or all 205822-1811 ELVIS PRESLEY COLLECTIBLES 256-6234925 ELVIS PRESLEY collectibles 256-623-4925 FIGHTIN ROOSTER KNIFE by Frank Buster Cutlery German made coke bottle folding hunter pattern candy striped handles 99% new cond $85 256-506-7206 FOR SALE BUDWEISER BEER STEINS & very large coca cola collection old & new 256-281-9168 boaz FOR SALE BUDWEISER STEINS such steins a budman series ‘75 hollow head ‘89 ‘93 ‘99 anniversary budweiser endangered species coca cola set & singles such as spuds mckinsey franky frog louie lizard harley davidson many others also for sale very large coca cola collection antique to new 256-2819168 boaz or for questions FORD PU $15, CRUISER DEEP $20 3936870 GENERAL LEE car $25 #10 Ford Nesquick $15 393-6870 I HAVE A COMMERATIVE CABBAGE PATCH doll from ‘83 this is new in box & is the 15th anniversary edition fr ‘83 this has never been out of the box & is in mint condition asking $75 for it a collector can get more fr it & I was told by an appraiser that it should sell for $150 if interested email me at or call 582-6326 KISS FANS I have a full size ceramic & fired bust of gene simmons in costume very nice & authenic will sacrifice for $75 also an awesome oil paint by hand 16x20 pict of the

group in concert been appraised at $275 will let go for $150 also other kiss memobilia 256-305-0024 serious calls only KNIFE COLLECTION 52 total American, German, Sheffield, etc all collector’s knives sell whole lot $500 obo or sell separately 256-506-7206 LARGE PULL ALONG hot wheels suitcase car holder full of collector cars older ones newer ones mint cond never played with was coollector stuff only $50 cash 256-3050024 MANY ITEMS OF HORROR for sale dvds toys gothic long list if interested call albertville at 256-738-7377 MANY ONE DOLLAR silver certificates grades from good to fair call for details & pricing 256-506-7206 NASCAR COLLECTIBLE CARS one ’96 dale earnhardt ac delco snap on action lmtd edition still in box one ’96 dale earnhardt red/white/blue Atlanta 100th anniversary, terry lebonte action car kellogs no 5 exc cond call for other items 891-0028 NEON LIGHT vintage miller lite sign says lite in blue works perfectly can stand by itself or can hang $100 call after 5 659-5167 NINJA TURTLES collection w vehicles extras all the pieces $75 cash 256-3050024 OLD BLACKSMITH FORGE & pot works good $125 old stand up coke machine works good $225 old .25 hit & run slot machine w chair $400 256-659-6426 OLD CHURCH SCHOOL BELL w mounting yoke stamped crystal metal bnc II $300 878-8710 OLD MILK CAN W CAP $20 878-8710 OVER 100 BEANIE BABIES by Ty still w/tags in plastic cases sell as lot for $550 (worth about $15,000) 205-438-8099 aft 6pm or 256-438-8099 PLASTIC MODEL & NASCAR COLL 3k kits & nundreds of nascar die cast pieces #3 dale ernhardt jimmie johnson jeff gordon richard petty & many more part of a personal coll fr many yrs & left over items fr past business sell all or piece out shelving & display cases some in snead & some in boaz make huge coll or would make great startup for sm bus call before 8pm 256-572-2201 PROGRAM FR THE ‘93 SUGAR BOWL has never been opened $30 593-3813 PROX 10,000 FOOTBALL/BASEBALL CARDS 90’s seasons lots of rookie cards $35 for all 205-429-1028 ROCK OLA JUKE BOX model # 451 a ‘73 for $700 in good cond 256-513-0410 SMOKING PIPES HAND CARVED also many other antique pipes 256-259-2770 or STAINED GLASS collector clock, Beagle these w/4 interchangable lighted decorative glass plates that depict all four seasons of the year w/Beagle dogs on each, change out the glass plate to whatever the season

is, works great, can be run on batteries or electric (adaptor included) a Danbury mint collectible $75 Douglas Al 256-593-2405 Douglas STAMPS FOR SALE great for starter coll or experienced mostly hist usa stamps great prices will sell single or will sell in small sets 3-4 email me & tell me what your looking for or for a list STAMPS MINT/USED by the year, sheets, etc some more than 75yrs old 256-6594125 SUPERMAN COMICS (103), 34 8-track tapes & a portable cd plyr $750 for all 256-2956807 TEN COLLECTABLE DOLLS large inc 2 princess diana dolls $100 for all or $12ea 558-1145 THE WAY TO INVEST & never lose money is stamps, you can buy stamps at face or older stamps at a small amt over face 256-6594125 Crossville VERY LARGE COCA COLA collect rare to new 256-281-9168 ask for donna sue VHS VIDEO COLLECTION 27 tapes very good cond all but 5 have org boxes titles vary from Gone with the Wind to The Net $25 for all obo 894-3344 VINTAGE McCoy Humpty Dumpty cookie jar fine cond $40 obo 256-506-7206 VINTAGE SINGER auto zigzag mach in orig cabinet & has the instruction booklet model 319w2 in exc cond sew like new call 256717-9760 WANT TO BUY US silver dated 1964 & older 256-997-6512 WANTED JOHN DEERE & FRIENDS age 6 boys birthday figurine 256-881-6273 PPLIANCES~

A (2) GAS DRYERS for natural gas hookups

$75 ea 256-894-6102 #1 appliance repair –refrigerators – freezers – washers – dryers – dishwashers stoves. same day service till 9pm - low service charge - no service charge with repair. 1 year guarantee on all repairs - call All Appliance Service at 256-571-6479 -10% off if you mention this ad... we buy and sell used appliances 1 GREAT RUNNING DRYER for sale 256572-9202 115 BTU KEROSENE HTR $125 256-8405060 12” MTX 9500 SUB SUPER BASS PRO BOX W/AMP also capacitor $450 256-558-5645 150 BTU HT/A/C SPLIT UNIT 891-2291 19” COLOR TV WORKS GOOD $15 547-4316 2 COLEMAN HTRS 256-206-4264 2 TON PCKG A/C $1800 256-572-5395 2 WATER HTRS ONE 2 YRS OLD $150 63 gal other 7 yrs old 50 gal good working order $75 486-5153 20” TV FOR SELL $30 572-5322 24 CU FT KENMORE ice maker glass shelves

30” white elec stove jenn air self cleaning oven 891-3279 25 CU FT REFRIGERATOR 2 yrs old $150 256-507-4122 3 BRICK COMFORT GLOW NAT GAS HTR can be converted to propane $30 561-4572 after 1pm 3-1/2 TON SPLIT UNIT EXC COND 8912291 3-3” AMW DELUXE SOUND SPKRS $10 80 INPUT 20 watts 546-1178 30IN ELECT STOVE white in color also magtag washer & dryer super cap about 2 yrs old 891-3279 3MO AMANA WASHER AND DRYER exc cond $600 205-274-2486 4-DIFF SZ LIKE NEW 110 A/C’S WORK GRT one has remote 470-1153 40” ELECTRIC STOVE wht 30 day warranty $100 256-894-6102 40” WHITE ELECTRIC stove $100 30-day warranty 256-894-6102 5 BRICK GAS HTR $150 256-677-1339 8’X1’ WALKIN freezer 256-226-1203 A’ville ALL APPLIANCE REMOVAL pay cash 256571-6479 APPLIANCE PICK UP 256-571-6479 APPLIANCE REPAIRS by epa cert tech 256571-6479 APPLIANCE TECH 27 YRS EXP will fix your refridg dryers washers etc 256-571-6479 APPLIANCES PICKED UP DAILY dead or alive call 256-557-7918 ATLANTA STOVE 5 BRICK nat gas wall htr $50 205-625-6713 BAGLESS VACUUM CLEANER $40 exc cond 256-281-9071 BRAND NEW 5000 BTU A/C cost $125 will take $75 205-274-2486 BRAND NEW AMANA WASHER AND DRYER 3 mos old $600 205-274-2486 CHEST TYPE FREEZER 256-467-4160 COMMERCIAL DEEP fryer $395 256-5726063 COMMERCIAL ICE COOLER good cond works well $150 256-572-9979 COUNTERTOP BREAD warmer $225 256572-6063 DEEP FREEZE very nice cond $85 256-3021012 DISHWASHER works very good 256-5490118 lv msg $35 obo DRYER & WASHER $125 for both 205-4293154 DRYER $75 refrigerator and stove $100 ea 256-558-2632 DRYER ESTATE fairly new very clean $100 256-878-5092 DRYER FOR SALE call 256-572-9202 DRYER FOR SALE fridgedaire almond in color heavy duty lg cap works perfect $75 call 205-589-2955 ESTATE DRYER likie new very nice $100 call 256-302-1012 EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER $20 878-4564 FOR SALE ONE YR OLD frididaire under the counter elect dishwasher used very little works great & cleans dishes good $100 call 256-878-2236 FREEZER FOR SALE very good running cond $85 256-878-5092 FREEZER SMALL works good color white no rust $60 660-0433 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR $150 256470-1590 GAS STOE TOP wht 5-burner good cond make offer 256-226-1944 GAS STOVE 30” WHITE IN COLOR GOOD COND $65 glencoe 256-453-2070 GAS STOVE 30” wht in color good cond $65 256-453-2070 Glencoe GAS STOVE TOP white in color good cond 5burner (gas or propane) make offer 256226-1944 GAS STOVE WORKS GRT $100 OBO 5474316 GAS WATER heater $75 256-894-6102 GE DRYER WHITE IN COLOR works grt $75 256-891-1484 GE DRYER X-LG HVY DUTY 5 YRS OLD $100 547-4316 GE WASHER works very good $125 obo 256-549-0118 GENERAL ELECT refrigerator for sale almond in color $125 256-470-1590 HALF TIME OVENS $65 side x side fridge by


ge glass white stove washer/dryer set Kenmore $185 256-689-9531 HOTPOINT STOVE SMOOTH SURFACE white in color $150 205-446-5511 I BUY WORKING OR NON WORKING APPLIANCES 593-2835 I PICK UP OLD APPLIANCES 891-7490 JENN AIRE CONFECTION OVEN 256-4674160 KENMORE COOK TOP 30” GAS HAS lg burners white just like new 256-543-9659 KENMORE DRYER runs & looks good perfect $75 call 256-470-1590 KENMORE HVY DUTY DRYER x-lg works grt $100 547-4316 KENMORE HVY DUTY WASHER APT SIZE $100 547-4316 KENMORE VACUUM CLEANER like new $60 256-413-0488 KENMORE WASHER AND DRYER super cap hvy duty good cond $450 256-673-0997 KENMORE WASHER/DRYER $150 grt cond 256-677-5980 KENMORE WASHER/dryer $350 293-9138 KITCHEN STOVE $75 obo 256-293-1094 MATCHING GE WASHER/DRYER about 1yo perfect cond $300 256-515-3888 MATCHING SET GE WASHER & DRYER dryer works great washer need reapair $50 for dryer or $5 for both call 256-878-2573 MAYTAG DISHWASHER $100 256-5419239 MAYTAG DISHWASHER good cond $100 256-541-9239 MAYTAG DISHWASHER jet clean several yrs old but in good cond $75 call 878-9966 MAYTAG WINDOW UNIT W/REMOTE a/c looks brand new runs good 558-4818 MED SZ CHEST DEEP FREEZE like new has 3 trays clean works grt $200 firm 891-9963 MICROWAVE/MED SZ works grt one yr old $25 256-840-9005 NAME BRAND washer & dryers $75 up 30day warranty 256-894-6102 NAT GAS INFRARED HTR 3 burner martin brand like new 256-452-0638 NEW APT SZ FRIDGE $40 256-840-5060 NICE CHROME MICROWAVE $50 obo 205-


18 NovEMbER 2009

274-2487 OAK ELEC FIREPLACE $75 256-281-7958 ORECK MKT800 VERTICAL HAND MIXER new in box 6 attach soft touch speed cont ex long pivoting cord storage caddy $65 256561-3213 PICK UP APPLIANCES anything of metal 878-6169 PROPANE GAS WATER heater 40gal 205559-1932 REFRIGERATOR EXPERT will repair your refrigerator at a fair price 256-571-6479 REFRIGERATOR FOR SELL 256-486-8086 REFRIGERATORS name brand $100 up 30 day warranty 256-894-6102 ROOM SZ A/C $35 205-446-9731 ROPER DRYER HVY DUTY x-tra lg $100 547-4316 SEARS KENMORE gas stove wht 30” selfcleaning touch controls works great $150 obo 205-680-4795 SEARS KENMORE MICROWAVE above the stove wht touch controls works great $50 obo 205-680-4795 SEARS TRASH COMPACTOR white free standing or can be installed in cabinets very nice like new $250 call 256-593-6677 boaz SET OF NATURAL GAS LOGS insert works good 256-506-5988 SEWING MACHINE TABLE STYLE $100 878-7024 SIDE X SIDE FRIDGE ge brand white ice and water in door $200 256-470-1590 SIDE X SIDE REFRIGERATOR $150 OBO BOAZ 205-821-3606 SMALL DEEP FREEZE for sale $85 call 256572-9202 SMALL RV REFRIGERATOR nice $25 or trade 256-473-8161 STAINLESS STEEL kitchen sink dbl bowl 8” deep looks good $25 obo 205-680-4795 STOVES name brands 30-day warranty $100 up 256-894-6102 TOP DOLLAR PAID for your unwanted appliances 256-571-6479 VANGUARD 5 BRICK PROPANE GAS HTR in good cond brown in color $80 256-5720979

VANGUARD GAS HTR looks like it is burning logs $100 obo 570-0537 VANGUARD HTR 5 brick thermostat controlled w/fan $150 205-625-4271 VENT FREE compact classic hearth lp gas freestanding made by Vanguard this is the unit & logs all together in one unit like the blue flame heaters but has logs & can be used as either freestanding, wall mounted or placed inside fireplace like an insert model vmh26tpb new in sealed box pd almost $300 take $175 894-3344 VENTED GAS HEATER thermostat controlled w/blower used 1yr $100 478-0377 WANT TO DO APPLIANCE WORK 878-4302 will not charge if I cannot repair WANT TO PICK UP NON-WORKING APPLIANCES 593-2835 WANT TO PICK UP UNWANTED APPLIANCES working or not 256-470-1590 WASHER & DRYER $125 for both 205-4293154 WASHER & DRYER both work perfect asking $200 for both will sell separately 256470-1590 WASHER AND DRYER 593-2835 WASHER AND DRYER grt cond $150 for both 205-908-9408 WASHER AND DRYER washer is Kenmore ultra fabric care both in good cond dryer is whirlpool 4 cycle 2-temp $100 for set will sell only one for $75 256-962-2009 256636-2992 WASHER EXPERT will repair your washer at a fair price 256-571-6479 WASHER KENMORE for sale $75 call 256572-9202 WASHER WHITE IN COLOR works will take $50 email for more details FIRE WOOD split 18-20 in long $45 a pick up truck load 256-337-9584 call after 1pm WASHER/DRYER amana 3 mos old $600 firm 205-274-2486 WASHER/DRYER matching set good shape 891-3279 WASHER/DRYER together or separate 8913279 WASHERS & DRYERS for sale 256-572-


9202 WE BUY & SELL appliances call 256-3021012 WE BUY APPLIANCES running or not 256878-5092 WE BUY USED APPLIANCES running or not 256-302-1012 WE BUY WASHERS & dryers running or not 256-572-9202 WE PICK UP APPLIANCES/A/C’S 470-1441 WE SELL APPLIANCES call 878-5092 WHIRLPOOL DRYER exc cond 205-8070145 WHIRLPOOL DRYER fairly new 256-3903220 lv msg WHIRLPOOL LIMITED EDIT REFRIGERATOR w ice maker needs therm for $50 call 256-996-4732 WHIRLPOOL WASHER & dryer $125 for both 205-429-3154 WHIRLPOOL WASHER $80 205-807-0145 WHIRLPOOL WASHING MACHIINE hvy duty $85 547-4316 WHIRLPOOL WASHING MACHINE HVY DUTY $75 477-0980 WILL BUY all appliances working or not (hot water heaters, a/c conditioners, stoves, fridges, etc) 256-894-6102 WILL HAUL AWAY ANY SCRAP APPLIANCES/metals 256-593-1665 WILL PICK UP APPLIANCES/SCRAP metal 256-571-6205 OUSEHOLD ITEMS~

H (2) BRASS LAMPS large, heavy $30 (left no

#) (35) GLASS MIRRORS square in shape 57” long 48” tall ¼” thick $10 ea if buy all, or $25 ea individually 256-226-1944 (4) SHUTTERS $25 (left no #) 128 PIECES SILVERWARE SET 2 serving platters & an 8 piece tea cup set w 8 tea cups & 8 tea saucers 24k plated gold $150 obo call 256-505-8169 1980 BOBCAT-DIESEL ENGINE has bucket & fork attachments needs seat & some work to fuel system will run & can hear run $7000 obo 256-677-5219



2 BOXES PLATES/BOWLS silverware cups etc $50 878-9801 price neg 2 BRAND NEW TUPPERWARE large access mates containers sheer ice w black hinged seal 5qt cap listed in book for $28ea will sell for $20ea call 256-561-3213 2 LG HVY BRASS LAMPS $30 256-571-3888 2 RLS WALLPAPER PREPASTED baby blue w/stripes $12 504-9968 2 SETS FULL SIZE flannel sheeets will sell for $18 per set call 256-561-3213 2-BRICK NATURAL GAS HEATER $40 8784302 24” GAS LOGS Buck Stove brand like new $175 256-609-1710 3 BRICK NAT GAS WALL HTR new still in box $100 593-5101 3 BRICK NATURAL GAS WALL HTR new in box $100 593-5101 3 FULL SZ QUILTS homemade one has pil-

HAndymAn sErviCE

install storm doors repair Electrical switches & outlets Build & repair decks lawn Care & Clean up Any type of Carpentry work

256.442.2460 or 283.5983 low sham w/it also crocheted afghan 256492-5756 30” ELECDTRIC FIREPLACE INSERT patented 3D electric flame brand new $150 256558-2585 3MO AMANA WASHER AND DRYER exc cond $600 205-274-2486 4 BRAND NEW PATIO SHEPARDS HOOKS 504-9968 rust resistant finish $5 ea new in box 40 PC SET OF CHINA wine/red in color one set in original box 8 plates saucers cups bowls $20 for all very pretty for Christmas 256-891-1345 ALABAMA QUILT FOR REG BED 593-6598 ANTIQUE BRASS floor lamp w/pineapple design at top, the light I on top of the pineapple very nice/heavy $75 obo 256486-1279 BAGLESS VACUUM CLEANER $40 exc cond 256-281-9071 BRAND NEW MIXER $20 new glass set $20 in box heating pad $10 etc 256-538-6316 BRAND NEW TUPPERWARE bread bakers delight sheer ice w black collar easy open cover & ultra fresh grid holds up to a 2 ½ lb loaf 23cup cap listed in book for $24.99 before tax & surcharge will sell for $20 call 256-561-4313 BRAND NEW TUPPERWARE open house chip n dip red 1 ½ gal chip bowl w cover doubles as divided serving tray also inc 2 16oz microwaveable dip bowls w liquid tight seals that hook on the edge of the chip bowl listed in book for $33.50 will sell for $25 call 256-561-3213 BRASS CHANDELIER 60-watt light w/wht glove exc cond $25 BRASS CHANDELIER W/ LIGHT $25 exc cond 256-571-3888 CANNISTER SET BABY BLUE $8 504-9968 CEILING FAN $5 593-1306


18 NovEMbER 2009

CHANDELIER 6 CANDLELIGHT w/glass globes exc cond $40 256-571-3888 CHANDELIER bone china 6-candle light w/glass globe exc cond $40 (left no #) CHANDELIER round 6-lights gold w/glass that hangs off it $15 obo 256-599-1492 S’boro COFFEE POT DECANTER mr coffee 12 cup will sell for $5 256-561-3213 COMFORTER SET QN SIZE nice $60 256413-0488 DRAGON ASH TRAY $15 256-628-0086 VACUUM CLEANER ELECDTROLUX Diamond Jubliee $125 256-593-5579 ELECROLUX CARPET shampoo machine $75 256-593-5579 FIRE LOG HOLDER/IRON $40 256-7966949 FIREPLACE vent free natural gas complete unit brand new pd over $600 must sell $400 256-728-4151 FREE OAK FIREWOOD cut up and haul off already on ground 7 lg oak trees 63 horseshoe creek rd boaz FULL SIZE MATTRESS & uncovered springs $50 878-5106 GLASS KITCHEN TABLE W/FOUR CHAIRS trimmed in bamboo $50 for set 477-5211 HAND PC KING SZ QUILT $100 very colorful 256-796-6949 HICKORY/OAK FIREWOOD 477-5172 HOME INT PICS 538-6555 HOME MADE QUILTS full size $100 ea 256492-5756 HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER sprint red $25 840-9005 boaz INFRARED PROPANE heater 256-794-1700 JEWEL T CHINA AND X-TRA PCS together or separately 256-413-0488 JOHNSON BROS FRUIT SAMPLER patter service for 8 $300 256-413-0488 KENMORE SIDE X SIDE FRIDGE BLK 25 cu ft ice and water in dr good cond $250 256282-7826 KENMORE VACUUM CLEANER like new $60 256-413-0488 KING SZ BEDSPREAD AND PILLOW SHAMS $50 593-1306 LG PICTURE VICTORIAN lady w/dog 2’ x 3’ gold frame $65 256-593-8085 boaz MOVABLE OAK AND WHITE KITCHEN island w/spice rack and lazy susan 256467-4160 NEW ELECTRIC GENERTOR 8000 continuous watts 10,000 surge watts, 14hp B&S 7gal tank 8.6hrs runs time @ half load new still in box $1000 256-593-2777 NEW ENRO PRO DELUX sewing machine $60 393-6870 OAK ELEC FIREPLACE $75 256-281-7958 OLD COUNTRY ROSES CHINA service for four 593-3325 OLD COUNTRY ROSES CHINA service for four 593-3325 OLD STYLE KIRBY VACUUM $30 256-8787024 ONE BOX HARDWOOD FLOORING $15 256571-3888 ORECK MKT800 VERTICAL HAND MIXER new in box comes comp w 6 attachments inc beaters whisks & dough hooks it features soft touch sp cont an extra long pivot-

ing cord a conv storage caddy & its heel rests conv like an iron ret value is $130 will sell for $65 256-561-3213 ORIENTAL RUG 8’ LONG $10 256-264-4221 PRESSURE CANNER 22 quart presto canner model #0178011 needs overpressure plug part #09915 cost approx $4 will sell for $65 firm call 256-561-3213 PROPANE VANGUARD HEATER $150 205625-4271 QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS w/box springs very good cond $75 (left no #) QUILT W/SHAMS qn size handmade new cond used on guest bed none smoking pet free home $40 cash 256-840-9070 SCHLAGE ENTRANCE DOOR handle w/dead bolt new in box cost $125 take $50 256-490-0745 SEALY BIG MAN’S CHAIR w/large ottoman forest green real nice cond $275 new, I pd $150 but will take $70 for it 256-281-9419 aft 9am Boaz SERTA PERFECT SLEEPER pillow top mattress queen size exc cond $200 256-6733940 SERVICE FOR FOUR OLD COUNTRY ROSES china $150 also home made wood solid pine storage chest or toy chest $100 name brand little girls clothing 0 to 5 yrs 5933325 SET OF NATURAL GAS LOGS insert works good 256-506-5988 SEV WKS OF NUTRA SYSTEM FOOD for sell 891-2693 SEWING MACHINE TABLE STYLE $100 878-7024 TIFFANY CEILING LIGHT very beautiful antique $125 593-0019 TUPPERWARE CANNISTER set of four $8 504-9968 VANGUARD HTR 5 brick natural gas $35 660-0433 VINYL HOUSE SHUTTERS for house for 7 sets windows good shape $125 256-4900745 WASHER/DRYER amana 3 mos old $600 firm 205-274-2486 WHIRLPOOL WASHING MACHINE HVY DUTY $75 477-0980 WOOD BURNING WARM AIR FURNACE Ashley martin brand 150,000 btu $600 firm exc cond arab 256-586-1360 WOOD HEATER $100 256-541-9239 WOOD SHUTTERS $25 256-571-3888 ZEBRA SKIN RUG mat backing non smoking home good cond $600 obo call john after 6pm 256-660-0745 LECTRONICS~


’05 BIG SCREEN TV ZENITH HI DEF $350 obo 256-295-5003 grt pic and sign (1) UNIDEN DIGITAL cordless phones $25 256-393-6870 (2) B&D RADIOS $40 ea 393-6870 10” SPKR BOX FOR EXT CAB $75 738-0595 1000 WATT PHILLIPS DVD home theatre system new in box $150 firm 256-605-0207 13” COLOR TV $40 EXC COND also 55” big screen tv by sony $600 exc cond 256-8453159 13” TV BY JVC $15 458-9426 14” KDS MONITOR W/NBS computer $45 256-546-1178 15” TV FOR CAR DVD PLAYER cd and tape player 256-689-9531 19” RCA TV works very good av adapter cable ready $40 256-632-5850 2-12” AUDIO BAHN SPKRS w/250 kenwood amp $200 256-297-6019 2-12” ROCKFORD FOSGATES SPRKS IN BOX 572-2978 2-12” SUB SPKRS AND 650 KENWOOD AMP $200 256-297-6019 2-12” SUBS BOX 450 WATT AMP $350 256591-9693 2-CELL PHONES CORR WIRELESS $75 AT&T MOTOROLA cell $35 boost mobil cell phone w/walkie talkie $50 293-1272 2-COBRA CB’S 878-4190 2-MAHOGANY WOOD CD TOWERS 40” tall $20 for both 256-546-1178 2-NINTENDO 64 CONSOLES 256-293-1105 25” CABINET SZ TV $25 293-1272 27” COLOR TV RCA w/remote $75 obo 5474316 3 DIRECT TV RECEIVERS USED COND $5

256-531-2241 3 SONY PLAYSTATION SYSTEMS w/1 game $30 ea set 398-6870 3 VERIZON CAMER PHONES 2 flip $20 ea 393-6870 30” SANYO HD TV TUBE STYLE wide screen $100 27” rca sd tv $75 2-13” tv’s one w/built in vcr $15 obo 878-9801 32” PHILLIPS TV PANASONIC DVD SURROUND SYSTEM home entertainment shelf 256-572-2308 36” RCA COLOR TV in walnut cabinet nice cond $150 561-2810 36” RCA TV $200 256-467-4160 4 CRATES DVD movies $8 ea 393-6870 4-ORIGINAL NINTENDO GAMES $10 for all 458-9426 55IN MITSUBISHI wide screen tv hd ready good pic $185 call 205-446-5426 8-CHANNEL Bearcat scanner $20 393-6870 AIPTEK CAMERA $25 393-6870 APEX portable dvd plyr $30 393-6870 APITEK CAMERA $25 393-6870 APPLE IPOD w/car charger works great $45 obo 256-677-5219 AT&T CORDLESS phone $25 393-6870 AT&T LG SHINE GOLD cell phone some paint rubbed off phone works great $50 obo 256-288-7096 aft 2pm lv msg Hartselle area AT&T PANTECH BLUE cell phone full qwerty keyboard looks great just like new $100 obo 256-288-7096 aft 2pm lv msg Hartselle area BAG PLAYSTATION games $20 bag 3936870 BAGS of cell phones $20 ea 393-6870 BASS FISHING GAME $10 obo 205-3533262 BIG SCREEN MAGNAVOX TV OLDER MODEL $150 GRT COND 256-293-1105 BLACKBERRY PEARL cell phone comes w/charger and 2 phone covers $175 5068295 BOX CELL PHONE chargers $250 for all 393-6870 BRAND NEW STILL IN BOX blue Motorola V3 razor cell phone, car charger, home charger, ear piece, usb cable, case, ordered to be set up for AT&T, ws told could be set up w/T-Mobile as well $110 firm 256-6592235 BROTHER MFC 3100C ALL IN ONE PRINTER printer copier scanner & fax machine all in one printer cable & ink not included will sell for $75 call 256-561-3213 CANON POWER SHOT s5is digital camera 12 x optical zoom stabilizer in original box w/paperwork carrying case and sd card brand new cond $150 256-523-3393 CASIO ELEC KYBD MODEL CTK573 61 KEYS w/stand $75 256-558-4024 CD PLAYER W/RADIO 840-8107 COBRA 142 BASE station xtra nice cond 546-4641 CONVERTER BOX $30 293-1272 CORR WIRELESS CELL PHONE w/chargers including car charger $35 256-728-3041 COUPLE MOBILE amplifiers 200 watts $125 ea 546-4641 DEER HUNTING GAME $10 OBO 205-3533262 DIGITAL CAMERA & camcorder in one, very small like new $200 256-601-6515 DIGITAL CAMERA $30 393-6870 DIGITAL DSC pro camera $30 393-6870 DIRECT TV DISH 2 RECEIVERS $75 obo 205-353-3262 DIRECT TV SATELLITE w/singl lnb $10 256-677-5291 DRUM SET 2 GUITARS AND MICROPHONE for rock band ii x-box 350 $200 205-2742487 DUROBRAND portable dvd plyr for van $40 393-6870 DVD CD AND TAPE PLAYER 256-225-3920 DVD PLAYER $50 293-1272 DVD/CD PLAYER works well $20 256-2819071 DVD/CD/MP3 DATA DISC PLAYER w/remote blk in color good cond $40 256293-1105 DVDS 100S TO CHOOSE FROM brand new 4,6,7,8 or 10 hr titles hard to find $5ea & up david at 525-9388 mail order is avail on request

EMERSON PLAYER 3-cds $30 393-6870 EMERSON VCR W/REMOTE $20 205-4469731 FAX MACHINE 256-689-9531 FLAT SCREEN TV exc cond good for childs rm screen size 15in $85 days 205-2293443 evenings 256-747-8761 6-8:30 only GALAXY CB RADIO 200 watt w/echo new in box $350 572-7447 GALAXY CB W/LINEAR antenna and ext spkr $300 all 205-368-0034 GE HOME THEATRE SYSTEM lightly damaged parts only spkrs and sub woofer good cond $20 256-605-0207 GE HOME THEATRE SYSTEM parts only 256-605-0207 GRT COND PLAY STATION II W/ONE CONTROLLER memory card and 5 games $65 firm 256-605-0207 HEATH KIT SB 101 ham radio swr meter microphone etc 717-8162 I-PHONE $200 256-506-3306 JVC CAMCORDER super 8 w/movies $200 for all 546-393-6870 KARAOKE MACHINE W/8 CD’S almost new $40 for all 256-628-0086 KARIOKE MACHINE w/mike, 4.5’ speakers, for a business $1900 obo 878-8840 KENWOOD CD AM/FM DUAL CASS W/BUILT in equalizer $25 256-293-1105 KODAK DISC 6000 $15 256-393-6870 KODAK DISC 6000 camera $15 393-6870 KODAK EASY SHARE CAMERA digital sits on cradle and prints out pics used only one time printer never used brand new in box $120 256-400-7120 LEXMARK PRINTER/SCANNER works great needs power cord $10 25-677-5219 LIKE NEW PANASONIC STEREO turntable am/fm/ receiver 8 track player dual cass 5 disc cd player 2 spkrs $125 exc cond 256728-8426 LOOKING FOR NEXTEL PHONE 256-7536035 MAGNAVOX CVM320 vhs movie maker camcorder used good shape will need battery but charger & power supply included uses standard vhs tapes works fine using the power supply for power $25 obo 8943344 MAVERICK 350 base amplifier $225 5464641 MEMOREX KARAOKE MACHINE w/2 microphones 4 cd’s built in tv screen holds cass tapes w/recorder and cd’s brand new cond $100 obo 593-0071 MEMPHIS CAR AUDIO SPKRS BOX $150 memphis amp $125 obo mike 205-4292207 MONITOR STAR LOGIC 15” $15 256-5584024 NEW SONY 6 X 9 SPKRS $40 OBO 256-6050207 NEW SONY BLUE RAY DVD PLAYER $175 cash 256-631-8603 NEXUS 25 XM RADIO works great comes w/all equip to intall in car or to arry as a portable MP3 pd $140 take $40 256-6775219 NICE PANASONIC TURN TABLE equalizer am/fm/radio dual cass deck 5 disc cd player 2-jvc spkrs good cond $200 firm cash 256-728-8426 hooked up can hear play NINTENDO 64 W/10 GAMES 2 controllers memory card $40 458-9426 NINTENDO GAME BOY W/GAME $25 OBO 205-353-3262 NINTENDO GAME BOY W/GAME $25 OBO many other handheld games call for details and prices direct tv dish $75 obo game card table w/no chairs blue $10 obo 205-3533262 NINTENDO WII GAMES SYSTEM console 10 games 4 cont wii fit dual wii remote charger & 2 rechargeable batteries wii steering wheel looks & plays like new asking $325 just in time for christman call 256-9969483 NORCENT DVD PLYR used very good cond RCA as well as S-video $15 obo 894-3344 OMM2 DIGITAL camera $30 393-6870 PC 440 ALL IN ONE GPS for trk drivers does motorcycles cars hand held has mtg in box w/instructions one mo old pd $334 asking $175 obo 256-505-1602 PHILLIPS 32IN TV panasonic 5 dvd changer surround sound system x box entertain-



18 NovEMbER 2009


Chapter 7




Title 11, northern District of Alabama eastern Division


Plus Costs

The Fricks Firm A Law Firm that Listens

5583 Cox Gap Road: Boaz, AL 35956 256.281.9255 • 256.298.0819 We are a debt relief agency; we help people file for bankruptcy relief under Bankruptcy Code No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers. ment shelf $350 256-572-2308 PHILLIPS HD expandable Dect 6 cordless phone system w/digital answering machine, caller ID, call waiting, 2 phones, user manuals $25 256-593-2405 Douglas Al PINK NINTENDO DS W/CARRYING CASE four games charger $100 after 5pm call 256-302-7865 PIONEER HOME ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM brand new in box 8 spkrs never hooked up $75 obo 256-400-7120 PLAY STATION II GAMES like new $10 to $15 ea 878-7074 PLAY STATION II W/FIVE GAMES one controller memory card exc cond bought new $65 firm 256-605-0207 PLAYSTATION 2-GUITAR for guitar hero or rockband exc cond $20 256-601-6515 PLAYSTATION controllers (4) $20 ea 3936870 PLAYSTATION II w/two controllers extensions memory card 6 games $75 firm 256605-0207 PORTABLE DUROBRAND dvd plyr $30 PORTABLE DVD PLYR for auto or anywhere works great w/leather case $20 256-6775219 PORTABLE SOUND EQUIP YAMAHA 8 CHANNEL power mixer 2 microphones cables all but spkrs $325 for all have over $600 worth equip 256-558-4615 PS3 SLIM 120gig w/Bluetooth headset one control, one Blue Ray remote & all 3 games $320 for all firm 256-298-0512 A’ville area RADIO W/CASS PLAYER $25 470-2726 RAZOR PHONE made by Motorola sell for parts only droped in water 256-677-5219 $10 256-677=5219 RCA DIGITAL SOUND PROCESSOR w/remote $50 205-446-9731 ROCKWOOD SUPER BASE ACOUSTIC BASE studio monitor speakers 12in house or car speakers asking $70 477-0153 SAMSUNG VERIZON CELL PHONE video/camera all the features w/auto and reg chargers $45 593-8885 SANYO 27” FLAT SCREEN TV does not work $15 as is 256-531-2241 SEVERAL COMPUTER parts, electronics come make offer 717-8162 SHARP SUPER 8 view camcorder $40 3936870 SM KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER RUNS GRT $25 878-7024 SONY CANDY CAM digital camcorder w/acdc quick charger, av cable adapter, premium soft carrying case, videos & still pictures can be downloaded to computer & printer used very little pd over $500 plus accessories, laid off, must sell $200 obo 256-3103847 SONY CD CAMERA 878-4190 SONY HANDYCAM VIDEO RECORDER 878-

4190 SONY PS2 w/26 games $250 obo or trade 256-473-8161 SONY RADIO W/CD PLAYER AND SPKR fits trk or car $100 312-4345 SONY TV 36” FLAT SCREEN TUBE $50 nice shape 205-589-4310 SPEAKER BOX w/2 12” Exile brand speakers 256-505-8391 SPKR BOX SUPER NINTENDO W/HOOKUPS controller and games $50 obo 205-353-3262 TUBES for bass amplifiers all kinds 5464641 TV DAEWOO 19” $50 O’RYAN 19” $50 SHARP 27” $75 256-558-4024 USED CB EQUIPMENT cobra 2000 base station like new $325 very hard to find 5464641 V-SMILE THAT CONNECTS TO TV w/handheld game includes 12 games $100 exc cond 891-1992 VARIOUS DVD’S FOR SELL $3 EA 256-2931105 VCR $25 293-1272 VIDEO GAMES WII like new CSI ncaa football tiger woods pga tour $15 ea 256-8780934 VIVI CAM 2750 vivitar $30 393-6870 WANTED any kind of boost mobile camera phone at reasonable price 256-293-1094 WHITES XLT METAL DETECTOR 3yo exc shape $300 256-259-0361 Hollywood Al WILL BUY USED electronics & tools at good prices, call me and I will give you more than a pawn shop, I will come to you, 256-6011982 YAMAHA PSRE 203 PORTABLE KEYBOARD 36 keys stand ft pedal hd phones and carrying case $150 15” Magnavox tv $25 8789538 LDG. SUPPLIES~


(2) 10X16 STORAGE BLDGS 5ft door can deliver & setup 572-8779 (2) CHAIN LINK FENCE GATES one drive thru other walk thru great shape $10 ea 256-538-8865 (2) METAL COVERED WOOD doors 6-panel $50 ea 205-559-1932 (8) GALVINIZED METAL TRUSSES 8ft high at peak for 21ft of ceiling for a leanto or will make 4 full gable trusses for 42ft bldg $975 for all lightweight strong see in Glencoe 256-453-2070 10 X 12 STORAGE BLDG WOOD FLOOR 3 mos old 840-8145 10 X 16 WOODEN STORAGE BLDG barn style 256-593-0044 10” I-BEAMS 32’ WIDE W/A-FRAME pitch $225 ea 638-9229 100K BTU NAT GAS FURNACE rl wrap insulation cement slab that is 22 x 43-1/2 2” thick $300 for all 312-4345

12 X 20 WOODEN STORAGE BLDG barn style 256-738-0438 16X24FT GREENHOUSE w/frame all hardware & plastic covering roll never used $600 256-593-9851 18 X 20 METAL BLDG completely enclosed roll up and walk thru door 40 yr warranty $2800 205-466-3030 2 BR SINKS W/FAUCETS $50 EA 205-4676875 2 GAS HTRS ceiling fans and sinks also other home items 256-200-1318 2-STURDY 2” INT DRS W/HDWE $10 ea 572-8703 2’ OAK CABINET AND MARBLE TOP $50 593-1306 2’ OAK CABINET MARBLE TOP $25 5931306 20 X 24 METAL BLDG enclosed w/roll up and walk thru dr 40 yrs warranty $3970 205-466-3030 200 AMP BREAKER BOX PANEL brand new 256-281-6011 200 SPLIT FACE BLOCKS 256-572-5395

We BuY oWner Financedcommercial-Business-individual notes & senior liFe settlements, nationWide. Free Quote! Fast close! Competitive rates 256-638-3770 www.bellfinancialservices.com 240 MOBILE HOME BREAKER outside box never used $65 205-274-7391 3 TIER MACK TOOL BOX loaded w/snap on tools and craftsman tools $2500 neg 256582-0392 3-50’ RLS 5’TALL 11 GA CHAIN LINK FENCE galv top rail 91 posts plus fittings all hdwe $200 205-647-9334 3-DBL DR METAL DR FRAMES $30 EA 256659-5603 300-400FT HEAVY DUTY blk 4” solid sewer pipe $100 256-228-7052 40 X 21 X 10’ TALL METAL BARN enclosed sides 40 yr warranty $3695 205-466-3030 40 X 36 X 10’ METAL COVER 40 YR WARRANTY 205-466-3030 55GAL USED METAL DRUMS, trash cans, or burn barrels 256-547-2903 Gadsden area 6’ BATHTUB W/JETS BEIGE $100 593-9494 APPROX 1075 WHT 8X8 CERAMIC TILES in boxes $480 256-586-3733 BAMBOO AND TWISTED TREES to make furniture one lot 256-477-8488 BATHROOM SHOWER 48” comes in two pcs fiberglass white in color brand new never used $400 878-7034 BOX OF BRUCE gunstock brown oak flooring 2 ¼ x 3 ¼ 24sf $25 (left no #)

18 NovEMbER 2009 2 BAG CEMENT MIXER EXC COND $1600 205-274-2486 2-24’ LONG 12” WIDE HVY DUTY 500 LB RATED ALUM walkboards $300 ea 256470-2188 2000 AERO TRANSCRAFT EAGLE flat bed trailer 48’ alum combo Hendrix air ride spread axle led lights light wght covered wagon kit alum whls 24” low pros chains in floor much more exc cond working now only $14,500 see phot at or call 256-6323215 20FT BOAZ LOWBOY trailer new paintfloor $3500 obo 256-586-8813 Joppa Al Cullman Co 20FT GOOSENECK TRAILER good cond $1200 256-586-8813 Joppa Al Cullman Co 22FT CAR HAULER TRAILER w/ramp $500 205-594-0141 24” SHOP FAN hangs on a J-hook works great $25 256-677-5219 3 TIER MACK TOOL BOX loaded w/snap on tools and craftsman tools $2500 neg 256582-0392 3/4” BLACKHAWK socket set w/ratchet, used as either freestanding, wall mounted ext & slide handle $200 obo 293-9138 or placed inside fireplace like an insert 4-24’ ALUM PUMP JACK POLES 2-hvy duty model vmh26tpb new in sealed box pd pump jacks 2 workstations and 2 ext poles value over $3000 asking $1000 for all 256almost $300 take $175 894-3344 VINYL HOUSE SHUTTERS for house for 7 470-2188 sets windows good shape $125 256-490- 5.5 HP MOTOR $90 256-840-5060 5’ BOX BLADE USED $375 also used 5’ 0745 VINYL RAILING THAT GOES AROUND pools bushhog $350 256-506-3089 porches etc we do install also posts caps 50 SETS 6’ WALK THRU SCAFFOLDING comes w/16’ and 8’ bds leveling legs hand and bases 205-466-7474 WANT TO BUY treated 2x8 used or new 8’- rail post and guard rail post also 16’ trailer to haul $8500 for all 572-2972 16’ long about 40 at reasonable price 2565FT BUSH HOG in real good cond $300 256894-6102 WANTED 36” STORM DOOR MUST be nice 498-2135 Morgan City area 6-1/2’ X 16’ DUMP TRAILER GOOD COND 593-0071 WANTED vinyl siding wht or grey in good dumps good $2500 256-561-3771 6.5 HP MOTOR NEW $100 256-840-5060 cond 256-226-1944 WHITE STYROFOAM INSULATION sheets 7 TON LOG SPLITTER ELEC $250 840-5060 all are 39” wide 7.5’ long, ¾” thick are $1.50 9000 LB WINCH $250 13hp 5500 watt genea, 1 1/8” thick are $20 ea & the 2 3/8” erator $350 commercial sewing machine thick are $3 ea, all seconds are half price $125, 6.5 hp motor $100 706-673-5496 9000 LB WINCH $250 256-840-5060 WINDOWS used blk metal dbl paned (4) BACK HOE BUCKET for 416 Cat 18” 25631x51, (2) 35x51, (1) 62x51, (1) 35x35 $80 538-5908 for all 256-572-8923 Boaz BAUSCH COMPOUND MITER slide saw like WOODEN PALLETS $5 ea 205-237-4801 new pd $800 take $400 256-640-6382 WOODEN WINDOW SASHES 6 glass panes BLACK DIAMOND TOOLBOX for full size in each unit exc cond 24” x 24” $3 ea or two truck good shape $125 obo 256-840-9030 for $5 256-470-2188 BOBCAT 873 W/2736 HRS COMES W/5OOLS/EQUIP~ 1/2’ bucket exc cond $10,000 also 5’ grapple hook $1200 256-605-2188 ’79 FORD F350 DUMP TRK GOOD TIRES CAHIN HOIST 3-ton w/12’ eye beam & good dump needs engine bearings $1200 roller use for taking engines out of lifting some rust 256-354-5065 heavy objects $200 256-660-0676 (2) 10FT LADDERS $60 ea 256-640-6382 CAR TRAILER 16ft alum whls electric winch (2) 6FT LADDERS $40 ea 256-640-6382 good shape $1250 cash or trade 256-507(2) CRAFTSMAN ROUTERS 2 cordless drills, 4122 hand miter saw (Craftsman) & 5” trim saw COMMERCIAL SEWING MACHINE 256-593256-840-9886 Boaz 6532 machine is for upholstering (2) METAL SHOP TABLES $150 ea 293- COMMERCIAL TRAILER 1993 Stoughton 9138 Dry Van 53’ carpet specs spring ride good (2) STANDUP 5’ high red Craftsman tool- tires working now $5000 256-632-3215 or boxes w/sliding drawers & storage compt visit for pics on big whls $50 ea come w/some misc tools COMMERCIAL TRAILER 1996 utility reefer (not many) 256-538-8865 53’ 1ownr carpet specs alum ribbed floor (5) AIR POWERED die grinders 90 degree & working now great shape $7500 256-632straight 256-538-2691 3215 for pics (60) NEW 7 ¼” saw blades, several boxes CRAFTSMAN 10” 1-1/2 HP TABLE SAW heating & air cond plumbing & electrical w/dust collector and universal mobil base pcs, 37 industrial tools (most in cases), used very few times $200 obo 256-558welder & supplies, sheetrock stilts & cutout 1206 router, 6 pr nail guns 660-0639 CRAFTSMAN 10” RADIAL ARM SAW 87810 TON HYDRAULIC PORTA POWER AUTO 7392 price firm body tool $75 256-840-9005 CRAFTSMAN 19.2 VOLT DRILL SET ½” drill 100 AMP WIRE WELDER 256-891-2291 plus angle drill has case charger and batter13 HP 5500 WATT GENERATOR $350 256- ies $65 572-9575 CRAFTSMAN 27-DRAWER 2-piece tool 840-5060 16FT HEAVY DUTY trailer w/ramps & duck chest $300 cah or trade for compound bow w/accessories of equal value bow ust over tail $1000 256-586-8813 Joppa 1980 BOBCAT-DIESEL ENGINE has bucket 50-60lb range 256-505-0941 & fork attachments needs seat & some work CRAFTSMAN POWER WASHER 1800psi to fuel system will run & can hear run needs new nozzle $100 256-679-0609 CRAFTSMAN PRESSURE WASHER 2000psi $7000 obo 256-677-5219 1989 FREIGHTLINER FLD 120 3406 Cat 2.0 gpm 5.5 hp Tecumsen engine $225 25613spd new tires on front alum whls dual 593-5579 stacks $4500 cash or trade 256-507-4122 CRAFTSMAN PROFESSIONAL 17” drill 1999 VOLVO 18 wheeler w/lowboy equip press like new needs handle $4000 obo trailer good cond less than 100k 330h cat 293-9138 engine 10spd good cond must sell $15,700 CRAFTSMAN ROUTERS (2) 256-840-9886 256-572-9979 Boaz 2 AIR COMPRESSORS 220 $170 35 gal tank DESK TYPE TOOLBOX FOR FULL SZ pu like 220 w/air hose 205-467-6875 brand new $150 obo 717-4504 THE SWAPPER


T he



open: Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm 8253 Hwy 69 Scant City


BOX OF CHANNELING 878-8840 CABINETS for house light brown oak or pine you take down $175 256-894-6102 CONCRETE BLOCK 500 8/16 new 85 cents ea 256-572-6063 FIREPLACE vent free natural gas complete unit brand new pd over $600 must sell $400 256-728-4151 GALVANIZED CORRUGATED pipes size 6’x20’ $1400 ea 256-593-5579 HAVE USED concrete blocks 75 cents ea 256-538-5908 HOT TUB brown/wht w/brown cover needs work only $80 256-547-2903 Gadsden area METAL ROOFING, SIDING& Components, 26 or 29 GA new, 1st Quality, painted or Galvalume panels, 20 colors available, residential or commercial; also, hat channel, 8 inch, 6 inch & 4 inch Cee & Zee Purlins; Commercial metal walk doors & frame kits; Metal building insulation; Complete metal buildings up to 40ft wide; delivery & installation available, call today and save, Toll Free, 1-888-870-7663 Gadsden AL NEED ANY SZ NAILS lg handful to box full also bolts nuts spikes lmbr angle iron bar joists 996-6745 reasonably priced NEW AMERICAN CLASSIC BATHROOM vanity Danville oak fully assembled 30” wide 21” deep new in box $130 205-589-2518 NORDINE 3.5 TON 10 seer outdoor a/c unit new in box $600 891-0539 OAK ¼” TRIM 8-12’ PCS $100 312-4345 POPLAR BOARD 1” THICK 18-3/4 WIDE X 82” LONG 312-4345 PRESSURE TREATED PORCH POSTS and spindles vinyl railing 6 8 and 10’ lengths fiberglass columns caps and bases stair parts newel posts ballisters hand rails we do install 256-298-1197 RHEEM HOT WATER HEATER 119.9 gal electric cost $3600 take $300 678-2322789 or 706-777-1499 SCHLAGE ENTRANCE DOOR handle w/dead bolt new in box cost $125 take $50 256-490-0745 SCREEN DOOR IN EXC COND low price 256506-5988 SHOP DOORS, metal roll-up drum-type, Over-runs at discount prices – 350 doors in stock! Sizes include 5X7, 6X7, 7X7, 8X7, 8X8, 9X7, 9X8, 9X10, 10X8, 10X10, 10X12, 10X14, 12X10, 12X12, 12X14, 14X10, 14X12, 14X14, 14X16, 16X10, 16X12, 16X14, 18X14 and more; $205 &up, call & SAVE $$$ Today! Toll Free, 1-888-8707663 SHOWER BATHTUB COMBO SET $50 ALSO whirlpool bathtub w/six jets $150 256593-0183 USED 7/16 WAFER BOARD $2 per sht 256640-6382 USED METAL ROOFING PROX 1600 sq ft grn in color $800 256-475-5540 USED TIN HAS SOME SURFACE RUST 16’ long 2’ wide tongue and groove have over 20 shts $7 per sht 256-728-8426 like to sell all together VENT FREE compact classic hearth lp gas freestanding made by Vanguard this is the unit & logs all together in one unit like the blue flame heaters but has logs & can be


ELECTRIC belt sander very good cond $75 678-232-2789 or 706-777-1499 FORD 610 WORKMASTER 5’ rotating driveline mowing bush hot $2500 must sell now 256-623-2587 Fyffe Al FURNITURE & CABINET making machine called 5 in 1 shop smith (drill, saw, jigsaw, lathe, press over $3000 new asking $1000 obo 256-226-1944 GOOSENECK TRAILER pull type 15ft camper style good cold roof air $600 256226-1944 GRINDING WHEELS, cutoff wheels, sand paper metal sawsall blades 256-506-9040 Boaz HALF INCH Dewalt impact wrench $75 678232-2789 or 706-777-1499 HAMILTON/INDUSTRIAL DRAFTING table elec up and down 2 drawers full of supplies Bruning drafting machine mntd trimmed in oak $650 660-0639 HAND MITER saw Craftsman 256-8409886 Boaz HEAVY EQUIP (dump truck, trailer, track loader) 256-226-1944 HEAVY EQUIPMENT (3 pcs) 350 JD, Ford dump truck, heavy duty trailer) $12,000 for all obo or trade for late model bobcat 256226-1944 HOME LITE water pump w/3.5hp B&S motor needs pull cord $100 293-9138 HONDA 13HP BLACK MAX GENERATOR 8125W surge new never used retail $1499 sell for $800 cash 256-526-4841 until 11pm HONDA 4-1/2 HP PRESSURE WASHER 2500 psi $200 623-3668 INDUSTRIAL DUTY WELDON twin diaphragm sludge or water pumps very heavy duty $125 256-490-0583 runs off air lv msg KOMATSU D31S-17 track loader w/winch 4500 org hrs good undercarriage good machine $15,000 205-629-6635 Odenville KOMATSU D37E DOZER 1988 6-way blade good undercarriage older machine but good cond $14,500 205-629-6635 Odenville LARGE BRUSH CHIPPER used in tree service for 6 yrs used very little great shape $1500 205-446-0816 MORTAR MIXER w/8hp Honda motor $700 256-659-5603 NEW DRYER CORD w/o ground never used $10 256-677-5219 NEW ELECTRIC GENERTOR 8000 continuous watts 10,000 surge watts, 14hp B&S 7gal tank 8.6hrs runs time @ half load new still in box $1000 256-593-2777 NEW WATER PRESSURE regulator for automatic watering system $40 cash 423-7746001 NICE METAL BRAKE 220 walk boards 2 27ft ext ladders, 2 ladder jacks all alum $800 for all 205-589-2790 PAINT SPRAYER can paint your house reasonable price 205-559-2246 PAINT SPRAYER FOR CARS $10 new in box 256-605-0207 POST HOLE DIGGER W/3 PT HITCH 256845-4472 PULL TRAILER 6’x7’ made from Toyota pu bed good cond $150 256-226-1944 REG SZ WHITE METAL TOOL BOX $85 256228-0095 RHEEM HOT WATER HEATER 119.9 gal electric cost $3600 take $300 678-2322789 or 706-777-1499 SCROLL SAW Heger 14” w/stand $225 256538-2691 SMALL BAND SAW w/5 blades $40 firm 256-486-1279 SMALL DRILL PRESS & battery charger 12volt $30 for both or will separate 256498-0401 SMALL STICK WELDER runs off 110 or 220 like new used 2 or 3 times $75 256-4900583 lv msg STIHL CHAIN SAW w/ext pole for tree trim $300 256-679-0609 TABLE SAW $75 393-6870 TIRE CHANGER 256-794-1700 TOOL BOXES FOR PU TRK that mnt longways made by delta $75 for pr 572-9575 TOOLBOX 7 top dwrs 13 bottom dwrs exc cond blk $375 firm 256-538-2691 TRIM SAW 5” 256-840-9886 Boaz TWO CORDLESS drills 256-840-9886 Boaz

18 NovEMbER 2009 trailer parts

trailer parts

trailer parts *

trailer parts



outBACK trAilErs Home of The all Tube trailer

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& trailer parts, accessories, & supplies

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trailer parts


trailer parts




we Build to suit your needs! dealers welCome


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toW dollies

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SIMPLY...THE BEST 116 Industrial Dr, Steele AL 35987 256-490-3403 *

trailer parts

TREE WORK AND BUCKET TRK WORK 256558-3200 TROY RIDING MOWER for parts has 42” cut 21hp b/s engine auto w/bagger $75 obo 256-931-0547 TROY-BILT self propelled mower 20” cut 2yo 660-0639 TROYBILT PRESSURE WASHER 6.5 HP exc cond $125 cash 256-631-8603 USED RIDING MOWERS 256-931-0547 UTILITY TRAILER 256-794-1700 UTILITY TRAILER 5x8 almost new tires large mesh tailgate $500 205-559-1932 UTILITY TRAILER 5x8 blk brand new from lowe’s $350 cash 256-631-8603 VARIOUS PCS OUTDOOR FURNITURE 256467-4160 VINYL SIDING FREE ESTIMATE 256-3022350 WANT TO BUY paw paw plants or seeds 256-683-3453 WANTED electric clutch for 16hp Kohler motor by Warner Elec (Dana) 5217-8 goes on John Deere riding mower 256-226-1944 WANTED engine for Cub Cadet riding mower 24 or 26hp pull pwr take off bottom shaft 593-2777 WANTED Honda engine for mower/tiller can be old pressure washer 256-840-9030 WANTED Honda Harmony riding mower for parts (rear engine) 256-226-1944 WANTED Honda riding mowers reasonably prices any cond 256-226-1944 WEEDEATER Boatns 1yo 660-0639 WILL BUY lawnmowers 256-894-6102 WROUGHT IRON PATIO TABLE w/four chairs $125 good cond 878-4564 ZERO TURN 48” commercial clipper like new cost $7000 new take $2800 723-4888 ZERO TURN TORO 38” CUT 17HP OVERHEAD VALVE ENGINE 10 hrs like new $1800 obo partial trade on golf cart etc 256-505-7901 ARM EQUIP~


trailer parts

trailer parts

trailer parts

receiVer HitcHes


4 ERE H y ll fINA

trailer parts

ligHt kits

HitcH Haulers



trailer parts


WHeels & tires

trailer parts



Full line oF car trailers



Full line oF utilitY trailers


run and just been serviced. 256-281-9221 or ’04 J/D 757 ZERO TURN RIDING MOWEWR 25hp Kawasaki motor 60” cut 205-4292758 $4200 ’06 J/D GX345 WATER COOLED V-TWIN 54” cut w/bagger cart $4400 205-429-2758 ’99 LX288 JOHN DEERE riding mower 48” deck 18hp motor $1000 587-0333 (5) RIDING MOWERS push weedeater hand held weedeater mannis tiller $300 for all must sell 256-498-0401 150 GAL PRE FORMED IN GROUND LAGOON style pond $75 256-659-6907 16’ DBL AXLE UTILITY TRAILER wood floor 256-794-1700 16X24FT GREENHOUSE w/frame all hardware & plastic covering roll never used $600 256-593-9851 2-MURRAY RIDING MOWERS one runs other not sure $325 for pr 205-429-2758 2-SMALL TRACTORS ONE J/D 950 DIESEL other cub international 205-616-8786 20” PUSHMOWER 3.5 HP B/S ENGINE oil changed blade sharpened $30 593-4168 250 ROUND BALES OF HAY 256-599-3341 3-RIDING MOWERS one murray 2 craftsman 593-2835 42” WHITE MOWER good cond $550 256574-4204 4X10 UTILITY TRAILER tilt new 2x6 flooring new lights side/front railings $350 5287068 5 X 8 TRAILER W/DOVE TAIL nice cond $500 obo 256-441-0757 5HP TROYBUILT CHIPPER vac vaccums & bags leaves chips limbs 2 ½ ‘’ in diameter $350 call 256-302-0955 5K FORD TRACTOR w front end loader 256599-3341 7.5 VINYL SIDING free estimate 256-302 CAR TRAILER 256-794-1700 COLEMAN MOSQUITO KILLER on whls for outdoors, covers large areas butane operated $75 256-679-0609 CRAFTSMAN LAWN SWEEPER almost new $175 256-593-5169 CRAFTSMAN POWER WASHER 1800psi needs new nozzle $100 256-679-0609 CRAFTSMAN RIDING MOWER less than 3mths old good shape 16hp 42” cut LT1000 model 5spd trans $600 256-728-8426 Grant Mt CUB CADET LT LAWNMOWER kohler engine hydrastatic good cond new battery blade oil filter changed very nice deck has been leveled $1050 205-577-3615 DUAL AXLE TRAILER 16ft w/drop gate $800 256-796-8412 FREE FIREWOOD big red oak down & cut up 413-1059 FREE HORSE manure start composting for next yrs garden you load-haul, bring your own tools, Soddy Daisy area 423-332-3774 or 423-774-6001 HEDGE TRIMMERS battery operated 6600639 HORSE MANURE MULCH by the bag $5 u pick up 256-506-0137 HUSQVARNA BLOWER perfect cond gas powered $100 256-677-5219 I BUY MOWERS running or not 256-8409030 I CLEAN UP LEAVES yard work anything you may need no job to small 256-302-


trailer parts

LI have a Yard Machine by MTD for sale. Will


1012 J/D LAWNMOWER 18HP 48” CUT hydrastatic good cond $1250 obo 256-572-9979 J/D LAWNMOWER 18HP 48” cut hydrastatic good cond $1250 obo 256-572-9979 JOHN DEERE X485 MOWER 230hrs 54” deck $5500 256-640-6405 LARGE 2-AXLE TRAILER heavy duty 6’6” wide 172” long made from heavy duty steel $600 256-682-3453 LAWN MOWERS 256-601-1955 LAWN TRACTOR John Deere model 112 good engine/parts 256-390-3990 LAWNMOWER/MURRAY riding needs some deck work has new battery runs good $200 front tine roto tiller older model runs good $150 256-728-8426 LEMON PLANTS grow to be 8ft tall $3ea 516-2022 LOOKING FOR Honda engine for mower or tiller 256-840-9030 MANNIS GARDEN TILLER needs gas line $30 256-498-0401 MISC GARDEN tools 660-0639 MURRAY 16.5hp 42” cut good shape $250 obo 256-840-9030 MURRAY 20” mower 660-0639 MURRAY 42” CUT 17 HP B/S ENGINE runs good $350 hydramatic drive cash only 256728-8426 MURRAY PUSH MOWER 20” great cond used very little $65 728-4902 MURRAY RIDING mower 14.5 motor $400 runs good 393-6870 MURRAY RIDING MOWER 17hp no deck & 21.5hp Sears Craftsman riding mower both in running cond $400 for pair or trade for good running riding mower 256-679-0609 MURRAY RIDING MOWER auto rear axle 11ph B&S runs like new $200 256-4425896 NEW WHITE SHREADER & leaf vac like new cost $2000 new sacrifice for $350 or trade 256-226-1944 NICE 5 X 8 BLK UTILITY TRAILER from lowe’s has loading ? on end wire floor white rims new tires prox one yr old used twice $500 exc running lights 256-506-3089 OUTDOOR PATIO butane heater 6’ $300 new asking $100 256-679-0609 PICNIC TABLE outside wood $25 firm 5934777 PROPANE TANK 256-794-1700 PUSH MOWERS 256-601-1955 RIDING & PUSH MOWERS starting at $55 256-226-1944 RIDING MOWER 26” CUT 5HP NEEDS CARB work $50 205-640-6952 RIDING MOWER for parts or to repair, also tiller & go cart parts 256-226-1944 RIDING MOWER TRAILER $25 205-6406952 RIDING MOWERS & tillers reasonable prices 256-226-1944 RYOBI WEEDEATER brand runs good curved shaft $45 728-4902 SEAMLESS GUTTERS & leaf relief free estimate 256-302-2350 SEARS 42” CUT 15.5hp B&S grass catcher dbl containers $250 205-822-1811 Self propelled gas powered reel mower for sale. Call 256 226 1202 for more info. $125 OBO or SM ENGINES REPAIRED 256-558-3735 SNAPPER MOWER REAR ENGINE 11.5 HP b&s engine 33” cut $200 593-4168 SNAPPER RIDING MOWER 28” CUT 8HP $150 894-5774 SNAPPER RIDING MOWER 30” cut good frame motor will not start $100 256-9278599 SNAPPER RIDING MOWER REAR ENGINE 12HP 30” cut $325 593-4168 SQUARE BALES OF WHEAT STRAW for sale $3.50 ea used for gardening landscaping & pet bedding call 256-891-1510 SQUARE BALES wheat straw $3.50 ea bale 256-891-1510 STARTERS TO FIT B/S LAWNMOWER ENGINE $30 438-4938 STIHL CHAIN SAW w/ext pole for tree trim $300 256-679-0609 TRAILER FOR SELL enclosed new tires spare mntd on side steel floor white in color good cond 12’ long 4-1/2’wide all lights work $1200 firm 205-467-6875


UPRIGHT AIR COMPRESSOR 30 gal $75 557-9131 UTILITY TRAILER w/gate 5’x10’ new cond $700 obo 25-706-1396 WANTED air tools, impact, polisher, grinder etc 256-226-1944 WANTED bobcat will trade tractor or track loader or both for one in good cond 256226-1944 WANTED body repair tools at reasonable prices (snatch bar w/accessories) 256-2261944 WANTED concrete & cement mixer gas or electric (maybe one that needs a motor) 256-226-1944 WANTED oxyacetylene cutting torch & rosebud heating tip 256-878-3252 WOODS 7’ BUSHHOG HVY DUTY dual rear wheels exc cond 256-586-0990 AWN/GARDEN~


trailer parts

‘97 FORD F350 FLAT BED 1 ton pwr stroke diesel cold ac tinted wind gooseneck hitch 1 yr on new enj $4500 obo or trade 256-8874094 ’08 MAHINDRA FARM TRACTOR 35hp diesel like new 75 hrs still under warranty w/equip front end loader box blade bushhog all books and paperwork pd $19,000 sell price $13,000 firm 256-593-9318 ’54 MODEL 40 J/D TRACTOR $2500 256878-6229 ’73 JD INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR 40hp gas engine completely rebuilt good shape lots new stuff, new paint $4500 obo 256-6574498 Henagar ’87 CHEVY ONE TON 11’ FLAT BED fuel injected 454 w/4 spd does not smoke 4 new tires $3500 256-677-1629 ’87 CHEVY ONE TON 11’ FLAT BED fuel injected 454 w/4 spd does not smoke 4 new tires $3500 256-677-1629 ’89 CHEVROLET SERVICE truck side beds top rail almost new tires motor recently completely rebuilt ready to work 996-6745 would like to trade for diesel 40-70hp tractor of equal value ’90 HMI SKID STEER $5500 TOO MANY new parts to mention 205-274-2486 ’90 SKID STEERING MADE BY HMI good cond too many new parts to mention $5500 205-274-2486 ’93 CAT 416 BACKHOE 4WD and case 450 c bulldozer 638-9229 ’95 CHEVY heavy duty 1-ton diesel 16ft bed w/dump $6500 256-657-2235 ’99 FORD DUALLY X-TRA CAB f450 super duty lariat pckg 4wd 7.3 power stroke diesel engine 89k miles well maintained auto trans cold air pdl pw bedliner exc cond $12,000 256-236-7376 ’99 FORD X-TRA CAB DUALLY 450 SUPER duty lariat pckg 4wd 7.3 power stroke diesel engine 89k miles well maintained auto trans pdl pw bedliner exc cond $12,000 256-236-7376 ‘83 FORD TANDEM DUMP det diesel new (2) GQF CABINET INCUBATORS both have tires exc shape no cdl to operate elect hydro clear fronts, 3 egg trays w/racks, electronbrakes $4500 obo or trade 256-887-4094 ic/wafer thermostats work perfectly have



outgrown & upgrading $350 ea or $650 for both 334-332-0202 (2) JOHN DEERE TRACTOR 3020 70hp runlook good wide front $10,000 ea or $18,000 for both obo 256-796-5618 (4) FOGGER PUMPS w/motors for chicken houses $100 obo 256-490-0583 lv msg 1000 GAL LP GAS TANK $1200 25kw generator $1500 curtain machine $100 256-5046792 100KW John Deere powered generator $10,000 256-657-2235 16’ ALUM STOCK TRAILER $6800 5060235 16’ UTILITY TRAILER ELEC BRAKES used little $1850 256-572-5395 1937 B JOHN DEERE motor/trans/clutch rebuilt runs good ready to paint & restore has new hood with it $3800 723-4888 1938 FARMALL F20 new tires restored like new $3800 723-4888 1939 B ALLIS CHALMERS runs good restored $2400 723-4888 1943 FARMALL TRACTOR A w/belly mower $2000 256-601-1955 1948 FARMALL RED CUB w/cultivator turning plow & pull behind disk $2400 7234888 1949 A JOHN DEERE xtra clean restored runs like new $3800 723-4888 1949 G ALLIS CHALMERS made in Gadsden w/motor in back w/cultivator restored like new $4000 obo 723-4888 1997 NEW HOLLAND 5030 4wd tractor w/Ford 4310 loader, 2 rear remotes, 63hp pto 454 hrs used very little great shape everything works great no attachments other than loader $18,500 256-572-7710 2 BOTTOM TURNING PLOW 891-2291 2 HORSE TRAILER BUMPER PULL good cond $1100 528-7954 2 SEATER SURREY IN GRT COND 582-2483 $1000 2 TRACTORS ONE 8N FORD ONE FERGUSON 30 256-899-4690 2-2 HORSE WAGONS bucket seats 4w hydraulic brakes curtains top tow bar good cond $1000 ea 528-7954 2-3 CHICHEN HOUSE BROODERS wanted reasonably priced, must be working 256739-8446 2-4’ CHICKEN HOUSE FANS $50 EA 256659-6907 2-HOOK FENCH STRETCHER brand new $20 256-490-0583 lv msg 20 TON HYDRAULIC AND AIR JACK $100 NEW in box 205-274-2486 24’ PLUS 4’ DOVE TAIL GOOSENECK TRAILER good tires $2600 256-677-1629 285 MASSEY FERGUSON TRACTOR nice all works 85hp $7000 256-32-3456 3 AXLE EQUIP TRAILER made my general equip fen hitch brakes ramps 256-9965493 3020 J/D TRACTOR W/FRONT end loader tires 75% good 638-3281 35 MASSEY FERGUSON GASOLINE tractor needs clutch good tires 256-891-2291 3PT HITCH hydraulic post driver works good $1500 205-473-1191 4-1/2’ TILLER 891-2291 4000 FORD TRACTOR GOOD COND gas burner $5200 256-572-6063 401B J/D 60HP DIESEL TRACTOR w/front end loader bucket and spear remotes nice cond $8600 256-236-7376 444 INTERNATIONAL tractor $3750 256586-8813 Joppa 4X4 ROLLS OF BERMUDA & FESCUE hay for $25 ea near the intersection of 231 & 278 well fertilized & sprayed kept in barn will load 256-513-0410 petebe 4x5 RD BALES HAY good for cattle and goats $35 per bale 891-0677 5 SHANK CHISEL PLOW like new $650 256638-3941 5’ BOX BLADE 891-2291 5’ BUSHHOG EXC COND $350 ALSO single flat bottom turning plow like new $150 205-466-7605 5’ BUSHHOG GOOD COND $350 also single flat bottom turning plow like new $150 205-466-7605 500 GAL FUEL TANK setting on blocks on/off valve $150 256-728-8426 Grant Mt 510 LONG TRACTOR w/quick attach loader w/bucket & stinger new paint $6800 256-

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 728-4409 trailer 5th wheel pull outriggers 256-9965FT BUSH HOG in real good cond $300 256- 5493 498-2135 Morgan City area LANDPRIDE 5’ grooming mower $850 2566.5’X18’ TRAILER brand new never used 717-5677 red in color $2000 obo 256-593-6578 LEWIS BROTHERS SPREADER 256-8406’ BOX BLADE 891-2291 9600 60KW JOHN DEERE powered generator LG FERTILIZER AND SEED SPREADER 3 PT $6500 256-657-2235 hitch tractor lg size 891-2291 6610 NEW HOLLAND TRACTOR w/canopy LONG TRACTOR 610 w/quick attach loader $12,500 great cond 72pto 205-237-4801 w/bucket & stinger new paint $6800 256670 J/D 3 CYL DIESEL GARDEN/bushhog 728-4409 tractor ps 3 pt hitch low hrs roll bar canopy LOOKING FOR good used goat or cow milkexc cond $5000 256-236-7376 ing machine machine 256-739-8446 6FT BUSHHOG BRAND finishing mower like LOOKING FOR JUNK livestock WW trailer, new $1000 obo 256-640-6382 Circle W, Neckover or other brand w/tubu70HP J/D 2130 DIESEL TRACTOR w/quick lar gates need rear swinging dbl gates & 1 attach loader bucket and spear/remotes center cut gate, will buy gates or complete trailer if price is right call aft 5pm 205-594very nice tractor $9600 256-282-4487 801 FORD TRACTOR good cond $2150 7093 MASSEY FERGUSON 12 BALER $500 works good 878-8224 950 J/D DIESEL TRACTOR 8 spd 3 cyl diesel NEEDS a little work 256-561-3771 MASSEY FERGUSON MODEL 270 ’95 Rainsville 205-616-8786 B8200 KUBOTA TRACTOR new paint DIESEL ps good cond good tires 256-8912291 1ownr 1100hrs $3000 256-717-5677 BARN KEPT BERMUDA HAY large round MINIATURE HORSES VARIOUS SZ AND bales fertilized limed no weeds cured & COLORS 256-587-6313 bailed w/no rain $35 per roll, large round MIXED HAY 4X4 RLS $25 per rl 593-5050 bales stored outside $25 per roll 256-891- will load NEED TO BUY USED CROSS TIES 205-3054284 BERMUDA HAY 4X4 RLS BARN KEPT 4357 NEW TRACTOR TIRE 14.9 X 28 $150 477aroney area 593-5050 BOARDING HOUSES stalls pasture lights 0980 water feed hay call for info 5 min’s from OLDER KUBOTA 3 CYL DIESEL TRACTOR g’ville state park 547 asbury rd a’ville 256- good motor good hydraulics/tires needs 660-0991 paint job metal in good cond $2250 256BUSHHOG BRAND back hoe to fit tractor 593-0643 PLANTERS, sidedresser, cultivator, 7’ disk, $4000 256-717-5677 CASE SKID STEER LOADER 2 buckets and 3 flat bottom turning plows, 3pt hitch seeder priced to sell 256-586-8813 Joppa forks new engine 891-2291 CHICKENS PURE ESLIN RED QUILL 205- POULTRY HOUSE FEEDERS fans and htrs 256-840-9600 680-6087 CHICKENS/HENS AND ROOSTERS good RD AND SQ BALES HAY 561-3672 ROUND BALED HAY very little left 256-506layers 582-4084 CHORE TIME hopper switches one new one 1037 SET WROUGHT iron gates 4’ $30 256-840used $40 obo 256-490-0583 lv msg CONTROL BOARDS for air plus machines 9030 for chicken houses sell cheap 256-490- SQ BALES HAY FROM BEST CUTTING OF 0583 lv msg ’08 STORED IN barn $3.00 ea 256-593CRAFTSMAN 5-1/2 HP GARDEN TILLER 7402 front tines $175 or trade for gun 205-274- STACK OF CEDAR fence posts 6-8ft long $6 2486 ea in Hollywood Al 256-728-8426 DIESEL FUEL TANK mounted on stand w TABLE TOP PRODUCE SCALES $75 256hose & cut off valve 250 to 300gal cap 256- 458-7903 9996-5493 TOP SOIL $125 PER LOAD delivered can FARMALL SUPER A 3 PT HITCH 4’ bushhog spread 256-887-4094 $2700 239-4039 TRACTOR TIRES new never put o tractor FERGUSON TO30 runs-looks good $1800 12.6x28 agri tires $700 for pair 205-681256-550-2158 5299 FERTILIZER AND SEED SPREADER 3 pt TRAILER 16’ LONG 6’4” WIDE 2 axles treathitch top w/gear box exc cond 256-891- ed 2” floor lights $600 256-538-8251 2291 TRAILER 6’8” X 3’8” W/16” WHEELS 4 ply FINISHING MOWER NEEDS BEARING $150 tires $65 256-546-1178 256-587-6313 TROYBILT TILLER FRONT TINES sm tiller FORD 801 POWER MASTER DIESEL GOOD easy to handle like new bought this yr $350 COND 891-2291 506-2161 FORD JUBILEE TRACTOR good cond 891- TUFF LINE HVY DUTY HARROW 16 DISC 2291 $500 section area 256-228-0095 FORD JUBILEE TRACTOR w/equip great VERY NICE SHARLEI BULL gentle just right cond new paint $2800 or trade 256-226- for breeding season 593-3776 1944 WALTON 8 WHEEL HAY RAKE 256-840FREE HAY you cut 45 acres Southside area 9600 413-3380 WANT TO BUY 3 bronze turkey poults 256GARDEN TILLER NEW/SMALL used 2 mos 739-8446 $350 506-2161 WANT TO BUY METAL T-POSTS 205-305GOOD 14 TON FEED BINS FOR CHICKEN 4357 HOUSES also slats free of charge 593-8187 WANT TO BUY older model Ford tractor GOOD POULTLRY netting/wire & rabbit running or for parts in Morgan City area wire 256-739-8446 256-498-2135 WANTED 2-3 chicken house brooders reaHAY FOR SELL 256-659-6907 HIRED HAND 225000btu forced air heater sonably priced, must be working 256-739for chicken house $100 256-490-0583 lv 8446 msg WANTED CHICKEN LITTER FOR PASTURE HORSE TRAILER 48ft gooseneck 2-horse sardis area 593-6115 straight load w/living quarters sound cond WANTED DIESEL TRACTOR 40 to 70 hp no rust $3000 205-493-9007 have ’89 chevy service trk side bed top rail I BUY TRKS TRACTORS combines loaders motor rebuilt tires like new ready to go would like to trade for tractor 9966745 256-486-5404 INTERNATIONAL B275 TRACTOR runs WANTED good poultry netting/wire & rabbit wire 256-739-8446 good 891-2291 J/D 670 3 CYL DIESEL TRACTOR ps 3 pt WANTED good used goat or cow milking hitch 1244 hrs roll bar canopy exc cond machine 256-739-8446 WANTED good used metal roofing tin rea$4900 256-236-7376 J/D TRACK LOADER 350 DIESEL 205-616- sonably priced256-739-8446 WANTED HUSCAVARNA CHAIN SAW 18 to 8786 KNUCKLEBOOM LOG LOADER lucky brand 22” bar good cond 302-0253 L818 has 453 detroit unit new hydraulic WANTED USED CHICKEN HOUSE SHANONpump new blower on engine mntd on 2 axle DOAH breeding nest system and nipple

drinkers 256-354-5065 WANTED used metal nest boxes 256-7398446 WOODS 7’ BUSHHOG HVY DUTY DUAL rear wheels exc cond 256-508-0721 YANMAR 1700 DIESEL SM garden type tractor 891-2291 USINESS/OFFICE~


205-589-6029 30 QUART Hobart mixer nice $1850 256572-9748 or 256-470-1947 5’ TALL X 5’ WIDE CHERRY FINISH DESK $75 486-5153 ATTENTION TRADEDAYERS & yard sellers I have a 50ft bldg packed full of yard sale stuff, not able to do it but nice stuff, lots of collectors stuff etc sell all for $500 256-3020060 BEAUTY SHOP FOR RENT 1-person everything is supplied except you have to buy your own supplies $100 mo avail 1st of Dec 557-6960 or 528-7358 Dawn BERKEL MIXER 60qt $2400 256-470-1947 or 256-572-9748 BUFFALO CHOPPER $750 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 CLEVELAND STEAMER commercial $2100 256-572-9748 or 256-4709-1947 COKE MACHINE COIN OPERATED will take bills good cond $300 obo 256-605-5427 CONCESSION TRAILER tandem axle 15’ 8” outside 7’” width tongue 3’ 4” w/20ft pwr cord and storage box on tongue, 4 michelin tires 85%, fridge w/lg freezer gas stove w/2LP bottles 3-3’ x 4’ slider windows w/12” serving window in middle 13” of counter space 2 dbl sinks, 12 volt water pump 5 gal elec water htr, 20 gal fresh water tank, 2-4’ neon lights 6 inside dbl plugs 3 outside dbl plugs 110a/c elec box 4 breakers all on 110 volt $7000 256-4427253 CONCESSION TRAILER w/tandem axles will sell w/minimum equip or loaded meets health dept requirements used to sell shaved ice, hot dogs, sausage dogs, soft drinks, etc 205-862-0218 COOK SHACK SMOKER commercial $2000 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 COUNTER TOP ONE DRAWER bread warmer lg commercial deep fryer 256-5726063 COUNTERTOP HEATED glass food warmer $2000 256-470-1947 or 256-572-9748 COUNTERTOP STEAM table $2250 256470-1947 or 256-572-9748 DELFIELD COOLER 3-door stainless $1500 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 DELFIELD PASS-THRU table top cooler $600 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 DRAFTING TABLE, electric raise & lower, lever controlled tilt, drawing machine, 2 drawers, several drawing tools & supplies, 1 ownr, offers considered 256-660-0639 ELECTRIC DRAFTING table 660-0639 FLAKER ICE MAKER w/bin 650lb less tan 2yo $1900 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 FRYMASTER FRYER 40LB $650 GAS 256-572-9748 OR 256-470-1947 GAS TILT skillet $1100 256-572-9748 or 256-470-9147 HALF SIZE convection ovens $1500 ea nice 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 HOBART DOUBLE stack convection oven $2500 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 I BUY ANY ITEMS at the right price, if a pawn shop won’t give you nothing call me & I can probably tell you what I will give w/o you even leaving the house 256-601-1982 KARIOKE MACHINE w/mike, 4.5’ speakers, for a business $1900 obo 878-8840 METAL OFFICE desk w/drawers on one side $30 891-0539 NEW TATTOO AND BODY PIERCING KITS for sell w/supplies needles, etc 256-5580340 NICE RESTAURANT CHAIRS $20 ea 256527-9748 or 256-470-1947 OFFICE CHAIRS used but great cond $20 256-543-0805 ONE & TWO DOOR coolers 256-470-1947 or 256-572-9748 PITCO FRIALATOR electric fryer like new $1000 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 PRINTER Dell 948 all n one prints scans


copies faxes $60 205-589-8680 RESTAURANT EQUIP 2 CONVEYOR pizza ovens pizza table sandwich table table top fryers 571-5520 RESTAURANT TABLES $50 ea 256-5279748 or 256-470-1947 SEVERAL HOUSES IN ANNISTON AREA FOR SELL 689-7804 no owner financing SEVERAL JEWELRY CASES and sm trays from jewelry displayer $50 obo for all 8912693 SHARP ELECTRIC typewriter w/cover needs ribbon good cond $25 256-593-2777 SMALL COOKSHACK smoker $600 256572-9748 or 256-470-1947 SMALL ELECTRIC HOLDING cabinets $50 ea 256-572-9748 or 256-470-1947 STAINLESS HOOD VENT 13ft $2000 256572-9748 or 256-470-1947 STORE INVENTORY used clothing, toys, books, cheap knives, tools, figurines, exercise equip more sell all together or separate in $300 lots 728-4902 TAYLOR ICE CREAM machine 2 flavors w/swirl $2250 256-470-1947 or 256-5729743 WOULD LIKE TO OPEN UP appliances if you are in wholesale and interested please contact me 256-225-3920 OMPUTERS~


‘06 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 800 4WD 4wheeler $4k obo cal 302-4522 17” MONITORS one HP one Cybervision used but work well $5 ea 894-3344 2 DELL OPTIPLEX TOWERS need work make offer or fix one for the other 256-3026716 ALL BLK DELL COMPUTER SYSTEM comes w/monitor kybd mouse burner windows xp pro 256-561-2545 COMPAQ PRESARIO COMPUTER W/MONITOR hp printer $150 205-559-2246 COMPUTER ARMOIRE solid oak w/med dk finish exc cond has filing cabinets dwrs slide out table beautiful $250 256-5068851 Arab COMPUTER DESK 5’ TALL 5’ WIDE cherry finish $75 486-5153 COMPUTER DESK EXC COND 840-8991 COMPUTER WORK IN MY HOME also work on laptops 256-561-2545 work guaranteed COMPUTER WORK IN MY HOME also work on laptops work guaranteed 256-561-2545 DEL LAPTOP 14” 1.4ghz Pentium Celeron WinXP w/sp3 cd burner/dvd plyr wireless w/cds $250 256-593-9851 DELL 8250 SERIES DESK TOP COMPUTER w/microphone mouse spkrs $300 w/hp printer copier/scanner 205-237-0897 snead DELL DESKTOP COMPUTER windows 98 internet ready hp printer 256-470-0690 DELL DESKTOP real space saver w os recovery disks dell 17in lcd thin monitor xp pro sp3 p4 at 2.8 ghz 512 meg ram 40 gig hd dvd cdrw combo drive free internet security software $275 call 256-593-3002 DELL LATITUDE LAPTOP w/windows xp and Norton virus exc cond $175 256-5720979 DELL TOWER SYSTEMS all are p4 systems 2 ghz 512 meg ram inc dvd & cdrw burner combo drives as well as cdrom sec drives 20 gig hd these stealth black systems comp w matching lcd thin screen mon & matching keyboard $200 call 256-593-3002 FREE WEB DESIGN & HOSTING call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or FREE WEBSITE design call kat sharpe 256477-4831 visit or GATEWAY PENTIUM 3 tower, monitor, keyboard, mouse ready to go cable or dsl great for kids $65 ea 205-466-7796 HP PAVILLION 533mhz 256 mb ram 60gig hd windows xp prof Microsoft office printer 17” crt monitor internet ready w/dsl Nintendo 64 emulator w/games $125 256632-5850 HP PAVILLON 305 W like new cond w/16” monitor w/Lexmark printer $300 obo 256706-1396 IBM LAPTOP thinkpad series r40 intel m at 1.4 ghz 768 meg ram wow 80 gig hard drive dvd cdrw burner xp pro updated to sp3 $325 call 256-593-3002 LAPTOP 1yo good cond many accessories


18 NovEMbER 2009

17” monitor must sell $300 256-572-9979 LAPTOPS AND HOME COMPUTERS very nice 256-561-2545 LEXMARK PRINTER/SCANNER works great needs power cord $10 25-677-5219 LEXMARK X4550 WIRELESS ALL IN ONE printer scannr photos copier/fax $50 256894-8097 LOOKING FOR GREAT DEALS on software free shipping on millions of items 25% to 75% off discounts at places like kohls jc whitney sears kmart golf & sporting goods & thousands more retailers check our katsharpe.com or NEW COMPUTERS call me before you buy in order to buy a quality new computer plan on spending at least $1000 or more 256593-3002 NICE LAPTOPS FOR SELL Toshiba and dell wireless 256-561-2545 P4 DUAL 3.6 GHZ PROCESSORS 200gig drive 1gig memory windows xp prof service pk 3 128mb 9800 pro radion video guard, wireless internet card dsl straight plug in card custom built w/17” crt monitor w/Nintendo 64 emulator w/Mario cards 256-632-5850 PHILLIPS MAGNAVOX MONITOR 17” screen $25 256-593-9821 REFURBISHED LAPTOPS dell ibm & hp all are p4 cent m proc 256 meg ram to 1 gig 30 gig to 80 gig hds all have sp pro sp3 all updates fr microsoft wireless wifi dvd & cdrw burner combo drives all are in exc cond like new $275 to $385 call 256-5933002 SMALL BUSINESS BRANDING twitter myspace facebook we have the means to build a following on the social networks in less than a mo keep your clients utd w your latest deal call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or SOLID OAK computer cabinet (filing cabinets, drawers, etc) $300 obo 256-506-8851 SOLID OAK COMPUTER DESK 840-8991 exc cond TOSHIBA AND DELL LAPTOPS FOR SELL NICE wide screens windows xp wireless burners dvd players/burners comes w/carrying bag and battery chargers, etc 256561-2545 TOSHIBA LAPTOP laptop 512megs ram dvd $175 996-3092 WANTED POWER SUPPLY FOR OLDER MODEL HP COMPUTER 256-605-0207 USICAL Instruments~

M ‘76 ANTIQUE BABY GRAND kimball piano

french provincial mahogany wood casing great cond w matching bench that has storage $2k 878-5242 2-TRUMPETS one bondy one cilla $250 obo 572-4174 48FT X 102IN GREAT DANE dry box trailer solid wood floor wood sides inside good for storage $2500 call jason at 256-891-0091 48FT X 96IN UTILITY REEFER trailer alum track floor non working thermo king sb unit good for storage $3500 call jason at 256891-0091 6 PIECE DIABLO DRUM SET bought in dec ‘08 still in box never been used black in color pd $1k asking $700 cymbols & cymbol stands inc 659-6137 600 BASS GUITAR AMP w speakers very good cond $390 256-403-3483 ACOUSTIC 12 STRING EPIPHONE GIBSON guitar in hardshell case exc cond like new $300 256-470-2188 ALVAREZ GUITAR EXC COND w/case $400 256-538-2691 AMPLIFIERS w/tubes wanted working or not, anything to do w/vacuum tubes, old guitar effects 256-835-6388 BEAUTIFUL OSCAR SCHMIDT MANDOLIN select spruce top maple body f style rosewood fingerboard & bridge 8 yrs old in perfect cond w very nice hardcase sounds & plays great asking $300 obo in albertville 256-894-8002 BLACK METALIC EPHIPHONE elect guitar w hard shell case like new $250 256-5728596 BRAND NEW BABY GRAND piano must sell/moving 256-467-4160 CABLE/NELSON PIANO w/matching bench mahogany felt is good all ivory good 40” tall


Pettit Catfish farm 50001 st Hwy 79


Blountsville, al

205.429.3415 205.446-8900 205.446.8863

Channel Catfish fingerlings n Coppernose Bluegill n red-Eared shellcrackers n florida largemouth Bass n minnows n Grass Carp n Koi n Goldfish n

35 yEARS ExPERIENCE Pickup at farm or delivery available

at highest point 45” wide 878-7195 CASIO KEYBOARD W/STAND microphone and song books brand new cond $100 obo 593-0071 COMPLETE AQUARIUM SET-UP 44 GAL TANK all accessories $350 593-9494 DAISY ROCK RED HEART SHAPED elec guitar like new $100 558-4894 DBL BASS PEDAL 2mos old used only twice $150 205-429-1213 DRUM SET 11 PCS CALL FOR DETAILS $350 256-529-9180 DRUM SET 5pc w/lots of cymbals blk pd $750 take $500 obo 205-429-1213 DRUM SET for kid age 4-9 $40 has cymbal, chair, numerous drums 256-506-8851 Arab ELEC GUITAR W/CASE $100 205-965-4091 ELECTRIC BASS GUITAR SHORT NECK Ibanez $125 256-558-4347 ELECTRIC BSS GUITAR long neck Excel $100 256-558-4347 ELECTRIC DRUM SET $250 a bc rich flying v elect guitar $250 call 256-599-8320 ELECTRIC GUITAR blue Fender w/Floyd Rose system foot pedal amp & stand $175 205-429-1213 FENDER 5 STRING BANGO w hard case $350 call 891-1647 FENDER CUSTOM BUILT STRAT CASTER guitar 6 string custom paint grn in color maple neck mother of pearl pit guard comes w/bag 256-558-3300 FENDER GUITAR AMP ’65 twin w/60’s cream cover oxblood grille cloth ground face white knobs 100 watt 256-558-3300 FLUTE FOR SALE played used 3 yrs make offer call & lv msg 256-593-9623 FOR SALE BC RICH FLYING V $300 elect drum set $250 call 256-609-9488 FOR SALE ELECTRIC GUITAR epiphany flame top les paul $300 call 256-609-9488 FREE ANTIQUE piano 582-4668 GUITAR AMP MESA BOGGIE LONE STAR white cream cover blk grille cloth 100 watt grt amp loaded and loud 256-558-3300 GUITAR RIVERIA not elec $40 256-5383783 HAMMOND ORGAN W/LESLIE 50th

anniversary $1200 205-640-6952 KARAOKE SYSTEM RSQNEO 500C player 600 watt 12 channel behringer power amp over 200 discs prox 3200 songs 3 mics 3 stands and spkrs necessary cables $1600 256-561-3700 KIMBALL PIANO good cond $600 601-7362 LARGE 150 WATT Spectra amp good shape $200 256-558-4347 LARGE 600 WATT BASS GUITAR AMP in very good cond bass cab has 2x10’’ speakers & tweeter $450 obo 256-403-3484 LATE 80’S BR60 BLUE RIDGE flat top guitar w/case $300 or consider trade foror banjo 256-996-4205 LIKE NEW CLARINET $75 256-657-2109 MANDOLIN W/HARD SHELL CASE $175 256-996-4205 MIC STAND TRAY BRAND NEW never used 8-1/2 x 8-1/2 for drinks etc $20 659-5167 after 5pm MOUNTAIN DULCIMER w spruce top & walnut base w case in exc cond $100 call 256660-0190 albertville ORGAN FOR SELL GOOD COND plays well $80 205-559-2246 ORIGINAL YAMAHA FG335 dreadnaught acoustic 6 string guitar w soft case very good overall condition plays & sounds great $250 obo albertville 256-894-8002 OVATION CELEBRITY DELUXE ACOUSTIC elec new in box orange sunburst color also fender strat elec w/bag blue in color also fender strat custom paint job silver/blk w/custom nova walnut neck comes w/bag 256-558-3300 PEAR SHAPED MANDOLIN w/case beautiful w/F-holes $125 256-558-4347 PEAVY 5 PC DRUM SET $300 256-605-6833 PIANO FULL SZ $75 256-891-0254 RECORDING SYSTEM Boss BR1180 digital record 16 track pd $1200 asking $500 obo 205-429-1213 RED CORT ELECT GUITAR like new w hard shell case $150 256-572-8596 ROLAND KEYBOARD $1500 538-5504 ROLAND XP60 workstation (keyboard) w/stand & 2 external spkrs $1000 256-


586-3733 SIGMA GUITAR made by martin model dm1 exc cond $150 obo attalla 256-298-0702 SILVERTONE ELEC GUITAR grt cond $100 256-899-9824 SIMON & PATRICK 12 string acoustic guitar w plush hard case pkg cost over $600 new $300 reasonable offer in albertville 256894-8002 STORY AND CLARK PIANO $250 256-2064264 USED BACH TRUMPET and case $450 for both 878-2714 Used Bach trumpet and case, $450 for both, call 256-878-2714 or www.eswapper.com/ VICTOR VICTROLA crank type wood case prox 100 yrs old has lots of records 256543-9659 VIOLIN w/deluxe case, rosin & bow $85 547-0994 WANT TO BUY used small student piano for practice must be reasonably priced in good cond 878-1349 YAMAHA 16-CHANNEL MIXING console great for live performance or recording in studio 16-channel inputs 4 bus outputs for recording big good shape 256-558-3300 YAMAHA 6-STRING GUITAR FG-200 $150 256-558-4347 YAMAHA PSRE 203 PORTABLE KEYBOARD 36 keys stand ft pedal hd phones and carry-

akc german shepard puppies, exc Blood line-Vet checked-puppy shots-Wormed, ready 1st Week of december - taking deposits now, call 256-435-0819 email for photos: [email protected] ing case $150 15” Magnavox tv $25 8789538 YAMAHA TRUMPET w/case & all accessories mint cnod $350 547-8388 UNS~


‘56 MOD 50 12 GAUGE SHOTGUN in mint cond price $300 call 571-9119 12 GA PUMP SHOT $200 OBO 205-2742487 12 GA PUMP SHOTGUN BY WESTERN FIELD $150 205-274-2486 12 GAUGE SHOT GUN black 28 in accu choke maverick by mossbert $150 25652303423 gadsden 12GA BROWNING BELGIUM made auto shotgun feather light gas operated good cond $325 256-441-9398 16 GA SHOTGUN DBL BARREL $300 ALSO js stevens 12 ga single shotgun old $100 505-3918 2 TITAN 25 AUTO 1 has holster both made in italy 1 box of ammo $150 for both ft payne 845-9746 2 WWII RUSSIAN INFANTRY service revolvers model 1895 cal 7.62x38 1 a ‘38 1 a ‘42 holsters cleaning equip & lanurds $350 for both call 205-466-3609 20 GAGE OVER & UNDER MOSSBURG shotgun & a browning b’00 auto shotgun for sale arab 586-691 22 LEVER ACTION HENRY sell or trade on 410 pump or 17 caliber rifle 205-446-9705 22 RIFLE BOLT ACTON W/CLIP made by daisy bb gun company very rare hard to find $300 or consider trade for deer rifle 486-4909 30/06 BOLT ACTION RIFLE W/TASCO 3X9X32 SCOPE $250 205-274-2486 30/30 MARLIN RIFLE NEW IN BOX new scope sling $260 256-572-4621 30/30 MARLIN W/GOLD TRIGGER $250 256-659-6907 300 MAG WEATHERBY stainless synthetic stock loop hole scope mounts w/bases $850 256-572-9979 300 WEATHERBY W/SCOPE AND 3 BOXES shells $1800 256-659-6907 303 BRITISH RIFLE W/SHELLS $450 256659-6907 303 ENFIELD NO 4 MK1 dated ‘44 comes w 79 rounds of ammo spike bayonet sling cloth bandoleer & extra stripper clips $425 593-3813 330 RDS OF 308 BULLETS $150 for all 623-

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 3668 3453 36 CAL CAP AND BALL REVOLVER REPLI- DEER HUNTING LAND jackson co 150 acres CA colt 1851 navy made in italy brass frame hunting permits $450 has club house two $140 256-506-7206 trailers green fields & more call 256-68238 SUPER AUTO PLUS P 130 grain mag tec 3453 bullets 256-878-5092 $15 DEER HUNTING LAND Madison Co hunting 40 S&W JHP AMMUNITION $15 or will permits $450 has 3 hunting houses green trade for 9mm or 22lr ammo 256-403-3484 fields hunting stands 256-682-3453 45 COLT GOLD CUP mod 80 national match DEER HUNTING LAND MADISON CO hunt$900 call 256-506-080 ing permits $450 has three hunting houses 7-MAG SAVAGE w/Bushnell scope really green fields hunting stands call 256-682nice blk bolt action 256-295-5052 3453 7.62X39 BLANK AMMUNITION for sale 20 DEER HUNTING LAND North Mississippi md boxes $7 tb 256-538-2259 large private farm hunting permits $450 7MM BULLETS FOR RELOADING .284 dia has house can park trailer is desired 256more than 800 pieces $80 or all 256-593- 682-3453 6655 boaz area FAMILY ORIENTED HUNTING CLUB is ook7MM MAG RIFLE shoots great 205-446- ing for 2 resp new members yr round hunting loc in clay co al south fo chandler 9705 9MM BARETTA for sale been shot about 12 springs in the talledega nat forest all prop is gated great deer & ala best turkey hunting times stainless steel barrel like new still in doe days fr oct-jan fall tukey hunting as well box want $700 256-458-8762 anytime planted pines & hardwoods hardwood AK 47 $500 call 256-609-9488 AK 47 IN GREAT SHAPE w quad rails in the lined creeks big pwr line runs through club front & tri rails in the back extra front han- est food plots several fixed ladder stands dle skeleton stock 2 mags & red dot sight shooting houses feeders & great roads membership is $600 yr for more info call $700 albertville 256-612-0264 AMERICAN TACTICAL 9mm blued finish mark at 256-490-2021 or jim at 256-312hicap mag 18+1 in new cond 4’’ bbl $325 7382 GAMO SMALL GAME AIR RIFLE in great 256-403-3484 AMERICAN TACTICAL 9MM pistol 1 mag overall cond 177 cal single shot 1k fps w fiber optic front sight & mahonany stock 18+1 new cond $325 keltec p11 1 mag good varmint gun $125 or poss trade 10+1 new cond $275 256-786-2309 AMERICAN TACTICAL IMPORTS 9mm pis- albertville 256-894-8002 tol few mo old very clean ported barrel 1 GERMAN H&K 91 308 rifle real german rifle no longer imported very nice shape has mag holds 18+1 $360 256-403-3484 AMMO BOX OF 50 WINCHESTER 38-40 been in safe the last 13 yrs $2100 or trade 205-910-3851 super x cartridges $45 trade for 45 acp or GLOCK 22 40 CAL W NIGHT SIGHTS & 357 magnum bulllets 205-903-6966 AMMO CASE 1K RDS of new pmc 223 fmj attachment rails 2 15rds mags $440 also 55gr $350 case 1k rds of new wolf 7.62x39 have a springfield xd40 40cal like new w steel case hollowpoints $250 205-789- box tatical version also have a light that attach to the rails $480 call 205-910-3851 8337 AMMO PMC 223 BRASS CASE 55gr fmj box GOLD CUP MODEL #80 national match 45 of 20 $7 wolf steel case 7.62x39 124gr fmj colt $900 256-506-0803 box of 20 $5 410 ga box of 20 $10 all is new GOLD CUT NAT’L MATCH MODEL 80 45 received fr manf in last 2 wks trussville COLT $900 256-506-0803 H&K 91 GERMAN MODEL 308 rifle w full 205-789-8337 AR 15 FOR SALE DPMS PANTHER LITE 16 stock nice shape date code ib kept insafe for .223 just like new many extras inluding the last 13 yrs no longer imported $2100 or picatinny rail forward grip sling 400 rounds trade 205-910-3851 of ammo & six thirty round magazines H&R 12 GAUGE trukey gun single barrel screw in choke $140 572-5814 $1200 205-446-5435 ARMI GALESI 25 caliber semi-auto pistol all HAM & TURKEY SHOOT guns winchester nickel plate intact fine cond made in Italy model 37 30in full 12 ga $400 windchester 37 20ga 30in full $250 stevens dreadnaught $150 256-506-7206 BELGIUM MADE light 20 Browning auto- 12 ga 30in full $200 info 256-717-7640 matic shotgun 678-232-2789 or 706-777- HIGH POWERED RIFLE Belgium Browning auto 7mm mag Remington caliber beautiful 1499 BENELLI 12GA SHOTGUN w/factory mag walnut wood w/hard case, sling, Schmidt ext & side shell holder like new 12ga 18” Bender 8x56 power scope $1500 205-6816818 barrel $500 547-8388 BOLT ACTION RIFLE beautiful w/nice HUNTING CLUB looking for 2 resp new scope 7.7 caliber walnut wood 8yo $750 members yr round hunting loc in clay co al south of chandler springs in talledega 205-938-7771 BOX OF 50 WINCHESTER 38 40 super x car- national forest all property is gated great tridges $45 or trade for 45 acp or 357 mag deer & trukey doe days fr oct-jan fall turkey season as well planted pine & hardwood bullets 205-903-6966 BROWNING 300 SHORT MAG w scope blue line creeks big pwr line runs through the club food plots sev fixed ladder stands barrel synth stock $525 256-543-2682 BROWNING BELGIUM MADE 12ga model shooting houses feeders & great roads Featherlight 2000 last yr made 1983 good membership is $600 yr for info call mark 256-490-2021 or jim 256-312-7382 cond $350 256-441-9398 CHARTER ARMS 357 MAG revolver 2 sets of I HAVE SEVERAL BOXES OF RIFLE AMMO grips & box of ammo $350 ft payne 845- for sale .223rem 55gr fmj-bt 223rem 55gr copper fmj steel case 223rem 5.56x45 fmj 9746 223rem 55gr fmj boat tail 7.62x39mm CHARTER ARMS 38 special revolver under122gr fmj.steel case 7.62mm nato cover edition $200 256-677-1118 7.62x39mm 7.62x39mm 124gr hp lcb COLT 10MM STAINLESS STEEL 400-500 5.56mm ball m193 xm193 5.56mm m193 rounds of fed 180 jhp ammo black hawk ball ctg 5.56mm ball m193 5.56mm m200 serpa holster $1100 for more info call 256- blanks & 243s for more info call 256-878302-3992 4190 COLT 1911 DELT ELITE 10mm stainless 3 ITHACA 37 lightweight 12ga $250 remingclips black hawk holster 400-500 rounds of ton 1100 12ga 30in full exc cond $450 256fed 180 grain jhp ammo $1100 gun in great 717-7640 shape for more info call 256-302-3992 KELTEC P11 9MM blued finish brand new CUSTOM MADE left hand blk leather holster cond comes w new black nylon holster like new never used made for Ruger securi- $275 256-403-3484 ty set will hold Smith & Wesson & colt KIMBER 243 like new in box never fired all medium frame guns $30 obo 256-506-7206 papers $950 547-8388 CUSTOM MADE LH BLK LEATHER holster KOMATSU D31s-17 track loader w winch like new never used made for ruger securi4500 orig hrs good undercarriage good ty six will hold s/w and colt med frame guns machine $15k 205-629-6635 odenville $30 obo mike 256-506-7206 KOMATSU D37E dozer ‘88 6 way blade DEER HUNTING LAND Jackson Co 150 good undercarriage older machine but in acres hunting permits $450 has club house good cond $14500 205-629-6635 odenville 2 trailers green fields & more 256-682LOOKING FOR 45 caliber auto pistol make

& model not necessarily important will trade Ruger T89 high cap pistol w/2 mags & case if value is similar 256-506-7206 MAC-11 9MM FROM COBRAY ARMS perfect cond w 2 30rd clips & case for $600 in albertville call 256-612-0264 MARLIN 3030 deer rifle w bushnell scope shot 5 times $300 572-5814 MARTN D-18 org ownr exc cond about 4pyo nice w/case $1800 firm 547-8388 MOD 50 MADE IN ‘56 winchester shot gun 12 gauge $300 call 571-9119 MODEL 12 WINCHESTER shotgun made 1919 32” full choke nickel steel barrel sell or trade exc turkey shooting gun 256-7347419 MOSSBERG 12 GAUGE 935 mossy oak break up color brand new in box never shot $385 firm 256-200-4105 MUZZLE LOADER W/SCOPE 50 CAL $250 256-572-9979 brand new MUZZLELOADER FRILES new in box 45 & 50 cal 50% off retail price several styles to choose from $130-$250 256-558-0076 NEF HANDI RIFLE 223 cal composite stock & forearm 3/9/50 scope sling great little gun in exc cond 2 boxes remington ammo $250 cash firm 256-659-6452 have other guns for sale also OLD 16 GA DBL BARREL SHOTGUN $225 205-274-2486 OLD MODEL 511 Remington bolt action 22 rifle 678-232-2789 or 706-777-1499 PISTOL BROWNING BDA 380 double action pistol nickel plated 2 clips 10 rounds each has orig carrying case w gun lock lock never been used has had about 20 rounds fired through it 2 nylon pancake holsters $450 call 256-558-4615 PISTOL FOR SALE 22 beretta $150 shot 2 clips through call 256-599-8320 POLICE 38 SPECIAL COLT 6-shot revolver good bluing 60yo $300 or trade 205-9387771 POLICE NYLON DUTY BELT $75 also s/w cuffs chain cuffs expandable hi cap 40 cal glock mags 738-0595 PR WESTERN STYLE REVOLVERS 45 AND 357 EXC COND $1000 firm 205-274-2486 REMINGTON 1100 12 GA AUTO SHOTGUN exc cond 2 barrels 28 modified and 30 pull arab 586-6915 REMINGTON 1100 12 GAUGE AUTO SHOTGUN 28in barrel exc cond $350 call days 205-229-3443 call evenings 256-747-8761 6-8:30 only REMINGTON 1100 12 GAUGE auto shotgun 28in mod vented rib barrel walnut stocks arab 586-6915 REMINGTON 1100 12 gauge shotgun for sale auto 28in barrel exc cond $350 call days 205-229-3443 evening time 256-7478761 REMINGTON 1100 20 GA AUTO 425 205274-2486 REMINGTON 1100 410 ga new in box $900 205-680-4795 REMINGTON 700 bolt action 30 06 matt finish w camo stock cost $538 sell for $425 shot twice cash or swap on a 30 06 bar 5162022 REMINGTON 770 bolt 270 cal flat black w scope 3 boxes ammo as new $375 cash 5162022 REMINGTON 770 bolt 270 calibar w 3 boxes of ammo $375 cash 516-2022 REMINGTON 770 BOLT 30.06 matt w camo stock w scope as new $425 cash 516-2022 REMINGTON 870 EXPRESS 12ga shotgun 3” chamber 28” rim choke barrel laminated stock new in box 205-473-9944 REMINGTON 870 express magnum 20 ga remington 870 express super magnum 12 ga like new 25-892-2530 REMINGTON 870 MARINE shotgun 12ga 18” barrel $650 547-8388 REMINGTON 870 WINGMASTER 16ga like new $500 205-680-4795 REMINGTON 870 WINGMASTER pump 12ga modified choke 28in barrel good cond shjoots great $350 256-572-6623 REMINGTON BOLT ACTION 22 md 541t rifle exc cond $500 also ruger all weather 270 deer rifle $500 599-8040 ROCK RIVER ARMS AR-15 w/quad rails vertical grip flat top w/carry handle adj stock 2 stage trigger like new shot maybe


200-300 rounds have org box $1100 205910-3851 ROCK RIVER ARMS AR15 tatical 16’’ barrel & quad rails & adj stock w vert grip handle flat top w the pictanny rails on handle also super nice shape have box shot less than 200rds $1150 call 205-910-3851 ROCKBRIDGE HUNTING RESERVE almost 2k acres looking for members 256-6132089 ROSCOE ARMS 22 CAL SHORT REVOLVER 6 shots good cond $50 mike 256-506-7206 RUGER 9MM MODEL P94 HAS TWO clips gray and silver in color $350 298-2812 RUGER 9MM semi auto hand gun gray & silver very good cond comes w 2 clips & 20 rounds of shells $350 298-2812 RUSSIAN 762 BY 54 bolt action rifle short called a 44 mod $300 cash 516-2022 SAVAGE 22 semi-auto w/grip & scope will trade 205-446-9705 SAVAGE SEMI-AUTO 22 rifle w/10-round clip & scope, blk synthetic stock, also Thompson blk powder gun 50 caliber would like to sell or trade for Remington 1100 semin-auto shotgun or Belgium made Browning semi-auto shotgun 205-3240172 SET OF 3 BLACK POWDER RIFLES 1 is oist rifle 45 cal flint lock gun 1 is blue ridge 45 cal other 73 thompson comp rebuilt top to bottom 45 cal cap & ball guns auto sensorys leather pouches mold to make balls lots of caps new box gun powder take $1k for everything or might do some trading for good 4x4 or golf cart gasoline of equal value 256-728-8426 SILVER WAR DOUBLE BARREL must see serious calls only 256-454-1252 SKS RIFLE composite folding stock new cond $275 mike 302-3760 SKS W AN ADJUSTABLE STOCK tri rail & a holographic sight $500 albertville 256-6120264 SMITH & WESSON 38 combat master piece model 15 4” barrel very good cond $475 547-8388 SMITH & WESSON 40 caliber 10-shot revolver w/xtra clip-case-holster sell or trade 205-938-7771 SMITH & WESSON 40 caliber auto like new 2-14 round clips & smith & wesson hard plastic case $350 205-353-3734 SMITH & WESSON 500magnum ss 9 in bdl licepold 3-9 scope call 302-3760 SMITH & WESSON MODEL 19 357 mag nickel 4 in barrel $350 256-293-8819 SMITH & WESSON MODEL 29 classic has full underlug 5in barrel blue & comes w haugen handgun holster in nra exc cond revolver sells for $800 new I am asking $650 some fact ammo is avail also in scottsboro at 256-587-0121 mornings I work evenings SMITH/WESSON MODEL 625 45APC revolver ss performance center gun $450 256-339-7284 STEPHENS SINGLE BARREL 20 gauge shot gun $100 call 256-565-9430 STEVENS 410 single barrel good cond 678232-2789 or 706-777-1499 SUMMIT TREE STAND like new rarely used open front $150 obo 256-543-7883 SUMMIT TREE STANDS metal climber $75 256-504-6984 T C MUZZLE LOADER SS all weather 50 cal side lock as new $200 cash 516-2022 TAURUS 9MM PISTOL w/xtras $300 256677-1118 TAURUS PT 22 few mo old exc cond super clean 1 mag holes 8+1 $260 256-403-3484 TAURUS PT 22 PISTOL IN NEW COND $275 firm 256-330-0159 THOMPSON CENTER 50 cal muzzle loader stainsless steel all weather side lock not an inline as new $200 516-2022 THOMPSON OMEGA 50 CAL Z5 muzzleloader never fired $275 572-5814 TRADITIONS PURSUIT LT camo edit 50 cal 3x9x40 camo scope new cond in box $250 call after 5:30 grant area 728-2919 WADSWORTH & FOREHAND REVOLVER perception auto model 5-shot 38 caliber break open style most of nickel plate intact made 1898-1902 $250 256-506-7206 WALTHER P22 pistol w extended 5in barrel 2 mags case & more only $400 albertville

18 NovEMbER 2009

MISSy ’ S kENNEl (located in north gadsden) n


Professional Dog Breeder now has...

ADORABLE PUPPiES! we have... • yorkIEs • toy pooDLEs • pomErANIAN • shIh-tzu (256)




[email protected] n www.missysKennel.piczo.com grooming now available (By appointment) 256-612-0264 WANT TO BUY 22 cal ammo call 256-6823453 WANT TO BUY 30/30 at reasonable price 256-894-6102 WANT TO BUY 410 ga & 22 cal ammo 256682-3453 WANT TO BUY 410/22 cal over under shotgun 256-682-3453 WANT TO BUY 410/22 cal over under shotgun call 256-682-3453 WANT TO BUY 510 GA AMMO call 256-6823453 WANT TO BUY any old model 410 dbl barrel shotgun, Steven or Savage 256-6592235 WANT TO BUY guns that need to be repaired 256-840-9030 WANT TO BUY PRE ‘82 smith & wesson or colt revolvers reasonably priced & in good cond 205-789-8337 WANT TO BUY REMINGTON NYLON 66 also looking for winchester or browning lever action 22 trussville 205-789-8337 WANT TO TRADE FOR AMMO FOR 25 CAL PISTOL 256-605-0207 WANTED 223 RIFLE at a reasonable price want to go varmit hunting 256-677-8350 WANTED 410 or 20ga double barrel in Stevens or Savage w/dbl triggers in good cond 593-3948 WANTED 9mm Glock or 40cm glock reasonably priced also mini 30 256-894-6102 WANTED REMINGTON 870 12ga rifled slug barrel 20 to 24in I have a rem 870 wingmaster 28in barrel w vent rib to trade or will buy 256-891-1060 WHITE TAIL ARROW 31” PULL W/QUIVER case arrows tips sites and targe deer $175 256-572-4779 WINCHESTER 25-35 RIFLE AMMO soft point hard to find 19 rounds $20 256-5067206 WINCHESTER 7 SHORT MAG ss barrel synthetic stock w/scope $450 256-543-2982 WINCHESTER MODEL 50 AUTO shotgun for parts or fixer upper $100 205-274-2486 WINCHESTER MODEL 62 PUP 22 1940s or 1950s great cond $650 547-8388 WINCHESTER NORINGO 97 shotgun 12ga 18” barren new $400 547-8388 YOUTH 22 ROSSI w extra 410 barrel as new $150 256-593-2063 5 ½ WEEK OLD BLACK & WHITE pit bull puppy short & stocky parents on premises $150 call 477-5262 ETS/LIVESTOCK~


‘03 CHAPPERAL 16 gooseneck stock trailer cut gate rear gate w cattle gate built in new spare great shape $2850 256-302-2672 (2) MALE CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES 3mos ckc $100 ea 613-4465 (2) MOUNTAIN CUR SQUIRREL dog pup-

pies male & female 678-232-2789 or 706777-1499 (2) SOLID WOOD dog houses $25 ea 8453080 (2) YOUNG RHODE ISLAND RED roosters one 5mos other 3mos $10 for pair 256-5864544 Joppa (3) BEAUTIFUL PEKINESE 256-636-2062 reasonable prices (3) MALE GOLDEN RED PHEASANTS 1 1/2yo 878-5106 (4) GREAT PYRENEES PUPPIES 2 females 2 females very friendly raised w/goats & cows parents on site full blooded no papers $100 ea 205-446-0072 (4) SHIH-TZU/PUG MIX PUPPIES & 2 pug puppies 256-477-0601 (5) BABY SUN CONURE BIRDS real sweet ready to go for Christmas 256-492-4964 (5) BABY SUN CONURES 256-298-1233 (5) BRONZE TURKEY TOM & Narragansett hens & toms 256-739-8446 (6) FREE PUPPIES half lab/half bulldog 256-593-9313 $50 SMALL YORKIE TERRIER MIX tan color w wirey hair she is 1 yr old & full grown she is about 6lbs she needs a new home w a yard to play in 256-498-1157 1 3YR OLD MARE green broke & gentle 1 4 yr old jack gentle both in good shape just need to sell $150 or pair call 593-7503 1 FEMALE GERMAN SHEPHERD akc reg 4 yrs & 10 mo old good w kids very loving $200 obo 256-486-2134 morgan co eva al 1 MALE CORKIEPOO WHITE BROWN nose & ear has shots dewormed $50 born on aug 5th adorable must see for details call 256657-3592 10 CKC REG GERMAN SHEPHARD PUPS blk/tan blk/gray 7 females 3 males

shots/dewormed taking dep’s now ready to go on nov 28th Rainsville area 256-6387340 10 MO MINIATURE COLT gray blaze face gentle $250 256-587-6313 10 WK OLD PIT BULL PUPS blue/white 3 females $250 males $200 558-9963 11 MO BLUE BRINDLE PIT BULL MALE ears clipped adba reg $550 256-470-2194 11 MO ENGLISH BULLDOG female very short x-tra stocky red w/white chest $600 470-2194 11 MO MINIATURE COLT GRAY blaze face gentle $250 256-587-6313 11 YR OLD TN WALKER W/PAINT MARKINGS trail rides 11 yrs old nice horse $1000 obo 256-393-0603 12 WEEK OLD BLUE pit bull puppies 3fm $150 call 256-477-5262 12 YR OLD MINIATURE MARE SORRELL/WHITE halter broke gentle $450 256-587-6313 possibly bred 14’ GOOSENECK STOCK TRAILER $1800 obo 205-359-0373 14YO TRI COLORED paint mare good trail horse 256-302-6047 15” SADDLE GOOD COND hvy made $250 205-359-0373 16” ROPING SADDLE GOOD LEATHER good cond 256-303-2765 17” ROPING SADDLE MADE BY SADDLESMITH SADDELRY in texas oak leaf tooling nice $525 lv msg 256-593-4750 18 YR OLD AQHA HALTER BRED bay mare 15-2hands big & blocky super papers hypp/nn sound $500 205-647-7457 19 MO OLD pretty dark bay filly will mature at 14-1 hands & be a nice mare $200 205647-7457 2 ½ YR OLD BLACK BRINDLE BOXER

18 NovEMbER 2009 3 YR OLD APPALOOSA/QUARTER cross mare 14-1hands nice looking green broke & riding well & ridden weekly $600 205-6477457 3 YR OLD QUARTER HORSE MARE exc bloodlines grn broke $400 256-218-1868 3 YR OLD REG MINIATURE JACK spotted $400 218-1868 3-BLUE RUBEL GAME ROOSTERS $35 EA 528-7068 3-GELDINGS/BEGINNER SAFE $600 TO $800 506-0235 3-REG QUARTER HORSE MARES 2 w/colts one bred 15 hands 528-7954 3-SILVER LAKE ROOSTERS $15 EA 5287068 30 GAL FISH TANK W/PROX 200 GUPPIES $100 256-486-4481 3BR 2BA MOBILE HOME in Geraldine water & trash pu included $435 mo $200 dep hud approved 659-8729 3YO HIMALAYAIN PERSIAN MALE $50 582-8230 G’ville 4 YR OLD MARE MULE 13.3 NICE $300 5287954 4 YR OLD PALAMINO MARE 589-4589 4 YR OLD PERSIAN GELDING rides works single or dbl 17 hands also have harness 528-7954 4 YR OLD QUARTER HORSE GELDING dapple gray $300 528-7954 4-TOY JACK RUSSELL PUPS 601-2101 4-YORKSHIRE TERRIERS males and females $300 ready in two wks 256-7061660 4X4 OR SQ BALES HAY wanted must be reasonably priced 256-739-8446 4YO BEAGLE FEMALE outstanding rabbit dog $400 678-232-2789 or 706-777-1499 5 AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIERS males/females brindle some blk 302-5275 5 BEAGLES ready in 2 wks blk/wht all males $50 ea 256-891-0156 5 YO MINIATURE MARE REG sorrel/white w/6 wk old colt filly 256-587-6313 5 YR OLD PAINT GELDING SORRELL/WHITE dead broke guaranteed for 30 days 891-8989 5-1/2 WK OLD BLUE PIT BULLS UKC REG 2-BALL PYTHONS 250 GAL tank and all $250 ea mom dbl reg 256-470-2194 accessories w/stand 205-237-0896 5-GAME ROOSTERS AND 6 GAME HENS $40 2-CKC REG GERMAN SHEPHARD PUPS both per rooster $25 per hen or $300 for all 878males 3-1/2 mos old blk/tan in color 9429 a’ville Rainsville area 256-638-7340 5-RED NOSE PIT BULLDOG PUPS 8 wks old 2-FEMALE SOLID BLK ¾ PUG father akc reg shots/wormed $100 ea 3 females 2 males full blood mom half pug half Pekingese 205- 256-528-2779 589-8680 $200 8 wks old 50 GOATS 477-1509 2-MINIATURE MARES SORREL/WHITE paint 12yr old and 5yr old matching pr 55 GAL AQUARIUM STAND BLK 2DRS $20 $800 or both $500 ea both bred 256-587- FIRM 256-605-0207 6 MO OLD FEMALE BLK LAB free to good 6313 2-MINIATURE MARES WHITE appaloosa home 256-506-4304 gentle halter broke 8 yr old 5 yr old $1000 6 WK OLD FULL BLOOD DUTCH SHEPHARD PUPS brindle color parents are imported for pr 256-587-6313 2-PIGMY BILLY GOATS stay small caramel police working dogs $200 cash shots/dewormed 205-674-0474 in color $50 ea 256-587-6313 2-POT BELLY PIGS SMALL $50 EA 205-589- 6 WK OLD FULL BLOOD DUTCH SHEPHARD PUPS brindle parents imported police 8680 working dogs $150 ea shots/dewormed 2-PRYENEES DOGS for goats and cattle 205-674-6474 256-682-3756 6 YR OLD GELDING PASO FINA VERY NICE 2-TOY JACK RUSSELL MALES 6 wks old $500 528-7954 $100 601-2101 7 WK OLD COLLIE PUPS free not able to 20 GAL AQUARIUM W/STAND needs clean- care for them 561-3637 to good homes only ing $40 256-505-9829 7 YO GELDING RACKING HORSE 15 HANDS 20 GOATS $10 EA $15 PER PR 256-613- blk w/blaze white socks on back legs nice 3621 $700 528-7954 2YO WHT/BLK MALE LHASO APSO free to 7 YR OLD BUCKSKIN GELDING 589-4589 good home only he is a rescue dog well behaved loves attention he came from a 7 YR OLD PAINT GELDING CHILDS HORSE home w/small children can email pics 256- anyone can ride $700 205-359-0373 7 YR OLD PAINT GELDING kid ridden any572-3833 lv msg 3 AKC Chihuahua for sale. Have papers. one can ride $700 obo 205-359-0373 Already wormed and have their first shots. 7-1/2 WK OLD DACHSHUND PUPS $50 Girl $300 and boy for $250. 256-281-9221 538-9880 7YO AKC STAFFORDSHIRE BULL terrier blk or www.eswapper.com/ 3 CKC registered Female YorkiePoos for brindle female never had pups great dog sale. Will be ready Dec 3, 2009. Contact kennel reduction 45lbs free to right home 256-638-6024 256-390-4824 or www.eswapper.com/ 3 PIGMY GOATS ONE NANNY two billy’s 8 MO MINIATURE PALAMINO $400 256stay small caramel in color $150 for all 256- 587-6313 8 MO OLD 4LB house trained male yorkie 587-6313 3 REG MINN PINN PUPS $300 ea males 256- for sale great w people & animals $400 obo can email pics call or text for more info 256677-1118 3 TO 4 YR OLD MALE BEAGLE good rabbit 656-6119 lv msg 8 MO OLD CATAHOOLA FEMALE LEOPARD dog 593-5649 3 TO 4’ TALL FISH AQUARIUM STAND $20 PUP blk/blue brown eyes knows basic commands ckc reg $150 obo 256-470-1055 blk 205-473-1488 8 month old, 4 pound house trained male THE SWAPPER


female akc reg $125 call 256-538-7986 2 ADULT FEMALE BOSTON TERRIER dogs 3 & 4 yrs akc & ckc reg 1 is red & white 1 is seal & white seal & white is dad is red & white boston $150ea 256-538-7986 2 COCKATIELS MALE/FEMALE w/cage $150 for all 505-7437 g’ville 2 FEMALE GUINNE PIGS 4MO OLD large cage small traveling cage $50 256-5723052 2 HORSE WAGON AND PR WAGON MULES

WE buy lANd &HouSES!

matt Burnett 256-572-1474 tom Gilbreath 256-251-1944 WeLLS BroS. reaL eState 256-558-2710 2 HORSES one 4yo grey gelding one 8yo sorrel mare both cattle working exp $600 ea 256-490-1942 2 LABS 1 IS 1 ½ YR OLD female that is 1 yr old yellow gold 256-572-5395 2 MALE AMERICAN BULLDOGS white/brown one w/brindle $150 nkc reg championship bloodline 205-907-3527 2 MALE POODLES male maltese $75 ea 205429-1844 2 YR OLD BULLDOG 256-572-5395 2 YR OLD MALE AMERICAN ENGLISH BULLDOG free to good home one female reverse brindle boxer 15 mos old $150 256878-1093 2 YR OLD REG AQHA BUCKSKIN MARE very friendly well built not broke 302-0751 2 YR OLD YORKIE MALE CKC REG 256-6304474 2-3 CHICHEN HOUSE BROODERS wanted reasonably priced, must be working 256739-8446 2-AKC REG BLOODHOUNDS male and female blk/tan in color 11 wks old $200 ea 205-466-5318


yorkie for sale. great with other animals (big or small) and loves people! 256-5656119 email for pictures - or or 8 YR OLD HALFLINGER GELDING works grt under harness loads/shoes $750 256-5573076 8 YR OLD HALFLINGER GELDING works grt under harness shoes loads easy $750 256557-3076 80 ACRES PASTURE FOR LEASE 256-4701663 256-470-1663 8MO MINIATURE MARE palamino halter broke/gentle $400 256-587-6313 8WK OLD MIXED BREED PUPS males/females free to good home 724-7779905 9 LITTLE PUPPIES I need to find homes for 256-505-4748 aft 5pm 9 MO BLUE FAWN FEMALE ears cut reg $150 256-470-2194 9 WK OLD KITTEN HALF SIAMESE half Persian female $25 593-4208 9 YR OLD PAINT GELDING 15 HANDS grt on trails loads bathes $600 256-458-5554 ACK BULLMASTIFF PUPS show quality born July 14 2009 $800 256-605-6483 Pisgah before 8pm ADBA AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER female razors edge 3yo blue/wht 75lbs good breeder very good temperament $300 256-739-3627 Cullman ADBA PIT BULL PUPPIES great bl some red nose $300 can see parents 256-996-1772 ADBA RAZORS EDGE 2-1/2 YR OLD FEMALE $250 solid blue 256-276-7333 ADBA REG AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER/MALE 8 mos old razors edge bloodline white/seal 55 lbs will be lg and good temperament $500 cullman 256-739-3627 ADORABLE TOY RAT TERRIERS all shots wormings utd housebroke beautiful markings great early Christmas gift $100 cash 256-305-0060 ADULT AMERICAN BULLDOGS female $150 and adult boxer female reg $250 cash only 256-282-3733 both very lg ADULT DACHSHUND AND PUPS $75 up 256-732-3283 ADULT DOG FOR SELL PAPILLON MALE blk/white $50 2-pomeranian females red $150 ea shih tzu females $150 cash only 256-770-3769 ADULT ENGLISH BULLDOG females (3) $450 ea non breeders pet quality only good pets 256-657-2235 ADULT FEMALE POMERANIANS red full blood $150 cash only 256-7703769BOSTON TERRIER ADULT FEMALE blk/white 3 yrs old $150 cash only 256770-3769 ADULT LONGHAIR CHIHUAHUAS 3 5mo old males for $50ea & adults females 1 yr old $100ea cash only call 256-796-8981 ADULT MALE POODLES not reg asking $50ea call 256-796-8981 ADULT PARTY POODLE MALE BREEDER $250 one yr old 256-927-7327 ADULT POMERANIANS 1yo-6yo exc cond no health problems very loving/friendly utd on shots & worming ckc can email pics $350 cash & up 423-774-6001 AKC BLOODHOOD PUPS $300 ea 205-5894959 AKC BOSTON TERRIER PUPS ready Dec 5th $200 1st shots wormed 256-609-2181 AKC BOSTON TERRIER w/champion bl 1 female 2 males 8wks old vet ckd 1st shots utd on worming $400 female $350 for males 256-295-2241 AKC BOXER FEMALE PUP 20 wks old blk mask w/white blaze chest white socks fawn vet checked utd shots/worming $200 5727912 AKC BOXER PUPPY flashy fawn color price reduced to $200 vet checked very healthy utd shots 20 wks old 572-7912 AKC BOXER PUPPY last one flashy fawn blk mask white blaze white socks short nose $200 256-572-7912 AKC CHIHUAHUAS 3 MALES 3 MOS OLD healthy utd shots blue fawn blk/white one cream small $300 ea 256-886-2352 AKC DOBERMAN PUPPIES blk/tan males/females born 11/6/09 will be ready 12/18/09 parents on site (both have exc temperaments) now accepting deposits $400 572-4934 or 878-0813

AKC ENGLISH BULLDOGS 3 females ready for Christmas $1200 ea very short/flashy 256-504-7301 AKC ENGLISH MASTIFF PUPS 5 mos old 2 males $500 256-253-2495 AKC ENGLISH MASTIFF PUPS all colors diff ages ready to go now 256-253-2495 AKC FEMALE BLOODHOUND 2 YRS OLD REG $200 256-894-6102 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD female $200 256-548-6238 AKC German Shepherd Puppies Excellent Blood Line-Vet Checked-Puppy ShotsWormed Ready 1st. week of December-taking deposits now (256) 435-0819 see pics at www.eswapper.com/puppies AKC GREAT DANE PUPPIES parents on site $500 to $800 256-548-6238 AKC MALE ENGLISH bulldog puppy red/wht champion lineage $1800 5045361 AKC MALE ENGLISH BULLDOG white great temperament $1200 256-504-5361 AKC MALE POODLE 6 MOS OLD sm dog white and apricot $350 558-4818 AKC REG BASSET PUPS all shots/wormed 878-7033 AKC REG CHOCOLATE DAPPLE mini dachshund puppy 6 mo old female utd on vacc long haired beaut green eyes champ bloodlines started on house training $400 call 256-622-2267 AKC REG COCKER SPANIEL PUPS 12 mos old 256-601-9633 AKC REG SHIH TSU MALE 7 wks old shots/wormed 256-630-4474 ft payne AKC REG SHIH TZU utd on shots wormed vet checked 2boys 2girls cho & white liver & white cho brindle & white $250ea call 256-601-6306 AKC REG YORKSHIRE TERRIER that is 10 wks old first shots & worming 1 is on the large side asking $400 for her call 256-5387986 AKC STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIERS not an Amstaff, xmall breed 35lbs dob 8/26/09 2 females brindle $100 ea 256-638-6024 AKC/CKC DBL REG COCKER SPANIEL PUPS several colors shots/wormed dew claws removed vet checked ready to go now 6 wks old males $250 females $275 cash only 256-878-5697 AKC/CKC DBL REG MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies white salt and pepper and blk colors males/females has shots wormed dew claws removed vet checked ready to go now 6 wks old males $250 ea females $275 ea cash only 256-878-5697 AKC/CKC SHIH-TZAU PUPS 5 males 2 females various colors ready Dec 24 25647-2889 AKC/CKC SHIH-TZU PUPS 4 males 1 female various colors ready Dec 11 256-437-2889 AKC/CKC SHIH-TZU PUPS Imperial size various colors ready Dec 28 256-437-2889 AKC/CKC YORKSHIRE TERRIER puppy 19wk old male $350 256-437-2889 ALL LEATHER DOG HANDLER collar nor necks 25in to 31 in never used $40 5613213 AMERICAN BULL DOG 1 ½ yr old female $100 256-548-6238 AMERICAN BULLDOG FEMALE will be lg 4 mos old $150 cash only 256-770-3769 AMERICAN BULLDOG PUPPIES 6wks old 4 males 4 females $50 ea 256-418-0464 AMERICAN BULLDOG PUPPIES nkc $100 ea 256-601-9341 AMERICAN BULLDOG puppies nkc males & females $100 ea 256-601-9341 AMERICAN BULLDOGS female $150 and adult boxer female reg $250 cash only 256282-3733 both very lg AMERICAN ESKIMO PUPPIES white reg will be small 256-282-3733 AMERICAN PIT BULL DOG PUPS 8 wks old shots/wormed $100 ea 256-558-2632 AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER 14wks old gotti/razors edge bl $150 256-200-1349 AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER female blue fawn $500 w papers double reg 256-4180464 AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER PUPPY $75 blonde/white playful 887-4048 AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIOR pups Razor Edge bloodline ukc good pedigree blue, brindle, wht $400 ea 256-586-4695 or 256-

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 302-1536 AMERICAN RED NOSE ready for Christmas $250 ea 256-477-4938 AMERICAN SANAAN DOES god milkers, cycling & ready to breed champion bl adga reg $150 & up 256-996-2104 AMISH MADE BUGGY persharun mare new gear 256-302-2701 ANGORA RABBITS for sale call 256-3021012 ANGUS BEEF half or whole, I take to butcher & deliver vacuum sealed ready for the freezer cut the way you want 256-3900149 Gadsden APHA PALOMINO YEARLING stud colts (2) look great, good bl $500 obo 256-298-1299 G’ville area APHA REG 6 YO SORRELL MARE due to foal in may to reg paint $400 256-477-5240 APHA REG 6 YR OLD RED/WHITE tobiano mare broke to ride $700 256-477-5240 APPLE HEAD CHIHUAHUA puppies 4 to 5 lbs when grown very cute call 256-3021012 AQHA COLTS RED ROAN weanling one sorrel w/flax mane and tail aqha champions calf $175 892-5122 palamino horse champions $800 for pr or BLACK BELLY BARBADOS LAMBS & crosses will separate 599-3376 listen to offers $75 up 256-739-8446 ARAUCANA BANTAM CHICKS 3 wks old lay BLACK SPANISH TOM for sale 1 yr old very diff colored eggs $2 ea 205-529-2174 large bird 256-605-6316 ATTENTION German Shepherd & Canadian BLK MINIATURE DOBERMAN pincher free wolf mix female puppy $50 to good home to good home 891-1947 891-1992 BLK MUSCOVY DUCKS big beautiful hand AUSSIE PUPS MALES females 528-4571 raised make good pets 256-878-4653 AUSTRALIAN PUPPIES 506-0235 A’ville AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD PUPPIES blk tri BLK/TAN COON dog $100 (left no #) colored and merles 528-4571 BLK/TAN MALE DACHSHUND 5 MOS OLD AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD PUPPY reg blue $150 adult male and female all colors ckc merle female 6 mos old $100 256-659-5655 reg shots good health $200 young pups all AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS colors $150 256-228-6743 males/females blk tri color and blue merle BLK/WHITE PIT BULL PUP 5-1/2 WKS OLD 528-4571 $150 558-9963 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUPS reg shots BLK/WHITE TN WALKING HORSE GELDwormed red merle male $200 blkl w/tan ING 506-0235 $850 trim female $100 205-559-7450 BLK/WHT PAINT GELDING 10yo 14.2h BABY BUNNIES 17 DIFF BREEDS lion hds good trail horse woman rode $600 205new Zealand Californians etc $10 256-354- 629-6635 Odenville 5065 BLOODHOUND PUPPIES just in time for BABY CHICKS different breeds $2 ea 205- Christmas 7 to choose from good family 466-3456 dogs great w/kits, tracing background BABY HEDGEHOGS 9wks old all ready Dec 9th reg $250 ea 256-506-8089 or colors/sexes $75 tame & cute 205-681- 256-593-1053 5299 BLOODHOUND PUPS akc 8wks old 1st shots BABY PANAGONIAN BIRD real sweet 256- wormed exc pedigree $300 ea 205-589492-4964 4959 BABY PIGMY GOAT GRT PET $40 cash only BLUE & WHITE MALE pit bull puppies 12 256-770-3769 wks old $200 short & stocky 256-558-9963 BACKYARD POULTRY houses various sizes BLUE BRINDLE MALE ADBA REG for stud 256-739-8446 service $300 470-0320 BANTAMS White Cochins 2 hens 1 roo 1 BLUE HEELER PUPPIES 8wks old pullet & 2 chicks show quality $40 for all cute/playful 1 male 2 females parents on 256-638-6024 site $60 256-558-7362 BARN KEPT BERMUDA HAY large round BLUE PIT BULL FEMALE 3 yrs old adba and bales fertilized limed no weeds cured & ukc reg $600 256-470-2194 grt breed dog bailed w/no rain $35 per roll, large round BLUE PIT BULL TERRIER KENNEL REDUCbales stored outside $25 per roll 256-891- TION sell several young adults pups etc 4284 256-470-2194 BASSETT HOUND we have a 10 mo old BLUE ROAN 2yo mare great bl on papers female to give away to a good home all shown padded placed in several classes has shots are utd loves playing w kids very been taken off pads & flat shod beautiful loveable dog call 256-840-8140 mover anyone can ride her $1200 878BAY FILLY COLT $100 205-359-0373 9747 BEAGLE PUPS 6 wks old shots/wormed BOER BILLY kids $75 will be big breeders 256-659-2131 256-739-8446 BEAUTIFUL FULL BLOODED Jack Russell BORDER COLLIE PUPS trip-colored ckc sire puppies wht w/blk spots 2 females 1 male is dbl reg dam is ckc reg males $75 females $80 ea 256-515-3888 $50 3mos old 256-570-0262 BEAUTIFUL FULL BLOODED male apple- Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix head Chihuahua 5mos pad trained $80 256- puppies, born Feb 2 - Extra friendly, raised in petting zoo, great herd dogs, $75 ea, 256515-3888 BEAUTIFUL PAINT STUD HORSE 3 1/2yo 776-4332 BOSTON TERRIER FEMALE adult $150 jack 845-3080 BICHON FRIESE PUPS 8 wks ckc m/f little Russell terrier female $50 cash only good cotton balls one yr health warranty $150 homes only 256-770-3769 BOSTON TERRIER PUPS ckc one 7mths 256-927-4441 BIG BEAUTIFUL PEKIN DUCKS hand raised another 10mths both males $100 ea 256gentle males females 256-878-4653 A’ville 878-5005 BOSTON TERRIER/PUG PUPPIES ckc male BILLY GOATS FOR SELL 659-4010 BIRDS MUST REDUCE INVENTORY cock- & female brindle $300 ea 256-506-8851 atiels of all colors inc albino & other white Arab faced one alex ringneck a pair of indian BOXER PUPPIES 2 FEMALES tails docked ringneck a blue male & lutino female also 2 dew claws removed 1st shots 256-561lutino male indian ringnecks male parolett 2545 & several parakeets breeders & handfed BOXER PUPS AKC REG 2 males one female babies avail discounts for purchase of mul- dew claws removed tails docked shots 6 tifle pairs call 256-572-3252 wks old $300 302-1471 BLACK ANGUS CHAROLOIS CROSS bottle BRAFFORD BULL CALVES just weaned fr


very good stock out of mid south ga great reeding stock for young herd call & lv msg 256-572-3252 BRAFORD CATTLE fr stock out of central ga awesome bull calves all are very gentle ready in dec call 256-572-3242 BRAND NEW ALL LEATHER DOG HANDLER COLLAR for necks 25’’ to 31’’ never been used still has tags attached paid $50 will sell for $40 256-561-3213 WALL MOUNT OUTDOOR LIGHT fixture outdoor incandescent wall lantern used will sell for $10 call 256-561-3213 BRANGUS BULL FOR SALE 3 yrs old out of mr tyson newsman & ms pathstar exstall $1900 call 205-242-6463 bull is in albertville BREEDER PAIRS & BABY handfed exotic birds reduction sale of sm & mid size birds many colors of parakeets & cockatiel inc white face & albino alexandrine male 2 yrllow indian ringneck male plus a pair of one

outback outback


atV & CYCLE REpaiR see our ad on p. 16 blue & one yellow indian ringneck one rare gothic lovebird call & lv msg 256-572-3252 BROAD BREASTED white hens 10 available ready for Thanksgiving or for next yrs breeding $45 ea 334-332-0202 BRONZE TURKEY TOM & Narragansett hen & tom wanted 256-739-8446 BROWN AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK sadle w/hors $250 256-470-0101 8am-7pm BROWN EGG LAYERS pullets & roosters 4mos buff orphanington & golden buff $6 up firm 256-996-2105 BULLDOG FEMALES 4 mos old $150 cash only 256-770-3769 BULLDOG PUP half English half American female mostly white brindle patches 10 wks old 2nd shots dewormed $175 cash 256-605-2650 BUNNY RABBITS for sale 256-302-1012 CALICO BOB TAIL CAT fixed 593-7400 will deliver to good home CARMELLO/ARABIAN MIX 8yo expecting foal soon rideable has been ridden by child $650 obo 256-390-6592 CHAIN LINK DOG PEN w/solid wood dog house $100 845-3080 CHESTNUT MARBLE AP GELDING w/blanket & spots over hips 3yo 15+h gentle friendly trail ridden traffic safe used for traffic control on road rides broke to pull ground slide can be ridden w/just a halter & lead very smart slow pleasure trot shod utd on everything neg coggins very flashy $1500 878-9747 CHICKEN HOUSE TO BE MOVED 40 X 200 10 ton feed bins feeder incinerator brooders alarm system timers thermostats 5865263 CHICKS FROM TESTED BREEDERS buff orpington & barred rocks 2wks & older $3


up 256-739-8446 CHIHUAHUA & RAT TERRIER MIX puppies free to good home 256-597-2700 CHIHUAHUA APPLE HEAD puppies teacup & toy size $100 up 256-597-2700 CHIHUAHUA MALES for sale 4 males 4mo old around 4lbs when grown ckc reg $150ea cash call 256-796-8981 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES 9wks on 19th 1 silver fawn male 1 blk/tan female very friendly/playful parents avail for viewing $250 256-457-5818 Union Grove CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES for sale 256-3021012 CHIHUAHUA PUPPY SOLID WHITE FEMALE $150 cash only 256-282-3733 CHIHUAHUA PUPPY will stay small $150 cash only 256-282-3733 CHIHUAHUA PUPS and mother dog $100 males $150 females $100 mom dog mom and dad are reg 695-5134 CHIHUAHUA PUPS ckc applehead, long/short hair utd on shots & worming small toys & tiny tiny toys $200 up cash can email pics 423-774-6001 can email pics CHIHUAHUA PUPS shots/wormed 4 males 2 females $100 ea 256-547-1756 CHIHUAHUA TOY SIZE male 7mos $50 256597-2700 CHIHUAHUA/FEIST MIX male 5 mos old $50 205-589-8680 CHIHUAHUAS ckc reg shots & wormed $200 males $250 females call 256-6361963 CHOCOLATE CHIHUAHUA puppy 3mo old ckc $150 613-4465 CHOCOLATE LAB FOR STUD proven pro beau pups lg head stocky build 100lb 6yrs stud fee $300 256-561-3213 CHORKIES/MALES AND FEMALES $300 UP taking dep’s now 256-546-6648 CKC APPLEHEAD CHIHUAHUAS 11 wks old $250 205-814-3656 CKC AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD PUPPY 6 wks old $150 205-362-0486 CKC BOSTON TERRIER FEMALE 5 yrs old grt pet/breeder $100 256-659-2131 CKC BOSTON TERRIER PUPS 2 males 7mo & 10mo $100 ea 256-878-5005 CKC BOSTON TERRIERS 3 males shots wormed 7 & 10wks old $250 ea cash 25796-5010 CKC BOXER PUPS FLASHY FAWN and white brindle/white utd shots/deworming males and females parents on premises $250 shirley 205-495-6755 CKC BREEDING PR CHIHUAHUAS $200 205-814-3656 CKC CHIHUAHUA 2 males 1 female $200ea layaway for christmas will be ready on dec 7th for details call 256-657-3592 CKC CHIHUAHUA PUPS tiny toys & small toys short & long coats utd shots wormings appleheads $300 up cash only can email pics 423-332-3774 or 423-774-6001 CKC CHIHUAHUAS 2 boys 1 girl 1 black white 2 tan black layaway for christmas will be ready on dec 7th will have 1st shot & dewormed details call 256-657-3592 CKC COCKER SPANIEL PUPPY female blk/white parents on premises 6 wks on nov 30th $200 878-4564 CKC DACHSHUND PUPS blk/tan male, choc male, dapple male $150 ea shots wormed hlth guar 256-228-7052 CKC FEMALE ROTTWEILER 5mths old $200 256-473-1755 CKC GOLDEN DOODLE PUPS 9 WKS OLD 1st generation $400 205-362-0486 CKC LONGHAIR DACHSHUNDS 8wks red/brown female $145, ckc short hair red female 5yo needs loving home current on shots $50 256-996-1243 CKC MALE YORKIE 4mos shots wormed rabies shot $250 cash 256-796-5010 CKC MINI-PINSCHER PUPS 1 red girls 15wks old $200 256-437-2889 CKC MINIATURE PINSCHER PUPPIES 4 males 1 female blk/rust ready Dec 10 256437-2889 CKC MINIATURE SCHNAUZER PUPPIES 1 male 2 females mostly blk multiple champions in father’s pedigree $300 ea 256-4372889 CKC MINN PINN 7 WKS OLD $300 205-8143656 CKC MINN PINN PUPPIES 14 wks old $175

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 ESKIMO PUPPIES white reg will be small 205-362-0486 256-282-3733 CKC PUG PUPPIES $200 g’ville 582-8230 CKC REG BOSTON TERRIER PUPPY 2 males EXERCISE DOG KENNEL $50 878-7024 EXOTIC BREEDER BIRD reduction, must shots/wormed $250 256-717-3632 CKC REG FEMALE CHIHUAHUA TINY down size, several breeding pairs & singles APPLEHEAD tan in color 4 mos old utd now reduced for quick sale, larger discount if buy multiple pairs, many are proven 256shots/worming 256-638-7340 rainsville CKC REG POMERANIAN PUPS $150 EA 582-5808 lv msg miniature pincher pups ckc reg one cocker FAN TAIL GOLD FISH 256-659-6907 FAT LITTLE BOSS HOG brindle 8wk spaniel akc reg $200 256-659-6439 CKC SHELTIE 5 MOS OLD pups $200 205- Staffordshire bull terrier never aggressive great w/kids & animals had 2nd shots 814-3656 CKC SHIH-TZU 12wk old male puppy impe- wormed $125 cash 256-302-0024 full blooded rial size $350 256-437-2889 CKC YORKIE ALL SHOTS 12 WKS OLD $250 FEMALE BEGALE $50 256-506-0137 FEMALE BOXER BULLDOG PUP 5 mos old 593-6103 CKC YORKIES 1FEMALE $400 1 tiny female $100 brown/white 256-657-4479 $500 & 1 male $300 layaway for christmas FEMALE POODLE 6 MOS OLD $200 young will be ready dec 14th will have 1st shot & hand fed paralet several colors $50 ea 256dewormed on pickup call for details 256- 263-2835 can be taught to talk FEMALE POT BELLY PIG 1 yr old loves her 657-3592 CKC YORKIES layaway for christmas now big belly rubbed $50 256-548-6238 will be ready on dec 23rd 1st shot given FEMALE REVERSE BRINDLE boxer 15mo dewormed 4 males $400 ea have to see to old already had first cycle german bloodline believe how beaut & sweet call for details $150 akc reg 256-298-0157 or after 5 256878-1093 256-599-8531 COCKATIEL $25 256-593-6103 includes FEMALE SHIH-TZU 9yo house trained very loving free to good home must stay in house cage COCKATIELS $25 EA PARAKEETS $10 EA 205-274-7472 FEMALE WHITE WESTIN PUP 2 mos old diff colors 205-915-5326 COCKER SPANIELS 8mos 2 males 1 female shots 256-605-0993 blk/wht, choc/wht sold as pet or breeding FIEST PUPPIES red/wht male, blk/wht female all shots wormed $25 256-200-0516 256-659-2235 COMPLETE AQUARIUM SET-UP 46 GAL Arab FLEA BITTEN GRAY MARE great trail horse bow front tank w/all accessories $350 59315h 900lbs $600 obo 256-298-1299 G’ville 9494 CUSTOM MADE 17” hi back slick seat Wade FOUND LITTLE DOG found at kilpatrick saddle almost new very nice w/lots acces- quick mart he is bigger than a chihuahua green eyed he obviously belonged to somesories pd $800 take $400 256-557-9756 DACHSHUND DOGS adults and pups be read one if anyone would like to claim him can bring him to you call 706-0157 dec short and long hair 228-6743 DACHSHUND PUPS CKC RED MALES all FREE DACHSHUND MALE 878-0990 adults red blk/tan dapple and piebald 228- FREE GRT PYRENEES DOG SPADE 1-1/2 YRS OLD 256-506-8695 6743 DESIGNER CHIHUAHUA PUPS 3 red heeler FREE HAY you cut 45 acres Southside area one blue heeler colored 1st shots/wormed 413-3380 2 pups have blue eyes $200 lv msg 256- FREE HORSE manure start composting for next yrs garden you load-haul, bring your 593-4750 DINING ROOM CHAIRS Ashley furniture own tools, Soddy Daisy area 423-332-3774 pub style 4 chairs never been used still in or 423-774-6001 boxes (table not included) best offer 256- FREE KITTEN 7 WKS OLD female white/gray spots 256-593-2616 571-6694 DISABLEDLADY will buy whole litters of FREE KITTENS 12 WKS OLD yellow/white toy & small breed puppies must be toy size 593-5710 healthy & reasonable will pay cash no min- FREE PET RAT cream colored 205-9155326 ins, mix ok papers or not 256-305-0060 DOBERMAN PINCHER MALES 2 blues one FREE PUPPIES blk/wht part lab & walker fawn ckc reg tails docked dew claws 6mos old 256-244-1148 removed parents on premises $200 256- FREE PUPPIES half Australian shepherd, half husky 256-572-6063 572-2083 DOG GROOMING all size dogs, kennel rates, FREE PUPPY 7 WKS OLD MIXED choc color pick-up, delivery & on-site within reason- 891-0293 able distance avail M-Sat 256-200-0516 FREE PUPS MED TO LG SZ DOG 878-3239 FREE TO GOOD HOME female cat declawed Arab DOG KENNELS commercial made strong indoor good at catching rats 256-293-1094 FREE TO GOOD HOME MIX st Bernard and hvy w/dividers $250 ea 256-599-4886 DOGS FREE TO GOOD HOMES friendly play- bulldog pups 728-7775 ful love kids & adults 256-878-4653 A’ville FREE TO GOOD HOME white chihuahua DOOR LATCHES for rabbit or other small schnauzer mix call 256-301-0032 animal cages 3 for $1 can ship 423-332- FREE TO GOOD HOME/HALF BLOOD3774 or 423-774-6001 HOUND half lab mix pups 528-4571 FRENCH BULLDOG AND JACK RUSSELL DRUM SET/11 PC $350 256-529-9180 DUCKS Ruen mallards & muscovey adults MIX male one yr old brindle in color looks like French $100 256-597-2700 $20 pair 205-589-8680 DUTCH SHEPHERD PUPPIES 6wks full FULL BLOOD LONG HAIR APPLEHEAD blooded parents are imported police work- Chihuahuas $80 male 256-515-3888 ing dogs $150 ea 205-674-0474 FULL BLOOD PEKINGESE BLK MALE can be ENGLISH & AMERICAN CROSS bulldog pup- ckc reg 1-1/2 yr old 205-589-8680 FULL BLOODED MIN AUSTRALIAN blue or pies $200ea or swap for gun 605-2650 ENGLISH ANGORA RABBITS call 256-302- red heeler pups 4 ½ mo old all shots & wormed call 256-609-9327 1012 ENGLISH BULL DOG PUPPYS ¼ boxer $300 GAME CHICKENS various breeds 256-4701975 ea or swap for guns 601-7513 ENGLISH BULLDOG 1yo piebald very sweet, GAME FOWL PULLETS some pure some cross after 4pm till 9pm 256-593-3050 loving dog $300 256-597-2700 ENGLISH BULLDOG if anyone has found or GAME FOWL PURE ESLIN red quill chickens bought a brown/white English bulldog call for prices 205-680-6087 please call 256-302+-6641 GAME HENS FOR SELL $10 205-359-0373 ENGLISH BULLDOG MALE about 1yo GELDING brown/wht paint 5yo very gentle loads bathes perfect beginner or child horse brindle in color $300 256-597-2700 ENGLISH BULLDOG MALE prox one yr old $550 obo 256-601-6515 brindle in color very loving blind in one eye GERMAN SHEPHARD FEMALE blk/red akc $300 256-597-2700 reg 100% german 4 yrs 10 mos old $200 ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPS ¼ American $400 obo 256-482-2134 GERMAN SHEPHARD PUPS ready in four ea cash 516-2022 ENGLISH BULLDOGS NKC REG female light wks 506-0235 brown/white 4 yrs old $600 205-429-3915 GERMAN SHEPHERD MALE 3yo ckc

German bl blk/red 100lbs very good temperament good stud dog $200 256-7393627 Cullman GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY wht ckc 2 females utd shots includes puppy pack & hlth guar 7wks old $400 ea 256-543-7883 GERMAN SHEPHERDS blk/wht female 4yo & 10mos old AKC 100% German blood $200 256-482-2134 GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTER FEMALE and 2 pups one male one female free to good home dad is weimariner mom is pointer 256-558-4513 GOATS 6MO OLD KIKO 1 bily $125, 2 does $100 great for pets or show hand raised 256-586-3149 GOATS FOR SALE pygmy & boer goats $35 & up 256-543-0805 GOATS FOR SELL full blood male boer $125 no papers one part Nubian nanny $50 205589-8680 GOOD HORSES AT GOOD PRICES colts palamino registered paint need to sell because of health 256-574-2023 scottsboro area GOOD POULTLRY netting/wire & rabbit wire 256-739-8446 GOOD TRAIL HORSES apha & aqha broodmares, yearlings & 2 yo filly starting @ $600 G’ville area 256-298-1299 GREAT DANE PUPPIES 5 boys 6 girls ready Dec 18 parents are akc/ckc & on site 7762702 GREAT DANE PUPPIES 5boys 6girls all for sale will be ready to go dec 18th mom & dad akc & ckc reg on premises call debbie 7762702 GREAT PYRENEES PUPS male/female very friendly raised w/goats & cows parents on site full blooded no papers $100 ea 205446-0072 GROWN DOGS ckc Boston Terriers, Yorkies, Pomeranians $150 ea cash 256-796-5010 GRT DANE PUPS comes w/written health guaranty shots/wormed taking dep’s now 256-546-6648 GRT PYRENEES PUPPIES raised w/goats and cows parents on premises full blood no papers $100 ea Oneonta area 205-4460072 GUINEA PIGS tame & gentle all colors $10 ea 205-681-5299 HALF CHIHUAHUA HALF MINN PINN shots/dewormed 256-561-2545 HALF GROWN GIANT RABBITS $8 ea 256605-0993 HALF PUG HALF BOSTON TERRIER 8 wk old male $25 256-470-2941 HALF ROTTWEILER/HALF BULLDOG male 2 yrs old free to good home also half blue heeler half bulldog free female 2 yrs old part Alaskan husky 738-0562 HARNESS DBL SET nice leather 256-2394039 HAY FOR SALE BERMUDA/FESCUE mix 5ft tall 4ft wide rolls w net wrap $20 a roll good hay 256-550-0277 morgan city area HAY FOR SELL 256-659-6907 HORSE MAGAZINES Arabian Horse World 1980 to present $10 per yr or $200 for all cash only can ship exc cond 423-774-6001 HORSE MANURE MULCH by the bag $5 u pick up 256-506-0137 HORSE TRAILER 48ft gooseneck 2-horse straight load w/living quarters sound cond no rust $3000 205-493-9007 HORSE TRAILER W LIVING QUARTERS 4 horse slant w drop down wind good cond $6k days 205-229-3443 evenings 256-7478761 6-8:30 only If you are interested in buying USDA certified organic feed for your livestock please email: [email protected] for an information packet. We are looking at becoming a small dealer for a new feed line that will meet all organic farms needs. Currently available is poultry, rabbit, goat, and cattle. Sheep and horse will be available soon IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in buying USDA certified organic feed for your livestock please email or call 334-332-0202 IGLOO DOG HOUSE wanted 256-228-7052 IMPERIAL SHIH TZU PUPS blk/white reg very tiny $275 cash only 256-770-3769 JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES miniature size $100 ea 256-597-2700

JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES shots wormed reg $150 ea 205-466-3445 JACK RUSSELL PUPS 10 MOS OLD male and female cheap price 256-605-0993 JACK RUSSELL PUPS 7 wks old tails docked shots $50 ea 256-605-0993 JACK RUSSELL PUPS shots/dewormed tails docked dew claws removed $50 ea 256561-2545 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER PUPPIES reg brown/white blk/white $100 ea cash only 256-282-3733 JUST IN TIME for Christmas 7 blood hound puppies good family dogs great w/kids w/tracking background ready Dec 9th reg $250 ea 256-593-1053 JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS the perfect gift beagle mix puppies will be ready in 4 to 5 wks for $50 obo for more info call 256302-1520 lv msg KITTEN 3 MOS OLD FREE TO GOOD HOME 561-5307 LAB PUPPIES akc reg chocolate 3 mo old females $150 cash 256-557-1250 LAB PUPPIES block head wht, blk & choc 1st shots wormed $125 ea 256-894-6102 LABRADOODLE PUPPIES $150 ea schnauzer-poo pups $150 cash only 256-282-3733 LARGE PONY MARE sorrel/wht paint gentle $250 205-681-5299 LG WHITE GOAT NO HORNS gentle $25 205-908-9408 LIONHEAD RABBITS for sale 256-302-1012 LITTLE GIRL is looking for a female cute fuzzy/longhair puppy very cheap about 510wks old 256-305-0024 LOOKING FOR PIT TERRIER PREFERABLY puppy located near a’ville area 256-2931105 LOOKING TO BUY ROUND MANUAL PROPANE BROODERS 1” POULTY WIR, USED ROOF TIN (8’ & 10’ & 16’ PREFERRED) 256-739-8446 LOST BLACK & TAN DACHSHUND male in boaz area $200 reward childs pet part of our family 256-200-0713 LOST ENGLISH BULLDOG brown/white Crossville area if you have found or bought this dog recently please call 302-6641 LOVE BIRDS AND COCKATIELS some cages 659-6468 MAINE COON KITTENS ready day before thanksgiving $250 dads 18lbs call or text me at 256-613-2875 pic of dad at MALE AND FEMALE BULLDOG 256-5725395 MALE BILLY GOAT $40 256-609-2181 MALE BLUE/WHITE PIT BULL PUP 10 WKS OLD parents on site 558-9963 MALE DACHSHUND FREE TO GOOD HOME 256-878-0990 MALE MALTESE PUPPY 9wks old all shots parents ckc reg mother on site $350 256418-0183 days or 256-659-6192 aft 5pm MALE PEKINGESE/CHIHUAHUA DOGS free to good home 891-3146 MALE SHIH-TZU 10mos very playful house trained parti color $200 205-274-7472 MALTESE & POODLE MALE about 1yo toy size 10-12lbs free to good home 256-5972700 MALTESE BABY BOY very wht no tear stains dob 6/27/09 ckc all shots potty pad trained raised in our home w/lots love & care $500 256-282-4306 MALTESE MALE ver small 3-4lbs up for stud 205-701-2678 MALTESE MALE very small 3-4lbs up for stud call 205-701-2678 or email MALTESE MALES 1 yr old weight is around 7lbs not reg selling cheap $150ea call 256796-8981 MALTESE POMERANIANS yorkies m&fm 6 wks & up $300 & up more info call 256894-7334 MALTESE PUPPY 6 MOS OLD male toy size prox 6 lbs grown health guaranteed $300 very sweet and loving pups 256-597-2700 MALTESE PUPS 4 males $300 ea 256-4359522 MALTESE PUPS ckc 3 males 1 female pocket pup left, wht balls of loving ball of fur, home grown babies, shots worming utd, come w/gift pkg will be small parents on site, lay-a-way available call for appt 205701-2678, will also have new litter of Maltese Tzus in mid Dec



18 NovEMbER 2009

store ClosIng deCemBer 31


layaways tIll ChrIstmas

• sHElvinG • disPlAys • ComPutEr &EquiP.

• All invEntory disCountEd ComE EArly wHilE sElECtion is Good!

Hwy 431 Albertville • 256-878-4892 MALTESE PUPS CKC REG 3males 1 female pocket pup left white balls of loving ball of fur home grown babies shots & worming utd they come w a gift pkg they are going to be small father is 3-4lbs mom is 5-6lbs & theyre on premises I offer layaway is available im willing to work w you any way I can call for an appt 20o5-701-2678 or email me at will also have a new litter of maltese tzus in mid dec will layaway w these too MALTESE PUPS CKC STANDARD size $200 toy size males/females raised in home shots/wormed x-tra thick coats 256-5577440 MALTESE/CHIHUAHUA MIX male 9-10mos 8-9lbs free to good home 256-597-2700 MALTI-A-POM PUPPIES little ones w/tiny little faces 2 girls 2 boys dob 9-13-09 ckc 2nd shots $400 ea 256-282-4306 MALTI-POO PUPS snow wht & jet blk, also wht w/blk spots $250-$$50 256-796-0292 MALTIPOO PUPPIES $150 ea cash only 256282-3733 MANY HORSES AND PONIES lay-away for Christman $250 up 506-0235 MARE & COLT $500 mare broke to ride 256-548-6238 MARE MULES 11 and 6 yrs old 15.2 hands and 16 hands gentle work and ride $4200 256-239-4039 MCCLELLAN CIVIL WAR replica saddle never on horse $100 660-1077 MINI REX RABBITS for sale 256-302-1012 MINI SCHNAUZER PARTY MALE BREEDER 11 mos old $250 256-927-7327 MINI SCHNAUZER PUPS 6 wks old shots/wormed $250 up 256-927-7327 MINI SCHNAUZERS 2 females 1male ckc reg 2 to 3 yr old $400 for all three call 256-7968981 MINI STUD 29” tall blk small bone 2.5yo $200 205-681-5299 MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS $100 for males $125 females 1st shots/wormed 256-5233393 MINIATURE DOBERMANS $150 638-2816 MINIATURE HORSES diff ages and szs 256659-6439 MINIATURE HORSES various sizes/colors $200-$600 256-640-6382 MINIATURE HORSES various sz and color 256-587-6313 MINIATURE HORSES VARIOUS SZ AND COLORS 256-587-6313 MINIATURE JACK RUSSELL PUPS 6wks old around 3-4lbs when grown $80 ea 256515-3888 MINIATURE MARE 5 YR OLD sorrel/white doll face halter broke possibly bred $450 256-587-6313 MINIATURE MARE SORREL/WHITE 12 yrs old halter broke gentle possibly bred $425 256-587-6313 MINIATURE PINCHER PUPS $100 obo 205-

965-4091 MINIATURE PINCHER PUPS CKC REG 256659-6439 MINIATURE PINCHERS 10 wks old tails docked dew claws removed wormed $100 ea 256-657-6726 MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS 7 wks old ckc reg males only exc quality one yr health warranty $125 256-927-4441 MOUNTAIN CUR SQUIRREL dog treeing very good on coons & squirrels $500 678232-2789 or 706-777-1499 MUSCOVEY DUCKS $25 pr 205-589-8680 NEWFOUNDLAND 2 YR OLD $200 256-5486238 NO TIME TO give your horse a reg grooming, let me turn your shaggy nag into a shiny steed 878-0329 A’ville ONE YR OLD AQHA REG CREMELLO STUD halter broke gentle $150 256-587-6313 ONE YR OLD FEMALE GERMAN SHEPHARD blk/tan spade and shots 205-915-5326 PAIR OF WHITE PEACOCKS for sale 2 yrs old $200 for pair 256-605-6316 PALOMINO STUD COLTS (2) apha stud prospects or geld & ride good bloodlines $500 obo 256-298-1299 G’ville area PAPILLON MALE blk/white $50 2pomeranian females red $150 ea shih tzu females $150 cash only 256-770-3769 PARAKEET ADORABLY SWEET sings chirps whistles loves attention w nice large cage & all accessories food etc $40 256-305-0060 PEACOCKS (NO PEA HENS) ONE YR OLD $75 ea 205-589-6029 PEKINGESE FEMALE adults one yr old white ckc reg brown w/blk mask both females $100 ea 599-4886 PERSIAN & HYMALIAN ADULT CATS cfa reg must be kept indoors $50 without papers cash only 256-996-8610 lv msg PERSIAN AND HIMALAYAN ADULT CATS cfa reg $100 and up cash only 256-9968610 PIGMY GOAT male 10wks old $30 205-4731191 PIGS & HOGS all sizes breeding age boars & gilt hogs bred sows & non-bred sows 205589-8680 PIGS $40 EA 205-589-8680 PIT BULL FEMALE solid blk w/wht spot on chest ears trimmed very obedient & loving dog likes to ride around in pu truck good w/children $200 256-597-2700 PIT BULL MIX FEMALE to approved home only $50 256-548-6238 PIT BULL PUPPIES 6wks old $150 females $125 males 256-660-1224 PIT BULL PUPPIES blk/wht $75 256-9961772 PIT BULL PUPS blue/white 3 females $150 558-9963 PIT BULL PUPS razors edge and watchdog $200 blk female blue brindles blk male 744-

0066 PIT BULL TERRIER PUPS 9 wks old 5 blue fawns $250 ea solid blue male $300 adba reg shots/wormed 256-470-2194 PITBULL MALE PUPPY prukc 4mos weight pull & show champ heavy pedigree very gentle/loving make great stud or family pet $200 256-312-0739 PITBULL PUPPIES 3females blue brindle white brindle blue 8 wks old thick bodies $150 firm 205-446-1246 PITBULL PUPPIES for sale only asking $100 not reg call 256-660-0471 or email us at PITBULL PUPPY female fawn & white 5mo old shots & wormed $50 without papers $100 with adba papers 256-640-6025 union grove POM A POO PUPPIES ckc reg 1st shots & wormed $175 loc in oneonta 205-446-8848 POM-A-POO PUPS 1st shots wormed $150 ea 205-446-8848 POMERANIAN MALE 3 YRS OLD white ckc reg $100 256-599-4886

HoMES foR SAlE oWNER fINANCINg AvAIl. HoRToN oR HENAgAR CAll 256-781-4537 POMERANIAN PUP male 3mos utd on shots-worming ckc 4lbs grown orange sable very sweet/loving $375 cash can email pics $375 cash only 423-332-3774 or 423-774-6001 POMERANIAN PUPPIES fluffy like teddy bears small toys & tiny teas $350-$450 ea 256-796-0292 POMERANIAN PUPPIES reg females $275 males $250 cash only 256-282-3733 POMERANIAN PUPPIES several colors reg females $275 males $250 cash only 256282-3733 POMERANIAN PUPS 7 wks old ckc reg tiny blk females hvy coats one yr health warranty $150 256-525-0817 POMERANIANS ckc reg had 2 shots & wormings $200 for males $250 for females firm call 256-636-1963 POODLE small male wht 6lbs named Cotton ckc $100 re-home fee 256-282-4306 POODLES ckc reg had shots & been wormed $250 for males & $300 females firm cash call 256-636-1963 POODLES STANDARD SZ last litter this yr solid blk males and females $200 and up 256-546-6648 POT BELLY PIGS will be small $35 ea 205589-8680 PR BLUE ROAN HORSES 15 HANDS 1100 lbs works and rides very nice/gentle $2000


Houses n 22 n 18 NovEMbER TT HE 2009 HESWAPPER SWAPPER APRIl 2009

For saLe

in Boaz & aLBertviLLe wIth owner fInanCIng and CommerCIal BuIldIngs WIth DoWNpAymENt As LoW As $2000 Payments startIng@$375-InCludes ProPerty taX&InsuranCe

Call 256-878-3651

528-7954 PR HORSE MULES/5/6 YRS OLD 900 LBS works good $1500 528-7954 Pretty Maine Coon kittens will be ready right before thanksgiving. Born Oct 14th. Dads 18lbs. More pics online at call or text me at 256-613-2875 for more info. Or PUG AND BEAGLE MIX PUPPY male one yr old called pugles good w/children free to good home 256-597-2700 PUG/BOSTON TERRIER PUPS ckc 1 male brindle $300, blk/wht female $300, tails docked 1st shops wormed 256-506-8851 Arab PUGANESE PUPPY female solid blk short hair 12wkd 2nd shots wormed $75 205589-8680 PUPPY FEMALE part chihuahua part cairn terrier 12wks old looks like little black teddy bear $150 or would trade for a smaller puppy tiny chihuahua female that weighs about 3lbs full grown 256-657-7415 henagar al QUARTER HORSE 2 1/2yo can be reg very loving expecting foal halter broke $350 obo 256-390-6592 RABBITS mini-lops, lion heads, mini rex $8 & up 256-505-0941 RABBITS tame pets choc & a wht large $10 ea 205-681-5299 RARE KITTEN 6 TOED HEMMINGWAY 7 wks old female $50 593-2616 RAT TERRIER MALE 1yo small size free to good home 256-597-2700 RAT TERRIER mixed puppies free to good home father is full rat terrier mother is mixed daschund have 2 males left will be ready saturday after thanksgiving holidays 256-623-4829 RAT TERRIER PUPPIES min size $100ea call 256-597-2700 RAT TERRIER PUPS tails docked dew claws remove shots/dewormed 256-561-2545 RED HEAD DOBERMAN PINSCHER 6-7mos old male good dog healthy 256-293-1094 RED MALE DACHSHUND MINIATURE good stud dog likes to hunt $100 256-605-0993 RED MINIATURE PINCHER $200 256-5725395 RED NOSE PIT BULL PUP 4 mos old male w/blue eyes $50 256-486-4481 RED OAK & WHITE OAK firewood $60 per face cord (8’ long 4’ tall 16” deep face cord) cut & ready for pu 256-593-7402 Boaz REG CHORKIES paper trained shots/wormed $200 up 256-546-6648 REG LEOPARD APPALOOSA STUD COLT nat’l and world champion bloodlines $550 256-892-2975 REG MALE DACHSHUND 2yo 256-2287052 REG SHIH TZU MALE 6 MOS OLD $200 very small 205-466-3591 REG TN WALKING HORSES pusher and generator bloodlines mares/colts $500 and up 256-878-7985 ROLL OF CHAIN link fencing 70ft long 8453080 ROOSTERS large heavy breed yard birds this year birds various kinds $8ea 205-6815299 ROUND BALED HAY very little left 256-506-

1037 SADDLES AND HORSE TACK BUY sell or trade 506-0235 SADDLES AND TACK 506-0235 SAINT BERNARD PUPS ready in time for Christmas 4 females 11 males (no masks, half masks, full mask, full saddles, splash coats) accepting deposits now, will have 1st shots wormed rear dew claws removed & ckc reg before leaving home can email pics 256-275-8075 SCHNAUZER POO PUPPY FEMALE $100 cash only 256-282-3733 SEV HORSES FOR SELL 506-0235 SEVERAL ENGLISH BULLDOGS $300 up 458-1586 SEVERAL HORSES some mares, some geldings, paints, palominos appaloosas, some reg some not, must sell have lost our land lease, also lots tack 256-557-9756 for prices SEVERAL MALE PEKINGESE/CHIHUAHUA DOGS free to good home 891-3146 SHETLAND COLT sell or trade for miniature filly 256-543-0805 SHETLAND MARE 10yo solid gray wht mane did ride needs work $150 205-6815299 SHIH TZU FEMALE 2 YRS OLD blk akc reg $200 256-599-4886 SHIH TZU FEMALE BLK/WHITE 3 yrs old akc reg grt bloodline $250 256-599-4886 SHIH TZU FEMALE BREEDERS for sale not reg so selling them for $200ea call 256-7968981 SHIH TZU FEMALE choc 5 yrs old akc reg $200 256-599-4886 SHIH TZU MALE 4 YRS OLD AKC/CKC REG grt breeder choc/white $250 256-5994886 SHIH TZU MALE liver in color or med cho 8 mo old $100 weight around 8lbs call 256796-8981 SHIH TZU MALE ONE YR OLD $200 obo 677-1705 SHIH TZU PUPS ckc reg females $275 males $225 878-5509 SHIH TZU YORKIE POO PUPPY blk male $100 cash only 256-282-3733 SHIH TZUS CKC/AKC DBL REG ready mid Dec taking dep’s now $400 p 256-546-6648 SHIH TZUS tiny indeed ckc reg had shots & been wormed $250 for males & $300 females differ colors call 256-636-1963 SHIH-A-POO PUPPIES 3 girls 1 boy little short lets & short noses dob 9/19/09 2nd shots wormed ckc raised in our home w/lots love & care $350-$400 256-2824306 SHIH-TZU PUPPY less than 1yo w/cage & toys $300 256-302-1530 SHIH-TZU PUPS 2 females one wht one cream/wht $100 ea 256-302-2992 SIAMESE CAT long haired female 5 yrs old owner in nursing home $25 205-594-7473 SIAMESE CAT short haired female 7 yrs old owner in nursing home $25 205-594-7473 SIAMESE MIX KITTENS $20 256-548-6238 SIBERIAN HUSKY FEMALE PUPPY born may 24th ckc reg blue eyes blk/white markings lv msg 256-350-1826 SIX KITTENS FREE 256-738-2569

SM BREED JACK RUSSELLS MALE AND FEMALE $65 EA 256-515-3888 SOLID BLUE MALE PIT BULL one yr old $125 256-470-2194 SOLID WHITE CHIHUAHUA PUP/female will stay small $150 cash only 256-2823733 SOLID WHITE PIT BULL female one grn eye one blue eye ears cut $75 full blood 256470-2194 SPALDING PEACOCKS 3 males 1 female 23yo 878-5106 SPAYED FEMALE BOXER MIX free to good home must be only dog & must have fenced yard 256-506-0137 SPOTTED SADDLE HORSE for sale 6 yr old mare great for the trails $1200 been on lots of trails in al & tenn utd on coggins worming & teeth floated just recently shod on all 4 no vices call days 205-229-3443 evenings 256-747-8761 6-8:30 only SQ BALES COASTAL BERMUDA HAY sprayed and fertilized $3 ea 302-2267 SQUARE BALES wheat straw $3.50 ea bale 256-891-1510 STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIERS not an Amstaff, small breed about 35lbs dob 7/22/09 3 females brindle $750 ea 256638-6024 STANDARD SIZED POODLES reg lg dogs solid colors $200 up 256-546-6648 STEERS ready to be processed sell by lb, half, quarter, or whole 256-538-5908 I will take them to be processed STRAIGHT EGYPTIAN AABIAN mare exc producer & mother 15hh gray very leggy 19yo lots energy easy breeder green broke only been trail ridden, not for beginner 423-332-3774 or 423-774-6001 STUD SERVICE blue brindle male $300 4700320 TENN WALKING MARE 593-7919 TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE gentle 8 yr old bay mare good blood lines selling open $500 256-302-4321 TERRIER FEMALE adult $150 jack Russell terrier female $50 cash only good homes only 256-770-3769 TERRIER PUPPIES reg brown/white blk/white $100 ea cash only 256-282-3733 TERRIER PUPPY REG $100 cash only 256282-3733 THREE BRONZE turkey poults wanted 256739-8446 THREE PEKINESE DOGS beautiful $150$200 Cullman Al 256-636-2062 TINY APPLEHEAD CHIHUAHUAS paper training started home raised $250 health guarantee 508-4716 TINY TEA POMERANIAN female snow wht looks like little teddy bear $500 no check 256-796-2641 TINY TOY POODLE PUPS $200 ea males 561-5367 TOOL OR DOG enclosed trailer 4x8 2 side doors 2 back doors fiberglass top $1000 cash or trade for guns 256-352-1223 TOY AMERICAN ESKIMO PUPPIES solid white reg 256-282-3733 TOY CHIHUAHUA PUPPY 575-2897 TOY POODLE CHOC FEMALE 9 mos old ckc reg utd shots trained to puppy pad or doggy

door $300 256-677-7191 TOY POODLE FEMALE white 3 yrs old makes grt breeder trained to doggy dr ckc reg tails docked dew claws removed utd shot/worming $300 256-677-7191 TOY POODLE PUPS FOR SALE can hold w/dep for Christmas $250 up ckc reg dewormed tails docked dew claws removed 256-677-7191 TRAINED BEAGLE gun dogs & started dogs price according to ability 678-232-2789 or 706-777-1499 TURKEY POULTS & CHICKS several breeds adult roosters $9 ea 2008 blk Spanish toms 256-739-8446 TWH SPOTTED 18mos very gentle/beautiful $500 256-565-0757 TWH STUD 6 yrs old black never been rode gentle smart likes people 15.1h $250 205594-7473 TWH STUD COLT 20mths good mover exc pedicgree show prospect $700 878-9747 TWO ADULT CATS have been fixed & are indoor cats had all shots prefer them to go to the same home if possible very lovable great w/kids good companion for adults orange & wht male & blk/wht female $10 adoption fee 256-599-1492 S’boro TWO BIG DONKIES for sale call 572-8189 TWO BLK STEERS ready for processing, buy half, whole or qtr, will take them for processing 256-538-5908 UKC BLUE TICK pups 5-6mos old also have several other blk/tans & red bones sell or trade for guns 205-755-4714 UKC PURPLE RIBBON BRED blue American Pit Bull terrier 1yho gotti/razors edge bl $700 256-200-1349 VERY SMALL AKC Pomeranian puppies champion bl can email pics 256-587-9933 WAGON 2 HORSE 4 WHEEL BRAKES new curtains fan radio battery spare tire 4 bucket seats $2200 256-239-4039 WANT MALE MINI SCHNAUZER W/LIVER GENE 256-927-7327 WANT TO BUY a little long coat puppy prefer a female at reasonable price 305-0060 WANT TO BUY FEMALE POMERANIAN 256-605-2412 WANT TO BUY orphan baby calves 256557-5452 WANTED 2-3 chicken house brooders reasonably priced must be working 256-7398446 WANTED dog kennel 6’ fence 256-8946102 WANTED good used goat or cow milking machine 256-739-8446 WANTED jumbo ring necks & some snow white ring necks 205-365-3306 WANTED used metal nest boxes 256-7398446 WANTED white german shepherd male NAMED Jake that I gave away in the Swapper about a year or so back, was picked up by a couple & was going to the boys dad who lived in Albertville, I have lost your number & would love an update on the dog, you picked him upat my house by the Douglas football field, thanks WESTERN SADDLE 16” new almost half price dbl T $250 660-1077

WESTERN SADDLE 256-538-5908 WESTIE PUPS 1ST SHOTS/DEWORMED male and female 256-561-2545 WHITE MALE English Bulldog 1 1/2yo great temperament $1200 256-504-5361 WILDLIFE TRACKING SYSTEM w/2 new collars $300 678-232-2789 or 706-7771499 WILL BUY TRADE SADDLES 506-0235 WILL TAKE ANY FREE HORSES have 60 acres w/pond no studs can pay small delivery fee 256-477-5240 YORKIE ADULTS CKC REG males and females 3 yrs old and up $250 ea 256-5994886 YORKIE AND POODLE MIXED puppies toy size health guaranteed $150 up 256-5972700 YORKIE FRMALE adult very sweet $200 call 256-498-1157 YORKIE MALE CKC born 9/10/09 parents around 5lbs vet ckd shots wormed $400, also have another litter wks old taking deposits now pics avail 205-300-2073 YORKIE PUPPIES 2 males one female $300 205-901-6032 YORKIE PUPS born 10/15/09 parents ckc will be ready 12/10/09 will hold until Christmas w/deposit will be vet ckd & current on all shots at pu females $600 males $500 cash 256-891-3300 YORKSHIRE TERRIER MALE standard size about 3yo $100 256-597-2700 YORKSHIRE TERRIER PUPPIES adorable small toys $300-$450 256-796-2641 YORKSHIRE TERRIER tiny tea male small standing ears shots wormed $650 256-7960292 YORKSHIRE TERRIERS ckc reg has 3 shots & sev wormings price is firm at $550ea 3 females avail call for info at 256-636-1963 YOUNG MALE LLAMA friendly in pasture w/goats & other animals $250 real small 205-473-1191 YOUNG STARTED BEAGLES 1yo $150 ea 678-232-2789 or 706-777-1499 A battery for a 1996 Taurus 3.0 engine, call 256-586-0555 YCLES/ATVs~

C ‘03 HONDA CRS 150S dirt bike great cond

$1500 256-572-2308 ‘07 YAMAHA GRIZZLY 700 123 mi camo warn winch outdrs edition after mardet tires & wheels asking $6300 great cond 256-605-6316 ‘08 KAWASAKI T REX UTV 750CC v twin top windshield only 20 hrs 302-3760 ‘83 HONDA 185CC three wheeler runs good looks like new new back tires $1k obo 205446-8281 ‘90 KAWASAKI BAYOU 4X4 good cond after market tires $1600 obo 256-609-1069 ‘97 SUZUKI INTRUDER 1400cc vance & hines pipes has been jetted all prof work very nice very fast $4k firm call 256-5575187 ’00 HONDA 4 TRACS 4X4 OXLIGHT BRUSHGUARDS alum loading ramps exc cond $1850 256-899-9824 ’01 HONDA RANCHER ES 350 2WD looks/runs good $1900 crossville 256-7063001 ’01 POLARIS 500 SPORTSMAN REMINGTON special edition camo after mkt bumpers warn winch new bear claw tires $3500 obo 256-601-6441 ’01 YAMAHA ROAD STAR 5200 actual miles loaded exc cond 256-506-1127 ’02 H/D SOFT TAIL FAT BOY w/x-tra chrome saddle bags 2 windshields crash bar sissy bar x-tra travel luggage cover 9700 miles road ready 256-586-0990 ’02 HONDA FOREMAN 450S real nice org tires 690 miles front/back rack front axle covers runs good uses no oil does not smoke great shape $3700 572-7912 ’02 HONDA RUBICON 500 AUTO or elec shift 1600 miles 300 hrs garage kept exc cond $3500 obo 256-599-7685 ’02 HONDA RUBICON 500 AUTO or elec shift 4wd 1600 miles 300 hrs exc cond garage kept $3500 obo 256-599-7685 ’02 HONDA SHADOW VT600 low miles $2500 obo 256-498-0238 ’02 KAWASAKI 2wd 4-sheeler garage kept 256-630-0834

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 $800 256-477-1918 ’03 KAWASAKI VULCAN 1600 CLASSIC cruiser w/saddle bags & windshield exc ’08 KAWASAKI PRAIRIE 360 AUTO 2wd one hr hi/low range 6 mos warranty $3100 cond 256-538-9025 obo 256-441-0757 ’03 YAMAHA WR250F DIRT BIKE 4 STROKE barely ridden garage kept like new ’08 SUZUKI 750 ORANGE/BLK color less than 700 miles 593-5050 $2995 205-568-4275 ’03 YAMAHA WR250F DIRT BIKE barely ’08 YAMAHA TTR 830 DIRT BIKE never ridden prox 12 hrs like new $2900 205- raced $3000 492-5817 ’71 YZ YAMAHA 15 DIRT BIKE good cond 528-4275 ’04 HONDA FOREMAN $3000 256-575- for age needs work good tires tank and fenders good shape new hd gaskets $150 9343 256-538-8865 ’04 HONDA FOREMAN 450 ES 4wd auto clean 400 miles no scratches zipper on it ’80 YAMAHA SPECIAL 400 RUNS GOOD no hunting bag serviced has cover mint cond title $400 205-907-3527 can get title ’83 HONDA BIG RED 3 WHEELER exc cond $5200 205-577-3615 ’04 KAWASAKI PRAIRIE 700 CAMO w/auto adult ridden garage kept new battery good 2 or 4wd w/diff lock gdyr tires exc mech tires $550 256-891-1119 cond runs grt dependable $2850 obo 256- ’84 HONDA SHADOW VT700 RED 21k miles 60mpg looks/runs good water cooled shaft 441-0757 ’04 KAWASAKI VN800A MODEL BLK 3500 drive rubber 80% garaged always $1800 256-659-4442 MILES exc cond windshield crash bars sissy bar grt tires needs nothing but riding $5295 ’85 BAYLINER BOAT 50HP runs grt trade for mustang 5.0 205-353-1322 256-506-3089 ’04 MINI CHOPPER MOTORCYCLE 50cc ’85 BLACK HONDA REBEL 250cc runsworking hdlights taillights blinkers etc h/d starts good needs back blinker lights $850 firm 256-593-9851 look alike $400 256-878-1937 ’04 SUZUKI INTRUDER 1400 CC INCLUDES saddlebags windshield hwy pegs ext sissy bar luggage rack exc cond $4800 obo 256293-9355 ’04 SUZUKI INTRUDER 1400CC MOTORCYCLE saddlebags winshield lots of x-tras good cond 8k miles $4800 obo CHRIS 256293-9355 ’04 YAMAHA 660 RAPTOR $2100 572-8355 ’05 POLARIS 90 SPORTSMAN exc cond $1000 205-274-2486 ’86 HONDA 110CC THREE WHEELER $200 ’05 POLARIS RANGER 500 independent needs coil 205-446-9731 suspension red in color low hrs winch good ’87 KAWASAKI KX80 new tires new top end cond $6500 256-572-9979 on engine looks good $425 256-302-4844 ’05 SUZUKI GSXR $1300 HYBUSA custom ’91 YAMAHA MOTO 4 350 4-wheeler shaft blk gray flames ext swing arm custom driven front/rear rack elect/pull start hi & wheels $9000 738-0595 low 5fwd gears w/rev w/helmet $1100 ’05 SUZUKI M50 BLVD FUEL injected shaft 528-7068 drive like new garage kept many x-tras ’92 KAWASAKI VULCAN 1500 customized $4100 572-1753 w/xtras 256-538-9025 ’05 V-STAR 650 LOADED mustang seat ’94 VIRAGO 535 18K MILES GOOD COND $4800 601-1882 AFTER 3:30 looks good runs good $1500 205-274-2486 ’05 YAMAHA 350 4WD W/WINCH BRAND ’94 YAMAHA VIRAGO $1250 OBO 256-297NEW tires $3000 obo 205-274-2486 6019 ’05 YAMAHA KODIAK 450 2 or 4wd drive ’94 YAMAHA VIRAGO $1250 OBO 256-297diff locks indep suspension front/rear built 6019 in winch good hrs grt plastic blue in color ’97 CR80 NEWLY REBUILT FMF PIPE and $4000 256-558-8696 muffler fast $900 205-274-2487 ’06 360 BIG BEAR GRT COND $3500 OBO ’97 YAMAHA TIMBERWOLF four wheeler 205-274-2486 almost new tires runs/looks good roden’06 HONDA RANCHER 350 2WD RED IN town 528-7511 COLOR comes w/gorilla winch and new set ’98 BANSHEE COMPLETE ROLLING FRAME itp mud lights ft shifter no digital read out $500 firm no motor all new paint job 256runs grt grt cond 256-298-0615 550-3196 ’06 POLARIS TREASURE 500 grt shape ’98 H/D ROAD KING CLASSIC 23K MILES super fast $3000 obo 753-2114 205-429-2758 ’06 SUZUKI BERGMAN SCOOTER track hd ’98 HONDA SHADOW ACE American classic fm/am/cd player 9k miles 878-8261 edition $2800 obo 558-2271 ’06 SUZUKI OZARK 250 4-wheeler atv very ’98 MODEL H/D ROAD KING CLASSIC 24K low hrs garage kept exc cond primarily ridMILES good cond 205-429-2758 den by 14yo on 1.25 acre backyard great model for first time riders & young teens ’99 400EX NEW TIRES needs hd 4 cyl 256996-2005 $2000 256-572-2608 ’07 110 CC FOUR WHEELER 256-845-4472 ’99 H/D FAT BOY LOTS OF CHROME 17K MILES 878-8261 ’07 650 ARTICAT 28” TIRES WINCH big front and rear bumper 256-601-7038 ’99 HONDA 450 FOREMAN 4x4 yellow in color looks good new tires on front 361hrs $5400 elec shift 638-5103 ’07 HONDA CRF 80 EXC COND $1500 firm ’99 KAWASAKI VX750R NINJA custom paint 891-7024 good tires new battery 6k miles fast w/2 ’07 HONDA DIRT BIKE 80CC $1500 FIRM helmets and cover $3500 256-200-1025 exc cond 891-7024 (2) HALF MOTORCYCLE HELMETS red in ’07 HONDA DIRT BIKE CRF150F like new color w/sun visors, zip in ear muffs sizes L ridden less than 5 hrs elec start never & XL 256-55-3300 abused 256-586-0990 (3) RIMS to fit Honda 4wd 4-wheeler 2 ’07 HONDA RANCHER 420 ES EFI 67 HRS front one back $85 572-7912 ADULT RIDDEN $4650 728-3161 02’ Honda Rancher ES 4x4. New rims and ’07 HONDA TRAIL OR DIRT BIKE CRF 150F tires garage kept runs great. $2650 Call like new ridden less than 5 hrs elec start Mark 256-975-2115 or never wrecked 256-586-0990 05’ Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1600. Has ’07 KAWASAKI BRUTE FORCE 750 NRA Cobra pipe’s with the Cobra power comoutdr camo edition 27” tires/wheels 340 mander, custom seat saddle bag’s and a miles looks like brand new w/warn winch windshield and windshield bag. Run’s very clean auto 2 or 4wd w/diff lock $5600 sound’s and look’s great! Asking $6,500. Or obo 256-441-0757 110 FOUR WHEELER ELEC START auto 4 ’07 KAWASAKI ZR600 like new red in color stroke exc cond $450 cash 256-631-8603 new tires only has 3900 miles $4500 obo 125 YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE elect start, 256-206-6497 needs points, selling for parts, no title $150 ’07 SUZUKI 250CC 4-wheeler blk like new 528-7068 tire good everything works great $2400 185 SUZUKI 4 WHEELER ‘87 model call 638-5103 506-7838 ’08 BLK MOPED GOES 55 MPH legalized

lEAsE to own douGlAs, urBAn rd., 4Br, 2 BA, 3 ACrEs, CHA, dEn, douBlE GArAGE, Pool, $100/mo lot rEnt inComE. dwn PAymt & $660/mo Bad Credit oK 256-251-1972


0% owner Financing For First 2 Years or up to $5,000 off purchase price on Select properties Call For details.

rEAdy for moBilE HomE – ½ acre, between Gadsden and Centre, septic tank, water meter and driveway, $9,900, financing available. wAtErfront – weiss lake, large waterfront lot, great water frontage, sewer and underground utilities, boat ramp and covered boathouse, $99,900.00, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE or $5,000 off Purchase Price. 9 ACrEs – Attalla/Gadsden, wooded, level to rolling, paved road, public water, $18,900, ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE with $1,745 down, $398/month. 24 ACrEs - sand mountain, Pisgah, secluded, large beautiful creek, $79,900, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE or $5,000 off on Purchase with $3,995 dn. 72 Acres +\- Attalla/sand valley, combination open pasture and woods, fantastic views, paved road, public water, $149,900, financing available. duCK sPrinGs – 24 acres, wooded, level to rolling, lots of deer and turkey, paved road, public water, $59,900, financing available. 7 ACrEs - sardis, beautiful open pasture, small branch, lake site, level, paved road, public water, $39,900, 0% ownEr fin AvAil or $1,000 off Purchase. 3 ACrEs – little river Canyon, beautiful rustic retreat, level, wooded, power & private road, $49,900, fin. avail. 15 ACrEs - sand mountain, mostly open pasture, some woods, barn, creek, lake site on back of property, paved road, public water, $69,900, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE or $5,000 off on Purchase. moBilE HomE lot – rainbow City, large lot for mobile home, sewer, water, gas, power, $12,900, 0% ownEr fin. AvAil. or $1,000 off Purchase. 4 ½ ACrEs – terrapin Creek area, excellent level mostly open property, paved road, public water, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE or $1,000 off on Purchase. HoKEs Bluff/BAllPlAy – 3 Acres, nice open tract, good view of mountains, lots of paved road frontage, public water, ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE with $1,245 down, $339/month. wEiss lAKE – 2 ¾ acres, with boat ramp access to lake, open and wooded, sewer and underground utilities, $13,900, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE or $1,000 off on Purchase. 5 ACrEs – webster Chapel, level, wooded tract, paved road, public water, $24,900, financing avail. 1 ¾ ACrEs – Attalla/sand valley, wooded, level to rolling, paved road, public water, ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE with $845 down, $230/month.. wAtErfront – recreational lot, leesburg area, main channel, near rome sail Club, level, wooded, paved road, public water, $44,900, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE or $1,000 off on Purchase. 11 ½ ACrEs – sand mountain, just minutes from Guntersville state Park, combination open field and woods, creek, county road, public water, $39,900, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE or $1,000 off on Purchase. 40 ACrEs – near flat rock, beautiful wooded property, level to slightly rolling, paved road, public water, $89,000, ownEr finAnCinG AvAilABlE. 11 ACrEs – convenient to Chattanooga, Atlanta, Huntsville &Birmingham. wooded. level to slightly rolling. Paved road, pub water. $36K owner fin Avail 4 ¾ ACrEs – duck springs/reece City, beautiful wooded tract, level, paved road public water, $19,900, 0% ownEr finAnCinG AvAil or $1,000 off Purchase. rEAdy for moBilE HomE - 5 ½ Acres – sand mountain, septic tank, water meter and driveway, mostly wooded, paved road, public water, $27,900, fin. avail. 183 ACrEs +\- Piedmont/Ballplay area, combination open fields and woods, Ballplay Creek, lots of deer, turkey and ducks, paved road, public water, $2,895/acre, financing available. 122 ACrEs – webster Chapel, convenient to Gadsden, Jacksonville and Anniston, nice 3 bedroom 2 bath double wide, mostly open pasture, barn, pond, $399,000, financing avail.


KEsslEr lAnd AGEnCy for Complete listing of Available Properties Go to: www.kesslerland.com wE Buy lAnd

18 NovEMbER 2009 BIG TIRES MINI BIKE new 6hp Tecumseh motor rear brakes runs grt 40mph $300 506-3361 CA50 YAMAHA SCOOTER runs good electric Br BA start needs battery $125 firm 256-4980401 ACrEs BriCK Country sEttinG wn Pmt mo CHILDS FOUR WHEELER KAZUMA w/elec start and reverse $300 good cond 256-3024844 CLYMER MANUAL for 1998-2003 Yamaha YZS-R1 great cond $50 obo 256-558-9538 DIRT BIKE GEAR FOR YOUTH boots helmet chest guard $125 adult chest guard $35 256-529-9180 EARLY 70’S ? 370 MOTORCYCLE/DIRT BIKE $500 OBO 256-550-1258 EXHAUST SYSTEM FOR ’07 H/D straight glide like new factory complete $250 obo 572-9575 FACTORY EXHAUST FOR ’07 H/D ST DRIVE like brand new complete system $250 obo 572-9575 GIRLS MOTORCYCLE HELMET full face white w/flowers and glitter like new pd $300 sell for $100 205-274-2487 1970 HONDA SL350 2cyl rare custom built needs nothing very nice $1600 256-302GO CART ENGINE 5hp 256-390-3990 bobber sharp, 1972 cb 350 4cyl custom 7274 built bobber need to finish, also part bikes, 2005 POLARIS TRAILBLAZER 250 GO CART IN GOOD COND $300 256-507tons of parts, all must go, lost interest ask- Anniversary Edition runs-looks great 2033 GO CART pd $1800 take $600 very good ing $4500 firm no trades 1-256-590-6292 $1500 717-8162 (text message only) 2005 SUZUKI 500 4wd 4-wheeler new big cond used about 20 times seats 1 6hp 5931982 SUZUKI GS 450 9k alum whl new foot kit, winch exc shape low hrs $3000 2777 GO CART/TWO SEATER BY CARTER w/roll front/rear tires engine guards adj backrest 205-473-5777 luggage rack runs-looks good $1700 or 2005 SUZUKI VINCENT 500 4wd 4-wheeler bar lights 6.5 hp motor $250 256-200-1025 trade 256-302-1958 A’ville w/big foot kit, warn winch, brush guards, GO-KART 1 seater 5hp Briggs good cond fast $250 256-226-1944 1986 HONDA 450 REBEL MOTORCYCLE 6k bumpers $2500 obo 205-473-5777 like new xtras Harley look-a-like collectible 2005 VTX 1300 Honda motorcycle 1ownr H/D ROAD KING TOURING BIKE accesonly produced 3yrs (4are) harley sued 8k w/xtras majetta in color v&h pipes sories light bar saddlebags flame kit accessories etc call for list/prices 256-738-8952 1987 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sportster 110cc w/warranty $5900 523-5214 $2800 256-558-4347 2005 YAMAHA ROADSTAR blk/wht wht HARLEY DAVIDSON ROAD KING handle 1987 SUZUKI 185 runs good pull start man- wall tires spoke whls leather saddlebags bars 2” solid chrome w/risers 256-558ual shift new tires 256-486-4365 many xtras must see can email pics bargain 3300 1992 SUZUKI KING QUAD 250 4-wheeler at $7500 256-506-8089 or 256-593-1053 HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 90% comrebuilt carb, new steering bushings-bat- 2006 HARLEY DAVIDSON FLHTCUI Ultra plete no paper work $900 obo 538-9880 classic blk w/many xtras $16,488 obo 26k HARLEY FAT BOY look-a-like small 49cc miles 205-559-1922004 YAMAHA YZ F450 motor new $600 or trade (collectable) 256new graphics-sprocket-chain good tires 226-1944 HELMET Polaris mens size med for 4205-559-1932 Walnut grove 1 year old 3/2, $2500 2006 SUZUKI DR650 dual sport 2800 miles wheeler or motorcycle brand new in box Vinyl, 1500 sq ft stainless very nice $3000 256-717-5677 blk in color dot approved $50 256-572appls, 5a, 35X60 cab shop 2007 HONDA CRF 250 X like new ridden 8923 very little $4500 obo 547-3465 nights, 312- HONDA 200CC BIG RED ready for deer hunters 1ownr racks, pull & elec start rev 1989 days 2007 YAMAHA VIRAGO 250 still brand new $1200 or trade 256-226-1944 exc cond saddle bags windshield low miles HONDA 250 2x4 runs-looks good $1200 garage kept $2900 firm 256-302-7037 256-226-1944 tery-coil, replaced cdi box 256-878-9556 before 4pm, 256-878-8606 aft 4pm HONDA 3-WHEELER like new well main1995 KAWASAKI 220 4-wheeler has gun 203 BIG DOG CHOPPER blk/chrome v&h tained $1000 256-226-1944 case, winch, adult ownd garage kept great exhaust custom mirrors led lights under HONDA CR70 DIRT BIKE garage kept lookscond $1500 obo 205-589-4631 tank S&S 107 approx 8500 miles over runs like new make perfect Christmas pres1995-99 4-WHEELER good buckshot tires $1000 in accessories asking $12,500 ent $950 256-490-0745 runs good smokes some $800 or trade for 256605-0301 HONDA REBEL 450 low miles like new (colequal value 256-473-8161 lectible) rare $5000 256-226-1944 250 EXPRESS SCOOTER 256-845-4472 1996 SUZUKI DR 650 on/off road dirt bike 250 TRX HONDA FOUR TRAC FOUR HONDA RUBICON 500 4x4 2005 yellow exc street legal 1ownr 4200 miles WHEELER $350 obo runs good has few shape adult ownd kept inside 1420 miles blue/wht/orange/yellow in colors $2750 minor dents 256-613-7597 ITP 589 tires, runs very good $3800 2053/4 HELMET w/face shield size XL blk $20 910-3851 B’ham I BUY all types atvs not running 256-840256-677-5219 4 WHEELER ’02 HONDA 250 RANCHER 9030 Hokes Bluff: 4br/3ba, 3200sqft ELEC SHIFT 4wd winch exc cond one owner I BUY FOUR WHEELERS running or not brick, 1br/1ba, playrm, pool House, 775 original miles $3500 obo 593-3793 840-8941 1br/1ba guest House, pavilion,17a, 4-WHEELER 1ownr Polaris Sportsman 90 JAWA MOPEDS (2) one has turn signals low miles 40mpg 150mpg $1000 ea like new auto elect start showrm new ridden 5 or 6 700ft river Frontage times make great Christmas gift $1600 256- 256-226-1944 $7500 dn-$2200/mo 490-0745 KAWASAKI 300 BAYOU 4WD BLK 4FT 4-WHEELER disk new cond $300 256- looks/runs good $1650 obo 256-441-0757 796-8412 KAWASAKI 360 FOUR WHEELER lock in 5’ X 8’ METAL UTILITY TRAILER w/wood- lock out 4wd $2700 593-9647 256-587-3060 en floor grt cond new tires dove tail $300 KAWASAKI KDX 220 DIRT BIKE exc cond 1999 HARLEY DAVIDSON HERITAGE SOFT- 256-609-7676 lots of x-tras $1500 256-840-9005 TAIL super nice blk in color lots chrome 6-1/2HP MINI BIKE good cond good tires KAWASAKI MULE 3010 4WD windshield $11,500 or trade 256-717-5677 new brakes $275 obo 256-441-0757 and top golf cart w/six batteries 6 mos old 2 SEATER GO CART ROLL BARS wide tires 3020 j/d tractor w/front end loader tires 85 HP SUZUKI MOTOR 256-878-4190 on rear 5hp b/s engine needs belt $450 85CC YAMAHA YZ 2002 model low hrs very 75% good 638-3281 256-538-5504 good cond $800 256-605-6483 before 8pm KAWASAKI ZZR 600 ENGINE ONLY 330 2001 YERFDOG ROVER has top, windshield, miles complete from carbs to header, Pisgah headlights, manual dump bed, like a includes wiring harness ready to run like Kawasaki mule $2000 obo 256-486-1279 89 REPLICA of Lamborghini Countach NOT new $800 256-302-7274 A FIERO REBODY CUSTOM TUBE DHASSIS aft 2pm Ford Taurus SHO v6 engine $20,000 256- LEATHER SCHOTT riding jacket like new 2002 HONDA FOREMAN 450ES 4x4 electric 650-6483 possible trade considered call well made $250 obo 256-840-9030 shift red in color low miles $600 brand new before 8pm LG TWO SEATER GO CART roll bars 205super swamper mud tires, new cv joints, 90CC FOUR WHEELER GOOD COND $200 274-8515 new brakes-wheel bearings runs exc $2800 256-587-6313 LMTD EDITION ’06 HYBUSA WHITE in obo or consider trades 205-215-0112 2003 4-WHEELER 90 elect start 4-stroke ALUM LOADING RAMP for atv $70 256- color 3000 miles $10,500 256-226-3852 MINI BIKES for parts 49cc motors 256-226rear rack lime green in color auto $600 593-2697 ATV REPAIRS REASONABLE RATES 256- 1944 528-7068 MINI CHOPPER 2 STROKE LOOKS LIKE 2003 SUZUKI OZARK 250 4-wheeler red 845-4472 ft payne HARLEY chrome/blk elec start like new THE SWAPPER



LEAsE to oWN, BAD CrEDIt ok!

fort PAynE, lEBAnon rd, 3 1 , CHA, 2 , , .d & $599/ mountAinBoro 4br 2ba, on 2 acres, vinyl sid ing, new windows, new roof, storm doors, storage building, shed, fencing. dwn pmt & 599/mo asBury 4br 2ba, Cha, 2 acres, new roof, new steel roof, vinyl siding. dwn pmt & 600/mo Boaz Bassett st, 3br 2ba, fire place, fenced back yd, storag, vinyl sidng. dwn pmt $499/mo.

CALL 256-251-1972


$6000dn-$895/mo 256-524-7739



seat 256-506-0803 MINI FOUR WHEELERS various colors 150 lb cap 49cc motors auto $399 ea 256-2261944 MINI TRAIL BIKE balloon style knobby tires 6.5 hp like new cond $400 call mike 3023760 MINI WUAD 4-wheelers 49cc eng disk brakes 3 colors to choose from $450 256226-1944 MINIATURE MINI BIKE looks like h/d wide glide 2 stroke engine $250 538-9880 MOPEDS & PARTS various brands/sizes 256-226-1944 MOTORCYCLE 2005 YAMAHA scooter too 3500 miles 85-100mpg cruise spd 7080mpg beautiful machine fun to ride $5000 exc warranty included 256-226-1944 MOTORCYCLE TRAILER HOME MADE good cond good tires $75 256-264-4221 MOTORCYCLE/ATV JACK blk made by spdway series padded support bars $40 256-840-9005 NEED GO-CART motor, side shaft 5hp 256226-1944 NEW GATOR ATV MUD TIRES 256-7383154 NICE SET OF SADDLE BAGS throw over type 15” wide new cond $125 256-5063089 PAIR CAMO 4-wheeler handlebar covers good cond perfect for winter riding $200 256-677-5219 POLARIS RANGER PARTS misc bumpers drs windshields tops tires wheels, etc 256572-9979 SELL OR TRADE 2 FOUR WHEELERS and for ranger pu one is big bear 4x4 100 also warrior 350 ’00 model ’99 pu looking for rag top jeep 498-3277 SET 26X9X12 2-front, set 26x11x12 rear as new $200 for all, will fit 4-wheeler 205473-5777 SET OF ATV ALUM LOADING RAMPS bifold very light brand new used for display purposes $80 256-840-9005 SET OF FOUR WHEELER WHEELS came off Suzuki 700 $50 256-599-7685 SMALL FOUR WHEELER 160 want to trade for golf cart in good working cond 3023453 SMALL MOTOR BIKES choppers & regular 256-226-1944 SUZUKI 50CC 4-wheeler needs carb work been setting $200 638-5103 SUZUKI QUAD RUNNER 300 4-wheeler 5fwd gears w/rev red & blk in color front/rear racks elect/pull start 4wd $1200 528-7068 SUZUKI RM 80 liquid cooled pwr band very fast motor cross $1000 or trade 256-2261944 SUZUKI VOLUSIA cruiser cobra pipes mustang seat cruise control loaded garage kept sell or trade for nice suv 623-3668 SUZUKI VOLUSIA CRUISER MOTORCYCLE crash bars nice back loaded garage kept 623-3668 sell or trade for suv TIMBERWOLF front heavy duty bumper $35 528-7068 TWO SEATER GO CART ROLL BARS 5hp b/s wide tires on rear needs belt $450 256-5385504 TWO-2 SEATER GO CARTS 5 and 6hp red rl bars $425 ea exc cond 256-302-0808 WANT TO BUY 3 & 4 wheelers non-running 256-840-9030 WANT TO BUY small motorcycles not running to fix for Christmas 256-840-9030 WANTED ’83-84 street bike 250 parts 256293-1094 WANTED BROKEN DOWN wrecked four wheelers 256-528-7342 WANTED Honda Forman 4-wheeler parts 98-2002 256-226-1944 WANTED Honda rebels 450cc & 250 cc ’842006 especially older ones 256-226-1944 WANTED MINI-MOTOR CYCLES, choppers especially 256-226-1944 WANTED mopeds any kind any condition especially puch powered ones 256-2261944 WOMEN’S DOT MOTORCYCLE HELMET brand new flat blk w/purple/pink butterfly design by Outlaw, cover bag included size small $40 256-593-2405 Douglas Al YAMAHA ’01 400 BIG BEAR 4X4 FOR SELL



18 NovEMbER 2009



repos used

repos used

mobile homes Open Mon-Fri, 9am till Dark

mobile homes



31888 hwy 75 oneonta, alabama

OR TRADE also have yamaha ’01 350 warrior $1800 ea or $3500 for both consider trade for rag top jeep 498-3277 YAMAHA 400 4-WHEELER $2000 obo 5389390 good cond garage kept 2001 or 2002 YAMAHA 400CC MAJESTY scooter 3500 miles xtras 70-80mpg water cooled cost over $6000 new asking $5500 or trade 256226-1944 YAMAHA 80CC 4-wheeler red/blk looks good elec start runs great $600 638-5103 YAMAHA BIG BEAR 400 2006 w/on demand 4x4 green, warn 2500lb winch 840 miles A-1 shape no broken plastic used for hunting only $3400 205-910-3851 YAMAHA GRIZZLY 350 auto 2008 model red very nice 2wd used about 40-60hrs still shiny tires have about 90% tread left $2800 205-91-2611 YAMAHA MR80 very fast water cooled competition motor $600 256-226-1944 or trade ZERO FIVE GO CART for grown up elec start 10 hp roll cage $950 nice 728-3161 .4624.NERF BARS FOR ’01 THRU ’08 CHEVY SILVERADO full sz crew cab blk in color wildcat flash brand $150 256-302-5095 EC VEHICLES/EQ~


new carpet and reupholstered seats! Freeman Manufacturing &Upholsterery-Let us give your recreational vehicle a new look-Check our display ad for other sevicescall us today at 256-561-3854 or 800-6906922 ‘03 KAWASAKI KX65 dirt bike new top end & bottom end $950 256-302-2350 ‘76 STARCRAFT SWINGER POPUP camper sleeps 6 or 8 11ft long very easy to pull looks great inside & out does need 1 of the cables fixed that lets it up & down it is broken will cost about $150 to fix selling cheap at $1k frm cash call 256-636-1963 ‘86 COLEMAN POP UP CAMPER great shape sleeps 6 new tires new ac unit stove sink outside grill awning extra plugs fresh water tank everythingworks $1500 obo for more info or appt to see 256-558-2270 ’00 283 STRATOS BOAT 175 johnson motor $7500 256-609-7524 ’00 HONDA FOUR TRACS 4X4 grn and camo grt cond w/brushguards and alum ramps $1900 256-899-9824 ’00 MACH 283 STRATOS 175 johnson ready to go fishing $8000 ’01 EZ GO TXT ELEC GOLF CART lift kit tires 22x11x10 chrome wheels rear cargo rack battery charger 36 volt battery charger $1850 256-236-7376 $1850 ’02 PROCRAFT PRO 185 very good cond garage kept used very little $11,000 256899-9345 Ft Payne ’02 SKEETER FISH AND SKI SL 190 has Yamaha 150 hpdi and minn kota trolling motor tandem axle easy loader w/swing away tongue grt cond $13,000 obo 3027383 ’02 SKEETER FISH AND SKI SL190 yamaha 150 hpdi and minn kota trolling motor tandem axle easy loader trailer w/swing away tongue grt cond $12,500 obo 302-7383 ’03 INSBROOK CAMPER 30’ w/slide out good cond $5800 593-9647



’04 38’ COACHMAN TRAVEL TRAILER sleeps eight has slide out 14’ exc cond 256520-0720 ’05 24’ PONTOON BOAT by triton ’06 mercury optimax 135 outbd also la rance fish finder custom trailer $14,000 obo 256-6172912 ’06 POLARIS SPORTSMAN 90 GRT SHAPE $1000 205-274-2486 ’07 J/D GATOR 850 DIESEL 4X4 $8500 obo 601-7038 ’07 PIONEER PULL BEHIND CAMPER 24’ LONG exc cond $6850 256-840-5746 ’08 COUGAR TRAVEL TRAILER 33’ LONG lg slide out $24,000 559-8025 ’08 FISHER BASS BOAT 17-1/2’ LONG 2 pedestal seats 3 seats across depth finder bilge pump 2 livewells auto fields take up payments $178.95 mo or pay-off $13,000 205-647-9334 ’76 GRAMPION SAILBOAT 30’ lots of x-tras needs new running rigging 256-206-6497 make offer will help w/transportation costs ’76 POP UP CAMPER sleeps 6-8 very good cond stove sink toilet beds table Blount Co area $800 205-237-9698 ’79 MOTOR HOME 28ft Chevy chassis Midas camper 44k good cond lots new parts $4500 or trade 256-226-1944 ’87 DYNASTRY 4.0 MERCURY ENGINE $3500 nice boat 557-9131 ’88 JAYCO 5TH WHEEL TRAVEL TRAILER $4000 nice 256-558-0168 ’88 KAWASAKI 550 STAND UP TYPE JET SKI needs fuel pump and battery $200 obo 205-274-2486 ’88 MONARCH FIBERGLASS w/100 horse evinrude and trailer runs good needs carpet and seats $1500 205-274-2486 ’89 16’ MONARCH FISH AND SKI BOAT 100 hp evinrude and trailer needs seats $1500 205-274-2486 ’90 CARAVELLE PARTY BOAT w/130 yamaha runs 40mph on water needs seats $3000 205-274-2486 ’92 COACHMAN CATALINA 5TH WHEEL W/SLIDE OUT good cond 256-200-7459 ’94 POLARIS 400 2500 LB SUPER WINCH good shape $1700 4wd 609-1329 ’94 SIERRA CAMPER 26’ 3’ SLIDE OUT $3000 256-575-9343 ’95 WAVE RUNNER III YAMAHA needs work $700 looks grt 288-3840 ’96 JAYCO EAGLE MOTORHOME 28’ LONG br in back sleep compartment over cab exc cond 256-593-6165 ’97 PROWLER CAMPER 5th wheel 33.5’ long 2 slide outs great cond 205-429-5074 ’99 COACHMAN POP UP W/SLIDE OUT restroom and shower up to 22’ needs new cable $1500 good shape $2500 if I fix cable 288-3840 ’99 DAMON CHALLENGER class a motorhome 35’ long w/slide exc cond days 256-878-4576 nites 878-0446 (2) BOAT WHLS/TIRES 12” 660-0639 12’ ALUM V-HULL BOAT w/trailer trolling motor battery new floor very nice $900 obo 256-504-6502 14-1/2’ FIBERGLASS BOAT 30 HP JOHNSON MOTOR lots of x-tras $1400 obo 256601-9109

14’ BASS BOAT W/35 HP JOHNSON MOTOR and trolling motor/trailer $250 firm 205274-2486 14’ COSBY FISHING BOAT W/50 HP mercury motor and trailer carbs need to be cleaned out $450 205-274-2486 14’ FLAT BOTTOM ALUM BOAT $200 W/TROLLING motor $300 256-543-2982 14’ FLAT BOTTOM BOAT 18hp mercury motor 4’ wide in bottom $900 256-7283339 14’ FLAT BOTTOM W/20 HORSE mercury elec start and trailer $750 205-274-2486 14’ GAME FISHER W/25 HORSE Johnson elec start and pull start w/galv trailer ready to fish $1200 205-274-2486 14FT ALUM FLATBOTTOM boat very good cond w/trailer 35lb thrust trolling motor 3

$1400 256-344-1501 Walnut Grove 2004 TRAIL CRUISER by R-Vision bumper pull camper mode 278 rls 1 slide out sleeps up to 6 $9700 obo 256-593-3600 lv msg 2006 PILGRIM TRAVEL TRAILER 30ft exc cond full bed & bunks used very little $9500 must sell 256-547-2649 or 256-390-6618


Country Club-5Bed/4Bath,

4,700 sq Ft, Brick colonial 2 acre lot, 2 Fire places

$6,000 down-$1500/mo 256-524-7739

2007 SEA DOO SPEEDSTER sport boat 2 engines 480ht like new 1ownr $28,500 obo 256-490-2961 2008 23FT BUMPER PULL camper fully self contained 5yr warranty receiver & stabilizer hitch, generator 205-466-5746 20FT ALUM FLOAT on boat trailer could also be pontoon trailer $500 256-586-3149 or 256-677-7308 Arab 20FT PONTOON BOAT 50hp mercury force mtr power trim canopy live well $2800 swivel seats 1 padded depth finder w/new 256-344-1501 walnut grove battery $600 205-665-4475 24FT CAMPER TRAIELR $2500 256-63016’ BOAT TRAILER FOR SELL 2 boat motors 0738 Ft Payne 35hp Johnson w/ski handle and 12hp outbd 3 14’ FISHING BOATS W/MOTORS and air cooled w/own tank both run exc 256HousEs&APArtmEnts 587-3060 16’ SKEETER BASS BOAT 150 evinrude foR RENT motor trolling motors battery’s $1800 438in -marshall 4938 good cond -deKalb 16K FIFTH WHEEL 256-845-4472 -Etowah 17-1/2’ SKEETER BOAT 256-878-4190 17’ PRO CRAFT BOAT ’96 MODEL 75 horse EathERS RopERtiES 256.878.9199 mariner good cond garage kept 753-2750 2 5 6 . 5 9 3 .4218 17’ SKI BOAT INBD 4 CYL ENGINE good boat tri hull windshield convertible top skis big bertha fish finder nice trailer w/new trailers 205-274-2486 3-BIKE MOTORCYCLE TRAILER DBL reintires well maintained $3000 506-2161 17FT BOAT TRAILER $175 obo 205-752- forced $450 obo 302-8601 g’ville 30FT PULL BEHIND CAMPER older but 9213 or 256-226-1944 1977 WINNABAGO motor home sleeps 6 good cond full bath w/tub Blount Co area 256-506-0137 would be interested in trad- $1000 205-237-9698 34’ MONTANO CAMPER ALUM INSIDE ing for a tractor 1985 CAMPER TRAILER 24ft $2500 256- fiberglass outside also have ford f250 pu 205-616-8786 630-0738 Ft Payne 1987 BUMBLE BEE PRO V 178 18ft bass 35HP JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor runs boat 150 Yamaha Pro V 2 dept finders good $250 256-498-0401 trolling motor pwr trim nice boat $3250 38’ KEYSTONE CAMPER 3 SLIDE OUTS $15,000 256-558-2601 256-441-6537 1997 DAMON DAYBREAK MOTOR HOME 4FT WIDE 14ft alum boat 7.5hp Johnson Class A 34ft 454 Chevy engine sleeps 6 motor w/tank $500 or $600 w/good trailer fiberglass body shower w/skylight, sepa- 256-498-0401 rate from bathrm, new fridge, new tires, 4HP JOHNSON OUTBOARD motor runs very clean non-smoker & non-pets exc cond good $150 256-498-0401 50HP OUTBOARD MOTOR Mercury w/all 53k $21,500 256-442-6922 1997 MERCURY 150HP BLACK MAX motor controls & hydraulic pump early 1980 $750 runs great 256-587-3060 runs great $15000 256-586-3149 2 PROPANE BOTTLES FILLED for 5th wheel 5TH WHEEL CAMPER ’97 PROWLER rubber roof roof air fair cond 205-429-5074 camper $75 for both 256-717-4504 2-2 SEATER GO CARTS one 5hp other 6hp 5TH WHEEL HITCH FOR CAMPER w/bolts both red have rl bars little ride time grt $125 obo 256-717-4504 5TH WHEEL HITCH reese pin in-pin out cond $425 ea 256-302-0808 2-FIBERGLASS BOAT BOTH 14’ $200 EA 12,500lb $300 256-572-9979 75HP MERCURY BOAT MOTOR $300 504obo will help you move 256-717-4504 2-SEATER RAIL BUGGY 5pt harnesses 2-bar 9968

lEASE To oWN GAdsdEn, Avis drivE, 4Br, 2BA, 1 ACrE, CHA, 200 sq. ft., wood& tilE floors, dwn Pmt&$758/mo. BAd CrEdit oK! 256-251-1972






18 NovEMbER 2009

oN ArgE ots for

In Horton


owner financing Available

Call 256-781-4537 AIR COMPRESSOR 4HP 80 GAL TANK 256878-4190 AQUA PATIO 24FT PONTOON boat w 88 hp evinrude full hard top front to rear ft cont trolling mtr 2 bass seats up front all new furn that seats 12-15 people porta pottyw enclosure sink 24gal gas tank new fish finder & compass carpet on a new ‘07 bunk style drive on trailer $6500 obo con trade for sm cruiser mike 302-3760 AQUA PATIO 24ft pontoon boat w/88 hp Evinrude full hard top front to rear foot

from rEnt to own Call 256-878-4157 for imPortAnt informAtion control trolling motor 2 bass seats up front all new furniture that seats 12-15 porta potty w/enclosure sink, 24gal gas tank, new fish finder & compass, new carpet, like new on new 2007 bunk style drive-on trailer $6500 obo consider trade for small cruiser 302-3760 BIMINI TOP for pontoon boat w/all attaching hardware & storage boot $50 256-8783073 A’ville BOAT TRAILER $200 256-601-6515 BOAT TRAILER w/spare for flat bottom boat $175 can deliver or trade 205-2128676 CHRYSLER 14’ ALUM V-HULL BOAT and trailer w/25 hp Johnson full start good cond

$800 205-274-2486 ENCLOSED 17FT pull trailer ’07 $5500 or trade for pull camper 256-226-1944 FISHING BOATS 256-226-1944 GOLF CART ’99 MODEL GOOD COND battery operated w/battery charger hard top nice works good easy go $1500 506-2161 HOME OR PULL TRAILER 1br 35’ $3500 obo 256-226-1944 HUNTERS CAMPER 24ft sleeps 3 comfort can sleep 4 $1k 256-302-4321 JAYCO 5TH WHEEL TRAVEL TRAILER ’96 model super slide 36’ qn sz bed new carpet/linoleum counter tops splash bds put in new roof $8000 obo 256-566-0764 KEYSTONE CAMPER 256-845-4472 20’ LIKE NEW take pay-off MERCURY 25HP OUTBOARD 2007 model 4-stroke electric start about 30hrs use time has back-up pull start $2500 205-91-3851 MINN KOTA TROLLING MOTOR 32 lb thrust $50 205-640-6952 MONARK PONTOON BOAT 20’ fishing seats live well center console canvass top 50hp Merc Force pwr trim new axles & whls on trailer 256-344-1501 Walnut Grove MOTOR GUIDE TROLLING MOTOR 71lb thrust tiller drive long shaft $300 256-7175677 MOTORHOME ICTASCA WINNEBAGO 30’ LONG four wheeler pulls behind w/tow bar 60k miles on motorhome 120k miles ’94 mercury pull behind chevy chassis w/454 engine all new tires brakes exc cond top of the line w/car $17,000 will take trade in/four wheel vehicle home is ’89 model 256-506-2161 NICE DUCK BOAT/DURACRAFT ’91 MODEL 40 evinrude motor very clean runs grt 3024640

I WIll lEASE youR HouSE!

PONTOON 18ft rails all around door on each side bench seat across back 1 seat on ea side all alum floor & all 40hp Mercury trailer w/good tires 2 live boxes $2000 256-638-3249 POP UP CAMPER $600 891-0089 PROCRAFTS BOAT 17’ 115 Mercury outboard, trolling motor, fish & ski $1500 256543-7883 PULL CAMPER 22ft dual axle good for deer hunters or pleasure $800 256-226-1944 or trade RAIL BUGGY racing seats five point harness seat belts tow bar 256-344-1505 walnut grove REC BOAT 17’ SKI BOAT 140 hp Johnson motor brand new battery needs minor int work $1100 hvy duty trailer 205-467-6875 REGAL 260 VALANTE 34’ BOAT QN SIZE BED full bath 2-4.3 v6 engines alum trailer very nice boat 256-505-7901 ROLLS 20FT ALUM BOAT TRAILER $500 256-586-3149 SEARS ALUM flat bottom boat 14’ long w/swivel seat & trolling motor on a trailer great cond no repairs no holes $550 or trade for bolt action rifle, etc 205-324-0172 SEVERAL BOAT supplies 660-0639 TECUMSEH BOTTOM SHAFT motor 12-1/2 hp ohb $150 477-0980 TOMBOY 14’ W/9HP SEA KING MOTOR AND TRAILER $400 205-274-2486 VW RAIL BUGGY $2200 OR TRADE for nice four wheeler 256-244-4342 WANT TO BUY pontoon boat & camper both in good cond late model 256-5472649 or 256-390-6618 WANTED airstream pull trailer of any all stainless alum type 256-226-1944 WANTED NON RUNNING JET SKIS 3122279 WANTED pull type campers 3ft up 256226-1944 WEBER 17’ FISHING BOAT fiberglass bottom 115 evinrude motor boat/motor free must buy trailer $1050 205-467-6875 WINNEBAGO ’99 MODEL 60k miles 30’ long has onan generator new tires/brakes very nice non smoker sleeps six $15,000 will take nice pu for trade in 256-506-2161 4-WHEEL GOLF CART great cond 2007 model $1450 or trade 205-426-4880 PORTING GOODS~

receive $2000 down & monthly pmts while your home is being sold to a qualified buyer S within 1 to 2 years. don't wait on realtors!


’76 GRAMPION SAIL BOAT 30’ make offer 256-206-6497 ’89 16’ MONARCH FISH AND SKI BOAT 100 hp evinrude and trailer needs seats $1500 205-274-2486 ’90 CARAVELLE PARTY BOAT w/130 yamaha runs 40mph on water needs seats $3000 205-274-2486 15’ ALUM FLAT BOTTOM BOAT new paint good trailer new tires lights etc $600 firm 256-498-0401

2 DEER HEADS ONE 8 PT $75 ONE 8 PT WHITE TAIL $50 205-594-3219 2005 EZ GO GOLF CART electric new batteries exc cond $2600 256-623-3627 2006 CLUB CAR GOLF CART 8volt blk on blk lots accessories $5200 obo 256-7061396 28’ RD ABOVE GROUND swimming pool 256-467-4160 3-PAINT BALL GUNS one has 9 lb cyl other two are sm cyl’s $100 for all 256-264-4221 30/06 BOLT ACTION RIFLE W/TASCO 3X9X32 SCOPE $250 205-274-2486 7’ POOL TABLE $175 OBO grt cond 7174504 API TREE STAND GRAND SLAM $115 256506-3070 ARCHERY EQUIPMENT wanted will pay cash or trade for misc items 256-505-0941 BARNETT & QUAD 400 cross bow w/quiver & arrows $300 256-328-5696 BEAR SUPERSTRIKE XLR 1 cam compound bow w overdraw peep sight pendulum sight etc has 29in draw length 70lb draw weight & 100 3/8 in string length comes complete w bow arrows broad heads some have never been opened case & more will sell for $300 call 256-561-3213 BOCCOR BALL table $10 593-6578 BRAND NEW BASKETBALL GOAL still in box pd $80 asking $60 205-446-1802 CUSTOM MADE left hand blk leather holster like new never used made for Ruger security set will hold Smith & Wesson & colt medium frame guns $30 obo 256-506-7206 DEER HUNTING LAND jackson co hunting permits $450 has club house two trailers green fields & more call 256-682-3453 DEER HUNTING LAND madison co hunting permits $450 has three hunting houses green fields hunting stands call 256-6823453 DEER HUNTING LAND north mississippi large private farm hunting permits $450 has house you can park trailer there if desired call 256-682-3453 DIGITAL GOLF SWING groover MEASURES DISTANCE FOR IRONS & DRIVER $20 256677-5219 ESE FIRESTORM X COMPOUND BOW 6 broadhds tips fiber optic site arrow rest case quickie quiver 65 lb draw weight limb saver stabilizer and silencer shoots 340’ per second never used $1000 or make offer 659-6137 FISHING ROD all star 76 flipping stick $50 obo 256-599-7685 GOLDEN EAGLE BOW totally rigged brand new $465 256-543-2982 GOLF CART $500 288-3840 GOLF CART 2005 EZ GO w/fiberglass canopy, lights, good seat, 6 new batteries, 4 tires, great cond $1800 205-491-5969 GOLF CART 891-2291 GOLF CLUB SET comprised of Bobby Jones & Spaulding clubs, woods have covers, very good cond $50 obo 256-593-2405 Douglas Al GOLF CLUBS 256-599-7685 GOLF CLUBS complete set Nike irons & woods, golfmate bag 256-601-6555 GOLF COURSE GPS sky caddy sg3 $150 obo ping and callaway irons driver and more 256-599-7685 HARVARD BRAND 7’ AIR HOCKEY TABLE good cond $180 593-3136 HAVE SEVERAL MISC ITEMS for hunting camo pants camo jacket cold weather handlebar mitts for w wheeler scopes etc call 256-561-3213 HAVE SEVERAL MISCELLANEOUS items for hunting camo pants camo shirts thermal long johns tops & bottoms camo jacket xl brown scopes etc call 256-561-3213 HORTON CROSS BOW brand new still in box $300 205-237-4743 HUNTER SPECIAL ’88 CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4 ps pwr brakes 6 cyl 20mpg $1500 obo 256-550-3196 INDIAN YOUTH COMPOUND BOW 25lb pull 13lb hold weight great for young beginner $20 256-506-7206 JOBES 757 SKIS $25 878-9538 LOOKING FOR HUNTING PROPERTY TO LEASE for ’09 cullman/g’ville area 8408941 MINI BIKE 96cc eng $125 consider trade for

port basketball goal 996-3092 NEW AND USED REELS PFLUEGER Garcia abu bass pro shop rods 558-9227 OFFICIAL FAN SHAPED fiberglass basketball w goal offic comp size standard fan shaped basketball backboard w goal measures 39’’x54’’ 1 ½ w official style orange target markings will sell for $100 256-5613213 ONE DOZEN Nike power distance balls never opened $10 256-677-5219 OZARK TRAIL polyester screen house w/carry bag 14’x10’ never taken out of bag $250 256-593-2405 Douglas Al PLASTIC SNOW SLED $10 878-9538 POOL TABLE AIR HOCKEY TABLE COMBO grt cond brand new 7’ $250 includes all accessories larry 256-613-7767 POOL TABLE BRUNSWICK reg size claw ft $1600 plus cost to move 256-538-1187 POOL TABLE GRT COND 8’ PROF SZ comes w/all accessories $300 obo larry 256-6137767 POOL TABLE RACKS CUE STICKS AND BALLS $350 256-677-1339 POOL TABLE W/ACCESSORIES 550-1159 REMINGTON 1100 EXC SHAPE 20 ga $400 firm 205-274-2486 SAFARI HI COUNTRY COMPOUND BOW several arrows sites all accessories sell or trade for cross bow very nice shape 256470-1504 SLATE TOP POOL TABLE SOLID OAK leather pockets $825 256-529-9180 SOLAR POWERED deer feeder $50 256228-7052 SOLOFLEX WORKOUT ACHINE $200 8789538 SPORTS STORE EQUIP hockey, skis, ice skates, more sell together for good price or $3400 728-4902 SUMMIT CLIMBING TREE STAND used 3 times $175 obo 256-717-4504 SUMMIT TREE STAND like new rarely used open front $150 obo 256-543-7883 SUMMIT TREE STANDS metal climber $75 256-504-6984 SUN QUEST 24 BULB TANNING BED w/built in am/fm radio 558-4818 SURPLUS TRIOXANE HTG FUEL w/fire starters grt for hunting camping etc pack of 3 for $5 or 10 pcks $40 mike 256-506-7206 TOMBOY 14’ W/9HP SEA KING MOTOR AND TRAILER $400 205-274-2486 TRAMPOLINE $100 486-3526 TRAMPOLINE 256-279-0249 TRAMPOLINE FOR SALE safety pads and net 878-8522 TREE LAMPS TREE STAND $65 256-5063070 TRUE FIRE GORILLA GRIP BOW RELEASE $25 256-599-7685 WANT TO BUY golf cart 878-0128 WANTED back seat for 2001 Club Car golf cart w/frame & mounting hardware 256679-0609 WANTED FOUR WHEELERS running or not 840-8941 WANTED MEMBERSHIP AT LITTLE MTN MARINA 25 yr/no lifetime 256-298-2715 WILDLIFE TRACKING SYSTEM w/2 new collars $300 678-232-2789 or 706-7771499 WINCHESTER 2535 RIFLE AMMO FOR SELL soft points 19 rds hard to find $20 256-506-7206 mike WOLFF SUNQUEST PRO TANNING BED 26RS RARELY used new bulbs $1800 5939494 YAMAHA GOLF CART gas powered red metallic paint w/windshield, panoramic mirror & headlights $2200 256-609-1710 Rainsville area XERCISE EQUIP~


AB LOUNGE EXERCISER $40 arab area call 256-797-5893 AB LOUNGE II used but looks & works great $35 firm call after 5 659-5167 AB LOUNGE SPORT used once like new pd $100 will take $40 call 572-1057 AB LOUNGER great cond $60 256-6301600 AB LOUNGER in good cond used very little $20 205-594-7473 AB LOUNGER SPORT like new used 3 times $50 256-697-4135



18 NovEMbER 2009

BAND FLEX EXERCISE GYM made by stamina like new $85 572-7016 BAND FLEX XS GYM exercise machine made by stamina great cond $85 593-3934 BOW FLEX power pro w/video & exercise poster $250 205-559-1932 BOWFLEX EXTREME X2 w all attach & squat bar rarely used great cond would help w set up $900 obo call 558-3566 BOWFLEX TECH SELECT 1090 dumbells like new easily adjust ea dumbell in 5lb intervals fr 10-90lbs comes w bowfles 5 in 1 bench & dumbell stand pd over $1300 must sell $950 obo 256-601-1628 BRAND NEW PROFORM XP weight loss 620 treadmill very nice has Ipod dock & workout programs sold at sears for $799 will sell for $300 also have a weight bench for sale brand new without weights $60 obo 256390-4535 CARDIO GLIDE STATIONARY cycle $40 arab area call 256-797-5893 DP ALPHAFLEX exercise machine uses rubber band resistance $40 256-586-3733 ELIPTQUAL IMAGE 8.25 $50 256-509-7498 ELLIPTICAL NORDIC TRAX cx938 like new everything works must sell for Christmas money $200 obo 256-728-4151 EXERCISE BIKE PRO FORM sr30 ekg grips exc cond pd over $1000 asking $300 256442-9059 EXERCISE BIKE/COMFORT CYCLE total body gym 256-543-9659 EXERCISE EQUIPMENT tony littles gazelle used very little in perfect shape bought in ‘08 $125 firm 205-589-2870 sprint master GAZELLE $50 abe lounge $50 256-3386987 GAZELLE EDGE exercise machine $70 exc cond 256-738-8827 HOME GYM still like new $100 256-4385285 INCLINING/DECLINING TX400 TREADMILL 256-467-4160 INVERSION TABLE elongates the spine & increases circul will sell for $150 pd $199 new used just a few times 250lb weight capacity call 256-840-9320 aft 5:30 pm LIFESTYLER CARDIO exerciser $25 256586-3733 LIFESTYLER CARDIOGLIDE MACHINE it is a great workout I have had it for about 6 months & used it a lot I have recently moved & have no room for it it works great nothing wrong with it at all just need it gone as I have no room first $50 gets it if int you can email me at or call 582-6326 NICE EXERCISE BIKE $60 ab lounger II $25 572-8703 OLYMPIC BAR BELL SET 300lbs $100 call 205-353-4610 ORBITREK PLATINUM plus tone n glide fitness machine $100 256-881-2939 P90X DVDs full set w meal plan must sell $100 obo 256-601-1628

POWER RIDER in good cond used very little $20 205-594-7473 PRO FORM XP 115 elliptical trainer w adjustable stride $350 call 256-293-0846 PROFORM XP WEIGHT BENCH very nice brand new without the weighs $60 obo new weslo pursuit 330 upright exercise bike never used 465 can deliver if within 30 mi 256-390-4525 RECUMBENT EXERCISE BIKE 1yo $75 8785106 ROWING MACHINE in good cond used very little $20 205-594-7473 SOLO FLEX total workout machine w lots of extra attach & weights & exercis chart $250 256-498-3378 SOLOFLEX WORKOUT ACHINE $200 8789538 SPORTSCRAFT TREADMILL good cond folds up for storage $45 205-429-2148 SUN VISION TANNING BED 220 POWER $850 exc cond boaz area 256-458-7903 SUNVISION TANNING BED 220 pwr $700 exc cond boaz area 256-458-7903 TOTAL BODY WORKOUT MACHINE $75 298-0110 TOTAL GYM XLS as seen on tv pd $1700 must sell asking $800 obo 256-293-4358 TREADMILL BY BOWFLEX tre climber w heart mon plus all the bells & whistles $2500 new 1 yr old take $1k also ab scissors body by jake like new $75 256-3121934 TREADMILL FOR SALE like new cond folds for storage elect programs & incline pulse mon & fan must sell $200 205-466-3192 TREADMILL IMAGE 15.5 airsoft cushioning 10k step calorie goal program mph 10 settings adjust speed & incline built in fan ldc display to track speed time dist colories & pulse heart rate $200 256-558-5964 WEIDER 3010 HOME GYM 150lbs stacked weights can do mult upper & lower body exercises w it bought new 1 yr ago for $350 will sale for $200 pic via cell text on request dutton area call 256-605-1664 WEIDER PRO 4900 home tym 3 workout stations dual weight stacks 15-327lb ea 2 people can workout at same time too many exer to list brand new cond used less than 10 times moving must sell $225 obo 256601-1628 WEIGHT BENCH $20 call 256-538-8635 WEIGHT BENCH w/leg lift pull down bar includes 140lbs weights w/Olympic standard bar $100 302-7874 WEIGHT BENCH W/UNIVERSAL WEIGHTS $50 leg machine bench press 256-264-4221 WEIGHT STATION $175 256-541-9239 WEIIDER HOME GYM total body work out need to sell getting married & need the room $300 obo 256-878-9652 OR RENT~


Land!! 205-640-2340 6.75% $75000 fin. 360 months WAC 1-BEDROOM APT all appliances including washer & dryer, water & garbage service conv to Boaz or Gadsden 256-572-2428 before 8pm 100% Financing 0 DOWN-up to $8000 CASH BACK 205-640-2340 1BR 1BA small house in Rainsville behind Katy’s central h/a fridge stove w/d no pets no utilities furnished perfect for single or couple $100 wk w/dep 256-997-6512 1BR APARTMENT near downtown Albertville $250 dep $300 mo you pay utilities 256-891-1566 1BR DUPLEX APT A’VILLE lr kitchen dr includes light water and sewage bill 256593-2648 1BR DUPLEX APT IN A/VILLE lr kitchen br and bath all utilities furnished 593-2648 1BR DUPLEX FOR RENT br lr kitchen bath all utilities/furniture furnished a’ville 593-

Govt will pay you up to $8000 to buy a new home - don’t miss your share of bail-out money - no gimmicks - no hype! Call now 1-866-896-8300 2648 1BR MOBILE HOME fully furnished hwy 75 no NO PETS please 878-4545 1BR MOBILE HOME HWY 75 NO completely furnished w/furniture and electricity $100 wk $100 dep 878-4545 1BR MOBILE HOME hwy 75 NO PETS


walnut Grove neW 3/2, Vinyl ,cenral, 1,500 sq ft 5 a., 35X60 cabnt shop $6000 dn, $895/mo 256-524-7739

please ideal for one person 293-8387 1BR/1BA MOBILE HOME w/utility room washer dryer range fridge garbage pu and water allowance furnished laminated flooring front covered porch part enclosed app/lease/dep required 506-4262 2 TRAILERS FOR RENT 1br and 2br’s hwy ala 227 no Crossville, al 256-659-2611 2/3 BR HOUSE on Co Rd 179 in Painter community half acre lot outside storage bldg no pets refs required $375 mo $300 dep 256-659-2235 0 DOWN!! $486 per month Built On Your 2BR 1BA APT ON MARTIN RD for rent 593-





18 NovEMbER 2009

Apartments Available Mill Run – Apartments Available

Mill Run – Guntersville - Senior Complex Cedar Ridge – Guntersville - Family Complex Sunrise East - Crossville - Family Complex 1 and 2 Bedroom Units Available Move – in sPeCiaL CaLL For an aPPLiCation 256-623-3813 eXt 296 3394 2BR 1BA IN ALBERTVILLE AL lg lr & dr 1 car garage out building for storage $425 per mo $400 dep for more info call 256-5582270 2BR 1BA MOBILE HOME on large private lot $300 mo near Lake G’ville State Park in 5-points community 256-582-5290 2BR 1BA TRAILER on private acre land, large deck, utility shed, central h/a xtra nice in Egypt community $350 mo plus dep no pets 490-3246 2BR APARTMENT GRANT AREA 205-4292121 2BR APT IN BLOUNTSVILLE $350 MO 256531-2241 2BR APT IN BLOUNTSVILLE $350 MO garbage pu included 256-531-2241 2BR APT IN BLOUNTSVILLE $350 mo garbage service include 256-531-2241 2BR MOBILE HOME 1BA ARONEY COMMUNITY private lot stove/fridge and garbage pu furnished $70 wk $200 dep NO PETS 561-3672 2BR MOBILE HOME at Whispering Oaks Mobile home community behind Arbys in A’bville strict park rules enforced no pets must have established employment $80 wk plus dep 256-997-6512 2BR MOBILE HOME clean ready to move in 878-4545 2BR MOBILE HOME FURNISHED or unfurnished water garbage pu included NO PETS 205-466-7604 snead/Brooksville area 2BR MOBILE HOME HWY 75 NO 293-8387 2BR MOBILE HOME in Alder Springs refs & dep required no pets hud accepted 5828773 2BR MOBILE HOME SIMMS COMMUNITY quiet trailer park NO PETS PLEASE 8917201 2BR TRAILER DOUGLAS AREA utilities furnished 593-1795 2BR TRAILER FOR RENT on bottom of fry gap mtn 15min to arab & guntersville does not have washer & dryer hookup rent $275 mo inc water has a garden spot stable income no inside pets 571-9119

15 bANk REPoS

must sell-maKe offer BAnK rEPo CEntEr 820-0510 or 225-9588 (256) 820-0510 or (256) 225-9588 3095 us Hwy 431n, Anniston, Al

2BR/1BA APT A’VILLE $325 water garbage furnished 423-447-8456 2BR/1BA HOUSE $450 MO Crossville cnty rd 482 659-4906 2BR/1BA HOUSE 3 BLOCKS FROM a’ville post office $320 mo $300 dep NO PETS/SMOKING 572-3864 2BR/1BA HOUSE NEAR A’VILLE $300 mo water and garbage pu included 256-5729800 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME Douglas area $350 mo $300 dep after 4pm call 256-8910400 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME Geraldine 423-

447-8456 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME MATHIS mill rd some utilities included 256-738-3341 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME NICE and clean stove fridge washer and dryer water and garbage pu furnished storage bldg NO PETS 572-3417 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME prox 7 miles so of arab 550-1159 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME simms community private lot nice 891-7201 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME SIMMS COMMUNITY private lot NO PETS PLEASE 8917201 2BR/1BA NICE MOBILE HOME on private lot smith institute area 256-302-2537 2BR/2BA MOBILE HOME IN FIVE pts community near lake g’ville state park x-tra lg lr furnished w/stove fridge washer dryer water/garbage furnished $350 mo $250 dep 256-582-4479 2BR/2BA MOBILE HOME on horse farm in Crossville prefer single person or couple no children 506-0235 2BR/2BA MOBILE HOME privacy fence in back yard lg 24 x 24 shop w/concrete floor 7 miles so of arab 550-1159 2BR/2BA SINGLE WIDE TRAILER Anniston would the guy and female out of Gadsden who left their number I have lost, please call 256-225-3920 3BR 2BA MOBILE HOME in Boaz area water & trash pu included $435 mo $200 dep hud approved 659-8729 3BR 2BA TRAILER $400 mo plus dep 6233673 3BR HOUSE $464 mo 256-481-8740 3BR HOUSE $500 mo 481-8740 3BR MOBILE HOME 2BR MOBILE HOME 3br house all for rent in whiton Asbury area 659-2790 3BR MOBILE HOME 3BR HOUSE located in whiton Asbury area 659-8427 3BR MOBILE HOME WATER/GARBAGE pu included in rent snead area NO PETS 205466-7604 3BR TRAILER 1BA A’VILLE AL $400 MO 205-456-0155 3BR/1BA HOME NEAR Geraldine school $400 per mo 256-641-4036 3BR/1BA STOVE FRIDGE central ht/air $550 rent $550 dep 256-878-1412 available dec 3BR/2BA HOUSE IN SARDIS smith institute area nites 593-3394 3BR/2BA MOBILE HOME for rent sardis area nites 593-3394 3BR/2BA MOBILE HOME fully furnished including utilities $165 wk $250 dep pleasant grove area 582-2720 3BR/2BA MOBILE HOME located in Carlisle sardis area furnished w/blinds stove fridge garbage pu pay other utilities NO PETS prefer small working family $375 mo w/$250 dep 256-593-0001 3BR/2BA MOBILE HOME sardis central ht/air hud approved $400 mo 593-0291 4BR/2-1/2 BA HOUSE FOR RENT $500 MO $250 dep henegar 256-601-6365 4BR/2-1/2 BA HOUSE FOR RENT henegar area 256-601-6365 4BR/2BA MOBILE HOME one acre in smith

institute area Whitesboro sardis schools newly remodeled $500 dep $500 mo 5616275 4BR/2BA NEWLY REMODELED mobile home on one acre new laminate floors tile in bath lg 16 x 16 storage shed quiet neighborhood smith institute area sardis/Whitesboro schools $500 dep $500 mo rent sell for $45,000 561-6275 no calls after 8:30 pm 725 MATHIS MILL RD #11 Albertville 2br 1ba mobile home stove fridge central h/a $120wkly w/$120 dep utilities furnished up to $160 per mo on site manager 8919751 725 MATHIS MILL RD #2 Albertville 3br 1ba mobile home stove, fridge, central h/a $130wkly $130 dep utilities furnished up to $160 per mo on site manager 891-9751 725 MATHIS MILL RD #43 Albertville 1br 1ba mobile home stove, fridge, central h/a $110 wkly w/$110 dep utilities furnished up to $160 per mo on site manager 8919751 725 MATHIS MILL RD albertville 2br 1ba mobile home $120 per wk & $120 deposit central heat & air stove & rerigerator no pets on site manager 256-891-9751 725 MATHIS MILL RD albertville 3br 1ba mobile home $130 per wk & $130 deposit central heat & air stove & refrigerator no pets on site manager 256-891-9751 725 MATHIS MILL ROAD #9 Albertville 2br 1ba mobile home stove fridge central h/a $120wkly w/$120 dep utilities furnished up to $160 per mo on site manager 8919751 ALDER ACRES SUBDIVISION 2br mobile home for rent ref/dep required 582-8773 ALDER ACRES SUBDIVISION mobile home lot for rent for trailer 1995 yr model or newer, power pole & water meter already on lot 256-582-8773 APARTMENT 2br 1ba $375 mo $300 dep in Snead 205-335-2896 APT FOR RENT 1 BR EFFICIENCY appliances satellite tv service water furnished NO PETS $100 wk dep required alder springs community 894-7585 BEAUTY SHOP 1-person everything is supplied except you have to buy your own supplies $100 mo avail 1st of Dec 557-6960 or 528-7358 Dawn BUSINESS ON 431 FOR RENT 840 sf in miracle plaza 840-5488 Call Johnson Builders for all your metal needs, BEST PRICES around, 256-5939345, Boaz COUNTRY LIVING 4br 2full ba mobile home on half acre lot private water supply septic system central h/a 6.5 miles east of Oneonta on state hwy 132 $500 mo 1st-last mo rent plus $300 deposit required to move in 205-589-6890 COUNTRY LIVING 4BR/2BA mobile home half acre lot private water supply and septic system state hwy 132 $500 mo 1st and last mos rent w/$300 dep to move in 205-5896890 DO YOU WISH YOUR KIDS HAD THERE OWN BACK YARD! STOP RENT, GET YOUR NEW HOME CMH OF ANNISTON 1-866325-5226 FIRE YOUR LAND LORD! WE OWN THE BANK! WE HAVE YOUR NEW HOME! CMH OF ANNISTON 1-866-325-5226 First Time Home Buyers Program!! EZ Financing!! WE OWN THE BANK!!!! 205640-2340 FOR RENT: 3/1brick, central H/A quiet, carport $600/mo (256)582-1023 call 256572-1823 FURNISHED 2BR MOBILE HOME water/garbage pu included summit area hwy 231 256-586-8803 GARDEN CITY MYRTLE BEACH 2nd wk july 3br/2ba on beach $1750 wk another 1br w/kitchen $1350 wk 878-1815 HOME FOR RENT ARONEY COMMUNITY 2br/2ba stove fridge washer/dryer garbage pu furnished NO PETS $350 mo $300 dep 561-3508 HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS: Debt consolidation, call Home Equity Loans, 256840-9525 HOME IN A’VILLE COMMUNITY 2br/1ba stove fridge dishwasher washer/dryer

$400 mo $300 dep 561-3508 HOUSE FOR RENT 3BR/2BA brick home w/shop on side 2 lg lr’s kitchen prox acre land $650 mo 572-3999 HOUSE FOR RENT OR OWNER FINANCE 3br den 2ba lr a’ville 256-302-5108 HOUSES/SINGLE WIDE TRAILERS Anniston area 689-7804 Kiss your Landlord Good bye! Buy a new home . Hurry to make the call! 256-8209981 LAND FOR RENT/ONE ACRE septic tank and water $100 mo 593-2868 LOOKING FOR 15-25 acres within 40 miles of H’ville for short term lease purchase 334332-0202 MOBILE HOME 14x60 2br 1ba can be moved or may rent to own (ownr may finance) located on College Av in Boaz city limits on private lot already has all utilities hooked up central h/a gas stove water sewate garbage pu furnished refs required if you rent to own 256-593-5579 MOBILE HOME 2BR HWY 75 NO clean $300 mo $100 dep 878-4545 NO PETS PLEASE MOBILE HOME 2BR smith community nice trailer lot NO PETS please 891-7201 MOBILE HOME ANNISTON AREA needs repairing reasonably priced 689-7804 MOBILE HOME ARONEY COMMUNITY private lot 2br/1ba nice 256-506-6255 MOBILE HOME BETWEEN a’ville & geraldine $250 mo $100 dep 3br/2br you pay utilities 423-447-8456 MOBILE HOME LOTS at Whispering Oaks mobile home community behind Arbys in Albertville no pets $135 mo plus dep strick park rules enforced 256-997-6512 MOBILE HOME ON PRIVATE PROPERTY furnished including utilities wkly rent and dep singles or couples only ref’s required NO PETS 878-2401 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 3BR/2BA $400 MO 506-0235 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT/DEKALB AND ETOWAH CNTY 572-6605 NICE COUPLE W 1 CHILD looking to rent lease a nice 3br house in the sardis carlisle mt boro or rockledge areas prefer basement & storage under $600 rent we are clean non drinking partying have refs & steady jobs 256-305-0060 OHATCHEE NEELY HENRY LAKE RV LOT for rent $175 monthly includes water garbage and sewage boat ramp and pier privileges secure area small campground 256-453-2070 OWNER FINANCING 3br-1-1/2 ba house Dutton ¾ acre land 256-601-1197 recently remodeled PARTIALLY DISABLED WOMAN on SSI only needs decent quiet house to rent (reasonable rent) by Dec 2 256-281-9419 Boaz ROOM FOR RENT 256-613-4465 ROOM FOR RENT IN BOAZ near high sch rent is $175 a mo that inc phone wireless internet access cable washer & dryer rm is avail now & already has a bed prefer male roommate if you have any questions or would like to see the rm please call joseph or reggie at 256-281-9284 ROOM W/BATH KITCHEN PRIVELEGES laundry room lg porches $250 mo 205-5892182 ROOMMATE WANTED 1BR FOR RENT NO SMOKERS $250 PER MO 256-477-0407 RV FOR RENT 256-225-3920 SLEEPING ROOM IN BOAZ AREA $200 mo 256-840-0647 SLEEPING ROOM in my home in Boaz area $200 mo everything furnished but food, you do have access to the kitchen 256-8400647 SMALL 2BR MOBILE HOME on private lot fully furnished w/furniture & appliances total electric 2 miles off hwy 75 south of Allgood like to have young or elderly couple $300 dep $325 mo 274-2345 SMALL DECENT AMERICAN FAMILY of 3 need to rent/lease a 3 or 4br nice house prefer w/basement/family rm, we have exc refs, income & stability, has to be in Sardis, Carlisle, Mt Boro or Rockledge up to $600b mo 256-305-0060 SOUTHSIDE LAKEFRONT beautiful affordable furnished 2br cottage also furnished 16x80 3br 2ba, both on private acreage,


6mo lease, senior discounts no pets 256413-3380 TRAILER LOT 3-1/2 ACRES rent or sell 256753-0250 TWO TRAILERS ALA HWY 227 NO Crossville, al on private lots 256-659-2611 WANT TO RENT 3-4bedrm place in good cond in Susan Moore School district or rent to own have stable income & refs 205-4560078 WANT TO RENT PASTURE AROUND NIXON CHAPEL area if possible 738-1069 WANT TO RENT ROOM OUT TO lady or gentleman $250 mo attalla area 538-7348 WELLINGTON ALEXANDRIA area small 1 br cottage stove fridge and a/c $75 wkly or $300 mo includes water garbage pu and sewage quiet people only NO PETS 256453-2070 OBILE HOMES~


AT CLAYTON HOMES OF ANNISTON 256820-8000 Extremely affordable living! New 3BR/2bath with gorgeous living room and separate den. Reduced rate financing available. Only $301/month! (WAC/7% APR/$45K ATF/5% DWN) Freedom Homes /Albertville! 866-896-8300 ‘03 CLAYTON MOBILE HOME 16x80 real nice 3br 2ba cent h/a side by side refrigerator walk in closets like new moved & set up for $19500 call 572-3417 ‘76 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE on rented lot newly remodeled new windows new drs ¾ ‘’ subflooring new floor covering new laminate new back ceck stove refrigerator dishwasher & dinette set included new hot water heater $6k obo 256-628-0356 ’00 HORTON DBL WIDE VERY NICE 3BR/2BA central ht/air all appliances lots of wood cabinets new carpet 4’ walk in shower walk in closets power pole underpinning moved and set up $24,000 205237-9616 ’00 MOBILE HOME 16 X 80 3BR/2BA $16,500 OBO fyffe location 256-601-7038 ’70 FLEETWOOD 12 X 60 3BR/1BA NEWLY REMODELED $3500 obo 256-599-4355 ’93 16 X 80 3BR/2BA MOBILE HOME good cond must be moved $10,000 593-2530 ’93 HOME OF LEGENDS 16 x 72 nice 2br/2ba lg rooms central ht/air ht pump appliances underpinning 2 porches moved and set up $14,500 572-3417 ’96 16 X 80 NICE 3BR / 2BA MOBILE HOME all appliances central ht/air island kitchen lots of nice cabinets moved and set up $12,500 572-8703 ’99 SINGLE WIDE MOBILE HOME CLAYTON BRAND 2br/2ba a’ville area $7000 loan value $8400 593-9623 12X60 2BR 1BA $5000 256-538-3502 12X60 2BR 1BA completely remodeled $5000 256-538-3502 12X65 3BR 2BA washer/dryer hookup $6500 256-538-3502 14X70 3BR 1BA $8000 256-538-3502 14X70 3BR 2BA $8000 356-538-3502 1993 14 X 70 2 bedroom, 1 bath, $4000, Cash and Karry, Call 423-284-0385 1994 16X80 3 bedroom, 2 bath $12,000 Cash and Karry, call 423-284-0385 2 MOBILE HOMES for rent 1 3br 2ba extra nice hud app loc in albertville other is 2br 1ba also hud app exc cond also in albertville I pay water on both 256-312-1934 2000 FLEETWOOD MFG HOME 24x48 dbl wide on approx 1.75 acres 3br 2ba w/carpet & vinyl thru out master bedrm includes dbl vanity, shower, garden tub large family room, dining rm, small pantry, utility rm, central h/a Duck Springs Attalla Al quiet people country living well maintained a must see $49,000 256-538-8737 28X40 DBL WIDE was a class frame w/central h & a $7000 256-538-3502 28X40 DOUBLE WIDE w/central h/a 256538-3502 2BR 1BA 1995 model 14x55 must move off lot recently remodeled inside, appliances like new or very good cond central h/a $12,000 256-547-8647 Gadsden (daytime) 2BR/1BA MOBILE HOME FOR SELL 256794-1700 2BR/2BA MOBILE HOME W/LOT grt for


18 NovEMbER 2009

fisherman one mile from pond also 3br/2ba brick home in Scottsboro behind super walmart 256-259-1414 3 BR 2 BA $272.00 per month Builder will finance! 205-640-2340 7.75% 10% DP/240 mths WAC 3BR 2BA 12X65 $6500 256-538-3502 3BR/2BA MOBILE HOME all appliances vinyl siding shingled roof $17,000 256-5048307 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH100 % TURN KEYSTARTING AT $43,900 ONLY AT CLAYTON HOMES OF ANNISTON 256-820-8000 Abandoned Home 1-866-893-0557 Extremely affordable living! Select your home size and payment: Small from $289/mo; med from $419/mo; ex large from $596/mo (WAC) call 866-896-8300 Extremely rare home! Sheetrock walls/ceramic tile floors; Glamour bath and huge walk-in closet under $500/month! Call “Mama” at FREEDOM HOMES 256-8788630 Government Loans on Manufactured Homes 205-640-2340 Govt approved FHA low interest loans AND up to $8000 govt tax credit on new home purchase; new homes from $34,000 !!! Call now for free pre-approval 866-896-8300 Land/Home Foreclosure call for location near you 1-866-893-0557 LINCOLN AL 3 ACRES AND ’97 4BR/2BA 28 x 70 dbl wide half mile off hwy 78 $49,900 sell furnished or unfurnished 205-6139278 Looking for 15 families for new Home Loan purchase! 3BR/2ba 1200 sq ft LESS than average rent costs! Call today 256-8784451 MOBILE HOME ‘93 MOBEL 16’xo80’ 2br 2ba island in kitchen fireplace lg bedrooms & kitchen vinyl siding shingle roof $11k call anytime 256-553-0410 MOBILE HOME ’03 CLAYTON 16 x 80 nice 3br/2ba central ht/air side x side fridge walk in closet moved and set up $20,000 572-3417 MOBILE HOME 12 X 60 2BR/1BA 256-5384502 completely remodeled MOBILE HOME 2br 2ba 256-794-1700 MOBILE HOME AXLES straight and slip 891-2291 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE ‘00 horton home double wide real nice 3br 2ba cent h/a all appl lots of oak cabinets walk in closets 4ft walk in shower pwr pole under penning moved & set up for $23500 572-3417 MOBILE HOME PRIVATE ACRE LOT FOR RENT w/storage bldg $350 mo $350 dep water furnished 256-647-1329 MOBILE HOME TIRE new $40 used $25 256-878-2352 New credit, limited credit we have FHA loans on our manufactured homes just for you — Call 256-878-4451 for your appointment today! NO LAND NO PROBLEM CLAYTON HOMES OF ANNISTON CAN HELP. CALL NOW 256820-8000 ONLY 1 LEFT! Used single-wide, great cond, $22691 “as is/where is” or will assist w/ delivery 256-878-3148 ONLY 1 left! Used singlewide, great condition, $18,700 “as is, where is” or will assist with delivery 256-878-3148 ONLY 10 more families needed for new Home Loan purchase! 3BR/2Bath 1200 sq ft for less than average rent costs! Call today 256-878-4451 Only 13 Payments remaining!! Make DP and move in!!! 1-866-893-0557 Repo 16x80 must sell! 1-866-893-0557 Repo DW new A/C 1-866-893-0557 SINGLE WIDE TRAILER exc cond w/porch $12,000 601-7362 SM TRAILER 40 X 30 NEW 840-8145 Special finance program!!! Own a doublewide for less than a singlewide, FREEDOM HOMES 866-896-8300 WANTED HOUSE OR TRAILER rent to own w/small payments 878-5062 WHY RENT? New 3BR/2 bath homes starting at $75/week (WAC) and you OWN it! Call for FREE pre-approval, 2009 Tax Credit available through November 866-896-8300 EAL ESTATE~


NEEd To SEll youR HouSE


receiVe $1500 doWn plus monthly payments while your house paid off by

Qualified Buyer wIthIn 1 to 2 years!

877-638-8589 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 100% TURN KEY TONS OF FLOOR PLANS EASY FINANCING CALL CMH OF ANNISTON TODAY 1-866325-5226 ‘99 CHANDELEER 29X80 double wide loc btwn hokes bluff & glencoe 5br 3 ½ ba lg kit garden tub in master br 3.65 acres large fr & back deck fr part covered all elect cent h/a $78k for all or can be moved call 256526-4262 ’93 BUCKANEER 14 X 70 MOBILE HOME 2br/2ba garden tub moved and set up $8000 572-3417 (2) BEAUTIFUL REAL LOG CABINS in Pigeon Forge TN fully furnished hot tubs all appliances screened areas covered porches conv to downtown Pigeon Forge $159,900 for both 256-599-6974 (2) HALF ACRE LOTS in Berkley Hills Southside Al $4000 ea lot 256-490-9941 (2) LOTS one has good house on it about 1 ½ acre like to trade even to somebody for equal value 256-734-7419 (4) ACRES just past Sardis city limits commercial property hwy 431 frontage $35,000 per acre would consider leasing 256-630-0834 $51900 1399 MARTLING RD ALBERTVILLE 35951 4br 2ba 2 story home 1854 sq ft w a 4 bay garage situat on 1+ acre lot call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit $69900 890 EAST HENDERSON RD 35957 3br vinyl siding central h/a all kit appl inc call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or $79900 117 KING ST BOAZ 2br 2ba townhome rec updated throughout galley kit w dishwasher vinyl siding private patio dont miss this rare find call kat sharpe 256-4774831 visit or $79900 611 EASTVIEW ST albertville 3br 2ba brick rancher orig hardwood flrs fenced back yard call kat sharpe 256-4774831 visit or $79900 9418 AL HWY 168 BOAZ AL 3br vinyl rancher cent h/a hardwood flrs gas logs & detached garage on a ½ acre call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or $8000 DOLLAR TAX CREDIT IS RUNNING OUT. YOU NEED THIS MONEY. CALL US TODAY ABOUT YOUR NEW HOME, SO YOU CAN GET YOUR MONEY CMH OF ANNISTON 1-866-325-5226 1-3 ACRE TRACTS Hyatt area $6000 up perk test & ready to build on 256-508-6155 1.4 ACRE LAND IN KILPATRICK HWY 68 HAS MOSTLY trees on it $15,500 878-0120 10 RM HOUSE 11 CLOSETS 2-1/2 BATHS dbl car garage x-tra garage 878-1832 10 ROOM COUNTRY HOME NEAR RAINSVILLE cnty rd 560 one acre land carport metal roof and siding $40,000 256547-3144 10-14 ACRES w/road frontage located between Dog Town & Mt Vernon area 8453080 100% FINANCING APPROVED on x-tra nice 3br boaz home w/acceptable cr rating, house refurbished new berber carpet no down payment realtors fees or closing cost mo payments $435 including taxes and ins full price $69,500 owner needs to sell due to health problems 256-878-1872 140 X 400 BLDG LOT SARDIS CITY nice area

$10,000 256-506-3127 15 ACRES LAND & dbl wide mfg mobile home at Sand Rock Cherokee Al 3br 2ba air heat pump appliances included 12x20 covered front porch, uncovered side porch, 3yo roof & remodeled bath, 18x30 commercial metal storage bldg, another storage bldg & storm shelter $89,900 256-523-5214 2-CEMETARY LOTS MARSHALL memorial gardens buy one get one free 205-274-8515 2.72 ACRES LAND ON OLD HORTON RD 878-1832 for info have tree on this land will give to someone if they will cut it down 2000 FLEETWOOD MFG HOME 24x48 dbl wide on approx 1.75 acres 3br 2ba carpet & vinyl thru out, master bedrm includes dbl vanity, showers & garden tub, large family rm, dining rm, small pantry, utility room, central h/a located in Duck Springs Attalla

good uSEd


16", 17" & 18"

(256) 543-3396 Al quiet people country living very well maintained a must see starting at $49,000 256-538-8737 lv msg or call 256-394-9515 2000 FLEETWOOD MFG HOME 24x48 dbl wide on approx 1.75 acres 3br 2ba w/carpet & vinyl thru out master bedrm includes dbl vanity, shower, garden tub large family room, dining rm, small pantry, utility rm, central h/a Duck Springs Attalla Al quiet people country living well maintained a must see $49,000 256-538-8737 24 ACRES w/15x80 mobile home w/3br 2ba furnished or not between Mt Vernon & Dog Town area 845-3080 2BR 1BA HOME in Ft Payne $40,000 256630-0834 3 ACRES ’97 4BR DBL WIDE ONE OWNER central a/c Lincoln, al $49,900 no owner financing 205-613-9278 3 LOTS WATERFRONT WEISS LAKE $245,000 256-894-0144 3 PLUS ACRES NEAR DOUGLAS $6000 per acre 256-593-2961 grt bldg site 3.7 ACRE PARTIALLY WOODED ’89 MOBILE HOME partially furnished marshall cnty $25,000 593-4144 36 ACRES Browntown Community $125,000 256-605-6483 before 8pm 3BR 1BA HOUSE in Cedar Bluff city limits half mile from school corner lot approx half acre new paint inside/out new linoleum & carpet $53,000 256-927-8599 3BR 2BA HOUSE FOR SALE new paint on inside hardwood floors throughout all appliance will stay stove refrigerator washer dryer & microwave fenced in back yard double drive loc on rose rd in albertville must sell no owner financing reduced to $49900 call 878-7642 3BR 2BA HOUSE in Douglas w/vinyl sidingmetal roof, natural goas home generator, 3yo ss Maytag appliances, natural gas dryer,


water heater & stove/oven, wood stove fireplace on 20 acres w/barn 2 ponds 7 acres pasture land all furniture included for $164,900 (lazyboy sectional w/sleeper sofa & recliner, 50” plazma tv w/warrarty & beautiful Vineyard bedrm suite w/marble tops all 4yo 2yo Husky 54” cut riding mower 3yo huge chest freezer 3yo all you ned to move in is your family & clothes 256593-2405 3BR 2BA HOUSE new paint on inside, hardwood floors thru out all appliances will stay fenced back yard dbl drive located on Rose Rd in Albertville must sell no ownr financing reduced to $49,900 878-7642 3BR 2BA large living rm w/hardwood floor, dining rm, kitchen w/lots cabinets, appliances, laundry rm, new central h/a, new hot water heater, breaker box, recently remodeled, carport attached, out bldg w/lights large shady lot dead end street near Boaz school 803 Snowden Circle price reduced $76,000 256-840-9070 3BR 2BA near recreation center in Albertville large screened porch fenced back yard small lot $99,900 256-894-5777 lv msg no ownr financing 3BR 2FULL BA HOUSE near Weiss Lake approx 400’ from lake has access to boat ramp & pier, hardwood floors, vinyl siding, 26x40 shop w/vinyl that matches house w/bathrm can be converted into living quarters, 2 other out bldgs & boat shed $229,500 256-927-8599 3BR/1BA HOUSE CITY LMTS CEDAR BLUFF half mile from school corner ½ acre lot $53,000 256-927-8599 new carpet and linoleum 3BR/2BA HOUSE COMPLETELY REMODELED 6 yrs old on 5 acres sm horse barn pond fenced laminated hardwood floors berber carpet $82,000 599-3376 3BR/2BA HOUSE IN G’VILLE 1200 sf recently remodeled $88,500 256-302-8860 3BR/2BA HOUSE W/2 LOTS 878-9202 3BR/2BA LG YARD FSBO asking $94,900 berber carpet thru out ss appliances included plantation shutter blinds call for appt 302-1844 4 BR/2 Bath $316/mo 205-640-2340 5% Down 8% 240 months wac 4.3 ACRES NICE LEVEL LAND SECTION line rd a’ville 572-3417 40 ACRE FARM 4BR HOUSE SEV SHOPS BARNS 80 head cattle hay baling equip 2 tractors $290,000 256-840-9600 40 acre farm for sale in northern Blount county. It comes with a remodeled 3000+ sq ft house 3 older chicken houses (in use) 2 barns over $80000 worth of equipment (2 tractors with hay and chicken house equipment and more) a pond includes 20 calves has pasture and woods on it (all fenced) and lots more. Everything needed to run the farm for $385000. Only serious inquires please. Call 1-256-513-0410 or 40 ACRE FARM IN NORTHERN BLOUNT CO comes w a remodeled 3k+ sq ft house 3 older chicken houses in use 2 barns over $80k worth of equipment 2 tractors w hay & chicken house equip & more a pond inc 20 calves has pasture & woods on it all fenced & lots more everything needed to run the farm for $385k only serious inq please call 256-513-0410 petebe 4BR/2BA HOUSE BENT OAK ESTATES Geraldine 256-557-2518 4BR/2BA NEWLY REMODELED mobile home on one acre new laminate floors tile in bath lg 16 x 16 storage shed quiet neighborhood smith institute area sardis/Whitesboro schools sell for $45,000 561-6275 no calls after 8:30 pm 5 ACRES IN DEKALB CNTY includes cnty water sewer driveway power landscaping $35,000 256-557-3145 5.75 ACRES LAND in Jackson Co 26’ easement to property nice private site $24,000 will consider ownr financing 717-8162 55 acres located in Asbury, partial development in 2 1/2 acre tracks. Sells for $10,000 per acre — will sell full acreage for $149,000 call 256-558-2560 or 256-6772912 5BR/3BA OLDER HOME NEAR AIRPORT IN A’VILLE $51,900 894-4717 60 acres in MARTLIN, shubs, timber, adjoins the state park. Value price $1,500

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 per acre, appraised value $3,700 per acre. GADSDEN AREA 2900 WESTERN AVE 256$90,000 for total plot. Call 256-558-2560 543-9659 or 256-677-2912 GADSDEN lot on Browning Dr on mountain 803 SNOWDEN CIR BOAZ nice 3br/2ba lg lr trees nice homes in area great value $9150 w/hardwood floor dr kitchen w/plenty of 256-881-7455 cabinets appliances laundry room new cen- GADSDEN lot on corner of California & tral ht/air hot water htr and breaker box McKinney trees low price $5250 256-881recently remodeled carport attached out 7455 bldg w/lights and elec lg shady lot dead end GET INTO A HOME W NO MONEY down call st near boaz school $77,900 256-840-9070 kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or 9.9 ACRE FARM in west Etowah Co near Mt GLENCOE 300 ft on Kaying Rd w/several Top Flea Mkt w/1880 sf 3br 2ba country lots all for $10,500 256-881-7455 large rooms lots storage master w/Jacuzzi & separate shower large barn, shop, storage GLENCOE lge bldg lot on Zuber Ave trees, bldg, pond, creek, fenced & cross fenced across street from Valmont Circle, upscale xtra septic tank no owner financing homes, 1 acre +/- $12,500 256-881-7455 GLENCOE lot on Hill Av trees & view $118,900 205-589-8680 ABSOLUTELY BEAUT SECLUDED HOME w restricted for that dream home $11,500 2210 sq ft + close to cullman 3br 2ba w 256-881-7455 hardwood & ceramic tile floors new paint & HALF ACRE LOTS IN GRANT w/separate flooring nice unfinished basement rm gaze- lake access $6000 obo 256-506-3697 bo huge deck french drs garage jacuzzi tub HOME HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED fenced huge master suite w walk in closet & french yard level lot 3br 1-1/2 ba new central drs to deck this is a bargain for $139900 ht/air storm drs windows moving $89,000 firm for details call 256-891-1345 carol at dixistar re 256-347-2407 Are you the Brady Bunch? We have a 5 HOME NEAR ASBURY HI SCHOOL 3 acres Bedroom, 3 bath home with 2000 sq ft. Low land 3br/2ba lg lr and kitchen lg bedrooms Smart pmts with Land will get you in this utility room dbl garage at back blinds/curtains/ceiling fans stay $68,900 878-1640 home today. Call Now 256-820-9981 ATTALLA 3 lots 50x150 ea Dewey Ave city HOUSE BETWEEN GERALDINE & FYFFE utilities trees $8500 all 3 lots 256-881- 2279 sf sits on one acre pecan/peach trees laundry room walk in closets lg lr/dr 7087455 ATTN INVESTORS reduced 10k 3 mobile 743-6217 home park between cullman & hanceville 2 House for Sale 1617 Wyeth Dr.in Gville, 3br 2ba & 1 2br 2ba mobiles all rented mo across from the lake. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 income potential an exc buy at $49900 call car garage, 1/2 acre of landappraised for $229,000 NOW buy for $169,000 call 256carol at dixistar re 256-347-2407 BAD CREDIT NO CREDIT good credit we 558-2560 or 256-677-2912 have lenders for all categories let us help HOUSE IN NORTH GADSDEN 2BR/1BA one you call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or acre lot fixer upper $20,000 256-996-2831 BETWEEN CROSSVILLE AND GERALDINE or 256-659-8217 3-1/2 acres storage bldg 36’ x 300’ 36’ x 80’ HOUSE NEAR RAINSVILLE al cnty rd 560 10 modular home 3br also utility room rms acre land metal roof and siding level lot $40,000 256-547-3144 $135,000 256-659-2209 BLOCK BLDG 3229 forrest avenue plenty of HOUSE/SARDIS 2BR/1BA ½ acre land older house needs fixing out $26,500 no parking space 256-840-0026 BOAZ/RECENTLY REMODELED 3BR HOME owner financing 878-0120 features new berber carpet and new premi- HOUSES FOR SELL 205-240-0576 um vinyl thru out also new blinds lg cov- LAKE G’VILLE ACCESS LOT just north of ered patio out back lg detached garage nice S’boro in Jackson Co restricted to 1700sf residential lot good neighborhood $65,000 homes good hwy frontage beautiful views of the mountains & lake $19,000 256-228256-878-1872 CABIN AND 40 ACRES IN TN very nice city 4408 water established plots $159,900 256-468- LAKE LOT w/boat house permit ready to build on 256-508-6155 5593 CMH OF ANNISTON BUILDS OVER 125 LAKE LOTS near preston island loc on pine FLOOR PLANS 100% TURN KEY STARTING island cir of hwy 79 s going toward scottsAT $39,900 MUST SEE CALL TODAY 1- boro priced to sell at $25k ea call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or 866-325-5226 COMMERCIAL BLDG fsbo 2 or 3 businesses LAKE VIEW lot $48,000 256-609-7871 downstairs apts upstairs prox 5000 sf cor- LAKE VIEW LOT ready to build on also has ner lot good location good cond 256-543- boat house 256-508-6155 LAND 2.88 ACRES on Al Hwy 40 in Jackson 7422 COMPLETELY REMODELED 3br 2ba house Co cleared land $16,000 will consider ownr in Douglas exc location 878-2757 or 840- financing 717-8162 LAND 22.5 ACRES all fenced beautiful prop9230 lv msg DEER & TURKEY HUNTER’S paradise 15.6 erty in Smith Institute community near Sardis in Boaz $63,000 256-659-5191 acres on Co Rd 861 in Dekalb Co Collinsville good hwy frontage, timber, lots LAND FOR SALE 2 acres+ $170k main st deer/turkey beautiful mountainside prop- grant al 256-572-0270 LAY SPRINGS ROAD 7 acres 8.5 miles from erty $23,000 256-228-4408 DO YOU WANT A NICE HOME but can’t Noccalula Falls 500 ft road frontage 3 acres afford today’s prices, then you should see planted in pines $36,900 obo 256-583this real solid older Boaz home that has 9025 been completely refurbished inside/out LOOKING FOR 15-25 acres within 40 miles 1400sf 3br big covered patio nice garage of H’ville for short term lease purchase 334new floor coverings thru out price only 332-0202 $69,500 w/no money up front & mo pay- MOBILE HOME CLOSE TO COOSA RIVER ments of $450 taxes/ins included for those Ohatchee 2br/1ba completely remodeled individuals w/good credit rating that would half to ¾ acre lot attached workshop pecan qualify them for financing w/a local mort- trees $45,000 283-1350 MYSTIC TRAIL SUB DIVISION lots for sale gage company 256-878-1872 ETOWAH CO mineral rights only includes no mobile homes 256-558-5312 oil & gas & other valuable minerals over NEW HOUSE Grand area DAR school district all brick $129,000 100% financing 1000 acres $495,000 256-881-7455 FLAT LOT ready to build on Robinwood w/zero down 508-6155 subdivision Woodville $8000 obo 256-609- NEW HOUSE Grant area DAR school district 7871 all brick 508-6155 FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 or 4 br 3ba home NEW HOUSE IN BOAZ under const 1500 sf exc cond large master ba walk in closet in lg lot hdwood tile all x-tras $119,900 572master 18x36 in ground pool lg lot w 2 9979 adjoining lots avail loc in guntersville NEW HOUSE just finished exc location in andrew jackson heights $239900 call 298- new subdivision just outside Albertville city 1452 limits Douglas schools 3br 2ba 1312sf 2-car FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 unit apartment garage tray ceilings vinyl stucco foundation building in albertville all units 2 bed 1ba concrete driveway porch underground good rental nice neighborhood $149900 power corner lot no ownr financing avail call 298-1452 $105,900 256-302-7274

New! 3 BR/2 Bath DW Built on your Land! Only $327.00 per Month 7.75% 10% DP/24 mos-fin $39780 WAC ONE-THREE ACRE TRACTS Hyatt area $6000 up perk test & ready to build on 256508-6155 Owner Financing - 3 BR, 2 Bath, Late Model home with Central H & A, Brick Facials and Masonite Siding, House is immaculate, brand new carpet, much more, Great Location in Albertville, low down payment and low monthly payments, insurance and taxes included, call now 878-4805 OWNER FINANCING 3BR/1-1/2 BA HOUSE ¾ acre land $60,000 5% down recently remodeled 256-601-1197 Owner Financing, great location, Albertville, 2BR, recently updated, good neighborhood, low down paymnt and low monthly payments A house and lot for less money than apartment rent –taxes&ins incl, move in today, call 878-4805 REAL SITE BUILT HOMES – On your lot and Land Home Programs. Zero Down Programs. 100% Complete - Move in Ready - up to $7500 in tax credits - Now is the time to buy at Jim Walter Homes of Oxford 256831-4680 AL523 REDUCED SOUTHSIDE WATERFRONT PROPERTY 2004 sf 3br 3ba 2 screened porches deck & pier built 2002 1ownr list price $329,000 256-393-2781 SELL OR LEASE 3000 SF BRICK BLDG Gadsden close to interstate 59 also have ofc equip for sell 546-8369 USED HOME 10K 205-640-2340 WANT TO LEASE PROPERTY in marshall cnty 840-8941 WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of the $8k tax credit call kat sharpe 256-477-4831 visit or WANTED small acreage 1-3 acres or half acre in Henagar, Arab, etc at reasonable price $1000 per acres or less willing to sell on payments 256-293-1094 WATERFRONT WEISS LAKE cleared lot w/approx 137ft water front, build or mobile home $99,900 770-333-8249 or 404-374-7151 WATERFRONT WEISS LAKE lot w/home 2br 1ba single wide central h/a, large screened back porch overlooking lake on approx 1 acre unrestricted lot w/approx 100’ waterfront w/dock $119,900 770333-8249 or 404-374-7151 WEISS LAKE ACCESS & VIEW cleared lot behind a water front common lot, build or mobile home $39,900 770-333-8249 or 404-374-7151 WOODVILLE 1.75 acre $14,000 financing avail w/down payment no restrictions 256609-7871 ERVICES~

SBrandie Caldwell is now doing hairstyling

again I am at Innovative Design in Albertville 894-6565, I would love your business. I specialize in styling cutting perms color and walkins are always welcome. Come by or call me for an appointment!! Or www.eswapper.com/ Metal Roofing, Vinyl Siding, Garages, Barns, Small Buildings, AAA Roofing 256-5935050, 256-528-7728 or 572-9887. Over 20 years experience - Crossville, AL Serving a 50 mile radius Painting, Interior Only, You supply the materials, We supply the labor and tools. Gadsden, surrounding areas, 10% Discount for Sr Citizens Free Estimates 256-4674670/438-5259 please leave message Can do single story houses and all flat surfaces such as concrete and brick. Call 256 226 1202 for FREE estimate. Or Concrete cleaning and pressure washing. Call 256-226-1202 for free estimate. Or Degreed Early Childhood Education teacher is starting an in-home preschool in the Blount Mountain/Straight Mountain/Appalachian area between Ashville and Oneonta just off of US231. If you are serious about your child being ready... or beyond... for kindergarten and are willing to pay for it then please call. This is NOT daycare!! Three and four-yearolds only please. 205-274-7870 or 205540-1184. References are available! I do upholstery work from my home. I spe-



18 NovEMbER 2009


50 b s 3” Tla bs

129 99


d Rapi oCk $


ag 49 3 /b

cialize in motorcycle seat’s but can do ATV’s golf cart’s boat’s and furniture. Please contact if interested. Or www.eswapper.com/ People Against Sexual Abuse Support Group, Jan Dixon, call (256) 677-3413 to start on a journey toward healing and forgiveness in a Christ-centered environment for men, women & children, Scottsboro/ Guntersville Will do Sitting in the home or in the Hospital with the sick or disabled. Any age. Have Experence for 20 years. www.eswapper.com/ ANTED~

W 2’ & 3’ WIDE TIN wanted 256-739-8446

APPLIANCES THAT ARE WORKING or not call 593-2835 BOBCAT WORK $60 per hr no job too big or too small (landscape, clean up, etc) 15yrs exp 312-6352 CHRISTIAN LADY WOULD LIKE TO SIT w/elderly 591-3588 have good ref’s DISABLEDLADY will buy whole litters of toy & small breed puppies must be toy size healthy & reasonable will pay cash no minins, mix ok papers or not 256-305-0060 FAMILY lost their belongings in storage, in need of computer, recliner, beds, if you have any items & can help please call 256390-5388

mountAintoP sHArPEninG 4652 main street grant al (256)293-9178

wE now offEr sHArPEninG sErviCE for CArBidE tootH CirCulAr sAw BlAdEs At A rAtE of $0.22 PEr tootH. Also AvAilABlE is sHArPEninG for drill Bits, Endmills&KnivEs open: 9am - 4:30pm m-F located next to anette’s salon

FREE LMBR FROM SHEDS OR BARNS will take down 593-5173 HONDA MOTOR wanted 5hp side shaft reasonably priced 256-226-1944 I am looking for a female room mate to share living expenses w/me. I prefer her to be single/divorced w/kids or not. Must have own transportation and good reliable income. I have a 3 bedroom 2 bath house in the country located near Geraldine. If you draw a disability check this is fine. I prefer her to be drug and alcohol free. If you would like more info on this you may give me a call at (256)279-3159 or e-mail me at Or I BUY JUNK CARS AND TRKS 256-486-5404 I BUY JUNK CARS TRKS and vans 256-4865404 IGLOO DOG HOUSE wanted 256-228-7052 LOOKING FOR 15-25 acres within 40 miles of H’ville for short term lease purchase 334332-0202

LOOKING FOR 45 caliber auto pistol make & model not necessarily important will trade Ruger T89 high cap pistol w/2 mags & case if value is similar 256-506-7206 LOOKING FOR cheap pu truck that runs good looks decent around $1500 205-4294127 Nancy LOOKING FOR good used goat or cow milking machine machine 256-739-8446 LOOKING FOR Honda engine for mower or tiller 256-840-9030 LOOKING FOR JUNK livestock WW trailer, Circle W, Neckover or other brand w/tubular gates need rear swinging dbl gates & 1 center cut gate, will buy gates or complete trailer if price is right call aft 5pm 205-5947093 LOOKING FOR METAL T FENCE POSTS and wire to make dog pen at least 100’ long 256-931-0547 also want chain link fence walk thru gate LOOKING FOR NEXTEL PHONE 256-753-6035 LOOKING FOR STORAGE BLDG or dbl car carport 840-8941 will tear down and move NEED BABYSITTING JOB attalla area exp jeana 256-504-9372 NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN REPAIR COKE machine 256-225-3920 NEEDY FAMILY could use full sz bed chest of drawers etc 256-5070701 PARTIALLY DISABLED WOMAN on SSI only needs decent quiet house to rent (reasonable rent) by Dec 2 256-281-9419 Boaz REG NURSE WOULD LIKE TO DO PRIVATE DUTY ref’s available 5726078 a’ville SITTING JOB 25yrs exp can provide plenty of references call 205-4560475 SMALL DECENT AMERICAN FAMILY of 3 need to rent/lease a 3 or 4br nice house prefer w/basement/family rm, we have exc refs, income & stability, has to be in Sardis, Carlisle, Mt Boro or Rockledge up to $600b mo 256305-0060 WANT SOMEONE TO FINANCE SMALL CAR auto preferably must be gas saver 256-507-0701 WANT SOMEONE to haul off 8x9 tree free of charge 205-274-7391 WANT TO BUY 3 & 4 wheelers nonrunning 256-840-9030 WANT TO BUY 3 bronze turkey poults 256-739-8446 WANT TO BUY 30/30 at reasonable price 256-894-6102 WANT TO BUY a golf cart 878-0128 WANT TO BUY a little long coat puppy prefer a female at reasonable price 305-0060 WANT TO BUY any old model 410 dbl barrel shotgun, Steven or Savage 256-659-2235 WANT TO BUY dog kennel 6’ fence 256-894-6102 WANT TO BUY ELEC 4.0 WIRE for newly remodeled home prox 150’

205-908-9408 WANT TO BUY FREE STANDING METAL carport will take down also looking for sm telephone poles or 6 x 6 pressure treated posts 12’ or longer auto trans to fit ’95 ford f250 w/v8 gas motor must be in exc cond 205-387-0881 WANT TO BUY grass catcher to fit 46” Craftsman mower 891-0562 lv msg & call back # WANT TO BUY guns that need to be repaired 256-840-9030 WANT TO BUY junk autos, cars, trucks, suvs, busses, tractor trailers, will pay up to $500 256-587-3060 WANT TO BUY junk cars, trucks, vans, fair priced for junk 256-293-1094 WANT TO BUY large wood burning stove good cid 25-683-3453 WANT TO BUY OLD BARN LMBR 1 x 6 1 x 8 12’ long 593-1973

WANT TO BUY older model Ford tractor running or for parts in Morgan City area 256-498-2135 WANT TO BUY or trade for a dump truck 1ton or 1 ½ ton on 1966-1974, will trade a nice 4-wheeler, gun, utility trailer or nice antique furniture for one 205-428-6674 WANT TO BUY orphan baby calves 256557-5452 WANT TO BUY outboard motor for flat bottom boat (long mud or short mud motors) big enough to push 16 footer 256-587-3060 WANT TO BUY paw paw plants or seeds 256-683-3453 WANT TO BUY remainder of a 25r membership to Little Mt Marina Resort 256-5287377 WANT TO BUY small motorcycles not running to fix for Christmas 256-840-9030 WANT TO BUY small or large chain saw, weed eaters, riding mowers, push mowers,

tiMBer JaCk


tree service ToPPINg n REMovAl n loT ClEARINg


24 HouR


professional work at reasonable rates lICENSEd & INSuREd





18 NovEMbER 2009

anything w/small engines at reasonable WANT TO BUY US silver dated 1964 & older 601-1982 house 256-894-6102 256-997-6512 prices 256-293-1094 WANT TO BUY used small student piano for WANT TO BUY USED electronics & tools at practice must be reasonably priced in good WANT TO KNOW WHERE TO BUY good homemade sorghum syrup 256-840-2050 WANT TO KNOW where to buy lg amts of 5 aCres neCtar-BLount Co ensure 256-840-2050 WANT TO RENT 3-4bedrm place in good roPerty Lies Lose to handyman serVICe cond in Susan Moore School district or rent He iver LD aLker D to own have stable income & refs 205-456small CarPentry worK 0078 deCK rePaIr aLL uLLMan eaL state WANT TO TRADE for or buy a heavy duty locking truck toolbox anack or jobox 205or ngie grant, alaBama 324-0172 MLs #81120 WANT UNWANTED LUMBER also need sht WANT TO BUY treated 2x8 used or new 8’rock/plywood light fixtures etc house 16’ long about 40 at reasonable price 256- good prices, call me and I will give you more cond 878-1349 burned 256-225-3920 than a pawn shop, I will come to you, 256- WANT TO BUY vinyl windows 1, 2 or 3 for 894-6102 WANTED Panasonic digital zoom 700x ini camera w/video charger & a/c adapter model # PV-GS509 7.9 volts owners manual 256-226-1944 WANTED ’01 Honda 450 4MAN parts atv 4x4 (front unit) 4x4 trans axle & p-arts 256226-1944 WANTED ’83-84 street bike 250 parts 256293-1094 WANTED ’92 Isuzu truck for small pu 256226-1944 902 Kershaw street - gadsden -behind 278 restaurant near Hokes Bluff WANTED ’95 Ford F150 van rear doors preferably wht but will take any color 256226-1944 WANTED (2) gates made of metal & wire that has rollers that open & close 256-2261944 WANTED 13” & 14” tires/whls, chrome & alum 256-226-1944 n WANTED 1930-1950 car or truck any cond n n preferably running $500 or less 256-4738161 n n WANTED 1965-68 Mustang fastback or convertible in any cond 256-565-0757 n n WANTED 1980 Honda Civic 4cyl parts car 256-226-1944 n WANTED 2-3 chicken house brooders reasonably priced, must be working 256-739n 8446 WANTED 205 scooter (Morphous) is the name 256-226-1944 WANTED 3 OR 4BR HOME GERALDINE SCHOOL DISTRICT long time lease or rent

largest selection of Jewelry Valley VIew home maIntenanCe in Central Al. P C B&B Pawn, Gadsden t r -o W r . C C r e 256-546-4892 Call 256.677.1544 a @ 256-507-2333 Check us our page 13

aLL ameRiCan metaL saLes METAl RoofINg-METAl buIldINg-CoMPoNENTS 1-888-870-7663 or 256-492-6032 CALL BEFORE YOU BUY!

residential or commercial – 14 colors 1st Quality 29 or 26 ga. painted or galvalume panels 2nds available @ discount prices 8” & 4” cee & Zee purlins & I-Beams metal Walk doors & Frame kits metal Building insulation galvanized Hat channel & 2 x 3 tubing roll-up shop doors * special * 9x7 for $250 complete metal Buildings up to 60ft. Wide delivery & installation available JEff dICkSoN


to own 256-295-5161 have ref’s WANTED 3 or 5 brick propane wall heater 256-352-1223 Cullman area WANTED 38 SPECIAL HOLLOW PT SHELLS 125 grain bullet need 2 or 3 boxes 5933948 WANTED 410 IN STEVENS OR SAVAGE w/dbl trigger in good cond 593-3948 WANTED 410 or 20ga double barrel in Stevens or Savage w/dbl triggers in good cond 593-3948 WANTED 88 Ford Ranger dual coils computer 256-226-1944 WANTED 9mm Glock or 40cm glock reasonably priced also mini 30 256-894-6102 WANTED a good clothes dryer for my disabled son & his wife who lost everything in a fire, he is going to have to have surgery & he or his wife can drive and I must find him a good clothes dryer that I can afford 256593-1622 aft 5pm I can only pay $50 WANTED A MECHANIC also someone who can do paint and body work 477-0867 WANTED any kind of boost mobile camera phone at reasonable price 256-293-1094 WANTED any unwanted clothes for little girl sizes 7/8/9/10 256-293-1094 WANTED archery equipment, will pay cash or trade 256-505-0941 WANTED B&S 5 or 6hp side shaft engines 256-226-1944 WANTED back seat for 2001 Club Car golf cart w/frame & mounting hardware 256679-0609 WANTED BAT MAN RIMS 15” 8” to 10” wide center caps or bullet hole rim same sz must be 4-3/4” to fit on pu also need g60 white letter tires good cond 593-0516 WANTED blue spruce fully lit Christmas tree around 6-9ft must be very full & pretty 256-305-0024 WANTED body tools, slide hammer, puller set w/accessories 256-226-1944 WANTED bookcases, free or cheap repairable can pick up 256-505-0941 WANTED Buick Lesabre limited or custom gold in color 2000-2005 w/good body 256226-1944 WANTED chain saw w/extending shaft for hi up cutting any cond 256-226-1944 WANTED Chevy 2.5 4cyl motor 88-93 to fit S15 GMC truck 256-226-1944 WANTED Chevy Geo metros 85-2000 any cond 256-226-1944 WANTED Chevy Sprints w/3 cyl motors 852000 any cond 256-226-1944 WANTED chrome window shades for early model pu trucks 256-226-1944 WANTED CLEANING JOB desparately need job will work for $6 per hr 486-3472 WANTED COUPLE OF DRESSERS TABLE etc 593-5173 family of five/just starting over WANTED Diahatsu Carades w/3cyl motor 87-92 any cond 256-226-1944 WANTED ditchwitch work done 50yd trench dug for electric wires run 2ft to 2 1/2ft deep 256-226-1944 WANTED Dodge Dart right front fender 1966 4dr or will sell my low mileage car 256-226-1944 WANTED driver’s door 1990 Cutlass Sierra 2dr 256-605-6483 before 8pm WANTED electric clutch for 16hp Kohler motor by Warner Elec (Dana) 5217-8 goes on John Deere riding mower 256-226-1944 WANTED enclosed pull trailer for 4 motor (big) cycles reasonably priced 25-226-1944 WANTED engine for Cub Cadet riding mower 24 or 26hp pull pwr take off bottom shaft 593-2777 WANTED exhaust manifold for ’84 Nissan 4cyl Z8 plug engine 256-226-1944 WANTED Ford 2.3 4cyl motor ’90-93 fuel injected w/dual coil packs reasonable price 256-226-1944 WANTED Ford F150 rear doors for van, preferably white 256-226-1944 WANTED FREE PIT TERRIER puppy preferred a’ville area 256-293-1105 WANTED FREE SWING SET FOR family of three boys 593-5173 WANTED free unwanted scrap metal (will buy some things) 256-293-1094 WANTED good poultry netting/wire & rabbit wire 256-739-8446 WANTED good reasonable good cheap small car cheap on gas fairly newer model



18 NovEMbER 2009


Open: 8am-5pm CST

enterPrises, LLC

256.677.3982 or 256.558.6878 weekends & after 5pm hours available

HEATING & COOLING 20%dIsCount for senior Citizens fREE ESTIMATES

liCEnsEd & BondEd alabama Certification 99224

www.BmIenterPrIsesllC.Com 90s 256-293-1094 WANTED GOOD REPUTABLE CARPET installer 453-2070 WANTED good transmission repairman to build my ’93 Geo Metro 5spd has bad 3rd gear 256-226-1944 WANTED good used goat or cow milking

B & B Pawn voted # 1 hand Gun Shop in Etowah Co. See ad on page 50 546-4892

machine 256-739-8446 WANTED good used metal roofing tin reasonably priced256-739-8446 WANTED GRILLE FOR ’92 CHEVY Silverado w/front hdlights need bumper for ’96 dodge pu trk also wheels and tires to fit ’92 chevy 582-6134 WANTED GRT PRYENEES DOG goats 256-407-0701 WANTED heavy equip mechanic to install steering clutches in 350 John Deere reasonable or will trade vehicle for labor 256-2261944 WANTED Honda engine 5 or 6hp 256-226-1944 WANTED Honda rebels 450cc & 250 cc ’84-2006 especially older ones 256226-1944 WANTED hot rod mechanic knows high performance engines such as 350 Chevy 256-226-1944 WANTED hydraulic tire changer reasonable price 256-226-1944 WANTED JOB BABYSITTING 878-8625 WANTED jumbo ring necks & some snow white ring necks 205-365-3306 WANTED leap front leapster games 256-601-6515 WANTED LG NAILS any sz bolts lumber metal bar joists/trusses 996-6745 WANTED MANIFOLDS for early ’80 model 351 windsor 256-677-1939 WANTED metal bldg 12 or 14’ wide 24 or 22’ long w/wood floor & moving runners, new or used at reasonable price 256-226-1944 WANTED MINI-MOTOR

CYCLES, choppers especially 256-226-1944 WANTED mopeds any kind any condition especially puch powered ones 256-2261944 WANTED new flea mkt items 256-4738161 WANTED old cars, junk metal, scrap iro 205-456-0926 WANTED old Ford parts (289 a/c brackets 256-226-1944 WANTED old metal swing set in good cond reasonably priced 256-226-1944 WANTED old usable wheelchair 256-5825340 WANTED outside door handle for 90 GMC, S10 or S15 truck 256-226-1944 WANTED OUTSIDE WORK W/DECENT PAY a’ville area 256-293-1105 WANTED oxy-acetylene cutting torch w/rosebud heating tip (want torch only) 256-878-3252 WANTED PECANS WILL PICK UP on halves 582-2529 WANTED person to work on my air compresser 256-226-1944

WANTED Pontiac 1000 4dr red in color w/good body or whole car or parts 256226-1944 WANTED Pontiac 1000 same as Chevy Chevette for parts car red in color preferably 4dr 4cyl auto or 4spd 256-226-1944 WANTED power steering pump & brackets for ’85 Chevy 4.3 engine & ps gear assembly 256-226-1944 WANTED PSP 878-7074 WANTED small acreage 1-3 acres or half acre in Henagar, Arab, etc at reasonable price $1000 per acres or less willing to sell on payments 256-293-1094 WANTED small trucks w/4cyl motors 256226-1944 WANTED SOMEONE TO DO BUSHHOGGING FOR ME 477-0867 WANTED SPARK PLUG CLEANER can be run by air or electricity 256-226-1944 WANTED starter (alternator) for 90cc mini bike or will buy complete mini bike for parts 256-226-1944 WANTED step rails for ’01 GMC ext cab 4dr, would like the man who called me last week


4652 Main Street nn grant Alabama 35747 (256)293-9178 HSS & CobAlT dRIll bIT SHARPENINg PRICE lIST SIzE PRICE .0625 To .1249 _________________ $0.32 .1250 To .1874 _________________ $0.38 .1875 To .2499 _________________ $0.49 .2500 To .3124 _________________ $1.00 .3125 To .3749 _________________ $1.49 .3750 To .4999 _________________ $1.76 .5000 To .6250 _________________ $2.20 .6251 To .7500 _________________ $2.60 .7501 To .8750 _________________ $2.88 .8751 To 1.000 _________________ $3.20 A CuT-off fEE of 20% WIll bE CHARgEd foR bRokEN oR bAdly WoRN dRIllS






18 NovEMbER 2009 picked up by a couple & was going to the boys dad who lived in Albertville, I have lost your number & would love an update on the dog, you picked him upat my house by the Douglas football field, thanks WANTED: BROKEN COMPUTERS – I do COMPUTER WORK in my home, also laptop work, 256-561-2545 Wanted: Used Woman’s Misses Size 18-20 P Coat, black in good condition - reasonable price 256-586-0555 WARNE WINCH wanted 8000-12000lbs reasonably priced 256-894-6102 WATED motor cover for Honda Harmony mower 256-226-1944 or will buy complete parts machine 256-226-1944 WILL CLEAN OUT STORAGE BLDG tear them down pick up scrap metal 256-5046502 WOULD LIKE TO BUY CASE WHALER POCKET KNIVES 205-274-2486 ELP WANTED~

H .621998 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 5spd 113k

2-year limited Warranty SHINglES n METAl RoofINg n TEAR-offS n NAIl ovERS n NEW CoNSTRuCTIoN owners: kenny Stone 256-677-8032 brett Smith 256-558-5067 fREE ESTIMATES


to call me back, had a set for Z71, I lost your number 256-226-1944 WANTED swing set old metal type in good cond 256-226-1944 WANTED TO BUY ’66 ’67 FAIRLANE PARTS engine/int/body or whole car 256-636-

WANTED USED CHICKEN HOUSE SHANONDOAH breeding nest system and nipple drinkers 256-354-5065 WANTED used doll house must be in good cond also doll called All American Girl must be clean 256-549-1470

Now is the best time to get rid of your old Gold. l o W R A T E S ! l o W P A y M E N T S o N youR NEW HoME! See B & B Pawn Turn your old gold into P l u S f R E E g o v E R N M E N T M o N E y ! CASh TODAy! H u R Ry ! C A l l To dAy 256-546-4892 SEE OUr AD PAGE


0653 WANTED top for 2010 JD track loader 70s model 226-1944 WANTED trailer (camper) 33’-37’ good or repairable cond 256-226-1944 WANTED trailer hitch for ’97 Ford Aerostar van v6 utility 256-226-1944


WANTED used metal nest boxes 256-7398446 WANTED vans wht in color any cond reasonable priced 256-226-1944 WANTED white german shepherd male NAMED Jake that I gave away in the Swapper about a year or so back, was

FALL SPECIAL • 24X24X10 PolE BArn with 10/12 slIdIng door 3' metal entranCe door all for only-$7900 • 40X60X12-toP-only PolE BArn-$8500 • 10X12 dECK w/onE sEt of stEPs & 2X2 sPindlEs-$1325 JOHNSON BUILDERS - 256.593.9345 CALL NOW

great sound system 18” rims body kit exc cond must sell soon, also have stock bumpers $4500 256-504-5901 EARN UP TO 45% commission on sales, earn travel bonuses & cruises, savings plans, huge discounts on merchandise, recruiting bonuses up to $1600 & more we provide free training exc support system direct deposit flex time full time part time make your own schedule, call Kathy at 256886-1670 email resume to EMPLOYMENT NEED A JOB but cant find one check out LAWN CARE HELPER wanted work in Honeycomb area wages negotiable w/equip & exp mow, weedeat, blow & mulch, must be honest dependable hard worker w/own transportation 10-24hrs wk 505-2890 UTO PARTS~

A ‘66 CHEVROLET 327 ENGINE all original

has double hump h heads sell eng or comp truck c60 series chevrolet 256-996-5493 ’00 NISSAN ALTIMA AND MAXIMA wrecked parting out 205-456-0129 ’00 NISSAN QUEST WRECKED PARTING OUT 205-456-0129 ’00 SILVERADO WHEELS/TIRES tires have prox 10k miles left center caps included $80 256-605-0207 ’02 KIA SPORTAGE WRECKED PARTING OUT 205-466-7844 ’03 5 CYL MERCEDES BENZ diesel engine and trans drive train has 130k miles came out of ’03 freightliner sprint 728-7775 ’03 KIA SPECTRA WRECKED PARTING OUT 205-466-7844 ’04 THRU ’07 BLK BRUSHGUARD $300 7380595 ’04 THRU ’07 BRUSHGUARD and step bars $300 for brushguard $100 step guards 7380595 ’52 MERCURY NOS TAIL LIGHTS $100 256549-1819 ’65 CHEVY PU PARTS TRK $500 256-6056833 ’66 ’67 FAIRLANE NEED TO BUY PARTS or whole car 256-636-0653 ’67 CAMARO HOOD PLAIN JANE $25 205274-2486 ’68 NOVA DRAG RACE CAR $6200 205-4292758 ’69 AND ’70 MODEL 460 FORD HDS $200 PR 205-429-5305 ’70 MODEL CHEVY HDRS never used $50 ’70 THRU ’72 CAMARO AND ’72 FACTORY chevelle ss wheels and tires exc cond $500 561-3955 ’72 CHEVY TRK RUNS GOOD will part out swb sm block trans centerline wheels 256244-4342 ’73 THROTTLE BODY 2DR HAS SET OF corvette rally wheels removed fender welds to make drag car $500 obo 295-2108 ’73 TO ’80 CHEVY TRK HOOD $40 256-6771629 ’73 TO ’87 CHEVY TRK DRS $40 FOR BOTH 256-677-1629 ’80 FORD ONE TON REAR END and ’79 ford ¾ ton rear end 205-625-6713 ’82 CHEVY ONE TON DUALLY BED $500 256-587-9327

’84 DODGE PU TRK 4x4 4wd parting out 256-587-3060 ’84 ISUZU PU TRK parting out only 256587-3060 ’85 FORD BRONCO II MUD TIRES v6 auto 4x4 needs starter and carb engine does run trans in good shape $750 cash grant 256728-8426 ’85 Z28 CAMARO W/I-ROC ? NEEDS MOTOR clean title 256-717-3260 ’86 Z28 CAMARO POSI REAR END other parts 256-438-2015 ’87 CHEVROLET C10 truck front clip 8453080 ’87 CHEVROLET G20 ¾ ton van no motor 845-3080 ’87 TOYOTA 4X4 PU TRK 4” suspension lift 3” body lift selling in parts only 256-5873060 ’87 TOYOTA SUPRA straight six auto trans rear wheel drive removable top selling in parts only 256-587-3060 ’88 VW JETTA SELLING PARTS or whole 256-587-3060 ’89 350 CHEVY ENGINE throttle body could use rebuilding $200 obo 295-2108 ’89 CADILLAC 4DR RUNS/DRIVES selling in parts only 256-587-3060 ’90 GEO PRISM 4DR HATCHBACK AUTO trans 4 cyl Toyota motor selling parts only 256-587-3060 ’92 TO ’96 FORD F150 HOOD drs core support hdlights v8 radiator grille sliding back glass 205-625-6713 ’93 BUICK PARK AVENUE 3800 v6 motor auto trans 4dr blue in color selling parts only 256-587-3060 ’93 MERCURY COUGAR V6 auto rear wheel drive parts only 256-587-3060 ’93 THRU ’02 CAMARO FACTORY spoiler and exhaust kits $20 both set rear Pontiac silver fill in letters $5 256-605-0207 ’93 THRU ’02 REAR PONTIAC FIELD LETTERS silver vinyl $5 256-605-0207 ’93 Z28 CAMARO BODY no trans title motor or tag good parts car 620-0234 ’94 2 DR GRAND AM PARTS PSNGR dr glass drivers side fender grn in color rear bumper taillight lenses abs master cyl int parts and engine parts 295-2108 ’95 BUICK PARK AVE MAROON IN COLOR leather cold a/c needs motor $500 256200-1025 ’95 FORD F150 4X4 5 SPD TRANS AND TRANSFER CASE 205-625-6713 ’95 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 4dr v6 auto parting out 256-587-3060 ’95 TOYOTA CAMRY V6 AUTO will part out 256-587-3060 ’96 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE parts only 256587-3060 ’96 S10 BLAZER DRS tailgate back glass and left front fender 205-625-6713 ’97 2 DR CAVALIER PARTS both drs blk in color w/windows also trunk lid and psngr side taillight lens etc 295-2108 ’97 CHEVY S10 PU TRK club cab 6 cyl 4.3 5 spd stick shift parts only 256-587-3060 ’98 FORD TAURUS PARTING OUT blown hd gasket 477-0980 sell or trade ’98 UP CAMARO LS1 FACTORY AIR BOX filter misc parts $20 256-605-0207 ’99 CHEVY ASTRO VAN white in color good 4.3 v6 good auto overdrive trans parts only 256-587-3060 ’99 CHEVY CAVALIER PARTING OUT or by all $1200 obo 728-8339 ’99 FORD RANGER PU WRECKED PARTING OUT 205-466-7844 ’99 MUSTANG GT disc brake rear end 256570-0081 ’99 MUSTANG GT grey interior front/rear seats $175 per set 256-570-0081 ’99 MUSTANG GT w/tan cloth int front/rear seats $1750 per set 256-570-0081 (2) 6CYL FORD MOTORS/TRANS 60s models make offer 256-226-1944 (2) BODY KITS one for ’95-2000 Honda Civic, other for ’95-98 Nissan Maxima both almost brand new look good $350 for both obo 256-894-3201 (3) ’77 MODEL TRANSFER CASES (1 np203, & 2np205) 256-631-6702 (3) TRUCK TIRES Michelin, like new tread 2 lt215/85/$16, 1 lt 225/75/r16 $25 ea or $60 for all 256-881-7455 (4) BFG ALL TERRAIN TIRES lots tread left



18 NovEMbER 2009






*payments you can live with *use rebate for downpayment *$0 downpayment

DOn’T Buy JunK WHen yOu CAn Buy neW OR LATe MODeL uSeD LOW-MILeAGe VeHICLeS!


685 US HWY 431 • BOAZ, AL

256-593-4204 800-742-8512 ask for John Strawn

For online credit applications visit our secure link at www.alexanderFordsales-credit.com all sales subject to approval

size 33/12.5/15 $500 256-302-7290 (4) USED TIRES 195-70-14 alum whls good rubber $150 for set 256-679-0609 (4) USED TIRES 255-65-16 fits Nissan alum whls w/Nissan center caps almost new Michelin mounted & balanced $600 obo 256-679-0609 10 HUNDRED X 20 STEER TIRES 2 mntd $100 900 x 20 7 mntd all good tires $280 256-677-1629 10’ AND 12’ FLAT BEDS 256-878-4190 14-18IN TIRES mostly car tires but have some truck tires quentin 256-295-796 150 OLD USED CARS for sale, 1950-1970 models, call 256-708-4281 16” WHEELS chromed to fit Nissan, Dodge Durango or Dakota, 6-lug 2 tires are brand new $150 256-894-3201 1956 & 1962 CHEVY fencer skirts $75 ea 256-506-9040 Boaz 1968-1971 DODGE PLYMOUTH car/truck/or station wagon wanted any cond w/wo motor will consider others 256835-6388 1970 AMC GREMLIN drag car complete w/o motor, many new motor parts included, promod hood, new paint, tach, b&m shifter, race seat, 5pt harness, dana rear end w/full spool, gauges, trans, radiator fan, carb, intake ignition much more $2500 256-5571203 Ft Payne 1980 CHEVETTE RACE car body, new tube frame, roll cage, motor mounts, motor plates, new 9” Ford rear end w/430 gears, ladder bar suspension $1000 obo 256-5571203 Ft Payne 1987 HONDA PRELUDE parts car 110k needs head gasket & distributor $300 256878-0796 1993 FORD ENGINE 4.0 v6 runs good don’t smoke (motor only) $350 256-927-8599 1995 TOYOTA 4RUNNER SR5 v6 auto 2wd wrecked $1500 256-453-2623 1998 & UP CAR PARTS of all kinds imports & domestic 205-789-6079 2 370 CU IN FORD ENGINES also ford heads & intakes for 302 351 call 256-996-5493 2 BODY KITS ONE FOR ’95 HONDA to ’99

model and Nissan $300 for both 256-894- $200 256-996-4205 4 BOLT 350 CHEVY MOTOR AND TURN 3201 330 CU IN GASOLINE commercial truck crank shaft disassembled $350 558-2445 2 TIRES 245/45/z417 Michelin Pilot Sport engine low miles $1000 205-426-4880 4 CYL MOTOR FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $175

large selection of PrE OwNED Fine watches B & B Pawn Name Brands 256-546-4892 see our ad page 13 half tread left no plugs or patches $80 for both 256-390-0487 2-305 CHEVY HDS AND INTAKE $125 5931306 2-305 CHEVY HDS AND INTAKES 593-1306 sell together 2-BMW’S BOTH ’89 ONE 2DR 328 other 528E 4dr selling both in parts only 256587-3060 2-SPD REAR END FOR ’84 C70 CHEVY W/AIR BRAKE $400 256-677-1629 2-T-TOPS AND 3 WHEELS FOR ’94 CAMARO 593-3050 4pm till 9pm 2.4 AND 2.6 TOYOTA TRK ENGINES and trans 256-228-6772 284 CHEVY ENGINE AND 2 SPD POWER GLIDE TRANS $300 256-605-6833 3 POINT HITCH quick connect for tractor $175 256-887-4094 3 STAGE DUMP CYL FOR DUMP TRK includes hydraulic plank in front $250 256677-1629 3-FORD RANGERS 84 89 AND 90 for parts only 256-587-3060 3-JEEP CHEROKEES 4wd’s ’89 to ’92 models 256-587-3060 parts only 300 6 CYL ENGINE FORD W/3 SPD TRANS AND BELL HOUSING $75 for all 205-2742486 308 CUMMINGS DIESEL ENGINE ALSO ALLISON auto trans came out of ’03 med duty freightliner both have 110k miles 7287775 318 MOTOR AND TRANS FOR DODGE trk

nEw AnGlE iron trussEs 20'-$218 n 30'-$240 n 40'-$295 otHEr sizEs AvAilABlE. BuildinG PACKAGEs All sizEs. nEw #2 GAlvAnizEd tin 26 GA. $2.45 PEr foot 205-369-0560 nEXtEl 154*26*28337

B & B Pawn voted # 1 hand Gun Shop in Etowah Co. See ad on page 36 546-4892

351 CLEVELAND ENGINE PARTS 2 STOCK short block assemblies $150 ea one pr 4 barrel open chamber hds $150 205-4295305 351 WINDSOR AUTO TRANS can hear run and drive $450 256-244-4342 366 CHEVY BIG BLOCK recently rebuilt good motor low miles $1000 256-677-1629 390 FORD ENGINE PARTS 2 pr hds one set hvy duty rods $250 for all 205-429-5305

465-1522 4 HANKOOK TIRES 245/65/17 less than 4000 miles $225 205-680-4795 4 ROTORS FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $10 EA 465-1522 4-17” TIRES $50 505-3918 4-FACTORY ALUM WHEELS 15” 5 hole lugs w/lug nuts for chevy pu $200 205-4292748 blountsville 4-LOW PROFILE RIMS universal 3 good

Edmondson & sons moBILE homE suppLy

HWy 168 EaST


Boaz (on




XtrA-widE widtHs AvAilABlE n nEw CArPEt $5 PEr yArd n vinyl, windows, & mAtCHinG trim n rv PArts, *widE widtH vinyl floorinG n storAGE BuildinGs 12X20 $2,800 fInIshed InsIde & out n

hours: mon–sat, 7am-4:30pm Serving Marshall • Dekalb • Etowah & Surrounding Counties



P R 04 foRd f150 '07 CHEvy I xlT super cab 4X4 HHR lT black white w/ tan inter, all w/ grey leather, aLL C pwr, cd, alloy wheels, poWEr, CD, pwr sunroof, chrome wheels E Xtra clean must sEE! lIKe new! S $13,900 $9,950 WARRANTy

R E d u C E d

08 CHEvy IMPAlA lT

red w/tan inter, all pwr cd alloy wheels, sHoP And ComPArE!



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18 NovEMbER 2009


'05 CHEvy TRAIlblAzER

'03 dodgE 1500 SlT HEMI



sport Pkg, red w/grey black w/ grey int, inter, all Pwr, Cd, chrome 20s, 43K 65K mi, must sEE lIKe new!

‘05 CHEvy Equinox lT silver with tan interior, blk w/ grey leathr, 4dr Crew Cab, red w/ grey all power, CD, alloy alloy wheels, pwr int, Pw &seats, Alloy whls, wheels, 65K miles sunroof new tires — EXtrA niCE! lIkE NEW lIkE NEW! $9,900 $14,900 $10,950

05 CHEvy TRAIlblAzER


Stop! Shop! &Compare - You’ll Love Our Deals!

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tires exc cond $300 256-470-2188 460 FORD ENGINE 9 CORE FRONT SUMP oil pump w/pu and new hi volume pump $225 205-429-5305 460 FORD ENGINE MNTS FOR ’69 THRU ’70 MUSTANG $75 460 ford hdrs for same models $200 205-429-5305 4SPD FORD TRUCK TRANS out of 800 series $700 or trade 205-426-4880 5 SPD TRANS FOR ’84 C70 CHEVY $200

If your buying elsewhere, your paying too much! B& B Pawn we save you $$$$ 256-546-4892 256-677-1629 5.0 MUSTANG MOTOR COMPLETE ’92 mustang gt $1200 obo 256-558-1206 84 THRU 87 FULL SZ CHEVY FACTORY BUMPER front and rear 256-587-9327 84 THRU 89 BUSHWACKER FENDER FLOORS $200 256-587-9327 9” FORD NODULAR IRON CENTER SECTION 350 GEAR TRACTION lock unit $550 205429-5305

9” FORD NODULAR IRON CENTER SECTION has 350 gears 31 spline w/traction lock unit and Daytona pionion support $450 205-429-5305 90GAL AUXILIARY alum fuel tank goes on back of truck $300 obo 593-6578 AFTER MKT CHROME WHEELS w/2 new Toyota tires and 2-semi tires $150 256894-3201 AFTER MKT WHEELS FOR FORD F250 ultras chrome exc cond 17” $325 256-572-

densers, tires, wheels all yrs, makes, models 256-587-3060 ALUM DIAMOND PLATE tool box fits mid sz or full sz stepside trks $75 738-0595 ALUM DIAMOND PLATE TOOL BOXES one fits in back 2 that run down side for full sz pu trk 256-587-3060 ALUM DIAMOND TREAD step board off ’94 ¾ ton Ford truck $100 205-559-1932 ALUM INTAKE FOR 4.3 CHEVY $150 256587-9327

swEEt fEEd large selection of PrE OwNED Fine watches $5.65 B & B Pawn Name Brands 256-840-1046 256-546-4892 see our ad page 13

9979 AIR COMPRESSOR FOR CHEVY trk w/air brakes $40 256-677-1629 ALL BODY PARTS FOR ’97 4 DR CUTLASS factory wheels 256-659-4703 ALL KINDS car parts 1998 up motors, trans, fenders, etc 205-789-6079 ALTERNATORS, STARTERS, a/c compressors, pwr steering pumps, radiators, con-

AUTO TRANS for 3800 series engine GM rebuilt $300 996-3814 BED COVER for 2000 Chevrolet Silverado swb $300 obo 256-492-5249 BEDCOVER for Chevy Silverado swb ’99-06 soft bed rail cover w/rails good cond $100 obo 256-572-9979 BIKE RACK goes on trunk to travel $40 256601-6515


00 plus tax 189 100 Gallon propane


n 1st hour Includes: n labor n Safety Gas check n Leak check Attalla n 1st year Tank Rental Albertville

1222 3rd St. SW 308 E. Main St. 256-538-0308 256-942-2556 256-878-3321 800-942-2556 866-300-7882

BLACK DIAMOND TOOLBOX for full size truck good shape $125 obo 256-840-9030 BLK BED COVER FOR swb stepside ’00 chevy Silverado exc cond $100 256-8999824 BLK PLASTIC TOOLBOX 2-lid for full size pu very good cond $25 256-490-0583 lv msg BLK STEEL WHEELS FOR FIT FORD RANGER AND CHEVY zr2 2 complete sets 506-7666 BLK STEP BARS FOR FULL SZ CHEVY TRK ’01 MODEL AND newer wild cat flash brand $150 256-302-5095 BRAKE BOOSTER FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $15 465-1522 BRAND NEW SET HDMAN HDRS FOR ’73 THRU ’79 FORD trk w/460 engine $150 brand new 205-429-5305 BUICK MOTORS v8s (2) w/trans 4-barrel intakes make offer 256-226-1944 BUMPER FOR FORD RANGER 256-2253920 BUMPERS FENDERS HOODS doors windshield dr glasses for all yrs makes and models 256-587-3060 CALIPERS FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $20 EA 465-1522 CAMPER FITS LWB FULL SZ FORD TRK has windows locks $75 256-599-4884 CAMPER SHELL for older model GMC truck full size swb $50 256-506-0137 CAMPER SHELL OF ’76 CHEVY LWB make offer 477-0980 CAMPER SHELL w/2 lockable sides glass doors & rear $500 438-5662 CAR PARTS 1998 up motors, trans, fenders, etc 205-789-6079 CAR PARTS of all kinds 1998 & up imports & domestic (motors, transmissions, fencers, etc) 205-789-6079 CARB FOR ’74 FIAT $40 295-2108 CARB FOR ’87 THRU ’89 HONDA CIVIC $40 295-2108 CARGO HOLDING BARS/89 to 105” used but in grt shape $20 ea 205-617-2187 CHEVY ’77 THRU ’79 BACK GLASS w/defogger $150 256-549-1819 CHEVY 350 HP CAMS $25 ea 256-506-9040 Boaz CHEVY BERETTA parts car 1996 wht good trans 256-226-1944 CHEVY CONSOLE 4spd in 60s fixed tachometer, blk/chrome $150 obo or trade 256-226-1944 CHEVY GRILLE OUR OF ’05 Z71 GOOD COND $100 256-200-1025 CHEVY MOTORS 60s 348cc & 400 cc small block make offer over $350 ea or pkg deal of $650 256-226-1944 CHROME BRUSHGUARD for ’02 model f250 $75 obo 256-677-1939 CHROME METAL BLOCK BREATHER and good elderbrock carb also valve covers $200 for all 295-2108 CLUTCH FOR ’65-95 Chevy or GMC, 12” Kevlar hi performance $250 256-390-7612 COBRA HOOD FITS ’04 TO ’08 FORD F150 $400 293-8142 COIL AND RELAY FOR ’77 DODGE sprinter 256-225-3920 COMPLETE 9” REAR END OUT OF full sz ’80 ford bronco 350 gears w/traction lock unit $300 205-429-5305 COMPLETE CHROME BRUSHGUARD that fits ’99 thru ’05 chevy or gmc pu very good cond $150 obo 256-470-1504 COMPLETE FRONT AXLE FOR CHEVY 4WD PU lock in lock out hubs 308 ratio has drive shaft 256-996-5493 COMPLETE REAR SUSPENSION 1988 Honda CRX SI also driver’s door w/good glass $35 obo 256-490-0583 COMPUTER FOR ’89 NISSAN SENTRA 4 cyl auto $40 295-2108 COMPUTER FOR 2DR DRIVE TRK 4 cyl auto $75 obo 295-2108 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER FOR ’00 TO ’02 CHEVY 6.6 duramax diesel $350 205-3680034 COVER THAT FITS FULL SZ SWB PU all frame work etc to mount it perfect cond $75 obo 256-470-1504 CUMMINS 5.9 ENGINE out of ’05 Dodge 2500 only 17k 256-302-6047 DASHBOARD FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $25 465-1522 DASHBOARD FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $30

465-1522 DOMESTIC & IMPORT CAR PARTS 1998 up all kinds 205-789-6079 DRIVERS DR FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $30 465-1522 DRIVERS SEAT FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $60 465-1522 EGR BUG DEFLECTOR & vent visors front/rear fits 2008 up ext cab Chevy 1500 $100 293-9138 END CAPS for rear bumpers $30 256-6386024 ENGINE MNTS AND HDRS TO PUT 460 engine into a ’69 or ’70 model mustang $300 205-429-5305 EXT CAB STEP BARS ’04 thru ’07 $100 7380595 FACTORY CHROME WHLS off 1990 Chevy 454 SS truck 15x7 set of 4 very good cond $200 256-390-0487 Gadsden FACTORY RADIO HD UNIT FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $30 465-1522 FACTORY RUNNING BDS OFF CHEVY TAHOE 4dr $50 256-200-1025 arab FIBERGLASS FLIP NOSE FRONT END FOR ’84 chevy c70 trk 256-677-1629 FLYWHEEL GM out of 6spd Trans Am already resurfaced $75 256-302-1958 A’ville FORD 4R100 AUTO TRANS fits models 99 up diesel engines $600 plus core w/30 day warranty 728-7775 FORD FACTORY OEM SEAT COVERS ’92 thru ’01 all colors new f150 250 or 350 $200 or $300 installed 205-274-2487 FOUR 235/75r15 TIRES in fair cond wht letter $70 728-4902 FROST KING REFRIGERATOR UNIT complete w/diesel motor all accessories $400 205-589-6029 FUEL PUMP for ’98 Cutlass or Malibu $30 256-538-2691 FULL SIZE tool box blk for truck $100 256840-9030 GAS TANK FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $20 4651522 GAS TANK W/FUEL PUMP FOR ’96 ford Taurus $30 465-1522

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 GOOD CAMPER SHELL fiberglass for small MASTER CYL FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $15 truck S10 or Ford Ranger all alum light 465-1522 weight good door $75 obo 256-293-1094 MASTER CYL FOR ’97 GRAND AM $30 295HATCHIE BOTTOM camo seat covers 40/60 2108 also sm dr glass split fits 2005 Ford F250 like new $75 256- MID 80’S 302 HD CAME OFF ’85 LINCOLN good head $30 295-2108 599-3376 GALANT ’04 MODEL HDRS FOR 82 THRU 89 CAMARO $50 256- MITSUBISHI WRECKED 205-466-7844 587-9327 MODEL A FORD COMPLETE CHASSIS runHDRS FOR CHEVY 350 $150 205-368-0034 HDRS FOR MUSTANG SHORTIES $50 256- ning new tires many parts fenders etc $3500 205-589-6029 587-9327 HEADLIGHTS, fenders, doors, windshields, MOTOR/TRANS came out of midas rv runs side glass, trunk lids, all kinds body parts, good $650 obo 256-225-3920 NEED GAS TANK for 1988 Dodge Aries in all years, makes, models 256-587-3060 HI PRESSURE PAINT SPRAYER lee tools good cond for reasonable price 728-4902 NEED TWO SEATS for 1990 F150 super cab brand new in box $10 256-605-0207 HIGH PERFORMANCE clutch for GM $125 prefer bucket seats also captain chairs beige in color 728-4902 for reasonable 256-302-1958 A’ville HOLLY CARB DBL PUMPER $300 205-368- price NEW FLEX DUAL ELEC FANS $180 2050034 HOOD FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $30 465- 368-0034 NEW TRACTOR TIRE 14.9 X 28 $150 4771522 HOOD TO FIT ’88-93 Chevrolet full size pu 0980 factory GM hood rust free in fair shape NISSAN 4x4 motor missing some parts $50 w/couple small dents $25 256-390-0487 638-5103 NISSAN ALTIMA ’94 for parts 256-390Gadsden HVY DUTY AUTO 400 TURBO TRANS works 3990 NISSANS 300ZX, 280Z, 240Z all run & drive grt $400 561-3955 I BUY JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS 256-486- make offer on all 3 256-226-1944 NITROUS SYSTEM off GTO w/6k miles 5404 I BUY JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS 256-486- everything is new $400 256-572-1811 NX NITROUS SYSTEM came off gto w/6k 5404 I BUY JUNK CARS TRKS VANS and buses miles all new including bottle htr opener etc many aftermkt parts $400 256-572256-486-5404 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER FOR ’96 ford 1811 OLD PARTS (Ford, Falcon, Fairlane, Taurus $20 465-1522 JEEP PARTS ’04 pull offs, front/rear Rancheros, station wagons, etc) 256-2261944 bumpers $100 ea 256-638-6024 LEER SIGNATURE SERIES camper top very PARKING AND BLINKER LIGHTS off ’98 nice blk fit Chevy truck $350 256-717-5677 chevy tahoe $50 256-200-1025 LEFT AXLE W/CV JTS FOR ’96 FORD TAU- PARTING OUT ’94 GS300 LEXUS good body parts good tires and factory wheels 256RUS $40 465-1522 LEFT FRONT DR W/WINDOWS FOR ’96 659-4703 PORTABLE DVD PLYR for auto or anywhere FORD TAURUS $40 465-1522 LEFT FRONT SEAT FOR ’95 FORD TAURUS works great w/leather case $20 256-6775219 $30 465-1522 LEFT REAR DR NO GLASS FOR ’96 FORD PSNGR SEAT FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $40 465-1522 TAURUS $30 465-1522

55 R AND L FENDERS FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $20 EA 465-1522 RACING BARS FOR MUSTANG chrome also parts for mustang 65 and 66 505-3918 RADIATOR FOR ’73 TO ’87 CHEVY C70 $50 256-677-1629 RADIATOR FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $40 465-1522 RADIATORS CONDENSERS WINDSHIELD wiper motors for all yrs makes and models 256-587-3060 RAIDATOR FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $40 465-1522 REAR AXLE FOR ‘81 CHEVY PICKUP should fit ‘73-’87 exc cond $250 mike 302-3760 REAR BENCH SEAT FOR ’95 FORD TAURUS $40 465-1522 REAR BUMPER FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $30 465-1522 REAR CHROME BUMPER for a ‘95 799 dodge full size pickup has mounting arms plus step pads in real good shape $125 call 256-593-6716 REAR END FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $75 465-1522 REAR ENDS ALL YRS MAKES AND MODELS cyl hds 256-587-3060 REAR ENDS all yrs, makes, models 256587-3060 REAR SIDE WINDOWS FOR ’94 FORD RANGER XLT $20 465-1522 REAR SLIDING GLASS WINDOW FOR ’94 FORD RANGER $50 465-1522 RECENTLY REDONE FORD 305 CYL ENGINE and trans for sell both have less

CAsH todAy for your usEd moBilE HomE. 1985 And nEwEr only PlEAsE CAll: 256-399-0264 than 20k miles 728-7775 REESE HITCHES FOR SELL fits all types cars


new 2 007 KIngQuad 700 $5999 o n l y 2 l e f t 4 X 4 s uz uk i

n ew 200 8 K awas aki 360 P r a i r i e at V $3 999

All side-by-side on sale! Polaris ranger • Kawasaki mule • teryx

Williams Discount tire THE SWAPPER


18 NovEMbER 2009


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New&used n AuTo REPAIR n RoTATIoN n bAlANCINg Tires - All brands w/ this coupon 4-WHEEl AlIgNMENT-$59.95 n b RA k E S -$ 5 9. 9 5 2-WHEElAlIgNMENT-$39.95 AlIgNMENT-$39.95 2-WHEEl ti res



et ed w of n ith ew or uson this coup

and trks 256-587-3060 RIGHT AXLE W/CV JTS for ’96 ford Taurus $40 465-1522 RIGHT FRONT DR W/GLASS FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $40 465-1522

SATURN CAR front parts (fenders, hood, lights, etc) 256-226-1944 SET 4 TIRES Bridgestone Duelar HT P245/65R/17 $175 for set exc shape 80% tread 205-558-2246

RIGHT FRONT SEAT FOR ’96 FORD TAURUS $30 465-1522 RIGHT REAR DR NO GLASS ’96 FORD TAURUS $30 465-1522 RUNNING BOARDS for ’05 Chevy Dually w/lights on them $250 obo 593-6578 S10 EXT CAB BODY KIT $375 256-5919693

SET 4 WHEELS & 13” TIRES to fit water cooled V10 came off of gold $20 4-lug 256302-6716 SET 4 WHEELS AND TIRES OFF ’96 DODGE RAM 2500 MUD tires $200 OBO 205-2742487 SET 4.3 LATE 80’S EARLY 90’S OFF THROTTLE body engine good set hds $50 for pr

295-2108 SET BRAND NEW 215 65 17R TIRES WILL TRADE for set of 225/60R/16’s 205-5896728 for info SET BULLET HOLE 15” WHEELS 6 lug w/centers 256-593-2190

GUNS...GUNS...MOrE GUNS f R E E M o N E y , T I M E I S R u N N I N g o u T huge Selection of JEwElry! g o v E R N M E N T S u b S I d I z E d u P T o IF yOU ArE ShOPPING ElSEwhErE, TO ChOOSE FrOM $8000.00 B & B PAwN, GADSDEN o N T H E P u R C H A S E o f A N E W H o M E yOUr PAyING TOO MUCh! B & B PAwN, GADSDEN 256-546-4892 C A l l To dAy ! f o R d E TA I l S 256-546-4892 1-866-325-5226 See our ad page 50 See our ad page 13


GUARANTEED LOwEST PRICES free Estimates Seasonal&Annual n


Home: (256) 840-1483 Cell: (256) 572-5423 CArE n trEE PruninG n GuttEr ClEAninG n PowEr wAsHinG HomEs

SET FACTORY CHROME/BLK steel wheels off full size Buick w/ new lug nuts & valve stems 15x6” w/5 on 5 bolt pattern, also fit most car trailers $75 for set 256-390-0487 Gadsden SET FACTORY WHEELS for ’98 Chevrolet Silverado $200 obo 256-492-5249 SET GOODYEAR WRANGLER HP’S P275/60R 20’S SET OF FOUR 3000k 256593-2190 SET OF ’01 GMC OR S10 4WD WHEELS w/tires $200 obo or trade for guns 6233668 SET OF 4 alum wheels w/new tires 15” for BMW 325I $350 572-4138 SET OF B F GOODRICH MUDDERS 35/1250 25% tread left $100 for all 256-601-6441 SET OF BLK STEP BARS for full sz crew cab chevy trk ’01 model and up $150 SET OF FACTORY CAVALIER Z24 RIMS CAME off 87 thru 92 $65 295-2108 SET OF FOUR WHEELS TIRES Michelin all terrain off z71 4wd ’97 model $300 205429-2758 SET OF SM BLOCK CHEVY HDRS never been used good cond $60 obo 295-2108 SET RUNNING BDS for ’86 pu trk $50 3124345 SHIFTER CONSOLE for 1960 Chevy super sport built in tacometer, blk in color good cond make offer 256-226-1944

SINGLE WIDE TRAILER FOR SELL 256-6899531 SMALL ALUM TOOLBOX for small pickup good cond $125 256-679-0609 STEERING COLUMN FOR ’94 FOR RANGER $75 465-1522 STEERING COLUMN FOR ’95 FORD TAURUS $100 465-1522 STEP BARS FOR F150 EXT CAB FORD $200 for pr 256-962-2009 256-636-2992 SUB FRAME FOR ’95 LUMINA w/rack and pinion $50 295-2108 SUPER SWAMPER TSL tires 33x13.5x15 90%+ tread 205-559-7925 SWITCH FOR HONDA PASSPORT 256-6899531 T-TOPS FOR ’82 CAMARO $50 256-5879327 TAILGATE FOR FORD RANGER PU TRK $50 205-466-7844 TIRES & RIMS bf goodrich all terrain 35’’ & black pace wheels $16’’ 256302-2350 TIRES 14-18” mostly car tires but do have some truck tires also 256-295-7966 TOOL BOX CAME OFF FLEETSIDE FORD $75 738-0595 TOPPER to fit Ford Ranger blk in color alum $75 205-559-2246 TOW HITCH MNTS TO FRAME fits ’00 dodge Durango $75 205-908-9408 may fit other models TOYOTA PARTS 2wd & 4wd 927-5938 TRANS FOR ’97 FORD TAURUS $200 OBO 256-640-6614 TRANSMISSIONS of all makes, models, yrs, etc 256-587-3060 TRANSMISSIONS of all yrs makes and models motors 256-587-3060 TRUNK LID FOR ’96 ford Taurus $20 4651522 TRUNK LID off ’99 Mustang GT w/spoiler $100 256-570-0081 TWO REAR 6” Bushwacker pocket fender flares w/small crack around screw holes (3) $50 pr 256-638-6024 WANT TO BUY ’95 THRU ’97 FORD RANGER or mazda trk 4 cyl 5 spd that needs engine or trans work 205-625-6713


WANT TO BUY junk autos, cars, trucks, suvs, busses, tractor trailers, will pay up to $500 256-587-3060 WANT TO BUY JUNK cars trks suv’s pay top dollar 256-587-3060 WANT TO BUY junk cars, trucks, vans, fair priced for junk 256-293-1094 WANTED ’70 OR ’71 TORINO NEED FOR PARTS CAR only reasonable 659-5167 after 5pm WANTED ’91 VW Fox gas tank in good cond 256-226-1944 WANTED driver’s door 1990 Cutlass Sierra 2dr 256-605-6483 before 8pm WANTED Ford Ranger 2.9 motor reasonably priced 256-226-1944 WANTED TRANS FOR ’93 LEXUS ES300 256-486-7632 WANTED WHITE PSNGR SIDE dr for ’00 silverado good cond and reasonably priced 256-605-0207 WEATHER CHECK floor mats front/rear blk fits 2008 up ext cab Chevy 1500 $125 2939138 WET OAKIE NEOPREME seat cover advantage max four camo rear fits 2008 up ext cab Chevy 1500 $400 293-9138 WILL BUY OLD CARS for reasonable price 205-456-0926 ARS/VANS~

C ‘01 FORD ESCORT SPORT zx2 $2500 call

413-7134 ‘01 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVERT yellow w black top & black leather int 5 sp all pwr garage kept exc cond must see $7500 256200-0034 before 8pm ‘02 CONVERTIBLE SATURN SKY blue $20995 call 256-572-2072 SMALL BAMBO BAR for sale beautiuliful marble top ‘02 MUSTANG GT auto candy red w grey leather mach stereo 6 disc in dash stability cont new tires pwr drivers seat pw pdl tilt cruise immac cond one owner $7900 mike 256-302-3760 ‘02 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE silver auto moon roof pwr seats pwr wind & dr locks cd player good cond 104k mi asking $7k 659-6137 ‘05 TOYOTA CAMRY LE very good cond gray w fabric int fully loaded flip roof rear spoiler alloy wheels all pwr 76k mi w 24k mi left of transferrable warr owned & maintained by mechanic car fax report $8975 256-200-0672 before 8pm ‘06 PONTIAC G6 GT sedan 62k mi red pwr everything heated leather seats sunroof chrome wheels $9950 256-506-2612 ‘08 HONDA CRV green leather sunroof pwr driver seat heated front seats 6cd changer 26k mi $19k 256-298-1337 ‘62 DODGE DART 330 station wagon 318 ci eng auto trans mtr will run trans will shift $950 obo 256-601-7649 ‘80 BUICK LESABRE v8 runs & drives good pwr wind & seats tilt steering $800 obo 256-601-7649 ‘81 BUICK PARK AVENUE $900 obo call 302-4522 ‘84 AUDI 5K DOESNT RUN good body nice project or parts car $1k obo arab 256-5863858 ‘84 DODGE B250 ¾ TON VAN runs but needs battery new wires $1200 obo arab 256-586-3858 ‘89 CHEVY CHEYENNE CREW CAB 350 v8 350 auto trans lwb 2wd white in color dual bedside toolboxes was used by my grandfather maintenance truck runs great starts easily brakes & tires good truck is dirty because my grandfather worked on heavy equipment $2k or obo passenger drs dented thats the only thing wrong they work fine through text or call before midnight 256-393-0487 ‘91 MUSTANG COUPE v8 conversion good solid car good running car $4k firm or trade for cruiser type motorcycle call 256-2980157 or after 5 256-878-1093 ‘92 THUNDERBIRD LX 5.0 v8 auto tilt cruise pw pdl red on red 224k mi needs tune up sway bar bushings struts use as dailey driver for last two yrs got my car fixed & just dont need anymore $700 obo 256-6406925 union grove ‘92 TOYOTA CAMRY LE auto 2.2l 4cyl

18 NovEMbER 2009


826 w. meighan Blvd n

KiA sEdonA $65/wk w/ downpayment 2002 vAn, white/grey int

AUTO MART Gadsden Ala.

$60wk w/ downpayment 2000 montE

douBlE slidinG doors All Pwr suPEr sHArP CAll todAy

We rent CarS & 15-PaSSenger VanS!

$65/wk w/ downpayment 2000 toyota

Camry-CharcoalAll Power pwr sunroof, Cd GAs sAvEr


CArlo, blk, all pwr, Cd, ClEAn & sHArP, low mileage must sEE

1998 lEXus Es $65/wk w/ downpayment 300, 2-tone grey, All Pwr leather sunroof luXury At its finEst




except clean 352k mi $1200 obo 256-6091796 ‘95 PONTIAC FIREBIRD red in color good body but needs work on eng & trans $900 obo arab 256-586-3858 ‘96 LEXUS SC300 98K mi 2 dr gold coupe 2jz ge inline 6 cyl leather int cold air hot heat great running car $6500 call 256-5589816 ‘98 DODGE INTREPID $1200 OBO 130k mi int & ext looks great 4dr auto trans cd player pwr seats & wind keyless entry mtr is locked up & sitting at mechanics but all other parts are mechanically sound per mechanic call 256-438-8918 ’00 FORD MUSTANG GT CONVERTIBLE 4.6 AUTO 43K MILES very clean lady driven take over payments 256-962-0893 ’00 FORD WIND STAR VAN AUTO $2200 256-794-1700 ’00 GT GRAND AM RED 4DR sunroof pdl pw cold air $4500 ’00 HONDA ACCORD BLK GRAY LEATHER V6 sunroof tinted windows all pwr $4800 256-609-9602 ’00 HONDA ACCORD W/LEATHER like to trade for 95 thru 99 camaro equal value 593-5975 ’00 PONTIAC FIREBIRD EXC COND auto air t-tops sharp $3500 firm 256-435-9522 ’01 CHEVY AVENGER SEATS 7 elec sliding drs and seats grt family van $2300 2264274 ’01 DODGE STRATUS 4cyl 4dr auto loaded 256-226-1944 ’01 MITSUBISHI SPYDER CONVERTIBLE WHITE blk top gray int new tires cold air sharp $5200 256-609-9602 ’01 MODEL CHEVY IMPALA RED spoiler 3400 engine nice car $4200 256-558-3378 ’01 NISSAN MAXIMA GLE wht w/tan leather loaded Bose stereo sunroof alloy whls 180k $4850 obo 256-302-6716 ’01 OLDS ALLERO red 4dr leather 69k miles loaded new tires $3500 558-5611 ’01 TOYOTA CAMRY CE GOLD 74k good cond $8200 obo 205-317-5538 ’02 NISSAN MAXIMA 3.5 LITRE AUTO leather loaded all options 2nd owner tinted windows rear spoiler 17” alum wheels super nice car $6500 obo 572-4174 ’03 MITSUBISHI MONTERO SPORT BLK v6 auto 2wd cd player 256-572-4621 ’03 MUSTANG MACH I azure blue v8 5spd all pwr runs great $10,900 obo 256-2981723 ’03 PONTIAC VIBE 65K MILES salsa red auto 4 cyl pw pdl moon roof grt gas mileage $6900 492-6704 ’04 FORD TAURUS SE 48K MILES v6 all pwr 4dr am/fm/cd exc cond 256-586-2691 ’05 CHEVY COBALT 4DR 4 cyl auto grt on gas am/fm/cd good tires runs/drives grt 100k mile ext warranty prox 70k miles never smoked in payoff $9000 asking

many more Cars In stock!

$8000 256-601-7727 ’07 FORD FOCUS ST sell for pay-off 878’05 CHEVY EQUINOX SUV LOADED 256- 4039 ’07 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S gray blk cloth int 531-2241

dollAR & A dEEd I S A l l yo u N E E d ! PuRCHASE A NEW HoME!

C a l l To d a y ! 2 5 6 - 8 2 0 - 8 0 0 0

Hurry wHilE you CAn still GEt uP to $7500 in tAX CrEdits for first timE BuyErs. nEw sitE Built - 4/2 ovEr 1800 sq ft - on your lot or lAnd HomE. zEro down PAymEnt ProGrAms still AvAilABlE. 1-800-274-2920 Al523

’05 FORD FOCUS w/ only 54K mi, black, great mpg, great for a 1st car! 4dr, very clean, 1 owner, call for price, 256-302-7823 Roger Lowery Mtrs ’05 Nissan Quest Van, white, only 68K mi, 4 auto doors, very clean, for more info call 256-302-7823 ’05 SILVER CHEVY CORVETTE glass top chrome wheels $23,000 50k miles 256302-7121 ’06 FORD FUSION SE $9500 silver tinted windows 6 disc cd changer $9500 includes sun roof 256-557-2518 ’06 GRAND VITARA SUZUKI sm suv 3 row seating 48k actual miles gold runs perfect looks like new brand new tires $8500 256470-2194 ’06 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GOS air auto am/fm/cd one owner under warranty 8,300 miles $7500 256-728-5484 ’06 HYUNDAI TIBERON 4 CYL 5 SPD 47k miles 2dr am/fm/cd sunroof exc cond $7500 256-586-2691 ’06 MAZDA 6 WAGON 75K MILES grt cond runs grt needs some light body work 7388444

am/fm/cd keyless entry 54k miles push button start grt on gas $13,500 298-0110 ’07 NISSAN SENTRA 56K MILES 4dr auto 4 cyl am/fm/cd exc cond $9000 256-5862691 ’08 HONDA CIVIC SI 6 SPD AM/FM/CASS sunroof priced to sell 256-593-0044 ’08 HONDA CIVIC SI 6 spd sunroof mp3 player priced to sell 256-593-0044 ’55 CHEVY BELAIR 2DR SPORTS COUPE just painted $13,500 256-962-0893 ’56 OLDS 2 DR HARDTOP HOLIDAY 98 PS PB PS dual exhaust needs restoration $4500 256-549-1819 ’57 CHEVY 2DR hard top needs restored no motor/trans $5500 256-339-1802 ’62 THUNDERBIRD 2dr hardtop 390 v8 auto beautifully restored wht w/red int power & air wht wall tires new interior swing away steering wheel ready to show $7900 205-594-4477 ’64 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE runs but needs restored $1400 256-339-1802 ’65 COMET 2 DR HARDTOP $5800 5060235 ’65 MUSTANG 506-0235

Clayton Homes of Anniston




18 NovEMbER 2009

BuLLy Dog


205.274.8447 or cell 205.625.8447 36368 state Hwy 79 n cleveland, al K& s NI e nt ak owners: scott & deanna Bailey t ak n I techs: Harold Honeycutt & tim mcclendon es E F A CHECk ouT ouR PRICES & RATES! n

foRd dodgE gM - gas and diesel

We offer... n



Full line of performance accessories to improve fuel economy & horse power n

Full line of diesel repairs including brake work, engine & a/c service n total rebuild of engines & transmissions n Heavy equipment repair

’66 FAIRLANE 2DR HARDTOP new tires/rims int hot rod engine needs to be finished $2000 obo 205-274-2486 ’66 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 506-0235 ’67 FAST BACK MUSTANG 289 4spd xtra motor 302 lots new parts 256-347-2478 ’67 LEMANS 2dr 4spd lots of motors & trans $6200 256-339-1802 ’68 AUSTIN AMERICA runs-looks good like a mini cooper $2200 256-339-1802 ’68 MUSTANG 302 289 partially restored $5000 256-638-8934 ’69 FORD MUSTANG MACH I JUST PAINTED new 351 stroker motor and tranny all new parts original shaker $18,500 256-9620893 ’69 PLYMOUTH GTF 440 AUTO matching number nice car $16,500 256-962-0893 ’71 FORD MAVERICK 302 hdrs alum intake

’81 CHEVY CAMARO BODY $400 256-3020506 ’83 NISSAN 300Z v6 auto loaded gold/gold looks-runs good no body damage $2200 w/xtra car parts 256-226-1944 ’84 CHEVY ¾ TON dual drive fresh running gear $1800 or may trade 256-630-2173 ’84 DATSUN 280z 6cyl tspd a/c extras new tires mechanically good, body has some rust $1350 256-226-1944 ’85 944 PORSCHE 256-593-5050 ’85 BLAZER S10 4WD 2.8 LITRE ENGINE $600 OBO 256-878-7024 ’85 CAPRICE CLASSIC 2 dr coupe auto 95k actual miles $3000 659-4360 ’85 DODGE CHARGER (Shelby version) 4cyl 5spd air brakes & steering blue/grey $1800 obo or trade 256-226-1944 ’85 DODGE CHARGER Shelby edition 4cyl

Gold is at all time high! Turn your old gold into Cash! B&B Pawn, 256-546-4892 ad on page 13

fuN - fuN - fuN '07 HondA 750CC sHAdow only $4699 sCootErs 150 - only $1199 B & B mArKEtinG

c4 411 gears drag star wheels 256-5725395 ’72 CHEVY SWB PROJECT TRK DOES RUN sm block chevy auto trans blk in color $1800 or possible trade 256-244-4342 ’72 CHEVY TRK SWB CENTER LINE WHEELS 4barrel sm block auto trans would consider trade for nice four wheeler or commercial lawn euip $1800 256-2444342 ’73 CHEVY NOVA 4dr 6cyl 3spd on column less than 66k almost showrm cond $4000 256-657-4498 Henagar area ’73 DOODLEBUG $2500 601-6365 ’73 VW BEETLE new motor runs good needs generator $1350 cash or trade 256507-4122 ’73 VW CLASSIC runs/drives looks good $2500 205-646-1608 ’73 VW SUPER BEETLE RESTORED red white leather int 2110cc dual carb very nice aftermkt suspension $7100 obo or trade on dually 256-505-7901 ’77 T-BIRD $650 OR TRADE 256-244-4342 ’78 CORVETTE $6800 506-0235 ’78 MALIBU CLASSIC 2dr hardtop $2500 and x-tra parts 558-2445 ’79 CAMARO RUNS GRT needs restoring $1500 205-589-6029 ’79 MERCEDES STATION WAGON diesel $1800 205-589-6029 runs grt ’80 CHEVY CAMARO LIME GRN 350 bored over 60 auto new fuel pump holly 4barrel carb chrome breather manual windows/locks $2500 neg 528-7068

’92 LINCOLN TOWN CAR good running cond $1000 obo 256-582-7054 ’92 MODEL MUSTANG LX HATCHBACK w/lots of x-tras sell or trade call for details 256-660-0240 ’92 MUSTANG LX COUPE 4cyl auto near perfect body needs interior $800 obo 256298-1723 ’93 FORD AEROSTAR van v6 $2500 256226-1944 ’93 FORD T-BIRD GOOD WORK CAR 256438-7390 ’93 HONDA CIVIC 2DR HATCHBACK AUTO $1700 256-794-1700 ’93 HONDA CIVIC blk in color auto 4dr runs/looks good 125k miles $2300 256640-6614 ’93 TOYOTA CELICA 5 SPEED 582-6134 ’94 GL TRACKER exc shape good top int


OlD GOlD??? See B & B Pawn TOP $$$$$$ 256-546-4892 see our ad page 13

5spd air brakes & steering good on gas $2500 or trade 256-226-1944 ’85 PORSCHE 944 5 SPD SILVER 593-5050 ’86 MUSTANG COUPE BODY ONLY $500 572-8942 ’87 CHEVROLET G20 ¾ ton van parting out, no motor 845-3080 ’87 MUSTANG LX COUPE 5.0 5spd no trans great body/int $1800 obo 256-298-1723 ’87 NISSAN MAXIMA 4dr v6 auto on floor sunroof new tires battery engine/trans has 70k prox burgundy outside 28 mpg on hwy $1400 cash no checks 256-728-8426 ’89 CHEVY CAVALIER 2dr 4 cyl auto w/air 2.0 ENGINE red w/gray int 256-996-5493 ’90 CADILLAC DEVILLE 4DR good tires very dependable 470-0922 ’90 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 205-625-8280 ’91 525 BMW 256-593-5050 ’91 BMW 525I MAROON IN COLOR STRAIGHT SHIFT 593-5050 ’91 FORD MUSTANG GT new 50h0 engine and t-6 trans saline wing weld racing wheels ladder barred and sub frame connected $2500 256-619-0567 ’91 GEO METRO 60K MILES 3 cyl motor auto trans a/c new tires 45+mpg $1050 obo or trade small for small pu ’91 MERCEDES 300 SERIES 256-593-5050 ’92 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 6 cyl auto all pwr $1050 256-492-9654 ’92 HONDA ACCORD LX 4DR WHITE SEDAN 163k miles new front brakes runs grt tires 90% int in grt cond 256-298-0615

nice runs drives grt 6 cyl auto cold air $2000 firm 891-9963 ’94 HONDA CIVIC LX 4DR AUTO $1800 obo 256-794-1700 ’94 OLDS 153K MILES $750 558-9327 ’94 OLDS 98 REGENCY 593-5050 ’94 PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER grt work car or fishing van $500 205-274-2486 ’94 TOYOTA TERCEL 2dr red a/c pb am/fm/cass 2ownr good body needs engine overhaul $300 obo 256-582-8268 aft 5pm ’95 BUICK REGAL 593-5050 ’95 CHEVY LUMINA 593-5050 ’95 CHEVY LUMINA LS 593-5050 ’95 MUSTANG GT 5.0 RUNS GOOD like to trade for 2wd swb full sz pu 256-200-2331 ’95 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE $500 will part out no title 996-3814 ’95 SATURN 4cyl 4dr auto make offer 256226-1944 ’96 740 BMW 256-593-5050 ’96 BMW 740 SERIES SILVER IN COLOR 593-5050 ’96 BUICK PARK AVENUE power everything 3800 series 3.8 v6 looks/runs good 136k miles $1850 256-840-5746 ’96 BUICK REGAL ONE OWNER 70k miles loaded w/all options local good cond 25 to 30 mpg 3800 v6 engine 256-528-7187 $4500 obo ’96 CHEVY CAVALIER $1800 OBO 6654081 ’96 CHRYSLER LHX MOTOR BLOWN parts

1810 Hwy. 431 n, GlEnCoE

(866) 647-1123

Turn it into Cash Today!!!

car $500 256-538-6316 ’96 CHRYSLER TOWN AND COUNTRY VAN 593-5050 ’96 ECLIPSE 5spd 2dr new orange paint, new gps nice whls $2850 256-506-8701 ’96 FORD TAURUS 593-5050 ’96 FORD TAURUS LX 593-5050 ’96 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE lots of money put in motor 147k miles 12” kicker sub woofers amp jvc cd player $2200 obo 509-1439 ’96 TOYOTA CAMRY 494-4857 ’97 CHEVY ASTROVAN hi top customized leather seats tv/vcr $2000 obo 504-3468 ’97 ECLIPSE 4 CYL AUTO needs motor work $1250 obo ’97 HONDA CIVIC well maintained 1ownr never smoked in 5spd $3000 obo 504-3468 ’97 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE GST blk gray leather sunroof 5 spd turbo new trans hd work lots of motor work all pwr 3” exhaust 256-609-9602 ’97 MONTE CARLO 2DR NEEDS MINOR WORK $500 256-728-3339 ’97 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER COLD AIR good heat new fuel pump 3.0 engine runs good george 205-274-7391 ’98 CHEVY VENTURE VAN 302-6731 ’98 FORD TAURUS PARTING OUT blown hd gasket 477-0980 sell or trade ’98 NISSAN SENTRA GXE MAROON gray int all pwr cold air good tires $2900 256-6099602 ’98 PLYMOUTH NEON 593-5050 ’99 CADILLAC DEVILLE $1900 506-0235 ’99 CADILLAC ESCALADE WHITE tan int factory wheels $8200 256-572-5395 ’99 DODGE NEON HI LINE 593-5050 ’99 FORD TAURUS 2 OWNER LOW MILEAGE 116K actual silver w/blut int grt cond priced to sell $2690 593-8164 ’99 FORD TAURUS STATION WAGON V6 good cond cold air clean dependable $1800 256-343-2405 ’99 GRAND AM GT BLK 117K MILES good cond needs paint and 2 tires $2500 256587-6313 ’99 GRAND AM GT V6 140k miles needs 2 tires good cond blk in color 27-28 mpg $2500 256-587-6313 04 NISSAN MAXIMA - BLK- LEATHER SEATS AND SUNROOF- AUTOMATICCHROME TRIM- HAS 80K MILES!! SHARP CLEAN CAR CALL 256-593-9398 1963 FORD FAIRLANE 500 4dr exc cond for restoration 677-7308 $1000 1963 FORD FAIRLANE 500 4dr exc cond for restoration 677-7308 $1000 1964 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE runs but needs restored $1000 256-339-1802 1965 PONTIAC STARCHIEF very good cond runs well $2300 256-490-9941 1966 CHEVY CHEVELLE EL CAMINO 350 eng 350 trans blk w/gray bucket seats some new int $6500 256-636-0852 Cullman 1967 CHEVY CAMARO mini tubed w/cage rolling chassis $2500 256-636-0852 1967 CHEVY CHEVELLE 2dr hard top Malibu needs full frame off restoration have new floor pans & trunk pans braces to go with it $2500 636-0852 1967 CHEVY CHEVELLE EL CAMINO 327 2spd pwrglide blk w/new red int still in boxes $4500 256-636-0852 1967 LEMANS 2dr 4spd lots extra motors/trans $6500 256-339-1802 1967 RAMBLER AMERICAN 2dr small 6cyl 3spd manual trans very good gas mileage blue w/wht top chrome whls new tires am/fm/cd plyr new radiator & battery 98% rust free very dependable driven daily for over 1yr comes w/xtra motor & trans $3200 256-390-0487 1968 AUSTIN AMERICA runs good looks like a mini cooper $2300 256-339-1802 1968 MUSTANG COUPE red in color factory v8 good running 302 & auto trans $3500 256-565-0757 1971 FORD GALAXIE 500 351 windsor org parts new brakes/gas tank great restoration project $2495 256-881-7455 1972 CHEVY CAMARO rolling chassis body work partly done factory 4spd car w/Z28 whls 85% complete $2500 256-636-0852 1972 COUGAR MERCURY convertible pwr top all pwr very clean 351 Cleveland 81k $8750 256-467-4976



18 NovEMbER 2009



Auto Sales Inc hw y 4 3 1 B o a z ( next to reedy Morris Insurance)

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Se Habla Español

1973 CLASSIC VW runs-drives-looks good solid no rust drive anywhere $2500 205646-1608 1978 CADILLAC EL DORADO 2dr big body style very clean 43k very nice $8500 256467-4976 1979 PONTIAC FIREBIRD BODY for parts or make good race car dirt or drag no title $250 256-636-0852 1980 PONTIAC FIREBIRD body for parts or make good race car dirt or drag no title $250 256-636-0852 1981 CAMARO auto 350 205-559-2568 1982MERCEDES 240D wht w/tan int 4cyl diesel 210k real nice no rust $2500 or trade for ’67 or older VW Beetle 256-302-7274 1983 VOLVO 240DL wagon 1ownr very clean front/rear runs like new $1895 256467-4976 1985 MERCEDES BENZ 380SL blue top convertible & hard top low miles very clean blue leather $6750 256-467-4976 1987 CHEVY CAMARO 383 stroker engine 350 turbo trans blk t-tops 3” hardwood cowl hood flowmaster exhaust Iroc 2 pkg $3500 256-636-0852 1988 DODGE ARIES auto a/c needs gas tank good gas mileage $870 728-4902 1988 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE LX 5.0 60k new paint, new interior $6500 256-4138791 1988 TOYOTA WAGON auto 4cyl silver/grey good body/motor trans slips $500 or trade 256-226-1944 1989 IROCZ CONVERTIBLE 305 v8 auto a/c ps pb blk ext runs-drives good $7500 256796-5618 1990 ASTRO VAN blue in color $1000 6017362 1990 BERETTA v6 5spd needs some work $500 256-558-4347 1991 CADILLAC SEVILLE runs great, clean will finance w/$500 down 256-467-4976 1991 HONDA CIVIC SI 2dr hatchback 5spd $1700 obo 256-794-1700 1991 NISSAN SENTRA 2dr gas saver 1.6 manual runs like new $1500 256-467-4976 1992 25TH ANNIVERSARY CAMARO 305

Closed wednesday 130k $3300 obo or trade 256-796-8412 1993 PONTIAC FIREBIRD v6 auto red 256-636-0852 1993 CHEVY LUMNIA 4dr Euro sport spoil- w/blk racing stripes w/real looking flames 1994 BUICK ROADMASTER (collectible) er on back alum whls sharp inside/out 3” hardwood cowl hood tinted windows

fuGi wAnts your for hunting Season! unwAntEd HousEHold ContEnts... N E E d A T R u C k Get Bready do you HAvE A HomE or EstAtE & B Pawn, Gadsden you nEEd to EmPty? or PErHAPs you nEEd to oR CAR? ClEAn” tHis summEr/fAll? Over 900 guns NOw IN STOCK! “sPrinG wE will movE it out for you! No MoNEy doWN GAdsdEn, Al &surroundinG ArEAs. 256-546-4892 ByPAss tHE HAsslE of An EstAtE/yArd sAlE! see out ad page 16 CAll:256-547-3382 or 256-390-0968 CAll 302-7823 44k LT1 eng leather int loaded silver blue needs trans work but is drivable $650 firm nice car $3500 256-636-0852 1993 PONTIAC TRANS AM LT-1 v8 $1200 w/blue int 30mpg $7500 256-226-1944 256-538-8865

We Finance

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18 NovEMbER 2009

A m A B T A L T A A ES and SERVI IRE road service Available



Auto rEPAir n rotAtion n BAlAnCinG n BrAKEs - $69.95 n

205-466-5300 205-466-5300

wholesale Prices on new tires

88125 256-962-0162cell 88125Hwy Hwy278 278Snead, Snead,Ala. Al nn 256-962-0162



Car, Truck & Tractor Tires n New - used - Recaps Car,r Truck &All Tractor TiresAvAIlAblE New - used - Recaps bRANdS All bRANdS AvAIlAblE n bridgeStone n bfg & MoRE! Michelin n goodyear n n n Michelin goodyear bfg & MoRE! uSEd CARbridgeStone & TRuCk RIMS NEW SHIPMENT JuST ARRIvEd! dElCo & INTERSTATE bATTERIES uSEd CARNEW & TRuCk RIMS


SET of 4 uSEd TIRES AS loW AS $100! SINglES AS loW AS $20! 1994 FORD E250 ext van 6cyl auto runs good $1200 256-558-4347 1994 GEO TRACKER auto 4cyl 4wd wht in color a/c $2200 obo 458-1365 1994 MUSTANG GT convertible 5spd clean 20” rims msd distributor ignition very fast 256-467-4976 1995 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE very clean 4dr $2850 256-467-4976 1995 GMC SAFARI VAN southern comfort pkg fair shape runs good needs a/c compressor $3000 or trade for smaller car in good shape 256-393-9295 1995 PONTIAC FORMULA LT-1 v8 auto ttop $2500 256-636-0852 1996 CHEVY CAMARO 6cyl 3.2 hatchback ttops 2dr very sporty rebuilt motor 70k set new tires-new battery, clarion cd plyr very nice work car $1500 firm 205-362-5850 1996 DODGE CARAVAN red 144k 256-5861214 1996 DODGE INTREPID 3.5 v6 garage kept very good cond 108k $2000 256-348-1731


1996 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE GS147k jvc cd plyr amp 12” kicker sub woofers $2200 509-1439 1996 SUBURU awd Legacy clean runs like new very nice 5spd gas saver will fly $2450 256-467-4976 1996 WARRIOR RACE CAR race ready $5500 256-546-9433 1997 850GLT TURBO VOLVO wagon very clean runs great $2995 256-467-4976 1997 CHEVY ASTROVAN customized hi top tv vcr $2000 obo 504-3468 1997 HONDA CIVIC 1ownr nice 148k well maintained $3000 obo 504-3468 1998 CHEVY CAMARO v6 5spd $2500 256636-0852 1998 CHRYSLER CONCORD 3.5 v6 auto 4dr wht in color tan int 9200 miles runs great $1350 256-587-3060 1999 CHEVY VENTURE ext van must sell due to financial situation sand colored auto psngr door 139k 256-728-4151 $3000 1999 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER van good

PRE SS tAXi, L X E A M A B LC A L 24 Hour Service

we serVICe huntsVIlle n gadsden n BIrmIngham aIrPorts English Speaking Se Habla Espanol Call 256-558-5087 Call 256-558-2169 -rAtEs-

$2.00 1st Half mile $1.80 Each mile After $15.00 per hour waiting time Ride Up To 5 Miles For Under $10

Call ! today

shape runs-drives good trans/motor needs hood $900 obo 256-293-1094 2-SEATER RAIL BUGGY 5pt harnesses 2-bar $1400 256-344-1501 Walnut Grove 2-VW KIT CARS ONE MG ONE MERCEDES 506-0235 2000 DODGE 15psngr church van clean new brakes runs like new $3650 256-4674976 2000 DODGE STRATUS tinted glass, antilock brakes, pdl pm pw cruise ps a/c new tires custom sound clean exc cond gold in color 29mpg $3800 205-237-4801 2000 MAZDA PROTÉGÉ 5spd runs perfect cold a/c nice will finance w/down payment 256-467-4976 2000 PONTIAC FIREBIRD v6 auto t-tops nice car $5500 256-636-0852 2000 VW PASSAT green 142k 256-5861214 2001 HONDA ODYSSEY EX gray w/gray cloth 126k 1ownr new tires-battery runs perfect non-smoker all pwr both sliding doors $5500 obo 256-259-7722 2002 FORD TAURUS runs good cold a/c silver 4dr $2800 obo 256-738-1062 A’ville 2004 KIA RIO silver 108k cold a/c good tires great mpg very nice sharp $2850 firm 256-441-6537 2004 MUSTANG GT SALEEN clean fast 5spd $9500 256-467-4976 2005 CHEVY CORVETTE silver w/glass top chrome whls 50k $23,500 256-302-7121 2005 DODGE NEON 5spd blue runs good 23k $2850 256-738-1062 A’ville 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S silver w/blk cloth 4cyl auto a/c pw pdl cruise cd 135k hwy $8500 obo or trade 256-302-7274 2005 Nissan Altima nice?clean car pewter only 79k miles would be a great starter car!! Call Belinda for more details 256-593-9398 2006 NISSAN SENTRA 1.8S blk auto 30k good gas mileage nice $6975 728-4113 2008 FORD FUSION like new 4800 miles 1st oil change 100k mile warranty 4dr 5spd a/c am/fm/stereo w/6-disc cd plyr cruise many more xtras maroon w/beige int $20,000 obo 256-574-1878

4DR ‘99 SATURN SL1 exc cond like new paint job good int drives like new one owner vehicle 36-42mpg $2800 obo call 256-706-0342 mon-sat anytime no sundays 60 BUS SEATS good cond out of school bus make offer 256-226-1944 BLUE ’66 FAIRLANE $2700 256-601-6365 BUICK LESABRE 1989 model 3.8 totally rebuilt engine (20k on it), red w/grey hood & front fender, runs exc, great heater, needs service charge on a/c have title $800 256632-5850 CHEVROLET IMPALA ‘04 white w gray int cloth seats 75k mi pw pdl good car must sell $6k obo 205-594-7473 CHEVY IMPALA LS SUNROOF on star cd player cold air sell or trade for nice suv 6233668 DIVORCE SALE ’87 CAMARO BODY 838 drag car not st legal $1500 obo 677-1002 too many modifications to list DODGE STEALTH DRAGSTER race car w/pro-mod fiberglass body w/art Morrison tube chassis 511cu in big block Chevy motor blue/gray in color 256-640-6401 FORD E150 CONVERSION VAN 5 litre auto trans $1800 cash 728-7775 I BUY JUNK CARS TRKS VANS SUV’S running not 878-9257 top dollar pd I BUY JUNK CARS, vans pay top price 5043468 I BUY JUNK VEHICLES cars trks top dollar pd running or not 302-3765 JUNIOR DRAGSTER animal motor new clutch & converter, new paint $3300 256796-8412 LIKE TO BUY VEHICLE priced around $500 call 571-9119 MERCURY TOPAZ 4cyl auto 4dr 1ownr good cond $1250 or trade 256-226-1944 MITSUBISHI 3K GT ‘97 approx 106k mi white ext tan int pwr wind & locks rear spoiler good cond garage kept $5800 obo call 256-504-2458 MUSTANG GT 5sp black red int fast $2400 obo or trade for sm pu 256-887-4094 NICE ’00 CHEVY IMPALA runs/looks grt need to sell $4200 firm 996-6745

PONTIAC CATALINA 1960 model 4dr good motor/trans ran when parked last year has expensive crater whls good project car $550 firm 256-310-3847 RAIL BUGGY LOTS OF CUSTOM PARTS not finished very nice $2500 256-572-6546 SET OF FOUR CONTINENTAL CONNIE TRACK TIRES 265/70/R17 white lettering good tread left $60 for set of four 256-5067216 SMALL CAR $600 256-226-1944 TWO DATSUNS 240Z & 30ZK sell together at a bargain 256-226-1944 TWO RACE CARS one Modlight one Legend pro chassis frame on legend $800 ea 205594-0141 VW FOX 91 4cyl 5spd 4dr blk/grey needs gas tanke make offer 256-226-1944 WANT TO BUY A volks wagen bug ‘00 or later model auto trans w under 100k mi at reasonable price 516-2022 WANTED 1930-1950 car or truck any cond preferably running $500 or less 256-4738161 WANTED 1965-68 Mustang fastback or convertible in any cond 256-565-0757 WANTED 2000 Buick Lesabre limited w/good body & title 256-226-1944 WANTED 2000 Buick Lesabre limited w/good body & title 256-226-1944 WANTED chevy geo metros ’89 THRU 94 ANY COND ALSO TAKE ’95-98 W/3CYL MOTORS ANY COND ALSO Geo storms convertibles especially 256-226-1944 WANTED good reasonable good cheap small car cheap on gas fairly newer model 90s 256-293-1094 WILL BUY OLD CARS for reasonable price 205-456-0926 WRECKED ‘99 RODEO FOR SALE good v6 auto trans brand new tires exc int 120k mi on vehicle sale price $1200 obo call days 205-229-3443 eveningtime call 256-7478761 WRECKED IN FRONT ’99 MERCURY COUGAR blk 2dr v6 135k miles sunroof 6 star alum wheels runs but not driveable $1000 or trade for anything 256-601-7727 TRUCKS/SUVs ‘50 CHEVY PICK UP no bed no mtr & trans narrowed rear end & narrowed frame w wheelie bars comes w complete custom intrior in tweed disk brake conversion on front $1950 obo 256-601-7649 ‘77 CHEVRLET LWB 4WD 4sp 4in lift 33 super swampers postive tract rear end truck has some rust runs & drives good call after 3 878-8538 asking $1200 firm ‘84 CHEVY SCOTTSDALE PICKUP 4wd crate 350 new tires wheels carb new seals in front axle this truck is in immaculate cond mike 302-3760 ‘89 FORD RANGER good body & int needs some mtr work need to sell asking $500 call 256-601-6665 ‘89 HONDA ACCORD 4dr auto $1250 trade for 2dr car sm 996-3092 ‘92 CHYENNE GMC PICKUP 5sp nice tuck lwb $1400 firm call 470-0922 ‘94 FORD F150 FLAIRSIDE xlt 256-8874094 ‘95 FORD EXPLORER 4X4 drives great just needs a new tail light mtr or the left pwr window & a new seatbelt for the drivers side & it has a busted passenger outside mirror these could all be fixed used on cow farm $1500 256-550-0748 ’00 BLAZER S10 MODEL clean body good trans bad motor $750 obo 256-550-3196 ’00 F250 4X4 EXT CAB 7.3 diesel 6 spd exc cond 256-572-6546 ’00 F250 7.3 LITRE DIESEL xlt ext cab 4x4 6 spd runs/looks grt $13,000 obo 256-5726546 ’01 CHEVY S10 3DR KING CAB new tires lots of new parts 293-6905 ’01 CHEVY TAHOE $6500 256-891-1484 ’01 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC 4DR blk w/gray int very clean body 144k miles engine trans rebuilt 44k miles ago well maintained good tires tinted windows cold air auto 4.0 litre engine $8000 firm 256728-8426 ’01 TAYOTA TACOMA SR5 2.4 engine auto 4 cyl 142k miles gold color diamond plated tool box bedliner slide back glass towing pckg $7500 or consider trade on Nissan or

THE SWAPPER n 18 NovEMbER 2009 ’79 FORD F350 DUMP TRK GOOD TIRES Toyota pu 205-577-3615 good dump needs engine bearings $1200 ’01 TOYOTA TACOMA SR5 ext cab gold some rust 256-354-5065 143k miles exc cond 2wd auto trans 2.4 litre 4 cyl engine sliding back glass bedliner ’79 JEEP CJ7 v8 3spd factory hard top & almost new tires diamond plated toolbox doors 256-572-3091 aft 5pm til 8:30 pm new reese towing pckg w/2” ball $7400 or ’80 CHEVY C10 TRK SHORT BED no motor consider trade on Nissan trk or 4 wheeler or trans 593-1306 ’80 CHEVY C10 TRK SHORT BED no 205-577-3615 ’01 TOYOTA TUCOMA 4wd SR5 4dr auto motor/trans 593-1306 6cyl 44k exc cond $12,700 or trade for ’80 F700 WRECKER W/LIFT blue in color older model Toyota ext cab ’95-2000 & pay- 593-5050 off of $6000 678-232-2789 or 706-777- ’80 FORD F700 256-593-5050 ’80 FORD F700 HOLMES WRECKER BED 1499 ’02 FORD BOX TRK EXC COND LOW W/WHEEL LIFT 593-5050 ’81 SILVERADO SWB 355 hdrs stall conMILEAGE 256-878-5697 ’03 F150 XLT LARIAT flare side two tone verter 373 gears sharp trk $2500 obo 7388063 ext cab leather brushguard tool box bedliner w/rails temp control captains seats ’82 CHEVY ONE TON DUALLY 350 MOTOR am/fm/radio tinted windows pwr adj win- 400 trans $1800 256-587-9327 dows seats and pedal garage kept one ’82 S10 RACE TRK 350 MOTOR AND TRANS 256-587-9327 owner 41k original miles $11,900 obo 256- $1800 ’89 S10 BODY W/HDRS AND MOTOR MNTS 927-5150 $700 256-587-9327 ’03 GMC YUKON SLE white w/tan int 3rd row seating 4wd exc cond 134k miles ’82 THRU 89 S10 PARTS CABS clips beds springs and rear ends 256-587-9327 $9200 571-6463 ’03 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT 6cyl 5spd air ’83 CHEVY WRECKER w/440 ? white in adult ownd sharp must see $11,000 205- color 593-5050 ’83 VW PU 593-5050 589-2002 ’03 SUBURBAN LOADED NICE $8000 205- ’83 VW PU TRK 593-5050 ’84 CHEVY 4X4 ROCK TRK 35” TIRES fend368-0034 ’03 TOYOTA PRE RUNNER DBL CAB 4 CYL ers cut bob tailed $1500 256-587-9327 auto 2wd cold a/c pdl pw cruise tilt cd play- ’85 CHEVY BREAD VAN GOOD TIRES low er SR5 w/bedliner like new tires $10,900 miles grt cond $2800 205-368-6134 256-236-7376 ’85 CHEVY SILVERADO LWB 2wd auto nice ’03 YUKON DANALI CHARCOAL GRAY work trk $750 obo 256-504-6502 leather int 3rd row seating well maintained ’85 FORD 16 PASSENGER BUS “old city bus” 157k $14,200 256-295-6111 pd over $50k make good camper or church bus, has good new v8 motor auto trans cold air has wheelchair ’04 FORD F150 EXT CAB $12,000 593-0538 lift worth $4000 asking $1250 obo only ’04 GMV 2500HD SLE LEATHER loaded rear needs int work mech sound 458-8501 entertainment crew cab 4dr new tires 78k ’85 FORD F150 cyl 4spd runs good $800 miles no paint work nice trk 256-505-7901 obo 256-298-1723 ’04 JEEP LIBERTY green 2wd 28k $8000 ’85 GMC $450 NEEDS little work on motor 256-293-8378 256-630-0834 ’05 CHEVY EQUINOX SUV $9100 256-531- ’85 NISSAN 4cyl 5spd air brakes/steering 90k chromed out good cond $2350 2562241 ’05 CHEVY EQUINOX SUV loaded 256-531- 226-1944 ’85 NISSAN xtra cab 4cyl 5spd a/c blk/gray 2241 ’05 Chevy Tahoe, white, only 60K mi, Z71 great gas mileage good cond $2500 or trade up 256-226-1944 pkg, exc cond, MUST SEE! $400/mo payment at Roger Lowery Motors, call 256- ’86 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 350 auto lwb runs-drives perfect looks good like new 302-7823 ’06 CHEVY TRAIL BLAZER very good cond tires too many new parts to list $700 firm new tires-battery pewter in color w/gray other offers considers 256-538-5891 before 8pm int 4x4 80k $9500 256-601-1982 ’06 REG CAB Z71 RED 50K MILES lots of x- ’86 CHEVY S10 GOOD WORK TRK gas saver 558-4818 tras $12,000 256-601-9109 ’07 CHEVY COLORADO Z71 2wd 4dr crew ’86 GMC 80% RESTORED $3900 256-840cab loaded 42k $16,000 super nice Pisgah 9600 ’86 S10 EXT CAB DUALLY w/hdrs and 256-605-6483 before 8pm ’07 SILVERADO PU WHITE in color ext cab motor mnts $1500 256-587-9327 low mileage 32k miles want pay-off ’87 PETERBILT 377 DAB 4 ½ cat engine 410 gear ratio alum headache rack-tanks$13,500 205-467-6875 ’09 SILVERADO Z71 ext cab 4wd auto 2k rims $9000 845-3080 miles loaded burgundy $24,000 256-482- ’87 S10 CHEVY PU HAS S10 tahoe pckg auto air steering and brakes low mileage red on 2501 ’65 CHEVY PU PARTS TRK $500 256-605- red one owner 4wd very nice trk priced to sell $4300 obo 256-528-7187 6833 ’65 CHEVY PU SWB STEPSIDE $5500 506- ’87 TOYOTA xtra cab 4x4 SR5 needs engine work 205-559-7925 0235 ’65 FORD reasonable price 205-274-7391 ’89 HALF TON TRK 4WD RED IN COLOR ’66 ¾ TON CHEVY FLAT BED TRK 235 6 cyl 593-5050 ’89 SUBURBAN 7” LIFT 36” TIRES hvy duty motor $1400 659-6907 ’66 CHEVY C60 SERIES TRK original 327 steel bumpers rock ready $5000 256-587engine engine has dbl hump hds 2 spd 4spd 9327 steel flat bed sell engine or complete trk ’90 CHEVY 4WD SWB $2000 OBO 506-0235 new motor and trans 256-996-5493 ’69 DBL CAB VW TRK RUNS/DRIVES good ’90 CHEVY SILVERADO Z71 350 engine less has rust but good driver $4000 205-646- than yr old new paint job pw cold a/c tilt cruise mud tires diamond tool box all x-tras 1608 ’70 CHEVY HALF TON PU 350 ENGINE $4800 256-673-0459 ’90 CHEVY SWB 4X4 PU $2500 506-0235 $1850 256-531-2241 ’70 HALF TON CHEVY PU $1850 256-531- ’90 FORD F150 4X4 593-5050 ’90 GMC FULL SZ SWB 4.3 V6 AUTO COLD 2241 ’70 LWB TRK W/350 MOTOR $800 256- AIR $1850 601-9562 ’90 JEEP CHEROKEE 4DR RUNS GOOD $750 659-6907 ’71 CHEVY CUSTOM 10 V8 AUTO SWB ’90 MAZDA B2200 TRK 5 SPD $1100 256RUNS GRT looks better $4500 obo 845- 794-1700 ’91 CHEVY SILVERADO swb pu trk depend9746 ft payne ’77 FORD F150 RANGER XLT lwb 400cu in able vehicle 477-0867 v8 auto ps pb a/c rebuilt trans new brakes ’91 FORD RANGER 4 CYL 5 SPD $500 572engine needs overhaul $250 256-582-8268 8942 aft 5pm ’91 NISSAN PU EXT CAB runs good looks ’77 FORD F450 DUMP TRK runs good uses good $1200 256-894-3201 no oil good tires ready to go $2500 cash or ’92 CHEVY STEPSIDE PU good cond 4wd trade 256-507-4122 works good motor rebuilt 30k miles newly ’79 EL CAMINO $6500 506-0235 rebuilt trans good shape $2700 256-558-

61 2329 ’92 CHEVY Z71 BLK 5.7 VORTEC 350 w/3” lift 33” super swampers w/mickey Thompson bullet hole wheel granny 5-spd $4500 205-533-0031 ’92 JEEP CHEROKEE XJ 4WD W/3” LIFT 33/12/50 BUCKSHOTS charcoal gray $2800 572-7447 ’93 BLUE BIRD BUS STRONG diesel engine was h’ville city bus well maintained 5278449 $3900 obo ’93 CHEVY S10 BLAZER 4DR sell or trade for small trk or car 878-5201 ’93 FORD F250 PU 593-5050 ’93 JEEP WRANGLER 4WD 4 CYL 5 SPD NEW 33/12/50 SUPER tires cd player cb radio $5500 572-7447 ’93 NISSAN HARDBOY 4X2 REG CAB 4 CYL 171k miles auto new battery/fuel pump oil and trans fluid changed new timing belt $2800 obo 205-492-7862 ’94 CHEVY S10 BLAZER 593-5050 ’94 CHEVY Z71 SWB w/sports side x-tra nice looking red on red has all power options new tune up low mileage 80k white letter tires $10,000 obo 256-528-7187 ’94 DODGE RAM 1500 V6 5 spd cold air good tires blk chrome wheels good gas mileage has cd player $1250 firm Oneonta 446-8376 ’94 FORD EXPLORER 127K original miles 4dr 6 cyl needs tlc $1800 205-446-8900 ’95 CHEVROLET ext cab 2dr Silverado red in color 350 auto tilt cruise pw pdl sliding back gas dual exhaust swb 15” factory rally whls bug shield good title $4000 528-7068 ’95 CHEVY S10 4cyl 5spd & GMC S150 ’91 5spd both have a/c & ps $1500 for both or trade up 256-226-1944 ’95 CHEVY TAHOE 2DR BLK GRAY INT 8” lift kit 3700 super swamper tires hdrs good trk boaz area 256-293-0000 ’95 CHEVY TRK 2500 593-5050 ’95 DUMP TRK FORD F250 XL a/c tilt radio cd cruise lumbar seat pw 4wd elec dump new brakes/tires exc cond $6000 256-5868920 ’95 F350 FORD DUALLY 7.3 LITRE pwr stroke diesel $3000 ’95 GMC 1500 PU TRK 593-5050 ’95 NISSAN 6” lift 4wd saw blade alum rims 35” tires nice $3500 or trade on older model, etc 256-473-8161 ’96 DODGE CUSTOM VAN $2000 506-0235 ’96 DODGE SWB 4WD TRANS SLIPS $1400 506-0235 ’96 FORD F150 NICE TRK 582-6134 ’96 JIMMY 4X4 SLT white w/gold trim brown leather int good tires all pwr $2700 256-609-9602 ’97 FORD F150 4X4 KING CAB 3RD DR short bed stepside brushguard step guard tinted windows super nice all options $5700 obo 572-4174 ’97 GMC JIMMY 4.3 V6 CD PLAYER grt vehicle $1750 256-328-3701 ’97 GMC SONOMA PU TRK very nice 5 spd swb 477-0867 ’97 GMC SONOMA V6 HI OUTPUT auto trans 65k miles runs exc 3rd dr ext cab 20” rims w/tires k&n intake Jensen cd player 1000 watt amp x-treme front bumper much more $5800 obo 205-215-0112 ’98 CHEVY SILVERADO 3DR 5.0 V8 151k miles blue pw pdl tilt cruise am/fm/cd runs good $4250 256-840-5746 ’98 DODGE DAKOTA EXT CAB good tires v6 auto loaded good running good tires bedrails dependable $2950 obo 891-3279 ’98 FORD X-TRA CAB 4X4 WHITE gray int auto rebuilt trans new tires all pwr $4900 256-609-9602 ’98 ISUZU BOX TRK $1900 OBO ’98 ISUZU RODEO 4WD blk pw good running vehicle 738-7773 $2500 ’98 JIMMY GMC 189K MILES all pwr 4wd 23mpg v6 good cond good tires and a/c blue/silver $3000 256-587-6313 ’99 CHEVY PU B71 REG CAB LS white 5.3 v8 auto $5500 572-9979 ’99 EXPEDITION WHITE GRAY CLOTH INT sharp $4200 256-609-9602 ’99 FORD F250 4X4 593-5050 ’99 FORD SUPER DUALLY F25 4WD SILVER 4DR 593-5050 ’99 FORD X-TRA CAB DUALLY f450 super duty lariat 4wd 7.3 pwr stroke diesel




18 NovEMbER 2009


• REModElINg • AddITIoNS • ElECTRIC • gAS • PluMbINg We Service SPACE HEATERS &HEAT PuMPS! 256-677-8146


302-7823 07 Nissan Armada, green, sunroof, 3rd row seat, SUPER CLEAN! Call for price, 256-3027823 Roger Lowery Mtrs 1965 CHEVROLET C10 256-623-4925 1965 CHEVROLET C10 new bed, 5k on motor, kept in storage for past 7-7 1/2yrs 256-623-4925 1968 CHEVROLET C10 wht in color 250 6cyl straight shift 4spd in floor 15” bullet hole whls lwb am/fm/cass $1200 528-7068 1973 CHEVY C10 rolling chassis alum whls custom body work 3” chopped top $1000


1973 CHEVY swb body for parts or make good drag truck alum custom whls 50 series tires on back lowered 2” chopped top 3” custom 2” cowl hood step side bed custom body work all around $1200 obo 25636-0852 1975 CHEVY strong 350 auto short bed hd springs 2wd but sets up higher all terrains on back winch in bed needs repainting $1100 728-4902 1979 CHEVY TRUCK auto bed liner toolbox long bed good tires runs good 305 motor $1350 728-4902 1979 ROAD RUNNER v8 auto red w/blk & yellow stripe $8500 obo 256-796-5618

largest selection of Jewelry dollAR & A dEEd in Central Al. I S A l l yo u N E E d ! B&B Pawn, Gadsden PuRCHASE A NEW HoME! 256-546-4892 Clayton Homes of Anniston Check us our page 13 C a l l To d a y ! 2 5 6 - 8 2 0 - 8 0 0 0 256-636-0852

Need A Satellite? Want a Satellite?


Call Today 877.442.0531/256.442.0531

1980 DODGE LWB $600 256-558-4347 1982 CHEVROLET C10 350 motor 350 turbo trans 2dr single cab step side flare side low miles no dents blk in color bed in back runs exc needs nothing no rust consider trades on Toyota or Nissan 4wd pu truck or $3000 obo 205-215-0112 1984 CHEVROLET S10 2.8 4spd v6 9963814 $1200 obo 1985 S10 350 rebuilt engine Edelbrock carb motor is chrome has tach wht in color w/red int auto looks real good wht letter tires mag rims runs good $3500 256-9310547 1986 FORD F150 ext cab swb ps pb a/c swb $1500 obo 256-494-5115 1986 TOYOTA 4RUNNER very good cond auto 4cyl 538-9390 before 9pm 1987 NISSAN Z24 5spd 4cyl 4wd diamond plated toolbox nerf bars good body/tires 845-3080 or 458-5597 1987 TOYOTA 4wd 4cyl 5spd ext cab 256927-5938 1989 FREIGHTLINER FLD 120 3406 Cat 13spd new tires on front alum whls dual stacks $4500 cash or trade 256-507-4122 1990 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 series 4x4 350 v8 lwb 5spd stick $!200 256-5581669 1990 MAZDA B 2200 truck 5spd $1200 256-794-1700 1990 MAZDA B2200 5spd $1200 obo 256794-1700 1991 DODGE RAM CHARGER WHT W/RED INT EXC COND $1500 256-586-3149 1991 DODGE RAM CHARGER WHT W/RED INT EXC COND $1500 256-586-3149 1992 CHEVY ext cab swb alum whls bed liner blue $1200 256-636-0852 1992 CHEVY SILVERADO swb step side 350 5spd 20k on new motor 5k on flywheel & clutch, new belts-hoses-starter flow master exhaust shorty header new logger for rear end $3800 obo or trade 582-6261 1992 F150 FORD swb 6cyl 5spd real good 927-5938 1992 FORD DIESEL BOX TRUK 6cyl auto lift gate $2500 256-558-4347 1992 MAZDA B 2000 5spd $1300 256-7941700 1993 ISUZU RODEO 4dr good shape $1000 256-477-4938 1993 NISSAN SENTRA 2dr needs radiator $700 obo 256-894-5491 1994 CHEVY ext cab swb blue w/2” steel cowl hood $2500 256-636-0852 1994 CHEVY S10 mini blazer 2dr very clean exc cond $2750 vortec v6 runs like new 256-467-4976 1994 DODGE LARAMIE 1500 series 318 v8 swb $1600 256-558-1669 1994 TOYOTA 4RUNNER v6 5spd 5752897 1995 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT looks/runs

great 4x4 good Michelin tires auto pw pdl tilt a/c red w/grey int radio & cd plyr $3575 728-4902 1998 DODGE LARAMIE SLT xtra cab 318 v8 magnum less than 100k exc cond $5250 256-679-0609 1998 DODGE LARAMIE SLT xtra cab v8 318 magnum less than 100k exc cond $5250 256-679-0609 1998 GREEN TOYOTA TUCOMA exc cond need to sell $3000 a/c am/fm stereo 4cyl 5spd 168k great gas mileage 256-582-4719 1999 ISUZU NPR 16’ box truck auto diesel 132+k gvw 414,500lbs cold a/c am/fm/cass seats good/clean good tires inspected annually $12,5000 205-4292720 1999 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT blk soft top hard doors 4.3 v6 auto 4x4 3” lift 33” tires sound system cd plyr alarm system aft mkt exhaust blk whls brush guard $8500 256458-0629 2000 S10 ZR2 new 33” all terrain tires w/6” lift kit $5500 302-1530 2003 JEEP WRANGLER 6cyl hard top/doors too many xtras to list $12,900 70k like new must sell 256-572-9979 2005 DODGE RAM 2500 4wd Cummins diesel crew cab blk w/tinted windows new tires-brakes 143k $17,000 256-572-4954 2007 TOYOTA TUNDRA 4x4 SR5 trd 2dr like new 1ownr 26.5k $23,500 obo 256490-2961 2008 FORD ESCAPE wht w/chrome whls v6 auto leather int like new 546-9917 need to sell asap 2008 NISSAN FRONTIER SE ext cab 4dr 4cyl auto 10k towing pkg bed liner wht $16,500 256-679-0609 2008 SILVERADO Z71 4x4 gray 4dr running boards toolbox 41k great cond $24,900 obo 256-302-2291 lv msg 89’ cheyenne 3+3 lwb crew cab 350 v8 th350 auto trans dual bedside toolboxes good tires and brakes passenger doors dented but work fine make a good work truck $2000 obo 256-393-0487 Brent truck runs great drove it some this wk. or 95’ Nissan 4x4 Ext cab V6 5spd $2500 256997-4665 ALTEK BUCKET TRUCK w 30-40ft lift in good cond only 96k mi $5800 call 256-3022812 CHARCOAL GRAY ’03 GMC SIERRA z71 push button 4wd pw pdl $12,500 205-5330031 CHEROKEE LAREDO ’88 MODEL 4x4 ready to hunt $1500 obo 550-3196 CHEVROLET SILVERADO ’83 model just over 100k $2500 256-550-2158 CHEVY 1964 350 chromed out, needs finishing, paint, etc $4000 256-226-1944 CLASSIC ’87 CHEVY SILVERADO swb 4x4 v8 fuel injection good body runs grt needs torque converter must sell $1200 firm glencoe area 256-453-2070 COMMERCIAL 1999 MODEL T600 KENWORTHS (2) both wht super 10 3-55’s rears one is 430hp & 1550 torque, other is 470hp & 1650 torque both are 12.6 1ownr on the road now only $12,000 ea 256-6323215 for pics COMMERCIAL 2005 FREIGHTLINERS (2) one wht one blue 14L Detroit engines 1650 torque 515hp 3-58’s rears 10 spd od 660/608k miles exc shape working now reg maintenance your choice reduced to $22,000 256-632-3215 for pics DARK GRN ’96 CHEVY TAHOE new tires/brake pads 180k miles w/v8 engine 2wd good cond 2nd owner $4500 256-5937896 DODGE D50 110K MILES 4 CYL 5SPD $2000 obo 256-599-7685 FORD EXPLORER XLT 2004 silver v6 3rd row seat security system new tires am/fm/cd 65k $9200 loan value is $10,500 256-526-4262 FORD F100 PICKUP TRUCK ‘55 good fix up truck orig 292 3sp $3250 205-594-7473 FORD F150 PICKUP TRUCK ‘82 lwb 4x4 4wd wench good hunting truck $2500 205594-7473 FORD RANGER v6 auto camper shell runs great will finance w/down payment 256467-4976 I BUY JUNK TRUCKS & suvs 504-3468



18 NovEMbER 2009




HiGHwAy 431 • BoAz, Al 35956 • 205-529-9493 we work on all — Farm tractors, Hay Balers & mowers, equipment & Forklifts we do... — Welding and Hydraulic cylinder repair. we have been... — repairing tractors and equipment since 1987. we charge $30 per hour... ...to work on your equipment. we don’t charge you — while we get parts — talk on the phone — or work on something else. If we Can’t fIX It then you owe us nothIng WE SELL THE SaME parTS aS oTHEr TraCTor &EqUIpMEnT DEaLErS for a LoT LESS.

LOOKING FOR cheap pu truck that runs good looks decent around $1500 205-4294127 Nancy NEW WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION HITCH AND SWAY BAR $150 205-288-3840 O1951 CHEVY runs good 3spd $3300 256623-3627 RED NISSAN 1991 ext cab runs-looks good $1300 256-894-3201 S 1900 INTERNATIONAL DUMP 89’ dual axle, steel bed, Detroit diesel, work ready, good truck only $7000 obo 413-3380 SMALL TRUCK $1000 256-226-1944 SUZUKI MINI PU 4WD new tires runs grt good for farm use 256-891-2291 UWF DIAMOND PLATED TOOL BOX to fit small trk w/key $100 623-3668 WANTED 1930-1950 car or truck any cond preferably running $500 or less 256-4738161 ERSONALS~


55YO WHT MALE Arab area likes fishing, trade days, outdoors, looking for swf 4055yo that don’t drink or do drugs respond to Country Boy in next Swapper ALL DENOMINATIONAL 40+ SINGLES Christian Fellowship Group meeting every Sat at 6pm; FUN – FOOD – NEW FRIENDS; Meeting at Victoria Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 1644 O’Brigg Ave, Guntersville – for more info call 256-5823893 ATTRACTIVE DISABLED LADY age 61 5’9’’ weighing 146lbs w long hair very romanic sensitive nature I love nature walks holding hands cuddling I am seeking a very protective romantic gentleman who is not a cat lover or sports nut but would love to spend lots of time spoiling a good woman who would love to do the same for him if this sounds like what you are searching for & you want a good honest woman you can send me an email to ATTRACTIVE SLIM LADY looking for someone special who wants to share home life, friendship & a long time relationship, respond in next Swapper

BLK MALE LOOKING FOR white female or Hispanic just to have fun with, know how to treat lady po box 3768 oxford, al 36203 DANIEL I JUST WANTED to let you know I love you with all my heart DWM 54 SEND MAIL TO CHARLES p o box 2 cullman al 35056 HELLO THERE GENTLEMEN I am an attractive divorced disabled wht lady age 61 seeking the possibility or developing a long term relationship w/a non-smoker, non-drinker, who is caring understanding sensitive romantic & very protective of his lady, no sports nut or cat lover, please, I am a very shy sensitive caring affectionate honest & very romantic lady, I love doing romantic things w/that special man suck as candle light dinners, camping out, picnic, lots hugs, kisses, & cuddling, I am spiritual but do not belon to any certain denomination, I am more of an Gnostic Christian I guess, I believe strongly in God & like to keep a close relationship w/Him, I am disabled due to osteoarthritis & fibromyalgia if you can get past that & accept my limitations something wonderful could happen are you the man who can melt my heart & make it sing, let’s find out email me at I WAS WONDERING if this girl I dated years ago by the name of Annette, she lived in Pisgah/Rosalie area, I was wondering if she was single this day & time, we lost contact, respond to Honey Bear IN RESPONSE TO BAMA GIRL 39 this is C from Cullman I enjoyed being with you Sunday night thank you for coming over maybe we will see each other again soon LOOKING FOR WHEREABOUTS OF Renee Saint please have her give randall a call 256-286-1023 RED NECK WOMAN LOOKING FOR single white male 18 to 25 yrs old likes fishing hunting camping lv way to get in touch RESPOND TO BAMAGIRL 39 this is charles in cullman you are sweet & nice be nice to see you at the lake again I will call you some time hope you find what you are looking for talk later

SWF seeks swm I’m 56yo short blonde hair blue eyes 5’6” 180lbs I love country music, candlelight dinners, cuddling, fishing, camping, movies, quiet time at home, love to meet new friends w/possible lasting relationship, respond in next Swapper if interested SWM 52 YRS OLD 6’ 175 lbs blonde hair blue eyes looking to make friends w/swf or sdwf younger or older no drugs alcohol or games fm po box 1023 g’ville, al 35976 SWM 60yo brown hair blue eyes I am responding to a wht male age 40-65 that don’t drink or do drugs, I like to go to church, travel, camping, fishing, I want a good man who wants the things I want & be devoted to me, I’ll be waiting to hear from you in next Swapper TO BAMA GIRL I’m 52yo wht male don’t drink or do drugs, would like to know more about you, write PO Box 686 Boaz Al 35957 TO MY LOVING HUSBAND Phillip I will always love you, we’ve been together for 8yrs now your birthday is coming up in Dec, I’ll love you forever more, Love, your sweet darling angel TO RED NECK WOMAN & Bama Girl, I’m the next country music seat, I’m not bragging, just telling it the way it is, I sing cool songs to try to brighten up people, I play my sapphire blue guitar, I’m not a rich man in material things right now, I’m fixing to be cause God said I was going to be blessed with all that, but I need my woman above anything else on this earth, my daddy told me a good woman is worth her weight in gold, the holidays are coming up but I’m on a quest to find the other half of my heart, I have recorded a song that will be out early next year “Have I Died and Gone to Heaven”, it goes “have I died and gone to Heaven, are you an angel with silver wings, if I’m dreaming, please don’t wake me, for I want to love you for eternity” girls need I say more, I wouldn’t mind dating both of you for a while talking & getting to know each other & see which of you is for me like they do on the Bachelor show, I’m 27yo

have a big heart, I know how to treat people, if interested respond to ROCKIN MATT in next Swapper TO THE 61YO LADY please leave a po box how to write & get in touch with you, by the way I hate football, I’m about the same age you are TO THE SINGLE ELDERLY LADY 61yo that likes long walks, cuddling, etc, I would enjoy pushing you around in your wheel chair & would love to go play bingo, respond in next Swapper DU WHT MALE 52yo enjoy Alabama football & wrestling, don’t drink or do drugs, no inside pets, looking for settled down lady w/same interests to spend time & do things with if interested write PO Box 686 Boaz Al 35957 PINIONS~


have dealt with the unfair justice system in Etowah Co, if you’re fed up like I am and you want to do something about, if you have your houses tore up & the judges turn up their nose & won’t do anything for you, but they handle criminals, but they’ll condemn your house if it gets torn up, the justice systems stinks, they will not help the landlords, please respond in next Swapper STOP THE FREELOADERS! them that wants to live off the system & have people support them, they just want to find little bitty things wrong with themselves so they can draw disability

We often wonder where it is that the Almighty’s purpose for our lives will lead us... and we marvel at the way He gets us there... Often the most painful part of God’s path for us is not the trials of the plan itself, but that we have to follow Him one step at a time. If we try to get ahead of Him, we invariably have to start over and retrace His steps that we missed. Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, and mount up with wings as eagles... God Bless You, Swapperman

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