Vol 30 No 4

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;-: : - ! -: !

Administrators cheer Student Service Center

photo by Anne ~ r e e n o -

Tom Horwitz, designer of the SSC, is a graduate student at U.C.'s School of Design, Art, and Architecture.

The Drama Club will present its Children's Play, Heidi, on Saturday, October 18, at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are two dollars for adults and one dollar for children.

students of Indian 'Hill High ScJ6lool. ?WnP.KirKald Editors Jcan Gddfarb Chad(lridh2

RiCkRmkin Aun Elf'erid Nvs Editors Bob Kindel Jay w m ?3ztumHtor RodBarr SpCKtsEditors DickKlrt a m Mqmm Editors Jdm Ria T w Praluctim~ Arm c k e n 0 , M W d



Ordaticn hkmagm John christk, Ed PIotm* P h o t e AmeO-eeno ~butors ~ J d l TomWtz

Besecker, the Center is to be used for school and community activities, not as a recreation facility. Ms. Besecker also explained that Student Government was asked to halt its plans last year because the proposed center was a more "promising idea." Mr. Aug and Ms. Besecker both worked very hard with Mike Ilyinski this past year to make the Student Service Center ~lausible. The Administration is excited about this project. They look forward to offering yet another benefit to Indian Hill students.

by Chad Christine The IH School Board unanimously voted to accept plans submitted by Mike Ilyinsky , '79 IH graduate, and Tom Horwitz, designer, for a Student Service Center last Tuesday night. The facility will fill the void of the old locker room and is scheduled t o be completed The Center,bymeasuring January. approx-

Mike Ilyinsky

and photo by Anne Green0

Tom Horwitz

ows IH s ing on a hard bench or in a noisy cafeteria. What better indication that the Administration is concerned about the students' wellbeing? When it comes right down to it, the demands of the Administration, which the students consider to be so burdensome, lose all hint of significance in light of our Administration's gift. I regret to say that I had fallen into the same rut as my fellow classmates; "Yea, a student lounge, sure, you say it every year but nothing ever seems to get done." I think I speak for the majority in saying that the new proposal will be well worth the wait.

cares The mere magnitude of the center makes it the biggest single project t o hit IHHS since the construction ot our prestigious auditorium nearly ten years ago. It goes without saying that the Administration's concern about giving the students what they want should never be forgotten or ever again underestimated. The new Student Service Center will be merely another facet of IH that will set it apart from most other local schools. We students should show our gratitude to the Administration by using it wisely; we can again be proud of our school and recognize that our learning place is without question very unique.

Vol. 30, No.4 October 17,1980

Board accepts S

Chieftain would like to thank


by David Johnson With the announcement of the Student Service Center at Tuesday's Board Meeting, many students will soon be appalled at the magnitude of the gift. (It has been financed by donations, making it a true gift.) The Administration, headed by Dr. Feltman, has been working ~on the project for almost a year and with the help of personal donations, the entire project will soon be underway. A crude analysis of the project shows that it seems to reach out to everyone - the Peer Counselors, the talk study hall victims, l and~most importantly, the average Joe who has grown tired of relax-

Chieftain - Indian Hill High School - Cincinnati, Ohio 45243

O n behalf of the student body,

for their hard work and generosity.



by Chad Christine The Indian Hill High School Administration reacted positively towards the Student Service Center. The Administration forsees no major problems with the future center, said Miss Kay Gieringer. "There's always the possibility of student vandalism but I hope that they will respect it." Ms. Besecker added, "they'd-be crazy to vandalize their own facility." The Student Service Center will not be used as any type of study hall or lounge for seniors or underclassmen. According to Ms.

Are you bored of doing the same old things? Well - the Xavier Players would like to cordially invite you to their fall production, How to Succeed in Business M~itlzout Really Trying. Performances will be held on October 17, 18, 19 and again on the 23, 24, and 25 in the University Center. All shows start at 8:00, except for the Oct. 18 show, which begins at 2:OO. For ticket and group information, please call 745-3939.

Sta l k Chieftain is vuitten, con, pxd,printed and sdd as an exbaamidat- activity by the

Extra, Extra



The Pride of Cincinnati, a Drum and Bugle Corps, is looking for members. They are interested in brass musicians, drummers, and color guard personnel. If you qualify and are interested, please call 559-1403.

October 17,1980

Boston and the Board of Education voted unanimously in favor of the Student Service Center.

imately 130 feet by 30 feet, will be against the wall, facing t h e windows and benches. It will be composed of different sized hexagonal discussion rings or pods, the smallest holding six people, and including two larger semi-rings that can hold as many as several dozen students and that have a podium for speakers and audio-visual equipment. The existing student mural will be

moved. The Student Service Center will house a Peer Counselor faciity. The room, capable of housing 60 people, can divide into two small meeting rooms by a sliding partition. Connected to this room are several small closets for t h e storage of chairs. The Center will rest on a new flooring, a combination of gray tile and carpeting. Construction of the facility will begin in November; while both Ilyinsky and Horwitz keep close watch, several contractors will build the pods in their shop as the Peer Counseling Center is being constructed in the school. Ms. Besecker asserted that upon completion of construetion, there will be a "communitywide dedication-"

............................ * revealed

and Horwi *Plans Student Ce er :inside *.**************+* by Joan Goldfarb Mike Ilyinsky's involvement in Peer Counseling at Indian Hill 1978-79 generated his starting, supporting and financing the building of a Student Service Center - a Peer Counseling room surrounded by pods for sitting and studying. He then contacted Tom Horwitz, an interior designer, to help him design the Center and make plans for construction. "The pods are to be used all day long," explained designer Horwitz. Ms. Besecker added that they can be used by students "any time that students would use benches now." Though administrators are hoping that good student attitude will prevent damange t o the Center, Ilyinsky and Horwitz pointed out that they have designed the pods to be "as indestructible as

possible." The pods will be constructed by plywood covered with carpeting in a variety of colors. They have already made a sample and "kicked it around" - and it didn't break. Ilyinsky added that while he is doing what he can for the school, as to the success of the project, "It's up to the students." And he added that while he plans the tenter room to be a "home for the Peer Counseling group, it will belong to everyone." Ilyinsky said that much of the credit should go to Horwitz, who turned an abstract idea into a concrete and practical plan for a student facility. Ilyinsky has been working on this center for a year and as a final comment he stated, "It began as a dream, and now it's becoming a reality."

photo by Anne Greeno

Tom Horwitz and Mike Ilyinsky display the plans of the new Student Service Center.

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October 17, g9BO


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October 17, g9BO



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;-: : - ! -: !

Administrators cheer Student Service Center

photo by Anne ~ r e e n o -

Tom Horwitz, designer of the SSC, is a graduate student at U.C.'s School of Design, Art, and Architecture.

The Drama Club will present its Children's Play, Heidi, on Saturday, October 18, at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are two dollars for adults and one dollar for children.

students of Indian 'Hill High ScJ6lool. ?WnP.KirKald Editors Jcan Gddfarb Chad(lridh2

RiCkRmkin Aun Elf'erid Nvs Editors Bob Kindel Jay w m ?3ztumHtor RodBarr SpCKtsEditors DickKlrt a m Mqmm Editors Jdm Ria T w Praluctim~ Arm c k e n 0 , M W d



Ordaticn hkmagm John christk, Ed PIotm* P h o t e AmeO-eeno ~butors ~ J d l TomWtz

Besecker, the Center is to be used for school and community activities, not as a recreation facility. Ms. Besecker also explained that Student Government was asked to halt its plans last year because the proposed center was a more "promising idea." Mr. Aug and Ms. Besecker both worked very hard with Mike Ilyinski this past year to make the Student Service Center ~lausible. The Administration is excited about this project. They look forward to offering yet another benefit to Indian Hill students.

by Chad Christine The IH School Board unanimously voted to accept plans submitted by Mike Ilyinsky , '79 IH graduate, and Tom Horwitz, designer, for a Student Service Center last Tuesday night. The facility will fill the void of the old locker room and is scheduled t o be completed The Center,bymeasuring January. approx-

Mike Ilyinsky

and photo by Anne Green0

Tom Horwitz

ows IH s ing on a hard bench or in a noisy cafeteria. What better indication that the Administration is concerned about the students' wellbeing? When it comes right down to it, the demands of the Administration, which the students consider to be so burdensome, lose all hint of significance in light of our Administration's gift. I regret to say that I had fallen into the same rut as my fellow classmates; "Yea, a student lounge, sure, you say it every year but nothing ever seems to get done." I think I speak for the majority in saying that the new proposal will be well worth the wait.

cares The mere magnitude of the center makes it the biggest single project t o hit IHHS since the construction ot our prestigious auditorium nearly ten years ago. It goes without saying that the Administration's concern about giving the students what they want should never be forgotten or ever again underestimated. The new Student Service Center will be merely another facet of IH that will set it apart from most other local schools. We students should show our gratitude to the Administration by using it wisely; we can again be proud of our school and recognize that our learning place is without question very unique.

Vol. 30, No.4 October 17,1980

Board accepts S

Chieftain would like to thank


by David Johnson With the announcement of the Student Service Center at Tuesday's Board Meeting, many students will soon be appalled at the magnitude of the gift. (It has been financed by donations, making it a true gift.) The Administration, headed by Dr. Feltman, has been working ~on the project for almost a year and with the help of personal donations, the entire project will soon be underway. A crude analysis of the project shows that it seems to reach out to everyone - the Peer Counselors, the talk study hall victims, l and~most importantly, the average Joe who has grown tired of relax-

Chieftain - Indian Hill High School - Cincinnati, Ohio 45243

O n behalf of the student body,

for their hard work and generosity.



by Chad Christine The Indian Hill High School Administration reacted positively towards the Student Service Center. The Administration forsees no major problems with the future center, said Miss Kay Gieringer. "There's always the possibility of student vandalism but I hope that they will respect it." Ms. Besecker added, "they'd-be crazy to vandalize their own facility." The Student Service Center will not be used as any type of study hall or lounge for seniors or underclassmen. According to Ms.

Are you bored of doing the same old things? Well - the Xavier Players would like to cordially invite you to their fall production, How to Succeed in Business M~itlzout Really Trying. Performances will be held on October 17, 18, 19 and again on the 23, 24, and 25 in the University Center. All shows start at 8:00, except for the Oct. 18 show, which begins at 2:OO. For ticket and group information, please call 745-3939.

Sta l k Chieftain is vuitten, con, pxd,printed and sdd as an exbaamidat- activity by the

Extra, Extra



The Pride of Cincinnati, a Drum and Bugle Corps, is looking for members. They are interested in brass musicians, drummers, and color guard personnel. If you qualify and are interested, please call 559-1403.

October 17,1980

Boston and the Board of Education voted unanimously in favor of the Student Service Center.

imately 130 feet by 30 feet, will be against the wall, facing t h e windows and benches. It will be composed of different sized hexagonal discussion rings or pods, the smallest holding six people, and including two larger semi-rings that can hold as many as several dozen students and that have a podium for speakers and audio-visual equipment. The existing student mural will be

moved. The Student Service Center will house a Peer Counselor faciity. The room, capable of housing 60 people, can divide into two small meeting rooms by a sliding partition. Connected to this room are several small closets for t h e storage of chairs. The Center will rest on a new flooring, a combination of gray tile and carpeting. Construction of the facility will begin in November; while both Ilyinsky and Horwitz keep close watch, several contractors will build the pods in their shop as the Peer Counseling Center is being constructed in the school. Ms. Besecker asserted that upon completion of construetion, there will be a "communitywide dedication-"

............................ * revealed

and Horwi *Plans Student Ce er :inside *.**************+* by Joan Goldfarb Mike Ilyinsky's involvement in Peer Counseling at Indian Hill 1978-79 generated his starting, supporting and financing the building of a Student Service Center - a Peer Counseling room surrounded by pods for sitting and studying. He then contacted Tom Horwitz, an interior designer, to help him design the Center and make plans for construction. "The pods are to be used all day long," explained designer Horwitz. Ms. Besecker added that they can be used by students "any time that students would use benches now." Though administrators are hoping that good student attitude will prevent damange t o the Center, Ilyinsky and Horwitz pointed out that they have designed the pods to be "as indestructible as

possible." The pods will be constructed by plywood covered with carpeting in a variety of colors. They have already made a sample and "kicked it around" - and it didn't break. Ilyinsky added that while he is doing what he can for the school, as to the success of the project, "It's up to the students." And he added that while he plans the tenter room to be a "home for the Peer Counseling group, it will belong to everyone." Ilyinsky said that much of the credit should go to Horwitz, who turned an abstract idea into a concrete and practical plan for a student facility. Ilyinsky has been working on this center for a year and as a final comment he stated, "It began as a dream, and now it's becoming a reality."

photo by Anne Greeno

Tom Horwitz and Mike Ilyinsky display the plans of the new Student Service Center.

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