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IPC Tabernacle Dallas, Inc.

Volume 1, Issue 2

Christian Stewardship

July 2009

Editor’s Note It was one of those old black locks in India – the ones that were shaped like a golf ball on a tee. It could be opened and locked from both sides of the door with one of those black, heavy, metal keys. You could see through it to room on the other side of the door, and the golf-ball-like part of the lock was just wide enough for a curious three-year-old to stick her one of her fingers in. All of a sudden, that three-year-old found out that her finger hurt from being squeezed into the lock but that she could no longer pull her finger out of it. We, like that toddler, often find ourselves fine one minute and in the next minute, stuck in some unfortunate situation in our Christian walk. We all know that we can find ourselves in these ruts due to sins, but we often overlook that shortcomings in our walk can also be due to simple distractions we create for ourselves. In this issue, we learn we must be good stewards of our lives and the blessings of God. Specifically, we explore how prayer and faith in God guide our growth. We are encouraged to remain focused on and faithful to the task God has given us. As you read on, keep in mind Colossians 2:6-7 (NLT): “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” By the way, I have good reason to be thankful. All ten of my fingers are still intact.


by Rev. K.P. Mathew

Christian stewardship is a way of life based on the spiritual principles of the Bible. It reminds us that we are the custodians – not the owners – of our assets. All that we have and are comes from God. We commit ourselves to stewardship as a way of thanking God for all his blessings and as a way of returning to Him a portion of the time, talent, and treasure allotted to us. We need to grow in this vocation.

cited financial problems as the root cause. 80% of Americans owe more than they own. Christians pay more in interest than they give. It is a tragedy that people use tomorrow’s money today. Here is the challenge to introduce the biblical concept of stewardship to the masses. Every Christian family needs to have a stewardship philosophy. If we are able to maintain clear stewardship goals, we can become a corrective force in the world.

It has been reported that by the time an average American reaches the age of 50, he will have spent a full ten years watching TV. Other recent studies reveal sobering insights into how an average American chooses to spend the forty hours of free time that they have each week:  Television viewing – 12 hrs  Socializing & eating at restaurants – 6 hrs  Shopping & self-improvement – 5 hrs  Watching movies & reading – 4 hrs  Doing hobbies – 3 hrs  Playing sports & exercising – 2 hrs  Doing religious activities & volunteering – 1 hr

There are four fundamental principles of Christian stewardship. These are to be followed, irrespective of culture, race, or ethnicity.

We have come across several broken families all over the world. The divorce rate is increasing every year, even among Christian families. 50% of all first marriages in America fail; of those, 60-80%

Living by Faith

Spending time in the presence of God with grateful hearts: The first concern of stewardship is speaking to the heart of an individual about always seeking the will of God. It is the idea expressed in the gospel of Matthew: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” In order to be good stewards of our relationship with God, we must commit our time – which should include setting aside specific times for praying, reading scripture, and participating in worship and other programs of the church. We need to carve out (Continued on page 8)

by Rev. Samuel George

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9

Let me share few of my experiences, which may encourage some of you. From a very young age, I had a deep desire to serve the Lord. God never despises humble desires and

beginnings. My father, Pastor E.C. George, used to be a faithful Marthomite believer and a Sunday school teacher in his congregation. At 20 years old, he met Jesus Christ as his personal savior and committed his life for the Lord. Since then, he had a desire to save the lost, and he committed his life for full-time ministry. During that time, the late Pastor (Continued on page 9)

Around Us Vietnam continues crackdown on protestant Christians Several Protestant Christians in Vietnam were uncertain about where to worship as government forces raided and destroyed churches in recent weeks. Government work crews destroyed the Protestant church building of the Evangelical Church of Vietnam. UK teens: Reality TV outranks religion A survey of 1,000 United Kingdom teens found that two-thirds do not believe in God — and actually think reality TV is more important. Other findings:  50 % have never prayed.  16 % have never been to church.  59 % say religion has had a negative effect on the world.  47 % said organized religion has no place in the world.  90 % believed that they should treat others better than themselves. A similar survey of US teens showed:  Half of all teens attend a church related activity each week.  More than three-fourths discuss matters of faith with peers.  81% of teens say they’ve attended church for a period of at least two months during their teen years. However, the same survey found that this religious activity diminishes as they reach their twenties.  6% of non-Christians had favorable impression of Christianity.  Only 3 % of non-Christian teens had

a favorable view of evangelicals. Nine of the top 12 perceptions were negative, including that Christianity is judgmental, hypocritical, old fashioned and involved in politics

China continues house church raids At least six Christians were behind bars after security forces stormed their house church, Christian rights investigators said. The Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) said security officials arrested six believers, including the pastor and his wife. "The six arrested were later sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention with a fine." The officials declared the service an "illegal gathering". Iran's Christian revolution gains momentum Speculation is growing that the Iranian government may soon resort to violence to bring an end to pro-democracy protests. At the same time, the Islamic regime is finding that it is incapable of reversing the rapid spread of Christianity there. The evangelical house church movement is growing rapidly. The house churches meet in small groups while desperate measures are taken to halt church growth, the crackdown is actually having the opposite effect because Christians are moving around more. Americans encouraged to “make a difference this summer” From the smallest of organizations to the leader of the free world, calls have been

resounding across the nation for Americans to invest time this summer to serve causes greater than themselves. In a video message, President Obama extended a call to service, challenging all Americans to help lay a new foundation for growth in America by engaging in sustained, meaningful community service.

Southern Baptists convene to 'love loud' This week in Louisville, KY, thousands of leaders from the Southern Baptist Convention are hoping to confront and end the infighting while renew their mission for reaching people, particularly in the United States. Evangelizing North America is a major focus of the manifesto, as SBC churches begin to see decline. Older and more traditional Southern Baptist leaders are encouraged to find a rising group of young pastors upholding the authority of Scripture, while at the same time reaching thousands of students and young adults. Oral Roberts: Still standing on the promises One could say that Oral Roberts is a modern hero of faith. Today, at 91 years old, Roberts says he has not finished the work he believes God gave him to do. But what he has accomplished in 74 years is impressive. In his early days, he prayed for thousands weekly at tent revival meetings. He preached on the radio. He hit the air waves in 1955 with his church services, and he founded a university. He is a prolific author who still writes books.

Member Spotlight Latha Mathew Registered Nurse Harris Methodist Hospital, Fort Worth She is a mother of three and all three of her kids can write Malayalam, including the youngest Caleb. Her oldest two — Ezek and Esther read the Malayalam Bible proficiently. She enjoys reading books by P.G. Vargis and Joel Osteen. Her philosophy of life: “I can do all Page 2

things through Christ who give me strength. I give more importance to hard work and effort than to inborn talents. I try my best not to annoy or to argue with others and not to get annoyed by others and spoil my gifted days.”

Nancy Sam Freshman University of Texas at Dallas Richardson She survived miraculously

when she and her mom were involved in a motorcycle accident, and with just a scar on her nose. She enjoys reading the Bible; It's Not About Me and other Max Lucado books; So You Want to Be Like Christ? by Charles R. Swindoll; and Become a Better You by Joel Osteen. Her vision in life: “To love my Lord Jesus Christ with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength; and to live a humble life worthy of God's calling, centered around Him whose grace is always sufficient for me.”

adakara Mission Field Special Report IPC Tabernacle church decided to adopt the Vadakara area in the Kozhikode district for overseas mission work. The primary vision of our church is to spread the gospel to the unreached parts of the world. Vadakara area is such a part of the world, where there is limited exposure to Christ or Christians. In a primarily Hindu-dominated community of the Kozhikode district in Kerala, this is a pioneer work of the Indian Pentecostal Church.

Pastor Babu Abraham, Pastor Shibu Nedivellil, Pastor Mathew Thomas, Pastor Sunny George, Pastor M.K. Joy, Pastor K.C. Varghese, Pastor K.C. Oommen, Bro. L.K. Roy, pastors from neighboring churches, and other IPC designees attended and expressed their felicitations for this work. Bro. P.M. Philip stated, “This is the first inaugural service where almost all of the senior leadership is attending.”

The inauguration of this mission work took place on July 4, 2009, at the Aalackal Residency auditorium in Vadakara by the IPC state president, Pastor K.M. Joseph. Few of our members, including the missions board director Rev. Sabu Joseph, Bro. Samuel George

Once Pastor M.M. Mathew welcomed everybody to the ceremony, Pastor K.C. Thomas introduced the mission field to the congregation. He gave a brief history of the growth and expansion of Indian Pentecostal Church. “The IPC mission work has progressed by the people of faith. Most workers go to new places with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Just like Canaan, ruled by 33 kings, was conquered by faith, the Pentecostal work in Kerala and rest of the world is the result of the work by faith warriors,” said Pastor K.C. Thomas, while introducing the mission work. He stated, “Over here in Vadakara, we are starting at ground zero, and may the Holy Spirit guide the workers here and enable IPC Tabernacle in Dallas to pray and support this work.” Rev. Sabu Joseph presented our church’s mission statement. Quoting from Ezekiel 22:30 and John 12:24, he challenged everyone present to have a heart that desires the expansion of God’s kingdom and stand in the gap for the nation. He urged the believers to take upon the responsibility of the great commission set by our Lord.

Pastor K.M. Joseph inaugurating the Vadakara area mission work.

(Punalur) and family, and Bro. Solomon Chacko and family, were privileged to attend this ceremony. For the rest of us, here are brief highlights of the main events. IPC Kerala state secretary Pastor K.C. Thomas presided over the inaugural ceremony on July 4, and it began with a prayer by Pastor George Baby who is known and loved by our church. Several senior ministers, including the IPC Kerala state vice-president Pastor Philip P. Thomas, joint secretary Pastor M.P. Georgekutty, and state treasurer Bro. P.M. Philip, attended this ceremony. Volume 1, Issue 2

The IPC Joint secretary, Pastor M.P. Georgekutty gave an encouraging message quoting from Ezekiel 37. He emphasized the function of the Holy Spirit giving life to dry bones. “Just like the dry bones were raised to be an army, the dry land of Vadakara will be transformed to a rich field,” said Pastor M.P. Georgekutty. Kerala state vice president Pastor Philip P. Thomas challenged everyone to be chosen men of God who motivate and encourage others. He said, “Nobody is placed accidentally; there is a purpose for everyone’s life. (Continued on page 6)

Page 3

Vadakara Area Inauguration — July 4, 2009

From left to right: Rev. Sabu Joseph, Pastor Shibu Neduvellil, Pastor M.P. Georgekutty, Pastor K.M. Joseph, Pastor K.C. Thomas, Pastor Philip P. Thomas, Bro. P.M. Philip, Bro. L.K. Roy. Left: Rev. Sabu Joseph presenting the mission statement of the church. Center: Bro. Samuel George and Bro. Solomon Chacko (right) expressing their greetings for the new work. Below: IPC Kerala state officials, IPC Tabernacle representatives, and well wishers of the Vadakara area mission work. Banner Reads: IPC Vadakara area inauguration—2009, July 4 Saturday Aalackal Auditorium Inauguration: Pastor K.M. Joseph Sponsored by IPC Tabernacle, Dallas

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Vadakara Area Inauguration — July 4, 2009

Vadakara area coordinator, Pastor M.M. Mathew, Sis. Ani Mathew, Sharon, Shalem, and Eden Place of Ministry: Perambra (Head Quarters) Left: Evg. Johnson Mathew and family. Place of ministry: Kallachi (Nadapuram) Right: Evg. Abraham T.J and family. Place of ministry: Chakittapara Below: Evg.Babu Das and family Place of ministry: Vattachira (Koorachundu)

Volume 1, Issue 2

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Vadakara Area Inauguration — July 4, 2009 (Continued from page 3)

Pastor M.M. Mathew is appointed the coordinator for this area, as per the recommendations of our mission board Pastor K.M. Joseph, the state president inaugurated and and the Kerala state council. Pastor M.M. Mathew was dedicated the mission field. “Outreach work is not merely born and raised in Malabar. After finishing his formal an opportunity to form another branch, but it is the education, he enrolled in a Bible college in Kumbanad for commitment to gather more souls for the eternal further education. Two years after graduating from college, kingdom,” explained Pastor K.M. Joseph. “Church is not a Pastor Mathew returned to his hometown. He worked playground, rather it is a battlefield. This is the era of the alongside several senior ministers to further the kingdom Holy Spirit and the time of harvest. This should be our of God. He has been working in the mission fields of vision. We should be standing strong with the power of Malabar for almost 18 years now. He is married to Sis. Ani the Holy Spirit,” said Pastor Joseph as he challenged Mathew and is blessed with three children. As a family, everyone to be missionaries in various capacities. He and they have dedicated their lives for missions in Malabar. several other senior ministers prayed and blessed Pastor The Vadakara area has several villages that do not have a M.M. Mathew and his family so that the Holy Spirit may single church or a Christian household. The villages of guide them through the hardships of the work. North Kerala are very similar to several North Indian The official greeting of IPC Tabernacle, sent by the villages. Pastor M.M. Mathew, along with Evg. Johnson president of the church Pastor K.P. Mathew, was read by Mathew, Evg. Abraham T.J., Evg. Babu Das, and their Bro. Samuel George along with his greetings. Bro. families, will be concentrating in Perambra, Kallachi Solomon Chacko also expressed best wishes. Several (Nadapuram), Chakkittapara and Vattachira other pastors present also gave their best wishes. Most of (Koorachundu) respectively. The groundwork is laid for them appreciated IPC Tabernacle for our initiative and four new churches, with a goal of planting seven churches commended us on setting an example for others to follow. this year. Let us work together for the expansion of God’s The meeting ended with blessings by Pastor K.M. kingdom in the Vadakara area in obedience to the Joseph, followed by lunch for all the attendees. heavenly vision. It is our duty to recognize and fulfill God’s plan.”

Come Let us Build - Rev. K.P. Mathew, President These are the words of Nehemiah who had a vision of a goal to be achieved. He motivated others to become actively involved in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. In every generation, God imparts His vision to individuals. Yes, we are those people with a divine assignment. The Church has no right to exist unless it stands for the Great Commission of our Lord. The God of heaven will give us success while we stand in His will. Let us be united for the

most urgent task of reaching the unreached in Vadakara area and build the Kingdom of God in obedience to the heavenly vision. Pray earnestly with the burden of perishing souls. Contribute generously to share His blessings. Encourage each other to rise and build the broken lives. Let us join against the powers of darkness with the Gospel of Peace.

Real Christians in the Real World - Rev. Sabu Joseph, Missions Board Director The command has been to ‘go’, but we have stayed – in body, gifts, prayers and influence. He has asked us to be witnesses to the ends of the earth, but most of us are puttering around in the homeland. I am amazed that God gave IPC Tabernacle the privilege to help establish a mission work in Vadakara, where it is a spiritual battlefield. In one of the most resistant areas in Page 6

Kerala, Vadakara has seen no open gospel presentation. God mobilized IPC Tabernacle and led us “in triumphal procession” into that area. We pray that He will enable us to spread the fragrance of knowledge of Christ through the area coordinator, Pastor M.M. Mathew. Let us continue to pray for this mission and that people may experience God’s never ending love for them.


by Jason Mathew

We always hear sermons and messages about prayer. We see people get up and pray. We pray for our food, a safe journey, and a good night sleep. We even see kids praying, “Bless mommy and daddy and the dog and our pet lizard and I guess sister too.” But is prayer really that important? We see all religions have a form of prayer. Some people face certain directions as they pray. Some get on their knees and pray. Others pray for hours. But what really is prayer? Simply put, prayer is our communication with God. It is coming before God and spending time conversing with him. We all have friends. Some are acquaintances, others are casual friends, and some are

our intimate friends. The way we build relationships with these people is by spending time with them, talking to them and enjoying their company. This is what prayer is for us.

guidance, support, grace, forgiveness, and so on. The purpose of this article is to remind everyone that prayer is important. Our communication with God should happen daily.

We see Jesus praying all the time. He did not care what time it was, how much sleep He would get, or even how many people were waiting to see Him. We see in Mark 1:35: “Jesus went to a solitary place to pray.” Also, Luke 6:12 says, “And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." He always prayed. How much more should we should do the same.

I always used to think that prayer was about how much time you took to pray. In other words, prayer was about quantity and not quality. I always used to pray a certain length. When I did this, prayer was boring and long. I could not wait for that time to expire.

We can pray for different things. We pray to give thanks to God, to worship Him, and to ask for His help,

I have since learned that we should have passion when we pray. Prayer is about communicating with God. It is coming before Him because you desire and long for Him. He alone is our source (Continued on page 8)

PYCD Contender: Challenges and Possibilities of a Christian in a Race God had a vast plan for humankind, from the creation of the world. He wanted us to serve Him as His beloved children and to have a sweet communion with Him. Even though we, humankind, had lost our connection with God, He gave His only Son as a sacrifice to reconcile us, who were under the bondage of sin, back unto God. Our role model is Christ, who paid the price of our sins. When reminded of the cost that He paid for reconciliation, true Christians, who are His children, cannot neglect it. It motivates them to press forward, to jump over fences – like challenges and obstacles – in their life. Every Christian’s life is a race. Since it is the end time, we are running the final laps of the race. There is no time for us to take rest or slow down. As Paul exhorts the believers in first Corinthians 9:24, Christians must finish the race with vigilance, and they are exhorted to get the prize. Challenges and obstacles follow a Christian persistently. The devil himself is following believers like a roaring lion, as we can read from Peter’s epistle. The devil tries every method to snatch Volume 1, Issue 2

people from God’s kingdom. He knows that only a little time is left for him, so he uses every means to draw people away form God. Some of the methods he employs are as follows:  Doubt: The age of skepticism is taking strength. Many people from younger generations have begun to question the existence of God and His power.  Immorality: Satan is using his card of immorality to break the relationship of a Christian with God, making people indulge in lustful immorality. It has led believers to fall under the spell of sin.  Pride of Life: The blessings that God has bestowed upon his followers have led to an increase in comfort in their life. As a result, the believers forget God and take Him for granted. They have become disobedient and are walking away from the great commission and the heavenly call. Challenges, like differences of opinion among the believers and infusion of different cultures, have made the Christian race less serious to many.

by Philip Mathew

Despite the challenges, as believers, we have an option – to look unto Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith. We must follow the examples set for us by our ancestors and obey the word of God. The race has to be run with full diligence and maximum effort. A believer does not have the time to look for worldly pleasures and his ultimate goal is to reach heaven and to hear the Lord say, “Well done.” The believers should not have a lesser goal than this. He should not carry any burdens of sin, baggage, or troubles on his back while running the race. Nothing but the image of Christ and the price He paid should be foremost in a Christian race. Nothing in this world, not even death, should distract a Christian from his race. They should endure troubles patiently to receive the crown. Believers should slay the problem before it slays them. The love of Christ, that surpasses everything in this world, motivates us to overcome obstacles, by facing the challenges, and to reach the shore that many saints in the past have achieved.

Page 7

Christian Stewardship quiet time everyday to spend time in God’s presence. Our strength comes from our time alone with God daily. Jesus Christ made spending time with God, the Father, a priority in his ministry. As the gospel of Mark states, “Verily, verily, in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and went off to a solitary place where he prayed.” One of the devices of that Satan uses against Christians is keeping them extremely busy in their daily activities. Nurturing our family with time and love: Families have stewardship responsibilities. Relationships must be nurtured; forgiveness and reconciliation must be preserved. Christian values must be shared, especially in the face of pressures to conform to a hostile, secularized society.

by Rev. K.P. Mathew (Continued from page 1)

Serve others in the community: Jesus Christ said, “You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.” This declaration reflects the social dimension of the gospel. Apart from our role in the family and the church, we are separated to be an effective witnesses in the society this includes taking the good Samaritan’s role seriously. We cannot ignore the pleas for help because the people asking for help are not born-again Christians. The language of love transcends all barriers. People living in self-centered worlds fail to understand the urgent needs of the community. Jesus Christ was truly “the man for others”. Giving back to God the first fruit the labor: Christian stewardship takes a positive view of money, seeing it not simply as a medium of exchange, but as an indicator of our values. How we acquire, use, and share money reveals who we really are. We should acknowledge the receipt of money with gratitude to God, who provided the blessings.

Communication is the key to building relationships. As communication becomes more effective, the family becomes healthier. Communication is an action word and thus is a behavior by which one can nurture his family life. A Christian family once discussed their stewardship philosophy and concluded,


“Our material possessions are actually on loan to us from God. We acknowledge His generous love and gifts to us. We will be family who looks for ways to give generously and stay out of debt, for the most part.” As Billy Graham once wrote, “God has given us two hands, one to receive and the other one to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.” If a person can develop such an attitude towards money, it will help him keep track of all other avenues of his life. Many have difficulty with the concept of saving and tithing. I have yet to meet a person who consistently tithes ten percent and saves another ten percent of their income to face financial difficulties. Disciplined budgeting can turn any situation around positively. Accept this challenge to develop a philosophy of Christian stewardship based on biblical principles and to change around the current trend of life. As children of God, we are expected to be responsible in our actions and attitudes.

by Jason Mathew (Continued from page 7)

of strength and hope. We come in faith and believe that He hears us when we pray. We should be like David and pray, “Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer; and listen to the cry of my supplications” (Psalm 86:6). Our lives will not be successful if we do not pray.

hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will It is not just about praying around people reward you. And when you pray, do not or in public. We should pray with keep on babbling like pagans, for they sincerity. Christ said this in Matthew 6:5- think they will be heard because of their 8: "And when you pray, do not be like the many words. Do not be like them, for your

Father knows what you need before you ask him.” This is the best advice for prayer. If we can pray with humility and passion (Luke 18) and if we can pray consistently, I believe that God will move among us and answer our prayers. As Paul said, “Be earnest and unwearied and steadfast in your prayer [life], being [both] alert and intent in [your praying] with thanksgiving” (Colossians 4:2).

Save the Dates July 25: Sunday School Outing to Fort Worth Zoo August 14 - 16: PYCD Stage Programs Page 8

July 28 - August 1: VBS 2009

Prayer Requests Continue to keep our nation in your prayers, that she may recover from this economic peril. Please pray that this

Living by Faith

nation may not compromise Christian values and morals in the days to come. Please pray for the Vadakara region that the work may be fruitful and God’s name will be glorified. Continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who have lost their jobs, that God

may open new ways for them. Please keep our sick members in your prayers that they may recover and have fellowship with us soon. Please pray for the members who are traveling and vacationing that God may keep them safe.

by Rev. Samuel George (Continued from page 1)

T.G. Oommen, one of the founders of IPC, came to Pathanapuran to start IPC work in our area. My father pioneered many local churches in Pathanapuram area and started moving farther away to establish the kingdom of God. God used him mightily in different places for His glory. I was born in a faith home at Nellikunnam, Kottarakkara, where my father was pioneering an IPC church. I have 7 siblings, and I can still remember the hard times we went through in our early days. The faith home life was really a faith life during those times. Back then, ministers did not care about how they lived or what they got from serving the Lord. They went from place to place by the strict guidance from the Holy Spirit. They did not care about going from a big church to a small church, as people do today. In the Pathanapuram faith home, when I was about 7 years old, my parents went to visit my older sister’s family, who was ministering in Kottayam. That night, I became sick to the point that I was

unable to breathe. I ran away from home, and my sisters ran after me. I began to bite them, like a dog, and to gasp for air. Within few minutes, I stopped breathing and was brought back home as if I was dead. That night I saw beautiful visions of heaven, angels, and God on the throne.

prayer group with few friends, and we traveled to nearby cities to witness the Lord. After my education, I worked for a few years before I married Molly. I moved to United States, joined the Vanguard Ministry partners, and became involved in the church.

My father’s uncles came to our home and wanted to take me to a hospital, but instead, as Pentecostals, my immediate family waited on the Lord for healing. A few members of our church, who were present, prayed for me, despite angry outbursts from some neighbors and family members. Finally, the prayers prevailed, and I opened my eyes. It was a new beginning for me, and I understood His purpose in my life.

In all these years, my parents faithfully served the Lord in the midst of all problems. They taught me to fast, pray, and wait upon the Lord. By the grace of God, all my brothers and two of my sisters serve the Lord as ministers; my other two sisters are serving the Lord in their respective capacities. My mother was promoted to glory on May 22, 1997, and my father is still working for the Lord. He is currently the most senior pastor in IPC.

Growing up, I went through many hardships, including hunger. Our family’s meager income of 5 rupees per week did not stretch much, and we went hungry many days. We even faced expulsion from school for not paying the tuition. Despite everything, God was faithful to us, and I went forward with my schooling. During my college years, I organized a

My advice to both young and old is to serve the Lord genuinely and faithfully. He will lift us up, beyond our thoughts. Parents, pray for your children so that God will direct them in His paths and use them for His glory. Be a role model for your children, and they will follow your path.

Praise Report

IPC Tabernacle is proud of the achievements of four young men and women as they move forward in their education. Ashley Mathew, Jensen Alexander, Jestin Wilson, and Nancy Sam — Congratulations!!! A special shout out to Jensen for being the salutatorian at the Lakeview Centennial High School in Garland.


The 2009 theme for Vacation Bible School is Truth Trek - Uncover Treasures of God’Truth. Please do pray and participate for a successful VBS.

Just for a Laugh

A well-worn $1 bill and a similarly distressed $20 bill arrived at a Bank to be retired. As they moved along the conveyor belt to be burned, they struck up a conversation. The $20 bill reminisced about its travels all over the county. "I've had a pretty good life," the 20 proclaimed. “I've been to Las Vegas, the finest restaurants in New York, and even a cruise to the Caribbean." "Wow!" said the $1 bill. "So tell me," says the 20, "where have you been throughout your lifetime?" The $1 bill replies, "Oh, I've been to the Methodist Church, the Baptist Church, the Lutheran Church ...." The $20 bill interrupts, "What's a church?" Please email or call us with any prayer requests or praise reports for the next publication of TZone. You may also contact us for any contributions to the newsletter. To get the newsletter in e-format, please email us your address.

Volume 1, Issue 2

Page 9

KIDZ KORNER The Greatest Sacrifice


by Priscilla Samuel & Jewel Johnson

All the words listed below are in the puzzle - left, right, up, down or diagonally.

On the darkest day On a hill far away The lamb of God was slain A master, a teacher and my best friend Had a love so great that he endured the pain. The nail pierced hands The blood from his side All these things in my heart abide The love he had was so strong That it would make him sad if we did something wrong So remember the perfect, flawless lamb That paid our debt so we can have life.


















[Drawings by Shereen Raju]

[Drawings by Shereen Raju] E V E R Y T H I N G . I C A N ’T D E C I D E O N A M AJ O R. M Y BI LL S A RE P I L I N G U P . I D O N ’T K N O W W H A T TO DO

Published by IPC Tabernacle PYPA. For private circulation only. Do not copy without permission. Please contact us with any feedback, contributions, ideas, or concerns.

Betsy Thomas: [email protected]; Sheby Alexander: [email protected]; Jason Mathew: [email protected] Page 10