Voice Of Inspiration Comes With Enthusiasm

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Voice of Inspiration Comes with Enthusiasm

The Voice Volume 1, Issue 2

Club Officers Collective Challenge • is to make this Club strong; • dedicated to helping people from all walks of life to speak in an effective manner, listen with sensitivity, and think creatively

Inside this issue: Division G Conference


VOICE gets Distinguished Club and Talk-up Toastmasters Awards President Message Point of View Goal & Success


VOICE Club Elected New President


Treasurer’s Report Members Roster


Speech Project Status




CLUB Officers Editorial Staff


June 2008

Division "G" Annual Conference There are three marks of Superiority: being virtuous, free from anxiety; being wise, free from perplexity; being brave, free from fear. Yes, last April 11, 2008 at Nafisa Shams Academy For Arts and Crafts, staged the venue for the best communicators and speakers representing their respective clubs to compete in the 4th Division "G" District "79" Toastmasters Annual Conference. The Chief Sergeant at Arms, TM Norie Guerra welcomed all the members, guests, sponsors followed by introducing the Master of the Ceremonies, the Past Division "G" Governor, Ben Guerra to lead and handle the whole proceedings .The Banner Parade was the main attraction of the opening ceremony whereby all the Presidents and Vice Presidents for Education of every club take pride of carrying their Banners led by Division Governor, Area Governors and Vice Governors

for Education. Division "G" Incumbent Governor, Danny Abenes declared the conference open followed by his inspirational message when he said: "This conference is just but one opportunity for us to once again learn and cultivate the so many ideas and speaking talents and techniques that our contestants will showcase. Pick up the best, enhance the not so good, and cultivate their confidence. In this way we are developing ourselves true to the spirit and objectives of Toastmasters Club." Very well said as it also relates to the conference theme "Minds In Motion – Keep the Wheels Turning" which reminds every member that Toastmasteering is a continuous learning and gaining process for our self development and professional enhancement. The control of the lectern was handed over to the master of

Participants in the District 79 Conference

Participants in the Division G Conference

the ceremonies where the contest formally started. There are four (4) category levels that the

VOICE gets Distinguished Club and Talk-up Toastmasters Awards Achieving 5 out of 10 goals, VOICE Club is awarded a Distinguished Club for the year 2007-2008, a mile stone after one and a half years of existence. A club formed out of the

Speech Craft Program which was held last December 2006 under the supervision of our Past Division Governor, Joey Villanueva. The club was officially chartered in March 2007.

Aside from being a Distinguished Club, the club also received a “Talk up Toastmasters” ribbon for 2007-2008 for registering 5 members during the months of February and March, 2008

Page 2


The President Message By: TM Faleh Zahrawi

One way to overcome fear of public speaking is to still be afraid and speak in anyways. As illogical as this may seem, it is probably the most reliable way to gain confidence in speaking. Be afraid, be nervous, be hesitant, but do it anyways. Just Go For It!

easy as possible to learn public speaking. Members are free to focus on one You can attend a few meetings as a guest track or the other or both. to see what it is like without any sort of pressure. Just show up and watch. I would love to invite you to our next Voice Toastmasters Club Everyone understands what it is like to meeting. be new at public speaking and they do not expect you to be good. It is not I look forward to seeing you at our much pressure with lots of encouragement. n e x t m e e t i n g .

I think the best solution is to confront this fear and to join Toastmasters International. The nice thing about Toastmasters is that the organization is designed to make it as

Toastmasters actually have two tracks for building skills. One is the communication track, which involves improving your speaking skill and the leadership track, TM Faleh Zahrawi which helps you build leadership skills.

POINT OF VIEW By: Art De Leon - Area 24 Governor

“There go the people. . . I must follow them, for I am their leader."

"There go the people. . . I must follow them, for I am their leader." When I accepted the post of the Area-24 Governor, I have so many hesitations in my heart and in my mind. I know little about the great responsibilities I have to face to lead three clubs of multi-national membership. Then I realized that in order to lead effectively I must be a flexible individual along with the application of my lead-

ership style. A leader must interact effectively with his people, must know how to handle proper delegation of responsibility, must have all the knowhow to direct his people in all aspect of work activities, and most of all to lead by examples or to influence your people accordingly. I am not saying that I am a successful leader at this point in time or just should I say that I have only accomplished my commit-

ments of being a leader to my clubs, but as Past Division G Governor TM Joey Villanueva had remarked; "It is only when the chain of your successors carefully follow the road map of protocols provided by the Toastmasters International and objectives and goals were attained without break then that is the true

Goal & Success - by TM Alavi

“If we can develop self-

confidence by knowing our selves and putting to work what we learn in Toastmasters”

Knowing your working habit is

If you aspire to be a manager,

English, or any language for

important for your self develop-

develop your time management

that matter, set yourself some

ment. Depending on your pro-

skills. Become diary-mad! Use

goals, such as reading the dic-

fession or your stage in life, you

it to log everything.

tionary, and learn new words –

have to develop a working habit

If you aspire to excel in tech-

say 10 words a week, for exam-

that is unique to you to realize

nology, aim to learn about one


you goals. These goals should

new piece of software a week,

Imagine if your want to learn

be clearly set and the working

and keep notes on what you

driving or cooking, you will

habit to be identified to achieve


start the preparation and exert

them, such as:

If you want to improve your

efforts to achieve it, in the same

Volume 1 Issue 2

Page 3

VOICE CLUB elected new President for the Year 2008-2009 Last May 14, 2008, the club held an election for the new set of officers for the year 2008 – 2009 at Al Wesaal Development Center, 1st floor Jeraisy Building, Jeddah Saudi Arabia. TM Alavi Kutty, a programmer from Nestle Saudi Arabia was unanimously voted as the President of the Club. TM Alavi is a chartered member of the club and also one of the products of Speech Craft Program of the Toastmasters. The following is the list of the newly elected officers:

President Alavi Kutty VP Education Joesil Villanueva VP Membership Don Castillo VP PRO Ahmed Ibrahim Secretary Muhannad Nazzal Treasurer Manny Villanueva Sgt. At Arms Suhail Suliaman Congratulations to the new Leaders of VOICE Club, we are looking forward that you will bring the club to a new heights in Toastmasters. Let’s TOAST.

From page 1….VOICE gets Distinguished Club and Talk-up Toastmasters Awards

The club is again awarded a stick-up with our club in order to be“Beat the Clock” ribbon for fulfilling come competent communicators and membership program by adding 5 effective leaders. new members during the months of May and June, 2008. Congratulations VOICE Club!!! Keep up your enthusiasm and recruit more members whom we can depend on. Members who are not only good for the rainy days but will

“Members who are not only good for the rainy days”

From page 1…..Division

"G" Annual Conference

participants will compete namely ;the Humorous Speech Contest which aims to entertain and bring laughter in the occasion, The Evaluation Contest which aims to enhance the participants of their ability in giving feedbacks in an organize, logical manner to the target SPEAKER for her strong points and areas need to improve; Table Topics Contest an impromptu speech that will test the participants ability to respond smartly in an organ-

ize logical manner to the issue in a very short period of time with relevance sense and sincerity; and last but not the least the jewel and the main attraction of the conference- the International Speech Contest, whereby the participants in showcasing their masterpiece that pertains to life experiences and challenges, achievements and accomplishments, struggles and hardships delivered with emotions, power and persua-

sion. All participants that day were equally competent and eloquent, but nevertheless in Toastmasters everybody will be recognized as to how you give your total honest best for the audience to be inspired and persuaded, and for the assigned judges to use the criteria provided officially, for them to mark the forms with integrity and no impartiality making everything final. The winners with no partiality to compete in the District Conference in

TM Faleh receives plaque of recognition from Past Div. Gov. Joey and Area Gov.

TM Ayman and TM Faleh participating in the Banner Parade in the Division G Conference

Volume 1 Issue 2

From page 1…..Division

Page 4

"G" Annual Conference

Bahrain on May 22-23 2008 are the following: Humurous Contest First Place TM Hussam Alqassar PACE (to compete in the District Conference@ Bahrain), Second Place TM Joey Villanueva Tanglaw and Voice, Third Place TM Ahmed Otaibi of Jeddah Club Speech Evaluation Contest First Place TM Joey Villanueva, Tanglaw and Voice, Second Place TM Reggie Maga, PICPAWR and Third Place PV Ashookan, Hope. Table Topics Contest First Place Regie Maga, PICPAWR (to compete in the District Conference @ Bahrain), Second Place TM Joey Villanueva, Tanglaw and Voice, Third Place TM Tess Villanueva, Voice International Speech Contest First Place TM Joey Villanueva Tanglaw and Voice( to compete in the District Conference

@ Bahrain) Second Place, TM Regie Maga, PICPAWR, Third Place TM Tess Villanueva, Voice. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You all deserve the awards and recognitions seeing in you the character traits of being virtuous, wise, and brave in this competition of learning in pursuit of your individual personal growth and development as well as in leadership skills for your professional enhancement. The conference food catering was served by the Golden Tulip Hotel recharging every attendees of their energy thru the variety of savor and delicious food menus in the buffet table. Of course, my appreciation to the Conference Chairman and his Committees for their enormous efforts to make the Division Conference a success. JOB WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Area Governor’s Point of VIEW

TM Rommel, TM Gino TM Joesil and TM Raffy in one of their unforgettable moments in the Division G conference.

from page 2

measure of success in leadership.” I learned a lot and gained a remarkable experience during the tour of my duty as Area-24 Governor. The experience of chartering new club, coaching and assist inactive club, conducting club demonstration meetings, and carrying out club visits were all worth remembering. It is with heavy heart to leave the post, but with the trust and confidence to my successor CC-Joesil Villanueva, I know he can continue my legacy. With his commitment and dedication, surely my expectation on him to continue what I have started in Area-24 will go on. And perhaps he will succeed in accomplishing more and influence all Area-24 Club Officers to attain more goals in their respective Clubs. I am sharing to all of you the honor of obtaining the

SELECT DISTINGUISHED AREA this year because, without all your cooperation and hard work this honor will not come into reality. Remember …..SEEING MUCH..!! SUFFERING MUCH…!!AND WORKING MUCH…!! simply means you have fearlessly crossed the acid tests of a true servant. .

Success is not on how you stare at the ladder but on how you use its stairs to reach the top.

From page 2…...Goal & Success way with your efforts. My friend, Damu’s father was a barber, he was illiterate, but he is not short of wisdom and knowledge. Old men in their village used to come at his barber shop early morning reading news papers and discuss the day to day issues of the world. So if you ever ask him, he can tell you what’s happening in the world.

But his son Damu hate to be a barber, he completed his education and got a job as teacher with enough salary.

Suresh, their neighbor

seeing Damu’s father efforts, started a barber shop and called it “beauty parlor”. Now he is very rich with around 15 shops in various places in India. We could be successful of whatever in our hands, provided we do it properly to achieve

our goals, result will manifest by itself. Our VOICE Toastmaster Club will be a platform for all of the above or more. If we can develop self-confidence by knowing our selves and putting to work what we learn in Toastmasters using both out hands together, success… and more successes are just a speech away, just think Toastmaster and go forward without looking back.

Volume 1 Issue 2

Page 5

Voice Toastmaster Club Treasurer Report as of June 2008 Cash Balance-Feb. 2008 Collection:

629.39 Regular Meeting




Total Collection


Less: Expenses & Fees Venue


Foods & Others Membership Payment

757.39 3,662.00

Total Expenses & Fees


Cash balance on hand as of June 2008



Members Roster Alavi Kutty

Joey Villanueva

Muhannad Mahmoud Nazzal

Abu Nazzal Mahmoud

Maria Teresa Villanueva

Manuel C. Villanueva

Ayman Dawoud

Arturo De Leon

Tammam Hassan Al Azem

Ammar Idlibi

Mario Mendoza

Victorio Arejola

Cris Gueco

Siraj Adamjee

Gerardo Ginez

Violeta Gueco

Zaher Kishi

Girish Kumar KK

Donato Castillo

Suhail Sulaiman Abumustafa

Asharif Hussein

Lorna Castillo

Faisal Al Ghamdi

Abdul Jaleel Padinjare Veetil Abdu

Ahmed Ibrahim

Cherian Mathew

Faleh Zahrawi

Ahmed Samir Abdul Fatah


Younes Enayat

Alsharif Hussein

Amena Abdul Malek

Zoraya Darwish

Mohamed Al Harbi

Ahmed Mohamed

Volume 1 Issue 2

Page 6

District 79, Division G, Area 24 VOICE (Voice Of Inspiration Comes with Enthusiasm)

CLUB - 993464 Voice of Inspiration Comes with Enthusiasm


1122193  Ahmed Samir Abdul Fattah 



BASIC SPEECH PROJECTS  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10                         

1122190  1033754  1003564  1122184  1033752  1132390 

Suhail Sulaiman Abumustafa  Mahmoud Nader Sayel Abunazzal  Siraj Adamjee  Faisal Abdulmoshsen Al Ghamdi  Samir Mohamed Alfarem  Raed Zuoher Alkhouli 











1003525  1003528  1003509  1003499  1003506  1003567  1003515  1003484  1061000  1003494  1132250  1003570  1003513  938121  1160512 

Donato D Castillo  Lorna M Castillo  Ayman S Dawoud  Crisostomo Gueco  Violeta Gueco  Ahmed Ibrahim  Zaher Kishi  Alavi Kutty  Cherian Mathai  Mario Mendoza  Muhannad Mahmoud Nazzal  Joesil Villanueva  Faleh Zahrawi  Manuel C. Villanueva  Tammam Hassan Alazem 











1173744  Victorio Arive Arejola 











1173754  1185156  1190336  1196807 













Gerardo Velonza Ginez  Girish Kumar KK  Alsharif Hussein  Abdul Jaleel Padinjare Veetil Abdu 





316016  Joey I. Villanueva, ATMB, ALS—G 











1003497  Maria Teresa Villanueva, CTM, CL 











631038  Arturo Quicho De Leon, ATMS 











Volume 1 Issue 2

Page 7

L E A D E R Have you heard the BIG BANGS, the FIREWORKS and the HURRAYS for our fellow Toastmasters? Yes, others not only heard them LOUD but felt them DEEP as well. They are the most deserving Officers of the Clubs, Areas, Divisions and District who brought honor to their respective group. After finishing their term, it is time to give them recognition for a job well done. My congratulations to fellow officers of VOICE club and I hope that during our term, we did not only serve the club but we did learn as well from the position which we held. “Remember that to serve as an officer of a Toastmasters Club is a privilege.” Another set of energetic and enthusiastic officers is on the driver seat and ready to drive us to our goal destination for the term 2008-2009. For me, it is an honor and a privilege to serve another term in another position. To my fellow officers, let us help one another and together let us drive the wheels of our club, making sure that we will survive the rough road towards our goal this term. If we believe that we are here in Toastmasters to learn and to be effective communicators, then there is no doubt that we will become effective leaders too. It is like we are shooting two birds in one stone. So let’s go hand in hand, push those barriers out of our roads and let the engine starts. We will not stop until we get there, we will not stop until we reach our “GOAL” to become “President Distinguish Award”, the highest award of the Toastmasters International. I think I will not use the word O F F I C E R in our club. Since, I wanted these individuals to be always visible and ready to accept responsibilities and challenges for the betterment of our club. And since, these are individuals who are always there to assist our club and its members. Then, let’s call them, “L E A D E R”. I’d like to call them LEADER for I want to see our club officers to: L - ead us E - levate us A - ccept responsibilities and challenges D - irect us E - nergize us, and lastly R - ule to bring the club to its pedestal. Fellow toastmasters, members and Officers of VOICE Club let me leave you this question. “What does a LEADER mean to you?”

Joesil Villanueva Editor-in-Chief

Volume 1 Issue 2

Page 8


President Alavi Kutty

VP Education Joesil Villanueva

Secretary Muhannad Nazal

Past President Faleh Zahrawi

VP PRO Ahmed Ibrahim

Treasurer Manny Villanueva

VP Membership Don Castillo

Sgt. At Arms Suhail Suliaman Abu


EDITORIAL STAFF TM Don Castillo TM Mario Mendoza TM Manny Villanueva ADVISERS TM Joey Villanueva TM Arturo De Leon TM Maria Teresa Villanueva

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