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VOCR Weekly Newsletter(Vol. 1, Issue 9)

February 22, 2009

VOCR February 20, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


hin people in Malaysia successfully held 61st Anniversary of Chin National Day at Full Gospel Assembly Hall, Jalan Klang Lama in

VOCR editor and Dr. Salai Tun Than

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. About 1400 people attended the service. The program began at 10:00am and ended at 5:00Pm. The place is located in an isolated place for the Chin people but still many could attend the service. The Program The service initiated with aperture prayer by Rev. Run. The Chin national anthem song “Beautiful Chinland” was intoned. Jimmy, chairman of Chin National Day celebrating committee had invocation speech and followed by appraisal of Chin National Day by Billy T B who was general secretary of Chin National Day celebration Committee. Chin Christian pastors and pastor of Lautu Christian Fellowship escorted the intersession prayer for the whole Chin people. The pastors prayed, “We pray that there will be peace and freedom of religion in Chinland”. The intersession was followed by the special number by Mai Zing T D. Chin National Front, Chin National Council, Chin Refugee Committee, Alliances of Chin Refugees and Mara Peoples’ Party had brought their statements on Chin National Day, and was followed by message from Chin Exiled Student Union.

Special Speech by Dr. Salai Tun Than Dr. Salai Tun Than(Ph. D) came from USA to have a speech on Chin National Day in Malaysia. The Chin people in Malaysia were honored by his present on the historic day of the Chin people. He said, “The Chin people must work together as a one nation, we should not have narrow minded about our tribal issues. We have to see the Chin as a whole.” He had a speech about history of the Chin people, Chin National Day and about the Chin’s role in building the Union of Burma. Dr. Salai Tun Than had Ph. D degree in Agricultural sciences from University of Wisconsin Madison Campus, USA. He had single protest against the Burmese military junta in Yangon. He is a hero of not only the Chin people but also for all who fight for democracy and human rights. Ms. Adna from UNHCR community development unit and Mr. Antony from ACTS also had speeches. The second section of the program was full of cultural dances with traditional songs. More than 12 different kinds of Chin traditional folk dance and songs were performed. Contact Us: VOCR News Group Email: [email protected], Phone: 006016-9160018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia VOCR weekly newsletter is issued and owned by VOCR news group Mizoram government welcomes Chin which is an independent and non-profit news service focusing on the refugees Chin refugees in Malaysia in specific and Burma political issues in general.

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VOCR Weekly Newsletter(Vol. 1, Issue 9)


February 22, 2009


A Brief Account of Chin National Day

Khonumthung News (VOCR edition) 23 February 2009

20th February is a historic and meaningful day for the Chins because all the Chins were able to achieve national solidarity and unity on this very day. the Chins were in one voice to fight the imperialists although their arms and ammunition were very much inferior to that of the colonial system. The fight against the colony system brought about the seed of revolution, which in turn laid down the birth of the Chin National Day.

The Mizoram government in Northeast India, is ready to accept Chin refugees being persecuted by the Myanmar military regime, said Mr. Lalthanzara (MLA), Parliamentary Secretary of the Mizoram government yesterday on the 61st anniversary of the Chin National Day at Vanapa Hall, Aizawl Mizoram state, India.

The British invaded and annexed the Chin Hills in 1892; however, the British could administer Chin Hills only after the adoption of Chin Hills Regulation in 1896. Later this Regulation was replaced by Chin Special Division Act of 1948, which was adopted on 22 October 1948. The Chin nationalist movements took place on 20 February 1928, 20 February 1938 and 20 February 1948 respectively. These nationalist movements are an indication of the strong patriotic spirit of the Chins towards their own state. On February 20, 1928 Chin Hills Union Organization was formed. It was the first Chin nationalist movement and first Chin Union organization. On February 20, 1938, the Chin patriots submitted 9 proposals to the colony government. Consequently, Chin Hills Union Organization was declared illegal which caused the Chin peoples’ protest against the colonization. The movement made the colony in charge of Kanpetlet town in Southern Chin State ran a way. On February 20, 1948, a general meeting in which over 5000 representatives attended was held in Falam. On this day, the majority of Chins were in favor of the abolition of hereditary feudal system of administration and they would like to bring about modern democratic system of administration in the Chin Hill. It was the first introduction of democratic system to the Chin people and the day that the Chin people had marvelously shown their oneness in unity. On February 20, 1951, the first Chin National Day was held in Mindat. Therefore, on every February 20, Chin National Day is celebrated by the Chin people around the world but in side Burma, it has been banned by the military.

Aizawl town, capital of Mizoram State in Northeast India

Mizo tribes are settled everywhere like Burma, Bangladesh, India and other parts of the world. They come back to their motherland – Mizoram state -when they face problems. The government of the Congress party welcomes all the refugees being oppressed, he added. He said "Although we welcome all the Chin tribes from Burma, we have to take action against any kind of unfair means like smuggling and illegal matters." The 61st anniversary of the Chin National day was organized by Chin religious organizations and political parties in Mizoram. The day 22 February was incidentally the 22nd anniversary of Mizoram state day also! Traditional and cultural dances were performed on the occasion and there were around one thousand participants. It concluded at 4 p.m. successfully. The anniversary was held simultaneously in 13 countries on the same day by Chin tribes. In Hakha state of Burma, it was also held at U Vawm Tu Maung play ground. In fact, the Chin National day was derived from removing the landlord system on 20 February 1948 by 5000 Chin people in Falam Township in order to establish a democratic system in Chin state.

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VOCR Weekly Newsletter(Vol. 1, Issue 9)

February 22, 2009

Malaysian Special Intelligent Branch Refugee Communities from Burma


VOCR February 23, 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Malaysia Special Intelligent Branch called the refugee communities from Burma and shared legal awareness.

VOCR cartoon “Refugee diet”

Operation against Illegal migrants increase in Malaysia VOCR

February 23, 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

It had been known that there was an operation a gainst illegal migrants in Pandan Indah area, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The eye witnesses said that many illegal migrants were arrested in that incident and 8 Lorries had taken them to detention camps. Some Chin refugees and asylum seekers were also arrested in the operation. It was also known that before this operation, there was a murder case committed by illegal residents in that area. Within this week the operation took place in different locations including, Imbi where Chin Refugee Committee office was located, in Kuala Lumpur. A Faithful Chin Refugee in Malaysia VOCR, Feb 23, 2009

A Chin refugee name Mr. Kawl L H from Bualte village, Fallam Township, picked a wallet contained of RM 1.5 million and returned it to the owner of the property. Recently, when he was riding on a bus in Kuala Lumpur, he found a bundle of Malaysian currency, in the city bus dropped by unknown. The amount was 1.5 million Ringit(150 cashes of 1000 RM). He found it with a new hand phone in side the bus. He immediately tried to discover the owner and found her in her company. She was so much delighted that Kawl L H was granted with some valuable rewards. The Chin refugee communities in Malaysia are proud of his faithfulness and exercises of Christian life.

Mr. Sofer from Malaysia SIB said, “I am glad to have meeting with refugee community leaders. In Malaysia, only three ethnic people such as Chinese, Malay and Indian used to stay in the country with a peaceful and developed life. In order to have more development the country had opened “the Visit to Malaysia” program. But after that the Malaysian economy had declined.” It was also informed to the refugee community leaders that since the 12th time of Malaysia election the country had faced with many challenges. The SIB instructed some warning to the refugee communities in Malaysia as follow. 1. Demonstration for political, social or any reasons must not be performed with in Malayisia. The community leaders must inform to their respective communities. 2. According to SIB record, there were 39000 refugees from Myanmar registered within 2007-2008. In 2009, it has increased to 46000. Therefore, it needs more attention to this increasing numbers of refugees. 3. Within 2007, there were 57 demonstration cases within Malaysia and in 2008, 10 cases and in 2009 till February, there have been 10 demonstration cases mostly performed by the foreigners in the country. It was also strictly warned not to have any form of demonstration or protests. 4. Increasing number of prostitution of young women from Myanmar is firmly prohibited. 5. Must not go around in a large number of people; not more than 3 people. 6. UNHCR must quickly register the asylumseekers and resettle the refugees to the third countries as soon as possible. Help VOCR  Every body is welcome to assist VOCR financially or by donating media facilities.  VOCR needs advice and suggestion from you in order to improve in quality.  Hard copies of VOCR can be ordered by post mail.  For previous VOCR issues, contact us we will send you all.

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