Word Webs Directions:
Write a Vocabulary word in each shape. Then write down as many related words for each vocabulary word as you can. Use lines off of each shape to create a web of words.
Picture Quotes Directions:
Create a quote for each picture using at least one of the vocabulary words for each quote. Have Fun!
QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
Q uic k T im e ª a nd a d e c o m p re s so r a re ne e d e d to s e e this p icture .
Q u ic k T im e ª a n d a d e c o m p re s s o r a re n e e d e d to s e e th is p ic tu re .
QuickTimeª and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.
Concept Ladder Word:
What is it a kind of? What are kinds of it?
What is it a part of? What are parts of it?
What is it a stage or type of? What are the stages or parts of it?
What is it a product or result of? What are the products or results of it?
Concept Ladder Word:
What is it a kind of? What are kinds of it?
What is it a part of? What are parts of it?
What is it a stage or type of? What are the stages or parts of it?
What is it a product or result of? What are the products or results of it?
Concept of Definition Maps What is this?
What is it like?
Now use the completed map to write a definition of the word.
What is this? Examples:
What is it like?
Now use the completed map to write a definition of the word.
Frayer Chart Definition (In Your Own Words)
Examples (From Own Life)
Definition (In Your Own Words)
Examples (From Own Life)
Important Characteristics
Nonexamples (From Own Life)
Important Characteristics
Nonexamples (From Own Life)