Vocabulary For The Test.doc

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  • Words: 1,947
  • Pages: 9
Vocabulary for the test: (Javiera Otarola’s test) Pieces of news: 1.- Ban: to order sb not to do sth.(=prohibit) 2.- Brand: a type of product made by a particular company. 3.-Seize: to take sth/sb in your hand sudden by and using force. 4.- Release: If a person or animal is released from somewhere where

they have been locked up or looked after, they are set free or allowed to go. 5.- Hen: one thing on a list of things to buy, do, talk about, etc. 6.- Tainted: to damage or spoil the quality of sth. (rotten) 7.- Bathing: a violent fight between groups of people. 8.- Laced: to be fastened with laces to fasten sth with laces. 9.- Rich: containing or providing a large supply of sth (supply=provide) 10.- Pack of measures: a number of specially coordinated actions. 11.- Sawmills: factories where wood is sawed into planks->boards. 12.- To step up efforts: to do more. 13.- Template: sth that is used as a model. 14.- Inbreeding: process of producing children from parents who are close members of the same family. 15.- Traits: particular quality in your personality. 16.- Back: establish as valid ->support. (back up=refuerzo, carta bajo la manga) 17.- Cluster: a group of thing of the same type that grow or appear close togheter. 18.- Wice: metal in the form of their thread. 19.- Compaign: to take part in or had a compaign. 20.- Bionic: hawing parts of the body that are electronic, and therefore able to do…. 21.- Miscarriage: if a pregnant woman has a miscarriage, her baby dies and she gives birth to it before it is properly formed.

22.- Impairments: sb with impairments, they have a condition with prevents their eyes, ears, brain for working properly. 23- Womb: útero 24.- Tissue: tejido 25.- Trial: formal examination of evidence in court by a judge, to decide of accused of crime is guilty or not. 26.- Rape: to force sb to have sex with you when they don’t want to by threathing them or using violence. 27.- Revoked: to officially cancel sth so that it. 28.- Acquittal: an official decision in court. 29.-Pupil: a person who is being tought. 30.- Literacy: the ability to read and write. 31.- Distress: to make sb feel worried. 32.- Overturn: to say officially that sth rush a decision is wrong and change it. 33.- Wrangle: to argue about sth for a long time. 34.- Plaintiff: someone who brings a legal case in court. 35.- Outcome: to final result of a process. 36.- Uphold: if a court of law uphold sth, it says that “it” is correct. (uphold lies=mantener una mentira) 37.- Thoroughfares: public road or street used by traffic specially a main road in a city or town. 38.- Relic: an object, a tradition etc…. 39.- Advertisements: notice, picture or film telling people about a product job or service. 40.- Sharply: in a critical, rough or severe way. 41.- Dolphinarium: a pool where people go and watch dolphins. 42.- Culture: a set of ideas, belief and ways of behaving of a particular organization or group of people. 43.- Paved: to cover or lay (a road, walk, etc.) with concrete, stones, bricks, tiles, wood, or the like, so as to make a firm, level surface.

44.- Dictatorship: a state or government under dictatorial rule. 45.- highlight: an area or a spot in a drawing, painting or photograph

that is strongly illuminated. 46.- Argue: to put forth reasons for or against; debate. 47.- Breastfeeding: to feed a baby milk from the breast.

48.- Confer: to give sth. 49.- Clutch: a small group of people or things. 50.- Survey: a set of questions that you ask a large number of people. 51.- Driven mad by anger: to make sb very angry, crazy etc. or make them do sth extreme. 52.- damn: (of good): to decide that sb must refer in hell. 53.- wander: to move about without a definite destination or purpose. 54.- In the dead of the night: in the quietest part of the night. 55.- to tackle: to make a determinate effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation. 56.- Cardboard: stiff material kije very thick paper, often used for making boxes. 57.- shelter: protection 58.- junction: the act or process of joining or the condition of being

joined. 59.- stretch: to cause to extend from one place to another or across a

given space. 60.- stunt: an action displaying spectacular skill and daring. 61.- unwittingly:without intention or knowledge of the full facts (= unintentional) 62.- hazardous: risky, dangerous. 63.- footage: an amount of film or videotapes made for cinema or TV. 64.- prosecutor: a lawyer who conducts the case against a defendant. (acusador) 65.- gauge: if you gauge an amount, you measure or calculate it. To evaluate or judge. (medida)

66.- blaze: to burn brightly and strongly. 67.- homeless: people who have no house. 68.- light – weight: made of thinner material and less heavy than usual. 69.- venues: the venue for an activity or event is the place where it will happen. 70.- layout: if you layout a group of things, you spread then aout and arrange. The act or instance of laying out. 71.- well – know: a well – know person or things is know about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar. (muy conocido) 72.- delivered: To bring or transport to the proper place or recipient. Distribute. (entregar) 73.- certified post letter: if a letter is sent by this way, the person who receives it must write their name in a book to show that their have received it. 74.- branch: a division or offices that form part of a business or other organization. (oficinas – sucursales) 75.- head quarters: casa matriz de algún banco, organización, etc. 76.- picked up: to collect. 77.- launch: a large ship’s boat. 78.- autistic (adj) autism noun: a failure to develop social abilities language and other communication skills. 79.- lawsuit: a problem taken in a court of law, by an ordinary person or an organization rather than the police. 80.- time frame: A period during which something takes place or is projected to occur. 81.- storage: a place where things are kept safe while they are not needed. 82.- wet yourself: to accidentally urinate in your clothes. 83.- trial: the act or process of testing, trying or putting to the proof. 84.- tackle: to stop the increase of sth. 85.- coated: covered. 86.- commuter: sb that travel a long distance evey day between his/her home and the place of work. 87.- frowns: to regard sth with disapproval or distaste.

88.- glance: to direct the gaze briefly. (vistazo) 89.- affair: sth done or to be done; business. 90.- chamber: a room in a house, especially a bedroom. 91.- membership: the state of being a member. 92.- assets: a spy working in his/her own country and controlled by the

enemy. 93.- promped: 94.- briefcase: portafolio. 95.-stapled: 96.- punishment: the condition of being punished. 96.- blunt: having a dull edge or end; not sharp. Vocabulary from the texts: 97.- Behave: To conduct oneself in a proper or specific way. 98.- Bow: To incline the body or head in greeting, consent, courtesy, submission or veneration. 99.- Praying: To utter or address a prayer or prayers to God, a god, or another object of worship. 100.- Widely: having a specified extent from side to side. (ampliamente) 101.- Duty: an act or a course of action that is required of one by position, social, custom, law, or religion. (obligacion) e.g  do your duty to your country. 102.- Smack: To press together and open (the lips) quickly and noisily, as in eating or tasting. 103.- Host: one who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity. 104.- Refilling: rellenar. 105.- Lay: To put or set in order or readiness for use. E.g lay the table

for lunch 106.- Chopstick: palillos chinos.

107.- Arches: A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaoed like a inverted U. (arco)

108.- Span: The extent or measure of space between two points or extremities, as of a bridge or roof, the breadth. (atravesar) 109.- Truly: sincerely, genuinely. (realmente) 110.- Toppings: A sauce, frosting, or garnish for food. 111.- Basil: an old wolrd aromatic annual herb in the mint family, cultivated for its leaves. (albahaca) 112.- Slices: rebanas. 113.- Eel: anguila. 114.- Squid: calamar. 115.- jigsaw: puzzle. 116.- Windfall: A sudden, unexpected piece of good fortune or personal gain. (suerte inesperada) 117.- Fees: a charge for professional services. (honorarios) 118.- Ceaseless: without stop or pause; constant. (=continual) 119.- Withdrew: to remove (money) from an account. 120.- Shipmates: a sailor serving on the same ship as another; a fellow sailor. (compañeros de tripulación) 121.- Wasted: needless or superfluous. (Gastado) 122.- Neglected: the state of being neglected. (Descuidado) 123.- Roots: the usually underground portion of a plant that lacks buds, leaves, or nodes and serves as support. (raíces) 124.- Mere: being nothing more than what is specified. (mero) 125.- Childbearing: the human act or process of giving birth; parturition. (maternidad) 126.- Beard: the hair on a man’s chin, cheeks, and throat. 127.- Trousers: a garment that covers the body from the waist to the waist to the ankles or knees with a separate tube-shaped section for each leg. (pantalón) 128.- Stood: soportado.

Vocabulary from the songs: 129.- Daylight: Luz del dia. 130.- Yearn: to have a stong, often melancholy desire. (anhelar) 131.- Lamplight: the light shed by a lamp. 132.- Moan: load sound of painfull. (gemido) 133.- Mutters: to speak indistinctly in low tones. (murmullos) 134.- Gutters: 135.- Dawn: the time each morning at which daylight first begins. (alba) 136.- Stale: umpleasant. 137.- Junkyard: patio sucio, oscuro. 138.- Engine: motor. 139.- Lifted: to direct or carry from a lower to a higher position; raise.

Vocabulary for the test: (Paola Fanta’s test) 1.- to harm:to hurt or injure sb or to damage sth. 2.- fulfithing (fulfit): 3.- sovereignty: complete power to govern a country. 4.- performed: to do sth, such a piece of work task or duty. 5.- sanctuary: A reserved area in which birds and other animals, especially wild animals, are protected from hunting or molestation. 6.- rash: an area of red spots on a person’s skin caused by an illness or a reaction to sth. 7.- handset: the part of telephone that you hold close your mouth and ear to speak into a listen. 8.- prove: prove to sth / to do sth. Likely to suffer from sth or to do sth. E.g. prove to infection. 9.- abandon: to cease trying to continue, desist from. 10.- affirm: to declare positively or firmly; maintain to be true.

11.- contribute: to give or supply common with others; give to a

common fund or for a common purpose. 12.- scene: sth seen by a viewer; a view or prospect. / the place where an action or event occurs. 13.- Pacifier: tete, chupón. 14.- Boastful: to glorify oneself in speech; talk in a self-admiring way. 15.- Fearless: don’t have afraid; without fear. 16.- Run across: to move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride. 17.- So-called: used for showing that you think a word used for describing sth is not suitable. (supuesto) 18.- To gaze: look for a long period of time. 19.- Reduce: cut down. E.g I’m cutting down some suitcases. 20.- Hand down a job: pasar el trabajo generacion por generacion. 21.- Come across: meet sth/sb by chance. 22.- Maids: nana. 23.- Coal: carbon. 24.- Power cut: corte de luz. 25.- Tabs: lyrics of the song. (Tablatura) 26.- Layer: capa atmosfera, ionosfera. 27.- Looters: saqueadores. 28.- Atheists: ateos. 29.- Thieves: ladrones.

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