Vocabulary Assignment

  • May 2020
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TLED 408: Vocabulary Activity Assignment For this assignment you will develop activities to introduce, teach, and reinforce vocabulary for your unit plan for a specific grade level, discipline, and both content and literacy standards. Using your knowledge of vocabulary activities and their impact on vocabulary knowledge and student independence, clearly outline the activities you will use within your unit. Upon completing the unit, students should be independent users of the vocabulary words. Grade Level, Content Area, and Theme: 10th Grade, Driver’s Education, Distracted Driving Standards/Learning Objectives: Provide the precise learning objectives in the disciplines that will be addressed by the unit. Specifically include the content area and literacy standards. DE.9 The student will analyze and describe the physiological, psychological, and cognitive effects of alcohol and other drugs and their impact on a driver’s awareness of risks and involvement in collisions. Key concepts include a)

prescription and nonprescription medications;


illegal drugs;


effects of alcohol and other drugs on vision and space management;


synergistic effects of drugs; and


ways alcohol and other drugs are eliminated from the body.

DE.10 The student will identify and analyze the legal, health, and economic consequences associated with alcohol and other drug use and driving. Key concepts/skills include a)

positive and negative peer pressure;


refusal and peer-intervention skills;


Implied Consent, Zero Tolerance, and Use and Lose laws;

d) Administrative License Revocation, loss of license, ignition interlock, and other licensing restrictions; and e) court costs, insurance requirements, Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program referral, and other costs. DE.11 The student will recognize the consequences of aggressive driving and the influence of emotions on driving behaviors. Key concepts include


stress and anxiety;


anger management; and


the relationship between aggressive driving and road rage.

DE.13 The student will identify distractions that contribute to driver error. Key concepts include a)

driver behaviors (e.g., eating, smoking, personal grooming);


cell phones and other portable technology devices;




vehicle accessories; and


insects and pets.

Vocabulary Words and Rationale: List 10-15 vocabulary words and their definitions for your unit plan. Provide a short rationale for choosing these vocabulary words. 1. Auditory Distraction- A sound that diverts the driver's attention from the driving task 2. Biomechanical Distraction- Any mechanical act not specifically related to driving that is performed by a driver 3. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)- Amount of alcohol in the blood expressed as a percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream 4. Cognitive Distraction- Occurs when the driver is lost in thought or daydreaming 5. Distracted Driving- Occurs when an event, person, activity, or object draws a driver's attention away from the driving task 6. Driver Inattention- When a driver's awareness and focus drift to anything other than the driving task 7. Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)- An offense for which a driver can be charged in all states if the driver's blood-alcohol concentration is above 0.08 8. Field Sobriety Test- Series of on-the-spot, roadside tests that help an officer detect impairment of a driver suspected of DUI or DWI 9. Implied Consent Law- States that anyone who receives a driver's license automatically consents to be tested for blood-alcohol content and other drugs if stopped for suspicion of drug use while driving 10. Peer Pressure- External force from others of a similar age 11. Prohibited- Against the law 12. Stimulant- Drug that speeds up the central nervous system 13. Tunnel Vision- Having a field of vision of 140 degrees or less 14. Visual Distraction- A sight that causes you to take your eyes off the roadway ahead 15. Zero Tolerance Law- Law stating it is illegal for persons under the age of 21 to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in their blood

The vocabulary that was chosen all relate to the topic of distracted driving. Some of the words have the word distracted in the word itself and the others are either factors that can cause distracted driving or are effects of distracted driving. Introducing Vocabulary Activity: 

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Activity Overview & Rationale: So, the activity that students will start class out with is relatively simple. Students will be placed into groups of 2 and will be given an index card that has one of the vocabulary words on it. This shouldn’t take too long, and afterwards each group will present their vocab and definition to the class. This activity will be effective because for one, it is a good start for the students to hear the different vocab words before they are introduced. Also, it gives them a chance to get introduced to this particular topic with the help of some vocabulary. Materials: note cards, textbooks/internet access Instructional Steps: Outline the specific instructional steps for this activity. 1. Students will come in and sit at their respective seats 2. Students will then be placed in small groups and then given an index card with a vocabulary word on it related to distracted driving 3. They will then use their resources to look up the definition and write it on opposite side of the note card 4. After everyone has found their definition, each group will share what they found with the rest of the class 5. Then, the students will hand back in their note cards and we will move on to the Prezi presentation Differentiation: To differentiate during this activity, I would place students in groups myself based how students are grasping the concepts in prior lessons so that the students can branch out and learn something from someone they may not normally work with.


Distracted Driving

Teaching Vocabulary Activity: 

 

Activity Overview & Rationale: The activity for the teaching part will include a Prezi presentation of the definitions that will include the definitions themselves, as well as pictures and videos that relate to topic. The students will have notebooks and will be taking notes in them. This activity will allow the students to learn the content by way of vocabulary that is related to the topic. It will also give them not just definitions, but a visual representation of these words so that they can understand them more. Materials: Prezi presentation, projector and screen notebooks, writing utensils Instructional Steps: 1. The instructor will pull up the Prezi Presentation 2. The teacher will go over each of the 15 vocab words in different slides that include definitions, pictures, and some videos 3. The students at the same time will be taking notes in their own words based on the information given to them 4. Then, as a class we would move on to a review game Differentiation: Differentiation during this activity will be shown in the Prezi presentation by way of not just words on the slides, but pictures and some videos as well Sample:

Field Sobriety Test- Series of on-the-spot, roadside tests that help an officer detect impairment of a driver suspected of DUI or DWI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9jpwe6TDas

Reinforcing Vocabulary Activity: 

 

Activity Overview & Rationale: The activity used to reinforce these terms will be a game of Pictionary/Charades. Students will be placed into two large groups and they will face off to see who can get the most points. Students will go one at a time, be given a vocab word, and either try to draw it or act it out to their team in 1 minute and 30 seconds. If someone from their group can guess the correct word, then their team gets a point. This will go back and forth until all the terms have been used. Team with the most points wins. The person up front may not say the term or write it if they are drawing, and if this happens they will stop and the next team will go. This game is a good way to see how well the students retained the information that was given to them. It can also see how good of notes they took based on how many points they can earn for their team. It is also a good way to end the lesson because it can be very enjoyable. Materials: Index cards from the first activity, timer projected onto the screen, students notes from the lecture Instructional Steps: 1. Students will be placed in two separate teams 2. One at a time, a student will come up to the front of the room and be given a term that they can either act or draw out. 3. One person from the same team will try to yell out the term based on the clues given within 1 minute and 30 seconds 4. If they say the correct term within the time frame, they get a point, and vice versa 5. Each team will go until all the terms have been used. 6. Then the teacher will close out class and the students will be dismissed Differentiation: Identify how you would differentiate within this activity. I would differentiate during this activity by again placing students who understand the content better with those who don’t, or people who I know could play this game well and splitting them up among the groups so they are even


Vocabulary Activity Assignment Rubric Points Possible Grade Level, Content Area, Theme, and Standards

The student specifies the grade level, content area, and theme the unit will cover. The precise learning objectives that will be addressed by the unit are identified for both literacy and the discipline.

Vocabulary Words and Rationale Introducing Vocabulary Activity

The student lists 10-15 vocabulary words and their definitions. The student clearly explains the rationale for choosing these words. The student provides a clear overview and rationale for using this activity. The student clearly outlines the materials and provides a completed sample. The student outlines all of the steps for the activity. The student clearly explains differentiation options for this activity. The student provides a clear description of the materials used in this activity. The student creates all of the materials needed for the students to successfully complete the activity. The student outlines all of the instructional steps for the comprehension activity. There is a clear beginning, middle and end to the activity.

Teaching Vocabulary Activity Reinforcing Vocabulary Activity







Total Points


The assignment is presented using the bold headings provided. There are no formatting or spelling errors. It is written in 12pt black font.



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