Vocabulary Activity 1. Mute (adjective) - Refraining From Speech Or

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 799
  • Pages: 3
Vocabulary Activity 1. Mute (adjective) - refraining from speech or temporarily speechless; not expressed in speech; characterized by an absence of sound; quiet. a. Sentence: Then she sat down at his table, and put her head on it, and was silent, with the patient suffering of black women, with the suffering of oxen, with the suffering of any that are mute. (page 40) b. My sentence: As the pastor was praying, all in the room were mute. 2. Gravely (adjective) – giving cause for alarm; serious : a matter of grave concern. a. Sentence: It suited the white man to break the tribe, he continued gravely. (page 56) b. My sentence: I gravely told my mom our cat died. 3. Articulately (adjective) - (of a person or a person's words) having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently. a. Sentence: Inarticulately he strokes her face, his heart is filled with pity. (page 61) b. My sentence: The immigrant was able to speak articulately in English and was very advanced. 4. Reconcile (verb) - restore friendly relations between; cause to coexist in harmony; make or show to be compatible. a. Sentence: And thus reconciled, they sat hand in hand. (page 61) b. My sentence: Jordan and I began to reconcile after months of not talking to one another. 5. Stipend (noun) - a fixed regular sum paid as a salary or allowance. a. Sentence: To save ten pounds from a stipend of eight pounds a month takes much patience and time, especially for a parson, who must dress in good black clothes. (page 64) b. My sentence: I get my stipend every weekend. 6. Irresolute (adjective) - showing or feeling hesitancy; uncertain. a. Sentence: So getting no peace, she rose irresolute, and went to a room behind, and after some time she returned with the bible. (page 79)

b. My Sentence: I was irresolute as I approached the classroom. 7. Corrugated (adjective) - (of a material, surface, or structure) shaped into alternate ridges and grooves. a. Sentence: There is corrugated iron at the reformatory, they use it to cover the Nancefield Station, lying neatly packed in bundles. (page 88) b. My Sentence: The house’s roof was corrugated. 8. Travail (noun) – painful or laborious effort. a. Sentence: (page ) b. My Sentence: Anthony had to go through travail all Friday. 9. Obscure (adjective) – not discovered or known about; uncertain. a. Sentence: He had bought the child some cheap wooden blocks, and with these the little one played endlessly and intently, with a purpose obscure to the adult mind, but completely absorbing. (page 93) b. My Sentence: The ancient ruins of a lost civilization were obscure until a courageous man found the ruins. 10. Desolate (adjective) – (of a place) deserted of people and in a state if bleak and dismal emptiness. a. Sentence: And then in one fraction of time the hills with deep melodious names stood out waste and desolate beneath the pitiless sun, the streams ceased to run, the cattle moved thin and listless over the red and rootless earth. (page 93) b. My Sentence: The field was desolate as the boys prepared to play soccer. 11. Muse (verb) – be absorbed in thought. a. Sentence: His voice would falter and die away, and he would fall silent and muse. (page 93) b. My sentence: I was muse and calm as I thought of the present days activities. 12. Dubious (adjective)- hesitating or doubting 13. Tenaciously (adjective)- not readily letting go of, giving up, or separated from an object that one holds, a position, or a principle

14. Ruefully (adjective)- expressing sorrow or regret, esp. when in a slightly humorous way 15. Apprehension (noun)- anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen 16. Prodigal (adjective)- spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant 17. Reproachfully (adjective)- expressing disapproval or disappointment 18. Congenial (adjective)- pleasant because of a personality, qualities, or interests that are similar to one’s own 19. Innumerable (adjective)- too many to be counted 20. Quaintness (adjective)- attractively unusual or old-fashioned 21. Repression (verb)-subdue (someone or something) by force 22. Reverie (noun)- a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream 23. Expedient (adjective)- (of an action) convenient and practical, although possibly improper or immortal 24. Prestige (noun)- widespread respect and admiration felt for someone or something on the basis of a perception of their achievements or quality 25. Scrupulous (adjective)- (of a person or process) diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details 26. Renounce (verb)- formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession) 27. Profoundly (adjective)- (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense 28. Humility (noun)- a modest or low view of one’s own 29. Transmuted (verb)- change in form, nature, or substance

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