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VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro Constitution and Bylaws

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VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro Constitution and By-Laws ARTICLE I NAME AND ADDRESS Section 1.

This organization shall be known as the VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro. 1.1 The “V” for Viva and Voce should be capitalized, and not two separate words.

Section 2.

The address of this organization shall be at: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Chapel Ramon Chavez Street, Cagayan de Oro City 9000, Mindanao, Philippines ARTICLE II THE DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUP The VivaVoce, also known as the Cagayan de Oro Tri-stake Choir is a non-profit community choir. The group is composed of thirty (30) men and women, all members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in good standing. The group is not sponsored by the Church. However, if there is a need for a combined Stake choir of the three stakes in Cagayan de Oro, the group will represent the three stakes as a Tri-stake choir. The group will prioritize LDS Church performances. The members serve as volunteers, hence, not paid. ARTICLE III MISSION/VISION “Sharing God’s Truth through Music” ARTICLE IV PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES

Section 1. Section 2. Section 3. Section 4.

To train members in music, particularly in choral singing with emphasis on proper technique, posture, vocal production, and note reading. To provide members with local, national, and international exposures. To promote both Gospel message and Filipino cultural heritage through live choir performances and/or materials such as videos and CD’s. To incite members to participate in various musical activities.

VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro Constitution and Bylaws

Section 5. Section 6.

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To expand members’ appreciation for different genres of choral and mainstream music. To support charitable events and causes. Choir performances will occasionally entail fees for the following reasons: 6.1 To raise funds for charities, calamity victims, and also for choir costumes, workshops, and travel expenses in cases of out-of-town performances. 6.2 To finance expenses for the training of choir members, or for competitions which will be for the experience and recognition of the group. 6.3 If perhaps the choir generates sufficient funds, a portion may be used to support members who are currently enrolled in school. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP

Section 1.

Section 2. Section 3.

Membership in this organization is open to all members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from ages sixteen (16) to fifty (50) years old, single or married, given that they have passed the auditions. Membership period is one year only, renewable at the beginning of the year after the members’ annual peer evaluation. Membership may be terminated due to following grounds: 3.1 Accumulated five (5) absences from any regular rehearsals 3.2 Accumulated three (3) absences from major performances 3.3 Failure to comply with the duties and responsibilities of members as stated in Article VI. 3.4 Voluntary withdrawal from the organization 3.5 Misdemeanor 3.5.1 Any misdemeanor shall be dealt with accordingly and promptly by persons in authority, who will determine if an automatic termination will be given to the member concerned. 3.6 Tardiness. Three (3) tardiness will be counted as one (1) absence. Six (6) tardiness will result to suspension. Only three (3) warnings (verbal, written, and final) will be given. 3.7 On the above grounds for termination, a member may be considered upon reasons such as: a. Sicknesses b. Special occasions within the immediate family, but no such considerations when a major event is concerned c. School/work-related activities, given that permission has been requested at least one week ahead the scheduled performance 3.8 Tardiness or absences will not be considered for reasons of unexpected traffic jams or inability to provide transportation fares.

VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro Constitution and Bylaws

3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12



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Use of mobile phones or any other gadget shall be limited during rehearsals, except for recording purposes. Quartet exams are strictly conducted before performances so as to assure individual mastery and quality. Call time is always two (2) hours before every performance. Professionalism in appearance and decorum is expected, especially when on stage. During stake conferences when seated on the pulpit, refrain from unnecessary movements (i.e. sleeping, texting, talking). Intimate relationships within the organization are not prohibited, however, these should never affect any performance or activity of the choir. Public display of affection (PDA) should be refrained at all times. ARTICLE VI DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES

Section 1.

The members of the organization shall have the following obligations: 1.1

1.2 1.3 1.4 Section 2.

To comply with the provisions of this constitution and by-laws and perform other roles that may be made known and agreed upon by the advisers, moderators, and officers. To attend all meetings, regular or special, as called upon by the advisers, moderators, or president. To actively attend and participate in all programs, productions, projects, and activities of and undertaken by the organization. To comply with any other lawful requirements set by the organization.

The members of this organization shall have the following rights and privileges: 2.1

To participate in the discussion in all the meetings of the organization.


To be appointed to any official position in the organization, provided that he/she complies with the requirements provided for.


To be informed of and participate in any project or activity of the organization.


To use the facilities of the organization for as long as it is solely for official purposes.


To access all the records and other pertinent documents of the organization.


To receive awards during the “Anniversary Night” where the bases for giving so are the following:

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a. Performance b. Attendance c. Participation d. Recommendation from moderators and advisers Section 3.

Section 4.

In any event of an out-of-town concert tour (national or international), a member shall have the responsibility to pay the travel tax, terminal fees, and procurement of passport. The member shall also help subsidize the fare. 3.1

Upon returning, if a member shall quit, he/she shall pay the total expenses. Exceptions will be under the discretion of the advisers and moderators.


The organization promotes self-reliance. Thus, members shall pay a monthly contribution, as determined by the officers. Consideration will be given to students.


Standard amount of pocket money for each member during travels is one thousand pesos (P1,000).


Members are advised to avoid absences from work/school prior to travels, hence it would be easier for excuses and leaves to be granted.


All members are expected to join the annual Christmas Caroling as part of their contribution to the group.

Costumes 4.1

Members should not wear the official costumes of VivaVoce for any occasions. This includes accessories (for women) and neckties (for men).


Members should handle the costumes with extra care.


Basic costumes Men: a. Black slacks/white long sleeves b. Black leather belt/pointed black shoes/black socks c. Basic make-up kit Women a. b. c. d.

White/black shoes Black skirt/white blouse Black cycling Make-up kit

VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro Constitution and Bylaws

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The organization shall have the following set of officers: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

President Vice President – Internal Vice President – External Secretary Treasurer Auditor Social Media Manager Piece Custodian Costume Custodian (for women) Costume Custodian (for men) Make-up in Charge ARTICLE VIII THE ASSEMBLY

Section 1.

The officers shall hold the office for two (2) years or until the successors shall have been appointed, qualified, and inducted by the advisers, moderators, and producers during the “Anniversary Night”.

Section 2.

The assembly shall have the power to appoint the members of the executive set of officers. ARTICLE IX FUNDS

Section 1.

No funds shall be spent without the approval of the president and moderators.


An officer shall possess the following: 1.1 1.2

He/she must be a member of the group for at least one year. He/she must be an active member of the group and in good standing with the Church.

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Group Chats (VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro/VivaVoce loves Porpor) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8

Section 2.

Facebook Group – VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro 2.1

Section 3.

Only the social media managers and moderators shall add members. It is a venue where members share and receive official information. Members are not allowed to use the group chat for one-on-one chat. Members are not to disturb, gossip, attack, insult, and hate on others, within and without of the group. Members are not allowed to discuss private matters. Members are not allowed to change their identity or reset anything. Members should not use group chats to promote or sell products. Members are automatically removed from the group chat once they are terminated and are no longer affiliated with the organization.

The group is open to all members of VivaVoce, past and present, who have lived up to the mission and vision of the group, have abided and are abiding its constitution and by-laws, thereby carrying out its values and ideals as ambassadors of goodwill and friendship and of the Church.

Facebook Page – VivaVoce Cagayan de Oro 3.1

All posts should be related to the organization or music in general.


Members should be professional in their public comments and conversation. Avoid bullying or arguing with others.


If any member wants anything to be shared on the page, such as videos, posters, pictures, announcements, articles and the like, permission must be requested first.


Public posts are tagged to members’ personal accounts and profiles. Each member can easily be reached as they are tagged to the posts, and each will easily be identified as a member of the group. Thus, extra care in individual social media accounts is encouraged.

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The President 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


Section 2.

Section 3.

Shall be the chief executive of the organization and shall have the duty to supervise all of the group’s activities. Shall preside all meetings of the assembly and the officers. Shall have the authority over the disbursement of expenditures by other officers or members as prescribed by the constitution. Shall lead the members in carrying out activities in attaining the purpose and objectives of the organization, in enforcing the provisions of this constitution and by-laws and all rules and regulations of this organization. Shall have the power to appoint any of the members who will replace any of the officers expelled for a cause, provided that the advisers and moderators approve such decision.

The Internal Vice President 2.1

Shall be responsible for maintaining communications within the LDS Church constituents or to serve as liaison with the Church.


Shall automatically assume the position of the President in case of vacancy, incapacity, absence, or removal from office.


Shall have the direct authority over all the officers and members that is after implicit approval of the president.

The External Vice President 3.1

Shall be the coordinator of all activities outside the Church and sees to it that all activities are not in conflict with other activities of the Church, which may impede the success of the organization’s activities.


Shall help or assist the president in monitoring and implementing existing plan and activities

3.3 Shall perform other functions that may be delegated to him by the president of the assembly. 3.4 Section 4.

Shall supervise the Social Media Manager.

The Secretary 4.1

Shall take the full minutes in all meetings and keep all records of the organization.

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Section 5.

Section 6.

Section 7.

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Shall prepare due notices of all meetings of the executive officers and of the assembly.


Shall perform other functions that may be delegated to him/her by the assembly.

The Treasurer 5.1

Shall be the official custodian of all funds and properties of the organization, and it shall be his primary duty to keep all funds in the bank chosen by the executive officers.


Shall keep a clean and clear records of all the flow of funds of the organization.


Shall receive and disburse funds for and in behalf of the organization, provided that all disbursements shall be supported by petty cash voucher or original receipt of other supporting documents which shall be kept as part of the record.


Shall submit a financial report duly audited by the auditor, to executive officers, and to the assembly and to the moderators and advisers every end of the year or as deemed necessary.

The Auditor 6.1

Shall audit the financial report and other financial documents of the treasurer to ensure proper and effective administration of all its assets and resources.


Shall examine and verify reports or statements and certify the correctness of the treasurer’s report before the submission to the executive officers, assembly, and to the moderators and advisers.


Shall perform other duties that may be delegated to him by the assembly.

The Social Media Manager 7.1

Manage social media marketing campaigns and day-to-day activities.


Develop relevant content topics to reach the organization’s target fans.


Create, curate, and manage all published content (images, video, and written.)


Monitor, listen to, and respond to users in a social manner while cultivating leads and promotes.

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Section 8.

Section 9.

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Conduct online advocacy and open a stream for cross-promotions.


Develop and expand community and/or influence outreach efforts.


Oversee design (i.e. Facebook Timeline cover, profile pic, thumbnails, ads, landing pages, Twitter profile, Blog, etc.)


Design, create, and manage promotions and social ad campaigns.


Manage efforts in building online reviews and reputation. Monitor online reviews and respond to each review.


Analyze key metrics and tweak strategy as needed.


Become an advocate for the organization in social media spaces, engaging in dialogues and answering questions where appropriate.


Develop organizational elements in order to implement a proactive process for capturing happy, loyal fans online reviews.


Monitor trends in social media tools, applications, channels, design, and strategy.


Identify threats and opportunities in user-generated content surrounding the organization. Report notable threats to appropriate management.


Monitor effective benchmarks (Best Practices) for measuring the impact of social media campaigns. Analyze, review, and report on effectiveness of campaigns in an effort to maximize results.

Costume Custodians 8.1

They must ensure that all clothes are labelled and laid out for dressing and that accurate lists are kept regarding costume accessories such as jewelry.


They supervise the maintenance and cleaning of costumes during breaks and between shooting days.


They must help to coordinate and assign dressers to specific performers and tasks.


They help determine where and how costume changes are made.

Piece Custodian 9.1

He/she must ensure that all pieces are labelled and numbered.


He/she must conduct inventory every end of the year.


He/she must collect all the pieces every after the rehearsal.

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Section 10.

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Make-up in Charge 10.1

He/she is responsible for planning the makeup designs for all members of the choir and applying cosmetics on body/hair/face.


He/she must check the performer’s makeup and hair styles before any performance. ARTICLE XIII ELECTIONS

Section 1.

The appointment of officers of this organizations shall be held every last week of January.

Section 2.

The appointment of officers shall be conducted by the organization, moderators, and advisers.

Section 3.

The term of office for the appointed officers shall begin upon the turnover of responsibilities and after the oath taking presided by the moderator and adviser and shall end until their successors are duly sworn. ARTICLE XIV MEETING

Section 1.

Meeting shall be classified into: a. Regular b. Emergency 1.1 Regular meeting of the executive officers shall be done every last Saturday of every month. 1.2 Emergency meetings can be called upon by the president and/or the moderators and advisers as the need arises. ARTICLE XV EXPULSION OF OFFICERS

Section 1.

Any of the officers of the organization shall be removed or impeached from office on any gross violation of this constitution and by-laws, internal rules of the organization as well as the rules and regulations promulgated by the assembly.

Section 2.

Any officer accumulating three (3) consecutive absences from regular meetings shall be removed from office.

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The executive officers may propose any amendment of revision of this constitution and by-laws.

Section 2.

Any amendment to or revision of the constitution and by-laws shall be valid when ratified by a majority of the assembly called for the purpose, the time and place, and the manner of which shall be fixed by the executive officers.

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The constitution and by-laws shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by the majority of the members of the assembly in a special meeting called for the purpose and shall supersede any other constitution and by-laws and all amendments thereto.

Section 2.

Adapted on: 3 April 2018 Porpor Residence, Xavier Estates, Uptown Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines 9000


: Domie Dave Daplin

Internal Vice President

: Sundae Mae Indino

External Vice President

: Roxan Lapus


: Timothy James Biado


: Jidemarc Benosa

Assistant Treasurer

: Shannia Fair Pioquinto


: Marjorie Binas

Social Media Manager

: Angel Macarilay

Piece Custodian

: Daceryl Daplin

Makeup in Charge

: Maricris Jarales

Costume Custodian (Men)

: Kareem Al-Richard Umel

Costume Custodian (Women) : Farrah Cailing

Ronald Baa

Irish Cindy Joy Echem

Ramon Sy

Music Conductor


Assistant Moderator

Paul Michael Porpor

Marites Porpor



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