Visit To Ele Mentar Y Sc Hools Inankeny Dist Ric T, Io Wa St Ate, Usa

  • Uploaded by: Peter W.C. Chang
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 712
  • Pages: 95
V isit to Ele mentar y Sc hools i n An keny Dist ric t, Presented Wen-Chien Chang Io wa byStPeter ate, USA 台北縣 清水國小

張文乾 老師




Iowa State

Iowa: 56271 sq miles Population: 3 million (2007 est.)

Taiwan: 13892 sq miles Population: 23 million

My host family-Kevin’s house

Kevin’s neighbors


Board of education

Executive director


Aids from Local Bank

Mr. Principal

Welcome Party

Listen to the Chorus and School Band

Crocker Kids with Character

Read out

The signs

Let’s Get Along

Character Counts

Char ater C ounts Pledge

I pledge to be a kid for character. I will be worthy of trust. I will be respectful and responsible. Doing what I must do. I will always act with fairness. I will show that I care. I will be a good citizen. And always do my share.

Thinking Room


The Library in Southeast Elementary School

Computer Classroom

Word Wall in Classroom

Reading Starts at Preschool

Reading Everywhere

Read by Themselves

ESL Class

A Teacher with Two Students

Read and Taste in ESL class

Encourage Students to Read Aloud

Reading Is a Lifelong Adventure

Classification of Reading Books

Good Choices Is up to Me!


Three Minute Power Think

Introduction to Journalism by a Specialist

National flag

Showing Realia

The Elements of a News Story: 5Ws

The Sorts of News Events

Exchange of Culture

Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan

Welcome to Taiwan

National flag

Character Counts

Math Teaching

Counting with Coins

Role Playing

How to Write a Correct Sentence?

Special Education

The globe

Learning with Free Style

Independent Learning

A Walk in the Desert

Draw and Color

Student’s Works

Art class

Learning by Doing

Where is the elephant from?

Teacher’s Collections

Take a Guess?

“Where Am I from ?”

Is This a Museum?

Character Comes from Following the Rules

Famous People Fair

Famous People Fair

猜猜看 , 他扮演的 是誰 ?

Character Reminding Everywhere

Law-abiding People Hello, I’m Kevin.

Music Class of 5th Grade

Music Class


class of

4th Grade

The Music Classroom

The Music Classroom

Welcome Songs

Angels from Heaven

Listen and Enjoy !

Songs with joy

The Practicing Teacher

AEA 有豐富的 教學 資源可供教 師借 用

包括教 材教 具 各種多 媒體


故事書 、 圖畫書和繪 本等

Iowa Public Television

配合 地 球日 錄製環 保節 目


鱷魚餐 廳

與竹圍 國小王淑 玲老師攝於 University


Campus of Drake University

A Taste of Spring

National Turn TV Off Week

The average viewing time per-day, per-home is 6 hrs, 47 mins

99% of home in the US have at least 1 TV set

Children spend an average of 4 hrs daily watching TV

Capital Building, Des Moines

Meeting room in Dep. of Education, Iowa

Look at the Pictures on the Wall

Iowa’s Education Tradition Collaboration  Department of Education  AEAs  SAI: School Administrators of Iowa  IASB: Iowa Association of School Board  ISEA: Iowa State Education Association  Higher Education  Other Professional Organizations

The stati sti cs are gri m … I’ve heard a variety of statistics from multiple sources about teacher retention…just hearing these latest numbers at an educational summit at ISU last Friday: 11% leave after their 1st year of teaching! 20% leave after their 2nd year! 27% leave after their 3rd year! 36% leave after their 4th year! 46% leave after their 5th year!

So wh y are t hey le avin g?

At a policy makers meeting in Philadelphia in July, the following reasons were shared based from the American Educational Research. 1. The lack of administrative support! 2. The lack of faculty influence…

On e in terpretatio n … Teachers want/need to feel empowered! Remember…teacher working conditions are student learning conditions! The research would also indicate that teachers and administrators view this environment differently! ( Jan Keese 2007)

2008 年 IMD 世界 競爭 力排名 情形 1--------- 美國 2--------- 新加坡 3--------- 香港 15-------- 中國 18-------- 台灣

2006 年世界 各主 要國 家 國際競 爭力 與投 資環境 排 名 瑞士洛 桑國際管理 學院 ( IMD ) 世界經 濟論壇 ( WEF ) 瑞士商 業環境風險 評估公司 ( BERI) 英國經 濟學人資訊 中心 ( EIU )

我國在「 IMD 2008 年世 界競爭力 年報 」近 5 年之 排名 一、經 濟表現 二、政 府效能 三、企 業效能 四、基 礎建設

台灣中 小學生 的國 際 觀

Thanks for your attention, Your comments are very welcomed.

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