Vision 2020

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  • Words: 1,143
  • Pages: 5
Why “Vision 2020” Bombed ? A note to Rahul Gandhi

How a Nice idea was killed ? What is “Vision 2020” you ask any senior person in any state/central government –few of them will yawn it off and few may mumble words such as Dr.A.P.J .Abdul Kalam and so on. You ask children in the schools whom Kalam dotted on , odds are one is to hundred that you will get a satisfactory definition for Vision 2020.Apart from few blogs and web pages of the Planning commission , ISRO,and few professional institutions, the Vision 2020 is nearly finished. Or ask the common man,his dole has come down,opportunities diminished and cost of life spiraled. Ask Villagers,their lands are being taken by Real Estate Mafia or Mega Projects and traditional agriculture no more sustainable Or if you are in a city,look around:has the queue at the rural watertaps,or that for the water supply service by the metro water ,or that for rations , or that in our Government hospitals come down….. could we, as a nation, and a growing global power ,do something.For example, closer to our residential area where I take occasional walks, I find the disadvantaged people still ,waiting for water ,brawling occasionally,and same in the ration shops.

We have made tremendous leap in the last decade ,mainly in the IT and telecommunication sector,but it is all because of policy initiatives from the Governments.But when it comes to “empowerment” we still have a lot to go. Infact a senior administrator known personally to the author had mentioned that Vision Two Zero (00),TwoZero(00) can now be seen as” Vision 00 00” ,in effect a null. Reasons could be studied,analysed and theses could be made.But is it worth it ?

Reinventing Vision 2020+ It was during one of the annual international seminars on Total Quality the author presented a paper on “TQG” .Presented to an international audience in 1996,it showed the state of the world and how the nations of the world should state a “100 Year Vision” and bring about quality in governance. Like all “paper presentations” it too saw its end by the time the conference was over. However,author had by then decided that it is no use “propagating” such “farfeteched” ideas yet found it worthwhile to focus on his humble ISO 9000 consultancy with remix of Vision Management.The premise was that if all individuals and organizations ,including the Government,attain their vision,then it is as good as attaining the National Vision. It was during one such sessions on Vision Management ,in 2000 or so in a reputed Educational institutions,the director suggested meeting with Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam,as he is “ passionate” about the same. It was very easy to meet and discuss with an affable person as Dr.A.P.J.despite his Z++ security even during those Anna University Meetings. When author quizzed on which model of development we would follow, APJ aptly demurred, “we will follow ‘ our own model”. Such a model never came off or , was never allowed to come off…

Reinventing the Vision ? Why we need a Vision ? There is a game that children in our villages still play.It is the “bus” game.All that is required is ring of a narrow rope or a string which is the “bus” and then other children get “into” the bus (ring) and ,as the “driver” drives off by pulling everyone together,all children in the “bus” also totters cheering. The role of a Vision Statement for a country is just that.. it defines a boundary,it also provides berth for everyone for meaningful actions Lesson 1 No Vision = “Division”

Why we need a Vision based Management ? The past success of Japan,Singapore,South Korea and China in their Vision BasedGovernance shows that it creates national spirit, focus and pride and a reference framework for all to see. We had seen its power during our APJ’s tenure too,where his whirlwind lectures on National Vision enormously raised the energy levels of the Country.

We as a Nation. A nation can be seen to be made primarily of three parts 1.House holds 2.Enterprises 3.Governments Foot Note :House holds is the most fundamental unit of any nation.It supplies people for enterprises and Government.Households are sustained by evolving set of family values ,that depend on the spiritual,social,mental and physical well being of its members. A family with weak values,cannot contribute great citizens for the nation,whereas strong ,value driven families contribute strong individuals for the nation’s growth.The importance of the family,not just that of the individual, as the unit of development can hardly be emphasized. Imagine an M.K.Gandhi ,born and brought up by warring parents who clamour for divorce every other day,and who are unfaithful to each other……it is a figment of imagination .We all have read in Mahatma Gandhis’s auto biography how his mother’s religious rituals and sacrifices shaped the mind of the “becoming” Mahatma. So what have we done to improve family values ? None. For example the law says that if wife complains against husband “he “can be arrested! My god! What a travesty! Where we want a father and a mother for a child ,we are establishing conditions which eliminate that. You may ask why so much about family values.. In an ideal family,it is the medium of transmitting the traditions, histories and even traditional medicines.We have lost most of it because where children speak only English,they are cut off from the traditions and its most significant aspect as a “ shock absorber”.

The interaction between Households Enterprises and Governments are shown Clearly in te Picture.

So our vision should encompass the minimum three pillars of the nation.It should be for the peaceful,progressive, development and growth of these “pillars”. So Our Vision 2020+ could still be the same as Kalam envisaged “To be a developing Country” by 20XX”

When the Vision Should be officially declared ? It should be jointly agreed by all the prominent political parties and the Comprehensive Vision document must be approved by the parliament. What are the tasks the government should ideally do after the Vision document is adopted ? Create Awareness A commitment to a vision is similar to “baptism” or “upnayan” the nation becomes twice born. 1.Commit media time and content on the Vision and the responsibilities of the Citizen as well as the local government 2.Establish Countdown clock towers which will display the time left for attaining the Goal Establish Systems 1.To Involve Vigorous Panchyayath,Town,District,State,National Level Goal planning and Goal alignment exercises,both vertically and horizontally. 2.Each Village (Town,District,State,) to display the goals and status of attainment Reinvent Processes 1.Rejig the Electoral,Legislative,Adminitrative ,Executive and Judicial Processes - Create Large, Nationwide Missions to accomplish each of these with deadlines 3.Certify Political Parties, Industries,Organisations, for alignment to Vision at respective levels 4.Create a Single ,Vision Enabled –E-Governance System that can be used to track information on any aspect across levels or sectors,horizontally and vertically.

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