
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 630
  • Pages: 4
-THE GONJENG_______________________________________________________________________ _ Our visions Our visions are basically trying to create a sustainable means of transport for school children .atmosphere socially, environmentally and also economically. Our topic is in relations to the number of privatelyowned vehicles in Brunei where we mainly found out that this also involves the high usage of cars among parents in sending and picking up children to and from schools. Our vision is toWe would like to see less number of cars on roads being used to pick up and send children to and from schools.

In the future, wWe would like to see all schools beingare provided with school buses particularly for sending and picking up children to and from schools pParking space now is used for private cars picking and sending children to and from school also reduced and use for other important purposes such as recreational park, school gardenand thus a healthy environment is created. Air pollution can is also become insignificant and the use of fuel is also being reduced for economically healthy environment.

Our visions are basically accepted in every groups and cultures as they are positive and reasonable to our society. However, Tthere might be some social problems which may be arise especially in religious and cultural views (MIB) in relations to school buses /

-THE GONJENG_______________________________________________________________________ _ transportations, where most parentsarents simply cannot compromise to this implementations. They might think that it is their children and it is their responsibility to pick and send their childrenm to and schools without any awareness of the consequences it can cause to the community and to the country as well. The government involvement will have less problems with trying to reduce fuel use. is a profoundly important mediator here. Strict laws, enforcement from Brunei Land Transport and revised rules and regulations are needed. Undesirable responses and pressures from other parties for example Car companies and related would not like thid situation since there will be less demand for buying cars. sections might be occurring.

Public will appreciate less card on roads during opening and closing of schools. People living near schools will appreciate their grounds not being destroyed by cars parked illegally causing damages and so forth. Employers would have more workers working at the times they are supposed to. Customers and clients of government and companies will be dealt faster due to longer opening hours.

-THE GONJENG_______________________________________________________________________ _

We would like to An alternative vision is to see ‘education’ in parents and public being educatedwhich is on how can high number of cars in school areas can be a problem to the community. This vision must consider government involvements to a great extent. This also involves us, the community, to put an effort to try and advertise the importance. Some parents might not be aware of this or less education is owned especially on the environmental, economic and social cost of using private cars. which is evident in the survey where 76.10% of parents are not sure about the environmental problem caused such as fumes from fuels, rubbish at roadsides, and high demand of parking space (61.64%), when sending and picking up children using own cars.

It is preferable to develop the first twopreviously stated visions which is to lessen the number of cars and widened usage of public transportations (school buses). This is they arebecause this is more practical and will have done clearer be able to solve o r reduce problems directly and the resultshe good effects can be seen. seen to some other areas as well for example, social, environment and economic matters. The alternative vision of educating parents is however important but it only involves an intrinsic knowledge to public

-THE GONJENG_______________________________________________________________________ _ and parents and results cannot be observed faster. Action speaks louder than words.