Viruses, Protist) Part I

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 969
  • Pages: 42
Prokaryotes, Viruses, and Protistans

Microorganisms  Single-celled organisms that are too small

to be seen without a microscope  Bacteria are the smallest living organisms  Viruses are smaller but are not alive

Part I, The Prokaryotes  Only two groups  Archaebacteria and Eubacteria  Arose before the eukaryotes

Prokaryotic Characteristics  No membrane-bound nucleus  Single chromosome  Cell wall in most species  Prokaryotic fission  Metabolic diversity

Prokaryotic Body Plan


bacterial flagellum


plasma capsule cell wall membrane

ribosomes in cytoplasm

Bacterial Shapes




Archaebacteria Methanogens Extreme halophiles Extreme thermophiles

Eubacteria  Includes most familiar bacteria  Have fatty acids in plasma membrane  Most have cell wall; always includes

peptidoglycan  Classification based largely on metabolism

Metabolic Diversity  Photoautotrophs  Chemoautotrophs  Chemoheterotrophs

Photoautotroph  Blue-green bacteria  Anabaena is a filamentous, planktonic,

nitrogen fixing cyanbacteria

Pseudomonads  Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-

negative, aerobic rod belonging to the bacterial family Pseudomonadaceae. (Pseudomonads); common inhabitants of soil and water and infectious Gram stain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells

Answer 1  1. Prokaryotic refers to the lack of a

nuclear membrane or nucleus.

Answer 2  2. Viruses are infectious agents or

particles, but not “true organisms”.

Answer 3  3. Flagella are used for bacterial

locomotion and pili are employed for cell to cell attachment.

Answer 4  4. Identify this cell shape.  Coccus (spherical)

Answer 5  5. Identify this cell shape.  Bacillus (rod shaped)

Answer 6  6. Identify this cell type. spirillum

Answer 7  7. Name two major types of

archaebacteria (there are 3 types).  Extreme thermophiles, methanogens, and

extreme halophiles (any two)

Bacterial Genes 

Bacteria have a single chromosome 

Circular molecule of DNA

Many bacteria also have plasmids 

Self-replicating circle of DNA that has a few genes

Can be passed from one cell to another

Prokaryotic Fission

Video: E. coli Reproduction



nicked plasmid in donor cell

conjugation tube to recipient cell

The Normal Flora  The normal flora of humans is exceedingly

complex and consists of more than 200 species of bacteria.  The mixture of organisms regularly found at any anatomical site is referred to as the normal flora.

A Friendly Bacteria: E. coli  Commonly inhabits the intestines of

vertebrates  E. coli does not normally infect us  Many benefits: vitamin K and the B complex are produced by E. coli  prevent colonization by pathogens  stimulate the production of crossreactive antibodies

E. coli strain O157:H7. A Dangerous Form  This mutant can be transmitted in food or

water  Think “White Water” and the “Jack in the Box” hamburger incidents  Both made national news when many people became ill and some died.

Sewage Pollution Indicator 

E. coli in streams, drinking water and surface waters of all kinds may indicate a problem with sewage and or farm runoff.

Testing for unusual levels of these organisms is routinely done by public health officials

Parks, swimming pools, restaurants etc may be closed if E. coli is detected

Park settles last E. coli suit Patricia Guthrie - Staff Friday, December 15, 2000 The last of a dozen lawsuits, filed by families of children sickened in a 1998 E. coli outbreak tied to Cobb County's White Water park, has been settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, attorneys said Thursday. The family of Jordan Faith Shook of Cartersville, whose symptoms were among the most severe of the 26 children sickened by E. coli O157:H7, agreed to an out-of-court settlement. The settlement was sealed in court records and will not be disclosed, said Bill Marler, attorney for James and Judy Shook, Jordan's parents……

Necrotizing fasciitis: "The flesheating bacteria" Streptococcus pyogenes strains (as well as others) rarely cause “necrotizing fasciitis” These infections are extremely serious Sometimes necessitate amputation or result in severe disfigurement.

Photomicrograph of Streptococcus pyogenes

Unexpected Consequences  One weekend in June of 1998 while

Cassie Moore was camping with her three children, she obtained a minor cut on her finger, which she bandaged properly. She also injured the left side of her body participating in sports. Not thinking much of either, she bandaged the cut, and went to bed (Moore, 1999).


Severe Case$89


EPA finds contaminated drinking water on planes 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- A surprising number of drinking water systems on domestic and foreign commercial aircraft tested this summer by the government did not meet federal standards because they were contaminated with potentially harmful bacteria, regulators said Monday. (Tuesday, September 21, 2004 Posted: 10:46 AM EDT (1446 GMT) )

Prize for Stomach Ulcer Research From: WebMD Medical News  “Oct. 3, 2005 -- The 2005 Nobel Prize in medicine has been awarded to two Australian scientists for their research on ulcers in the early 1980s.  Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren will share the award. Their discovery paved the way for treating ulcers with antibiotics.”

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005

Answer 8  8. Describe a typical bacterial

“chromosome”.  It is composed of a single circular DNA


Answer 9  9. What are plasmids?  Plasmids are very

small circular bits of DNA which can be transferred from one cell to another via conjugation.

Answer 10  10. The “normal” human flora consists of

about 200 species of bacteria.

Answer 11  11. E. coli normally lives in the intestines

of vertebrates and is beneficial/harmful.

Answer 12  12. Streptococcus pyogenes strains (as

well as others) rarely cause “necrotizing fasciitis”.

Answer 13  13. E. coli strain O157:H7,

a dangerous form, was associated with Jack in the Box hamburgers as well as the White Water incident in Cobb county, GA.

The End of Part I

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