Virtue Of Being Patient

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 955
  • Pages: 3
Questions related to Aqidah (Faith)


An exception to this ruling during this time is money containing the pictures of kings as well as passports and identification cards. Due to the need and necessity of these items, it is allowed to carry them according to need. And Allah knows best. Shaikh ibn Jibreen

Ruling Concerning Wishing for Death due to

Harm that Has Come

Question 16: I have faced so many difficulties in my life that it has made me hate this life. Every time I turned to Allah, I pleaded for Him to take my life away from me at the earliest. This is my wish until now as I do not see any solutions to my problems except death; it is the only thing that can save me from this punishment. Is this behavior forbidden for me? Response: When a person wishes for death because of something that has afflicted him, he is doing something that the Prophet (rL) ~ .JJ! ~) has prohibited. The Prophet (rL) ~ .JJi ~) said, J

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"J I.r-=- ~\';)I ~ 'ole L. , ) ; ) J I.r-=- ~Q-\ ~ L. ~f ~\ "None of you should hope for death because of some harm that has come to him. If he has wish such, he should say, '0 Allah, give me life if You know that life is better for me. And give me death if You know that death is better for me.",j Therefore, it is not allowed for anyone to wish for death because of some harm, hardship or difficulty that has come to him. In fact, he should have patience and expect a reward from Allah for what he is passing through. He should also wait for relief to come, as the Prophet (rL) y-" oJli J-) has said,

I The wording in the Arabic text is not quite exact, but this hadith is recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim.- JZ

Questions related to Aqidah (Faith)

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"Know that victory comes with patience, relief with distress and ease with hardship.'" The one who is afflicted with any affliction should know that those afflictions expiate some of the sins that he has committed. No believer is afflicted with any kind of worry, grief or pain except that Allah expiates sins for him due to that, even the pricking of a thom. When the person has patience and expects rewards from Allah, he reaches the stage of being among the patient. This stage is a very elevated stage. Allah has stated about its inhabitants,

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"And give glad tidings to the patient. Who, when afflicted with calamity, say, 'Truly, to Allah we belong and, truly, to Him we shall return'" (a/-Baqara 155-156). The woman in the question feels that there is no solution for her rroblem'l except death. I believe that this is a mistaken view. Death Joes not solve any problems. In fact, the situation of adversity may get c\'en worse. How many humans die while being afflicted with pain and problems but they had been wronging themselves and did not give up their sins and repent to Allah. Then his death is just a quicker coming of his punishment. If he remained alive, perhaps Allah would have guided him to repentance, seeking forgiveness, patience, facing the problems, ,md expecting relief. This all would have been good for him. Ibn Uthaimin is probably referring to a lengthy hadith recorded by .\hmad. As a hadith by itself, these words, without the words, "Know that." are recorded by al-Khateeb aI-Baghdadi. According to al-Albani, it I -; an authentic hadith. See al-Albani, Sahih ai-Jam! al-Sagheer, vol. 2, p. 1151 JZ





Questions related to Aqidah (Faith)


Therefore, you, the questioner, must be patient and expect relief from Allah. Allah says in His book,

"So, verily, with the hardship there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief' (al-Sharh 5-6). And the Prophet (rL) ~.wl~) stated, in an authentic narration,

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"Know that victory comes with patience, relief with distress and ease with hardship.'" Shaikh ibn Uthaimin

Ruling Concerning Celebrating Specific Occasions, such as the Two Eids, the Night of lsra and the Middle of the Month of Shaban Question 17: We have some practices that we have become accustomed to and have inherited concerning some special occasions for example, making cakes and biscuits on the day ofEid al-Fitr. We also prepare meat and fruit for the night of the 27th of Rajab and the night of the 15th of Shaban. Furthermore, there is a specific type of sweet that we must prepare during the day of Ashura. What is the ruling of the Islamic law concerning those things? Response: As for displaying pleasure and happiness during the days of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, there is no harm in that as long as it is within the limits of the Shariah. That would I As just noted, Ibn Uthaimin is probably referring to a lengthy hadith recorded by Ahmad. As a hadith by itself, these words, without the words, "Know that," are recorded by al-Khateeb ai-Baghdadi. According to al­ Albani, it is an authentic hadith. See al-Albani, Sahih al-Jami al-Sagheer, vol. 2, p. 1151 JZ

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