Virtual Memory

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,368
  • Pages: 41
CS433: Computer System Organization Main Memory Virtual Memory Translation Lookaside Buffer

Acknowledgement  Slides

from previous CS433 semesters  TLB figures taken from  Memory

figures from tw/~cthuang/courses/ee3450/lectures/flecture /F0713.gif

Topics Today 

Main Memory (chap 5.8, 5.9)    

Simple main memory Wider memory Interleaved memory Memory technologies

Virtual Memory (chap 5.10, 5.11)  

Basics Address translation

Simple Main Memory 

Consider a memory with these paremeters:   

1 cycle to send an address 6 cycles to access each word 1 cycle to send word back to CPU/cache

What is the miss penalty for a 4-word block? (1 + 6 + 1) per word x 4 words = 32 cycles

Wider Main Memory 

Make the memory wider 

Higher bandwidth by reading more words at once

Same problem…   

1 cycle to send an address 6 cycles to access each doubleword 1 cycle to send word back to CPU/cache Miss penalty: (1 + 6 + 1) x 2 doublewords = 16

Wider Main Memory 

Make the memory wider  

Higher bandwidth Read more words in parallel

Cost:  

Wider bus Larger expansion size  Minimum increment must correspond to width  Double width  minimum increment must be doubled

Interleaved Main Memory 

Organize memory in banks 

Subsequent words map to different banks Example: word A in bank (A mod M) Within a bank, word A in location (A div M)

Interleaved Main Memory 

Same problem… 

1 cycle to send an address 6 cycles to access each word 1 cycle to send word back to CPU/cache Miss penalty: 1 + 6 + 1 x 4 = 11 cycles

Memory Technologies  Dynamic 

Optimized for density, not speed 

One transistor per cell

Cycle time about twice the access time 

Random Access Memory (DRAM)

Destructive reads

Must refresh every few ms 

Access every row

Memory Technologies  Static 

Optimized for speed, then density  

 

Random Access Memory (SRAM)

About 4 – 6 transistors per cell Separate address pins

Static = no refresh Access time = cycle time

Memory Technologies  ROM   

Read-only 1 transistor per cell Nonvolatile

 Flash   

Allows memory to be modified Nonvolatile Slow write

Virtual Memory  Motivation: 

Give each running program its own private address   

Restrict process from modifying other processes Want programs to be protected from each other bug in one program can’t corrupt memory in another program

Programs can run in any location in physical memory 

Simplify loading the program

Virtual Memory  Motivation: 

Want programs running simultaneously to share underlying physical memory Want to use disk as another level in the memory hierarchy 

Treat main memory as a cache for disk

Virtual Memory  The

program sees virtual addresses  Main memory sees physical addresses  Need translation from virtual to physical

Virtual Memory vs Cache  Virtual   


Longer miss penalty Handled by OS Size dependent of physical address space

 Cache  

Handled by hardware Size independent of physical address space

Alias 

2 virtual addresses map to the same physical address Consistency problems

Virtual Memory  Block 

replacement strategy


 Write-back  


With dirty bit Allows blocks to be written to disk when the block is replaced

Memory-Management Scheme  Segmentation  Paging  Segmentation

+ Paging

Segmentation Supports user view of memory.  Virtual memory is divided into variable length regions called segments  Virtual address consists of a segment number and a segment offset 

<segment-number, offset>

Fragmentation  Memory

allocation is a dynamic process that uses a best fit or first fit algorithm  Fragmentation is NOT segmentation   

External Internal Data

Internal vs External 

External fragmentation:  

free space divided into many small pieces result of allocating and deallocating pieces of the storage space of many different sizes one may have plenty of free space, it may not be able to all used, or at least used as efficiently as one would like to Unused portion of main memory

Internal fragmentation: 

result of reserving a piece of space without ever intending to use it Unused portion of page

Paging  Virtual

memory is divided into fixed-size blocks called pages  

typically a few kilobytes should be a natural unit of transfer to/from disk

 Page 

LRU, MRU, Clock… etc

 Page 

replacement placement

Fully associative - efficient

Paging  Page 


Virtual address is divided into

The virtual page number is translated into a physical page number Provides indirection 

Indirection is always good

Translation cached in a buffer

Paging vs Segmentation 

Paging: 

Block replacement easy  Fixed-length blocks

Segmentation: 

Block replacement hard  Variable-length blocks  Need to find contiguous, variablesized, unused part of main memory

Paging vs Segmentation 

Paging: 

 

Invisible to application programmer No external fragmentation There is internal fragmentation  Unused portion of page Units of code and data are broken up into separate pages

Segmentation: 

Visible to application programmer No internal fragmentation  Unused pieces of main memory There is external fragmentation Keeps blocks of code or data as single units

Segmentation + Paging  Segmentation

is typically combined with

paging Paging is transparent to the programmer  Segmentation is visible to the programmer  Each segment is broken into fixed-size pages 

Simplify page replacement  Memory doesn’t have to be contiguous 

Page Table  Page

table is a collection of PTEs that maps a virtual page number to a PTE  

PTEs = page table entry The page table tells where a particular virtual page address is stored on disk and in the main memory

 Each

process has its own page table  Size depends on # of pages, page size, and virtual address space

Page Table

virtual address is divided into  

virtual page number page offset

Page Table

  

Page-table base-register tells where the page table starts Page offset directly maps to physical address page offset Reference bit is set when a page is accessed

Page Table

Each virtual memory reference can cause two physical memory accesses  

One to fetch the page table One to fetch the data

Page Table

Address translation must be performed for every memory access 

Need optimization!

TLB  Problems: 

Every virtual memory reference  2 physical memory accesses Every memory access -> address translation

 To

overcome this problem a high-speed cache is set up for page table entries 

Called a Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)

TLB  The  

Translation Lookaside Buffer

a small cache contains translations for the most recently used pages

 The

processor consults the TLB first when accessing memory

Address Translation

 

Virtual page number (Tag, Index) Index tells which row to access

Address Translation

 

TLB is a cache Fully associative for efficiency

TLB  Given

a virtual address, processor examines the TLB  If page table entry is present (TLB hit) 

the frame number is retrieved and the real address is formed

TLB  If

page table entry is not found in the TLB (TLB miss) 

Hardware checks page table and loads new Page Table Entry into TLB Hardware traps to OS, up to OS to decide what to do  

OS knows which program caused the TLB fault the software handler will get the address mapping

TLB Miss  If 

page is in main memory (page hit) If the mapping is in page table, we add the entry to the TLB, evicting an old entry from the TLB

TLB  If 

page is on disk (page fault) load the page off the disk into a free block of memory update the process's page table



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